Biology Chapter Test 3

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Some species of pathogenic bacteria are able to attack specific cells in the human body due to structures called A) adhesion factors. B) bioremediaton factors. C) flagella. D) conjugation pili. E) cilia.

A. Adhesion factors.

A four-chambered heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries are found in A) all closed circulatory systems. B) some closed circulatory systems. C) some open circulatory systems. D) all open circulatory systems. E) mammals only.

A. All closed circulatory systems.

The functional unit of the lungs where gas exchange occurs is the A) alveolus. B) bronchiole. C) sinus. D) glottis. E) trachea.

A. Alveolus.

Increasing the size of the thoracic cavity through contraction of the diaphragm and rib muscles causes A) an inhalation. B) an exhalation. C) coughing. D) positive pressure in the lungs. E) swallowing.

A. An inhalation

Which of these worms are segmented? A) annelids B) planarians C) roundworms D) flukes E) All worms are segmented.

A. Annelids

Most carbon dioxide is carried in the blood A) as bicarbonate ion formed from carbonic acid in the plasma. B) causing the pH to increase. C) within the plasma. D) bonded with hemoglobin. E) bonded with oxygen.

A. As bicarbonate ion formed from carbonic acid in the plasma.

In an open circulatory system, A) hemolymph enters the heart via ostia. B) blood leaves the heart via venules. C) the heart has two or more chambers. D) nutrients are exchanged across the walls of capillaries. E) blood is pumped into cavities called ventricles.

A. Hemolymph enters the heart via Ostia.

Which organisms use Malpighian tubules to excrete uric acid? A) insects B) humans C) birds D) fish E) None of these.

A. Insects.

In animals with four-chambered hearts, the left ventricle A) is larger as it pumps blood to the entire body. B) is larger as it pumps blood in the pulmonary circuit. C) pumps blood to the lungs. D) pumps blood to both the lungs and the body. E) pumps deoxygenated blood.

A. Is larger as it pumps blood to the entire body.

The vessel that leaves the heart, taking O2-rich blood to the body, A) is large in diameter with a thick muscle and elastic layer. B) is called the pulmonary trunk. C) has many valves along its length to assist in blood flow. D) is comprised of a single layer of thin epithelial cells. E) is called the superior vena cava.

A. Is larger in diameter with a thick muscle and elastic layer.

Many garden supply stores sell root dips used to treat plants that are being transplanted. Such dips are advertised as containing spores. What kind of spores should these dips contain? A) mycorrhizal fungi B) chytrids C) lycophytes D) yeasts E) lichens

A. Mycorrhizal fungi

Which feature is believed to have been the first step in the evolution of land plants from the green algae? A) protection of theembryo B) evolution ofvascular tissue C) evolution ofmicrophylls D) evolution ofseeds E) evolution of flowers in order toattract pollinators

A. Protection of the embryo

Which is an example of a parazoan? A) sponges B) cnidarians C) flatworms D) annelids E) echinoderms

A. Sponges

The advantage of the double-loop circulatory pathway of some vertebrates over the single-loop circulatory pathway of fish is that A) the blood is put back under pressure after picking up oxygen in the respiratory organ. B) all the O2-rich blood is pumped to the systemic arteries of the body. C) the O2-rich blood and O2-poor blood mixes in the single ventricle. D) the ventricle acts as a strong pump. E) the atria act as receiving chambers.

A. The blood is put back under pressure after picking up oxygen in the respiratory organ.

All of the following are characteristics of arthropods except A) a blastopore during development. B) a pseudocoelom. C) mesoderm. D) jointed appendages. E) an exoskeleton.

B. A pseudocoelom

A fungal infection that covers an amphibian's skin can quickly kill the animal. Why can't amphibians tolerate their skin being covered with a foreign substance? A) Amphibians produce blood in their skin, and become anemic when the skin is covered by fungus. B) Amphibians have small lungs and use their skin for gas exchange; they suffocate when the skin is covered with fungal growth. C) Amphibians with fungal infections starve when the fungus absorbs all the food stored in their skin. D) Because amphibians hear with their skin, those with fungal infections on the skin lose the ability to hear approaching predators. E) Since amphibians use their skin for water storage, they dehydrate when an infectious fungus covers the skin and drains it of moisture.

B. Amphibians have small lungs and use their skin for gas exchange; they suffocate when the skin is covered with fungal growth.

In the infamous anthrax attacks of 2001, several letters were received at the offices of two U.S. senators and various news media outlets. The letters contained dry granular or powdery material. Seventeen people who came into contact with the material from the letters suffered anthrax infections; five more died of anthrax. How could dried-out material cause anthrax? A) Anthrax bacteria are acellular infectious particles. When they came into contact with living hosts, they entered the hosts' cells, took over their metabolic machinery, and caused them to produce more bacteria. B) Anthrax bacteria can form endospores under harsh environmental conditions. The material in the letters contained endospores of anthrax bacteria, which germinated and grew in the more favorable environment of the victims' bodies. C) Anthrax bacteria can form endospores in order to reproduce. A few active bacteria in the letters started to produce enormous numbers of endospores upon contact with the anthrax victims. D) Anthrax endospores are highly motile by flagella. When the endospores came into contact with human hosts, they swarmed into the bodies of their victims. E) None of the choices are correct.

B. Anthrax bacteria can form endospores under harsh environmental conditions. The material in the letters contained endospores of anthrax bacteria, which germinated and grew in the more favorable environment of the victims' bodies.

The pulmonary circuit in a closed circulatory system functions in A) nutrient absorption from the intestine. B) gas exchange in the lungs. C) waste disposal in the kidneys. D) creating proper blood pressure. E) distribution of nutrients to the body tissues.

B. Gas exchange in the lungs.

For which of the following is iron required? A) Iron stimulates formation of lymph. B) Iron forms part of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen. C) Iron prevents destruction of red blood cells. D) Iron prevents plaque formation in arteries. E) Iron forms part of white blood cells.

B. Iron forms part of hemoglobin which transports oxygen.

The tracheal system of insects A) helps remove metabolic wastes from their bodies. B) makes a respiratory pigment in their hemolymph unnecessary. C) relies on the expansion and contraction of the body wall to move air into and out of the system. D) is limited to the posterior end of the body. E) digests food and distributes nutrients to the body.

B. Makes a respiratory pigment in their hemolymph unnecessary.

As a result of drinking contaminated water, a patient contracts amoebic dysentery. Would an antibiotic drug that inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis be beneficial in treating the amoeba infection? A) Yes, because it would weaken the cell walls of the amoebas and cause them to die. B) No, because amoeba are not bacteria and do not have peptidoglycan. C) Yes, because antibiotics are always beneficial in treating infectious diseases. D) No, because the cell walls of the amoeba that causes dysentery contain calcium carbonate, not peptidoglycan. E) Yes, because the amoeba would not be able to reproduce.

B. No, because amoeba are not bacteria and do not have peptidoglycan.

Hair within the nose and cilia lining the respiratory tract A) moisten the air before it enters the lungs. B) prevent particles from entering the lungs. C) help oxygen move into the lungs. D) help carbon dioxide leave the lungs. E) help carbon dioxide move into the lungs.

B. Prevent particles from entering the lungs.

Neutrophils and monocytes are similar in that they both A) are types of erythrocytes. B) result in phagocytized pathogens. C) produce antibodies in response to pathogens. D) release kinins which attract platelets. E) are responsible for specific immunity.

B. Result in phagocytized pathogens.

Most fungi in the environment function as A) parasites. B) saprotrophs. C) photoautotrophs. D) producers. E) predators.

B. Saprotrophs

Which one of the following statements is true about animals that do not have circulatory systems? A) They do not have tissues and organs. B) They may rely on diffusion for the transfer of gases, nutrients, and wastes. C) There are no animals without circulatory systems. D) They tend to have large bodies. E) The body cells are typically distant from the source of the oxygen, so the gas has to diffuse through several layers to reach all cells.

B. They may rely on diffusion for the transfer of gases, nutrients, and wastes.

During respiration in fish, what percentage of dissolved oxygen is absorbed? A) 100% B) 95-99% C) 80-90% D) 70-80% E) 60-70%

C. 80-90%

A virus is specific to a particular type of host cell because A) only certain hosts enter the environment inhabited by the virus. B) not every virus contains metabolic machinery which can replace that of the host cell. C) a glycoprotein on the viral capsid is a specific match to a receptor on the surface of a compatible host cell. D) a host cell must be malfunctioning, or a virus cannot infect it. E) the genome of the virus must be similar to that of its potential host.

C. A glycoprotein on the viral capsid is a specific match to a receptor on the surface of a compatible host cell.

If the sinoatrial node fails in the heart, A) the heart ceases to beat. B) the ventricles will beat at a higher rate. C) an artificial pacemaker can correct the problem. D) the heartbeat is unaffected. E) the atria will not contract.

C. An artificial pacemaker can correct the problem.

Some scientists estimate that over half of the world's rainforest has already been lost, mostly due to human activities. What would you predict as a consequence of the massive loss of plant life? A) a decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide B) reduced incidence of flooding C) an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide D) a decline in soil erosion E) a drop in average temperatures worldwide

C. An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide

Which of these is mismatched? A) carpel -ovary B) stamen -anther C) calyx -stigma D) corolla -petal E) stamen -filament

C. Calyx-stigma

The mechanism by which oxygen moves into capillaries from alveoli is A) activetransport. B) facilitatedtransport. C) diffusion. D) osmosis. E) secondary activetransport.

C. Diffusion

Which of the following is the correct path urine follows from internal structures to outside the body? A) renal cortex - urethra - urinary bladder - ureter B) urinary bladder - renal pelvis - ureter - urethra C) renal pelvis - ureter - urinary bladder - urethra D) ureter - renal pelvis - urinary bladder - urethra E) ureter - urinary bladder - renal pelvis - urethra

C. Renal pelvis - ureter - urinary bladder - urethra

The main reason reptiles are so well-adapted to land environment is their method of A) respiration. B) vocalization. C) reproduction. D) predation. E) temperature regulation.

C. Reproduction

Bacteria that secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings in order to decompose nonliving organic matter are called A) chemoautotrophs. B) symbiotes. C) saprotrophs. D) parasites. E) photoautotrophs.

C. Saprotrophs

An endoparasitic acoelomate with a body consisting of a scolex and a series of proglottids is a A) fluke. B) roundworm. C) tapeworm. D) hydra. E) sponge.

C. Tapeworm

A heart murmur is caused by A) blocked arteries to the heart muscle. B) loss of oxygen to the left atrium. C) faulty semilunar valves. D) faulty atrioventricular valves. E) an irregular heartbeat.

D. Faulty atrioventricular valves

Which structure is a characteristic found only in angiosperms? A) vascular tissue B) seed C) leaf D) flower E) megaphyll

D. Flower

Emphysema occurs when the walls of the alveoli are destroyed, reducing surface area for gas exchange. This condition impacts the A) upper respiratorysystem more than the lower. B) upper respiratorysystem as much as the lower. C) sinuses. D) lower respiratory system more than the upper. E) trachea only.

D. Lower respiratory system more than the upper.

Which fungal disease results in a loss of 1/3 of the world's rice crop every year? A) rice smut B) rice rust C) leaf curldisease D) rice blast disease E) Panama disease

D. Rice blast disease

Which of these diseases is caused by a flatworm? A) hookworm infection B) pinworm infection C) trichinosis D) schistosomiasis E) elephantiasis

D. Schistosomiasis

Which of these is a cephalopod? A) nudibranch B) snail C) oyster D) squid E) mussel

D. Squid

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about platelets? A) They form clumps in leaks in blood vessels. B) They produce prothrombin activator. C) They contract within a clot. D) They phagocytize pathogens. E) They are actual fragments of a larger type of cell.

D. They phagocytize pathogens.

________ is the vascular tissue that conducts water and minerals from a plant's roots to its leaves. A) Endosperm B) Phloem C) Hypha D) Xylem E) Corolla

D. Xylem

Which of the following is an emerging virus? A) HIV B) H5N1 C) West Nile D) SARS E) All of the above are considered emerging viruses.

E. All the above

Which of these is a chordate characteristic? A) notochord B) pharyngeal pouches C) postanal tail D) coelom E) All of the above are chordate characteristics.

E. All the above

Which are the most numerous and diverse vertebrates? A) reptiles B) lancelets C) cartilaginous fishes D) mammals E) bony fishes

E. Bony fishes

Blood pressure A) is highest when the heart relaxes. B) can decrease because of atherosclerosis. C) can be lowered by the constriction of arterioles. D) is considered high when it is above 100/70 mm Hg. E) contributes to movement of substances from the blood into the tissues.

E. Contributes to movement of substances from the blood into the tissues.

Animal viruses that have an envelope enter cells by A) injecting their nucleic acid into the cell's cytoplasm. B) fusing with the plasma membrane. C) endocytosis. D) plasmolysis. E) either fusing with the plasma membrane or endocytosis.

E. Either fusing with the plasma membrane or endocytosis.

Which of the following statements regarding bacterial endospores is false? A) Endospores can survive in extremely harsh environments. B) Within an endospore is a copy of the bacterial chromosome. C) An endospore contains a small amount of cytoplasm material. D) Endospores can survive for very long periods of time. E) Endospores are reproductive structures.

E. Endospores are reproductive structures.

Which organism listed is a crustacean? A) spider B) scorpion C) tick D) horseshoe crab E) lobster

E. Lobster

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