Biology - Final Exam p1

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Trace fossils

A type of fossil that is an imprint from organisms without hard parts (footprints)


A unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus and membrane bound organelles


An alternative form of a gene -found in same location on chromosome -caused by mutation


An existing structure that is co-opted after having previously served a different function


An infectious disease that may affect almost all tissues of the body, especially the lungs

Roots (Monocot vs Eudicot)

Monocot: Root system usually FIBROUS (no main root) Eudicot: TAPROOT (main root) usually present

Stems (Monocot vs Eudicot)

Monocot: Vascular tissue SCATTERED Eudicot: Vascular tissue usually arranged in a RING

Leaf venation (Monocot vs Eudicot)

Monocot: Veins usually PARALLEL Eudicot: Veins usually NETLIKE

Lycophytes (characteristics)

More NUMEROUS and LARGER in the past NOW about 1000 relatively SMALL species

Adaptations to life on land

Multicellular diploid sporophyte generation


Multicellular photosynthesizers Usually attached to bottom surface

__________ and __________ generate variation, whereas __________ results in an adaptation to the environment.

Mutation ... sexual recombination ... natural selection

Types of symbiotic relationships

Mutualism (+, +), Commensalism (+, 0), Parasitism, (+, -)



Which one of the following protist groups is photosynthetic due to primary endosymbiosis?

Red algae


Red algae: multicellular; warm water; grow at great depths; source of agar and carrageenan


Referring to a condition in the life cycle of plants and certain algae in which the sporophyte and gametophyte generations differ in morphology.


Referring to a plant species that has a single kind of spore, which typically develops into a bisexual gametophyte.


Referring to a plant species that has two kinds of spores: microspores, which develop into male gametophytes, and megaspores, which develop into female gametophytes.


Referring to alternating generations in plants and certain algae in which the sporophytes and gametophytes look alike, although they differ in chromosome number.

The following are descriptive characteristic forms of bacterial colonies, except:



Related classes


Related families


Related orders


Related phyla

Plant taxonomy

Relay the main taxa of land plants and the differences among them

Distinctive features of land plants

Represent early adaptations to land Display alternation of generations -SPORIC LIFE CYCLE MULTICELLULAR and SESSILE Tissues arise from APICAL MERISTEMS at growing tips Specialized organs above and below ground

What were the two major "problems" that had to be solved before plants, animals, and fungi could fully move into terrestrial habitats?

Reproduction and prevention of dehydration


A member of an extremely diverse clade of eukaryotes that includes fungi, animals, and several closely related groups of protists.

Wind dispersal

A method of dispersal where lightweight seeds catch the wind

Energy source (Photoautotroph vs chemoautotroph)

Photoautotroph: LIGHT Chemoautotroph: INORGANIC CHEMICALS (H2S, NH3, Fe2+)

Types of Organisms (Photoautotroph vs chemoautotroph)

Photoautotroph: PHOTOSYNTHETIC prokaryotes (cyanobacteria), PLANTS, certain PROTISTS (algae) Chemoautotroph: Unique to CERTAIN prokaryotes (Sulfolobus)

Categories of proteobacteria

Photoautotrophs Chemoautotrophs Heterotrophs Very diverse

Energy source (Photoheterotroph vs Chemoheterotroph)

Photoheterotroph: LIGHT Chemoheterotroph: ORGANIC COMPOUNDS

Carbon Source (Photoheterotroph vs Chemoheterotroph)

Photoheterotroph: ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Chemoheterotroph: ORGANIC COMPOUNDS

Types of Organisms (Photoheterotroph vs Chemoheterotroph)

Photoheterotroph: Unique to certain AQUATIC and SALT LOVING prokaryotes (Rhodobacter, Chloroflexus) Chemoheterotroph: MANY prokaryotes (Clostridium), PROTISTS, FUNGI, ANIMALS, some PLANTS

Green algae

Photosynthetic protists that include unicellular, colonial, and multicellular species with grass green chloroplasts; closely related to true plants.


Photosynthetic, oxygen-producing bacteria (formerly known as blue-green algae).

Use one word that describes the species concept that is based on evolutionary history (DNA).


A node on a phylogenetic tree that shows more than two lineages that are not fully resolved from each other is called a(n):


At what level of biological organization does evolution work?


What is the taxonomic level at which evolution OCCURS?


Many researchers now believe that the first self-replicating molecules were __________.


Which molecule is believed to have been the most important to the early protobionts?


Which taxon of protists can have hard tests made of calcium carbonate?

Radiolarians and foraminiferans


Shared specific mate recognition/fertilization system (mechanisms by which conspecific organisms/their gametes, recognize one another for mating and fertilization)

Characteristics of Prokaryote evolution

Short generation times High mutation rates HIGH GENETIC DIVERSITY


Similarity in characteristics resulting from a shared ancestry.


Small openings on the underside of a leaf through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move PORES FOR GAS EXCHANGE

Prokaryotic Cell

Smaller Simpler No membrane-enclosed organelles First appeared approximately 3.5 bya DNA not contained w/in any cellular structure Unicellular

Hybrid breakdown

Some first-generation hybrids are fertile, but when they mate with another species or with either parent species, offspring of the next generation are feeble or sterile

How did some strains of Staphylococcus aureus become resistant to antibiotic drugs?

Some members of the bacteria population must have had a genetic variation that made them resistant to antibiotics, and these bacteria had greater reproductive success than sensitive individuals.


Some photosynthetic Dominate TROPICAL marine waters Some mutualists with coral Some cause red tide 2 FLAGELLA Some have CELLULOSE PLATES Some are BIOLUMINESCENT About 50% photosynthetic (secondary/tertiary plastids)

Vascular tissues

Some plants developed xylem and phloem Lignin Roots, stems, leaves

Which of the following statements about cyanobacteria is/are true?

Some species may carry on nitrogen fixation. They are the only prokaryotes that perform plantlike, oxygenic photosynthesis. Some are single cells, whereas others live in filamentous colonies. It can be said that nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are the most self-sufficient of all organisms.


Specialized for uptake of WATER AND MINERALS from the soil

Current Taxonomy

Species Subspecies Population Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Domain

Biological Species Concept

Species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to produce fertile offspring.

You are examining four species.Species L has eyes, ears, a mouth, and a nose.Species M has eyes, a mouth, and a nose but no ears.Species N has eyes, but no ears, mouth or nose.Species O has none of these characters.Which of the following groupings would likely be the most closely related organisms?

Species of L and M

Sporangia and thick-walled spores

Spores produced in sporangia Thickened by sporopollenin

When an organism has both multicellular haploid and diploid conditions, it is considered which type of life cycle?


You are looking at an adult pine tree. There are no cones present on the tree. Only the dominant generation is present. What generation are you observing for the adult pine tree?


Sporic life cycle in bryophytes

Sporophyte generation -DIPLOID (2n) -SPORE forming Gametophyte generation -HAPLOID -GAMETE forming MANY haploid spores produced per zygote

Which of the following is an adaptation seen in land plants but not in marine protists (precursors to land plants)?

Waxy cuticle Apical meristem Lower surface area to volume ratio

how roots develop

When a seed germinates, the embryo's radicle grows out and develops into the first root.

Buffering capacity

When cool, slower growth, less CO2 storage, more CO2 in air, increases greenhouse effect, Earth's climate warms In warmer temperatures, increased growth, stores more CO2, less CO2 in air, reduces greenhouse effect, Earth's climate cools Especially true for SPHAGNUM

Balancing Selection

When natural selection maintains multiple alleles (rather than just reducing to one) -two types: frequency-dependent selection, heterozygote advantage

Bat flowers

White/cream LARGE flowers UPWARD corolla OPEN at NIGHT STRONGLY scented

Which of the following is the best example of gene flow?

Wind blows pollen from one population of plants to another and cross-fertilization occurs.

Adaptations for seed dispersal

Wind dispersal Gut-related dispersal Hitchhiking dispersal


XYLEM cells are supported by this Provides structural support Allows LARGER and HIGHER structures


Zygote is the ONLY DIPLOID cell MOst unicellular protists with sexual reproduction

prezygotic isolation

a barrier to successful breeding that occurs before fertilization, such as differences in mating time or behavior -temporal -spatial (habitat) -behavioral -gametic -mechanical


a branch point from which more than two descendant groups emerge


a cell that lives within a host cell

Which of the following features is not unique to either prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells?

a cell wall


a change in the characteristics of a population over time


a circular DNA molecule that is usually found in bacteria and that can replicate independent of the main chromosome


a cone-bearing tree


a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum.


a dry indehiscent one deeded fruit, the seed connected to the pericarp at only one point. ex, sunflower seed.

The protist supergroup Excavata gets its name from:

a feeding groove "excavated" out of the side of the protist

A number of mosquito populations today are resistant to insecticides that were once quite effective. Biologists think that insecticide resistance evolved in mosquitoes because __________.

a few mosquitoes were probably resistant to the insecticide before it was ever used, and these individuals were more likely to survive and reproduce in the presence of insecticide

Seedless plants include _____.

bryophytes, lycophytes, ferns, whisk ferns, and horsetails

Chlamydia trachomatis

can cause blindness sexually transmitted infection

facultative anaerobes

can live with or without oxygen

Specialized membranes

can perform special functions such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis, without having the eukaryotic organelles mitochondria and chloroplasts.


can remove pollutants degrade them into smaller parts

Faculative anaerobes

can use O2 or not

A sign on the beach states, "Beach Closed. Red Tide." The organisms interfering with your use of this beach are probably _____.


Which of these groups includes species that produce a substance that is toxic to humans?


Which organisms are capable of producing a "red tide"?


The embryo is


The sporophyte generation is


Identify each of the following structures as haploid or diploid. sporophyte spore gametophyte zygote

diploid haploid haploid diploid

When you look at a pine or maple tree, the plant you see is a _____.

diploid sporophyte

Evolution is highly supported by

direct observations homology convergent evolution fossil record biogeography

Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is an example of which of the following?

directional selection

Patterns of natural selection

directional selection, stabilizing selection, disruptive selection

A population of squirrels is preyed on by small hawks. The smaller squirrels can escape into burrows. The larger squirrels can fight off the hawks. After several generations, the squirrels in the area tend to be very small or very large. What process is responsible for this outcome?

disruptive selection

Seemingly dissimilar organisms such as hummingbirds, humans, and whales have similar skeletal structures. This most directly suggested to biologists that __________.

dissimilar organisms might have evolved from a distant, common ancestor

Spatial avoidance

distance within flower (for PERFECT flowers) Monoecious and dioecious plants (IMPERFECT FLOWERS)

The red algae are characterized by __________.

diverse life cycles, including alternation of generations

Which of the following is a trait possessed by all angiosperms?

double fertilization


duplicated genes diverge and one copy takes on new function

Which type of mutation plays the most important role in increasing the number of genes in the gene pool?


Which of the following is NOT a trait of gymnosperms?

embryo sac

Which term is most nearly synonymous with land plants?


The triploid nucleus of the embryo sac develops into the __________.


Not present in all bacteria, this structure enables those that possess it to germinate after exposure to harsh conditions, such as boiling:


Which of these groups includes photosynthetic unicellular organisms with flagella and contractile vacuoles?


mitochondria :


A phylogenetic tree of bird families constructed by cladistic analysis would be a hypothesis about which of the following?

evolutionary relationships among bird families

Animals that possess homologous structures probably __________.

evolved from the same ancestor

Previously recognized similarities that seemed to connect slime molds and fungi are now considered to be ________

examples of convergent evolution

Bacterial flagella have a very complex structure composed of 42 distinct proteins. What is the most likely explanation for the evolution of these complex structures?


:If the feathers of extant flying birds originally arose as thermoregulatory devices in ancestral reptiles, then flight feathers could be accurately described as __________.



extreme halophile

Prokaryotes found inhabiting the Great Salt Lake would be __________.

extreme halophiles

Types of Archaea

extremophiles halophiles thermophiles methanogens

What is the purpose of the "floats" in some brown algae?

facilitating photosynthesis

Stabilizing selection __________.

favors intermediate variants in a population

In pine, the embryo develops within the __________.

female gametophyte

After fertilization of the ovule, the _________ develops into the embryo of the mature seed.

fertilized egg

Which of the following is part of the male reproductive organ in flowering plants?


Some prokaryotes stick to their substrate or to one another by means of hairlike appendages, each called a __________.


Which plant adaptation was the least important in helping plants become less reliant on water?

flagellated sperm


floating/weak movement (dominated by water currents)

Red algae uses

food (nori) Carrageenan (food additive and thickener)


food poisoning caused by a bacterium (botulinum) growing on improperly sterilized canned meats and other preserved foods.

Advantages of seeds

food supply for embryo protective coat multicellular dispersable

Reinforced, threadlike pseudopods that can perform phagocytosis are generally characteristic of ________.


Disruptive Selection

form of natural selection in which a single curve splits into two; occurs when individuals at the upper and lower ends of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle

Disruptive selection (sympatric)

form of natural selection in which a single curve splits into two; occurs when individuals at the upper and lower ends of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle

Temporal isolation

form of reproductive isolation in which two populations reproduce at different times

True form fossils

fossils of the actual animal or animal part

Fern gametophytes are __________.

free-living, multicellular organisms


frequency of heterozygous genotype


frequency of homozygous dominant genotype


frequency of homozygous recessive genotype

Fucus is a brown algae that belongs to the clade Stramenopila. This brown algal has leaf-like structures known as:


Plants colonized land in the company of __________; their symbiotic relationships still exist today.


A form of prezygotic reproductive isolation, in which gametes just cannot physically connect is called:


Which of the following is NOT an adaptation seen in land plants but not in marine protists (precursors to land plants)?

gametic life cycle

Three types of life cycles

gametic, sporic, zygotic

In bryophytes, the ____ generation is dominant, and in angiosperms, the __ generation is dominant.

gametophyte sporophyte

In plants, the ________ produces haploid gametes (eggs and sperm) by mitosis, whereas the ________ produces haploid spores by meiosis.

gametophyte sporophyte

When you see a green, "leafy" moss, you are looking at the __________.

gametophyte generation

Bryophytes are ____ dominant, while monilophytes are _ dominant

gametophyte, sporophyte

Which of the following evolutionary mechanisms does NOT contribute to the process of allopatric speciation?

gene flow

What is the first thing that must happen in order for speciation to occur?

gene flow between populations must be interrupted

Allele frequencies can be altered by __________.

gene flow, natural selection, genetic drift

Point mutations

gene mutations involving changes in one or a few nucleotides

Algae (ecological role)

generally photoautotrophic

Genes concept

genes are often polymorphic

A population of 15 birds inhabits a fairly new island. Ten of the birds are dark brown and five of them are light brown. By chance, two of the dark brown birds and three of the light brown birds die before producing any offspring. All of the birds in the next generation are dark brown. This change in phenotypic frequency can be attributed to __________.

genetic drift

The binomial system assigns to each organism a unique name that describes its __________.

genus and species

To describe evolution as a "scientific theory" means that __________.

it is a broad model that is supported by many observations and much experimental evidence

Why is the four-stage hypothesis for the abiotic origin of life useful?

it leads to predictions that can be tested

In a typical conifer, how long does it take for fertilization to occur after pollination?

it takes one year

Spanish moss is not a moss

its a flowering plant

Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria share?

lack of a nuclear envelope and presence of plasma membrane


layers of sedimentary rock

Half life

length of time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay

Gram-negative bacteria have __________ peptidoglycan than gram-positive cells, and their cell walls are __________ complex structurally.

less more

Photoautotrophs use

light as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source

Because they are mostly clear, you may need to lower the __________ when trying to view the amoebae under the microscope.

light intensity

Fitness definition

likelihood of reproducing

Bryophytes include

liverworts, mosses, hornworts


located on the tip of the mature sporophyte, where meiosis occurs, producing haploid spores

Nucleoid region

location of chromosome (DNA, no nucleus)


long, slender spiral-shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement


loss of biodiversity

Imagine that some members of an aquatic species of motile, photosynthetic protists evolve to become parasitic to fish. They gain the ability to live in the fish gut, absorbing nutrients as the fish digests food. Over time, which of the following phenotypic changes would you expect to observe in this population of protists?

loss of chloroplasts

Microphylls are found in which plant group?


Which types of angiosperms would most likely be wind-pollinated rather than animal-pollinated?

maize and wheat oak and maple trees

Each pollen grain of a gymnosperm contains a __________.

male gametophyte

Which of the following is enclosed within the pollen wall of a pollen grain?

male gametophyte

These photos show ______________________ reproductive structures.

male gymnosperm

What is the reason for long necks in giraffes?

male to male combat

When they were first sold, aerosol insecticides were highly effective in killing flies and mosquitoes. Now, several decades later, a much smaller proportion of these insects die when sprayed. The reason fewer insects die when they are sprayed is that __________.

many mosquitoes today are descendants of mosquitoes with insecticide-resistant characteristics

Question 23:Adaptive radiations are often seen after __________.

mass extinctions major new evolutionary adaptations, such as flight, occur

Mechanical isolation

mating is attempted, but morphological differences prevent its successful completion

Lipopolysaccharides in gram negative

may be toxic/cause shock

Sometimes two phenotypically different populations interbreed to a limited extent, so that it is difficult to determine whether they are clearly separate species. This is not a concern to scientists because this __________.

may indicate that the formation of a new species is in progress

Which of the following reproductive barriers actually prevents individuals of closely related species from copulating successfully?

mechanical isolation

In sporophyte ferns, the leaves are __________.




After fertilization of the ovule, the _________ develops into the food supply of the mature seed.


Heterosporous plants produce __________.

megaspores that develop into female gametophytes and microspores that develop into male gametophytes

With respect to angiosperms, which of the following is incorrectly paired with its chromosome count?


Genetic variation in bacterial populations cannot result from


Sexual recombination includes the shuffling of chromosomes in __________ and fertilization.


In ovulate cones, megasporocytes undergo __________ and produce __________ megaspores.

meiosis haploid

Biofilms are an example of __________.

metabolic cooperation among prokaryotic species

Which of the following groups of prokaryotes is classified as a member of the domain Archaea?


The pore in the integuments of an angiosperm ovule through which sperm is delivered is the __________.



minute opening in the wall of an ovule through which the pollen tube enters

The generative cell of male angiosperm gametophytes is haploid. This cell divides to produce two haploid sperm cells. What type of cell division does the generative cell undergo to produce these sperm cells?



modified leaves which are usually bright in color to attract pollinators.

Where would you find a fern gametophyte?

moist soil

Which of the following organizational groupings is actually a clade?

monophyletic group

Organisms are classified as Excavata based on __________.

morphological studies of the cytoskeleton

Most phylogenies used to be based on _ data, but most are now based on __ data.


Sphagnum is a __________ that forms extensive deposits of partially decayed organic material.


Which of the following produces eggs and sperm?

moss gametophytes

The gametophyte stage of the plant life cycle is most conspicuous in __________.


Non-vascular plants include all the following types of plants

mosses hornworts liverworts

Metabolic cooperation of bacteria

most cells photosynthesize and some fix nitrogen


move using cilia


move using eukaryotic flagella


move using pseudopodia


movement of a motile cell or organism, or part of one, in a direction corresponding to a gradient of increasing or decreasing concentration of a particular substance.

Gene flow definition

movement of alleles (migration)

If you wanted to determine the lineage of plants that have evolved on a relatively young archipelago—approximately 15,000 years old—what type of nucleic acid should you compare?


In a life cycle with alternation of generations, multicellular haploid forms alternate with

multicellular diploid forms.

A life cycle that exhibits alternation of generations has the following:

multicellular haploid organisms and multicellular diploid organisms

Obligate aerobes

must have O2 for cellular respiration; die without it

Which of the following mechanisms can form entirely new alleles?


Frameshift mutations

mutation that shifts the "reading" frame of the genetic message by inserting or deleting a nucleotide

In Darwin's view of descent with modification __________.

natural selection can improve the match between an organism and its environment

The early atmosphere may not have been as reducing as originally postulated by Haldane, Oparin, Miller, and Urey. In light of current thinking about the composition of the early atmosphere, what is regarded as a likely place for the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules to have occurred?

near volcanoes

Flagellated sperm

needs water


networks of protoplasmic veins and many nuclei searches for food, surrounds it, and secretes enzymes to digest it

Punctuated model

new species change most as they branch from a parent species and then change little for the rest of their existence

Prokaryotes are completely indispensable to which chemical cycle?


If you use the Hardy-Weinberg equation and find that the allele frequencies in a population at generation n are the same in the next generation (n + 1), then that indicates the population is evolving by:

no mode (it isn't evolving)

Protists are

not monophyletic

Adaptation of cell walls (bacteria)

not the same as plants (usually cellulose/chitin) MUST CONTAIN PEPTIDOGLYCAN Modified sugars and polypeptides

The Desulfovibrio bacterium breaks down organic matter (which it must have) and uses sulfate (not oxygen) as an electron acceptor. As a result, it produces hydrogen sulfide (H2S), accounting for the "rotten egg" smell of swamp muck. Oxygen is a deadly poison to Desulfovibrio. We would call Desulfovibrio a(n) __________.

obligate anaerobic chemoheterotroph

The Desulfovibrio bacterium breaks down organic matter (which it must have) and uses sulfate (not oxygen) as an electron acceptor. As a result, it produces hydrogen sulfide (H2S), accounting for the "rotten egg" smell of swamp muck. Oxygen is a deadly poison to Desulfovibrio. We would call Desulfovibrio a(n) __________.

obligately anaerobic chemoheterotroph

Question 8:Species A and species B are in the same phylum. Species A and species C, but not species B, are in the same order. From this information you can conclude that __________.

species C could be in the same class as species A and B

Gradual model

species diverge from one another more slowly and steadily over time


species evolves into new one

The antheridia of mosses produce __________.


Prokaryotic cell shapes

spheres (cocci), rods (bacilli), and spirals

What is located in the scalelike structures packed densely in pollen cones?


Sporophytes produce __ while gametophytes produce __.

spores gametes

Alternation of generations

sporic life cycle

At the end of this lab exercise you should be able to identify the _____________ or the ____________ as the dominant portion of the life cycle among the groups.

sporophyte gametophyte

The seed coat's most important function is to provide protection for the __________.

sporophyte embryo

Meiosis is responsible for which stage in the alternation of generations?

sporophyte to spore

Assuming that they all belong to the same plant, which of the following lists structures from largest to smallest (or from most inclusive to least inclusive)?

sporophytes, sporophylls, sporangia, spores

In charophytes, __________ protect(s) zygotes from desiccation.


Hydrothermal vents

spots on the ocean floor where hot gases and minerals escape from earth's interior into the water

Birds with average-size wings survived a severe storm more successfully than other birds in the same population with longer or shorter wings. If severe storms occur regularly, then over time, one should expect these storms to bring about __________.

stabilizing selection

parsimony principle

states that the preferred explanation of observed data is the simplest explanation

The portion of a flower that receives the pollen is the __________.


Parts of the flower

stigma, style, ovary, sepal, stem, anther, filament

What structures allow plants to readily take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?


For several years, scientists have warned doctors of the danger of overprescribing antibiotics such as penicillin. Scientists are concerned because __________.

strains of microorganisms that are resistant to these drugs will be selected for

Which of the following are fruits?

strawberry hazelnut bean

Lyell's principle of uniformitarianism

strongly influenced Darwin's view of how living organisms could change over time

During his voyage around the world, Darwin was inspired to think about evolution by __________.

studying adaptations of organisms to their environments the unique organisms he saw in the Galápagos Islands the works of others such as Lamarck the fossils he collected

Bird guides once listed the myrtle warbler and Audubon's warbler as distinct species that lived side by side in parts of their ranges. However, recent books show them as eastern and western forms of a single species, the yellow-rumped warbler. Apparently, the myrtle warbler and Audubon's warbler __________.

successfully interbreed and produce fertile offspring

An ecological relationship between organisms of different species that are in direct contact can best be described as _____.


Treponema pallidum


The two-part format of the scientific name, referred to as binomial, ensures that __________.

systematists can easily specify the closest relatives of any species each species is assigned a unique name each species has a name that is understandable regardless of language barriers among scientists

An organism that uses light for energy and organic matter as a carbon source would be considered:



photosynthetic algae found near the surface of the ocean

Rabbits and guinea pigs both belong to class Mammalia. This means they must also both belong to __________.

phylum Chordata

Dietary supplements and decongestants containing ephedrine have recently become more strongly regulated in the United States. Which phylum contains the plant from which ephedrine is extracted?

phylum Gnetophyta


phylum that includes seed plants that form cones -firs -pines -junipers, etc.

What is the term for an organism that does not control its own movement (it simply floats along) but can use sunlight for energy?


In which of the following pairs of populations is allopatric speciation most likely to occur?

pine trees in Alaska and pine trees on the island of Madagascar

The female reproductive parts of a flower are known as the ______________.


Which non-protist group is included in the Archeplastida?



plants of the bean and pea family, with seeds that are rich in protein compared with other plant-derived foods

Which of the following is a structure that bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes have?

plasma membrane

In addition to seeds, what is a trait unique to seed plants?


A plant is said to be cross-pollinated if __________

pollen grains are transferred to a flower on a different plant

A plant is said to be cross-pollinated if __________.

pollen grains are transferred to a flower on a different plant

Many researchers who study the kingdom Protista argue that all of these organisms should NOT be placed in the same kingdom, because these organisms could not have evolved from a common ancestor. In other words, they argue that the kingdom Protista is __________.


Given the phylogenetic tree below, what type of taxonomic grouping is indicated by the red square?

polyphyletic group

The smallest unit that can evolve is a(n) __________.


Common characteristics supporting the idea that the first land plants were related to green algae include __________.

presence of chlorophyll cell walls made of cellulose

Prezygotic barriers ______

prevent fertilization of gametes from members of closely related species

Three species of frogs, Rana pipiens, Rana clamitans, and Rana sylvatica, all mate in the same ponds, but they pair off correctly because they have different calls. This is a specific example of a __________ barrier, called __________.

prezygotic...behavioral isolation


process by which a cell takes material into the cell by infolding of the cell membrane

Process of Conjugation

process by which one bacterium transfers genetic material to another through direct contact. during conjugation, one bacterium serves as the donor of the genetic material and the other recipient


process in which one strain of bacteria is changed by a gene or genes from another strain of bacteria -picking of SMALL PIECES OF DNA -INCORPORATING INTO GENOME

The bacteria that cause tetanus can be killed only by prolonged heating at temperatures considerably above boiling. This suggests that these bacteria __________.

produce endospores


produce male gametes (sperm cells)


produce one female spore (megaspores)

According to the theory of evolution, anatomical and molecular homologies should __________.

produce similar patterns of evolutionary relatedness

Ancient cyanobacteria were very important in the history of life because they __________.

produced atmospheric oxygen

Compared to nonvascular plants, the ancient relatives of vascular plants ________.

produced sporophyte generations independent of, not dependent on, gametophyte generations


produces many male spores (microspore)

The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always _____.

produces spores

The diploid generation of the plant life cycle always __________.

produces spores


produces spores by meiosis

Which of the following best describes the function of fruits?

protection and dispersal of seeds


proteins secreted by certain bacteria and other organisms

In mosses, haploid __________ directly produce buds that grow into gametophores.


Question 27:The products of Hox genes __________.

provide positional information in animal embryos

Sori can be found in which of the following?


Gram stain is a standard

quick diagnosis of certain types of bacteria

Flower symmetry

radial and bilateral


raised spots located on the underside of sporophyte ferns, clusters of sporangia

Which of the following sets of conditions is required for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

random mating, no natural selection, and a large population

Genetic drift definition

random occurrences -random/stochastic event negatively/positively affects one phenotype Special cases: BOTTLENECK/FOUNDER EFFECT

In a hypothetical situation, the genes for sex pilus construction and for tetracycline resistance are located on the same plasmid within a particular bacterium. If this bacterium readily performs conjugation involving a copy of this plasmid, then the result should be the _____.

rapid spread of tetracycline resistance to other bacteria in that habitat

Which group is incorrectly paired with its description?

red algae—eukaryotes that acquired plastids by secondary endosymbiosis

In a hybrid zone, which of the following would tend to lead to reinforcement?

reduced hybrid viability reduced hybrid fertility sexual selection hybrid breakdown

Hybrid zones

regions in which members of different species meet and mate, producing at least some hybrid offspring INTERBREEDING OF 2 SPECIES -barrier to gene flow (hybrids are selected against)

Many bacteria are symbiotic

relationships between organisms


released only when bacteria die and their cell walls break down

Vestigial structures

remnant of a structure that may have had an important function in a species' ancestors, but has no clear function in the modern species.

Vestigial organs are __________.

remnants of structures that were useful to an organism's ancestors, but which are now non-functional or show reduced function

Plasmids __________.

replicate independently of the main chromosome can be involved in transfer of genetic material between prokaryotic cells often contain antibiotic resistance genes are transferred from one bacterium to another by conjugation

Plasmids ________

replicate independently of the main chromosome often contain antibiotic resistance genes are transferred from one bacterium to another by conjugation allow bacteria to survive adverse conditions

Unlike a regular phylogenetic tree, phylogenetic trees with branch lengths proportional to time can be used to __________.

represent the chronological time that has passed since two groups diverged from a common ancestor

Which of the following does not take place during the process of conjugation?


Postzygotic isolation

reproductive isolation that occurs after members of two different species have mated and produced a hybrid offspring. Such hybrids are usually unable to reproduce -inviability -sterility -hybrid breakdown

Fungus-like (ecological role)

resemble fungi in body form and absorptive nutrition

Acquiring an R plasmid would allow a bacterium to do what?

resist antibiotics

Aerobic membrane

respiratory membrane

Question 21:Paralogous genes __________.

result from gene duplication

Bacteria can break down organic organisms

return nutrients to soil make nutrients available

Researchers can use molecular homologies to __________.

reveal the number of mutations in a particular sequence that has occurred in each species since they diverged from a common ancestor

Select the following characteristics that Phylum Bryophyta possess.

rhizoids flagellated sperm

A biologist observes that a particular plant species is found in a forest but not in a nearby meadow. She hypothesizes that the plants could grow in the meadow but are not found there because their seeds have yet to land in the meadow. Which of the following would be the most appropriate way to scientifically evaluate this hypothesis?

scattering seeds in several areas of the meadow and observing whether they start to grow

Some species from the Supergroup Excavata have acquired plastids through the process known as _________________________.

secondary endosymbiosis

Plastids that are surrounded by more than two membranes are evidence of

secondary endosymbiosis.

What are the main components of a mature gymnosperm seed?

seed coat embryo food supply

Pine life cycle

seed cones are located near the tips of higher branches and pollen cones develop near the tips of lower branches.

Lycophytes and Monilophytes

seedless vascular plants

The eggs of seed plants are fertilized within ovules, and the ovules then develop into __________.


Frequency-dependent selection

selection in which the fitness of a phenotype depends on how common the phenotype is in a population

At the time Charles Darwin sailed on HMS Beagle, __________.

several biologists had proposed that species might change over time, but none had suggested a convincing mechanism that might cause the change

The term algae refers to __________.

several diverse groups of photosynthetic protists

In the case of the Lake Victoria cichlids, sympatric speciation has been shown to be driven by __________.

sexual selection

Selection that acts over evolutionary time to preserve traits that increase an individual's ability to mate is known as __________.

sexual selection

Homologous structures

similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor

Analogous structures

similarities among unrelated species that result from convergent evolution

Evidence that supports placing green algae and plants in the same phylogenetic group includes ________.

similarities in chloroplast structure and pigment composition


similarity due to convergent evolution

Homology definition

similarity resulting from common ancestry

The Miller and Urey abiotic synthesis experiment (and subsequent, similar experiments) showed that __________.

simple organic molecules can form spontaneously under conditions like those thought to prevail early in Earth's history


single branch of vascular tissue

Adaptive radiations

single species to multiple (and varied) species

Gametangia are __________.

single-celled in algae, multicellular in most plants

Trypanosoma brucei

sleeping sickness transferred by insect bites

Clusters of sporangia located on the underside of a fern leaf are called ____________.


Evolutionary time

spans many generations and captures adaptation through natural selection PROKARYOTES

When gene flow between two populations ceases, the potential for __________ exists.


Which of the following is found inside a pollen grain?

the male gametophyte

Reproductive success

the number of offspring an individual produces and rears to reproductive age; an individual's genetic contribution to the next generation

gametangia are

the place where gametes are formed

Three of the following are evidence that charophytes are the closest algal relatives of plants. Select the exception.

the presence of chloroplasts


the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow


the set of observable characteristics of an individual resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment.

To examine meiosis in ferns, you would study __________.

the sporangia

Plants undergo alternation of generations in which __________.

the sporophyte generation alternates with the gametophyte generation

Which of the following homologies is/are shared by land plants and their closest living algal relatives?

the structure of flagellated sperm (when present) rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes the formation of a group of microtubules between daughter nuclei during cell division the presence of sporopollenin


the study of fossils

In the equation for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 1 represents __________.

the sum of the frequencies of the genotypes for a particular gene locus

According to the punctuated equilibrium model of evolution, __________.

the tempo of evolution consists of abrupt episodes of speciation among long periods of equilibrium

Many species of red algae are adapted to deeper water due to the fact that __________.

their photosynthetic pigments efficiently absorb blue and green light

In contrast to land plants, seaweeds

add tissue to the MIDDLE of the body

surface metabolism model

dissolved gases contacted minerals on deep thermal vent surfaces

Gametophytes develop from spores

in sporangia of sporophyte shields from UV stops desiccation take nutrients from sporophyte


inability of the female to become pregnant or the male to impregnate the female


includes algae, protozoa, fungus-like Usually have FLAGELLATE CELLS at some point Heterotrophic/photosynthetic (PLASTIDS from secondary endosymbiosis with red algae)


includes predatory heterotrophs, autotrophs, and pathogenic parasites, all of which have a spiral or crystalline rod inside their flagella

Spatial (habitat) isolation

individuals that live in different places in the environment

The fossil record

information about past life, including the structure of organisms, what they ate, what ate them, in what environment they lived, and the order in which they lived VERY IMPORTANT FOR UNDERSTANDING PAST SPECIES



Hummingbird flowers

Red LONG, NARROW corolla OPEN during the DAY WEAK scent Copious NECTAR


Related kingdoms

Life cycle of Lycophytes and Monilophytes

Reproduction needs MOIST environment LOTS of SPORES (LARGE SPOROPHYTE) Sporophyte less dependent on gametophyte (SPOROPHYTE DOMINANT)

Binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size


A group at any level


A group of individuals of the same species at a given location and time


A group of protistans, including the trichomonads, that lacks mitochondria.


A group of protozoans that move by waving tiny, hair-like organelles called cilia.


A group of species that includes an ancestral species and all its descendants.


A hybrid individual or cell having two or more sets of chromosomes derived from two different species

How is it possible that as many as 9 million mutations can arise each day in the population of E. coli inhabiting one human?

A large population size and a rapid reproduction rate combine to produce many mutations without a particularly high mutation rate.


A leaf with a highly branched vascular system, characteristic of the vast majority of vascular plants.


A leaflike structure of a seaweed that provides most of the surface area for photosynthesis.

What is the oil immersion lens?

A lens that requires you to fill the space between the specimen and the lens with oil, to get rid of the air

Sporic life cycle

A life cycle in which the sporophyte is more than the zygote, and the gametophyte is more than a gamete. The gametophyte and the sporophyte alternate with one another through time.


A long, tapered water-conducting cell found in the xylem of nearly all vascular plants. Functioning tracheids are no longer living.


A long, whip-like filament that helps in cell motility. Many bacteria are flagellated, and sperm are flagellated.

Double fertilization

A mechanism of fertilization in angiosperms, in which two sperm cells unite with two cells in the embryo sac to form the zygote and endosperm.

Gut-related dispersal

A method of dispersal where seeds are moved by animal

Hitchhiking dispersal

A method of dispersal where seeds are moved on the skin or fur of an animal


A modified leaf that bears sporangia and hence is specialized for reproduction.

Which of the following is true of the life cycle of bryophytes?

A moist environment is required for sexual reproduction.


A moss, liverwort, or hornwort; a nonvascular plant that inhabits the land but lacks many of the terrestrial adaptations of vascular plants.


A nutrient-rich tissue formed by the union of a sperm cell with two polar nuclei during double fertilization, which provides nourishment to the developing embryo in angiosperm seeds.

Which of the following statements about phylogenetic trees is true?

A paraphyletic group consists of a common ancestor and some of its descendants.

What is advantage is conferred to algae and plants that possess sporopollenin?

Reproductive cells are more resistant to desiccation.

Which of the following conditions is necessary for speciation to occur?

Reproductive isolation

Which microorganism is often found associated symbiotically with the roots of bean plants?

Rhizobium spp.

Which molecule did Carl Woese study to produce his tree of life?

Ribosomal RNA

Morphological and Molecular Evidence that plants evolved from green algae

Rings of cellulose-synthesizing proteins. Structure of flagellated sperm. Formation of a phragmoplast.

Example of Fungus-like (ecological role)

SLIME MOLD: fungus-like osmotroph


SMALLER organism in a symbiotic relationship


Same niche/adaptive zone (all components of the environment with which conspecific organisms interact)

What evidence most strongly suggests that an impact by an asteroid or meteorite may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?

Sedimentary rocks at the Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary contain a layer of iridium, a mineral uncommon on Earth.

Which of the following best states the advantages that seeds have over spores?

Seeds contain embryonic plants, an abundant food supply, and a protective covering.

Intersexual selection

Selection whereby individuals of one sex (usually females) are choosy in selecting their mates from individuals of the other sex; also called mate choice.

Reproductive isolation

Separation of species or populations so that they cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring

Which of the following does not contribute to bacteria's ability to evolve rapidly?

Sexual reproduction

Which statement below is true about sexual selection?

Sexual selection can result in sexual dimorphism—marked differences between the sexes in secondary sexual characteristics that are not associated directly with reproduction.

What do a carnivorous dinoflagellate, a parasitic apicomplexan, and a ciliate have in common?

All three have sacs known as alveoli just beneath their plasma membranes.

Multicellular diploid sporophyte generation

Allows single plant to disperse widely Uses meiosis to produce numerous haploid spore GENETICALLY VARIABLE

What are the different taxa of proteobacteria?

Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon

What is the three word term for the sporic life cycle?

Alternation of generations

Key plant reproductive features

Alternation of generations Dependent, multicellular embryos Sporangia and thick-walled spores Multicellular gametangia


Alternation of generations Mitosis in both HAPLOID and DIPLOID stages Many multicellular seaweeds (green, brown, red)


Alveolates that are parasitic and spread by sporozoites their apicoplast, a modified plastid, appears to be of red algal origin.

Which member of Kingdom Protista is characterized by moving using pseudopodia and capturing food via phagocytosis?

Amoeba spp.


Amoebozoans Opisthokonts


An amoeboid or flagellated protist that feeds with threadlike pseudopodia.

Foraminiferans (forams)

An aquatic protist that secretes a hardened shell containing calcium carbonate and extends pseudopodia through pores in the shell.

Which of the following adaptations allows some bacteria to resist dessication?

An endospore

Which of the following is true of secondary endosymbiosis?

An organism containing an endosymbiont is engulfed by another organism and becomes an endosymbiont.


An organism that harnesses light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds from carbon dioxide.

The fauna and flora of Australia are very different from those of the rest of the world. Why might this be true?

Australia has been isolated for about 50 million years.

When a diploid organism fails to separate homologous chromosomes during meiosis and then self-fertilizes to create a tetraploid organism, it is through the phenomenon called:


Comparison bacteria/archaea vs eukarya

BACTERIA: -smaller -simple in structure -no membrane-bound organelles -3.5 BYA -DNA not in structure (nucleoid) -single celled EUKARYA: -10-100x larger -more complex -membrane-bound organelles -1.8 BYA -DNA contained in structure (nucleus) -Single/multicellular

Bacteria function primarily in which ecological role?

Bacteria are common in all of the listed ecological roles.

Gram positive bacteria

Bacteria that have a thick peptido glycan cell wall, and no outer membrane. They stain very darkly (purple) in Gram stain.

Gram negative bacteria

Bacteria that have complex cell walls with less peptidoglycan but with lipopolysaccharides. Very toxic and hard to treat.

Membrane-enclosed organelles (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: ABSENT Archaea: ABSENT Eukarya: PRESENT

Nuclear Envelope (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: ABSENT Archaea: ABSENT Eukarya: PRESENT

Histones associated with DNA (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: ABSENT Archaea: Present in SOME species Eukarya: PRESENT

Initiator amino acid for protein synthesis (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: FORMYL-methionine Archaea: METHIONINE Eukarya: METHIONINE

Response to the antibiotics streptomycin and chloramphenicol (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: Growth USUALLY inhibited Archaea: Growth NOT inhibited Eukarya: Growth NOT inhibited

Growth at temperatures >100'C (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: NO Archaea: SOME SPECIES Eukarya: NO

RNA Polymerase (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: ONE kind Archaea: SEVERAL kinds Eukarya: SEVERAL kinds

Peptidoglycan in cell wall (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: PRESENT Archaea: ABSENT Eukarya: ABSENT

Circular chromosome (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: PRESENT Archaea: PRESENT Eukarya: ABSENT

Membrane lipids (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: UNBRANCHED hydrocarbons Archaea: SOME BRANCHED hydrocarbons Eukarya: UNBRANCHED hydrocarbons

Introns in genes (Bacteria vs Archaea vs Eukarya)

Bacteria: VERY RARE Archaea: Present in SOME genes Eukarya: Present in MANY genes

Which of the following is not a true statement concerning bacterial flagella?

Bacterial flagella are homologous to the flagella of eukaryotic cells.

Biological Species Concept (BSC)

Based on reproductive isolation -prezygotic -postzygotic

Prebiotic soup model

Basic organic molecules present in atmospheric gases; accumulate in oceans; resulted in larger organic molecules

How often are all the requirements for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium met?

Basically almost never

Suppose that a gene for coat color in mice has two alleles, B and b, where B is completely dominant and encodes a black coat color, and b is recessive and encodes a brown coat color. A mouse that is heterozygous has genotype _____, and its phenotype is _____.

Bb, black

Soapberry bugs feed most effectively when the length of their "beak" is similar to the depth of the seeds within the fruit. Scott Carroll and his colleagues measured beak lengths in soapberry bug populations feeding on the native balloon vine. They also measured beak lengths in populations feeding on the introduced goldenrain tree. The researchers then compared the measurements with those of museum specimens collected in the two areas before the goldenrain tree was introduced.

Beak lengths were shorter in populations feeding on the introduced species than in populations feeding on the native species, in which the seeds are buried more deeply. The average beak length in museum specimens from each population (indicated by red arrows) was similar to beak lengths in populations feeding on native species.

Female gray tree frogs (Hyla versicolor) prefer to mate with males that give long mating calls. Allison Welch and colleagues, at the University of Missouri, tested whether the genetic makeup of long-calling (LC) males is superior to that of short-calling (SC) males. The researchers fertilized half the eggs of each female with sperm from an LC male and fertilized the remaining eggs with sperm from an SC male. In two separate experiments (one in 1995, the other in 1996), the resulting half-sibling offspring were raised in a common environment and their survival and growth were monitored.

Because offspring fathered by an LC male outperformed their half-siblings fathered by an SC male, the team concluded that the duration of a male's mating call is indicative of the male's overall genetic quality. This result supports the hypothesis that female mate choice can be based on a trait that indicates whether the male has "good genes."

Why are cyanobacteria classified as prokaryotes instead of eukaryotes like other photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae?

Because they lack a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Flower color and shape

Bee flowers Hummingbird flowers Bat flowers Moth flowers Beetle flowers Fly Flowers

Natural selection system

Beneficial traits that are heritable -more prevalent in future generations -leads to adaptive traits

Although they originated around 180 million years ago, mammals underwent an adaptive radiation starting approximately 65 million years ago. Why?

Between 180 and 65 million years ago, mammals were outcompeted by the well-established dinosaurs.

Which of the following is NOT a manner in which horizontal gene transfer generally occurs in bacteria?

Binary fission

What are biofilms?

Biofilms are cooperative colonies of bacteria.

The Brown Tree Snake

Boiga irregularis -kingdom animalia -phylum chordata -class reptilia -order squamata -family colubridae -genus Boiga -species irregularis NATIVE TO NORTHERN AUSTRALIA, INDONESIA, NEW GUINEA

Ticks that live on deer and field mice are responsible for spreading the bacterium __________, which causes __________.

Borrelia burgdorferi ... Lyme disease

Which example below is a characteristic shared by diplomonads and parabasalids?

Both lack plastids


Breaking down complex molecules by the chemical addition of water

Alfred Russel Wallace

British naturalist who developed a hypothesis of natural selection similar to Darwin's

Fly flowers

Brown, purple, or green STRONGLY scented of AMINOIDS

Main groups of LAND PLANTS

Bryophytes (non-vascular) Seedless, vascular plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms

Gametophyte generation reduced through evolutionary time

Bryophytes -> ferns -> seed plants

How are gametes produced by bryophytes?

By mitosis of gametophyte cells

Genetic variation

Differences among individuals in the composition of their genes or other DNA segments

Sexual dimorphism

Differences in physical characteristics between males and females of the same species.

Which of these do belong to the SAR supergroup?

Dinoflatellates Diatoms Brown algae


Diploid, or spore-producing, phase of an organism. Makes haploid spores by meiosis.

Bryophyte life cycle

Diploid, spore-producing sporophyte generation Haploid, gamete-producing gametophyte generation

Evolution of Protists

Discuss evolutionary relationships between 1) groups of protists and 2) protists and other eukaryotes; recognize protists are paraphyletic Explain the importance of endosymbiosis to evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotic groups


Discuss horizontal gene transfer: mechanisms, widespread nature in prokaryotes, and importance in the evolution eukaryotic groups


Distinctive collar surrounding flagella Group most related to the ANIMALS Similar to choanocyte cells of sponges

Prokaryotes evolution

Distinguish between domains Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya; explain their evolutionary relationships

The tissue called phloem has what function in vascular plants?

Distribution of sugars, amino acids, and other organic products

Which of the following is an example of convergent evolution?

Dolphins and sharks have a similar streamlined body shape.

Select the two domains of life that you will be learning about during the prokaryote lab exercises.

Domain Bacteria and Archaea

Domain Eukarya

Domain of all organisms whose cells have nuclei, including protists, plants, fungi, and animals


Domain of unicellular prokaryotes that have cell walls containing peptidoglycan


Domain of unicellular prokaryotes that have cell walls that do not contain peptidoglycan

Brown algae

Dominate low intertidal and shallow subtotal zones Includes kelps Extremely important habitats for many organisms (Provides O2 and SHELTER)

What role do diatoms play in the global carbon balance affecting global warming?

During a bloom, diatom populations may increase rapidly. If many diatoms die and sink to the bottom without being eaten, they effectively pump carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

A diploid (2n) cell divides by meiosis, producing four daughter cells. Next, each daughter cell divides by mitosis, producing a total of eight granddaughter cells. Which of the following statements about the granddaughter cells is true?

Each granddaughter cell is haploid (n).

Origin of organic molecules

Early Earth conditions were favorable for spontaneous formation of organic molecules

Origin of Life

Earth about 4.6BYA Life about 3.5-4BYA Photosynthesis and Colonization of Land

Given that penicillin is an antibiotic that inhibits enzymes from catalyzing the synthesis of peptidoglycan, which prokaryotes should be most vulnerable to inhibition by penicillin?

Gram positive bacteria

Which group contains members that produce antibiotics?

Gram positive bacteria

A character that all members of a clade have, and that is unique to that clade, would be considered a _____________________________________________ character.

Shared derived

Some bacteria fix nitrogen

N2 is abundant in the atmosphere unusable by plants nitrogen fixing bacteria convert N2 to NH3

Currently scientists think the early atmosphere probably consisted of __________.

N2, H2O, CO2, NH3, CH4, and H2

Ecological role



Named for saclike, membranous vesicle (alveoli) in cell periphery Many groups: dinoflagellates

Supergroup Excavata

Names for a FEEDING GROOVE "excavated" into the cells of many representatives Also MODIFIED mitochondria and UNIQUE flagella Food particles are taken into cells by PHAGOTROPHY ENDOCYTOSIS and evolutionary basis for ENDOSYMBIOSIS

Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace are both known for their description of what phenomenon?

Natural Selection

Mechanisms of evolution

Natural selection -lower fitness from harmful changes -higher fitness from adaptive changes -must be heritable -must have population level variation Non-random mating (sexual selection) Mutation Gene flow Genetic drift

Stabilizing Selection

Natural selection that favors intermediate variants by acting against extreme phenotypes

Adaptive radiation vs natural selection

Natural selection: potential speciation as a result of direct competition for resources -selection for phenotypes that confer advantage Adaptive radiation: potential speciation as a result of filling empty niches (ecological "jobs" that are empty) -utilizing unexploited resource

What is the importance of neutral variation in evolution?

Neutral variation increases genetic variation, allowing a population to carry more alleles that may help it respond to environmental change.

Mutation definition

New alleles


No roots (rhizoids) Poorly-developed leaves RELIANT ON WATER No structural support (can't grow large)

According to the experiment of Diane Dodd, can adaptive divergence of allopatric fruit fly populations lead to reproductive isolation?

No. After several generations, the formation of a reproductive barrier (behavioral isolation) was evident, but not absolute.

Classification of protists


To which of the four eukaryotic supergroups do amoebas belong?

None of the listed responses is correct.

Based on the previous question (Question 4), what would species O would be called a(n) ___ (please use one word only and spell it correctly. Reminder of the conditions:Species L has eyes, ears, a mouth, and a nose.Species M has eyes, a mouth, and a nose but no ears.Species N has eyes, but no ears, mouth or nose.Species O has none of these characters.


Characteristics of CYANOBACTERIA

Oxygen generation by PHOTOSYNTHESIS Possible origin of CHLOROPLASTS

The correct order of the geologic eras, from most ancient to most recent, is __________.

Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

About 335 million years ago all of the current continents were joined as one supercontinent called



Pertaining to a taxon derived from a single ancestral species that gave rise to no species in any other taxa.

Carbon Source (Photoautotroph vs chemoautotroph)

Photoautotroph: CO2, HCO3-, or related compound Chemoautotroph: CO2, HCO3-, or related compound

On an evolutionary tree __________.

homologous characteristics form a nested pattern

The pollen of conifers is primarily dispersed by __________.


Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?

within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower

Question 31:Besides the plant tissue that humans ingest, which angiosperm tissue is most directly important for human survival?


What is the term for the vascular tissue in plants that transports water and minerals?


This is a cross-section of a stem. The dark spots in this photo are ______ and ______.

xylem and phloem

Vascular tissues of plants include __________.

xylem for conducting water and minerals, and phloem for conducting dissolved organic molecules

The life cycle in which the only diploid cell is the zygote is called the _ life cycle


E.O. Wilson

"Look closely at nature. Every species is a masterpiece, exquisitely adapted to the particular environment in which it has survived. Who are we to destroy or even diminish biodiversity?"


"good" bacteria Interact with natural bacteria Promote digestive health


"salt-loving" archaea that live in environments that have very high salt concentrations (SALINE ENVIRONMENTS)


"seed leaves"

Allele frequency (in pop)=

# copies of a specific allele/total # alleles in pop FOR A SPECIFIC GENE

Genotype frequency

# of individuals with genotype/ total # of individuals in a population

intrasexual selection

A direct competition among individuals of one sex (usually the males in vertebrates) for mates of the opposite sex.

Effects of genetic drift

(1)genetic drift is significant in small populations (2)genetic drift can cause allele frequencies to change at random (3) Genetic Drift can lead to a loss in genetic variation within a population (4)Genetic drift can cause harmful alleles to become fixed

horizontal gene transfer (HGT)

(also, lateral gene transfer) transfer of genes between unrelated species

Example of Protozoa (ecological role)

AMOEBA : phagocytotic heterotroph


Bacillus anthracis


Flagellate Ciliate Amoeba

Borrelia burgdorferi

Lyme disease


The elongated stalk of a bryophyte sporophyte.

Bee flowers

Yellow/blue OPEN corolla STRONGLY scented UV REFLECTIVE


fixed in place


mass of tangled green filaments in mosses that forms during germination


only live in ANIMAL hosts


produce female gametes (egg cells)


thylakoid membranes

If you do a Gram stain on a bacterial culture and the bacteria stain red, then the bacteria is considered Gram __


Angiosperm life cycle

- Gametophyte development - Pollination - Double fertilization - Seed development

Major changes in body form

-Can occur rather rapidly -Mutation of developmental genes +rate/timing of events +changes in spatial patterning


A durable polymer that covers exposed zygotes of charophyte algae and forms the walls of plant spores, preventing them from drying out.

Multicellular eukaryotes

-About 1.2bya -Evolved from either +aggregation +sticky offspring +probably colonial at first

Photosynthesis revolution

-About 2.7 bya -Increase O2 in atm

Jeam Baptiste Lamark (1744-1829)

-About same time as Cuvier, before Lyell -Gradual BIOLOGICAL change (explains fossil patterns, organisms change to match environment) -Considered traits inheritable -Flaws: +thought organisms controlled their complexity +idea of use/disuse

Population genetics (alleles)

-Allele and genotype frequencies -Different calculations -Example: 2 alleles +incomplete dominance +three possible phenotypes

Charles Lyell (1797-1875)

-Also considered gradual change -Processes of geological change are the same today as long ago

Scientific names - binomial nomenclature

-Always italicized -Composed of +genus name (always capitalized, includes related species) +species name (never capitalized, unique within genus)

Diversity of the Genus Boiga

-Approximately 35 species -India and China, throughout Pacific, to Australia -mainly arboreal -rear-fanged and mildly venomous

Evolutionary (phylogenetic) tree

-Based on DNA, morphology -Groups tend to form due to homologies

morphological species concept system

-Based on features (morphology) -Problems: +polymorphic species +cryptic species

Mutation concept

-Can be negligible -Can be minor (colorblindness) -Can be major (including lethal) +important proteins (cystic fibrosis) +developmental gene mutation can drastically alter body plan

Does natural selection create perfect organisms?

-Can only affect what is there +not all potential alleles in all places -Limited by what has happened before +every population has a history -Tradeoffs +OFTEN ADVANTAGES ARE BALANCED WITH DISADVANTAGES


-Common ancestors used to map relationships -Groups of species aka CLADE


-Complex reproductive structures -Efficient production of POLLEN and SEEDS -Four main organs: PETALS, SEPALS, STAMENS, CARPELS

What is evolution?

-Cumulative inherited change in a pop of organisms through time leading to the appearance of new forms -Heritable change in 1+ characteristics of a pop from one generation to the next

Molecular data

-DNA alignment -can represent genetic difference or difference over time

Modern Cells

-DNA as info carrier -RNA could then have other functions -Important because DNA is less susceptible to mutation -Proteins took over enzymatic functions (metabolism, etc.) -20 different amino acid residues (in humans) +lots of variety +do many different activities

descent with modification

-Darwin never used the word "evolution" in The Origin of Species -He called it "DESCENT WITH MODIFICATION" +organisms share some characteristics +descend from a common ancestor

Darwin and Wallace

-Darwin started writing in 1844 -Wallace wrote to Darwin in 1858 +Almost identical idea of natural selection -Lyell presented both ideas in 1858 to the Linnean Society -Darwin published The Origin of Species in 1859

Hardy weinberg predicts frequencies will stay the same over generations


Origins of flagella

-Differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes +indicates DIFFERENT EVOLUTIONARY ORIGINS +CONVERGENT EVOLUTION +ANALOGOUS STRUCTURES -Prokaryotic - 42 PROTEINS +likely started simpler

Galapagos finches

-Different beaks for different food types: +long, sharp -> cactus eaters +narrow, pointed -> insect eaters +short, thick -> seed eaters

F plasmid process

-Donor is F+ -Makes recipient F+

Conjugation occurs via

-Donor pills reaches recipient -Pulls recipient closer -Need F (fertility) factor in the plasmid (section of chromosomal DNA)

Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)

-Father of paleontology (study of fossils) -Used sedimentary rock -Older rock organisms less similar to current ones -Newer rock showed loss of some forms -Thought that replacement was by immigration after sudden, catastrophic events

Timeline of life on Earth

-Formation of Earth about 4.55 bya -4 eons: +Hadean +Archaen +Proterozoic +Phanerozoic -First 3 together are Precambrian

Burgess Shale

-Fossil bearing rock deposit in British Columbia -About 508 mya -Middle Cambrian

Reproductive success can increase by:

-Genes for increased SURVIVAL (more likely to get to reproductive age) -Genes for traits associated with mating +ability to find/attract mate +production of viable gametes +production of viable offspring


-Genome comparisons can reveal relationships -DNA that codes for RNA - slow to change -mt DNA - rapid change -Orthologous genes - same gene (diverges after speciation) -Gene duplications +paralogous genes +neofunctionalization


-Group of similar organisms with distinctive characteristics -Many different species concepts (oldest indicates they must be able to mate and produce viable offspring)

First eukaryotes

-Had membrane-bound organelles -Endosymbiotic theory -About 1.8 bya

Population genetics helps in understanding

-How genetic and phenotypic variation relate -if variation is present -why variation is present -how variation is maintained -how variation changes

James Hutton (1744-1829)

-Idea of gradual geologic change

Conclusions from Descent with modification

-Individuals with advantageous adaptations +survive better +reproduce better -If adaptations are heritable +adaptations increase in the next generation +accumulate over time

Effects of Boiga irregularis on Guam

-Loss of local bird species -Loss of bats, lizards, rodents -Huge pop of snakes -snake bites of infants and toddlers -power outages -RECENT INFO INDICATES POOR BODY CONDITION IN GUAM SNAKES

Healthy populations

-Lots of genetic diversity -Therefore, phenotypic diversity -Open to natural selection

Cambrian explosion

-Lots of new body forms -About 535 mya

Neutral mutations

-Many mutations are neutral and do not cause effects (positive or negative) -if truly neutral, good for molecular clocks -difficulties arise if genes positive or negative -Why? NATURAL SELECTION

Why are populations not in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium?

-Microevolution 1. New genetic variation -mutation -gene duplication -exon shuffling -horizontal gene transfer DOESN'T HAPPEN OFTEN, BUT ADDS SOME VARIATION 2. Evolutionary mechanisms -natural selection -migration -random effects -non-random mating

Molecular clock concept

-Molecular markers that exhibit consistent, slow change over time -Calibrated with fossil evidence -Can be used to estimate time since divergence in various species -Use fossil record to calculate divergence times -Use changes in genetic data to calculate rates -Extrapolate for estimate of other event timing

Plate tectonics and continental drift

-Movement of Earth's crust alter climate -influences species survival

Genetic variation in bacteria

-Need to have genetic variation for natural selection to occur

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Assumptions

-No natural/artificial selection -No mutations -No migration/population/genetic flow (isolated population) -Infinitely large population -random mating IF ALL PREDICTIONS MET, FREQUENCIES WILL STAY THE SAME

Natural Selection (study)

-Organisms that had certain inherited traits that made them more suited to certain environments (adaptations) +survived at a greater rate +produced more offspring -As a result, those ADAPTIVE TRAITS BECAME MORE PREVALENT

Habitat classification

-Particularly common and diverse in oceans, lakes, wetlands and rivers -Plankton-swimming or floating *phytoplankton*-photsynthetic *protozoan plankton*-heterotrophic -occur primarily as a single cell, colonies or short filaments *can from up and become colonial organism, but can also from a multicellular organism*

Initial resistance to Staph

-Penicillin no longer worked -Switches to methicillin

Characteristics of FLAGELLA

-Prokaryotic 1/10th the size of eukaryotic -Different COMPOSITION and PROPULSION

RNA world theory

-RNA as the first macromolecule in protobionts +currently most supported hypothesis -RNA can: +store info +self-replicate +have enzymatic function (ribozymes) -Not DNA/proteins

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

-Relates alleles and genotype frequencies to one another -2 alleles, p+q=1 -2 alleles, 3 genotypes, p^2+2pq+q^2=1

How do polymorphisms occur?

-Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) -Can be caused by mutation -90% of all variation in human genes

Bacterial cell division

-Small -Binary fission -Short generation times

More resistance to Staph

-Staph became resistant to methicillin -Variant called MRSA +Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus -Switched to vancomycin +drug of "last resort"

Antibiotic resistance

-Staphylococcus aureus -normal bacteria -can cause skin, lung, bone infections -initially used penicillin to kill it

Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)

-Started categorizing organisms -Came up with binomial nomenclature -Used morphology

First single-celled life

-Stromatolites -3.5bya -Only life for 1.5 by


-Supercontinent +formed about 335 mya +broke up about 175 mya

The eye development

-The optic cup is an outgrowth of the diencephalon -The lens pit forms from overlying ectoderm -The optic cup and lens pit work together to form the eye

Phylogenetic trees based on observations

-There is generally variation w/in pop -organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support

Aristotle (384-322 BC)

-Thought species were fixed -no evolution

Why do giraffes have long necks?

-Traditional wisdom was to reach higher into trees to eat leaves -Actually for males to compete for sexual selection

Charles Darwin (work)

-Trained as naturalist/botanist -Expedition around the world +Brazil, Argentina, Chile +Galapagos Islands -Saw physical evidence of old earth (Lyell) -Noted adaptations that enhanced survival and reproduction in some environments

Land colonization

-Unicellylar organisms about 1 bya -Multicellular organisms about 500 mya

Phylogenetic trees

-Used to be based on morphology -now more reliant on DNA

Radioisotope dating of rock

-can look at ratio of isotopes -half life

SAR Supergroup

-controversial -highly diverse group that share similarities in DNA structure STRAMINOPILES ALVEOLATES RHIZARIANS

Phylogenetics based on homology

-either morphological or molecular -different from analogy

Motility classification

-eukaryotic flagella Flagellates som flagellated reproductive cells -cilia-shorter and more abundant than flagella Ciliates -amoeboid movement-using pseudopodia Amoebae -some create protein or carbohydrate slime that they slide/glide on

Sexual selection

-intrasexual (fighting for mates) -intersexual (mate choice)

Natural selection is similar to artificial selection except

-it happens in nature -generally takes a longer time

Fossils are rare

-many biases in fossil record -conditions have to be perfect -fossils are not mineralized skeletons

Fossil record

-many fossils are found in sedimentary rock -layers laid down over millions of years -hard parts of dead organisms replaced by minerals to make a cast -older rock = older organism

Experiments have shown polymerization can occur:

-on clay, sand, or rock surfaces -in water near hydrothermal vents

Mechanisms of evolution (mutation)

-point mutations -frameshift mutations

Miller-Urey Experiment (1953)

-simulated early environment -used gases that would have been common -used electricity (lightning) as energy source -formed organic molecules (more than 20) +amino acids +sugars +nitrogenous bases

Characteristics of OBLIGATE ANAEROBES

-some use FERMENTATION -some use ANAEROBIC respiration (NO3- or SO4 2- as electron acceptors)

The human genome consists of approximately 3 billion base pairs. If humans typically differ from one another by about 3 million base pairs, what is the nucleotide variability of Homo sapiens?


Assume a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with these genotypic frequencies: AA = 0.25, Aa = 0.50, and aa = 0.25. If you remove all the homozygous dominants and allow the remaining population to reproduce (again under Hardy-Weinberg conditions), what will be the frequency of homozygous dominants in the next generation?


You have a gene locus in which there are 4 possible alleles (P, Q, R, and S). You are lucky in that you are able to genotype 100 individuals within the population to get an estimate of the overall allele and genotype frequencies. You find the following genotypes and numbers of individuals that have them: PP - 5 PQ or QP- 0 PR or RP - 3 PS or SP- 2 QQ - 11 QR or RQ - 17 QS or SQ - 23 RR - 15 RS or SR - 8 SS - 16 What is the allele frequency for allele S?


Given the example you just saw (90 red, 490 white, and 420 pink flowers in an incomplete dominance system), what would be the genotype frequency of white flowers? Please use a leading zero before the decimal point.


In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 1% of the individuals in a population show the recessive trait of a certain characteristic. In this situation, what is the value of p?


Question 11:In a large population of bonobos, the frequency of the recessive allele is initially 0.1. There is no migration and no selection. What is the frequency of the dominant allele? Assume that there are two alleles of this gene.


Four stages of biochemical evolution

1. Nucleotides and amino acids before cells 2. Small molecules joined to form macromolecules (ex: proteins, nucleic acids) 3. Polymers enclosed in membranes (photocells) 4. Protocells self-replicate (protobionts)

Why Natural Selection Cannot Fashion Perfect Organisms

1. Selection can act only on existing variations. 2. Evolution is limited by historical constraints. 3.Adaptations are often compromises. 4.Chance, natural selection, and the environment interact.

Important adaptations in plants

1. Supportive VASCULAR TISSUE, dominant branched SPOROPHYTE generation 2. Wood, OVULES, SEEDS, POLLEN 3. Flowers, fruits, seed endosperm, vessels common LEFT BRYOPHYTES OUT because no vascular tissue and gametophyte dominant

Phylogenetic tree

A family tree that shows the evolutionary relationships thought to exist among groups of organisms

Conjugation process

1. conjugation occurs between F+ and F- cell 2. one strand of the F factor inside F+ cell is nicked by an endonuclease and moves across conjugation tube into F- cell 3. DNA complement for each single strand is synthesized (in both F+ and F- cell) 4. movement across conjugation tube is completed; DNA synthesis is completed 5. ligase closes DNA circles ; conjugates separate

Steps of gram stain

1. prepare slide 2. put crystal violet on. wait 60 seconds. rinse under water 3. put iodine one. wait 60 seconds. rinse under water 4. put 95% alcohol on. wait 30 seconds. rinse under water 5. put safranin (red) on. wait 60 seconds. rinse under water 6. observe under microscope

Cyanobacteria and protists

1.2 BYA

Approximately how many years ago did the first multicellular eukaryotic organisms appear on Earth?

1.2 billion

Single-celled prokaryotes had Earth to themselves for approximately __________.

1.5 billion years

When were the first eukaryotic cells seen on Earth?


Suppose a BB female mouse mates with a Bb male mouse. Which of the following represents the probabilities of each genotype occurring among their offspring?

1/2 BB 1/2 Bb

Gymnosperm diversity

10 currently recognized plant phyla 4 are gymnosperms -CYCADOPHYTA -GINKGOPHYTA -GNETOPHYTA -CONIFEROPHYTA

The following question refers to the generalized life cycle for land plants shown in the figure. Each number within a circle or square represents a specific plant or plant part, and each number over an arrow represents meiosis, mitosis, or fertilization.In the figure, which number represents an embryo?


If a new species of plant is to be produced by means of allopolyploidy from two parental species that are 2n = 4 and 2n = 8, how many chromosomes would you expect in the somatic cells of the new species?


Question 25:By applying a molecular clock, researchers have proposed that the first HIV-1 M invasion into humans occurred in the __________.


How much longer have bacteria evolved than eukarya?

2 billion years


2 kinds of spores (male and female) megasporangia and microsporanga

Polar nuclei

2 nuclei, within the same cell, created from the mitotic division of the megaspore during angiosperm reproduction; unite in the ovule to form a fusion nucleus, which gives rise to endosperm when fertilized

Polymorphic genes

2 or more alleles

Phylogenetic species concept

A definition of species as the smallest group of individuals that share a common ancestor, forming one branch on the tree of life. BASED ON EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY

At current rates of deforestation, tropical rain forests will be eliminated in __________ years.


Ecological Role Classification

3 major groups *Algae*:photosynthetic & non-photosynthetic -Not monophyletic *Protozoa*:heterotrophic -Not monophyletic *Fungus-like*:resemble fungi in body form and and absorptive nutrition -More closely related to diatoms

How do species arise?

3 major species concepts: -biological -morphological -phylogenetic

Life on Earth is first seen in the fossil record ___ billion years ago


Prokaryotes originated

3.5 BYA

Origin of prokaryotes

3.5 bya lots of natural selection and adaptations

A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 1.2 billion years. As measured by the presence of the isotope and its stable decay product, a rock originally contained 10 grams of the radioactive isotope, and now contains 1.25 grams. Approximately how many years old is the rock?


In a certain group of African people, 4% are born with sickle-cell disease (homozygous recessive). If this group is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what percentage of the group has the selective advantage of being more resistant to malaria (heterozygous) than those individuals who are homozygous for normal hemoglobin or for sickle-cell disease?


You are looking at bacterial cells through a compound light microscope. The objective you are using magnifies objects at 40X, and the ocular magnification is 10X. What is the total magnification of the bacteria cells?


How many different taxa are there of proteobacteria?



A thin, rootlike structure that anchors a moss and absorbs water and nutrients.

You have an isotope with a half-life of exactly 250 years. What percentage of that isotope will be left after 1000 years? (Please write your answer so that it contains two digits to the right of the decimal point; do not include the % sign...just a number)


Six major crops˜wheat, rice, maize, potatoes, cassava, and sweet potatoes˜contribute disproportionately to human diets. What percentage of all the calories consumed by humans is supplied by these crops?


Six major crops—wheat, rice, maize, potatoes, cassava, and sweet potatoes—constitute what percentage of all the calories consumed by humans?



A diverse clade of gram-negative bacteria that includes five subgroups known as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon.

Which of the following is NOT an assumption that must be met for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? A.Low migration rates B.No natural selection C.Random mating D.No mutation


Which of the following would NOT be considered an example of a fossil? A.A bird feather found under a tree B.A mineralized piece of wood C.A mosquito stuck in amber (petrified tree sap) D.Million year-old footprints of an animal cast in mud


Hfr cell

A bacterial cell in which the F factor has become integrated into the chromosome; Hfr stands for high frequency of recombination

R plasmids

A bacterial plasmid that carries genes for enzymes that destroy particular antibiotics, thus making the bacterium resistant to the antibiotics.

Golden algae

A biflagellated, photosynthetic protist named for its color, which results from its yellow and brown carotenoids.

Question 9:What does a branch point in a phylogenetic tree represent?

A branch point represents a point at which two evolutionary lineages split from a common ancestor.

Evolutionary tree

A branching diagram that reflects a hypothesis about evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms.


A cell that contains a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

F factor in the chromosome

A cell with the F factor built into its chromosomes functions as a donor during conjugation The recipient becomes a recombinant bacterium, with DNA from two different cells

Bottleneck Effect

A change in allele frequency following a dramatic reduction in the size of a population

Genetic drift

A change in the allele frequency of a population as a result of chance events rather than natural selection.

Shared ancestral character

A character, shared by members of a particular clade, that originated in an ancestor that is not a member of that clade.


A characteristic that improves an individual's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.

dehydration synthesis

A chemical reaction in which two molecules covalently bond to each other with the removal of a water molecule. NOT FAVORABLE IN AQUEOUS SETTINGS


A chromosomal alteration in which the organism possesses more than two complete chromosome sets. GENOME DUPLICATION Ex: Hyla chrysoscelis (diploid) Hyla versicolor (tetraploid)

Which of the following scenarios would most likely result in the microevolution of a population of humans?

A colony of humans on the moon is isolated from Earth.

Inheritance of acquired traits (Lamarckian evolution)

A crucial, and incorrect, aspect of Lamarck's theory of evolution. Lamarck believed that the traits a parent acquired during its lifetime would be passed on to its offspring. GIRAFFES


A phylum of gymnosperms consisting of just three extant genera that are very different in appearance.


A phylum of gymnosperms represented by a single extant species, Ginkgo biloba, characterized by fanlike leaves that turn gold and are deciduous in autumn.


A phylum of gymnosperms that superficially resemble palms. Cycads bear naked seeds on sporophylls, leaves specialized for reproduction.

F factor (fertility factor)

A plasmid found in the donor cell during conjugation and transfers from F+ to F-


A preserved remnant or impression of an organism that lived in the past.

Gametic isolation

A prezygotic reproductive barrier where the sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize the eggs of another species

According to the hypothesis of serial endosymbiosis, which of the following was a key initial step in the origin of mitochondria?

A prokaryotic host cell engulfed an aerobic, heterotrophic bacterium.


A protist in a clade that includes many species with lobe- or tube-shaped pseudopodia.


A protist, such as Euglena or its relatives, characterized by an anterior pocket from which one or two flagella emerge.


A protist, such as a trypanosome, that has a single large mitochondrion that houses an organized mass of DNA.


A protist, usually marine, with a shell generally made of silica and pseudopodia that radiate from the central body.


A reproductive cell with a hard, protective coating


A ring of interlocking, tooth-like structures on the upper part of a moss capsule (sporangium), often specialized for gradual spore discharge.


A rootlike structure that anchors a seaweed.

Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)

A single base-pair site in a genome where nucleotide variation is found in at least 1% of the population.


A single celled organism


A skin and nerve disease that causes open sores on the body and can lead to serious complications and death


A small leaf with a single vein, found in club mosses and their relatives.

Polymorphic species

A species that has two or more distinct phenotypes in the same interbreeding population at the same time.

What does it mean that organisms have a nearly universal genetic code?

A specific DNA sequence encodes the same information in one species as it would in nearly any other.

Gram stain

A staining method that distinguishes between two different kinds of bacterial cell walls.


A stemlike structure of a seaweed.

Binomial nomenclature

A system for giving each organism a two-word scientific name that consists of the genus name followed by the species name

Polyphyletic group

A taxonomic grouping consisting of several species that lack a common ancestor (more work is needed to uncover species that tie them together into a monophyletic clade).


A theorized process in which early eukaryotic cells were formed from simpler prokaryotes.


A thick-walled protective spore that forms inside a bacterial cell and resists harsh conditions.

A gene that has two alleles, A and a, is located on the same chromosome as a second gene that also has two alleles, B and b. Suppose a diploid individual has alleles AB on one copy of this chromosome and alleles ab on the other copy of this chromosome. For this individual, select the pair of recombinant genotypes that could result if crossing over occurs between these two chromosomes.

Ab and aB


Ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment

Which of the following is the best description of protists' contribution to photosynthesis?

About 30% of the world's photosynthesis is performed by protists.

6 crops

About 80% of all calories consumed by humans -CORN -RICE -WHEAT -POTATOES -CASSAVA (manioc, yuca) -SWEET POTATOES (yams)

Examples of fruit

Achene (strawberry) Hesperidium (citrus fruits) Legumes Nuts (hazelnut)

Steps to invasion of land by plants

Adapt to terrestrial habitats (LESS RELIANCE ON WATER) Seedless plants change Earth's surface Mass extinction due to meteor crash

Lake Malawi, in the African Rift Valley, is home to more than a hundred species of cichlid fishes, each with slightly different diets and habits. All these species probably evolved from a common ancestor, making them an example of __________.

Adaptive radiation

Can Predation Result in Natural Selection for Color Patterns in Guppies? Our understanding of evolution changes constantly as new observations lead to new hypotheses—and hence to new ways to test our understanding of evolutionary theory. Consider the wild guppies (Poecilia reticulata) that live in pools connected by streams on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Male guppies have highly varied color patterns that are controlled by genes that are only expressed in adult males. Female guppies choose males with bright color patterns as mates more often than they choose males with drab coloring. But the bright colors that attract females also can make the males more conspicuous to predators. Researchers observed that in pools with few predator species, the benefits of bright colors appear to "win out," and males are more brightly colored than in pools where predation is more intense. One guppy predator, the killifish, preys on juvenile guppies that have not yet displayed their adult coloration. Researchers predicted that if adult guppies with drab colors were transferred to a pool with only killifish, eventually the descendants of these guppies would be more brightly colored (because of the female preference for brightly colored males). How the Experiment Was Done Researchers transplanted 200 guppies from pools containing pike-cichlid fish, intense predators of adult guppies, to pools containing killifish, less active predators that prey mainly on juvenile guppies. They tracked the number of bright-colored spots and the total area of those spots on male guppies in each generation.

After 22 months (15 generations), researchers compared the color pattern data for guppies from the source and transplanted populations.


Aggregates of abiotically produced molecules surrounded by a membrane. (membrane and internal organics)

Gram stain - negative

Alcohol washes out violet-iodine complex Counterstain with safranin (red) Red/pink color

Which characteristic is/are shared by most diatoms, golden algae, and brown algae at least at some stage of their life cycles?

All are stramenopiles. All are autotrophs. They all have flagella with numerous fine, hairlike projections.


All cells are DIPLOID except gametes (egg and sperm) DIATOMS

Reproductive strategies of protists

All protists can reproduce asexually Some can reproduce sexually

Gene pool (definition)

All the alleles in a given pop

Gene pool

All the genes, including all the different alleles for each gene, that are present in a population at any one time

Disruptive or diversifying selection

Hypothetical: -a certain plant's flowers open all day and night


An organism that must consume organic molecules for both energy and carbon.


An organism that needs only carbon dioxide as a carbon source but that obtains energy by oxidizing inorganic substances.


An organism that obtains energy from sunlight and carbon from organic sources.


An organism that obtains organic food molecules by eating other organisms or their by-products.

Endosymbiotic theory

Ancestors of mitochondria and plastids was prokaryotes that came to live in a host cell.


Ancestory becomes extinct when lineage splits

Which non-protist taxa are included in the Unikonta?

Animals and fungi

Which of the following is NOT a phylum of gymnosperm?


Domain Archaea

Any of various single-celled prokaryotes genetically distinct from bacteria, often thriving in extreme environmental conditions


Appendages that allow bacteria to attach to each other and to transfer DNA LONGER, LESS NUMEROUS

What Domain of prokaryotes includes species that would be considered "salt-loving?"


You find an organism that has the following qualities: it has several types of RNA polymerases, uses methionine as the first amino acid in proteins, and grows at 100 C. Is it a member of the Archaea, Bacteria, or Eukarya?



Archaea that release methane, a greenhouse gas (NOT EXTREME)


Archaea that thrive in very hot environments, such as volcanic springs.

Plants are members of the eukaryotic supergroup ________ , and their closest relatives are _________.

Archaeplastida; charophyte green algae.

Where would female gametes be produced in Bryophytes?


The scala naturae, or scale of nature, is based on the ideas of __________.


Which of the following would NOT be considered a good (i.e. beneficial to humans) role for bacteria?

As pathogens

Other uses for PSMs

Atropine Digitalin Menthol Quinine Taxol Tubocurarine Vinblastine

A population of predatory spiders fluctuates over generations between having a majority that build webs in trees to catch flying insects and a majority that build webs on the ground to catch walking insects. What is the type of selection that causes this fluctuation called? A.Stabilizing B.Balancing C.Directional D.Artificial E. Disruptive


Which of the following pairs would be an example of homologous structures? A. The leg of a bird and the leg of an ant B.The nose of a human and the trunk of an elephant C.The arm of a monkey and the arm of an octopus D.The wings of a bat and the wings of a dragonfly


Which gymnosperm phylum is characterized by large cones and fern-like leaves and thrived during the Mesozoic?


Darwin originally defined evolution as _____. A. the passing of acquired characteristics to offspring B. an individual's ability to adapt to its environment C. descent with modification D. a way to classify organisms based on morphological similarities E. None of the listed responses is correct.


Which of the following is NOT evidence that supports the theory of evolution? A. Some distantly-related organisms have very similar characteristics in similar habitats B.Changes in bacterial characteristics in a matter of weeks to months C.Organisms tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support D.Fossils of organisms from ~250 mya can be found in both South America and Africa


A major increase in different types of animal body plans in the fossil record, which is demonstrated by the Burgess Shale, happened during which geologic period?


Diversifying characteristics of protists


Radioisotope dating

Carbon (14C to 14N) - 5730 yr - 100-30,000 yr Uranium (235U to 207Pb) - 710 million yr - 10 million - 4.5 billion yr Potassium (40K to 40Ar) - 1.3 billion yr - 100,000 - 4.5 billion yr Uranium (238U to 206Pb) - 4.5 billion yr - 10 million - 4.5 billion yr

Choose the list below that contains the substances required by typical nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.

Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water, light, and some minerals

During what period did seedless vascular plants form extensive forests of tall trees?



Cell wall of prokaryotes, but NOT ARCHAEA. Made of a sugar polymer and polypeptide.


Cells that do not contain nuclei (bacteria and archaea)

Trypanosoma cruzi

Chagas disease transferred by insect bites

Excavata examples

Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi) Sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma brucei) Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia)

How does natural selection fashion organisms?

Chance and the environment interact with natural selection, so that the best available traits are selected for.


Change in a gene/genes from one generation to the next SMALL SCALE

Plate movement

Changes in: -climate -atmosphere -land size -flooding -glaciation -volcanic activity -meteor impact

Derived character

Character evolved in lineage ancestral to group of multiple lineages -sets these lineages apart from others

Closest relative to land plants




Which of the following is the correct order from most ancient lineage to most current lineage?

Charophytes, bryophytes, lycophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms

Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs)

Chemicals produced by plants that are not directly related to growth, development, or reproduction Generally used as protection against HERBIVORES

In an experiment, a microbiologist put equal numbers of each of the following organisms into a flask of sterile broth, consisting mostly of sugar and a few amino acids. She then placed the flask in the dark. Which of the following organisms would be most likely to survive?

Chemoheterotrophic bacteria

Which organism from Kingdom Protista is most closely related to animals?


Which protist group is thought to be most closely related to animals?


Which of the following is not a structure used for locomotion in protists?

Cilia Flagella Pseudopodia Undulating membrane

Which of the following are groups included in the protists?

Ciliates Brown algae Diatoms Forams

The following are descriptive characteristic forms of bacterial colonies

Circular Filamentous Rhizoid

Hox genes

Class of homeotic genes. Changes in these genes can have a profound impact on morphology.

Chlorophyta (green algae)

Close relatives to plants Contain same type of plastids and photosynthetic pigments as land plants Occur in fresh waters, ocean, and land Most are photosynthetic Can be unicellular/multicellular/colonial


Combination from SAME individual

Which of the following is a conifer?

Common juniper Longleaf pine European larch Sequoia

Plant diversity

Compare and contrast the relative importance of the sporophyte vs gametophyte generation between nonvascular plants (bryophytes), seedless vascular plants and seed plants Explain how seeds and pollen are adaptations that seed plants have for arid environment

Bacterial capsule

Composed of chemicals not recognized as foreign Slippery and difficult for phagocytes to engulf

Which of the following are manners in which horizontal gene transfer generally occurs in bacteria?

Conjugation Transduction Transformation


Contain microsporangia -can be carried by WIND/WATER -excellent DISPERSAL ability


Contain vascular tissue, xylem and phloem and produce leaves and sporangia

Endospore function

Copy of chromosome surrounded by multilayered structure Water removed from it (no metabolism) ORIGINAL CELL LYSES Endospore can survive EXTREME temperatures for CENTURIES

How to calculate allele frequency

Count the number of individuals for a specific trait and divide by the total number of individuals.

How to calculate genotype frequency

Count the number of individuals with genotype and divide by all possible genotypes

Beetle flowers

Cream/greenish SMALL, OPEN flowers

Which clade of archaea includes most of the extreme thermophiles?


Which of the following would allow an individual plant to best increase its genetic diversity in following generations?

Cross-pollination with animal dispersal

Gram stain process

Crystal violet dye enters the cell Iodine complexes with crystal violet If thick peptidoglycan layer -> gram positive (purple) If thin layer of peptidoglycan -> gram negative (red/pink)

Which gymnosperm phylum below is characterized by large cones and fern-like leaves and thrived during the Mesozoic?


Prokaryote evolution

Describe the ecological roles of prokaryotes, including as producers, decomposers, nitrogen fixers, pathogens, and parts of symbioses

Plants evolutionary adaptations

Describe the importance of lignin and vascular structures as an adaptation for land life in vascular plants

Evolution of animals and plants

Describe the process of coevolution between land plants and animals (angiosperms and pollinators, angiosperms and fruit eaters, seed plants and herbivores)


Describe the unifying characteristics of protists Explain how protists can be classified by ecological role, habitat and motility

Where is the micropyle located?


Which of the following did Darwin and Wallace NOT observe? A. Populations usually left more offspring than the environment could sustain B.There is generally variation in populations C.Individuals with advantageous adaptations tend to produce more offspring D.Adaptations in one generation are generally lost in the next generation


Which of the following is NOT one of the four proposed stages of biochemical evolution? A.Protocells form when polymers are enclosed in membranes B.Small molecules form macromolecules by joining C.Nucleotides and amino acids form D.Macromolecules self-replicate


Ecological change of seedless plants

DECAY-RESISTANT compared to water species -Carbon stored in plants -Reduced CO2 in air -Increased soil organic content -Released O2

What are bacteria good for?

Decomposing Breaking down organic organisms Nitrogen fixation Sewage treatment Probiotics Bioremediation

Archesplastida evolution

Describe the basic traits, ecological roles and evolutionary relationships of chlorophytes, rhodophytes, and plants

How plants colonized land

Describe the derived characteristics present in land plants that are absent in their nearest algal relatives (alternation of generations, multicellular dependent embryo, walled spores produced in sporangia, multicellular gametangia, apical meristems) Illustrate the alternation of generation (sporic life cycle) of land plants

Who is considered the father of paleontology?

Georges Cuvier

Origin of life

Earth is 4.6 billion years old, Life 3.5-4 bya conditions of early Earth: 1. reducing environment 2. gases like H2O, CO, CO2, N2, but no O2 3. lightning and radiation steps to life: 1. macromolcules- the 4 types formed 2. proteinoids- polypeptides formed by abiotic synthesis 3. protobionts- microspheres are droplets of proteinoids, liposomes are balls of lipids, coacervates are more complex 4. ssRNA- self-replicating, catalyzed by ribozymes 5. DNA- switched since more stable

Which structures are haploid? Select all that apply.

Egg Gametophyte Spores

Apical meristems

Embryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and in the buds of shoots that supplies cells for the plant to grow in length.


Encased in intricate SILICA SHELLS Most abundant primary producer in marine systems BOOM/BUST Partially responsible for RED TIDE

Charles Darwin

English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)

Which organism is unicellular and possesses a feeding groove?

Euglena spp.

Which domain of life does not include prokaryotes?


Which of the following domains consists of all the organisms whose cells have true nuclei?


What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

Eukaryotes have membrane-bound organelles and prokaryotes do not


Eukaryotes that are not classified as plants, animals, or fungi, though some protists are closely related to these taxa

Protists are best described as which of the following?

Eukaryotes that are not plants, animals, or fungi

All protists are _____.


Which of the following characteristics apply to ALL species in Kingdom Protista?


Unifying characteristics of protists

Eukaryotic Can reproduce asexually Live in moist habitats

Given the phylogenetic tree below, which taxon is most closely related to the Chiroptera?


Taxa of domain archaea

Euryarchaeotes Thaumarchaeotes Aigarchaeotes Crenarchaeotes Korarchaeotes

In the context of populations, how do we define evolution?

Evolution is a change in a population's allele frequencies over generations.

Evolution concept

Evolution works at the level of the individual, but evolution occurs in populations -many species +large ranges +distinct pop


Evolutionary history of a species

Which one of these does not belong to the "SAR" supergroup?


Miller-Urey Experiment

Experiment that found that organic molecules can form in a strongly reducing atmosphere.

Plant adaptations

Explain adaptations of land plants to the terrestrial environment: new tissue formed at meristems, cuticle, stomata, tough-walled spores, structures that allow reproduction on land


Explain general morphology (shapes, cell wall types) and environmental responses

Plants and humans

Explain how plants are essential for human survival -no group of plants is more important to human survival than seed plants -plants are key sources of food, fuel, wood products, and medicine -our reliance on seed plants makes preservation of plant diversity critical

Earth and plants

Explain how the appearance and spread of seedless plants transformed the Earth's ecology

Angiosperms and evolutionary history

Explain the characteristics of angiosperms and adaptive value of these characteristics

Gymnosperms and taxa

Explain the characteristics of gymnosperms, including their major taxa, and the adaptive value of these characteristics

The process of fertilization

Explain the process of fertilization in seed plants


Extensive deposits of undecayed organic material formed primarily from the wetland moss Sphagnum.

When a bacterial donor cell has a plasmid that contains the fertility factor, we call it a(n) _______ cell. When it has the F factor incorporated into its chromosome, we call it a(n) ________ cell.

F+ Hfr

Archaeans are much more common and ubiquitous than Bacteria. They are found pretty much everywhere on Earth.


Fruits are produced by angiosperms to give nutrition to the embryo.


Gymnosperms seeds are typically dispersed by animals.


Many cyanobacteria exist as single cells and not as filaments or colonies.


Members of the Phylum Rhizaria belong to the Supergroup Excavata.


Protists are a monophyletic group.


The Gram stain is a type of simple stain.


The ovary of the flower develops into the seeds while the ovules develop into the fruits.


Suppose an efficient conducting system evolved in a moss that could transport water and other materials as high as a tall tree. Which of the following statements about "trees" of such a species would not be true?

Females could produce only one archegonium.

In the Lake Victoria cichlids, what appears to be contributing to fusion of different species?

Females have a difficult time visually selecting males of the same species in the murky, polluted water.

Eukaryotic sexual reproduction

First arose in protists Generally adaptive - INCREASED GENE DIVERSITY Gametic, sporic, and zygotic life cycles

_____________________ is an example of a parasitic excavate that is found in feces-contaminated water and can cause diarrhea, fever, cramps, and vomiting.


Giardia lamblia

Giardiasis from drinking contaminated water


Give NUTRITION to developing embryo Enticement for SEED DISPERSAL

Directional Selection

Form of natural selection in which the entire curve moves; occurs when individuals at one end of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at the other end of the curve


Form of relocation diffusion involving permanent move to a new location.

Behavioral isolation

Form of reproductive isolation in which two populations have differences in courtship rituals or other types of behavior that prevent them from interbreeding

Cast fossils

Forms when a mold is filled with sand or mud that hardens int other shape of an organism

If a cyanobacterium is engulfed via endosymbiosis and it then has two membranes around it inside the engulfing cell and then that cell gets engulfed, the plastid will have three membranes. Using this logic, if it were engulfed one more time, how many membranes should it have around it?


Characteristics of SPIROCHETES

Free living/host bound

Evolutionary history of plants

From ALGAE, probably originated from a photosynthetic protist ancestor having a relatively complex body Either CHARA/COLEOCHAETE are modern protists most closely related to ancient land plants Complex charophytes share several derived traits with land plants




From Curare tree MUSCLE RELAXANT




From Periwinkle LEUKEMIA DRUG


From eucalyptus tree THROAT SOOTHER




From the belladonna plant EYE PUPIL DILATOR

Distinguishing bryophyte features

GAMETOPHYTE generation DOMINANT Sporophytes dependent on gametophyte (SMALL AND SHORT LIVED) NONVASCULAR NO transport tissues Little structural support


GREEN ALGAE - close relatives of plants - bright green chloroplast (bc of chlorophyll a) - not many accessory pigments (usually bright green color) - stores starch - can have holocarpic reproduction • all cells differentiate into gametes → dissipate → left behind with skeleton - have flagella - isokont - same composition & length - least speciose in ocean

Dr. McCleary gets excited when talking about plants and keeps interchanging "gametophyte" and "sporophyte." So, which of the following is correct?

Gametophytes undergo mitosis and produce haploid gametes

At which point in the adaptation of a population is it clear that speciation has occurred?

Gene pool changes establish reproductive barriers between two populations.

Universal phylogenetic trees built from different genes sometimes give inconsistent results. What basic assumption on which phylogenetic trees are based has probably been violated during the history of life?

Genes are passed vertically from one generation to the next.

Which of the following modes of evolution is caused by random events?

Genetic drift

The modern idea of extinction as a common occurrence in Earth's history was first proposed in the early 19th century writings of __________

Georges Cuvier

What is the structural feature of gram-positive bacteria that results in their retaining a crystal violet dye stain and thereby being distinguished from gram-negative bacteria in a Gram-stain technique?

Gram-positive bacteria have thicker cell walls.

Heterozygote advantage

Greater reproductive success of heterozygous individuals compared to homozygotes; tends to preserve variation in gene pools. EX: Sickle-cell anemia (in areas where malaria is prevalent) +CaCa normal +CaCs adaptive +CsCs sickle


Group of microorganisms that stick to each other (basically a micro ecosystem)

Sister taxa

Groups of organisms that share an immediate common ancestor and hence are each other's closest relatives.

Phylogenetic tree concept

HYPOTHESIS of relationships


Haploid, or gamete-producing, phase of an organism


Having male and female reproductive organs in separate plants or animals

Which of the following is a true statement about Charles Darwin?

He proposed natural selection as the mechanism of evolution.

The term for an organism having two types of spores (male and female) is:


The lethal genetic disorder Tay-Sachs disease occurs in individuals with two copies of a recessive allele of the responsible gene. Which of the following statements is true?

Heterozygous individuals will survive and may pass the recessive allele on to their offspring.


Highly diverse Some disease-causing Decomposers Source of antibiotics

paralogous genes

Homologous genes that are found in the same genome as a result of gene duplication. DIVERGE IN SAME SPECIES

Homology vs. Analogy

Homology is similarity due to shared ancestry Analogy is similarity due to convergent evolution

A character that is found in a group of organisms (a taxon) but not in that group's common ancestor is called a(n):


What are the developmental genes called that can cause drastic changes in body plan?

Hox genes

Artificial selection

Human manipulation to change species

What process has the opposite result to dehydration synthesis?


RNA world hypothesis

Hypothesis that describes how the Earth may have been filled with RNA-based life before it became filled with the DNA-based life we see today.

Protists and supergroups

Identify members of each of the four eukaryotic supergroups based on image/description

Which of the following would make an organism more likely to be found as a fossil?

If it was abundant when it existed

Evolution and adaptation in plants

Illustrate the phylogenetic relationships among the major groups of plants, including the points on the tree where major adaptations appeared, such as ovaries, pollen, vessels, seeds, flowers, leaves, and roots, etc.

What is the main difference between the life cycles of members of Phylum Bryophyta and Phylum Pteridophyta?

In Phylum Bryophyta, the gametophyte generation is dominant; whereas in Phylum Pteridophyta, the sporophyte generation is dominant.


In bacteria, the direct transfer of DNA between two cells that are temporarily joined. TRANSFER OF GENETIC MATERIAL THROUGH PILI

Consider the characteristics of moss and fern life cycles. Which of the following sets of statements is true?

In mosses, the gametophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle; in ferns, the sporophyte is the dominant stage of the life cycle. In both mosses and ferns, moisture is required for sperm to reach the egg.

Which is a key difference between alternation of generations in plants and sexual reproduction in nonplant organisms?

In plants, the haploid and diploid stages are both multicellular.

Pollen grain

In seed plants, a structure consisting of the male gametophyte enclosed within a pollen wall.


In seedless vascular plants, the production of just one type of spore.


Includes ANIMAL AND FUNGAL kingdoms and related protists Named for single posters flagellum on swimming cells Choanoflagellates

Imagine that part of a population of South American finches is blown by a storm onto an island far offshore and manages to survive and reproduce there for a period of 10,000 years. After that period, a climate change results in lower sea levels and the reconnection of the island with the mainland. Members of the formerly isolated island finch population can now interact freely with members of the original mainland population. Which of the following observations would, by itself, lead you to conclude unequivocally that the island finch population had evolved into a distinct species, according to the biological species concept?

Individuals from the different populations sometimes mate with each other, but all of the resulting eggs are sterile.

Transduction Process

Insertion of bacterial DNA through a virus

When members of the same sex in a particular species compete for mating opportunities, it is called:

Intrasexual selection

Boiga irregularis on Guam

Invasion -after WWII (1945-1952) accidentally moved to Guam via ships/airplane landing gear -no native predators -lots of native prey

Which of the following statements about transformation is true?

It can be facilitated by cell-surface proteins that recognize compatible DNA.

The "dots" on the underside of a fern frond are spore cases; therefore, what is true of the plant to which the frond belongs?

It is a sporophyte.

The idea of using molecules as clocks to time evolutionary events is very attractive, but there are many problems in actually applying the technique. What seems to be the best way to get reliable results?

It is important to use as many genes as possible. With this approach, fluctuations in evolutionary rate will tend to average out.

When a protist is called an "algae", what does that mean?

It is photosynthetic

If you found out you had a bacterial infection, and the doctor told you it was of the species Kleptobacillus, what could you say for certain about the bacteria?

It is rod shaped

What is the purpose of the Safranin in a gram stain?

It is the counterstain which turns gram negative bacteria pink

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

It is thought that mitochondria were originally aerobic bacteria that were engulfed by a cell with an endomembrane system without being destroyed

What is the purpose of heat-fixing the bacteria onto the slide in a gram stain?

It kills the cells and makes them stick to the slide

Which of the following is one of the main weaknesses of the proposed classification scheme in which all eukaryotes are divided into five supergroups?

It shows all five supergroups diverging simultaneously from a common ancestor.

Which of the following is one of the main weaknesses of the proposed classification scheme in which all eukaryotes are divided into four supergroups?

It shows all four supergroups diverging simultaneously from a common ancestor.

Which statement is true regarding cholera?

Its symptoms are caused by an exotoxin that stimulates intestinal cells to release chloride ions into the gut.

What about evolution of life?

Jean Baptiste Lamark and gradual BIOLOGICAL change

Example of Algae (ecological role)

KELP: photosynthetic algae

Taxonomy mnemonic

King Phillip Came Over for Goof Spaghetti


Kingdom PLANTAE (land plants) Multicellular eukaryotic organisms composed of cells having PLASTIDS Evolved from green algal ancestors that lived in aquatic habitats Distinguished from algal relatives by adaptations to terrestrial life

Taxonomy order

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


LARGER organism in a symbiotic relationship

Terrestrial adaptation

LESS RELIANCE ON WATER Some traits from charophyte ancestor Novel features: -MERISTEMS -SPORIC life cycle -TOUGH-WALLED SPORES -SPOROPHYTE DOMINANT

Bryophytes: mosses

LIVERWORTS, HORNWORTS, MOSSES Each phylum is MONOPHYLETIC Common structural, reproductive, and ecological features Models of earliest terrestrial plants Features ABSENT in CHAROPHYTES, but PRESENT in PLANTS Likely early adaptations to land SPORIC LIFE CYCLE w/ ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS

Question 24:Comparison of human fossils with living humans seems to show that there have been no significant physical changes in Homo sapiens in 30,000 to 50,000 years. What might an advocate of punctuated equilibrium say about this?

Lack of change is consistent with the punctuated equilibrium model.




Larger changes -phenotype -speciation


Largest protists Can form forests in temperate marine areas

Waxy cuticle

Layer on the surface of the leaf which reduces water loss -Thicker on the upper surface Also REDUCES PATHOGEN ATTACK


Leaflike parts that cover and protect the flower bud

Diseases caused by gram positive bacteria

Leprosy, tuberculosis, anthrax, botulism

Adaptations of land plants


Mass extinction due to meteor crash

Less sunlight penetration Many species died off

Which of the following chemical equations summarizes the reactions in photosynthesis?

Light Energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Xylem cells are structurally supported by what substance?


Seedless plants change Earth's surface

Literally CHANGE the ECOLOGICAL CLIMATE Ecological change (decay-resistant) Buffering capacity Climate change

3D Tissues in plants

Lowers SA/volume ration REDUCES WATER LOSS

Which of the following is the correct taxonomic name for the African forest elephant?

Loxodonta cyclotis

Which of the following taxa does NOT belong to the Bryophytes?


Categories of LEAVES

Lycophytes Monilophytes

Monocot vs eudicot

MONOCOT embryo: 1 cotyledon leaf venation: parallel stems: vascular tissue scattered roots: fibrous root system pollen: pollen grain w/ 1 opening flowers: floral organs in multiples of 3 EUDICOT: embryo: 2 cotyledons leaf venation: netlike stems: vascular tissue arranged in ring roots: has taproot (main root) pollen: pollen grain w/ 3 openings flowers: flowers in multiples of 4 or 5


Made up of more than one cell.

Natural Selection

Main process of evolution -organisms better adapted to an environment tend to produce more offspring -traits must be heritable -must have variation in pop

F factor chromosome transfer

Makes Hfr -high frequency of reproduction

Which of the following is a key observation that must be explained in a unifying theory about life?

Many basic characteristics are shared by all living things.


Many forms

Why have protists been "mixed in" with plants, animals, and fungi under the hypothesis that groups eukaryotes into five supergroups?

Many protists are more closely related to plants, animals, or fungi than they are to each other and recent evidence makes it clear that the former kingdom Protista was paraphyletic.

Commercial uses for brown algae

Medical devices Food


Megasporangium retained in parent sporophyte

Basal angiosperms

Member of a clade of three early-diverging lineages of flowering plants. Examples are Amborella, water lilies, and star anise and its relatives.


Member of the largest gymnosperm phylum. Most conifers are cone-bearing trees, such as pines and firs.

Population taxonomy

Members of species in one location at one time

These cyanobacteria only divide in two dimensions so they form flat, grid-like sheets.




Less reliance on gametophyte

Miniaturization Gametophytes develop from spores

Which type of genetic material would be the best to examine in order to detect differences in two organisms that diverged recently?

Mitochondrial DNA, because it changes the most rapidly

Which of the following is NOT a mode of bacterial horizontal gene transfer? Conjugation Mitosis Transformation Transduction



Mixing of species that seem to be on different evolutionary trajectories

Molecular clock

Model that uses DNA comparisons to estimate the length of time that two species have been evolving independently

Secondary metabolite

Molecule that is produced by an organism but does not play any known role in its metabolism. Some serve as defense against predation.

Flowers (Monocot vs Eudicot)

Monocot: Floral organs usually in multiples of THREE Eudicot: Floral organs usually in multiples of FOUR/FIVE

Embryos (Monocot vs Eudicot)

Monocot: ONE cotyledon Eudicot: TWO cotyledon

Pollen (Monocot vs Eudicot)

Monocot: Pollen grain with ONE opening Eudicot: Pollen grain with THREE openings

Climate change

More forests (vascular plants), CO2 dropped (Carboniferous) O2 increased SEED plants became DOMINANT Non-seed plants lost a lot of species

Species taxonomy

Most (almost) narrow organizational level +members of the same species can interbreed

2 common characteristics of protists

Most abundant in MOIST habitats Most are MICROSCOPIC

Rhodophyta (red algae)

Most are MULTICELLULAR marine macroalgae Red appearance due to distinctive photosynthetic pigments - PHYCOERYTHRINS

Moth flowers

Mostly white, some red/purple Various shapes OPEN corolla OPEN at NIGHT STRONGLY scented


Move using PSEUDOPODIA Includes SLIME MOLDS Some free-living, some parasites

Gene flow

Movement of alleles into or out of a population due to the migration of individuals to or from the population


Movement toward or away from a stimulus.

In rice farming, the fields are flooded with Azolla (mosquito fern) between crops. Why do you suppose this is done?

Mutualistic cyanobacteria of Azolla fix nitrogen for future crops.

Obligate anaerobes

O2 is toxic

Lake Victoria, in Africa, is home to a group of related fishes known as cichlids. Many of these fishes are similar in appearance but have different feeding habits. What is the best method for scientists to determine conclusively whether the fish are members of a population that has a lot of variation or members of entirely different species?

Observe the fish in their natural environment for possible instances of interbreeding leading to several generations of fertile offspring.


One or more closely related genera


One or more closely related species


One population moves

Non-random mating

One sex selecting a trait in the other -traits selected for

Pollination - fertilization

One sperm fertilizes the egg cell becomes the diploid zygote grows via mitosis to become the embryo SELF FERTILIZATION CROSS POLLINATION

Which of the following statements is not true?

Only bacteria have histones associated with DNA.

Charophyte algae: zygotic life cycle

Only diploid cell is zygote Only a few haploid spores are produced PER ZYGOTE

Of the following, which is a difference in how reproduction occurs in gymnosperms compared to angiosperms?

Only the sperm of angiosperms combine with two central cell nuclei to form triploid endosperm.

What insight did Darwin gain from reading Thomas Malthus's essay on human suffering?

Organisms have the capacity to produce more offspring than the environment can support.


Organisms that make their own food

Because he was well aware of the effect his theory of evolution would have on the public and on the Church of England, Darwin delayed publishing his work for several decades while he gathered additional evidence. After invoking selective breeding of domesticated species as evidence that groups of organisms are capable of change, he then proposed that natural populations can change as well. On which two lines of evidence did he base this proposal?

Organisms within a population vary, and all populations produce more offspring than can be supported by the environment, resulting in competition for survival within the population.


Organs where gametes are formed Protects developing gametes from desiccation and microbial attack Zygotes remain sheltered and fed

Plastids in green and red algae

Originated through PRIMARY ENDOSYMBIOSIS HETEROTROPHIC HOSTS captured cyanobacteria via PHAGOCYTOSIS but did not digest them Massive HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER

What Phylum(s) belongs to the Supergroup Unikonta?

Phylum Amoebozoa Phylum Mycetozoa

All angiosperms belong to which phylum?

Phylum Anthophyta

Which phylum of plants is the most abundant on Earth today?

Phylum Anthophyta

Which of the following phyla is NOT included in the group gymnosperms?

Phylum Lycophyta

Slime molds

Physarum Dictyostelium

What is lateral gene transfer?

Physical transfer of a gene from a species in one lineage to a species in another lineage.

__________ is a protist that causes late blight of potatoes and was responsible for the Irish potato famine of the 19th century.

Phytophthora infestans


Plankton Phytoplankton Zooplankton Seaweeds/macroalgae

Vascular tissue

Plant tissue consisting of cells joined into tubes that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant body.

Which of the following statements about algae and plants is true?

Plants have a waxy, waterproof cuticle, and algae do not.

How are bryophytes and seedless vascular plants alike?

Plants in both groups have vascular tissue.

Bacterial genetic mixing

Plasmids transfer small pieces of DNA

Which of the following is a trait of gymnosperms?

Pollen Ovule Tracheids

Which plant adaptation were important in helping plants become less reliant on water?

Pollen Vascular tissues Waxy cuticle

Which of the following statements regarding pollen is true?

Pollen contains the male gametophyte


Pollen germination on STIGMA Tube nucleus from pollen forms POLLEN TUBE Generative cell (n) divides into 2 sperm (n) Sperm travel down tube into MICROPYLE One sperm (n) fuses with egg (n) to make ZYGOTE (2n) One sperm (n) fuses with 2 POLAR NUCLEI (each n) to form the ENDOSPERM (3n)

Which of the following is not true about pollen?

Pollination only occurs in angiosperms and not gymnosperms


Polysaccharide/protein layer Allows it to stick to surfaces/other bacteria


Pre-biotic molecules -aggregate -arrange in specific pattern -separate outside from inside -different internal environment Form boundary Molecules inside cell contain info Other molecules have enzymatic function Allows for self-replication

Prior to the Cambrian explosion, most animals were small and soft-bodied. What development appears to have spurred adaptations such as sharp spines, claws, and body armor (shells)?


What characteristics were used to classify organisms before Woese's tree of life analysis?

Presence of a membrane-bound nucleus

Convergent evolution

Process by which unrelated organisms independently evolve similarities when adapting to similar environments


Process that does not require oxygen


Process that requires oxygen


Produce SUGARS via photosynthesis

Which group was not described in Woese's tree of life analysis?


Which statement about prokaryotes is true?

Prokaryotes are widely used for bioremediation.

Evolution (Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes)

Prokaryotes: First appeared approximately 3.5 BYA Eukaryotes: Evolved from prokaryotes approximately 1.8 BYA

Organelles (Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes)

Prokaryotes: NO membrane-enclosed organelles Eukaryotes: HAS membrane-enclosed organelles

DNA (Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes)

Prokaryotes: Not contained w/in ANY cellular structure (nucleoid) Eukaryotes: Housed in membrane-enclosed NUCLEUS

Complexity (Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes)


Size (Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes)

Prokaryotes: SMALLER Eukaryotes: Typically 10-100x LARGER

Number of Cells (Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes)


Why is salt a good preservative to use for foods such as pork and fish?

Prokaryotic cells living in the food will shrink from their cell walls, impacting their ability to reproduce.

Phylogenetic species concept pros and cons

Pros: -can be used widely -includes fossil, asexual, cryptic, polymorphic Cons: -difficult to do (need DNA data) -how much difference is enough?

Morphological species concept pros and cons

Pros: -can be used widely Cons: -Polymorphic species may be misdiagnosed -Cryptic species may be ignored -Subjective -Convergent evolution

Biological species concept pros and cons

Pros: -sharp delineation (no breeding = different species) Cons: -What about asexual species? -Fossils? -Geographic isolation issues

Dependent, multicellular embryos

Protects developing embryo

Shared features between plants and charophytes

Proteins and enzymes Structure of FLAGELLATED sperm Details of cell division Photosynthetic pigments Cellulose-rich cell walls

Taxa of domain bacteria

Proteobacteria Chlamydias Spirochetes Cyanobacteria Gram-positive bacteria

You find a eukaryotic organisms that is not a plant, fungi, or animal. Which category should it fit in to?


Eukaryotic supergroups

Protists are represented in EACH group Some groups are ONLY protists

Which of the following statements, concerning the stages of biochemical evolution, is TRUE?

Protocells are formed from lipids aggregating and arranging in specific patterns to form a barrier between the internal and external environments


Protocells start to act like cells -simple reproduction -simple metabolism

After completing a Gram Stain, bacteria with a thick peptidoglycan layer will appear _______________and will be considered __________________________-.

Purple, gram positive

A population of worms has adult individuals that range from 10 to 25 cm in length, with the average and most prevalent (45% of individuals) length being 16 cm. A generation later, the range of length is 12 to 22 cm, with the most prevalent (56% of individuals) length being 17 cm. What type of natural selection does this indicate? (you only need to use one word)


Many protists possess a colored eye-spot, better known as a ___________.


Name stramenopiles

Strameno - straw Pila - hair

The SAR supergroup contains which 3 main sub-supergroups?

Stramenopila Alveolata Rhizaria


Study of classification of life according to evolutionary relationships


Study of classification of organisms


Study of evolutionary relationships

Population genetics

Study of genes and genotypes in populations


Study of past and present distribution of organisms

Analysis of eukaryotic supergroups

Summarize the basic traits and ecological roles of brown algae, diatoms, and dinoflagellates

The largest species in Kingdom Protista belongs to what supergroup?

Supergroup Stramenopila

TACK history

Superphylum, original split between eukarya and archaea

Besides the Prebiotic Soup model of how organic molecules formed, there is one more model. It is the __ __ model

Surface metabolism

The analytical approach to understanding the diversity and relatedness of both extant and extinct organisms is called __________.


A seed is a dormant embryo embedded into the nutrient tissue of the female gametophyte and is surrounded by a seed coat.


Diatoms are unicellular algae that possess a cell wall made of silicon dioxide


Dicots have two cotyledons.


Green algae are more closely related to plants than they are to kelp.


Like Plankton from SpongeBob, Chlamydomonas has one singular eyespot known as the stigma.


Liverworts can reproduce asexually via fragmentation or gemmae cups.


Members of the Phylum Rhodophyta (red algae) are red due to the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin.


Pollination is when pollen is transferred from one plant to another while fertilization is when the sperm and egg come together to form an embryo.


Rhodospirillum rubrum are red under anoxic conditions and turn clear when exposed to oxygenated environments.


The Cabbage Palm, commonly found in Florida, Have leaves with parallel venation. This means that they are a monocot.


How to avoid self-fertilization

Temporal avoidance spatial avoidance self-incompatibility

On some areas of the seafloor, one could observe an "ooze" that is hundreds of meters thick. What creates this ooze?

Test the dead radiolarians


Thaumarchaeotes Aigarchaeotes Crenarchaeotes Korarchaeotes


The ability of a seed plant to reject its own pollen and sometimes the pollen of closely related individuals.

Which example below is a correct statement about Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, a bacterium that lives in the human intestines?

The bacteria have a mutualistic relationship with the human body.

donor cell (bacterial donor)

The bacterial cell that is the source of DNA transferred to a recipient cell by either conjugation, transduction, or transformation.

How does continental drift affect speciation?

The breaking apart of landmasses or the change in configuration of ocean basins promotes allopatric speciation. The closing of an ocean basin represents an enormous loss of habitat that can wipe out some species. Climate change associated with mountain building and plates moving to different latitudes creates new niches for some organisms and wipes out other organisms. The joining of previously separated habitats may produce a hybrid zone or establish competition among previously isolated populations.

Which of the following characteristics is a reason why a Gram-stain to distinguish gram-positive from gram-negative bacteria is an important tool in a medical diagnosis of a bacterial infection?

The cell walls of many gram-negative bacteria are toxic. The outer membrane of a gram-negative bacterium helps protect it from the body's defenses. Certain gram-positive bacteria are resistant to antibiotics.

What is a difference between the cell walls of prokaryotes and the cell walls of eukaryotes?

The cell walls of prokaryotes are made of molecules different from those comprising the cell walls of eukaryotes.

What global change occurring between the Carboniferous period and the Permian period likely contributed to the success of the gymnosperms?

The climate became drier and warmer.

Primary endosymbiosis

The engulfment of a cyanobacterium by a larger eukaryotic cell that gave rise to the first photosynthetic eukaryotes with chloroplasts.

Embryo sac

The female gametophyte of angiosperms, formed from the growth and division of the megaspore into a multicellular structure that typically has eight haploid nuclei.


The female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.

Allopatric speciation

The formation of new species in populations that are geographically isolated from one another. DIFFERENT PLACES, dispersal and vicariance

Sympatric speciation

The formation of new species in populations that live in the same geographic area SAME PLACE, disruptive selection, habitat differentiation, sexual selection, polyploidy

Which one of the following is true of seed plants, but NOT true of seedless plants?

The gametophyte is reduced and dependent on the sporophyte.

Which of the following best describes how the breakup of Pangaea affected evolution?

The geographic isolation of populations that had previously coexisted led to speciation.

If the diploid chromosome number of a sexually-reproducing species is 58, which of the following statements is true?

The haploid chromosome number is 29.

What is the evolutionary significance of orthologous genes?

The high percentage of orthologous genes found in vastly different organisms emphasizes the many biochemical and developmental pathways shared by all organisms.

Continental drift

The hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations

What magnification should you start on when viewing a slide?

The lowest one so you can find the specimen easily


The mature gamete-producing structure of a moss gametophyte.

Which of the following is a trait unique to land plants?

Walled spores produced in sporangia

Tertiary endosymbiosis

The mechanism by which some eukaryotes acquired the capacity for photosynthesis; for example, a dinoflagellate that apparently lost its chloroplast became photosynthetic by engulfing another protist that had acquired a chloroplast through secondary endosymbiosis.

How do trypanosomes withstand the attack of a host's immune system?

The molecular composition of their surface changes continually.

Based on the phylogenetic tree in Figure 28.2, which of the following statements is correct?

The most basal (first to diverge) eukaryotic supergroup cannot be determined.

Birds and mammals have a four-chambered heart, but most reptiles have a three-chambered heart. How does this fact affect the construction of phylogenetic trees for these groups?

The most likely tree is not always the most parsimonious.

Which statement below is true of parsimonious trees?

The most parsimonious tree requires the fewest evolutionary events to have occurred in the form of shared derived characters.

Which statement below is true about an outgroup?

The outgroup should be from a lineage known to have diverged before the lineage that includes the ingroup.


The physical splitting of a population into smaller, isolated populations by a geographic barrier. SOMETHING SEPARATES POPS

F plasmid

The plasmid form of the F factor cells that contain this function as DNA donors during conjugation; F+ cells transfer DNA to F- recipients; chromosomal genes can be transferred during conjugation when donor cell's F factor is integrated into chromosome

In lab class, a plasmodial slime mold is used as a demonstration organism. One of the students does not understand why this organism is not considered multicellular. How would you explain it to her?

The plasmodium is undivided by membranes and contains many diploid nuclei; therefore, it is not technically multicellular.


The pollen-producing male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an anther and filament.

A population of zooplankton is exposed to a small number of predatory fish that feed on the larger-sized (adult) zooplankton. Which of the following predictions would most likely occur based on the principles of natural selection?

The population will come to contain adult zooplankton that reach sexual maturity when they are still relatively small.

Adaptations to reduce water loss

Waxy cuticle Stomata 3D Tissues

Embryonic development

The process by which the embryo is formed and develops, until it develops into a fetus.

Which statement is true for all sexually reproducing plants and animals?

The process of meiosis produces haploid cells.

Which of the following observations about flagella is accurate and is consistent with the scientific conclusion that the flagella from eukaryotes and bacteria evolved independently?

The protein structure and the mechanism of movement in eukaryotes flagella are different from those of bacteria flagella

radial symmetry

The quality of having many lines of symmetry that all pass through a central point.

If all prokaryotes on Earth suddenly vanished, which of the following would be the most likely and most direct result?

The recycling of nutrients would be greatly reduced, at least initially.

Which example below is evidence provided by living gymnosperms of an evolutionary transition between seedless and seed plants?

The sperm of some gymnosperms have flagella.


The technical term for a cluster of sporophylls known commonly as a cone, found in most gymnosperms and some seedless vascular plants.

Plate tectonics

The theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle.


The transfer of pollen from male reproductive structures to female reproductive structures in plants

Zygotic life cycle

The type of life cycle of most unicellular protists in which haploid cells develop into gametes. Two gametes then fuse to produce a diploid zygote

The breeding of plants and animals for particular traits by humans is called __________.

artificial selection

Which of the following statements regarding the diversity and abundance of bacteria is accurate?

There are more bacterial cells in a human body than human cells. Bacteria can be found in all environments on Earth. There are more bacteria species than all animal species combined.

How many genes must change in order to form a new species?

There is no set number of genes or loci that produces a new species. Genetic and environmental factors interact.

Many parasitic members of the excavates lack plastids and have highly reduced mitochondria. Which of the following statements explains these observations?

These parasites live in dark, low-oxygen conditions and therefore loss of genes for plastids and mitochondria did not result in lower fitness

What would be good indicators of plant-like protist in the pond water samples?

They are green and mostly sedentary

What did Darwin observe about species on islands?

They are often closely related to species from the nearest mainland or neighboring islands.

Immature seed cones of conifers are usually green before pollination, and flowers of grasses are inconspicuously colored. What does this indicate about their pollination?

They are probably wind pollinated

Which of the following is/are true about R plasmids?

They can be transferred from one bacterium to another via conjugation. They can carry several resistance genes.

What is the role of heterocysts in a cyanobacterial filament?

They carry out only nitrogen fixation

Why are neutral mutations the best for tracking using molecular clocks?

They don't affect the fitness of the organism

What evidence supports the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids evolved from prokaryotic endosymbionts?

They have a single circular chromosome similar to bacterial chromosomes. Their ribosomes are more like prokaryotic ribosomes than eukaryotic ribosomes.

Which of the following is a difference between bacteria and archaea?

They have different chemicals in their cell membranes and cell walls.

What is the evolutionary significance of paralogous genes?

They increase the size of the genome and provide more opportunity for the evolution of novel characteristics.

What is the evolutionary significance of megaphylls?

They increase the surface area for photosynthesis.

What ecological role do nitrogen fixing bacteria play in the environment?

They transform atmospheric nitrogen to a form that other organisms can use

The closest seedless relatives of seed plants produce one kind of spore that gives rise to a bisexual gametophyte. What does this suggest about the ancestors of seed plants?

They were homosporous

If left alone (no input from humans), which of the following is true about land plants?

They will store carbon dioxide in warmer climates and lower environmental temperatures

You are watching a movie in which one of the characters excitedly claims to have found human remains in Asia dated at 10 million years old. The date was obtained by carbon-14 dating. What is your reaction?

This can't possibly be true because carbon-14 dating can only be used back to about 75,000 years.

Which of the following organisms is most closely related to the ancestor of modern amphibians?


The time interval between speciation events is typically __________.

Times between speciation events vary widely and depend on generation times, causes of speciation, environmental factors, and chance.

What is the function of a bacterial endospore?

To facilitate persistence in temporarily harsh environments

Commercial uses of diatoms

Toothpaste, polishes Pest control Filter packing

During periods of rapid environmental change, what may happen to a species that was well-suited to the former environment?

Traits that were favorable in the original environment may be detrimental in the new environment. The species may go extinct. Individuals with particular traits that provide an advantage in the new environment will have higher reproductive success. The population may change so much in adapting to the new environment that it is considered a new species.

Which of the following mechanisms is/are (a) means of genetic recombination in prokaryotes?

Transformation Transduction Conjugation

Pine life cycle components

Tree is the SPOROPHYTE Two types of sporangia (2 types of cones) -POLLEN CONE -OVULATE CONE

Disease causing SPIROCHETES

Treponema pallidum (syphillis) Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease)

True or false - embryonic dolphins have back limbs during some part of their development


True or false? Data showing that the Bacteria were the first lineage to diverge from the common ancestor of all living organisms suggest that the Archaea and Eukarya are more closely related to each other than they are to the Bacteria.



True dicot; one of the flowering plants generally characterized by embryos with two cotyledons.

Which of the following is a disease caused by bacteria?


Nitrogen fixation

Turns atmospheric N2 into useful form

Which of the following is an example of a postzygotic reproductive barrier?

Two fruit flies of different species produce sterile offspring.

Eukaryotic Cell

Typically 10-100x larger More structurally complex Has membrane-enclosed organelles Evolved from prokaryotes approximately 1.8 bya Housed in membrane-enclosed nucleus Unicellular/Multicellular

How does variation within populations occur?

Underlying phenotypic variation is genotypic variation


Unique evolutionary role, tendencies, and historical fate

Protist evolutionary history

Used to be kingdom PROTISTA Do NOT share a common ancestor Many relationships are UNCERTAIN/CONTENTIOUS New ones CONSTANTLY discovered (changes the PHYLOGENY) Classified into SUPERGROUPS

Shared derived character

Used to create meaningful clades -used to determine relationships -morphological and/or molecular

What phenomenon causes speciation when populations are physically split from each other (without one moving away of its own accord)?


paraphyletic group

a group that includes an ancestral population and some of its descendants, but not all

Which type of organism would be most likely to pollinate a red, tube-like flower?

a hummingbird


a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.


a member of the angiosperm clade that is most closely related to the combined eudicot and monocot clades

Alternation of generations in all land plants is between __________.

a multicellular haploid organism and a multicellular diploid organism

Tertiary plastid

a plastid acquired by the incorporation into a host cell of an endosymbiont having a secondary plastid

Secondary plastid

a plastid that has originated by the endosymbiotic incorporation of a eukaryotic cell containing a primary plastid into a eukaryotic host cell

Secondary endosymbiosis

a process in eukaryotic evolution in which a heterotrophic eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell which survived in a symbiotic relationship inside the heterotrophic cell

Secondary endosymbiosis in Excavata

a process in eukaryotic evolution in which a heterotrophic eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthetic eukaryotic cell which survived in a symbiotic relationship inside the heterotrophic cell

Adaptive evolution

a process in which traits that enhance survival or reproduction tend to increase in frequency in a population over time


a protist that has modified mitochondria, two equal-sized nuclei, and multiple flagella


a reproductive process in which pollen from one plant is transferred to the stigma of another plant DIFFERENT individuals


a revolutionary gene editing technique derived from the immune system of simple prokaryotes

Consider the following mutations to the nucleotide sequence of a gene. Which of these mutations would not alter the reading frame of the gene's genetic message?

a single nucleotide-pair substitution


a specialized cell that engages in nitrogen fixation in some filamentous cyanobacteria


a species diverges into two or more species

Cryptic species

a species that cannot be distinguished from similar species by easily identifiable morphological traits

Root caps

a structure that covers the tip of a root, protecting the root from injury


a temporary protrusion of the surface of an amoeboid cell for movement and feeding.

A gram-negative cell wall consists of __________.

a thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides

Gametic life cycle

a type of life cycle where all cells except the gametes are diploid, and gametes are produced by meiosis

Monilophytes (characteristics)

about 12,000 species of HORSETAILS, WHISK FERNS, and OTHER FERNS

What percentage of the world's photosynthesis is carried out by protists?

about 30%

Approximately 1 out of every 2,500 Caucasians in the United States is born with the recessive disease cystic fibrosis. According to the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation, approximately what percentage of people are carriers?

about 4%

An F+ bacterial cell __________.

acts as a donor during conjugation

The phenomenon whereby one or a few species rapidly becomes many species due to a lack of competition in niche spaces is:

adaptive radiation

Biologists think that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because

all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids.

All known organisms translate genetic information to produce protein molecules via the same genetic code. This finding strongly supports the hypothesis that __________.

all organisms are descended from a single common ancestor

In which group is the sporophyte stage dominant in the alternation of generations?

all vascular plants

The Galápagos finches collected by Darwin are thought to have descended from a very small parent population. Different species of finches that are confined to only one or two islands most likely arose by __________.

allopatric speciation

Which subgroup of proteobacteria contains many species that are closely associated with eukaryotic hosts in mutualistic or parasitic relationships?


Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants?

alternation of generations

Which of the following characteristics of plants is absent in their closest relatives, the charophyte algae?

alternation of multicellular generations

A pea pod is formed from __________. A pea inside the pod is formed from __________.

an ovary an ovule

Which of the following would be the LEAST useful in determining the relationships among various species?

analogous structures

Fossil record bias

anatomy size number environment time geology paleontology

Rhizoids __________.

anchor the gametophytes of bryophytes

The holdfast of brown algae functions in __________.

anchoring the algae


angiosperm whose seeds have one cotyledon

Human survival literally depends on the produce of _____.


In flowers, pollen is produced in the __________.


During pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the __________ to the __________.

anther stigma

When viewing the liverworts, make sure you identify the sexual structures _________ and __________ and understand the role they have in the life cycle.

antheridia archegonia

In the life cycle of a fern, the multicellular male gametangium (the sex organ that produces sperm cells) is called a(n) __________.


Fertilization in moss occurs when sperm swim from a(n) __________ and down the neck of a(n) __________.

antheridium ... archegonium

R plasmids confer

antibiotic resistance

Which of these groups includes parasitic unicellular organisms with a complex of organelles specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues?


Multicellular gametangia

archegonia and antheridia

In the life cycle of ferns, the multicellular female gametangium (the sex organ that contains an egg) is a(n) __________.


In which bryophyte structure specifically does a zygote develop into an embryo?


which protists contain kingdom plantae?


Bacteria that __________ tend to have abundant internal membranes.

are photosynthetic

Green algae differ from land plants in that many green algae _____.

are unicellular

Bilateral symmetry

arrangement of body parts so there are distinct left and right halves that mirror each other

Which of the following is not an advantage seeds provide over spores?

asexual reproduction

lack of nucleus :


Sewage treatment

bacteria recycle nutrients from waste

Nitrogen fixing bacteria

bacteria that convert nitrogen in the air into forms that can be used by plants and animals

Which type of selection maintains stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms in a population?

balancing selection


berry having a thick leathery rind and juicy pulp especially oranges and other citrus fruits


between species and population

cell division in bacteria

binary fission

Which of the following involves metabolic cooperation among prokaryotic cells?


A bright pink flower with deep floral tubes will most likely be pollinated by which mechanism?

birds with long beaks

Which of the following to angiosperms definitely NOT have?

blood vessels


both species benefit

A genetic ______ occurs when a large population is drastically reduced in size and has a resulting loss of allelic diversity.


An earthquake hits a small island. All but a small group of closely related lizards are eliminated, and the survivors spread out over the island. This is an instance of __________.

bottleneck effect


branched vascular system

Which of the following organisms is commercially harvested to extract algin from their cell walls?

brown algae

Which example below is a clade of nonvascular plants?


Diatoms are ecologically important because the cycle approximately twenty five percent of _________________________ on Earth.



catalytic RNA molecules that function as enzymes and can splice RNA

Entamoeba histolytica

causes amoebic dysentery

Which of the following is NOT a fruit?

celery stalk

What prokaryotic adaptation occurred during the oxygen revolution and opened up the possibility for energy-demanding multicellular life-forms?

cellular respiration

Dinoflagellates may have plates made of ________, diatoms have shells made of_________ , and radiolarians have tests made of _________. (arrange and spell them correctly...possible answers: calcium carbonate, cellulose, silica)

cellulose silica calcium carbonate


change in a DNA sequence that affects genetic information

Founder Effect

change in allele frequencies as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population


character found in a set of organisms but not found in their common ancestor -eyes have evolved many times -wings, etc.

Shared character

character found in multiple lineages

morphological species concept

characterizes a species by body shape and other structural features

Evidence suggests that land plants arose from within which protist lineage?


Green algae are divided into two main groups, the charophytes and the __________.


The closest algal relatives of land plants are _____.


Bacteria that live around deep-sea, hot-water vents obtain energy by oxidizing inorganic hydrogen sulfide belched out by the vents. They use this energy to build organic molecules from carbon obtained from the carbon dioxide in seawater. These bacteria are _____.


In an experiment, a microbiologist put equal numbers of each of the following organisms into a flask of sterile broth, consisting mostly of sugar and a few amino acids. She then placed the flask in the dark. Which of the organisms would be most likely to survive?

chemoheterotrophic bacteria

Which group of bacteria is unusual in that they lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls?


When viewing the Euglena in lab, you should be able to positively identify the _________ and __________.

chloroplasts and stigma

Which of the following taxon is thought to be the MOST closely related to animals?


What structure(s) does the Stentor sp. use for feeding?


Which of these groups is characterized by cells that have more than one nucleus?


Which of the following taxonomic levels falls between the kingdom and the family? Please read all possible answers before making a selection

class and phylum

Evidence from molecular biology supports the theory of evolution by demonstrating that __________.

closely related organisms have more similar DNA and proteins than more distantly related organisms

Prokaryotic shapes

coccus, bacillus, spirillum


combine photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition

The term mixotroph indicates that a protist __________.

combines photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition

Which of the following methods to establish phylogenetic relationships among organisms has been developed most recently?

comparing the amino acid sequences of proteins and nucleotide sequences of nucleic acids

Asexual species

compatible with the phylogenetic species concept but not the biological species concept

How do ciliates generate genetic variation?


The advantages of seeds, compared to spores, include ________.

containing a nutrient store for a developing sporophyte

Domain Bacteria

contains prokaryotic cells that differ from archaea because they have their own unique genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics.


conversion of one form of energy into another. In sensation, the transforming of stimulus energies, such as sights, sounds, and smells, into neural impulses our brains can interpret.


covering of the megasporangium

Which of the following is not one of the most common prokaryotic cell shapes?


The development of the __________ prevents plants from drying out and protects them from microbes.


Molecular data suggest that plastids originated as __________ engulfed by a heterotrophic eukaryote.


Plantlike photosynthesis that releases O2 occurs in


photosynthesis :


The group of bacteria that are thought to be the origin of chloroplasts found in plants is the _________ , and the bacterial group that can only live in animal hosts is the _____________

cyanobacteria chlamydias

Archaeplastids, which include red and green algae and land plants, are thought to have descended from a heterotrophic protist that engulfed a(n) _____.


The smaller spheres inside of the colonial protists Volvox sp. and Pandorina sp. are known as_________________________. They are products of asexual reproduction.

daughter colonies

Bacteria perform the following ecological roles. Which role typically does not involve symbiosis?


Robbie and Saurab are pre-med and pre-pharmacy students, respectively. They complain to their biology professor that they should not have to study plants because plants have little relevance to their chosen professions. Which adaptations of land plants are likely to cause human health problems and provide Robbie with future patients?

defenses against herbivory and adaptations related to wind dispersal of pollen


dehydration; the process of being rendered free from moisture

Which subgroup of proteobacteria contains many species that are predators of other bacteria?


What is the process by which a trait present in an ancestral organism is modified by natural selection over time in descendants of that ancestor?

descent with modification

In moving to land, plants had to overcome which of the following challenges?


In moving to land, which of the following challenges did plants have to overcome?


Mutations in what class of genes have probably been responsible for many of the changes leading to the great diversity of life existing today?

developmental genes

Which of these groups includes unicellular organisms that, due to the structure of their cell walls, can withstand pressures equal to the pressure under each leg of a table supporting an elephant?


The vast majority of angiosperms with two cotyledons formerly classified as __________ are now classified as __________.

dicots eudicots

Neutral variation

differences in DNA sequence that do not confer a selective advantage or disadvantage

Temporal avoidance

different parts mature at different times

The gram stain is a ______________________ stain which detects differences in ____________________ composition.

differential cell wall

In the species selection model, __________ is to macroevolution as __________ is to microevolution.

differential speciation success ... differential reproductive success

Water is brought into mosses primarily by __________.

diffusion through all cells

The first large forests formed in the Carboniferous Period. The decrease in CO2 levels by all of these plants caused __________.

global cooling

The closest relatives of the familiar pine and spruce trees are _____.

gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgos

Speed of speciation

gradualism and punctuated equilibrium

Use the information in the following paragraph to answer the question.A hypothetical bacterium swims among human intestinal contents until it finds a suitable location on the intestinal lining. It adheres to the intestinal lining using a feature that also protects it from phagocytes, bacteriophages, and dehydration. Fecal matter from a human in whose intestine this bacterium lives can spread the bacterium, even after being mixed with water and boiled. The bacterium is not susceptible to the penicillin family of antibiotics. It contains no plasmids and relatively little peptidoglycan.This bacterium's ability to survive in a human who is taking penicillin pills may be due to the presence of ________.

gram-negative cell wall

Which of the following groups of algae is/are most closely related to land plants?

green algae

According to the phylogeny presented in this chapter, which protists are in the same eukaryotic supergroup as plants?

green algae dinoflagellates


group of plant organelles that are used for storage of starches, lipids, or pigments

monophyletic group

group that consists of a single ancestral species and all its descendants and excludes any organisms that are not descended from that common ancestor AKA CLADE

Select the response that best completes the following statement:Members of Phylum Pteridophyta possess vascular tissue, and as a result are able to...

grow taller than non-tracheophyte plants.

Seed bearing plants are grouped into two clades, namely __________ and ____________.

gymnosperms angiosperms

At the time Darwin voyaged on HMS Beagle, the popularly accepted theory in Western culture that explained the origin of Earth's plants and animals held that the various species __________.

had been created by divine intervention a few thousand years before


hairlike structures for attachment to surfaces SHORT, MORE NUMEROUS

The gametophyte generation is


The megaspore is


The cells within pollen grains are __________ and together comprise the __________.

haploid male gametophyte

In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?

haploid spores


having male and female reproductive organs in the same plant or animal

Which of the following is an example of the process of evolution?


Anabaena contain specialized cells called __________________ which all them to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.


A plant that produces two kinds of spores is called _________.


Which of the following adaptations is common to all seed plants?

heterospory reduced gametophytes pollen ovules

Protozoa (ecological role)




Key features of seed plants facilitating life on land include three of the following four traits. Select the exception.


In the absence of meiosis and sexual reproduction, what general process allows genetic recombination among prokaryotes?

horizontal gene transfer

Portions of the genomes of certain prokaryotic species are very similar to portions of the genomes of distantly related prokaryotes. The process that most likely accounts for this genetic similarity is __________.

horizontal gene transfer

Scientists hypothesize that the O157:H7 strain of E. coli is so different from the K-12 strain because of __________.

horizontal gene transfer over many years, most likely through the action of bacteriophages

Which of the following most accurately measures an organism's fitness?

how many fertile offspring it produces

Which of the following would seem to be an example of neutral variation?

human fingerprints


hybrid does not develop into maturity

A new species can arise in a single generation __________.

if a change in chromosome number creates a reproductive barrier

Many mammals have skins and mucous membranes that are sensitive to phenolic secretions of plants like poison oak (Rhus). These secondary compounds are primarily adaptations that _____.

inhibit herbivory

Pollination of angiosperms is mediated by __________.

insects and birds wind water

After fertilization of the ovule, the ________ develops into the seed coat.


In gymnosperms, the seed coat develops from the integument. In angiosperms, the seed coat develops from the __________.


Antibiotics administered in human medicine work against bacterial infections by __________.

interfering with an aspect of bacterial metabolism or structure that differs from that of eukaryotic cells


intrinsic reproductive isolation (absence of interbreeding between heterospecific organisms based on intrinsic properties, as opposed to extrinsic [geographic] barriers)

A taxon __________.

is a formal grouping at any given level

A heritable trait is one that

is determined at least in part by genes passed from parents to offspring.

Alternation of generations __________.

is distinguished by haploid and diploid stages that are both multicellular

The gametophyte generation of a moss __________.

is haploid

You find a green organism in a pond near your house and believe it is a plant, not an alga. The mystery organism is most likely a plant and not an alga if it _____.

is surrounded by a cuticle

The two types of gametes ("plus" or "minus") produced by Chlamydomonas under adverse conditions are called________________________.



occurs when a diploid plant produces diploid gametes due to nondisjunction during meiosis


of or relating to the study or tracing of lines of family descent.

Genes for the resistance of antibiotics are usually located __________.

on plasmids


one species benefits and the other is harmed


one species benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed


organism that builds organic molecules from simple inorganic molecules


organism that gains nutrition from complex organic molecules


organism that makes organic carbon molecules from carbon dioxide using energy from chemical reactions


organism that must take in organic molecules for both energy and carbon


organisms that break down wastes and dead organisms and return raw materials to the environment


organisms that cause disease

Nitrogen fixers

organisms that change nitrogen into a form of fertilizer that plants can use


organisms that live in extreme environments

Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in common except


Which of the following contains multiple gymnosperm ovules?

ovulate cone

After fertilization, the __________ develops into a seed and the __________ develops into a fruit.

ovule ovary

The early atmosphere on Earth is thought to have lacked which of the following gases?


Which of the following characteristics would indicate that a plant is a monocot?

parallel veins in a leaf

Protists are considered


The clade "Protists" is:



parasite that causes disease

A type of ecological relationship called __________ involves one organism living at the expense of another organism.


Anatomy of a Phylogenetic Tree




Gram negative more resistant to antibiotics

penicillin affects gram positive peptidoglycan

The cell walls of bacteria are composed of ______________________.


Which structure of a bryophyte sporophyte is specialized for gradual spore discharge?


Like gymnosperms, many grasses and angiosperm trees are wind-pollinated. To conserve energy, these angiosperms do not produce complete flowers (complete flowers have all four of the basic parts). Which part would be unnecessary for wind-pollinated angiosperms?



phenotypic cohesion (genetic/demographic exchangeability)

Bacteria that use light for their energy source and CO2 for their carbon source are called __________.


Organisms that use light for their energy source and CO2 for their carbon source are called __________.


Which of the following is not a trait characteristic of monocots?


A directional behavioral response to a stimulus is known as ____________________.


__________ is a behavioral, directional response to a stimulus.


Question 8:Two species of water lilies in the same pond do not interbreed because one blooms at night and the other during the day. The reproductive barrier between them is an example of __________.

temporal isolation

There are two groups of pine trees that appear to be very similar phenotypically and genotypically. However, one releases pollen in January, when the female structures of that group are receptive, and one in March. What kind of reproductive barrier is this?

temporal isolation

Hypermastigotes are important endosymbionts that live in the guts of __________.


Abiotically produced vesicles display which of the following rudimentary qualities necessary for life?

the ability to perform simple reproduction and metabolism

Apicomplexans are currently assigned to the SAR clade because __________.

the apicoplast, a modified plastid, appears to be of red algal origin

Carolus Linnaeus is considered to be the founder of __________, and he __________.

the binomial classification system ... thought that resemblances among different species reflected the pattern of their creation

Descent with modification definition

the change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.

What is the focus of the branch of biology called taxonomy?

the classification of life-forms by their similarities and differences

Relative fitness

the contribution an individual makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to the contributions of other individuals

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 represents __________.

the expected frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in the population

Question 15:Using cladistic analysis, a taxonomist wishes to construct a phylogenetic tree showing the relationships among various species of mammals. Which of the following would be the LEAST useful for this purpose?

the fact that all mammals have hair


the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution.

What data can we use to calibrate molecular clocks?

the fossil record

Consider a gene that exists in two allelic forms in a simple Mendelian dominant/recessive pair. In a large population of randomly breeding organisms, the frequency of a recessive allele is initially 0.3. There is no migration and no selection. Humans enter this ecosystem and selectively hunt individuals showing the dominant trait. When the gene frequency is reexamined at the end of the year, __________.

the frequency of the homozygous dominants will go down, the frequency of the heterozygous genotype will go down, and the frequency of the homozygous recessives will go up

In the evolutionary tree shown, identify the sister taxon or taxa of iguanas.

the group consisting of monitor lizards and glass lizards

orthologous genes

the homology is the result of a speciation event and hence occurs between genes found in different species

Mold fossils

the impression in a rock left by an ancient organism

If frequencies do change,

they are not in equilibrium, an evolutionary mechanism is occurring

Ferns and mosses are limited mostly to moist environments because __________.

they have swimming sperm

Which of the following is NOT true about gymnosperms

they only flower after rain


tight relationship between two or more organisms

What is the goal of bioremediation?

to clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria

Which of the following lists of features characterizes eudicots?

two cotyledons, netlike veins, taproot usually present


unicellular amoeboids when food is scarce, aggregate together forming chimeric slug

The pollen tube releases two sperm cells into the embryo sac. The result of this is the __________.

union of one sperm nucleus with the egg nucleus and of the other sperm nucleus with two nuclei of the central cell, forming a triploid nucleus called the endosperm

The placement of all protists in one kingdom caused dissatisfaction among taxonomists mainly because __________.

various pieces of evidence indicate that the kingdom Protista cannot be monophyletic

A major division in plant systematics is based on whether a particular species has __________.

vascular tissue


vessels that transport sugars, amino acids, other organic molecules


vessels that transport water and minerals

A seed has a thick, heavy coating, and several air pockets. It is most likely

water dispersal

Non-vascular plants include all the following types of plants EXCEPT _________.

whisk ferns

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