Biology GP3

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Purple flowers are dominant over white flowers. A heterozygous purple flower is crossed with another heterozygous purple flower. The ratio of purple to white would be_____________


A population of pigs lives on an island together with burrowing termites. Pigs that have the longest snouts tend to survive better. Over time, most of the pig population is made up of individuals that have very long snouts. This is an example of which type of selection? directional selection disruptive selection stabilizing selection ecosystem selection


A purebred purple flowering plant is crossed with a purebred white flowering plant, and they produce offspring that have purple flowers. Which is the trait for purple flowers? dominant recessive codominant blended


According to the cladogram, which organisms are in the smallest clade with birds? mc011-1.jpg crocodiles primates rodents and rabbits sharks


Gregor Mendel's research formed the basis of the field of___________ genetics. dominance. recessiveness. selective breeding.


Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder (Xh) that is passed through generations and can be traced by using a pedigree. mc018-1.jpg What is the probability that a female child of Charles and Marie would suffer from hemophilia? 0 percent 25 percent 50 percent 100 percent


If you inherit the genotype AO for blood from your parents, what blood type do you have? A B AB O


In a few generations, this population of beetles changed. mc005-1.jpg Which is the most likely explanation for the change? The beetle population moved to a greener habitat. A natural disaster almost caused the extinction of the population. The beetle population's food sources decreased dramatically. A mutation resulted in a new color of insect.


Protists are a group of organisms that are characterized as eukaryotes (they have cells with nuclei) that are neither plants nor animals nor fungi. They are very diverse, and there are many hypotheses about their classification. The cladogram for protists is constantly changing and, sometimes, there are opposite hypotheses that both have data to support them. What is the implication of a changing hypothesis? It is acceptable because data are still being collected. It is acceptable because everything in science should always change. It is not acceptable because the correct answer needs to be found. It is not acceptable because science never changes.


Stick insects, also called walking sticks, are typically found in tropical and subtropical forests and grasslands. The insects are able to camouflage themselves by living among twigs in their environment. mc003-1.jpg What is this an example of? adaptation biodiversity isolation variation


What can be known about Mendel's five-part hypothesis? It is an answer to a scientific question and is based mostly on research. It identifies three alleles for each gene. It is an answer to a scientific question and is based mostly on prior knowledge. It identifies one allele for each gene.


What do gradualism and punctuated equilibrium have in common? They are both explanations of the rate of evolutionary change. They are both explanations that were put forth by Darwin. They both discredit the theory of evolution. They both utilize radioactive dating over relative dating.


What do scientists need to look at before developing an argument? The validity of data, claims, hypotheses, and observations. Their opinion and personal views. The arguments of famous people on the topic. The arguments that make the most sense for society.


What is the most likely reason that horses and mountain goats have hooves? They have homologous structures because they have a common ancestor. They have analogous structures because they have a common ancestor. These are vestigial structures in both animals because they are not used. These are similar structures due genetic mutations.


What is the value of a transitional fossil? Transitional forms show the evolutionary steps between species. Transitional forms are analogous fossils. Transitional forms discredit the theory of evolution. Transitional forms are proof of punctuated equilibrium in evolution.


What was Thomas Hunt Morgan's main contribution to science? He discovered that certain traits were linked to the X chromosome. He discovered that certain traits were linked to the Y chromosome. He created the first white-eyed female Drosophila. He created the first white-eyed male Drosophila.


When plants that are heterozygous for round seeds are crossed, what is the probability that the offspring will have wrinkled seeds? 25 percent 50 percent 75 percent 100 percent


Which allele combination represents a female who is a carrier for an X-linked recessive disorder? XRXr XrXr XRY XrY


Which best describes traditional classification? It is based on shared characteristics. It is based on evolutionary relationships. It is called phylogenetic classification. It is called cladistics.


Which describes the mating of organisms that have different homozygous alleles for a single trait? monohybrid cross dihybrid cross homozygous cross heterozygous cross


Which evidence did Carl Linnaeus use to classify organisms? physical characteristics evolutionary history physical characteristics and evolutionary history physical characteristics, genetics, and evolutionary history


Which inheritance pattern results when parents are crossed for pure traits and the resulting offspring have traits that appear to blend? incomplete dominance codominance Mendelian inheritance polygenic inheritance


Which kingdom contains organisms that are multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic, and lack cell walls? Animalia Protista Plantae Fungi


Which kingdom is known to contain organisms that have cells with no cell walls? Animalia Protista Archaebacteria Eubacteria


Which statement best describes the potential confusion in early studies of inheritance patterns for skin color? The polygenic trait appeared as incomplete dominance. The polygenic trait appeared as codominance. Incomplete dominance appeared to be a polygenic trait. Codominance appeared to be a polygenic trait.


Which structures are similar in function, but do not guarantee that the organisms are related? analogous structures homologous structures vestigial structures transitional structures


Which type of traits vary quantitatively due to the interaction of multiple genes? polygenic codominant incomplete dominant dominant


Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of human molars that come in during the late teens or early twenties. In some cases, these teeth come in without problems, but they often have to be removed due to misalignment in the jaw, as shown below. Removal of the teeth does not cause any long-term complications in regard to eating. mc012-1.jpg Which type of anatomic structure are wisdom teeth? vestigial homologous analogous heterologous


A group of students are walking in the park, and one of them takes a picture of a pollen grain that is being blown by the wind. What caption can the student use for this picture? gene mutation in action gene flow at work genetic drift as it happens natural selection in progress


A person with a genotype of HbSS has sickle cell disease. A person with a genotype of HbAS allele carries the sickle cell trait. A person with a genotype of HbAA does not have sickle cell disease and does not carry the trait. The Punnett square shows the genotype of two people carrying the sickle cell trait. Hb A S A AA AS S AS SS What are the chances that their offspring will have sickle cell anemia? 0% 25% 50% 100%


A population of chimpanzees was separated when the forest that they lived in had a section cut down and a town was built. After a long period of time, the chimpanzees came back into contact but were incapable of breeding. Which of the following best describes the process that occurred? adaptation speciation convergent selection stabilizing selection


A population of snakes that eat small rodents enters a new habitat. In the new habitat, there are many species of rodents, and their populations are high because there are few natural predators. What will most likely be the effect on the genetic variation of the snake population? Genetic variation will increase because of a sele Genetic variation will decrease because of a selective pressure. Genetic variation will decrease because of a new habitat and food source.


A population of squirrels lived together in a forest. An event occurred that caused the population to diverge into two different species over a long period of time. Which of the following is most likely the event that occurred? There was an increase in the predators in the forest. A natural disaster occurred that separated squirrels. The winters were unusually cold in the forest. A disease affected the squirrel population in the forest.


A population of white rabbits and brown rabbits both live in a temperate deciduous forest where the summers are mild and average about 50°F. The winters are often below freezing. If warmer temperatures last longer into the fall and the average temperature in the winter is getting warmer, what do you expect to happen to the population of each color of rabbit? The brown rabbit population will slowly die out, and the white rabbit population will thrive and reproduce. The brown rabbit population will thrive and reproduce, and the white rabbit population will slowly die out. Both the white and brown rabbit populations will slowly die out. Both the white and brown rabbit populations will thrive and reproduce.


A scientist has been tracking and studying a population of deer in Yellowstone National Park. He surveys the population every six months. Usually, the population is thriving and has a gene pool with a wide variety of traits. But during one six-month period, an event occurred that affected the population, and when the scientist returned, the amount of genetic variation had decreased significantly. Which of the following is most likely the event that occurred to change the population? Yellowstone National Park expanded its borders. A population of wolves was introduced into Yellowstone National Park. The amount of disease in the deer population decreased. More grass and shrubs were planted in Yellowstone National Park.


A scientist wrote a paper titled "Directional Selection in Action" after observing a population of mice for 15 years. The mice typically preferred to eat berries, although a few would also eat insects. After a drought in year 3, the scientist observed that more mice were eating insects. By year 10, most of the mice in the population ate insects in addition to berries. Which best describes her article? Her title is accurate because two opposite extremes are favored. Her title is accurate because one extreme is favored. She should change her title because she is observing stabilizing selection. She should change her title because selection cannot be observed.


Consider the classification levels of a honey bee. Eukarya Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae Apis mellifera To which class do honey bees belong? Arthropoda Insecta Hymenoptera Apidae


Consider this image of a gazelle. mc016-1.jpg Which of the gazelle's naturally selected traits is shown in this picture to be an evolutionary advantage? feeding only at certain times of the day coat color for blending in with dry grass specialized gut due to a diet of grasses specific gender roles to diminish predation


If two organisms are in the same clade, what can you predict about their relationship? They are not closely related. They share a common ancestor. They compete for resources. One organism evolved into the other organism.


Punnett squares are used to show possible combinations of alleles or to predict the probability of a trait occurring in offspring. Cats that have coats that are a patchwork of black and orange are called tortoiseshell cats, are typically female, and have genes that code for both black fur (Xo) and orange fur (XO) located on the X chromosomes. Y chromosomes do not code for color in tortoiseshell cats. A female cat that has only orange fur (XOXO) is crossed with a male cat that has only black fur (XoY). mc013-1.jpg How many of the offspring will exhibit tortoiseshell coloring? 1 in 4 2 in 4 3 in 4 4 in 4


Siblings have similar traits because they inherit those traits from a common ancestor. How is this similar to some evidence for evolution? Similarities can be seen between siblings in species today, which shows common ancestry. Similarities can be seen among related organisms, which shows common ancestry. There are many differences between siblings in species today, which shows common ancestry. There are many differences between related organisms, which shows common ancestry.


This table contains the characteristics of all major kingdoms. Based on the table, which domains contain only one cell type? Fungi and Eukarya Bacteria and Archaea Eukarya and Fungi Plantae and Bacteria


What are the six kingdoms of life? Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Animalia, Protista, Mammal, Plantae Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Animalia, Protista, Fungi, Plantae Eubacteria, Animalia, Protista, Fungi, Species, Archaebacteria Insectae, Eubacteria, Animalia, Protista, Fungi, Plantae


What is a gene? the different forms of a trait a segment of DNA that is the basic unit of heredity the appearance or characteristics that are seen in an organism an organism's allele combination


What is genotype for a recessive trait found on the female chromosome? Yh Xh XH YH


Which environmental factor would likely lead to an increase in genetic variation in a population of squirrels? an increase in predators an increase in available food an increase in forest fires an increase in pollution


Which of Mendel's laws or principles explains that traits are passed from parents to offspring individually instead of as pairs, groups, or sets? the principle of dominance the law of independent assortment the law of segregation the principle of genetics


Which of the following best defines gene flow? the sum of all genetic traits in a population's individuals at a given time any movement of genes from one population to another any movement of organisms from one environment to another the random change in the frequency of an allele in a population


Which organisms are most likely to survive in a population in which disruptive selection is occurring? organisms that have average traits organisms that have extreme traits organisms that are sexually selected organisms that are the largest and strongest


Which represents polygenic inheritance of traits? a cow that has red and white dominant coloring a mix of blue, green, and brown eye colors a plant that has pink flowers produced from a plant that has red flowers and a plant that has white flowers a plant that has green seeds produced from a plant that has yellow seeds and a plant that has green seeds


Which statement best describes human eye color? an incompletely dominant trait that follows non-Mendelian inheritance patterns a polygenic trait that follows non-Mendelian inheritance patterns an incompletely dominant trait that follows Mendelian inheritance patterns a polygenic trait that follows Mendelian inheritance patterns


Which statement describes Mendel's hypotheses regarding gametes? A gamete carries two genes for a trait. A gamete carries one allele for a gene. A gamete can carry multiple alleles for a trait. Some gametes are dominant and some are recessive.


Which would least likely be a cause of natural selection? adaptation evolution overpopulation variation


A dihybrid cross is created from plants that are heterozygous for both round seeds and yellow seed color. What is the ratio of offspring that have round seeds and yellow seed color? 1:16 3:16 9:16 16:16


A pea plant that has round seeds has the genotype Rr. It is crossed with a pea plant that has wrinkled seeds and the genotype rr. What is the probability that the offspring will have wrinkled seeds? 0 percent 25 percent 50 percent 75 percent


A scientist wants to examine a genetic disease in humans. The scientist hypothesizes that the disease can be treated by using gene therapy. Humans take a long time to reproduce and develop, so the scientist will have to_____________ give up on testing the hypothesis. test the hypothesis for a very long time. develop new methods to test the hypothesis. find a way to make humans reproduce faster.


A teacher says she has identified an organism with these characteristics: eukaryotic, multicellular, autotrophic, and a cell wall made of cellulose. Which kingdom is the teacher describing? Animalia Protista Plantae Eubacteria


Consider the diagram. mc004-1.jpg Josiah says this is a phylogenetic tree of the dinosaurs. Maleek says it is a cladogram of the dinosaurs. Who is correct? Josiah is correct. Maleek is correct. Both are correct. Neither is correct.


Consider the phylogenetic tree of Old World primates. mc012-1.jpg According to the tree, which primates share the most recent common ancestor with humans? gorillas chimpanzees bonobos and chimpanzees bonobos and gorillas


Dogs have a reduced nonfunctional digit on their paws known as a dewclaw. What is this an example of? analogous structure homologous structure vestigial structure mutated structure


Dr. Digger, a paleontologist, finds a fossil that he describes in his journal. The creature was approximately 1 meter long, with its backbone fused into a large shell covering the body cavity. It had a beaklike mouth, without teeth, and all four limbs were in the form of flippers. Based on anatomical similarities, to which modern animal is Dr. Digger's creature most closely related? zebra bony fish sea turtle snake


How are sex-linked traits inherited? Alleles are passed from the parents' sex chromosomes to nonsex chromosomes in the offspring. Alleles are passed from the parents' nonsex chromosomes to the sex chromosomes in the offspring. Alleles are passed from the parents' sex chromosomes to the sex chromosomes in the offspring. Alleles are passed from the parents' nonsex chromosomes to nonsex chromosomes in the offspring.


In a population of seals, most of the seals have similar coloring. However, one seal has albinism. This seal is white and is almost completely blind. What is most likely the cause of this difference from the rest of the population? gene flow natural selection gene mutation genetic drift


In the African savanna, more wildebeests are born than the environment can support. Which is most likely to happen over a period of years as a result? The chances for survival of the population are reduced. New food sources are discovered and become the regular diet. Individuals that are well suited to the environment reproduce, and those that have lesser adaptations die before they reproduce. The environment adapts by providing more resources to the growing population, increasing the chances of survival for individuals within the habitat.


Marsupials are found in North America and Australia, but they would not have been able to swim across the ocean. According to scientists, how did this group of organisms come to live on two separate continents? Marsupials used to have adaptations that allowed them to swim but lost these adaptations over time. The two groups of marsupials evolved independently of one another on two separate continents. The continents were once connected, and marsupials were able to migrate over the land. The oceans were shallow in prehistoric times, which allowed the marsupials to travel from one continent to another.


Parents that are heterozygous for having freckles (dominant) are crossed. Which represents the ratio of their offspring? Twenty-five percent have freckles. Twenty-five percent are Ff. Seventy-five percent have freckles. Seventy-five percent are Ff.


Tall pea plants are dominant over short pea plants. If there are 200 short plants in the F2 generation from a cross that followed Mendel's methods, about how many plants will be tall in that generation? 200 300 600 1,000


The Punnett square predicts the ratio of genotypes in the offspring, based on the genotypes of the parents. In this cross, tallness (H) is dominant to shortness (h). mc016-1.jpg Based on the Punnett square, what is the phenotype of the offspring? Hh HH tall short


The diagram represents one of Mendel's laws or principles of inheritance. mc014-1.jpg Which law or principle does the diagram represent? dominance independent assortment segregation genetics


The flowchart below shows the three generations of a cross between a pea plant that has yellow pods and a pea plant that has green pods. Green pods are the dominant trait. The flowchart is missing the labels that describe the traits. mc006-1.jpg In which squares should the phrase "Green pods" appear? A and D B and E A, C, and D A, B, C, D, and E


The species that is known as a robin in England has a yellow breast, and another species that is known as a robin in the United States has a red breast. Which statement about common names does this fact best exemplify? More than one common name may be used for the same species. Common names differ among various locations. Different species can share the same common name. Common names do not always translate accurately from Latin to other languages.


What is a gene? the different forms of a trait a segment of DNA that is the basic unit of heredity the appearance or characteristics that are seen in an organism an organism's allele combination


What is the best description of an organism that is fit for natural selection? The organism is physically stronger than competing organisms. The organism is physically stronger than organisms of a different species. The organism is better able to survive and pass on traits to offspring than competing organisms. The organism is a member of a population in which every member survives without competing.


Which change in a gene pool is occurring in the image below? mc022-1.jpg gene mutation gene flow genetic drift genetic resistance


Which identifies the main purpose of biological taxonomy? classify organisms by using common names for easy identification of species by scientists create phylogenetic trees that organize species based only on physical characteristics use a systematic method to name, organize, and show relationships among species create common names that can be applied to multiple organisms found in different regions


Which is the best definition of a phylogenetic tree? a table of classification that is based only on physical characteristics eight levels of taxonomic categories that are used to classify organisms a branching chart that depicts evolutionary relationship among organisms organisms organized based on structure and genetic comparisons


Which is the best example of a hypothesis leading to new experimental methods? Gregor Mendel influenced the development of the theory that everything is made of cells. Gregor Mendel continued the genetic research of Thomas Hunt Morgan, but Mendel used pea plants. Thomas Hunt Morgan continued the genetic research of Gregor Mendel, but Morgan used fruit flies. The theory that everything is made of cells influenced Gregor Mendel in his research.


Which scientific area is a major force in shaping modern classification methods? physiology anatomy evolution behavior


Which statement best describes an understanding of genetics that would be missing without the work of Mendel? The DNA codes for traits would not be known. The protein codes for traits would not be known. Some alleles are dominant, and some alleles are recessive. Offspring receive two copies of each allele from each parent.


Which term best describes the difference in colors of the birds below? mc003-1.jpg natural selection reproductive maturity genetic variation genetic drift


Why was modern classification invented? Traditional classification could not classify all living things. Scientists realized related organisms do not share similar characteristics. Scientists understood that species share a common ancestor. Modern classification is faster and easier to use.


A population contains short plants and tall plants. The short plants are not able to compete with tall plants for sunlight. The tall plants, however, are more susceptible to wind damage. Which type of selection are the plants experiencing? directional selection disruptive selection species selection stabilizing selection


Consider the cladogram. mc013-1.jpg According to the cladogram, which organisms have roundworms as a common ancestor? mollusks and flatworms sponges and chordates flatworms, sponges, and cnidarians mollusks, echinoderms, chordates, and annelids


Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked recessive disorder. mc009-1.jpg What is the probability that a female offspring of the cross that is shown above would have a recessive allele for Duchenne muscular dystrophy disorder? 0 percent 25 percent 50 percent 100 percent


Lactobacillus acidophilus (below) is a probiotic microorganism typically found in the human small intestine. It has a cell wall made of peptidoglycan. It aids in the process of digestion and can commonly be obtained through sources such as acidophilus yogurt. mc019-1.jpg Which characteristic proves Lactobacillus acidophilus is from the specific kingdom Eubacteria? It is multicellular. It has a cell wall. It is a microorganism. It has peptidoglycan.


Natural selection is a process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to___________ increase in size. migrate. evolve new traits. survive.


Scientists group organisms into kingdoms by looking at specific characteristics. Which is a characteristic of a carrot plant? no cell walls heterotrophic unicellular eukaryotic


The offspring of a particular cross are 100 percent heterozygous for tallness. What were the most likely genotypes of the parents? Tt ´ tt Tt ´ Tt tt ´ tt TT ´ tt


The table below summarizes Mendel's results for the F2 generation. Mendel's Results Plant height 787 tall 277 short Flower color 705 purple 224 white Flower position 651 middle of stem 207 end of stem Pod color 428 green 152 yellow Pod shape 882 inflated 299 constricted Seed color 6,022 yellow x green Seed shape 5,474 smooth 1,850 wrinkled What number should replace the letter x in the "Seed color" row? 152 207 224 2,001


Veronica wrote Charles Darwin's main points on the board, but she made a mistake in one point. 1. Since more offspring are produced than an environment can support, organisms within a population must compete for resources to survive. 2. Due to variations within the population, some competitors will be better equipped for survival than others. 3. The best-equipped organisms will survive and will produce well-equipped offspring. 4. Variations that help with survival will be passed on to future generations and will rapidly change the whole population. Which point is flawed as written above? point 1 point 2 point 3 point 4


Which includes the physical characteristics of an organism? gene allele genotype phenotype


Which kingdom is made up of mostly, but not exclusively, unicellular organisms? Plantae Archaea Animalia Protista


Which level of taxonomy has the fewest organisms? domain kingdom genus species


Which was not a result of the 1898 discovery of the four blood types? improved blood transfusion safety effective blood preservation solutions developed elements of blood separated via centrifuge all blood types made compatible with each other


Why did Gregor Mendel study pea plants? They exhibit only a single trait. They produce flowers. They are easy to grow. They reproduce sexually.


Why is it important to know a person's rhesus factor before a blood transfusion? A patient who is Rh+ can receive only Rh- blood. A patient who is Rh- can receive only Rh+ blood. A patient who is Rh+ can receive only Rh+ blood. A patient who is Rh- can receive only Rh- blood.


Phylogenetic trees are also called____________


The fossil record shows that two groups of organisms are related, which means they share a_______________

common ancestor

An increase in food and a decrease in predators would most likely_______________ genetic variation in a population.


A frog lays thousands of eggs because many eggs die. This behavior is an example of_________


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