Biology module 4 study guide

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The arrangement of organisms into groups based on similarities that show evolutionary relationships


What allows each strand of DNA to serve as a template for a new DNA strand during replication?

Complementary base pairing between purines and pyrimidines on opposite strands

What does CBOL stands for?

Consortium for the Barcode of Life

Beadle and Tatum irradiated Neurospora and initially grew the mutant strains on complete medium. How were they able to determine the type of mutation for each strain?

By growing the mold on minimal media supplemented with different combinations of amino acids and vitamins

What did R. H. Whittaker base his five kingdom classification upon?

Cell structure and how an organism derived its nutrition

demonstrated the ratio of nucleotide bases in DNA


A group of organisms with a common ancestor


Which of the following taxa would be the least inclusive?


Darwin observed that species found on ocean islands do not resemble species on islands with similar environment in other parts of the world.


Reverse transcriptase catalyzes the synthesis of DNA from an RNA template.


What is an example of a limit on population growth, and proposed by Darwin to be a mechanism of evolution by natural selection?


Retroviruses, such as RNA tumor viruses, use __________ to make DNA from their RNA genomes.

reverse transcriptase

Based on data in the accompanying table, which of the primates listed below is the most distantly related to humans?

rhesus monkey

Darwin might have made greater advances in his theory of evolution by natural selection if he had:

taken into consideration the work of Gregor Mendel

triggered by a stop codon


Refer to the accompanying figure. The portion of the molecule labeled as 5 is:

the attached amino acid.

Adenine and thymine are held together by two hydrogen bonds in a double stranded DNA molecule.


Membership in a clade cannot be established by shared ancestral traits alone.


The notion that the genetic code is universal suggests a common ancestor for all living organisms.


The similarity between the bodies of sharks and dolphins is an example of convergent evolution.


In the experiments of Griffith, the conversion of nonlethal R-strain bacteria to lethal S-strain bacteria

was due to transformation.

Beadle and Tatum began their studies with wild-type Neurospora. How is this organism best characterized?

A normal phenotype that will grow on minimal medium

What happens during nucleotide excision repair?

A nuclease removes the damaged DNA.

What is the land mass labeled as 2 in the accompanying figure?


How many different kinds of amino acids are known?

More than 20

The evolution of a group of organisms from a common ancestor


The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships


____, the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, shorten with every cell division.


Which of the following statements concerning DNA is FALSE?

The sugar present in DNA is ribose.

Viruses that infect bacteria are known as?

bacteriophages or phages

Linnaeus simplified scientific classification by developing:

binomial system of nomenclature.

Which is the study of past and present distributions of organisms on earth?


Which example best illustrates homoplasy?

bird wings and insect wings

DNA sequencing data suggest that evolutionary changes are related to an accumulation of:

changes in DNA nucleotide sequences

Phylogenetic systematics produce branching diagrams called:


What mechanism would explain how fossils of the same organism can be found in parts of Africa and South America?

continental drift

protein synthesis proceeding in a 5' to 3' direction


Linus Pauling proposed the one gene - one enzyme hypothesis.


One of the pyrimidine bases in a DNA molecule is adenine.


Frameshift mutations result from the:

insertion or deletion of one or two base pairs

Scientific names are typically derived from the root of which language?


Mobile genetic elements, such as transposons and retrotransposons, are significant because

mutations caused by retrotransposons contribute greatly to a species' evolution.

In replication, once the DNA strands have been separated, reformation of the double helix is prevented by

single-strand binding proteins.

tRNA molecules are able to act as adapters between amino acids and mRNA during translation because:

tRNA can bind to both mRNA and an amino acid.

The molecule that connects a growing polypeptide chain and mRNA is called


completed polypeptide chain released from ribosome


Why does DNA synthesis proceed in a 5′ to 3′ direction?

DNA polymerases can only add nucleotides to the 3′ end of a polynucleotide strand.

What is considered a fundamental evolutionary divergence?

Distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Poaceae falls under which category/classification of corn?


Which important finding from the fossil record supports the theory of evolution?

Life has evolved over time.

Who first confirmed that the replication of DNA was semiconservative?

Meselson and Stahl

demonstrated that DNA is replicated semiconservatively

Meselson and Stahl

What are the small circular DNA molecules that carry genes separate from those on a bacterial chromosome?


How is a bacterial chromosome replicated?

The circular DNA molecule is replicated from one origin of replication bidirectionally.

How does the first nucleotide at the 5′ end of a new mRNA chain differ from the other nucleotides in the chain?

The first nucleotide retains its triphosphate group, while the others do not.

Two species have homologous structures. What can we infer?

The species are related by a common ancestry.

Which of the following statements is FALSE with regard to DNA replication?

The strand being copied is read in the 5¢->3¢ direction.

What is the evolutionary relationship between a human arm and a cat's forelimb?

They are homologous structures.

produces breaks in the DNA molecules and then rejoins the strands to prevent supercoiling

Topoisomerase k

In mismatch repair, enzymes remove incorrectly-paired nucleotides.


The term "clade" most closely refers to:

a group of organisms that share common characteristics inherited from a common ancestor.

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases link ____ to their respective tRNA molecules by ____ bonds

codons; covalent

Hydrogen bonds can form between guanine and ____, and between adenine and ____.

cytosine; thymine

growth of the polypeptide chain


Binding of the appropriate aminoacyl-tRNA to the A site requires:

energy supplied by GTP

Overproduction, variation, limits on population growth, and differential reproductive success are all components of:

evolution by natural selection

A cactus spine and a pea tendril illustrate homoplasy because both are modified leaves.


Scientific evidence in the field of developmental biology overwhelmingly demonstrates that development in different animals is controlled by the same kinds of:


In _________________, gene swapping takes place between one genome and another within one taxon or between genomes in different taxa.

horizontal gene transfer

initiator tRNA binds to the start codon


Primase is the enzyme responsible for

making short strands of RNA at the site of replication initiation

DNA synthesis

occurs only once during each cell generation.

The experimental design in the accompanying figure was used to examine:

the relationship between genetic changes and metabolic enzymes.

Which pair correctly matches two homoplastic features in the accompanying figure?

2 and 7

In the accompanying figure, the portion of the molecule containing the anticodon is indicated by the label:


Refer to the accompanying figure. The structure labeled as 2 is homologous with the structure labeled as:


discovered that DNA was responsible for bacterial transformation


Which of the following taxa would be the most inclusive?


Okazaki fragments are joined together by

DNA ligase

catalyzes formation of sugar- phosphate bonds in adjacent Okazaki fragments

DNA ligase

Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from different species of stickleback fish in three lakes disproves the hypothesis of a common ancestor for all three species.


Molecular chaperones assist in the folding of newly synthesized mRNAs.


RNA polymerase binds to the promoter sequence in RNA.


X-ray diffraction images produced by ____ were used by Watson and Crick to infer the structure of DNA.


demonstrated that genetic traits can be transferred from one bacterium to another


discovered that the genetic material in bacteriophages is DNA

Hershey and Chase

What did Charles Darwin investigate while visiting the Galapagos Islands?

How the island species resembled those from continental South America

What happened in an experiment where normal cultured human cells were infected with a virus that carried DNA encoding for the telomerase catalytic subunit?

The cells underwent more cell divisions than normal.

Four of the following ideas are consistent with Darwinian evolution. Which one is the exception?

Traits acquired during an individual's life are passed on to its offspring.

If you consider a DNA molecule to resemble a twisted ladder, the rungs of the ladder are paired nitrogen bases.


Which is a powerful method for determining the 3D structure of a molecule?

X-ray diffraction

Evolution is genetic change in ____ that occurs over time.

a population

Initiation of transcription requires:

a promoter sequence

Leader sequences contain signals that:

allow the ribosomes to be properly positioned for translation of mRNA molecules.

To fit X-ray crystallographic data, the two DNA strands in Watson and Crick's model must be ____ to each other.


Introns in pre-mRNA:

are spliced out of the message.

An example of homologous structures is the wing of a bat and the:

arm of a human.

The genetic code is sometimes called "universal," meaning that all organisms share the same

coding mechanism

Sea snakes, which are reptiles, are similar in body form to eels, which are fish. Sea snakes and eels therefore demonstrate:

convergent evolution.

A(n) nonsense mutation is a base-pair substitution that results in the replacement of one amino acid with another


In eukaryotes, the initiator tRNA carries the amino acid leucine.


In the late 1970s, Woese argued that there are two fundamentally different groups of prokaryotes by demonstrating:

gene codes of ribosomal RNA of different bacteria

assembly of the ribosome


the first stage of translation


HIV is a ___________.


What are special enzymes that recognize and remove the incorrectly paired nucleotides in DNA?

mismatch repair

Scientists may compare similarities between nucleotide sequences of organisms to determine their evolutionary history. This is known as:

molecular systematics.

Shared homologous structures would indicate that two taxa are:


Taxonomy is the science of:

naming, describing, and classifying organisms.

The evolutionary history of a group of organisms from a common ancestor is known as:


What does the modern synthesis theory of evolution emphasize?

population genetics

RNA is ____ and contains the nitrogenous base ____, which is absent in DNA.

single stranded; uracil

The process illustrated in the accompanying figure is:


A sequence of bases located upstream from a reference point occurs toward the:

5′ end of the mRNA sequence

Which of the following numbered events represents the correct sequence of events of prokaryotic translation initiation? 1) Large ribosomal subunit binds to initiation complex. 2) Initiation tRNA binds small ribosomal subunit. 3) Initiation complex binds to ribosome recognition sequence on mRNA.

2 → 3 → 1

Based on the accompanying table, which of the following characteristics are used to establish the family level of classification for corn?

A grass with hollow stems

Based on the accompanying figure, which two present day continents should have the most closely related plant and animal species?

Africa and South America

Whose findings of evolution by natural selection were presented with those of Darwin?

Alfred Wallace

Which one of these is not a mammal?


Introns in pre-mRNA

Are spliced out of the message

Which best explains how Australia has distinctive organisms, such as marsupials, that cannot be found anywhere else on earth?

Australia was separated and isolated from other land masses for a long period of time.

DNA Pol III catalyzes the addition of successive nucleotides to the 5' end of a growing polynucleotide chain.


The number of similarities in certain DNA or RNA nucleotide or amino acid sequences may be used as a molecular clock to indicate how much time has passed since the groups branched from a common ancestor.


How are fungi differentiated from plants?

Fungi are heterotrophic

In which group of islands Charles Darwin observed variation among organisms and compared these organisms to those found on the mainland?

Galapagos Islands

used proteins labeled with 35S and DNA labeled with 32P to demonstrate that viral DNA entered bacterial cells, but viral proteins did not

Hershey and Chase

What conclusion was associated with mutant strain III in the accompanying figure?

It was missing the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of citrulline to arginine.

Why is DNA able to store large amounts of information?

Its nucleotides can be arranged in many possible sequences.

Who is responsible for the first concept regarding the passing on traits or characteristics that were acquired during the lifetime of an organism to its offspring?

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

grew bacteria in the presence of heavy nitrogen (15N), followed by growth in 14N medium for one or two generations, then measured the density of the DNA

Meselson and Stahl

Neurospora is an ideal organism to study the effects of genetic mutations because of several reasons. What is one of these?

Neurospora mutant strains that cannot make a particular amino acid can still grow if that amino acid is added to the growth medium.

During translocation, the movement of the ribosome repositions the tRNA linked to the growing polypeptide chain to the ____ site, thereby vacating the ____ site for the arrival of a new amino-acyl tRNA.

P; A

After kingdom, what is the next taxon by which organisms are grouped?


___________ are terrestrial, multicellular, photosynthetic organisms.


___________ is the scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships.


The science of naming, describing and classifying organisms


Which of the following consists of short, noncoding, guanine-rich DNA sequences that repeat many times?


Fossil evidence shows that giraffes living 1000 years ago had much shorter necks than the giraffes seen today. Which statement best explains this observation?

The giraffes acquired longer necks through the continuing process of natural selection

How are eukaryotic chromosomes replicated?

The linear DNA molecules are replicated from multiple origins of replication bidirectionally.

_________ is tall annual grass with separate female and male flowers.


Scientists using evolutionary systematics to construct a phylogenetic tree would use:

a combination of ancestral and derived characters.

The 3′ end of eukaryotic pre-mRNAs is changed by:

adding 100−250 adenine nucleotides

The rapid evolution of bacteria and fungi in certain environments is used in the field of:


Humans, as well as all other mammals, have hair. Hair, then, would be considered to be a(n):

ancestral character

What process has been used to produce many of today's vegetables, such as broccoli, kohlrabi, and cauliflower, which are all derived from wild cabbage?

artificial selection

During protein synthesis, ribosomes:

attach to the mRNA molecule and travel along its length to produce a polypeptide

Unlike normal cells, cancerous cells

can maintain telomere length as they divide.

The wobble hypothesis states that:

certain tRNA anticodons can pair with more than one codon sequence.

A paraphyletic group consists of several evolutionary lines that do not share a common ancestor.


The 3' trailing sequences are located upstream of the stop codon.


The decrease of carbon-12 in a fossil indicates the age of that fossil.


The modern synthesis theory of evolution explains Darwin's observations of variation among offspring in terms of amino acid substitutions.


The process of DNA replication is conservative.


When DNA sequences are compared, the closet living relative of humans is found to be the gorilla.


The discovery of fossils of whale intermediates suggest that whales evolved from:

four-legged, land dwelling mammals

Garrod first proposed that:

metabolic defects were due to the lack of an enzyme.

Following peptide bond formation between the amino acid in the A site on the ribosome and the growing polypeptide chain, the tRNA in the A site:

moves to the P site of the ribosome

Individual species will continually evolve as a result of which evolutionary mechanism?

natural selection

The results in the accompanying figure support the conclusion that:

natural selection can occur in guppies within a few generations.

The information encoded by the DNA is specified by the

nucleotide sequence of the DNA molecule

Because a newly synthesized DNA molecule contains ____, the replication process is said to be semiconservative.

one parental strand and one new strand

These noncoding sequences located within coding regions of ____ genes are called ____

only eukaryotic; introns

These noncoding sequences located within coding regions of ____ genes are called ____.

only eukaryotic; introns

Where would you most likely find fossilized remains of humans and their immediate ancestors?

only in relatively young rock

The genetic code demonstrates the universality of living things because it is common to virtually all:


A taxon that diverges earlier than the other taxa being considered in cladistic analysis is a(n):


According to Chargaff's rules,

the adenine content in any DNA molecule is always equal to the thymine content.

From the DNA X-ray crystallography data, Franklin and Wilkins inferred that ____, while Watson and Crick determined that ____.

the flat nucleotide bases are stacked upon each other; DNA is helical

Linus Pauling demonstrated that

the structure of hemoglobin was altered by a mutation of a single gene.

RNA interference is a process by which noncoding RNA molecules regulate gene expression.


An example of homoplastic structures is the wing of a butterfly and:

wing of a bird.

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