BIOS 311 Anatomy Exam 1

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An anterior tubercle is located on the _____ vertebra

body, dens, spinous process, transverse foramen

Components of the C2 vertebra include


"hump back"

erector spinae muscles

Iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis

splenius capitis

Muscle that is located immediately deep to trapezius in the cadaver

biceps brachii, triceps brachii, supraspinatus

Muscles originating (wholly or partially) from the scapula

abductor pollicis longus

NOT a thenar muscle


Pedicles and laminae bound the ______ foramen


Pedicles are found on all the following except : L5, C1, C6, T2, C7

Rhomboid minor & Rhomboid major

Retractors of the scapula include:


Serratus anterior _______ the scapula


T or F: Teres major is a component of the rotator cuff muscles?


T or F: The T5 vertebra is an example of an irregular bone?


T or F: brachialis inserts on the radial tuberosity


T or F: flexion and extension are movements that occur in the coronal plane?


Teres minor is innervated by the ____ nerve

triceps brachii

The antagonistic muscle to biceps brachii is the ____


The dens is found on the ____

Elbow & shoulder

The epiphyses of the humerus could be located at the


The lunate is an example of a ______ bone


The most lateral bone in the proximal row of carpal bones is the


The most powerful flexor of the forearm in all positions is the ____


The olecranon process is found on the _____


The radius is an example of a ____ bone


Transverse foramina are found only on _____ vertebrae


Triceps brachii _____ the radius and ulna

long head of triceps brachii

Which muscle separates trees minor from trees major?

flexion and extension

actions at the 4th proximal interphalangeal joint

flexion and supination of forearm

actions of biceps brachii

thenar muscles

adductor pollicis. abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis

sterno-clavicular joint

articulation (or joint) that allows movement in two planes

transverse foramina

cervical vertebrae

Suprasternal notch, Clavicular notch

components of the manubrium


connects body to transverse process


connects transverse to spinous process


coracobrachialis is pierced by the _____ nerve


does NOT cross the radio carpal joint

posterior forearm muscles

extensor indicis supinator extensor carpi ulnaris abductor pollicis longus

spinous process

felt in the middle of the back


five fused vertebrae


four fused vertebrae

infraspinous fossa

infraspinatus originates from the ___

Rhomboid major

inserts on the scapula

spinal nerves

intervertebral foramina


males and females have ___ pairs of ribs

serratus anterior

muscle antagonistic to rhomboid major and minor


muscle innervated by a branch of the brachial plexus


muscle that inserts on the lesser tubercle of the humerus

biceps brachii

muscle that inserts on the radial tuberosity

teres major

muscle that inserts on the scapula


muscle that rotates the vertebral column to the opposite side

opponens digiti minimi 3rd lumbrical 1st dorsal interosseous

muscles innervated by the ulnar nerve

pectoralis minor, rhomboid minor, serratus anterior

muscles that insert (wholly or partially) on the scapula

insert onto the bones of the 5th digit

opponens digiti minimi flexor digitorum superficialis flexor digitorum profundus

medial epicondyle of humerus acromion biceps brachii

palpable (felt) structures include

semispinalis capitis

primarily rotates the head and neck to the opposite side

lesser tubercle capitulum

some parts of the humerus


spine curvature that could occur during pregnancy

upper subscapular

subscapularis is innervated by the ____ nerve


the anatomical neck is found on the


the coronoid process is found on the

olecranon process

the insertion of triceps brachii


the lateral rotator of the arm in innervated by the _____ nerve


the most medial bone in the distal row of carpal bones

extensor carpi radialis brevis

the muscle tendon that inserts at the base of the 3rd metacarpal is _____


the sacrum is formed from ___ fused vertebrae




what bone articulates with the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones?


what is a component of the axial skeleton?

dorsal scapular

what is the nerve that innervates rhomboid major?

pectoralis major

what muscle is antagonistic to latissimus dorsi?

extensor carpi radialis longus

what muscle tendon inserts onto the base of the 2nd metacarpal?

flexor digitorum profundus

what posterior arm muscle in innervated by median and ulnar nerve?

ulnar tuberosity/coroniod process of ulna

where does the brachialis is insert?


which bone articulates with the base of the 1st metacarpal


which bone lies immediately medial to the capitate?


which is not a synovial joint?


which muscle has part of its origin from the clavicle?

extensor carpi ulnaris

which muscle inserts onto the base of the 5th metacarpal?


which nerve innervates muscles that extend the hand?

dorsal scapular

which nerve innervates retractors of the scapula?

median & ulnar

which nerves innervate the muscles in the forearm AND hand?

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