Biopsych Ch. 6 Test Questions

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The fact that women can discriminate smaller differences in 'ridge width' is because of

A higher concentration of merkel disks in their fingers

Itching is primarily the result of ____.

histamine release

What does the vestibular system detect?​

movement of the head

In the otolith organs, the otoliths are calcium carbonate particles that ____.​

push against hair cells when moved

Visual imagery is to ______ as auditory imagery is to ______.

V1; A1

What is a dermatome?​

an area of the skin innervated by a given spinal nerve

One hypothesis of synesthesia is that ____.

some of the axons from one cortical area have branches into another cortical area

Which of the following tasks would a grapheme-color synesthetic be best at?

Being able to identify the key of a song within moments of hearing it

Which of the following is not a similarity between the auditory and visual systems?

Both complement each other and have a complete perceptual range

Which type of deafness can be treated with a hearing aid?

Conductive deafness

Reduced response to one taste after exposure to another is referred to as ____.​


What is the evolutionary advantage of having a sensation for taste?

Deciding whether or not to spit out your food

Studies with placebos and studies using hypnotism suggest that much of the reduction in pain is the result of decreased activation in the ____.​

Emotion areas of the brain

Your friend just had their heart broken (</3) and is completely useless - what's the "best" (according to what we talked about in class) way to get them back 'in the saddle'?

Feed them ice cream - but crush up a Tylenol tablet or two and mix it in

Being raised _______ causes humans to not develop hearing properly

In constant noise

What is the major problem for the frequency theory of sound perception?

It requires that neurons respond as quickly than they are able to do

Individual with chronic tinnitus often report that clenching their jaw will change the pitch of the tinnitus tone this implies that...

Jaw neurons have innervated the damaged auditory cortex

What is the primary neurological hypothesis for amusia?

Lack of connections between the auditory cortex and pre-frontal cortex

Larger animals tend to hear lower frequency sounds better while smaller animals tend to hear higher frequency sounds better, what could be one explanation for this phenomena?

Larger ear drums are better equipped to pick up the large space between low frequency noises & vice versa

What is the perception of the intensity of a sound wave called?


In the auditory system, hair cells are specialized receptors that respond to ____.​

Mechanical displacement

Why is it important for sound vibrations to be amplified as they pass through the ear?​

More force is needed to create waves in fluid.

In addition to loss of hair cells, as we age people lose the ability to listen well because they cannot

Pay attention

Which method of sound localization is best used for low frequency sounds?

Phase difference

How is your ear like a satellite dish?

Sound waves bounce off of our ear which directs them to our auditory canal

Wine connoisseurs will roll the liquid around in their mouth in order to get the full flavor on their palate. Why?

Taste receptors are more concentrated on the edges of the tongue, rolling it around gets more receptors than swallowing it.

Auditory information is often sent to which cortex?


What is the primary taste cortex?

The insular cortex

Why does the size of the vestibular system not grow in relation to the size of the organism it's in?

The vestibular organ functions the same regardless of its size

We can make finer (smaller) motor movements with our eyes than we can are biceps because

There is a higher proportion of motor neurons to muscle fibers in the eye than the bicep

Which statement is TRUE of various types of somatosensation?​

They are at least partly distinct all the way from the receptors to the cerebral cortex.

Three small bones connect the tympanic membrane to the oval window. What is the function of these bones?​

They convert airwaves into waves of greater pressure.

Two types of instruments playing the same note at the same loudness will produce different sounds. This is because of...


The primary auditory cortex is arranged such that higher frequencies activate more posterior sections of the primary auditory cortex. Researchers this give this special name to this property of the cortex.

Tonotopic Map

What is the best description of umami flavor?

Unsalted chicken broth

The current view of how we perceive high frequencies is based on _____.

Where along the bailer membrane neurons fire most rapidly

Why do you like the smell of your [heterosexual partner] better than your biological sibling?

Your immune system produces odorants that are emitted through the skin, different immune systems smell better

According to the frequency theory, the ____.​

basilar membrane vibrates in synchrony with a sound, producing action potentials at the same frequency

Large diameter pain axions ________

carry sharp pain information

Ruffini's endings are ____.

elaborate neuron endings for touch

The ____ of a sound is the number of compressions per second.​


Perception of a low tone is to ____ as perception of a high tone is to ____.​

frequency theory; place theory

A mild degree of pain releases the neurotransmitter ____. A more intense pain also releases ____.​

glutamate; substance P

Olfactory information is coded in receptor cells through ____.​

hundreds of types of receptor molecules, each responsive to a different chemical

Salty and sour taste receptors are __________ while sweet, bitter, and umami receptors are __________

ionotropic; metabotropic

What sound characteristics can be compared between the two ears to locate the source of the sound?

loudness and timing

The receptors for taste are ____.​

modified skin cells

Repeated exposure to male pheromones may be associated with ____ in young women who are not sexually active.​

more regular menstrual cycles

Olfactory receptors carry their message to the ____.​

olfactory bulb

Many women living in a college dormitory will gradually begin to synchronize their menstrual cycles. The research indicates that this is, at least in part, based on ____.​


Pacinian corpuscles respond best to ____.​

rapid mechanical pressure

What kind of receptors detect pain, warmth, and cold?​


The sensory aspect of pain activates the ____ cortex, whereas the emotional aspect activates the ____ cortex.​

somatosensory; cingulate

The eardrum vibrates at ____.​

the same frequency as the sound waves that hit it

Which ability would be most impaired with damage to the vestibular senses?​

visually tracking an object while dancing

We can identify a wide variety of bitter substances because ____.​

we have many different bitter receptors

If you are a supertaster, then ____.​

you are more sensitive than the average person to nearly all tastes

An individual with damage to the primary somatosensory cortex would most have problems with ____.​

​Ability to locate where they are being touched

Damage to V1 produces ____ and damage to A1 produces ____.​

​blindness; deafness to complex sounds

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