Biopsych chpt 8, Ch. 8, Ch. 6

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Ovulatory cycle

- Begins when FSH stimulates ovarian follicles to grow and secrete estrogens - Induce hypothalamus and pituitary to release LH, trigger ovulation and follicles develop corpora lutea - corpora lutea secretes progesterone to maintain the uterus for pregnancy.

Male Dove cooing Hormone and Neural system interaction

1. Neural-Neural: sees attractive female via visual cortex 2. Neural-enodcrine: Hypothalamus secrete GnRH 3. Endocrine-Endocrine: Pituitary releasing LH and FSH which these two release testosterone in testes 4. Endocrine-neural: Testosterone sends signal that male displays coursthip behavior

Four ways of Hormonal and Neural communicaiton

1. Neural-neural 2. neural-endocrine 3. endocrine-endocrine 4. endocrine-neural

3 parallel Canals of the cochlea

1. Vestibular canal/Scala vestibuli 2. Middle Canal/Scala media 3. Tympanic Canal/Scala tympani

Milk Letdown reflex steps

1. stimulation of mo's nipple by infant's suckling response produces brain activity 2. Increase brain activity sent to hypothalamus 3. Hypothalamus releases oxytocin from posterior pituitary 4. Oxytocin causes mammary glands to contract, release milk 5. Baby rewarded with milk.

Taste cell live span and sensitivity

10-14 day lifespan; sensitive to just one of 5 basic tastes

Binaural analysis

2 ear processing

Human ear frequency range

2,000 - 5,000 Hz


3 small bones that transmit vibration across the middle ear, from the eardrum to the oval window

In rats, the refractory period lasts, on average,

5 minutes

Which of the following individuals would be likely to have normal, functioning ovaries?

A XX individual with CAH


A disorder characterized by the inability to discern tunes accurately or to sing

Which of the following will show a great deal of lordosis?

A female rat with ovaries removed in adulthood that is given estrogen followed by progesterone

Which of the following conditions causes a genetic female to develop an anatomical appearance resembling a male?

A high level of androgen during fetal development

Which of the following would not be possessed by an XY individual with a defective AMH receptor?

A small penis and partially fused labia

hich of the following is not a steroid hormone?


Which of the following is not involved in exterior masculinization of the mammalian body?


Sour taste

Acids taste sour; release H+,

Which of the following is a mineralocorticoid?


Pituitary gland parts

Anterior and Posterior pituitary

Research indicates that treating postmenopausal women with low doses of _______ can revive sexual interest.

Both androgen and estrogen

Sound waves in the air strike tympanic membrane causing what?

Cause it to vibrate along with vibrating ossicles amplifying vibrations and pressure to small oval window

Middle ear

Cavity between the tympanic membrane and cochlea

Cause of conduction deafness

Cerumen (earwax) and Otitis externa (ear infection)

Papillae types and location

Circumvallate - back; Foliate - middle; Fungiform - front

3 types of hearing loss

Conduction deafness, sensorineural deafness, central deafness


Control of hormone secretions/master control center

Organ of Corti function

Converts sound into nerve activity

Vesibulocochlar nerve

Cranial nerve VIII, runs from the cochlea to the brainstem auditory nuclei


Digestion and appetite control

Chemical communication

Endocrine, synaptic, pheromone, allomone

Arnold Berthold experiment

First major endocrine experiment who discovered that returning one tests back into the body cavity allowed them to develop normal male anatomy and behavior.

Neurotransmitters of Outer Hair cells

GABA enters, ACh leaves

Neurotransmitters of the Inner Hair Cells

Glutamate leaves and ACh enters

What results in the sharper tuning of the frequency responses of auditory cells?

High levels of auditory system - auditory neurons are excited by certain frequencies and inhibited by neighboring frequencies

What is the appropriate technique for visualizing the location of receptors within cells?


Main pathway of human olfactory system

In olfactory bulb: Glomerulus then mitral cell, then travel to hypothalamus, amygdala, and prepyriform cortex

Which of the following statements about the external genitalia is true?

In people with androgen insensitivity syndrome, the external genitalia are female in appearance.

Organ of Corti anatomical location

Inner ear structure on basilar membrane of cochlea with hair cells and terminations of the auditory nerve

Oxytocin and Investors

Investors with oxytocin were likely to transfer higher units to trustee; used to show bond

When do middle-ear muscles activate?

Just before we produce self-made sounds

In the testes, the _______ cells produce testosterone under the influence of _______.

Leydig; LH

What's unique about steroid hormones?

Lipid soluble, receptors inside the cell


Male hormones

3 ossicles that connect the tympanic membrane to the oval window

Malleus, Incus, Stapes


Measures the frequency of sound

Which of the following structures is located between the hypothalamus and the pituitary?

Median eminence

Salty taste

Na+ ions are transported across taste cell membranes depolarizing the taste cell

Where are the receptors that are activated by the bass sounds?

Near the apex

Where do frequency sounds produce the largest response?

Near the apex, where membrane is wider

Where are the receptors that are activated by treble sounds?

Near the base of the cochlea

Does the human olfactory system pathway cross the thalamus


Is there a particular steroid hormone in males or females?

No steroid is found exclusively in either males or females

Do humans have a vestigila VNO

No, but sensitive to certain pheromones

Pathway in olfactory system that notifies hunger and thirst

Olfactory bulub, hypothalamus, lateral posterior orbitofrontal cortex

Prepyriform cortex

Primary olfactory cortex

What happens when the stereocilia bend?

Produce a large depolarization of hair cells via nonselective ion channels that open when the stereocilia bend resulting in an influx of Ca2+ and K+ ions to flow into axon terminal

Which of the following is not secreted by the pituitary?


Negative Feedback Loops of Female Gonadal Steroid hormones Females

Progesterone and Estrogen inhibit both the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus

Outer Hair Cells

Receptor cells for hearing, positioned farther from the central axis of coiled cochlea about 1200 of them in 3 rows

Order of hormones released from the anterior pituitary and targets

Releasing Hormone (CRH), Tropic hormone (ACTH),Target organ (Adrenal cortex and Kidney), target secretion - corticosteroids

Anterior pituitary gland Hormone category secretions

Releasing hormones and Tropic hormones

Pineal gland

Reproductive maturation; body rhythms

What happens when you remove the auditory cortex?

Reveals that simple pure tones can be detected and discriminated

Round window

Separates the tympanic canal from the middle ear

Testes: cells

Sertoli cells and Leydig cells

Conditioned Taste Aversion

Taste and smell associated with memory; event happens with food, memory formed, can't tolerate a certain food.

Main Pathway of Human Gustatory System

Taste receptor cells, (Vagus nerve, Glossopharyngeal nerve, Facial nerve), Solitary tract and its nucleus, thalamus, Insular cortex

Positive Feedback Loops of Male Gonadal Steroid HOrmones

Testosterone sends active feedback to sertoli cells

Negative Feedback Loops of Male Gonadal Steroid Hormones

Testosterone sends inhibitory feedback to anterior pituitary and hypothalamus; releasing and tropic hormones released

Arnold Berthold experiment conlcusion

The testes releases a chemical into the blood that affects both male behavior and body structures (testosterone)

How do tensor tympani and stapedius muscles contract?

They contract with the arrival of loud sound to siffen ossicles and reduce effectiveness

How do the hills and valleys of pinna modify the character of sound?

They enhance or suppress sound frequencies

Causes of sensorineural deafness

Tinnitus and Ototoxic effects (drugs, noise, loud sounds)

Cushing's disease

Tumor in pituitary; chronic elevated levels of cortisol; fat on abdomen; fixed with surgery

Heschl's gyrus in musicians

Twice as large in professional musicians and strongly activated by music; portion of auditory cortex that processes music


a chemical signal that is released outside the body of an animal and affects other members of the same species

vomeronasal organ (VNO)

a collection of specialized receptor cells, near to but separate from olfactory epithelium, detect pheromones and send electrical signals to accessory olfactory bulb in the brain


a complex arbor of dendrites from a group of olfactory cells, receives information from one class of odorunt receptors

Tuning Curve

a graph of the responses of a single auditory nerve fiber or neuron to sounds that vary in frequency and intensity

What could cause androgen insensitivity?

a mutated receptor; women still has testes but receptor can't bind to androgen


a relatively stiff hair that protrudes from a hair cell in the auditory or vestibular system


a sensation of noises or giving in the ears not caused by external sound

What do fMRI imaging show about speech sound?

activate other auditory cortical regions and the primary auditory area in the temporal lobe

What do fMRI imaging show about sound?

activated by the primary auditory cortex in the temporal lobe

The external genitalia of a human female can have a masculine form at birth as a result of overproduction of androgens by the fetal

adrenal glands.

The essential feature of tropic hormones is that they

affect the secretion of other endocrine glands.

Studies looking at markers of fetal hormone exposure suggest that as a group, lesbians may have been exposed to slightly higher-than-normal levels of _______ in utero.



anvil; between the malleus and stapes

semicircular canals: roll

around x axis tilting left and right

semicircular canals: yawn

around z axis shaking side to side

tensor tympani anatomical location

attached to malleus and tympanic membrane

stapedius anatomical location

attached to the stapes

In the absence of the Sry protein, the indifferent gonad

becomes an ovary.

Superior olivary nuclei

bilateral input; provide the first binaural analysis of auditory information

Cortical deafness

bilateral lesions in the auditory cortex; more complete impairment, struggle to recognize all complex sounds


body development; maintenance in reproductive organs in adults

Testosterone targets

brain, skin, kidney, male sexual organs, bone, bone marrow, fat, liver, muscle

Vestibular nucleus

brainstem nucleus that receives information from vestibular organs through the vestibulocochlear nerve

How is the sensitivity of the auditory cortex fine-tuned?

by experience during development

Androgen sensitivity

can't develop certain characterisitics; identity is female but biologically male

What in common in the receptors for sweet, bitter, and umami?

cause a cascade of intracellular events to activate second messengers

Endocrine communicaiton

chemical signal releases a hormone into blood stream to target organ, receptors bind to hormone, and exerts its effect.

Allomone communication

chemical signals released by other members of one species to affect behavior of individuals of another species

Pheromone communication

chemicals released outside with other members of the same species (ants)


chemicals secreted by one group of cells and carried through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, where they act on specific target tissues to produce physiological effects

Hypothalamic neurons that synthesize releasing hormones are sensitive to 2 influences:

circulating messages (negative feedback) and synaptic input

Inner ear

cochlea and vestibular apparatus

Basilar Membrane

cochlea that contains the principal structures involved in auditory transition

Middle ear function

concentrates sound energies

Tip links

connect stereocilia, tiny fibers that open ion channels when stereocilia bend

Semicircular canals; anatomical position

connected at the saccule and utricle; arranged in different planes

Pituitary stalk

connects pituitary to the hypothalamus

Taste buds

contact tastants in papillae extend microvilli into a pore

Oral contraceptives

contain small doses of synthetic estrogens and/or progestins, inhibit the release of GnRH, prevent FSH and LH from the pituitary, and therefore the ovary fails to release an egg for fertilization

The posterior pituitary

contains the axon terminals of vasopressin neurosecretory cells.

ongoing disparity

continual mismatch between the 2 ears in the arrival of all the peaks and troughs that make up the sound wave

Milk Letdown reflex

contraction of mammary gland that ejects milk into the breast ducts; conditioned to baby's cries


contraction of the uterus during childbirth, parenting behavior, milk letdown reflex, reproductive

Outer Hair Cells Afferents

convey information to the brain about the mechanical state of the basilar membrane; not perception of sounds themselves

Inner Hair Cells Afferents

convey to brain action potentials that provide perception of sound; 95% of fibers lead to the brain

What happens if you block vasopressin receptors (antagonist) in prairie voles?

decrease in pair-bonds

After estrogen treatment, increases in the size of _______ may be observed in the VMH of female rats.


Pair-bonds in prairie voles

depend on the distribution of vasopressin receptors

Steroid Hormones

derived from cholesterol and made of 4 rings of carbon atoms

Bitter taste

detected by T2R receptors; cells unable to distinguish between different bitter taste

Sweet taste

detected by heterodimer of two T1R recepetors: T1R2 and T1R3

vomeronasal system

detects pheromes and transimts info to the brain; sensory system


develop and maintain female reproductory organs

Onset disparity

difference between the 2 ears in hearing the beginning of sound

Latency Differences

differences between 2 ears in time of arrival sounds

Intensity Differences

differences in loudness at the 2 ears

Labeled Lines and human olfactory system

different smells are segregated

Olfactory neurons - basal cells

differentiate into neurons and extend an axon and dendrite

Tympanic membrane

eardrum; partition between the external ear and the middle ear

Cochlear implants

electromechanical device that detects sounds and selectively stimulates nerves in different regions of the cochlea via surgically implanted electrodes

Taste buds location

embedded on the side of the papilla

Adrenal medulla

emotional arousal

Hormone-producing glands are called _______ glands.



enlarged region at the base of the canals containing hair cells

In the body's synthesis of steroids, _______ is (are) synthesized from _______.

estrogens; androgens

T1R and T2R

families of G-PCReceptors

PKDLi ion channel

found in sour taste cells; also detect carbonation

The molecular structure of steroid hormones involves

four interconnected rings of carbon atoms

Temporal Coding

frequency of auditory stimuli in the rate of firing of auditory neurons; volleys of AP produced at a particular rate by the number of neurons with similar tunings

Inferior colliculi

gray matter structures of dorsal midbrain that process auditory information to the medial geniculate nuclei

Where are the highest frequencies of sound in the basilar membrane?

greatest effect near the base, where membrane is narrow

The main activity of male and female rats following an intromission is



growth and development; metabolic rate

Children with psychosocial dwarfism often show an almost complete lack of

growth hormone

Which of the following hormones is secreted particularly during sleep?

growth hormone

3 main structures in the Organ of Corti

hair cells, supporting framework cells, terminating auditory nerve fibers


hammer; connects to the tympanic membrane

Bitter taste evolution

high general sensitivity evolved to signal toxicity

Why are hormones effective for coordinating different changes in different parts of the body?

hormones are secreted through the bloodstream which explain the capability of traveling all over the body

Cells located in the _______ synthesize oxytocin and vasopressin and transport these hormones to the _______

hypothalamus; posterior pituitary

Hedonic reactions

in born reaction by Lip licking to something sweet

Aversive reactions

in born reaction by making a gabe face to something bitter

What happens if you inject vasopressin in prairie voles?

increase pair-bond behavior

The Sry protein is produced in the

indifferent gonads.

Cochlear nuclei

initial processing of auditory signals; receive input from auditory hair cells and send output to the superior olivary nuclei

The external genitalia of a boy can have a feminine form at birth as a result of

insensitivity to androgens.

Pathway termination of Brain's olfactory system

lateral posterior orbitofrontal cortex and orbitofrontal cortex (2ndary olfactory coftex

Inner Hair Cells Efferents

lead from the brain to IHCs; brain controls IHC responsiveness

Outer Hair Cells Efferents

lead from the brain to the OHC's; don't detect sound but brain controls the length of OHCs which in turn controls the stiffness of regions of basilar membrane

Binaural hearing vs monaural hearing

localize sound sources later in life

The affect of lesions on the auditory cortex

loss of basic perception

Taste related components in the body

lungs, colon, mouth, liver, intestines, nose


maintain prengancy in woman from the ovary via the corpora lutea


mall bump that projects from the surface of the tongue; papillae contain most of the taste receptor cells - not taste buds


measures the intensity of sounds


meaty savory flavor detected by a metabotropic glutamte receptor and heterodimer of T1R1 and T1R3 receptors

Vomeronasal organ anatomical projection and function

medial amygdala and hypothalamus - hormone secretion

Amine hormones

modified version of a single amino acid

Head shadow effect

more pronounced for higher-frequency sounds;

Olfactory neurons vs neurons of brain

more receptors, more diverse subtypes, replaced in adulthood

How many organs to hormones target?

more than one

Compared to neurotransmitters, hormone effects are generally

more widespread in the body.

Motion sickness

movements of the body we cannot control that bring on nausea brought by unnatural movement

Castration and Aristotle

noted that roosters who are castrated when young do not develop 'properly' in body or behavior

How does intensity difference occur?

occur because one ear is pointed more directly toward the sound source or because the head casts as a sound shadow (block sounds originating on one side)

How do latency differences arise?

one ear is always a little closer to an off-axis sound of the other ear

Tonotopic organization

organizational feature in auditory systems in which neurons are arranged as an orderly map of stimulus frequency from low frequency (bass) to high frequency (treble)

Conduction deafness and treatment

ossicles of the middle brain fuse together; vibrations of eardrum no longer conveyed to the oval window; can be cured via surgery

negative feedback via neuroendocrine cells

output feeds back and inhibits signals for further secretion

Rodents given supplementary doses of _______ spend increased time in physical contact with one another.


The hormone that controls the milk letdown reflex and formation of social bonds is


Sensorineural deafness and treatment

permanent damage or destruction of hair cells; genetic, possible treatment with gene therapy

In male rats, the medial amygdala plays an important role in sexual behavior by conveying information about _______ to the hypothalamus.

pheromone signals

External part of ears that collect sound waves

pinnae and ear canals

Medial dorsal thalamus (olfactory system)

post processing of odors to the orbitofrontal cortex

Vasopressin is secreted by the

posterior pituitary.

What area in the brain do sounds activate?

primary auditory cortex in the upper surface of temporal lobes

Spectral filtering

process by which the hills and valleys of the external ear after the amplitude of some but not all frequencies in a sound

Leydig Cells

produce and secrete the steroid testosternone

Exocrine gland

produce hormones outside the body

Endocrine Glands

produce hormones within the body

Sertoli Cells

produce sperm

In order for sexual behavior to occur normally in female rats, _______ receptors must be activated in order to increase the production of proteins necessary for lordosis



promotes water conservation and increases blood pressure; pair-bonding

Utricle and saccule function

provide straight-line acceleration and deceleration signals that the brain needs in order to track the price position and movement of body in 3-d space

Neuroendocrine cells

receive synaptic input, and release hormones into the bloodstream.

Inner Hair cells

receptor cells for hearing, positioned closer to central axis of coiled cochlea in a single row of 3500


receptor variant increases sensitivity to na+ in salty foods

Steroid hormone action

receptors located inside the cell; specific, control expression of specific genes/protein production, slower acting but long lasting


released almost exclusively during the night; circadian rhythm; biphasic in mammals


released by the hypothalamus into anterior pituitary and cause LH or FSH to be released in males and females

Glucocorticoid (cortisol)

released in the early morning; helps to pull ourselves together to wake up

pituitary gland

releases hormones and regulates endocrine glands

posterior pituitary

releases vasopressin and oxytocin via its many capillaries within it.


removal of gonads

Trace Amine-Associated receptor

respond to pheromones, produced by neurons in the main olfactory epithelium responding to sex-specific pheromones

The Coolidge effect is the

resumption of sexual activity by male rats when exposed to a novel female

adrenal cortex

salt and carbohydrate metabolism; inflammatory reactions

5 Tastes

salty, sour, sweet, bitter, umami

Protein hormone action

second messengers that alter cell function and have multiple biological effects; act rapidly

Corpora Lutea

secretes the sex steroid hormone progesterone

What does the auditory cortex seem to specialize in?

seem to specialize in detection for complex "bio relevant" sounds of many frequencies and complex patterns; process sounds of everyday life

Word deafness

selective trouble with speech sounds despite normal speech and normal hearing for nonverbal sounds


sensation of smell by the Olfaction system

Vestibular system

sense of balance is a product of the inner ear that adjoin the cochlea


sense of taste combined with the sense of smell

Vomeronasal receptors

sensitive and involved in reporductive behaviors, signals of genetic relatedness

How many hormones does a target hormone respond to?

several hormones

Olfactory epithelium

sheet of cells (supporting, basal, and olfactory receptors) that lines part of the nasal cavities

The molecular structure of peptide hormones involves

short chains of amino acids.

evolution purpose of motion sickness

simulation activates a system originally evolved to rid the body of swallowed poison


snail-shaped structure that contains primary receptor cells for hearing; converts vibrations from sound into neural activity

Normal growth of the body is stimulated not only by growth hormone but also by _______, which are released by the _______.

somatomedins; liver

High frequencies

sound shadow cast by teh head produces binaural intensity differences

Low frequencies

sounds presented horizontally around the head; differences in times of arrival are the principal cues for sound pattern


special sensitive to sounds with high frequencies

Neuronal and hormonal communication both involve

specialized receptor molecules.


species sensitive to low frequency sounds

FSH female

stimulate ovarian follicles to grown and secrete estrogents

Lh female

stimulates ovultaion

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

stimulates the Umami metabotropic gluatame receptor


stirrup bone; middle ear bone connected to the oval window

Protein hormones

string of amino acids


sugar metabolism


taste receptor for bitter flavors


taste receptor proteins that form taste receptors for sweet flavors and umami flavors

Insular cortex

taste zone of the cortex

What sensory cells are in the tongue?

taste, pain, and touch

Men rooting for a sports team will produce more _______ if their team wins


Structures that initially release oxytocin and vasopressin

the Paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus from the hypothalamus (neuroendocrine cells)

Psychosocial Dwarfism

the brain does not produce the releasing hormones that stimulate GH secretion


the conversion of one form of energy to another


the external part of the ear

Oval Window

the opening from the middle ear to the inner ear

Place coding

the pitch of a sound is determined by the location of activated hair cells on basilar membrane

As a result of his experiments with roosters, Berthold concluded that

the testes release a masculinizing chemical into the blood.

Medial geniculate nuclei

the thalamus that receive input from the inferior colliculi and send output to the auditory cortex

Function of semicircular canals

track rotation of head

Tropic hormones

travel throughout the blood stream reaching all glands but only target glands have the appropriate response

Growth hormone (GH)

tropic hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary

Ear canal

tube leading from the pinna to the tympanic membrane

Olfactory bulb

unmyelinated axon that terminates in the upper nasal passages and through small opening in the skull

Sensor conflict theory

we feel bad when we receive contradictory sensory messages especially between vestibular and visual information

central deafness

when the auditory brain areas are damaged by strokes, tumors, traumatic injuries

Median eminence

where Axons of neuroendocrine cells that produce releasing hormones converge

Which of the following factors is most important in determining whether an adult male rat and a female rat will mate?

willingness of female

semicircular canals: pitch

y-axis - nodding up and down

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