BLAW Chap 16

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b. improper reverse discrimination, which violates Title VII

A black and a white employee committed the same offense. The black employee was disciplined but not fired, the white employee was fired. The Supreme Court held that this treatment was: a. legal under Title VII b. improper reverse discrimination, which violates Title VII c. proper if the employer had an affirmative action program to favor black employees d. proper since whites are not protected by Title VII and, therefore, cannot claim protection e. proper, since under Title VII minorities may be given preferential treatment

a. a form of sexual discrimination

A sexually hostile work environment is: a. a form of sexual discrimination b. a form of pregnancy discrimination c. not a legally defined term d. not related to antidiscrimination laws e. something employees must just learn to deal with

a. can dismiss her for taking off too much time

A woman has a difficult time with her pregnancy. She uses up all her leave time and sick time. She then often comes to work late or leave early due to feeling badly. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, her employer: a. can dismiss her for taking off too much time b. must give her additional time off, with pay, only if there is medical evidence that it is necessary c. must give her additional time off, with pay, by extending her sick time and leave time, as required by law d. must give her additional time off, with pay, if she requests it, so long as she is pregnant e. none of the other choices

a. without pay under the Family and Medical Leave Act

A woman has a difficult time with her pregnancy. She uses up all her paid leave time and sick time. She then often comes to work late or leave early due to feeling badly. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, her employer must give her additional time off, if requested: a. without pay under the Family and Medical Leave Act b. with pay, only if there is medical evidence that it is necessary c. with pay, by extending her sick time and leave time, as required by law d. with pay, if she requests it, so long as she is pregnant e. none of the other choices

e. none of the other choices are specific to quid pro quo harassment

An example of quid pro quo sexual harassment would be: a. discussing sexual activities at work b. commenting on the physical attributes of another worker c. saying demeaning things about women d. showing sexually explicit photos e. none of the other choices are specific to quid pro quo harassment

e. labor unions and employment agencies and government agencies

Besides regular private employers, Title VII applies to which of the following? a. labor unions b. employment agencies c. government agencies d. labor unions and employment agencies e. labor unions and employment agencies and government agencies

c. a person quits their job because of sexual or racial harassment

Constructive discharge occurs when: a. a person gains employment due to their family connections b. a person does not have to take part in an unpleasant part of a job because of their race c. a person quits their job because of sexual or racial harassment d. a person sexually or racially harasses a coworker e. a person is fired based on their race

c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination

Denying a woman a job, assignment, or promotion because she is pregnant or has children is: a. legal, as long as there is specific company policy in place b. legal in most states c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination d. illegal because it is a form of religious discrimination e. none of the other choices are correct

b. illegal based on genetic information discrimination

Discriminating against an employee on the basis of genetic information that indicates the person may be more likely than average to have a heart problem is: a. illegal based on age discrimination b. illegal based on genetic information discrimination c. illegal based on medical history discrimination d. not illegal if the employer can show a work-related issue e. not illegal because genetic information is not subject to discrimination proceedings

c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination

Discriminating in fringe benefits, such as in the structure of health insurance benefits, to discourage women of childbearing age from working is: a. legal, as long as there is specific company policy in place b. legal in most states c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination d. illegal because it is a form of religious discrimination e. none of the other choices are correct

b. is not prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Discrimination on the basis of sexual preference or sexual identity: a. is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act b. is not prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act c. is prohibited by most states d. is an accepted practice in most workplaces e. none of the other choices are correct

d. intentional discrimination and illegally motivated employment decisions

Disparate treatment (under Title VII) refers to: a. intentional discrimination b. unintentional discrimination c. illegally motivated employment decision d. intentional discrimination and illegally motivated employment decisions e. unintentional discrimination and illegally motivated employment decisions

a. minorities or women are underrepresented in a certain job category

Employers may legally see to it that more minorities or women are hired without committing reverse discrimination if: a. minorities or women are underrepresented in a certain job category b. minorities or women comprise more than 75% of the company c. there is a union for the unprotected classes of workers d. the minority or female candidates are less qualified than the candidates from unprotected classes e. none of the other choices are correct

b. age discrimination

Forcing retirement because of age is an example of: a. sex discrimination b. age discrimination c. elderly discrimination d. geriatric discrimination e. quantitative discrimination

c. hire and fire which ever workers they wished

Historically, the common law permitted employers to: a. hire workers only with government approval b. fire workers only with government approval c. hire and fire which ever workers they wished d. fire workers for reasons listed in an employee handbook e. none of the other choices

e. none of the other choices

Historically, the common law permitted employers to: a. hire workers only with government approval b. fire workers only with government approval c. fire workers at any time for "good cause" d. fire workers for reasons listed in an employee handbook e. none of the other choices

c. constructive discharge

If a person quits their employment because of sexual or racial harassment, it is called: a. constructive treatment b. differential impact c. constructive discharge d. retaliatory termination e. none of the other choices

c. the employer intentionally discriminated

If a person sues their employer under Title VII based on disparate treatment, they must show: a. the employer committed negligent acts of discrimination b. the employer is strictly liable for its acts c. the employer intentionally discriminated d. both that the employer is strictly liable for its acts and that the employer intentionally discriminated e. the employee must only prove that the employer's actions had a bad effect

a. intersectional discrimination

If a person suffers discrimination because of race and because of religion, he may file a complaint of: a. intersectional discrimination b. intrasectional discrimination c. real discrimination d. double discrimination e. super discrimination

c. EEOC issues a "right-to-sue" letter giving the employee the right to sue the employee

If an investigation of a discrimination charge is not settled by the EEOC working with the employer and complaining employee, to carry the case further, the: a. employee must file suit against the employer with an EEOC administrative law judge b. EEOC investigator files suit against the employer with an EEOC administrative law judge c. EEOC issues a "right-to-sue" letter giving the employee the right to sue the employer d. EEOC must file suit in federal court on behalf of the employee e. EEOC turns the case over to the Department of Justice for prosecution

a. it will dismiss the charge

If the EEOC investigates a discrimination claim and finds no reasonable cause: a. it will dismiss the charge b. it will pass the charge on to the Supreme Court c. it will fine the employer, but not send the case to court d. it will issue a right to sue letter e. it will fine the plaintiff

a. a prima facie case of employment discrimination

In McDonnell-Douglas Corp. v. Green, the Supreme Court established a four-part test that a plaintiff must meet to establish: a. a prima facie case of employment discrimination b. a per se case of employment discrimination c. a rule of reason case of employment discrimination d. a case of reverse discrimination e. none of the other choices

a. courts have played a major role in defining the term

In relation to the term "sex discrimination:" a. courts have played a major role in defining the term b. Congress carefully defined the term in Title VII c. the Executive branch has crafted many opinions on the subject d. courts have played a major role in defining the term and the Executive branch has crafted many opinions on the subject e. none of the other choices

c. age discrimination

Indicating an age preference in advertisements for employees is an example of: a. sex discrimination b. elderly discrimination c. age discrimination d. geriatric discrimination e. quantitative discrimination

b. may have civil rights acts that protect additional classes of employees not covered by Title VII

Individual states and cities: a. may not have civil rights acts that apply to employers exempt from Title VII b. may have civil rights acts that protect additional classes of employees not covered by Title VII c. may not have civil rights acts that protect additional classes of employees not covered by Title VII d. may exempt employers from any Title VII regulation e. none of the other choices are correct

b. may have civil rights acts that apply to employers exempt from Title VII

Individual states: a. may not have civil rights acts that apply to employers exempt from Title VII b. may have civil rights acts that apply to employers exempt from Title VII c. may not have civil rights acts that protect additional classes of employees not covered by Title VII d. may exempt employers from any Title VII regulation e. none of the other choices are correct

b. a person suffered discrimination because of race and religion

Intersectional discrimination refers to the claim that: a. a person suffered discrimination because of sexual orientation b. a person suffered discrimination because of race and religion c. a person was not allowed to take off time from work to attend religious services d. a person was treated unfairly because of their physical appearance e. a person was not allowed to mention his cultural origin at work

e. all of the other specific choices are correct

It is illegal to pay men and women employees different wages when their jobs require which of the following: a. equal skill b. equal effort c. equal responsibility d. the same working conditions e. all of the other specific choices are correct

a. supported, and even required, racial segregation and labor market discrimination

Jim Crow laws were federal and state laws that: a. supported, and even required, racial segregation and labor market discrimination b. restricted racial segregation and labor market discrimination c. restricted unions' ability to discriminate based on sex d. restricted unions' ability to discriminate based on race e. none of the other choices are correct

e. because e-mails are being transmitted on company time and property

Many employers monitor the e-mail their employees send and receive at work. The courts have held that this practice is legal: a. never, because it is an invasion of privacy. b. only if an e-mail concerns an illegal matter. c. only if the e-mails concern company business. d. so long as the employees give the employer permission. e. because e-mails are being transmitted on company time and property.

d. there is a promise of a reward, such as a pay raise, for providing sexual favors

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when: a. there are sexually explicit pictures displayed in the workplace b. one employee touches another in an offensive way c. an employer uses crude or demeaning language in private d. there is a promise of a reward, such as a pay raise, for providing sexual favors e. none of the other choices are correct

c. promising a promotion in exchange for sex

Quid pro quo sexual harassment refers to: a. crude or offensive language b. touching someone in a sexually offensive manner c. promising a promotion in exchange for sex d. displaying sexually explicit photographs e. all of the other choices

c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination

Requiring a pregnant woman to go on leave when she is able to do her job is: a. legal, as long as there is specific company policy in place b. legal in most states c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination d. illegal because it is a form of religious discrimination e. none of the other choices are correct

b. age discrimination

Requiring older workers to pass physical examination as a condition of continued employment is an example of: a. sex discrimination b. age discrimination c. elderly discrimination d. geriatric discrimination e. quantitative discrimination

c. preferential treatment of a protected class

Reverse discrimination is: a. preferential treatment of whites b. preferential treatment of men c. preferential treatment of a protected class d. discrimination against African-Americans e. none of the other choices

d. a city's extension of discrimination coverage beyond Title VII

San Francisco's civil rights law that prohibits employment discrimination based on height or weight is an example of: a. a prohibited practice of having different civil rights laws for different cities b. the federal government extending discrimination coverage in a certain area c. a city's illegal extension of discrimination coverage beyond Title VII d. a city's extension of discrimination coverage beyond Title VII e. none of the other choices are correct

e. all of the other choices may be included

Sexual harassment does not appear to include: a. commenting on physical attributes b. deliberate, unsolicited touching of a sexual nature c. using crude or offensive language directed at a woman d. discussing explicit sexual activities e. all of the other choices may be included

b. asking a co-worker to go on a date

Sexual harassment does not appear to include: a. commenting on physical attributes b. asking a co-worker to go on a date c. using crude or offensive language directed at a woman d. deliberate, unsolicited touching of a sexual nature e. all of the other choices may be included

e. all of the other specific choices may be illegal

Sexual harassment legally does not include: a. "unwelcome" advances b. offensive working environment c. verbal conduct of a sexual nature d. any of the other choices e. all of the other specific choices may be illegal

b. persons aged 40 and over

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act holds it illegal to discriminate in employment against: a. persons under age 21 or over age 65 b. persons aged 40 and over c. women or minorities aged 40-65 d. women or minorities aged 40-70 e. women or minorities under age 21

e. prohibits discrimination against men and women over age 40 and applies to employers with 20 or more employees

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a. prohibits discrimination against men over age 40 b. prohibits discrimination against women over age 40 c. applies to employers with 20 or more employees d. prohibits discrimination against women over age 40 and applies to employers with 20 or more employees e. prohibits discrimination against men and women over age 40 and applies to employers with 20 or more employees

d. prohibits discrimination against persons over age 40 and applies to employers with 20 or more employees

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act: a. prohibits discrimination against persons over age 40 b. requires that older employees be given physical exams if they work at jobs where safety is a serious concern c. applies to employers with 20 or more employees d. prohibits discrimination against persons over age 40 and applies to employers with 20 or more employees e. prohibits discrimination against persons over age 40 and applies to employers with 20 or more employees and requires that older employees be given physical exams if they work at jobs where safety is a serious concern

a. the first federal employment discrimination statute

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 was: a. the first federal employment discrimination statute b. the most recent federal employment discrimination statute c. the first state employment discrimination statute d. a major setback for supporters of antidiscrimination legislation e. none of the other choices are correct

e. prohibits pay discrimination on the basis of sex

The Equal Pay Act: a. prohibits pay discrimination on the basis of age b. prohibits pay discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation c. prohibits pay discrimination on the basis of seniority d. encourages pay discrimination on the basis of nationality e. prohibits pay discrimination on the basis of sex

e. childbirth and related medical conditions and fringe benefits

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act, a part of Title VII, provides protection for which pregnancy-related condition? a. fringe benefits b. childbirth c. related medical conditions d. insurance benefits and childbirth e. childbirth and related medical conditions and fringe benefits

b. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The agency given the power to file suits against employers and unions believed to be violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is the: a. National Labor Relations Board b. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission c. Department of Labor d. Equal Pay Commission e. U.S. Civil Rights Commission

b. early 1960s

The drive for civil rights in employment and other aspects of life became a national movement in the: a. late 1970s b. early 1960s c. early 1950s d. mid 1990s e. mid 1980s

e. Equal Pay Act of 1963

The first federal law that specifically addressed equal employment issues was the: a. Landrum-Griffin Act of 1959 b. Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. National Labor Relations Act of 1935 d. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 e. Equal Pay Act of 1963

a. the Supreme Court in the McDonnell-Douglas decision

The four-part test that the plaintiff in a disparate treatment case must meet to provide a prima facie discrimination case was established by: a. the Supreme Court in the McDonnell-Douglas decision b. the President in the Title VII Amendment of 1992 c. Congress in the McDonnell-Douglas decision d. Congress in the Title VII Amendment of 1992 e. the Supreme Court in the Swierkiewicz v. Sorema decision

d. Hispanics

The group that brings the most discrimination claims based on national origin is: a. whites b. Asians c. Native Americans d. Hispanics e. none of the other choices are correct

d. all of the other specific choices are correct

The hostile environment form of sexual harassment occurs in which of the following circumstances: a. an employer uses crude or offensive language b. an employer discusses sexual activities c. an employer displays sexually suggestive pictures in the workplace d. all of the other specific choices are correct e. none of the other specific choices are correct

e. all of the other specific choices are correct

The laws against discrimination in employment cover which of the following areas: a. hiring b. promotion c. transfers d. discipline e. all of the other specific choices are correct

e. all of the other specific choices are correct

The laws against discrimination in employment cover which of the following areas: a. pay raises b. benefits c. termination d. discipline e. all of the other specific choices are correct

b. race

The most common basis for a discrimination complaint is: a. sex b. race c. experience d. age e. religion

b. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

The most important antidiscrimination employment law is: a. Title V of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 b. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 c. Title I of the Civil Rights Act of 1963 d. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1963 e. the Equal Pay Act of 1963

b. promoting a woman because she accepts dates with her boss

The most likely example of quid pro quo sexual harassment would be: a. discussing sexual activities at work b. promoting a woman because she accepts dates with her boss c. saying demeaning things about women d. showing sexually explicit photos e. all of the other choices

a. reverse discrimination

The preferential treatment of members of protected classes is: a. reverse discrimination b. irrational discrimination c. legal discrimination d. equalizing discrimination e. guilt-driven discrimination

c. age discrimination laws since "young" is probably not over the age of 40

This ad was seen in a publication: "Wanted: Assistant to the President. Great job opportunity for bright, young, hard working person to work with President of a major private university." This ad is most likely to violate: a. disability law because "bright" may discourage applicants with mental problems b. discrimination law that requires jobs to have clearly stated goals and qualifications, not vague terms c. age discrimination laws since "young" is probably not over the age of 40 d. sex and race discrimination law since women and minorities are presumed not to be hard working e. nothing; no violations exist in the ad

d. fifteen or more workers

Title VII applies to employers with: a. any number of workers b. five or more workers c. ten or more workers d. fifteen or more workers e. fifty or more workers

e. Title VII applies to all of the other specific choices

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act applies to which of the following: a. private employers with 15 or more employees b. employment agencies c. labor unions in the private sector d. labor unions in the public sector e. Title VII applies to all of the other specific choices

a. business relationships

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not apply to which of the following: a. business relationships b. employment agencies c. labor unions in the private sector d. law firms e. Title VII applies to all of the other specific choices

a. selection of independent contractors

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not apply to which of the following: a. selection of independent contractors b. employment agencies c. labor unions in the private sector d. law firms e. Title VII applies to all of the other specific choices

e. all of the other choices are protected

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects all of the following classes from employment discrimination except: a. race b. color c. national origin d. women who are not pregnant e. all of the other choices are protected

e. sexual preferences or marital status or being a male

Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment based on sex. This does not include: a. sexual preferences b. marital status c. being a male d. sexual preferences or marital status e. sexual preferences or marital status or being a male

e. sexual preferences or sexual identity or marital status

Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment based on sex. This does not include: a. sexual preferences b. marital status c. sexual identity d. sexual preferences or sexual identity e. sexual preferences or sexual identity or marital status

c. national origin

Title VII restricts discrimination based on: a. appearance b. experience c. national origin d. attitude e. education

e. all of the other choices are included under the law

Title VII sex discrimination includes discrimination with respect to: a. plans to have children in the future b. current pregnancy c. having children already d. insurance benefits and childbirth e. all of the other choices are included under the law

e. all of the other specific choice are correct

To determine if there is a hostile environment in a sexual harassment case courts look at: a. how often the conduct in question occurred b. whether the alleged harassment was by a supervisor or a co-worker c. whether there was talk or actual talk d. whether more than one person was involved e. all of the other specific choice are correct

c. no more than minimal expenses to accommodate an employee's religious requirements

To not violate Title VII's prohibition of discrimination based on religion, an employer may have to make changes in the way her business is organized to meet religious requirements of employees. Employers are required to incur: a. any expense required to avoid violating religious requirements of its employees b. up to ten percent of an employee's wage in costs to comply with the employee's beliefs c. no more than minimal expenses to accommodate an employee's religious requirements d. no expense or trouble at all e. none of the other choices

c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination

Treating maternity leave differently than other leaves for temporary disabilities is: a. legal, as long as there is specific company policy in place b. legal in most states c. illegal because it is a form of pregnancy discrimination d. illegal because it is a form of religious discrimination e. none of the other choices are correct

b. required to provide reasonable accommodation for an employee's religious practices

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act's prohibition of discrimination based on religion, an employer is: a. required to financially support employees' religious practices b. required to provide reasonable accommodation for an employee's religious practices c. required to provide unconditional support for an employee's religious practices d. not required to provide reasonable accommodation for an employee's religious practices e. required to assist employees seeking religious support at the workplace

e. all of the other choices

Under Title VII, a protected class may be composed of people who share the same: a. race b. gender c. religion d. national origin e. all of the other choices

a. the shade of a person's skin

Under Title VII, color refers to: a. the shade of a person's skin b. a person's race c. a person's national origin d. a person's sexual orientation e. none of the other choices are correct

a. the country where a person is born or the country from which his or her ancestors came

Under Title VII, national origin refers to: a. the country where a person is born or the country from which his or her ancestors came b. the country where a person lives c. the color of a person's skin d. the religion of a person's ancestors e. the country a person most recently lived in

e. whites, Native Americans and Hispanics

Under Title VII, officially recognized racial classes include: a. whites b. Native Americans c. Hispanics d. whites and Native Americans e. whites, Native Americans and Hispanics

a. often extends this to 300 days

Under federal law, if a person wishes to file a discrimination charge they must file within 180 days of an alleged discriminatory event. State law: a. often extends this to 300 days b. often reduces this to 100 days c. often extends this to 365 days d. often reduces this to 60 days e. cannot extend or reduce this time

c. are prohibited from discriminating in employment against persons only over 40

Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act employers: a. are not prohibited from cutting the health care benefits of employees over the age of 65 b. are prohibited from discriminating in employment against persons only over age 65 c. are prohibited from discriminating in employment against persons only over 40 d. may discriminate on the basis of age only if customers of the firm would object to the older employees e. none of the other choices

e. all of the other choices are correct

Under the Equal Pay Act, men and women may be paid different wages if: a. wages are based on a seniority system b. wages are based on a merit system c. wages are based on quantity of production d. wages are based on quality of production e. all of the other choices are correct

c. raising the wages received by women

Under the Equal Pay Act, pay differentials on the basis of sex are eliminated by: a. lowering the wages received by men b. lowering the wages received by women c. raising the wages received by women d. raising the wages received by men e. giving stock options to the group discriminated against

e. paid too little must be given back wages to equalize their past low earnings and who successfully sue their employer may be awarded attorney's fees and court costs and paid too little may be given a payment beyond the amount of back wages they are due to penalize the employer

Violations of the Equal Pay Act can result in what corrective action? Employees: a. paid too little must be given back wages to equalize their past low earnings b. paid too little may be given a payment beyond the amount of back wages they are due to penalize the employer c. who successfully sue their employer may be awarded attorney's fees and court costs d. paid too little must be given back wages to equalize their past low earnings and who successfully sue their employer may be awarded attorney's fees and court costs e. paid too little must be given back wages to equalize their past low earnings and who successfully sue their employer may be awarded attorney's fees and court costs and paid too little may be given a payment beyond the amount of back wages they are due to penalize the employer

d. is legal, employers have the right to do so, in part to prevent sexual harassment

When employers have been sued for monitoring the content of their employees' e-mails at work, the court have generally held that the monitoring: a. is an invasion of privacy b. is an invasion of privacy if personal e-mails are reviewed, not work-related e-mails c. is sexual harassment if directed at women employees d. is legal, employers have the right to do so, in part to prevent sexual harassment e. none of the other choices

b. disparate treatment

When the effect of a hiring or promotion decision is intentionally discriminatory it is called: a. bona fide occupational qualification. b. disparate treatment c. disparate impact d. pretextual treatment e. none of the other choices

c. quid pro quo

Where there is a promise of a reward, such as promotion or pay raise, for providing sexual favors being demanded is called: a. bona fide impact b. impact favoritism c. quid pro quo d. differential standard e. differential favoritism

b. political affiliation

Which is not a protected class under Title VII: a. race b. political affiliation c. religion d. national origin e. all of the other choices are protected classes

b. sexual orientation

Which is not a protected class under Title VII: a. race b. sexual orientation c. religion d. national origin e. all of the other choices are protected classes

c. Arabs

Which is not an officially recognized racial group under Title VII: a. Hispanics b. Asians c. Arabs d. Native e. all of the other choices are recognized

e. all of the other choices are recognized

Which is not an officially recognized racial group under Title VII: a. Hispanics b. Asians c. whites d. Native Americans e. all of the other choices are recognized

d. employer had a record of discriminatory behavior

Which is not one of the parts of the McDonnell-Douglas test that a plaintiff must establish to carry forward a claim of hiring discrimination against an employer: a. plaintiff belongs to a protected class b. plaintiff meets job qualifications c. plaintiff was rejected d. employer had a record of discriminatory behavior e. all are part of the test

e. all are part of the test

Which is not one of the parts of the McDonnell-Douglas test that a plaintiff must establish to carry forward a hiring discrimination claim against an employer: a. belongs to a protected class b. meets job qualifications c. was rejected d. employer continued to seek others with similar qualifications e. all are part of the test

d. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition

Which of the following are examples of illegal discrimination under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act? a. not providing health insurance to employees b. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café c. denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition d. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition e. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition and not providing health insurance to employees

e. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition and not providing health insurance to employees

Which of the following are examples of illegal discrimination under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act? a. not providing health insurance to employees b. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café c. denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition d. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition e. suspending a pregnant waitress because she might not be appealing to the diners at a café and denying a pregnant reporter an assignment to a dangerous country because of her condition and not providing health insurance to employees

d. all of the other specific choices are amendments

Which of the following is an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964: a. the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 b. the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 c. the Civil Rights Act of 1991 d. all of the other specific choices are amendments e. none of the other specific choices are amendments

e. all of the other specific choices are correct

Which of the following is an example of age discrimination: a. forcing retirement because of age b. requiring older workers to pass physical examinations as a condition of continued employment c. indicating an age preference in advertisements for employees d. choosing to promote a younger worker rather than an older worker, because the older worker may be retiring in several years e. all of the other specific choices are correct

a. the employer will not allow the employee to take time off work to attend religious services

Which of the following is one of the most common claims of religious discrimination in the workplace: a. the employer will not allow the employee to take time off work to attend religious services b. the employer makes derogatory remarks about the employee's religion c. the employer refuses to acknowledge the employee's religion d. the employer requires the employee to contribute to a religious charity e. the employer does not allow the employee to convert other employees to his religion

b. disparate treatment

An employee suing an employer for _____ under Title VII must show that the employer intentionally discriminated against them a. intentional discrimination treatment b. disparate treatment c. secondary treatment d. disparate impact e. indisparate treatment

a. non-U.S. citizens working for U.S. companies in other countries

Equal Employment Opportunity law does not apply to: a. non-U.S. citizens working for U.S. companies in other countries b. non-U.S. citizens working for U.S. companies in the U.S. c. U.S. citizens working for U.S. companies in other countries d. U.S. citizens working for U.S. companies in the U.S. e. Equal Employment Opportunity law does not apply to any of the other choices

c. at least 15 employees

For Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to apply, an employer must have: a. at least 5 employees b. no more than 50 employees c. at least 15 employees d. at least 10 employees e. at least 100 employees

d. file the charge within 180 days of an alleged

Under federal law, if a person wishes to file a discrimination charge they must: a. file the charge within 10 days of an alleged discriminatory event b. file the charge within 18 days of an alleged discriminatory event c. file the charge within 60 days of an alleged discriminatory event d. file the charge within 180 days of an alleged discriminatory event e. there is no time limit for filing a discrimination charge

c. Equal Pay Act

Under the _____ , it is illegal to pay men and women employees different wages when their jobs require equal skill, effort, responsibility, and the same working conditions a. Equal Conditions Act b. Equal Compensation Act c. Equal Pay Act d. Civil Rights Act e. Common Wage Act

e. a system that measures earnings by quantity produced or a merit system or a seniority system

he Equal Pay Act allows differences in wages between men and women employees if the differences are due to: a. a system that measures earnings by quantity produced b. a merit system c. a seniority system d. a system that measures earnings by quantity produced or a merit system e. a system that measures earnings by quantity produced or a merit system or a seniority system

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