BNAD 302 - CH. 11

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What tends to happen in a positive diversity climate?

- Employees have a sense of psychological safety. - The organization performs well. - Employees are loyal to the organization.

Which of these are two important mismatches between education and the workplace?

- High-school dropouts and others may not have the literacy skills needed for many jobs - College graduates may be in jobs for which they are overqualified

Select all of the accurate statements regarding organizational support for family demands.

- In many households, women still take primarily responsibility for domestic work and childcare - In 2016, 60.7% of two-parent families in the U.S. had two working parents

Which of these are person factors that contribute to employee engagement?

- Positive psychological capital - Human and social capital - Personality

What are appropriate ways to to self-manage?

- Recognize your physiological responses to triggers. - Pause and take deep breaths. - Recognize words, sayings, and situations that trigger your emotions.

Attitudes are:

- learned - directed toward specific objects, people, or events

People who are involved in a chronic, determined struggle to accomplish more in less time have a Type _____ behavior pattern.


What are examples of emotional labor on the job?

Acting cheerful while taking a customer's order Smiling at customers when they walk in the door

Which of these are examples of counterproductive work behaviors?

Alcohol abuse Tardiness Theft

Which managerial behaviors can cause stress for employees?

Asking too much from employees Disregarding employees' opinions Acting unethically

Which bad attitude behavior involves highlighting problems without offering solutions?


What is the first step in identifying "good attitude" behaviors?

Define what a good attitude is.

Someone who is ethnocentric believes that their native country, culture, language, abilities, or behavior are inferior to those of another culture.


True or false: Low levels of stress lead to optimal performance.


Jeff works at a manufacturing company. Most of the employees are men. He is worried that the women at his company are promoted because of their gender, not because of their skills or accomplishments. Which barrier to diversity is best exemplified by Jeff's feelings?

Fear of discrimination against majority group members

To BEST support employees who are mothers, what should companies do?

Give paid family leave. Offer them flexible hours.

What characterizes a hostile work environment?


Three factors influence how people deal with the discomfort created by cognitive dissonance. Match each factor with its correct description.

Importance - The extent to which you believe the elements creating the dissonance really matter. Control - The extent to which you have a say in the matters creating the dissonance. Rewards - The extent to which you have a personal stake in the situation.

Which of the following is an example of an organizational demand that creates job-related stress?

Josh comes home from work each night complaining about the lack of lighting and ventilation in the plant.

Which behavior is typical of a person with a good attitude?

Listening closely to your colleagues

What are examples of work-life conflict?

Missing an afternoon at work because you had to pick up your sick child from school Skipping your son's soccer game to attend a work meeting

Seniority, work content, management status, union affiliation, work location, and division or department are considered _________ dimensions of diversity.


What interdisciplinary field is dedicated to understanding and management of people at work?

Organizational behavior

The capacity to bounce back from adversity and sustain yourself when confronted with challenges is called what?


The factors that influence how people deal with cognitive dissonance are:

Rewards Importance Control

Stress may happen due to which of the following factors related to a person's work role?

Role ambiguity Role overload Role conflict

Match the term with its description.

Role overload - Source of stress that occurs when others' expectations exceed one's ability Role conflict - Source of stress that occurs when one feels torn by the different expectations of important people in one's life Role ambiguity - Source of stress that occurs when others' expectations are unknown or unclear

Match the component of emotional intelligence with its description.

Self-awareness - The ability to read your own emotions and gauge your moods accurately Self-management - The ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity Social awareness - The ability to show others that you care and your understanding of how your emotions and actions affect others Relationship management - The ability to communicate clearly, disarm conflicts and build strong personal bonds

Which bad attitude behavior may involve yelling or using sarcasm?

Stink bomb throwing

Which types of communication have been shown to increase stress among workers?

Text messages Email

A positive diversity climate enhances which of the following for employees?

Their psychological safety

Age stereotypes suggest that older workers are less healthy, less motivated, and more resistant to change, but a recent study found all of these things to be inaccurate.


True or false: Employee assistance programs are aimed at helping employees cope with a variety of problems that negatively influence job performance.


True or false: High-level jobs are often less stressful than low-level jobs because people with low-level jobs have less control over their lives.


True or false: Resilience is a capacity that can be learned and developed over time.


What are buffers to stress that is caused by group demands?

Working with a manager who listens to you Working with people you like

Employee engagement is defined as

a mental state in which a person performing a work activity is fully immersed in the activity, feeling full of energy and enthusiasm for the work.


are abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations

A learned predisposition toward a given object is known as a(n) _________.


Managers can use introduce ________ to help reduce employees' work stress and improve their well-being.


The components of an attitude are:

cognitive behavioral affective

A sex-role stereotype is the belief that

differing traits and abilities make males and females particularly well suited to different roles.

An organization's ______ climate is the employees' aggregate "perceptions about the organization's diversity-related formal structure characteristics and informal values."


The halo effect exists when we

form an impression of an individual based on a single trait.

The ____________ bias is characterized by the tendency to attribute another person's behavior to their personal characteristics rather than to situational factors.

fundamental attribution

Stephanie works for a company that offers a physical fitness center, a dietitian on staff in the cafeteria, and lower health insurance premiums for employees who exercise. These perks represent components of a _____ wellness program.


What type of program encourages employees to balance physical, mental, and social well-being by developing and following a plan to improve their health?

holistic wellness

Locus of control, or the extent to which people believe they control their fate through their own efforts, can be characterized as:

internal external

Having a positive approach means that you are are willing to:

maintain a positive attitude at work accept developmental feedback try and suggest new ideas

People with low levels of emotional stability are more likely to experience:

negative world views increased anxiety

Excessive stress can reveal itself in which of the following types of signs?

psychological behavioral physiological

The recency effect is defined as the tendency to

remember recent information better than earlier information.

Sets of behaviors that are expected of occupants of a specific position are called _____.


Psychological ______ reflects the extent to which people feel free to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences.


The extent to which you like or dislike yourself is known as your _______.


Personality is defined as the

stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity.

The self-serving bias is characterized by the tendency to

take more personal responsibility for success than for failure.

Stereotyping is define as the

tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs.

Cognitive dissonance is defined as

the psychological discomfort a person experiences between his or her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior.

When an employee abandons, resigns, retires, or is terminated from a job, we say that _______ has occurred.


Hostile work environments are: (select all that apply)

unethical demeaning

When the demands or pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible, a person is experiencing ______-life conflict.


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