BSC 2011 Final Exam

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The populations of crickets look very similar but the males have courtship songs that sounds different. What function would this difference in doing likely serve if the population's came in contact? A. A behavioral isolation reproductive mechanism B. A gametic reproductive isolating mechanism C. A temporal reproductive isolation mechanism D. A postzygotic isolating mechanism


The primary difference between a coelom and pseudo coelom is A. Their developmental origin B. A coelom occurs in triploblastic animals, and a pseudocoelom occurs in diploblastic animals C. A coelom arises in the ectoderm, and a pseudocoelom arises in the endoderm D. The manner in which they cushion the internal organs


There are nearly for identical 100 x 100 m patches of grass land, each with a different number of beetles: 29, 293, 798, and 2180. A predatory bird spend exactly 20 minutes praying on the Beatles and each patch. The bird likely consumed the most Beatles and the patch with which number of Beatles? A. 2180 B. 293 C. 798 D. 29


Two characteristics shared by gymnosperms and angiosperms that are absent from earlier plant groups and represent key adaptations to life on dry land are A. Pollen and seeds B. Vascular system and lignin C. Flowers and fruits D. Flagellates sorry and gamerantia


What trait of fungi allows mycorrhizal fungi to benefit plans by increasing access to water and nutrients A. Network of tiny filaments in the soil B. Fermentation of sugars C. Production of spores D. Special structure of cell wall


Which of the following changes should increase the net primary productivity of the ecosystem described? A. The bottom of a shallow ocean reef receives more sunlight after the water becomes clearer B. Regional deforestation leads to a decrease in average local rainfall C. The local climate of a forest becomes cooler due to an influx of melting glacier water D. A pond receives a lower influx of nutrients after a nearby farm changes their fertilization practices


Which of the following groups is not in the same supergroup as the land plans? A. Kelp B. Rhodophytes C. Chlorophytes D. Green algae


Which of the following is an example of convergent evolution? A. Bats and birds both have wings and can fly B. When a horse and donkey mate their offspring is a hybrid called a mule C. Dogs and wolves have similar morphologies and the same common ancestor D. Darwins finches have different beak morphologies based on their diet


Which of the following statements correctly describes some part of natural selection? A. limited resources lead to competition between individuals in a population B. Variation in Gene expression is required for natural selection to take place C. Natural selection explains parents of Microevolution but not those of macroevolution D. Traits that enhance survival and reproduction become more prevalent within a generation


Which of the following structures is important in locomotion for amoebozoans? A. Pseudopodia B. Cell wall C. Microvilli D. Cilia E. Flagella


Which of the following would be expected to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere A. Fertilizing the ocean to help produce mass quantities of ocean algae B. Deforestation C. Increase fossil fuel use D. Painting roofs white reflects solar radiation back into space


Which of the following would decrease a reefs carrying capacity of corals A. Destruction of the rocks on which corals attach and grow B. A greater productivity of plankton that the coral feeds on C. The local extinction of one species of sponges D. A hurricane that breaks some of the corals E. The introduction of a fatal coral disease


Which of these species are most likely to be preserved in modern fossils? A. Fish from the tertiary period, about 10 million years ago, and shallow coastal waters B. Heterotrophic prokaryote from the Archean era, about 3 billion years ago, in the oceans C. See anemone from the Cambrian period, about 500 million years ago, in shallow costal waters D. Plant from the Triassic period, about 200 million years ago, in a desert


Which species in the aunt arctic food chain likely contains the highest amount of biomass within the food chain? A. Phytoplankton B. Baleen whales C. Krill


Which statement is the best explanation for the high degree of sequence homologies found between the DNA of cats and panthers? A. Cats and Panthers have a recent common ancestor B. There has been a lot of horizontal gene transfer between cats and panthers C. Cats and Panthers commonly mate in the wild D. Cats and Panthers have similar adaptive pressures and their sequences are similar largely through convergent evolution


You find it invertebrate with an extra skeleton, two body segments and eight legs. It seems to inject poison into its prey via two appendages near the mouth the animal is a A. Chelicerate B. Hexapod C. Crustacean D. Echinoid E. Holothuroid


Early development is completed with a placental connection between mother and offspring in this group of mammals A. Eutherians B. Marsupials C. Monotremes D. All of the above

A or B

Increase nutrient levels in aquatic ecosystems are often do to _______ and lead to _______ A. Desertification, higher primary production B. Excess fertilizers, dead zones C. Desertification, lower primary production D. Excess sewage, lower nitrate levels


Large animals need specialized organs for gas exchange because______ A. Surface area increases more rapidly than volume of size increases B. Volume increases more rapidly than service area size increases C. They collect more energy and therefore have more energy to allocate to specialized tissues D. They require more oxygen per unit of volume


Most seaweed species A. Can live only within a certain range of temperature, light, and nutrient levels B. Can live anywhere in the ocean that is shallow enough for photosynthesis C. Can live anywhere in the ocean D. Can live in the tropics only


On a coral reef in the Florida Keys, a population of damselfish has to color variation: brown and pink. These fish seek habitats that provide good camouflage, so brown individuals mostly associate with stands brown Elkhorn coral and pink individuals are found exclusively in colonies of pink finger coral. Meeting occurs within these coral patches, with females laying eggs onto the rocks or dead coral, which is immediately fertilized by mail. Overtime these two groups of damselfish are likely to A) undergo sympatric speciation due to female choice B)Undergoes sympatric speciation due to habitat speciation C) be in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium D) produce a large number of offspring's that are the result of meeting between pink and brown individuals E) undergo allopatric speciation due to polyploidy


Photoautotrophic bacteria: A. Obtain food from the environment in their energy from sunlight B. Produce their own food in obtain their energy from sunlight C. Obtain their own food from methane in their energy from inorganic compounds D. Produce their own food in obtain their energy from inorganic compounds


Plant like photosynthesis that releases oxygen occurs in A. Foraminiferas B. Cyanobacteria C. Proteobacteria D. Archaea


Protists include A. Prokaryotes that are unicellular or multicellular B. Organisms in four different eukaryotic supergroups, which mostly live in aquatic or moist environments C. Multiple clades of eukaryotes that are all unicellular D. Organisms that reproduce by binary fission


Rhodophytes in the land plants have the following characteristics in common: A. Both include organisms that are multicellular B. All of the above C. Both can create habitat for animals D. Both can photosynthesize


Sardines display life history traits of an are selected species. Therefore compared to other fish species you'd expect sardines to A. Have a long life expectancy B. Reach sexual maturity early C. Produce few eggs D. Have long generation times


Several species of seaweed populate New Zealand shorelines. One rockslides of Kerper opening up a new habitat subtitle coastline habitat in New Zealand, any of the several species of seaweeds are likely to be the first colonist. However, eventually both help will dominate this area, regardless of which species of seaweed came before which type of succession best describes this pattern A. Facilitation B. Tolerance C. Inhibition


Similar to most amoebozoans, the forams and the radiolarians also have pseudopods, as do some of the white blood cells of animals (monocytes). If one were to erect a taxon that included all organisms that have cells with pseudopods, what would be true of such a taxon? A. Include all eukaryotes B. Be polyphyletic C. Be monophyletic D. Be paraphyletic


Some birds follow moving swarms of army ants into the tropics. As the ants marching along the forest floor hunting insects and small vertebrates, birds follow and pick up any insects or small vertebrates that fly or jump out of the way of the ants. This situation is an example of what kind of species interaction between the bird and the ants? A. Mutualism B. Commensalism C. Parasitism D. Consumption


Sometimes members of a population will randomly die off due to some catastrophic event (such as a hurricane), leaving a few chance survivors. The survivors will then rebuild the population. Usually this will result in a decrease in genetic variation. Which term describes this event? A. Gene fixation B. Bottleneck C. Founder affect D. Directional selection


Speciation is most commonly caused by what process? A. Hybrid inviability. B. Geographic isolation C. Gene flow D. Behavioral isolation


The map below shows the distribution of three species of anole lizards in the genus Norpos. Which of the following distribution shift might be expected for these species in light of climate change A. The mainland species will probably shrink its range towards the equator. The Cuban species is likely to colonize Jamaica and compete with that species B. The mainland species will probably expand its range, to the north and south. The species in Cuba and Jamaica are unlikely to see a substantial range shift C. The mainland species probably will shift its range to the north. The species in Cuba and Jamaica are unlikely to see a substantial range shift D. Both island species are likely to expand the ranges but the mainland species is likely to be limited by intraspecific competition


The most important role that decomposers play in an ecosystem is releasing the energy from dead organisms, allowing them to be used by living organisms A. True B. False


The new species of unicellular protest is discovered. The species has a lifecycle where it's gametes are the only haploid cells produced. Gametes cannot divide to form new haploid cells but they may fertilize other gametes to form diploid cells. What type of lifecycle is this A. Sporic B. Gametic C. Zygotic D. Clonal


Use the following diagram of five islands formed at around the same time you're a particular mainland, as well as MacArthur in Wilson's Island equilibrium model principles to answer the question. Which island would likely have the lowest extinction rate A. E B. A C. C D. D


What do animals ranging from corals to monkeys have in common? A. Number of embryonic tissue layers B. A presence of hox genes C. A mouth and an anus D. Same type of body symmetry


What is the best explanation for why Yeast cell are small and hyphae are thin A. Sexual reproduction requires large structures B. Absorptive nutrition is more efficient when all the cells are in contact with nutrition sources C. Chitin cannot be used in large structures D. Both are unicellular


Which age structure pyramid shows a growing population A. 1 B. 2 C. 3


Which of the following body plans exhibits a true coelom A. A B. B C. Both D. Neither


Which of the following is a characteristic that differentiates algae from land plants? A. Land plants contain plastids for photosynthesis while algae photosynthesize using non-plastid organelles B. When plans have multiple adaptations to reduce water loss such as stomata and a cuticle well algae do not C. I'll go tissues arise from apical meristem's where is plant tissues grow most actively near the base of the sporophyte D. Algae have a Sporic lifecycle while land plants have a zygotic lifecycle


Which of the following is not a characteristic of both animals and fungi A. Some species are parasitic B. Rigid cell walls due to chitin layer C. Heterotrophic D. Members of the group opisthokonta


Which of the following is not strong evidence that two species are closely related? A. Discovery of a high degree of DNA sequence similarity between the species B. Observing both species using strong claws to dig into the sediment C. Seeing that two species share morphologies during development D. Existence of fossils that possess many traits of both species


Which of the following is the most predictable outcome of increased gene flow between two populations? A) lower than average fitness in both populations B) decreased genetic difference between the two populations C) higher average fitness in both populations D) increased genetic difference between two populations


Which of the following statements is correct about the phylogenetic relationships of animals? A. The presence of a cuticle in both arthropods in nematodes is the result of convergent evolution B. Radial symmetry arose independently in echinoderms Cnidarians C. The group lophotrochoza includes both protestors and deuterostomes D. Dura stones are polyphyletic group and similarities in early development between urchins and humans as a result of convergent evolution


Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the evolutionary relationship between chordates and invertebrates A. Chordates are most closely related to the tunicate type of echinoderms B. Chordates are more closely related to echinoderms than arthropods C. Chordates evolved from echinoderms D. Chordates are most closely related to arthropods


Which of the following supergroups contains humans? A. Amoebozoa B. Unikonta C. Animalia D. Rhizaria E. Excavata


Which of the following would you classify as something other than an animal A. Coral B. Choanoflagellate C. Jellyfish D. Sponge


Which of these might have been observed in the common ancestor of chondrichthyans and osteichthyans? A. A spiral valve vestibule B. A mineralized, bony skeleton C. Opercula D. A swim bladder


You find a green organism in a pond near your house and believe it is a plant, not an Alga the mystery organism is most likely a plant and not an alga if it... A. Has cell walls that are completely comprise largely of cellulose B. Is surrounded by cuticle C. Contains chloroplasts D. Does not contain vascular tissue


You're here at Clearwater Beach when a bunch of dead fish come floating by. Over the next few hours hundreds more fish wash up on the beach. Later, you see on the news that Clearwater Marine aquarium responded to several calls about marine mammals in distress in the area. Based on this information, you would conclude that the organism causing these events is a A. Rhizarian B. Dinoflagellate C. Excavate D. Diatom


During the Cambrian period We saw a rapid increase in A. The diversity of animals, because a decrease in oxygen allowed for more active aerobic organisms B. The density of terrestrial animals, because an increase in oxygen make life in air possible C. The number of different animal species, because the evolution of a hox gene come complex allowed for new animal morphologies D. All of the above


Finding which of the following in a cell of an organism would represent evidence of Endosymbiosis and the ancestors of the organism? A. A cell wall B. ether linkages cell membrane C. Organelles surrounded by two plasma membrane's D. Circular nuclear DNA


Generally speaking for plants, dispersal is... A. Disadvantageous as offspring will be most successful when they grow close to their parents B. Disadvantages as offspring are likely to get to poorer habitats C. Advantageous for colonizing new habitats and enhancing genetic diversity D. Advantageous for colonizing new habitat in limiting genetic diversity


In a phylogenetic tree below which of the following traits appeared at number two A. Embryos B. Pollen C. Roots D. Alternation of generations


In gymnosperms, dispersal may occur via all of the following except A. Seeds, carried by the wind B. Seeds, carried on the fur of animals C. Pollen, carried by animals that ingest it D. Pollen, carried by the wind


In the figure, which of the arrows represent the carrying capacity A. A B. B C. C D. Carrying capacity cannot be found in the figure because species under density dependent control never reach carrying capacity


Most swiss starlings produce 45 eggs in each clutch. Starlings producing fewer or more than this have reduced fitness. Which of the following terms best describes the situation? A. Directional selection B. Disruptive selection C. Stabilizing selection D. Sexual selection


Movement of the minerals in a plant should be the slowest in: A. Angiosperms B. Lycophytes C. Bryophytes D. Gymnosperms


Which of the following characteristics tends to limit bryophytes and seedless vascular plants to habitats that are relatively moist? A. Presence of lignified vascular tissue B. Presence of free living, independent zygotes and early embryos C. Presence of flagellated sperm D. Absence of a cuticle


Which of the following clades of animals are amniotes 1. Crocodilians 2. Amphibians 3. Birds 4. Primates A. 1,2&4 B. 2&3 C. 1,3&4 D. 1&2 E. 1&3


Which of the following developmental features is the same for protostomes and deuterostomes A. Mouth develops from the blastopore B. Indeterminate cleavage in the embryo stage C. Three tissue layers D. Pseudocoelom


Which of the following groups is most closely related to vertebrates A. Sea stars B. Sea urchins C. Tunicates D. Lancelets


Which of the following limits the carrying capacity of a habitat A. Competition B. Predation C. Resource limitation D. Disease E. All of the above


Which of the following mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in prokaryotes involves a viral infections A. Conjunction B. Transformation C. Transduction D. Translocation


Which of the following mechanisms of horizontal change transfer in prokaryotes involved in physical connection between two cells? A. Translocation B. Transduction C. Conjugation D. Transformation


Which of the following pairs are most closely related in an evolutionary sense? A. Snails: nematodes B. Sponges: earth worms C. Nematodes: insects D. Jellyfish: sea stars


Which of the following traits first appeared at number one in the tree below A. Microphylls B. Vascular tissue C. Alternation of generations D. Pollen


Which of the following trends is exhibited by human ancestors overtime A. A decrease in the number of toes B. An increase in the size of molars and canine teeth C. An increase in brain size D. A decrease in body size


Which of these conditions are always true of populations evolving due to natural selection? Condition one: the population must vary and traits that are heritable Condition two: some heritable traits must increase reproductive success Condition three: individuals pass on most traits that they acquired during their lifetime A. 2 only B. 1 only C. 1&2 D. 2&3


Which two domains are most closely related? A. bacteria and Archaea B. Bacteria and eukarya C. Archaea and Eukarya D. All are equally related


While comparing DNA sequences to build a phylogenetic tree of bacteria, Jennifer finds a confusing piece of data: one population which would otherwise fit nicely into a particular clade seems to contain at least one very long DNA sequence that matches to that of a very distantly related clade. What process is most likely responsible for this mystery? A. Convergent evolution B. Mutation C. Horizontal gene transfer D. Hybridization


While observing a Gram stain bacteria, you know that the specimen has a purple color. This means that: A. The specimens peptidoglycan layer is thick, making it a gram-negative bacteria B. The specimens peptidoglycan layer is thin, making it a gram-positive bacteria C. The specimens peptidoglycan layers thick, making it a gram-positive bacteria D. The specimens peptidoglycan layer is then making it a gram-negative bacteria


You have a pine tree in your backyard in your little cousin marked with a knife to mark his love for his girlfriend. 10 years later, this Mark will be... A. Higher B. At the same spot C. Higher or at the same spot depending on growing conditions


You would expect a flagellate to have: A. Many irregular extensions of cytoplasm, used in feeding B. Energy producing organelles called flags C. One or two long extensions from its cell, used in locomotion or to create water current D. Multiple short protrusions from its cell used in locomotion


A population bacterial who size remains at the same 100,000 cells through several generations would have a net reproductive rate of A. 0 B. 100,000 C. 0.01 D. 1


A professional engineer can easily design skeletal structures that are more functional than those currently found in the forelimbs of such diverse mammals as horses whales and bats. The actual fore limbs of these mammals do not seem to be optimally arranged because _______. A. Hind limb buds never appeared during embryonic development of whales B. Wheels are often predators C. The bone structure and whale flippers is analogous to the bone structure in hippopotamus D. The blowhole of whales develop at the end of the snout when it first appears in embryonic development, before migrating to the top of the head E. All of the above


A residential region in Indonesia has four patches of forest shown in the scale map below. Which one would you expect to have the highest diversity of birds A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


A small plant species live on the edge of ponds and relies on the fusion to bring various molecules to different parts of his body. The evolution of vascular tissue in this plant would allow it to gain which of the following advantages? A. The ability for the female gametophyte to provide protection and nourishment for the embryo B. The ability to reproduce away from water C. The ability to produce specialized tissues and organs D. The ability to grow taller thereby increase spore dispersal


Nitrogen fixing Cyanobacteria A. Require inorganic Imodium to create organic molecules B. Tend to lower productivity of an area due to the infections they cars and other organisms C. Require inorganic nitrates to create organic molecules D. Can use atmospheric nitrogen to create organic molecules


Overharvesting encourages extinction and is most likely to affect _______ A. Edge adapted species B. Animals that occupy a broad ecological niche C. Most organisms that live in the ocean's coral reefs D. Large animals with low intrinsic reproductive rates


Plant have many adaptations which allowed for life on land. Which of the following is one such trait? A. High surface area to volume ratio B. Asexual reproduction C. Zygotic lifecycle D. Waxy cuticle


And onions cells of the sporophyte have 16 chromosomes within each nucleus. Match the number of chromosomes present in each of the following onion tissues. How many chromosomes should be in the nucleus of an egg within the embryo sac prior fertilization? A. 8 B. 16 C. 24 D. 32


The half-life of carbon-14 is about 5700 years. You have found a fossil that you believe to be about 17,100 years old because it has ______ the normal expected ratio of carbon 14 A) 1/8 B) 1/16 C) not enough information D) 1/32


The life cycle below is a _______, and the multicellular structure shown in #1 is a ______. A. Alteration of generations, gametophyte B. Gametic life cycle, gametophyte C. Zygotic life cycle, sporophyte D. Sporic life cycle, sporophyte


The main purpose of movement corridors is to A. Connect two otherwise isolated populations B. Slowly introduce a species to a new reserve C. Create more edge habitat D. Slow down the introduction of new individuals of a species


Endothermic species A. Tend to be restricted to lower latitudes than ectothermic species B. May have a range that is limited by tolerance to cold temperatures C. May have a lower metabolic rate in cold environments compared to warm environments D. All of the above


And a population of flowering plants that is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium there are two possible alleles for color: R and W. Flowers that are red and have a genotype of RR while white flowers have WW genotypes and pink flowers have RW genotypes in a population of 100 of this plant species 35 are red, 20 or white, and 45 are pink. What is the allele frequency of the W allele? A) 0.42 B) 0.2 C) 0.45 D) 0.35


A forest population of flies utilize different elaborate courtship rituals, which involve fighting other males and making stylized movements that attract females. One season, a mutation causes some of the flies to change their courtship rituals, which now only attract a certain genotype of females to mate. If this situation persisted indefinitely what is the likely long-term outcome? A. Sympatric speciation B. Gene flow C. Allopathic speciation D. Hybrid breakdown E. Habitat isolation


A friend sent you a box of dried and pinned grasshoppers that were collected in the rain Forest of Panama and ask you to determine how many species are represented in the group. Which of the following approaches would be least useful for this task? A. Reproductive isolation B. Molecular features C. Morphological traits


A group that indicates bats and hawks (flying vertebrates) is... A. Polyphyletic B. Paraphyletic C. Monophyletic D. Allophyletic


A population of kangaroos has an annual per capita birth rate of 0.06 and an annual per capita death rate of 0.01. Calculate an estimate the overall number change in population size over one year for a given starting population of 1000 individuals A. 50 individuals added B. 10 individuals added C. 10 individuals lost D. 120 individuals added E. 60 individuals added


A population of naked mole rats with a population size of 200 and a net reproductive rate of 1.5 would be expected to have how many individuals in the next generation A. 300 B. 150 C. 201.5 D. 250 E. 200


And your biological diversity course, you are not animals should be grouped as shown in tree 1 and the figure below. This is based on morphological data: species a and B have radial symmetry and species C, D, and E all have bilateral symmetry. Further, species D and E have a shell, while no other species shown here have one. Your lab partner undertakes an undergraduate research project in which she sequences part of the genome of the species, and find that species see C and D have much more similar DNA sequences than either of them share with species E. Based on that information she proposes that the phylogenetic tree should be revised as it is in tree 2 below. Is this a reasonable suggestion? A) yes, as species that are more closely related have more similar nucleotide sequences. The presence of a shell in species D & E could be the result of convergent evolution, or shells may have evolved in the common ancestors of species C, D, and E then subsequently lost in species C. B) no, because these similarities in DNA are most likely due to convergent evolution C) yes, as species that are more closely related have more similar nucleotide sequences. The presence of a shell could be the result of convergent evolution, but it is not likely that shells were present in the common ancestor of C, D, and E since traits are rarely lost. D) no, because tree 1 and tree 2 show the same thing. E) no, because once trees have been constructed based on one set of data it makes little sense to redraw them again


Apical meristems ______. A. Occur in both roots and shoots of plants B. Occur only in roots of plants C. Occur only in shoots of plants D. Allow plants to move from one place to another


Compared to gymnosperms, bryophytes have a relatively ________ sporophyte generation which means they tend to have comparatively ________ dispersal potential A. Small... low B. Big... high C. Small... high D. Big... low


During a heterokaryotic stage of fungal reproduction A. Each cell contains at least two haploid nuclei B. + and - mating type hyphae come together to form a gametangia C. Spores are produced D. Asexual reproduction occurs via sporangia


Fisher's that have swim bladders can regulate their density and does their buoyancy. There are two types of swim bladder: physostomous and physoclistous. The ancestral version is the physostomous version in which the swim bladder is connected to the esophagus via short tube. The fish fills this version by swimming to the surface, taking off some air, and directing them into the swim bladder. There is removed from this version by belching. The physoclistous Version is more derived and has lost its connection to the esophagus. Instead, gas in tears and leaves the swim bother you had a special circulatory mechanisms with in the wall of the swimbladder. The presence of a swimbladder allows a typical ray finned fish to stop swimming and still A. Not sink B. Effectively circulate it'sblood C. Use it swim bladder as a respiratory Organ D. Use it lateral line system


If fire wiped out the entire population of Al's living in a forest. This is an example of A. A density independent effect B. A density dependent effect C. The effects of biotic factors D. The interaction between density dependent and abiotic factors E. Type three survivorship


In a Hardy Weinberg population with to alleles, A and a, that are in equilibrium, the frequency of alleles a is 0.2. What is the frequency of individuals that are heterozygous for this allele? A. 0.32 B. 0.020 C. 0.16 D. 0.04


In a plankton tow off the coast of Florida you collected several embryos in the very early stages of development. You follow these embryos as they develop over several weeks and noticed that they have radial cleavage. The larvae have bilateral symmetry, yet the adults have radial symmetry, with many spines protruding from the body. the animal is likely A. An echinoderm B. A nematode C. A mollusk D. A cnidarian


In the lifecycle of a dinoflagellate shown below, the sexual part of the lifecycle of the depicts a A. Zygotic life cycle B. Clonal life cycle C. Sporic life cycle D. Gametic life cycle


In which of the following examples would sepeciation most likely occur? A) Two populations of oak trees begin releasing pollen at different times of the year, one in the spring and the other in the fall B) Unseasonably warm temperatures cause an unusual low pressure zone over the Caribbean leading to a hurricane that eradicates a population of parrots on the island of Saba C) The Fukushima nuclear power plant fails and leaks radioactive water into the ocean causing sterility among an entire population of sea horses D) Lake Huron warms by 2 degrees centigrade due to a hole in the ozone layer


Large reserves A. Have less edge habitat than many small reserves of equal total area B. Are always better than many small reserves of equal total area C. Inherently lead to more gene flow between reserves and many small reserves of equal total area D. All of the above


Plants had to overcome many challenges in order to colonize land. Which of the following is not one of those challenges? A. Using carbon dioxide for photosynthesis B. Ability to resist gravity C. Dispersal if gametes D. Resisting desiccation


Reproduction in fungi A. Maybe sexual or asexual B. Can only occur when unmated + and - hyphae come together C. Is an example of a sporic life cycle D. Occurs as asexual budding only E. Is very similar to that of animals, with gametes being the only haploid cells in the lifecycle


Scientific experiments have demonstrated plausible mechanisms by which all of the following happened except which? A. The appearance of metabolism and inheritance from self replicating molecules in Protocells B. The polymersization of nucleotides and amino acids into larger molecules C. The appearance of the first nucleotides in amino acids D. The formation of membranes that enclose organic molecules


Small populations A. Are more common in fragmented habitats than similar, untouched habitats B. Consistently have greater reproductive success than large populations C. Tend to have a greater genetic diversity than large populations D. All of the above


The figure depicts the outline of a large ferry ring that has appeared overnight in an open meadow as viewed from above. The fairy ring represents the furthest advance of this mycelium through the soul. Locations A-D are all 0.5 meters under the soil surface. At which location is the mycelium currently absorbing the most nutrients per unit surface area, per unit time? A. A B. B C. C D. D


A population has two alleles, A and a, and is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The frequency of alleles a is 0.3. What is the frequency of the individuals with an AA genotype A. 0.09 B. 0.49 C. 0.7 D. 0.2


A species of historicly highland songbirds has been documented at lower altitude in recent decades this observation is consistent with predictions of biological impacts of global climate change A. True B. False


A very abundant fruit eating bird in Texas is particularly attracted to red food you would expect that a plant in this area may experience A. Directional selection for leaves that have some red coloring on them B. Directional selection for red fruit C. Diversifying selection for red flowers D. Balancing selection for red flowers E. Diversifying selection for red and yellow flowers


As you climb at home mountain in Mexico, from low altitude to high altitude, you see many changes similar to what you would see going from low latitude to high latitudes. which of the following trend with increasing latitude would you not expect with increasing altitude on this mountain in Mexico? A. Decreasing temperature B. Decreasing length of growing season due to limited light availability C. Decrease the number of deciduous trees D. Change in biome


At the edge of two populations of snails, some individuals mate with each other to produce hybrids. This hybrid zone... A. Decreases gene flow between the populations B. Increase is gene flow between the populations C. Is likely to spread sterility throughout both populations D. Is likely to speed up the process of speciation


Because hardly any oxygen was in the early earths atmosphere, the earliest single celled heterotrophic micro organisms probably used which of the following to produce energy to drive metabolic processes? A) photosynthesis B) anaerobic cellular respiration C) oxidative phosphorylation D) aerobic cellular respiration


Crustaceans, insects and chelicerates and nematodes i'll share the following trait: A. Cephalization and body segmentation B. Radial symmetry as adults C. The presence of a mantle even if there is no shell D. A cuticle


Darwin and Wallace were the first to explain A) how alleles work to form genotypes B) how species evolve over time without individuals changing during their lifetime C) that species change over time D) that species can go extinct E) how individuals changing during their life leads to speciation


During cordate evolution, what is the sequence from earliest to most recent in which the following structures a rose 1. Amniotic egg 2. Endoskeleton 3. Jaws 4. Lungs or lung derivatives 5. Limbs with digits A. 2,4,3,1,5 B. 2,3,4,5,1 C. 2,1,4,3,5 D. 3,2,1,4,5 E. 3,2,4,1,5


Imagine fiveforest communities, each with 100 individuals distributed among four tree species (W X Y and Z) which forest community would be most diverse? A. 70W 10X 10Y 10Z B. 25W 25X 25Y 25Z C. 40W 30X 20Y 10Z D. 50W 25X 15Y 10Z


Your friend has been studying a population of fire ants found on beaches of Tampa Bay. she thinks they might be a distinct species from the fire ants found a bit inland in pine forests. to test this hypothesis, she samples many individuals from the beach at Fort DeSoto and many individuals fro the pine Flatwoods area at lettuce lake park near USF. She brings the ants to the lab to see if the queen from the Fort Desoto population can be fertilized by the sperm from lettuce lake population. which definition of species is she using to make her determination? A) Morphological Species concept B) biological Species concept C) Allopatric species concept D) ecological species concept


A mushroom is A. I structure which helps it's mutualistic plant partner by providing it with compounds that are toxic to many herbivores B. A bundle of aseptate mycorrhizae about the soil surface C. The result of a meeting event between a hyphae and two mycelia D. A hyphal structure that supports a rich community of symbiotic cyanobacteria


A population of Beatles is exposed to radiation. Most beetles are completely unaffected by the radiation, while a small subset of individuals develop mutations, resulting in large morphological changes. However, these beetles with mutations are no longer able to reproduce and have no offspring. Is this radiation event likely to be a driving force for evolutionary changes in this population? A. There is not enough information given to answer this question B. Yes C. No


A population of butterfly has two alleles for color blue (b) and red (r). bb individuals are blue; rr individuals are red; heterozygous are purple. Which of the following mechanisms could lead to an appearance of a new allele this population? A. Neutral evolution B. Genetic drift C. Mutation D. Natural selection


A population of lizards live in a forest; 100 are green, 100 are brown, 100 are orange. a forest fire occurs and 85% of the lizards die. the remaining lizardsa re all green and brown, after 25 generations the lizards are still green and brown; orange lizards never reappeared in the population. Which of the following best explains this phenomenon? A) sexual selection B) balancing selection C) genetic drift D) hetero zygote advantage E) mutation


According to the logistic growth equation dN/dt = rmaxN(K — N)/K, A) the number of individuals added per unit time is greatest when N is close to zero. B) the per capita growth rate (r) increases as N approaches K. C) population growth is zero when N equals K. D) the population grows exponentially when K is small. E) the birth rate (b) approaches zero as N approaches K.


An archeologist is working at a dig site in sedimentary rocks. At 10m depth, she finds a large number of fossils that resemble modern birds. At 15m depth, she finds an equal density of lizard-like fossils. about these fossils? A) The lizard and the bird most likely occupied the same ecological niche B) No conclusions can be made without dating the accompanying rocks C) The lizard fossil is most likely older than the bird fossil D) The bird fossil is most likely older than the lizard fossil E) The lizard and bird must have overlapped in time


And oceans most producers are unicellular plankton and most primary consumers are microscopic zooplankton. When the zooplankton consumes the phytoplankton, what is transferred from the photo plankton to the zooplankton A. Materials B. Energy C. Materials and energy


Around hydrothermal vent's there are many prokaryotes that use energy from hydrogen sulfide and build organic molecules using inorganic compounds. These prokaryotes could be called A. Chemoheterotroph B. Photoautotrophs C. Chemoautotrophs D. Photoheterotrophs


At the farmers market, you buy spinach, tomatoes, and bell pepper. All of these foods have in common that: A. They are gymnosperms B. Their shape is mostly the result of epigenetic changes, compared to the wild ancestors C. Their ancestors have been affected by both natural selection and artificial selection D. They are fruit, and the botanical term


Bacillus anthracite is a species of bacteria that can be fatal to humans if ingested in food or drink it could be classified as a A. Producer B. Decomposer C. Pathogen D. Nitrogen fixer


Based on the phylogenetic tree below, you would conclude that A. A treat found only in sponges and mice probably first appeared in ancestor D B. A trait found in all five extant species is probably not found an ancestor B C. Mice are more closely related to sponges then to mushrooms D. Ferns and mice share a large number of shared derived characteristics E. Ferns are more closely related to sponges than they are to mushrooms


Below is a map of four islands, labeled one through four, to the right of the nearest mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which island should have the lowest rate of extinction's A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Consider too closely related species of tropical land turtle. One lives in Central America, and the other lives in tropical Africa. Which is a reasonable hypothesis for this pattern of biogeography? A. The tooth turtle species are closely related because there is a small amount of gene flow that still occurs via Atlanta connection between Asia and the Americas B. One of the turtle species recently disappeared from the other turtle species using a natural mechanism of vertebrate dispersal C. The two turtle species used to have a connected range during the time of Pangaea, but continental drift has secluded them into two separate tropical areas today


Which of the following cellular structures is characteristic of excavates? A. Microvilli B. Cell wall C. Feeding groove D. Pseudopodia


North America was once dominated by forests but today is covered with many grasslands and planes. Given this, what is likely the best explanation for finding a single male species that is only found in the forest of Montana in the forest of the south eastern United States but not in the plains in between? A. The two populations of mice are competitors and will kill each other if the ranges overlap B. The mice only can survive in very hot or very cold climates C. The mice used to live in one continuous geographic zone but the emergence of planes split them into two distinct habitats D. The species of mouse evolved from two different species, one in Canada and one in Florida


Orcas are at the top of the food web. The total amount of energy in the biomass of all the great orca's within an ecosystem A. Must go down with each generation because of entropy B. Must be equal to the sum of the energies of the lower trophic levels C. Must be lower than the energy of a lower trophic levels D. Must go down with each generation because of trophic level transfer efficiency E. Must be more than the energy of the lower levels of the trophic cascade


Over long periods of time, many cave dwelling organisms have lost their eyes. Tapeworms have lost their digestive systems. We also have lost their hind limbs. How can natural selection account for these losses? A. Natural selection accounts for these losses by the principle of use and disuse B. Natural selection cannot account for losses, but account only for new structures and functions. C. Under particular circumstances that persisted for long periods, each of these structures presented greater cost than benefits D. The ancestors of these organisms experienced harmful mutations that force them to lose the structures


Some beetles and flies have antler-like structures on their heads, much like male deer. The existence of antlers in beetles, flies, and deer species with strong male-male competition is an example of A) parsimony B) similarity due to shared ancestry C) convergent evolution D) homology


Suppose a researcher for a pest control company developed a chemical that inhibited the development of an embryonic mosquitoes endodermal cells. Which of the following would be a likely mechanism by which this pesticide works? A. The mosquito would have trouble with respiration and circulation, due to impaired muscle function B. The mosquito will develop a weekend exoskeleton that would make it vulnerable to trauma C. The mosquito wouldn't be affected at all D. The mosquito would have trouble digesting food, due to impaired gut function


The clade Anthropodiea includes all of the following except A. Apes B. Humans C. Lemurs D. Monkeys


The domains bacteria and Archaea... A. Form a monophyletic group B. Both have cell walls if each are not found in eukaryotes C. Both have DNA that is not contained inside a nucleus D. Both are dominated by extremophiles E. All of the above


The extravagant courtship rituals, calls/dances/nest site creations, seen in birds of paradise are likely a result of A. Intersexual selection B. Balancing selection C. Intersexual selection D. Neutral drift


The fact that snakes don't have legs is a A. Sign that snakes are the most ancient type of reptiles B. Change that occurred after snakes evolved from dinosaurs C. Derived characteristic D. Ancestral characteristic


The following question refers to the generalize lifecycle for land plants shown in the figure. Each number within a circle or square represents a specific plant or plant part, and each number over and arrow represents meiosis, mitosis, or fertilization. In the figure, meiosis is most likely to be represented by which numbers? A. 2 B. 2&8 C. 4 D. 10&12


The genius of the bacteria streptococcus pneumoniae refers part to its shape. You can expect that under a light microscope these bacteria should look A. Spiral shaped B. Rod shaped C. Round shaped D. C-shaped


Today, they're around 250,000 species of angiosperms, yeah fewer than 1000 species of gymnosperms. How many ecosystems, angiosperms also dominate in terms of biomass. Which of the following is a likely reason for the success of angiosperms? A. Their flowers concentrate secondary metabolites that are toxic to the pollinators that eat them B. The fruit that grow Ron Paul and greens attract animals and increase C. Their flowers attract pollinators which enhances fertilization rate and reproductive success D. There haploid endosperms provide a back up in case the first sperm cell fails to fertilize the egg, which increases reproductive success


Two populations of birds with somewhat different coloration live on opposite sides of a peninsula. The habitat between the population is not suitable for these birds. When birds from the two populations are brought together they produce young who's appearance is intermediate between the two parents. These offspring will breed with each other or with birds from either parent population, and I'll offspring of these pairings appear intermediate to various degrees. What keeps the two populations separate? A. Lack of hybrid viability B. Behavior isolated reproductive activity C. Habitat isolation D. Temporal reproductive isolation


What do animals as diverse as a sponge in a shark have in common A. Type of body symmetry B. Method of gas exchange C. Heterotrophy D. Presence of organs


What is the biological significance of genetic diversity in wildlife populations? A. Diseases and parasites are not spread between separated populations B. Genes for traits conferring in advantage to local conditions are unlikely C. Genetic diversity reduces the probability of extinction D. The population that is most fit would survive by competitive exclusion


Which ancestral trait is absent in apes A. Omnivory B. Tendency to live in trees C. Tail D. Socialist


Which graph best represents the most likely growth pattern of a population of mice released onto an island previously uninhabited by mice A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Which of the Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is violated when gene flow is increase between two or more populations? A. Random meeting B. Natural selection is not occurring C. No migration D. Large population


Which of the following are the best candidates to evolve by natural selection? A. An oak tree capable of producing 1000 acorns at a time B. A population of bacteria that are all identical clones C. A population of grasshoppers of all different shapes and sizes D. A female elephant that is the leader of her herd


A species of weed with short spines develops long spines over many years after the introduction of a beetle which eats the weed. Which is the best explanation of this change? A. The predation of the beetle cause we Tatian's in the weed, which resulted in production of natural defenses B. The genes for long spine production were transferred to the weeds from the beetle via horizontal gene transfer C. Individual weeds produce longer spies after being eaten, which led to the production of longer spines of the offspring by those weed plants. D. Weed plants with the shortest spines were more readily eaten leaving those with longer spines to have more offspring


Abiotic factors that can influence the distribution of species include A. Competition B. Disease C. Predation D. Temperature E. All of the above


An increase in atmospheric oxygen may directly allow for A. Better reproductive conditions for lichens B. An increase in food availability in oceans C. Better camouflage for crabs in coastal waters D. Larger animals with high levels of activity


And a very large population, a quantitive treat has the following distribution pattern. If there is no gene flow, the curve shifts to the right and the population size consequently increases over successive generations, which of the following is most likely to occur? A. disruptive selection B. Genetic drift C. Immigration or emigration D. Directional selection


Animals have a _________ lifecycle, which means that no mitosis occurs in the _________ stage A. Zygotic, diploid B. Zygotic, hypolid C. Gametic, diploid D. Gametic, haploid


Any particular case of secondary succession, three species of wild grass all invaded a field. By the second season, a single species dominated the field and the other two species had a lower relative abundance. A possible factor contributing to the abundances of these species in this example of secondary succession IS A. Equilibrium B. Parasitism C. Immigration D. Inhibition


Below is a map of four islands, labeled one through four, to the right of the nearest mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which I want you to have the lowest rate of species introductions A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


Cnidarians like sea anemones and jellyfish use cnidocytes for the following: A. Defense B. Prey capture C. Locomotion D. A&b E. A&c


Dry and cool conditions in a terrestrial environment should most favor A. Monilophytes due to their megaphylls B. Bryophytes due to their small size C. Lycophytes due to their dominant sporophyte generation D. Seed plants due to their ability to disperse sperm inside pollen


Eukaryotic cells... A. Appeared around 3.5 billion years ago before prokaryotic cells B. Appeared 3.5 billion years ago from Endosymbiosis of a bacteria inside in Archaea C. Appeared around 1.5 billion years ago before prokaryotic cells D. Appeared around 1.5 billion years ago from Endosymbiosis of a bacterium inside in archaea


For most terrestrial ecosystems, pyramids composed of species abundances, biomass, and energy are similar in that they have a broad base and a narrow top. The primary reason for this pattern is that A. Biomagnification of toxic materials limits the secondary consumers in the top carnivores B. Top carnivores and secondary consumers have a more general diet than primary producers C. Secondary consumers in top carnivores require less energy than producers D. At each step, energy is lost from the system


Fungi are important to earths ecosystems because A. They are important chemosynthesizers B. Most fungi are an important food source for animals C. They are important oxygen producers D. They release nutrients back into the environment through decomposition E. All of these


Fungi have an extremely high surface to volume ratio. What is the advantage of this characteristic to an organism that gets most of its nutrition through absorption? A. The lower volume prevents the cells from drying out too quickly, which can interfere with absorption B. This high ratio creates more room inside the cells for additional organelles involved in absorption C. This high ratio means that funk I have a thick flashy structure that allows the fungi to store more of the food it absorbs D. The higher ratio allows for more material to be acquired from the surroundings and transported through the cell membrane


Globally, primary production of terrestrial ecosystems tends to A. Be most limited by the amount of nitrates in the soil B. Increase with increasing secondary production C. Increase with decreasing temperature D. Increase with increasing rainfall


If fish is better suited than a jellyfish for A. Moving fast in one direction B. Sensing the environment ahead of itself C. Obtaining the oxygen it needs through diffusion across its skin and gut lining D. A&b E. A b and C


Imagine a hypothetical gymnosperm that has evolved in a remote island of the Pacific which has no herbivores. Compared to similar species on cottons with herbivores, you should expect that the island gymnosperm would have A. Low levels of secondary metabolites in its leaves B. Large tasty fruit with tough seeds C. Small bitter fruit with easily digestible seeds D High levels of secondary metabolites in its leaves E. Strong scent to attract pollinators to its flowers


Imagine a population with 1000 wolves. Of these, 200 a breeding females, 200 a breeding males, and 600 or non-breeding juveniles. What is the effective population size? A. 1000 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400 E. 1200


In tropical rainforest a large amount of leaves are not eaten by herbivores and instead accumulate as leaf litter on the forest floor. In Malaysia tropical forests, Burkholderia spp bacteria are an important group breaking down your Ganic molecules in this leaf litter and releasing in organic nutrients; hence their activity boost plant photosynthesis and growth. Burkholderia spp are considered: A. Pathogen B. Nitrogen fixer C. Producer D. Decomposer


Introduced species or threat to biodiversity because A. Humans tend to hunt introduced species, wiping them out B. They are usually Apex predators, which are rare C. The loss of the individuals and their native range cause a gap in their ecosystem D. The species can have a negative impact on species native to their new range


Mammals and birds eat more often than reptiles. Which of the following traits shared by mammals and birds best explains this habit? A. Terrestrial habitat B. Ectothermy C. Amniotic egg D. Endothermy


The biological species concept divines is species as a group of individuals that can breed to create viable, fertile offspring. In which of the following cases can't be a most readily applied to, to determine if two groups of organisms should be considered different species? A. To extant groups of cyanobacteria B. Two groups of baleen and Wales, one found in the north Atlantic and the other near Antarctica C. Two extinct groups of lobsters that look morphologically quite different from the fossil record D. Two groups of salmon that spawn in the same river in British Columbia


The carrying capacity of earth for humans is partly dependent on which factor A. Per capita growth rate of humans B. The total fertility rate of humans C. The age structure of humans D. The ecological footprint of humans


The main cause of the increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in earths atmosphere over the past 150 years A. Increase worldwide primary production B. An increase in the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by the atmosphere C. Additional respiration by the rapidly growing human population D. The burning of larger amounts of wood in fossil fuels


The moist skin of most terrestrial amphibians is important for A. Feeding B. Protection from predators C. Reproduction D. Gas exchange


We find many adaptations among animals that increase the amount of surface area of a whole or part of the body in relation to the animals total volume. Such adaptations include a platyhelminths flat body plan, The gills of a crustacean, and the tracheae tubes of an insect. These are adaptations for which of the following biological needs A. Removal of nitrogenous waste B. Balancing osmotic gradients C. Resisting desiccation D. Diffusion of oxygen into the body


Well sampling marine plankton in a lab, a student encounters large numbers of fertilized eggs. The student rears some of the eggs in the laboratory for further study and finds that the blastopore becomes the mouth. The embryo develops into a trochophore larva and eventually has a true coelom. These eggs probably belong to a A. Nematode B. Arthropod C. Echinoderm D. Mollusc


Well walking in the forest, your friend observed a small animal crawling on a tree. The animal had a rigid body with three body segments, two large eyes, and six legs. To which clade did this animal most likely belong A. Crustacean B. Cephalopod C. Gastropod D. Chelicerate E. Insect


What adaptations should one expect of the seed codes of an angiosperm species whose and seeds are disbursed by fruit eating animals, as opposed to angiosperms who seeds are disbursed by other means? A. The seed coat should contain secondary compounds that irritate the lining of the animals mouth in the seedcoat should be able to withstand high acidity B. The exterior of the seed coat should have Barb's or hooks, and the seed coat should contain secondary compounds that irritate the lining of the animals mouth. C. The seat code, upon his complete digestion, should provide vitamins or nutrients to animals D. The seed coat should be able to withstand high acidity, and the secret should be resistant to the animals digestive enzymes


What do fungi and arthropods have in common A. Both groups are predominantly on a truce that produce their own food B. Both have cell walls C. The haploid state is dominant in both groups D. Both groups use chitin for support


What tree is common between cnidarians, humans, and butterflies? A. Bilateral Symmetry B. Two germ layers C. Molting of an outer cuticle D. Specialized tissues


What was an early selective it vantage of a coelom in animals? A coelom A. Was a more efficient digestive system B. Allowed asexual and sexual reproduction C. Allowed cephalization and the formation of a cerebral ganglion D. Contributed to a hydrostatic skeleton allowing greater range of motion


Which characteristic is common to all of the modern representatives of major reptilian lineages A. Ectothermy B. Presence of 4 walking limbs C. Presence of teeth D. Presence of a notochord


Which factor heavily limits the primary production interest real habitats but not in aquatic ones A. Temperature B. Nutrients C. Sunlights D. Water


Which of the following list is correctly ordered from broadest to narrowest? A. Class, order,Genius, family B. Kingdom, phylum, order, class C. Kingdom, order, phylum, class D. Phylum, class, order, family


Which of the following organisms is likely to be able to move around the fastest A. Number one, because it's arms are articulated and allow it to move quickly toward preyitems B. Number three, because it can detach itself and quickly move through the ocean currents C. Number three, because it's mesoderm allows for the development of strong muscles D. Number two, because it's symmetry allows for the concentration of sense organs in the anterior end


Which of the following organisms is most closely related to fungi? A. Slime mold B. Dinoflagellate C. Sunflower D. Elephant


Which of the following statements about protostomes is true A. Protostomes lack true tissues B. Protostomes only have two tissue layers C. Cell fate is not set an early cleavage stages, and therefore identical twins often occur in protostomes D. The first opening that forms during protostome gastrulation becomes the mouth E. Cleavage in early protostome development is radial


Why do moderate levels of disturbance tend to result in an increase in community diversity A. K selected species are most successful when there are moderate levels of disturbance B. Competitively dominant species typically increase in abundance after a moderate disturbance C. The resulting uniform habitat support stability, which in turn supports diversity D. Habitats are opened up for less competitive species


Why would plants colonizing dryland cause the earth to cool rather than warm? A. Plants absorb heat one photosynthesizing B. Plants allow for shading of land C. Land plants release oxygen D. Plants take up carbon dioxide, which reduces the greenhouse effect


You compare homologous nucleotide sequence is between several pairs of species with known divergence times. A pair of species at the verge to 1 million years ago has two nucleotide differences, a pair of the day bridge 2 million years ago has four nucleotide differences, and a pair that diverge 3 million years ago has six nucleotide differences. Do you have DNA sequence data for the homologous Jean and another pair of species where the divergent time is unknown. There are three nucleotide differences between them. Based on your clock, when would you estimate their line of ancestry diverged? A. 3 million years ago B. 2 million years ago C. 2.5 million years ago D. 1.5 million years ago


_______ are heterotrophic protists; while _______ are photoautotrophic protists


On a tropical Pacific island, warm temperatures lead to extensive bleaching and mortality of coral. A year later, about half of the area previously occupied by coral is now converted by crustose coralline algae, a type of calcareous Red algae that grows as a crust on the substrate. The other half of the roof is covered by a sediment and see weeds. Two years after the bleaching event, there are lots of choral recruits on the reef, and most of those recruits settled on the crustose coralline algae very few coworkers were able to settle in nearby areas dominated by seaweeds. Five years later, coral colonies are starting to grow bigger than the pouches of crustose Coraline algae and into the sediment in the seaweed areas. 10 years later, the reef is once again dominated by large coral colonies. This situation would be an example of A. Primary succession and inhibition B. Secondary succession and tolerance C. Secondary succession and inhibition D. Primary succession and facilitation E. Secondary succession and facilitation


Which of the following nutrient cycles does not include a biological component A. Nitrogen B. Carbon C. Phosphorus D. Water E. None. They all include biological component


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