BTA 8.01 Vocabulary
Windows Movie Maker
a desktop video program, created by Microsoft installed on every Windows computer. Allows you to create and edit movies to use to accompany your presentation, although you can also add still photos or graphics and create a slide show, just as in PowerPoint and OpenOffice Impress.
a presentation that is already formatted with a slide design and may also include sample text to guide you in completing the presentation.
notes pages
a printout that contains a small version of the slide along with speaker notes.
a single page of a presentation created with software such as PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress.
on-screen presentation
also called slide show; the presentation of all the digital slides shown one after another.
are small dots, squares, dashes or graphics that begin a short descriptive phrase.
designated areas that can be used to easily insert text, graphics, or multimedia objects.
formatting features that applies a background, colors, fonts, and effects to all slides in a presentation.
movement of individual objects on a slide.
slide layout
prearranged sets of placeholders for various types of slide content.
printed copies of the presentation for the audience to refer to during and after the slide show. You have the option of printing various numbers of slides per page.
the character design, slant, weight, and size of text
the presentation graphics in Open Office.
the presentation graphics program in Microsoft.
visual movement as one slide changes to another.