Buildings (hussain sagar, tirumala venkateswara temple)
When was the hussain sagar built
How big was the hussain sagar ?
24 square km
How many famous statues of people does the hussain sagar have ?
What statue is in the middle of the hussain sagar ?
Gautam Buddha which was erected in 1992
Who was the hussain sagar built by
Hazrat Hussain Shah Wali
Where is the hussain sagar located ?
During whose rule was the hussain sagar built ?
Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shahid
What park is located in the Buddha statue ?
Lumbini park
What is the tirumala temple known as ?
Temple of seven hills or saptagiri in Sanskrit
Where is the tirumala venkateswara temple located ?
The hill town of tirumala, near tirupati in the chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh India
What two cities does the hussain sagar link ?
The twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad
Where is the Tirumala temple situated ?
Venkatadri, one of the 7 hills of Tirumala