Bullying Exam

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How does the NJ ABR define bullying?

"HIB means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or series of incidents, that: is responsibly perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, or a mental physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic -takes place on school property, at any schoo; sponsored function -substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students -knowing the act will have a harmful effect on the victim -has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students -creates a hostile educational environment for the student by interfering with a students education or by severely or pervasively causing physcial or emotional harm to the student. "

What are some ways to help bystanders act to prevent and reduce bullying while maintaining their safety?

-Emphasize power in numbers -Emphasize that their silence only fuels bullys -Model positive behavior -Discrourage them from directly confronting aggressive kids -Encourage them to tell adults when they see bullying -Help them to find ways to befriend targets of bullying

What is the goal of the NJ ABR?

-To establish clear standards for the definition of HIB -Strengthen standards to preventing, reporting, investigation, and responding to HIB incidents -Use existing resources to increase school safety -Reducing the risk of suicide ** Eliminate and Prevent bullying in school*

What is meant by the statement: "bullying is a learned behavior?"

-not an innate behavior -learn the behavior from witnessing the acts done

Please explain why Swearer thinks that social-ecological theory helps to why some students engage in bullying?


Swearer discusses a case study where teachers refused to intervene because they did not directly see bullying taking place. What should teachers do when they hear about acts of bullying that they did not see themselves?


Why does Swearer recommend comprehensive, long term programs involving as many school and community members as possible as a sound way for preventing and reducing bullying?


A School Safety Team should have the following people as members:

1. ABS (Antibullying specialist) 2. Prinicple 3. Teacher 4. Parent 5. Students

What are some activites to prevent cyber bullying?

1. Create publice service annoucment against cyberbullying 2. Design a school wide pledge 3. Build an awareness campagin 4. Cross-grade mentoring 5. Use cyberbullying scenarios depicting the problem

What are some benefits of a specific action plan for preventing or reducing bullying?

1. Guides school and staff into a longrange approach to prevent HIB 2. Provides timelines and benchmarks 3. Sets strategies and addresses troubled areas 4. Yields data for self evaluation 5. Helps with next steps

What are some of the duties of a School Safety Team?

1. Prevent 2. Analyze 3. Survey 4. Look at school climate

What is the timeline (stated in school days) for reporting bullying incidents to the principal?

1. Verbal report SAME day 2. Written report WITHIN TWO days 3. To begin investigation WITHIN ONE SCHOOL DAY OF VERBAL report 4. to complete investigation is TEN DAYS (2 school weeks) 5. TWO DAYS after investigation principle has to find consequence 6. Superintendent has the NEXT BOE meeting to deliver the sentencing 7. Superintendent has FIVE days to notify the parents 8. Parents have TEN days to APPEAL

A comprehensive HIB prevention program consists of the following 5 components:

1.Prevention 2. Reporting 3. Investigating 4. Responding 5. Remediation

On average, bullying affects what percentage of students _____________%?


Please explain the "80/20 principle" in terms of bullying?

80% of the bullying is done by 20% of the people

Who chairs the school safety team?

ABS (anti-bullying specialist)

A principal and ABS meet to decide the responses or consequences for an act of bullying. What are some of the factors that they should consider when deciding on consequences for bullying?

Age, developmental age, degree of harm, severity of behavior, past incidents, history of behavior, relationship between parties

According to the NJ Anti-bullying Bill of Rights which members of a school community are required to receive anti-HIB training?

All Staff

Does the ABR accept verbal or anonymous reports of bullying?

Allows both verbal and anonymous

Who coordinates a school district's anti-bullying policy and effors

Antibullying coordinator

In your own words, please define "school climate."


Which of the following is NOT a student activity to prevent bullying? a) Create a public service announcement b) Block all social media in the school c) School wide pledge d) Build an anti-bullying awareness campaign


Please list 2 effective ways for adults to support or help targets of bullying

Be in hot spots Embed the anti hib into curriculum Inolve students in developing rules Expect staff to behave respectuflly Encourage communication

Why does the literature recommend a "central coordinating group" as one of the key steps for preventing or reducing bullying?

Believe all perspectives are important Know where they are- who- always have them around

Involving students in developing "rules" that they understand, believe in and enforce is sometimes referred to as: a) School spirit b) The honor system c) Ownership or commitment d) A sense of belonging.


How does conflict differ from bullying?

Conflict= Mutually competititve or opposing action, includes disagreements, normal part of growing up Bullying= one sided, one or more students are victims, has intent to physically or emotionally hurt someone

Where can you find information for contacting a district's anti-bullying coordinator or a school's anti-bullying specialist?

District Website

Effective HIB prevention requires the support of which of the following: a) Administration b) Students c) Parents d) Faculty e) All of the above


True or False: By providing certificated staff with HIB training, the school district will comply with the in-service training requirements under the the ABR.

False In addition to certificated staff, all other school staff, persons contracted by the district to provide services to students, and volunteers who have significant contact with students are required to receive HIB training from the school district.

True or False: School districts are prohibited from responding to HIB incidents that occur off school grounds.

False School districts are required to respond to HIB incidents that occur off school grounds when they meet all of the criteria established in the HIB definition at N.J.S.A. 18A:37-14, including the criterion that the HIB must substantially disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students.

True or false: The only role of the ABS is to investigate reports of HIB and write reports on the investigation

False The ABS is responsible to chair the school safety team, lead the 0HIB investigations and act as the primary school official responsible for preventing, identifying and addressing incidents of HIB in the school. The ABS provides input to the BOE on the annual re-evaluation, reassessment and review of the HIB policy and, at the BOE's request, makes recommendations to the BOE for discipline or services and any programs instituted to reduce these incidents

True or False: The principal must submit the written reports of HIB investigations to the chief school administrator (CSA) within five school days of the investigation's completion.

False The principal must submit the HIB report to the CSA within two school days of the investigation's completion.

True or False: Age-appropriate instruction on preventing HIB must be provided to students, at a minimum, 10 clock hours each school year.

False Throughout the school year, the school district must provide ongoing, age-appropriate instruction on preventing HIB, in accordance with the Core Curriculum Content Standards. No specific clock hours are required.

True or False: Annual observance of a Week of Respect is required during the week beginning with the third Monday in October, along with School Violence Awareness Week.

False. Annual observance of a Week of Respect is required during the week beginning with the first Monday in October. The observance is separate from School Violence Awareness Week, which is observed during the week beginning with the third Monday in October

True or False: The most effective prevention efforts are assembly programs about bullying

False. Mulitfaced long and short term programs show success

True or False: The adoption of HIB prevention programs, approaches and other initiatives must be based primarily on those that have been demonstrated to be effective in other school districts within the same geographic area

False. Program decisions should be based on a match between the local needs identified as a result of a review of existing data and the programmatic objectives and outcomes of the program, approach or other initiative of interest.

True or False: It is counter productive to include or involve students on the school safety team

False. While not required, it is suggested that students actively serve on or participate in activities of the school safety team.

When is the Week of Respect?

First week of October

List several "hot spots" in schools where bullying is more likely to occur when there is a lack of adult supervision.

Hallway, bathroom, playground, lockeroom

What are some of the dangers of cyber bullying?

It can be done anonymously -Dont know why they are being targeted -Easier to be cruel anonymously -Parents have difficulties monitoring online usage

How effective is punishment as a consequence for engaging in bullying?

It's not very effective - Admonishment -Deprived privileges -detention -after school programs

Bullying reaches its height or peak or in _________ ___________ • Hint: 2 words

Middle School

Please list 2 theories that help to explain bullying among peers.

Social Ecological theory and Hemophily (birds of a feather flock together)

True or False: The responsibility for preventing and intervening with HIB includes all school staff, not only those holding an educational endorsement.


Give some examples of "school grounds" under the NJ ABR

Playground Bathroom Bus Field Trip Hallway Classroom Sporting event at school Gym

Who determines the consequences for acts of bullying documented by an investigation?

Principle and ABS (Anti-bullying specialist)

Who is responsible for conducting HIB investigations at schools in NJ?

Principle and anti-bullying specialist

Please list 2 effective ways for students or bystanders to support or come to the aid of targets of bullying?

Support the victim Power in numbers Tell adults when bullying is occuring

Why is it important to encourage and maintain ongoing communication among students, staff, parents and community members?

The more communication around the better, hear about things, bonding, greater community

True or False: . The principal must serve as a member of the SST


True or False: Adult supervision in key "hot spots" within a school is an example of a strategy that can help reduce HIB incidents


True or False: Measuring school climate is the first step toward the prevention of HIB behaviors through improvement of the conditions for learning in a school.


True or False: One of the functions of each building-based school safety team is to review and strengthen the school climate and the policies of the school to prevent and address HIB of students.


True or False: One of the purposes of the ABR is to clarify and strengthen the standards and procedures for preventing, reporting, investigating and responding to harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) of students.


True or False: Swift adult intervention with HIB behaviors helps to establish anti-HIB norms and maintain a safe and supportive school environment.


True or False: The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act requires HIB prevention programs, approaches and other initiatives to be designed to create school-wide conditions that prevent and address HIB


True or False: The CSA must report all acts of violence, vandalism, and HIB to the board of education, at a public hearing, two times each school year.


True or False: The HIB policy must be developed with the input of parents and other community representatives, students, school staff and school administrators, and volunteers.


True or False: The HIB policy must be located within or must be consistent with the district's code of student conduct


Why are anti-bullying laws and policies important?

We need to prevent bullying so that students can learn to their maximum potential

Why does Swearer believe that zero-tolerance or "1 strike and you are out" policies tend to increase bullying instead of reducing it?

Zero tolerance is not good

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