BUS 101 - Chapter 8

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a collection of unions banded together to achieve common goals.

programmed instruction

a form of computer-assisted off the job training.

local union

branch of a national union that represents workers in a specific plant or geographic area.

management rights clause

clause in a labor agreement that gives management the right to manage the business expect as specified in the contract.

human resource planning

creating a strategy for meeting current and future human resource needs.

open shop

workers do not have to join the union or pay union dues.

agency shop

workers don't have to join a union but must pay union dues.

succession planning

examination of current employees to identify people who can fill vacancies and be promoted.

unemployment compensation

government payment to unemployed former workers.

collective bargaining

negotiating a labor agreement.


negotiation process in which a specialist facilitates labor-management contract discussions and suggest compromises.


negotiation process in which a specialist in labor-management negotiations acts as a go-between for management and the unions and helps focus on the problems.

union shop

nonunion workers can be hired but must join the union later.

worker's compensation

pay for lost work time due to employment-related injuries.

contingent worker

person who prefers temporary employment, either part-time or full-time.


presentation to get the new employee ready to perform his or her job.

recruitment branding

presenting an accurate and positive image of the firm to those being recruited.

equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC)

processes discrimination complaints, issues, regulations regarding discrimination, and disseminates information.

affirmative action programs

programs established by organizations to expand job opportunities for women and minorities.

occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)

sets workplace safety and health standards and assures compliance.


settling labor-management disputes through a third party - the decision making is final and binding.

right-to-work law

state laws than an employee does not have to join a union,.

selective strike strategy

strike at a critical plant that typically stops operations system wide.


the attempt to find and attract qualified applicants in the external labor market.


the process of determining which person sin the applicant pool possess the qualifications necessary to be successful on the job.

human resource manager

the process of hiring, developing, motivation, and evaluating employees to achieve organizational goals.

protected classes

the specific groups who have legal protection against employment discrimination; includes women, african-americans, native americans and others.

job description

the tasks and responsibilities of a job.

job specification

a list of the skills, knowledge, and abilities a person must have to fill a job.


a scaled down version or mock up of equipment, processes, or a work environment.

competitive advantage

a set of unique features of an organization that are perceived by customers and potential customers as significant and superior to the competition.

job anaylsis

a study of the tasks required to do a particular job well.

performance appraisal

a comparison of actual performance with expected performance to assess and employee's contributions to the organization.


a form of on the job training in which a senior manager or other experienced employee provides job and career related information to a mentee.


a form of on the job training that combines specific job instruction with classroom instruction.


a formal complaint by a union worker that management has violated the contract.

training and development

activities that provide learning situations in which an employee acquires additional knowledge or skills to increase job performance.

incentive pay

additional pay for attaining a specific goals.

shop steward

an elected union official that represents union members to management when workers have complaints.

job fiar

an event, typically one or two days, held at a convention center to bring together job seekers and firms that are searching for employees.

selection interview

an in-depth discussion of an applicant's work experience, skills and abilities, education, and career interests.

labor union

an organization that represents workers in dealing with management.

job rotation

reassignment of workers to several different jobs over time so that they can learn the basics of each job.

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