Bus Policy exam 1

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1. generate macro environemental factors 2. generate five forces factors 3. seperate into opportunites and threats 4. assign weight for each factor 5. assign a rating for each facotr 6. determine the weighted scores and the total weighted score


an element in the environment that can hurt or weaken a business, product or project

age structurem geographic distribution, income dstribution, interest rates and process inoovation are all elements of conern when studying the demographic segement of the general environement


firms can directly control the elements of the seven segments of the general environment


supplier power tends to be highest in industries where products are vital to buyers, where switching costs from one supplier to another is very costly and where there are many suppliers


supplier power tends to be highest in industries where products are vital to buyers, where switching from one supplier to another is very costly, and where there are many suppliers.


the porter five forces model framework is a tool that is used to determine why some firms consistently out perfomr other firms in the same industry


all of the following are forces that create high rivalry within an industry exceot

fast industry growth

porter five forces

five forces are environemntal forces that impact a company's ability to compete in a given market the purpose is to diagnose the principle competitive pressures in a market and assess how strong and important each one is

mission is

how we adress our markets

smart objectives

specific measurable attainable relevant timebound

rivalry competitors increases when

there are numerous or equally balanced competitors industry growth slows or declines high fixed costs lack of differentation opportunities or low switching sots high exit barriers

buyers are powerful when:

they have a choice

suppliers are powerful when

they offer a credible threat of forward integration

srategic management consists of the analysis, decisions, and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitve advantages


the firms mission is more concrete than its vision


the power of buyers will be enhanced if they are able to maintain a credible threat of backward integration


who creates the value on a social network


strategy is

ways to achieve our objectives

old view of indsutry

we are only concered about the players in the industry

vision is

where are we going

a good mission

who - market what - product how - technology why - reasoning


an elemenet in the environment that a business can exploit to its advantage emerging customer needs customer's perceptions of quality expanding global markets changes in technology


a group of firms that make similar products or services


a qualitative methodology used to describe traits of human on psychological attributes personality, values, opinion, attitudes, interests, beliefs, and lifestyle

Externa factor evaluation EFE

a strategy tool that is used to evaluation the firm's external environment and identify the available opportunities and threats this allows us to take what we have identified from the PEST and the porter 5 force model analysis and lets us compare and rank them our goal with the efe is to identify the major opportunities and threats facing the firm


absence of resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitve advantage

barriers to enter the concentrate production business of coke and pepsi include

access to distribution channels brand loyalty proprietary know-how such as secret reciple for making concentrate


an achievable outcome that is broad and long term

mission statement and vision statement

are not the same as mission and vision they are evidence of the mission and vision

ultimately we want to determine if the industry is

attractive meaning profitable and growing or unattractive meaning not profitable

in the pc industry, microprocessor supplier such as intel and AMD have significant bargaining power over copmuter manufacturing companies such as dell and hp because

both a andb critical and major producers

objectives is

brekas our mission into measurable parts


broaud economic indicators lead- before - stock market lagging - index/number after - housing market

threat of substitute products increase when

buyer face few switching costs the subsitutes quality and performance is relatively the same

power of buyers increases when

buyers are large and few in number buyers purhcase a large portion of industry output switching costs are low pose threat to integrate backwards buyer has full information

which of the followinf industries is likely to be most profitable

high entry barries and little comptetition

smart objectives continued

clear communication and alignment clarity towards project success clear roadmap and finish line trackable metrics

applications developed for iphones make the phone more valuable to iphone users. app developers are ___ to apple


artifical intelligence

computers doing things that use human intelligance computer science uses large data sets to identify patterns, make predictions and recommend actions explosions of AI enhance products recently


defines measurable actions in the short term to acheive the overall goal


demogrpahics and psychographics

vision characteristics

developed through sharing across an organization methods of convincing the others about vision change agents

the bargaining power of suppliers is enhanced under the following market conditions

dominance by a few suppliers

high entry barriers can be attributed to

economies of scale and control of key resources high cusotmer switching costs and brand loyalty both of them

new entrants barrier to entry

econonmics of scale products highly differentiable captial requirements high switching costs access to distribution channels cost advantage independent of scale expected retaliation

mission defiinition

essential purpose of the organization, concerning particulary why it is in existence, the nature of the business it is in, and the customers it seels to serve and satisfy

exit barriers to a firm include all of the following except

generic assets

theory says that __ industries have a __ concentration ratio and therefore have a ___ inensity of rivalry

gragmented, low, high

strategic group

group companoes within an industry that have similar business models or simialr strategies

attractive industry high profitability

high entry barriers suppliers and buyers have weak positions low threat from subsitutes limited rivalry

an analysis of the economic segment of the external environment would include all of the following except

income distribution

customer loyalty programs such as airline frequent flyer miles are an attempt to

increase customers' switching costs

economics of scales refers to the fact that as quantity of product prodcued in a given time period___, the cost of manufacturing each unit ___

increases, decreases

new view of industry

indsutries are part of a dynamic ecosystem that has a lot of stakeholders that must be considered new entrants power of buyers power of suppliers substitutes rivarly competitors

after amazon lowered the price on its tablets, Samsung eventually lowered the price on its tablets. samsung need to do this because:

it is in the same strategic group

if economics of scale are an industrys primary entry barrier, a new entrants major risk is

its inability to produce in sufficient volume to match the cost advantages of established producers

unattractive industry low profitability

low entry barriers suppliers and buyers have strong positions strong threat from substitutes intense rivalry

according to the five force model, an unattractive industry would include all of the following characteristics except

low supplier power due to commodity inputs

external evironment

macro environment

which of the following tools is the most useful in identifying a firms industry environment

porters five forces model

vision definition

mental perception of the kind of environment an individual, or an organization, aspires to create within a broad time horizon and the underlying conditions for the actualization of this perception strategic intent should lead to an end succeeding on your mission leads to achieving your vision

question 33

netflic and microsoft

a general environmental analysis can be expected to produce all of the following except

objective answers

if rivalry and buyer power on the online dating industry are going to increase in the future, which of the following statements is the most accurate?

online dating will be less attractive to potential users


resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitve advantage patents strong brand names cost advantages from proprietary know - how access to distribution networks

consider the video game indsutry. sony makes the playstation 2 video game system. sega used to make the competing dreamcast video game system. at the same time, sega made games that people could buy to play on the playstation 2. this measnt aht sony and sega were

rivals and complements

pest analysis

scan - identify early signals of changes and trends monitor - detecting through observations of changes/trends forecast - developing projections of outcomes based above assess - determining the timing and importance of the monitored changes and trends


single most important feaure - the feed launched 2/4/2004 new feeds allows users to constantly benefit from a surge of activity in their network facebook is losing subscriers apple changing its privacy policy mixed reaction to facebook going meta

an analysis of society's attitudes and values would be conducted when studying the ___segment of the general environemtn


coca cola and pesi have been accused of contributiong to the obsesity problem in the united states. this accusation comes from the ___ segment of the general environment


macro environment

sociocultural economic demographic political/legal technologival global physical indutry competitor


strengths (internal) weakness (internal) opportunities (external) threats (external)

in applyin the porter five forces model to the streaming industry, broadcast networks would be considered as


media content has moved from paper, tape, and film to a digital world based on internet technology. from the perspective of the five forces model, which of the following forces is most relevant here?


power of supplies increases when

suppliers are few and large in number suitable substitutes are not available not a large number of individual buyers suppliers goods are critical high switching costs suppliers can threaten to integrate forward

buyers are powerful when

switching costs are low

in 2015 the acquisition of comcast - time warner for $45 billion was rejected by the federak commission. which statement best describes the situation

the acquistion deal would decrease the industry compeittion because the number of major competitiors in the industry will reduce

a certain marble quarry provides a sunique type of marble that is richly colors and strinkly veined. it has been used for churches and public buildings throught the world. the architect of a new headquarters for a prestigious fortune 500 firm has specified the sue of this marble and this marble only for the project. which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

the cost of the marble will b e expensive because of the bargaiing power of the supplier.


the statistical study of populations encompasses the study of the sixe, structurem and distribution of these populations and spatial or temporal changes in them in response to birth, migration, aging, and death quantifiable characteristics of a given population analysis can cover education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity

the threat from substitutes is high when

the substitute products price is lower than the industry product's price


the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods and services or in the accompishment of objectives can be knowledge of techniques, processesm and the like or it can be machines to allow for operation without detialed knowledge of the workings input- throughput - output

trend analysis

the widespread practice of collecting information and attmpting to spot a pattern

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