BUS240 Business Ethics Ch 8-12

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What lesson can be drawn from the experience of Roger Ailes?

Unethical behavior eventually undermines one's power base

What two broad components is an SRI fund likely to use for assessment when deciding whether to add a company to its investment portfolio?

financial and social performance

What benefit does having an anonymous reporting system confer that a simple reporting system beyond the chain of command may not?

freedom from retaliation

How has the public perception of whistleblowers changed over time?

from disgruntled emplolyees toward an image as people providing a public service

As described by business ethicist Archie Carrol, an amoral manager _____.

deliberately tries to separate ethics and business operations

A follower of which philosophical school would condemn the use of sweatshops outright?


How should each team member end their speaking contribution in team huddle?

describing a problem that still needs addressing

What is the most common way for organizations to detect fraud?

internal tips

How does the Healthy Workplace Bill define bullying?

repeated verbal abuse or abusive conduct that is threatening, intimidating, or humiliating

Which of the following is TRUE of President Trump's position or actions toward climate change issues?

He publicly doubts the science behind climate change claims.

If a manufactured paper good is a cradle-to-cradle product, what happens to it after it has been completely used by the initial customer?

One hundred percent of the waste product becomes recycled or used by another organization.

Which of the following best represents the way for managers to become an approachable and trustworthy source of ethics in their organization?

Participate in regular ethics dialogue and refer often to the organization's code of ethics.

Which of the following has been a consequence of climate change thus far?

Poorer nations have been more harmed from the effects than the wealthier ones

Which of the following is an example of distributive justice?

Promotions are granted in a fair and consistent way

Deep into the process of her meditation, Min-hae suddenly remembers that she needs to file an important report by the end of the day. What should she do?

Quickly write it down and return to meditation

How does the federal government incentivize corporations to havee an ethics and compliance officer or chief compliance officer?

The Federal Sentencing Guidelines provide incentives.

How do Frederick Herzberg's job satisfaction factors relate to Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Both address high-level social needs like self-esteem and self-actualization, though Herzberg calls them motivation factors.

Cami has noted that her industrial processing company is dumping toxic chemicals into a nearby river but hiding the action through bookkeeping tricks. She has ample evidence of the behavior and is ready to make her first move by calling a government whistleblower hotline. But when she consults an attorney, she is advised not to make the call yet. What did the attorney likely tell her?

Cami has not yet ried to communicate her concerns to anyone inside the company.

Which of the following is TRUE of how employees respond to ethical issues and moral dilemmas?

Employees are more likely to report issues of high moral intesity

What is the primary danger of implementing "stretch goals"?

Employees may behave unethically to achieve them.

Which of the following statements about employee empowerment is accurate?

Employees that do not want to be empowered should not be forced into it.

Karen is a low-level employee in a big corporation who has witnessed an ethics violation. In an ideal situation, which of the following would happen?

Karen's manager would be approachable, as would a minimum of several other individuals within the organization.

If a manager is going to try to improve the performance of an adverserial employee, what is the recommended method of experimentation?

Keep them away from fence-sitters.

Which of the following best describes the current state of legal protection against bullying in the workplace?

Legislation has been proposed but never adopted.

Most employees at a medium-sized law firm choose not to report abuses because they hold a "nothing will get done about it" belief. What most likely led to the deveopment of this belief?

Managers failed to act on previous incidences.

What do an environmental mission statement and a code of ethics have in common?

They are foundational statements used to determine specific action

What do (good) employee performance appraisals have in common with the manager-evaluation balanced scorecard approach?

They take a holistic approach.

What goal did In the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) set in 2009 with respect to global warming?

keeping global temperatures at 2*C above preindustrial levels

What effect is achieved by increasing the frequency of appraisals, up to a quarterly rate?

minimizing ethical damages

Where can stretch goals cause the most problems?

sales performance

Where did the United Staes rank among the world's nation in Transparenc International's annual Corruption Perceptions Index in 2016?


When did the Paris Agreement go into effect?


In which of the following ways could the world go from five Americums to six?

350 million more people in China begin living an American lifestyle.

What is implied by the argument that a manager must be a moral professional to be an ethical leader?

A manager will not be able to fully hide an unethical private life from employees.

What lesson can be learned from the way the company Timerland uses its community service projects?

Community service can double as manager training for employees.

What is the first step a whistleblower shoudl take before choosing to report on a company's misdeeds?

Consult an attorney

As it is Min-hae's first time meditationg, what should she do with respect to the breaths she takes during meditation?

Count them up to a specific number, then repeat

Which of the following is among the likely scientific arguments made by a climate scientist who opposes the idea of a human role in global warming?

Current weather patterns are part of cyclical changes throughout history

Inserting a clawback provision into an executive's employment contract is intended to accomplish which of the following?

Ensure ethical behavior

Which of the following statemetns about job satistaction is accurate?

Higher job satisfaction willnot necessarily lead to higher productivity.

A group of employees have reached the "dream" stage of the appreciative inquiry process. Which of the following questions might best be asked at this stage?

How might creating a new office of customer relations improve our client base?

An American business manager makes a bribe to a foreign government official in a host country where such a bribe is not illegal. What would happen?

If caught, the manager may end up in an American jail because the bribe breaks American law even though it did not happen on American soil.

Why would the Kyoto Protocol have affected the U.S. in a different way than it would have affected India?

India would have been exempt from reducing emissions, unlike the U.S.

How does the U.S. differ from the European Unions in terms of efforts to reduce GHG emissions?

Internal politics has had a bigger effect on consistency of U.S. efforts to reduce GHG

What is of the utmost importance that a manager first do when a 360-degree performance appraisal process uncovers unethical behavior on the part of the employee?

Investigate the incident to be sure of its nature

What is a specifc benefit of having an ethics assist line?

It allows anonymous reporting of ethics issues.

In which of the following ways does a participatory leadership style primarily differ from an authoritarian one?

It demonstrates greater respect for employees.

Why would a compay purchase carbon offsets?

It is unable to reduce its carbon footprint as much as it would like.

What was remarkable about the Refuse Act of 1899?

It was one of the very rare environmental acts prior to the 1960s

What is the ultimate goal of open book management?

empowering nonmanagement employees so they make better decisions

Which of the following qualifies as a social entrepreneur?

a for-profit company with a social mission

Which of the following best describes how the EPA seeks to promote compliance to environmental rules among companie?

a mix of self-reporting and randomized on-site inspections

If a "fair traid premium" is paid by a buyer of coffee, that money goes to _____.

a producer's cooperative

The primary reason managers are given power is to _____.

achieve organizational objectives

What did Aristotle determine to be the meaning and purpose of life?

achieving happiness

What ime of situation requires an ethical leadership style?

all situations, regardless of a manager's leadership style

How does the text define "employee engagement"?

an emotional bond or attachment an employee has to the work tast, organization, and its members

Who is typically the most informed person about a company's abuses?

an employee

What characterisitic is a manager likely to gain if he or she admits to employees their own mistakes with respect to the past?


The mission of the Fair Labor Association (FLA) is to _____.

assess and certify that certain suppliers treat their workers ethically

The "Moral Potency Questionaire" measures moral potency, which means a person must demonstrate _____.

both moral awareness and moral action

A credit card company tells its clients that 1 percent of every purchase made on grocery goods will be passed on to local food banks in their community. This is an example of _____.

cause-related marketing

The qui tam provision of the False Claims Act specifically empowers _____.

citizen whistleblowerrs taking legal action

Which of the following contributes the most to global contribution to greenhouse gases from human beings?


Which of the following is one of the four core ethical principles that the International Ombudsperson Association's Code of Ethics suggests an ombudsperson must have?


Which of the following strategies for reducing GHG in the United Staes is most favored by Republican presidents?

cooperative regulation

What is the ultimate goal of corporate citizenship?

creating a higher quality of life in the community

Who or what does the United Way link together?

donating businesses and nonprofit organizations

GRI's economic standards measure ____.

economic impact throughout society

Which of the following policies were sought by President Obama during his presidency?

establishing higher efficiency standards for vehicles

Researchers have shown a positive correlation between employee engagement and _____ organizations.


What is the strongest positive influence on organizational justice?

ethical leadership

Which of the following is most characteristic of a fully engaged employee at work with respect to Maslow's hierarchy?

fulfillment of all levels of the hierarchy

If a business person chooses to take the Gates Foundation's "Giving Pledge," what has she agreed to do?

give the majority of her wealth to philanthropy

The purpose of the Anti-Bribery Convention is to ______.

have developed nations criminalize the payment of bribes in developing nations

Karen is a newly promoted manager of a large department at her company. She is worried about what ethical problems may or may not be happening there. On who or what will she primarily rely for information about ethics problems in her department?

her employees' voluntary reporting

Job dissatisfaction among employees typically leads to _____.

high turnover

Bullying affects organizational performance by causing _____.

higher absenteeism

What can an organization expect from investment and contributions to the community?

higher creative thinking among employees

Russel's ten-year-old company, now at 1,000 employees, has just been certified as a "great place to work" by the Great Place to Work Institute. What can he expect for his company that those unable to get this designation cannot?

higher levels of productivity

Abby has been working at her new job for six months. She perceives that her coworkers all treat her with respect and make sure that she has a say in decisions that affect them all. Abby's workplace is strong in what form of justice?


How does the text define "renewable energy sources"?

natural processes continuously replenished by nature at a higher rate than they are consumed

When surveyed about the behavior of managers, employees reported which of the following as the most common unethical behaviors witnessed?

not keeping promises

What contribution did the Earth Summit in Rio de Janiero make to efforts involving human-caused climate change?

plans to record a benchmark of global GHG emissions at the 1990 level

Karen is using the Better World Shopping Guide. What is she likely trying to find?

products by companies with high ethical standards

What is a likely type of information shared in open book management?

profit reports

What is perhaps the easiest and lowest-cost way for companies to promote their environmental programs to the public?

reporting through their own websites

Who should be appointed to employee green teams?

some of the company's go-getter employees

How does the text define "meaningful work "?

spending time at work to achiee something that is personally desirable

Compared to the traditional managerial business standard, the triple botton line has managers give greater focus to _____.


How does the text define the concept of "power"?

the ability to act, create an effect, or wield force

Work-life balance refers to achieving _____.

the appropriate balance between time spent working and one's personal life

Among subordinates, who should a good manager imbue with the most autonomy and decision-making authority?

the best performers

What is a major unstated cost of unethical behavior within organizations?

the effects of low morale

Most retaliation against the whistleblower for whistleblowing is initiated by _____.

the employee's manager or higher-level managers

What primarily encouraged the creation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?

the financial crisis that began in 2007

If you purchase a product listed as "fair trade," you can be confident that _____.

the product was produced with sustainable practices

A SMART goal, among other things, meets the criteria of being _____.


Why might a business manager join the Rotary?

to network with other business leaders

What is an example of an "ill-conceived goal" of the kind that can generate unethical behavior in employees?

unrealistic profit expectation

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