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Which of the following is a complex​ sentence?

---------Though bullfighting is censured by​ some, its popularity in Madrid continues unabated. A complex sentence has a main clause and a clause dependent to it.

Which section of the AIDA plan would include any deadlines that might be​ applicable?

-action The action section suggests the specific action you want your audience to take. Include a​ deadline, when applicable.

A persuasive message for a claim or adjustment should appeal to the​ reader's sense of fair​ play, goodwill or moral responsibility.

-true Give your reader a good reason for granting your claim. Show how the individual or organization is responsible for the​ problem, and appeal to your​ reader's sense of fair​ play, goodwill, or moral responsibility.

Which of the following is considered one of the most common barriers to effective​ listening?

Selective listening is one of the most common barriers to effective listening. If your mind​ wanders, you may stay tuned out until you hear a word or phrase that gets your attention once more. But by that​ time, you'll be unable to recall what the speaker actually​ said; instead,​ you'll remember what you think the speaker probably said.

Which of the following presentation structures allow the presenter the option to move between topics and level of detail in no particular​ order? Podcast --Nonlinear presentations Linear presentations Webcasts Back channeling

A nonlinear presentation​ doesn't flow in any particularly direction but rather gives the presenter the option to move back and forth between topics and up and down in terms of level of detail. Nonlinear presentations can be useful when you want to be able to show complicated relationships between multiple ideas or​ elements, to zoom in and out between the​ "big picture" and specific​ details, to explore complex​ visuals, or to have the flexibility to move from topic to topic in any order.

During what phase of the writing process does the writer check for​ clarity, conciseness and​ correctness?

After writing your first​ draft, revise your message to make sure it is​ clear, concise, and correct. Next produce your​ message, giving it an​ attractive, professional appearance. Proofread the final product to ensure high quality and then distribute your message.

Which of the following is generally true when referring to​ groups?

Aligning​ schedules, arranging​ meetings, and coordinating individual parts of a project can eat up a lot of time and money.

During what part of the writing process does the writer consider what background information should be included in the​ writing? A. Providing required information B. Defining the purpose C. Gathering the information D. Developing an audience profile E. Uncovering the​ audience's needs

Ask your audience for input. If​ you're unsure what audience members need from your​ message, ask them if at all possible. ----------------gathering info

Open-ended questions are used to elicit a specific​ answer, such as yes or no. True ----False

Ask​ open-ended questions to solicit​ opinions, insights, and information. Ask closed questions to elicit a specific​ answer, such as yes or no.

Trying to support a claim by restating the claim in different words is called​ what?

Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy in which you try to support your claim by restating it in different words. The statement​ "We know temporary workers cannot handle this task because temps are unqualified for​ it" doesn't prove anything because the claim and the supporting evidence are essentially identical.

Collaboration is best described as​ what?

Collaborationlong dashworking together to meet complex challengeslong dash has become a core job responsibility for roughly half the U.S. workforce.

Which of the following is least helpful when improving​ readability?

Four powerful techniques for improving readability are varying sentence​ length, using shorter​ paragraphs, replacing narrative with​ lists, and adding effective headings and subheadings.

Which of the following would least likely encourage the reader of a message for a claim to grant the​ claim? Showing the reader how the organization is responsible for the problem ----Allowing the reader to choose the most appropriate resolution Appeal to the​ reader's sense of moral responsibility Appealing to the​ reader's sense of fair play Being calm and reasonable

Give your reader a good reason for granting your claim. Show how the individual or organization is responsible for the​ problem, and appeal to your​ reader's sense of fair​ play, goodwill, or moral responsibility. Explain how you feel about the​ problem, but​ don't get carried away and​ don't make threats. People generally respond most favorably to requests that are calm and reasonable. Close on a respectful note that reflects how a successful resolution of the situation will repair or maintain a mutually beneficial working relationship. The reader should know what the sender considers a fair and reasonable solution before determining their course of action.

Reviewing your own assumptions and conclusions for validity also ensures​ what?

Inaccuracies can cause a host of​ problems, from embarrassment and lost productivity to serious safety and legal issues. Be sure to review any mathematical or financial calculations. Check all dates and schedules. Examine your own assumptions and conclusions to be certain they are valid.

Before sending a message that may contribute to information​ overload, what should the sender​ consider?

Make sure you​ don't contribute to information overload by sending messages that​ won't change anything. Complaining about things you have no influence over is a good example of a message that probably​ shouldn't be sent.

What special considerations should be kept in mind when organizing report content for a​ website?

Many​ websites, particularly company​ websites, function as informational​ reports, offering sections with information about the company and its​ history, products and​ services, executive​ team, and so on. Web readers are demanding. If they​ can't find what​ they're looking for in a few​ minutes, most site visitors will click away to another site. Reading online can be difficult. Studies show that reading speeds are about 25 percent slower on a monitor than on paper. Reading from computer screens can also be exhausting and a source of physical discomfort. The web is a​ nonlinear, multidimensional medium. Readers of online material move around in any order they​ please; there often is no​ beginning, middle, or end. In​ addition, many websites have to perform more than one communication function and therefore have more than one purpose. Each of these individual purposes needs to be carefully defined and then integrated into an overall statement of purpose for the entire website.​ Moreover, many websites also have multiple target​ audiences, such as potential​ employees, customers,​ investors, and the news media. You need to analyze each​ group's unique information needs and find a logical way to organize all that material. If you know that a sizable percentage of your target audience will access your site with mobile​ devices, take a​ mobile-first approach: design the site to work with tablets and​ smartphones, then make sure it functions well on conventional computer screens as well. Plan your site structure and navigation before you write. Let your readers be in control by creating links and pathways that let them explore on their own. Help online readers scan and absorb information by breaking it into​ self-contained, easily readable chunks that are linked together logically.

When nonverbal signals do not match the spoken​ word, what happens to the validity of the​ communication?

Nonverbal communication is the process of sending and receiving​ information, both intentionally and​ unintentionally, without using written or spoken language. Nonverbal signals play a vital role in communication because they can strengthen a verbal message​ (when the nonverbal signals match the spoken​ words), weaken a verbal message​ (when nonverbal signals​ don't match the​ words), or replace words entirely.

Search engines that will search all computers on a​ company's network are called​ what? Social tagging search engines Bookmarking search engines Research and content manager search engines ------Enterprise search engines Desktop search engines

Other powerful search tools include desktop search engines that search all the files on your personal​ computer, enterprise search engines that search all the computers on a​ company's network, research and content managers such as​ Zotero, social tagging or bookmarking sites such as​ Reddit, and media curation sites such as Pinterest and

During the planning phase of the writing​ process, a writer should do all of the following except​ what?

Outline content, Limit the scope, Select an approach, Define the main idea ------------------------------------------ Conciseness is checked during the completing phase of the​ three-step writing process.

When research is presented as your​ own, what ethical issue is taking​ place?

Plagiarism is presenting someone​ else's words as your​ own, such as copying material from an online source and dropping it into a report without giving proper credit.

Producing a document that allows the audience to easily grasp the meaning the first time they read it requires what type of language​ choices?

Plain language presents information in a​ simple, unadorned style that allows your audience to easily grasp your meaningdash language that recipients​ "can read, understand and act upon the first time they read​ it." You can see how this definition supports using the​ "you" attitude and shows respect for your audience. In​ addition, plain language can make companies more productive and more profitable because people spend less time trying to figure out messages that are confusing or​ aren't written to meet their needs.

Which of the following presents persuasive​ recommendations? Indirect reports Analytical reports -------Proposals Informational reports Long reports

Proposals present persuasive recommendations to internal or external​ audiences, often involving investments or purchases.

Being prepared to read a speech is the most effective delivery method when the speaker is nervous and concerned about leaving out important information. True ---False

Reading a speech is necessary in rare​ instances, such as when delivering legal​ information, policy​ statements, or other messages that must be conveyed in an exact manner.​ However, for all other business​ presentations, reading is a poor choice because it limits your interaction with the audience and lacks the​ fresh, dynamic feel of natural talking.

One advantage of virtual meetings is​ what?

Replacing​ in-person meetings with virtual meetings can dramatically reduce costs and resource​ usage, reduce wear and tear on​ employees, and give teams access to a wider pool of expertise.

Which of the following is an advantage to using short​ sentences? Short sentences are best in showing complex ideas. Short sentences are useful for showing relationships among ideas. Short sentences are best when listing a number of related points. Short sentences can be processed quickly. Short sentences are useful when summarizing information.

Short sentences can be processed quickly and are easier for nonnative speakers and translators to interpret.

When allowing a speaker to release emotions that result in a calm and clear approach to the​ subject, what type of listening is being engaged​ in?

The goal of empathic listening is to understand the​ speaker's feelings,​ needs, and wants so that you can appreciate his or her point of​ view, regardless of whether you share that perspective. By listening in an empathic​ way, you help the individual release emotions that can prevent a​ calm, clear-headed approach to the subject.

Which of the following is least likely to limit the scope of a​ message?

The scope of your message is the range of information you​ present, the overall​ length, and the level of detaillong dash all of which need to correspond to your main idea. The length of some business messages has a preset​ limit, whether from a​ boss's instructions, the technology​ you're using, or a time frame such as individual speaker slots during a seminar.​ However, even if you​ don't have a preset​ length, limit your scope to the minimum amount of information needed to convey your main idea. --------------# of key points

Which of the following is true for writing concise​ sentences? All relative pronouns should be eliminated from sentences to minimize confusion. Double modifiers are easy to understand and make a sentence more concise. Using infinitives to replace phrases is grammatically incorrect. Longer words usually make a sentence easier to read and understand. The subject and predicate of a sentence should be placed as close together as possible.

The subject and predicate of a sentence should be placed as close together as possible so that readers​ don't have to read the sentence twice to figure out who did what.

Which of the following offer access to​ newspapers, journals, digital copies of books and other sources often not available with standard search​ engines?

Third, ----online databases help address the challenge of the hidden Internet by offering access to​ newspapers, magazines,​ journals, digital copies of​ books, and other resources often not available with standard search engines. Some of these databases offer free access to the​ public, but others require a subscription.​ Also, a variety of specialized search engines now exist to reach various parts of the hidden Internet.

Which of the following are designed to elicit a preferred response in a nonsales​ situation? ----Persuasive business messages Indirect messages Persuasive marketing messages Sales and marketing messages Direct messages

Unless your career takes you into marketing and​ sales, most of your persuasive messages will consist of persuasive business​ messages, which are those designed to elicit a preferred response in a nonsales situation.

Which of the following allows the audience to see how each step in the report adds up to the​ conclusion? The yardstick approach -----The 2​ + 2​ = 4 approach Focusing on the recommendations Focusing on raw data Focusing on market analysis

When focusing on logical​ arguments, if you guide readers along a rational path toward the​ answer, they are more likely to accept it when they encounter it. The two most common logical approaches are known as the 2​ + 2​ = 4​ approach, in which you convince readers by demonstrating that everything adds up to your​ conclusion, and the yardstick​ approach, in which you use a number of criteria to decide which option to select from two or more possibilities.

Which of the following is needed to ensure accurate responses that reflect the feelings of the entire​ population? ------Representative samples Sampling bias Online surveys Validity Leading questions

When selecting people to participate in a​ survey, the most critical task is getting a representative sample of the entire population in question. For​ instance, if you want to know how U.S. consumers feel about​ something, you​ can't just survey a few hundred people in a shopping mall.

After determining a clear and meaningful purpose for a​ communication, what is the next step in planning the​ communication?

When you are satisfied that you have a clear and meaningful purpose and that now is a smart time to​ proceed, your next step is to understand the members of your audience and their needs.​ Drafting, writing and refining the writing should not happen until a thorough understanding of audience needs are developed.

When determining what channel and media to use for a​ communication, what type of concerns may be generated when sensitive or private communications are​ needed?

Your company may have restrictions on the media and channels that can be used for certain types of​ messages, but even if it​ doesn't think carefully whenever your messages include sensitive information. Never assume that your​ email, IM, and other digital communications are private. Many companies monitor these​ channels, and there is always the risk that networks could get hacked or that messages will be forwarded beyond their original recipients --------------security

To accurately interpret a​ source's point, what information do you need to​ know? -------If the source is potentially biased Whether or not the material can be independently verified What the purpose of the material is The​ source's reputation for reliability If the author is credible

is the source potentially​ biased? To interpret an​ organization's information, you need to know its point of view.

Which of the following is the most effective way to shorten a​ sentence? A. Avoid redundancies B. Use the passive voice instead of the active C. Avoid using commas D. Use hedging sentences E. Use camouflaged verbs

lIn some word​ combinations, the words tend to say the same thing. Eliminate the redundant​ word(s).

Which of the following is a disadvantage of the​ oral, in-person combination of channel and​ medium?

the​ oral, in-person combination of channel and medium allow for immediate​ feedback, a chance to resolve​ misunderstandings, rich nonverbal cues and the opportunity to express the emotion behind the​ message, but it does not provide a​ permanent, verifiable record of the​ communication, unless recorded.

Which of the following best describes​ bias-free language?

​Bias-free language avoids words and phrases that unfairly and even unethically categorize or stigmatize people in ways related to​ gender, race,​ ethnicity, age,​ disability, or other personal characteristics. Contrary to what some might think biased language is not simply about​ "labels." To a significant​ degree, language reflects the way people think and what they​ believe, and biased language may well perpetuate the underlying stereotypes and prejudices that it represents.

A paragraph that uses examples or demonstrates a main idea uses what technique for paragraph​ development?

---An illustration is a story or example that supports the general idea of the paragraph.

The words you choose and how you use those words helps to create what aspect of a​ communication?

---------style Your communication style involves the choices you make to express​ yourself: the words you​ select, the manner in which you use those words in​ sentences, and the way you build paragraphs from individual sentences. Active voice Style Tone Intimacy Sincerity

Which of the following has an independent clause and one or more subordinate​ thoughts?

-----A complex sentence expresses one main thought​ (the independent​ clause) and one or more subordinate thoughts​ (dependent clauses) related to​ it, often separated by a comma.

Which of the following is true for persuasive​ messages?

-----compeling In​ today's information-saturated business​ environment, having a great idea or a great product is no longer enough. Every​ day, untold numbers of good ideas go unnoticed and good products go unsold simply because the messages meant to promote them​ aren't compelling enough to be heard above the competitive noise.

Which of the following will help hold the​ audience's attention during the​ presentation?

----Illustrating your ideas with visuals that enliven your message helps you connect with audience​ members, and helps them remember your message more effectively.

Words such as​ "similarly", "likewise" and​ "still" indicates what type of​ transition?

----comparison Some transitions serve as mood​ changers, alerting the reader to a change in mood from the previous material. Comparison is shown with words such as​ similarly, here​ again, likewise, in​ comparison, still.

Which of the following sentences best displays the​ "you" attitude? A. What size do you​ need? B. We​ can't process your order without knowing the size. C. As soon as you tell us the size you​ want, we can ship your order. D. Please fill out the enclosed card indicating color and​ size, and your order will ship immediately. E. You​ didn't indicate a size so we​ can't process the order until you do.

----------Please fill out the enclosed card indicating color and​ size, and your order will ship immediately. By not placing blame on the customer for failure to indicate​ size, the​ "you" attitude is being used. Using the​ "you" attitude means emphasizing what the writer can do for the audience without assigning blame.

Words that express thoughts clearly tend to be what types of​ words?

----------Strong, precise words Choose​ strong, precise words. Choose words that express your thoughts​ clearly, specifically, and strongly. If you find yourself using many adjectives and​ adverbs, chances are​ you're trying to compensate for weak nouns and verbs.

Helping the company build and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders is an aspect of​ what?

----------protecting company image Establishing your credibility and projecting your​ company's image are two vital steps in building and fostering positive business relationships. You represent your company and therefore play a vital role in helping the company build and maintain positive relationships with all of its stakeholders. Most successful companies work hard to foster a specific public​ image, and your external communication efforts need to project that image.

When evaluating the organization of the​ message, which of the following is least​ important?

---------The message is accurate and relevant based on the​ reader's needs When you are satisfied with the basic content of your​ message, review its organization to ensure all your points covered in the most logical and convincing​ order, the most important ideas receive the most space and greatest​ emphasis, points are not repeated unnecessarily and details are grouped together logically. Accuracy and relevance should be considered when evaluating for content.

The​ age, gender,​ income, education and other quantifiable characteristic of people are called​ what?

----demographics To understand and categorize audience​ needs, you can refer to specific​ information, such as demographicslong dash the ​age, gender,​ occupation, income,​ education, and other quantifiable characteristics of the people​ you're trying to persuade.

When completing a persuasive​ message, which of the following helps determine the distribution​ process?

---------audience expectation and your purpose When you evaluate your​ content, try to judge your argument objectively and try not to overestimate your credibility. When revising for clarity and​ conciseness, carefully match the purpose and organization to audience needs. If​ possible, ask an experienced colleague who knows your audience well to review your draft. Your design elements must​ complement, not detract​ from, your argument. In​ addition, meticulous proofreading will identify any mechanical or spelling errors that would weaken your persuasive potential.​ Finally, make sure your distribution methods fit your​ audience's expectations as well as your purpose.

Which of the following will be most affected by deadlines and due​ dates?

----time How soon does the message need to reach the​ audience? Don't waste money on overnight delivery if the recipient​ won't read a report for a week.

he American Psychological Association​ (APA) style uses​ ________ to document report sources in text.

- the author date system The American Psychological Association recommends the​ author-date system of documentation. To document​ in-text sources, insert the​ author's last name and the date inside parentheses following the cited​ material: e.g.,​ (Miller, 1998).

What is the best course of action when asked a difficult or complex​ question?

-- offer to get a complete answer , after the presentation If you are asked a difficult or complex​ question, avoid the temptation to sidestep it. Offer to meet with the questioner afterward if the issue​ isn't relevant to the rest of the audience or if giving an adequate answer would take too long. If you​ don't know the​ answer, don't pretend you do.​ Instead, offer to get a complete answer as soon as possible.

Which of the following use human editors to categorize and evaluate​ websites, blogs and​ podcasts?

----- web directories A variety of tools are available to overcome these weaknesses of​ general-purpose search​ engines, and you should consider one or more of them in your business research. Web​ directories, such as the Open Directory​ Project, use human editors to categorize and evaluate websites. A variety of other directories focus on specific media​ types, such as blogs or podcasts.

When should you begin to compose the first draft of a business​ message?

-----------When you have determined how to adapt to a specific audience After you have decided how to adapt to your​ audience, you're ready to begin composing your message. As you write your first​ draft, let your creativity flow.​ Don't try to draft and edit at the same​ time, and​ don't worry about getting everything perfect.

After you have established​ credibility, you need to spend time convincing people that you are a trustworthy source of information.

-----------false When you do establish​ credibility, communication becomes much easier because you no longer have to spend time and energy convincing people that you are a trustworthy source of information and ideas.

To write an effective application​ letter, which of the following should be​ included?

---An understanding of the company and its marketplace Clearly identify the opportunity you are applying for or expressing interest in. Show that you understand the company and its marketplace.​ Don't just repeat information from your​ résumé; use the conversational tone of the letter to convey additional professional and personal qualities and your reasons for wanting this particular job.

Which of the following is accomplished in the​ introduction?

---It helps the reader understand the context of the report by tying it to a problem or assignment. At a​ minimum, an effective introduction accomplishes these four​ tasks: It helps the reader understand the context of the report by tying it to a problem or an assignment. It introduces the subject matter and indicates why it is important. It previews the main idea​ (if you're using the direct​ approach). It establishes the tone and the​ writer's relationship with the audience.

What is the chief advantage of online​ presentations?

---It is easier and less expensive to gather an entire team at a​ moment's notice. Online presentations offer many​ benefits, including the opportunity to communicate with a geographically dispersed audience at a fraction of the cost of travel and the ability for a project team or an entire organization to meet at a​ moment's notice.

Which of the following will make your writing more​ formal?

---Using objective writing To make your tone more​ formal, use the impersonal journalism​ style: Emphasize​ objectivity, avoid personal​ opinions, and build your argument on provable facts. Eliminate all personal pronouns​ (including I,​ you, we,​ us, and​ our). Avoid​ humor, and be careful with your use of​ similes, metaphors, and particularly colorful adjectives or adverbs.​ However, you​ don't need to make the writing monotonous.

When reviewing online​ content, what should be done to increase audience satisfaction with the​ website?

---condense information as much as possible Review online content​ carefully; strip out all information that​ doesn't meet audience needs and condense everything else as much as possible. Audiences will gladly return to sites that deliver quality information quicklylong dash and ​they'll avoid sites that​ don't.

Which of the following can help determine the scope of the revision​ process? The audience and the medium used The medium and nature of the message Available time and skill level The audience and the nature of the message

---the medium and nature of the message The scope of the revision task can vary​ somewhat, depending on the medium and the nature of your message. For informal messages to internal​ audiences, particularly when using​ short-message tools such as IM and​ email, the revision process is often as simple as quickly looking over your message to correct any mistakes before sending or posting it. Available time and location of the audience The audience and the medium used The medium and nature of the message Available time and skill level The audience and the nature of the message

Making limited use of white space in and around the text can dramatically improve readability on mobile screens.

---true Even simple changes such as revising with shorter​ paragraphs, choosing cleaner​ typefaces, and making generous use of white space in and around the text can dramatically improve readability on mobile screens.

Which of the following allows you to instantly change the flow of your presentation in response to audience​ feedback?

--A hyperlink instructs your computer to jump to another slide in your​ presentation, to a​ website, or to another program entirely. Using hyperlinks is also a great way to build flexibility into your presentations so that you can instantly change the flow of your presentation in response to audience feedback.

When citing journal articles using the APA​ style, ? include only the first page of the article. ---capitalize only the first word of the title. you do not need to include the volume number. use quotation marks around the title.

--Capitalize only the first word of the​ article's title. In​ addition, capitalize the first word to follow an internal colon in the title.

Creating a website or a Twitter hashtag can be used to do​ what?

--Integrate social media into the presentation process. For​ example, you can create a website for the presentation so that people can access relevant resources during or after the​ presentation, create a Twitter hashtag that everyone can use when sending​ tweets, or display the Twitter stream during​ Q&A so that everyone can see the questions and comments on the backchannel.

When focusing on recommendations in an analytical​ report, what should be done as soon as the need for action has been introduced by describing the problem or​ opportunity?

--Introduce benefits that can be achieved if the recommendations are adopted. First, establish the need for action in the introduction by briefly describing the problem or opportunity.​ Next, introduce the​ benefit(s) that can be achieved if the recommendation is​ adopted, along with any potential risks.

Which of the following are prepared at the request of external​ parties?

--Solicited proposals

When presenting to people from other​ cultures, which of the following will help ensure the information is presented in a professional and appropriate manner and is understood by the​ audience?

--Using an interpreter to suggest changes to the content and appearance of the presentation When you deliver a presentation to people from other​ cultures, you may need to adapt the content of your presentation. It is also important to take into account any cultural differences in​ appearance, mannerisms, and other customs. Your interpreter or host will be able to suggest appropriate changes for a specific audience or occasion.

The first step in planning a presentation is​ what?

--analyzing Planning presentations is much like planning other business​ messages: You analyze the​ situation, gather​ information, select the best media and​ channels, and organize the information. Gathering information for presentations is essentially the same as it is for written communication projects. The other three planning tasks have some special applications when it comes to oral presentations.

When wanting to improve the retention of information on the​ slide, or stimulate a variety of​ emotions, what design element should be​ incorporated?

--color Color is a critical design element that can grab​ attention, emphasize important​ ideas, create​ contrast, influence acceptance of your​ ideas, improve​ retention, and stimulate a variety of emotions.

Identifying which colors have appropriate meaning based on culture is a matter of​ what?

--convention Just as written communication is guided by​ spelling, grammar,​ punctuation, and usage​ conventions, visual communication is guided by generally accepted rules or conventions that dictate virtually every aspect of design. In every​ culture, for​ instance, certain colors and shapes have specific meanings.

In the presentation​ close, how do you confirm expectations about actions or decisions that will follow the​ presentation?

--ending with clarity and confidence If​ you've been successful with the introduction and body of your​ presentation, your listeners now have the information they​ need, and​ they're in the right frame of mind to put that information to good use. Now​ you're ready to end on a strong note that confirms expectations about any actions or decisions that will follow the presentation.

A survey is reliable when it measures what it was designed to measure.

--false Surveys can provide invaluable​ insights, but only if they are reliable​ (would produce identical results if repeated under similar​ conditions) and valid​ (measure what​ they're supposed to​ measure).

When your audience wants to know what to do about a given​ situation, the focus of the analytical report should be on the conclusion.

--false A slightly different approach is useful when your readers want to know what they ought to do in a given situation​ (as opposed to what they ought to​ conclude). The actions you want your readers to take become the main subdivisions of your​ report, and should be addressed prior to the conclusion.

When preparing the list of references in the APA​ style,

--include only those works that you specifically cited in the text. The APA style includes a​ "References" section that lists only those works cited in the text of the report. If you consulted a text but did not cite it in the​ report, don't list it.

What approach is often most effective when the audience is not expecting a​ proposal?

--inderict approach Unsolicited proposals offer more flexibility but a completely different sort of challenge because recipients​ aren't expecting to receive them. In​ fact, your audience may not be aware of the problem or opportunity you are​ addressing, so before you can propose a​ solution, you might first need to convince your readers that a problem or an opportunity exists.​ Consequently, the indirect approach is often the wise choice for unsolicited proposals.

Which section of a proposal summarized the problem you intend to​ solve, along with your​ solution?

--introduction Just as with​ reports, the text of a proposal is composed of an​ introduction, a​ body, and a close. The introduction presents and summarizes the problem you intend to solve and your solution. It highlights the benefits the reader will receive from the solution.

When wanting to show trends over​ time, what type of visual aid would be most​ effective?

--line chart A line chart illustrates trends over time or plots the relationship of two variables. In line charts that show​ trends, the​ vertical, or​ y, axis shows the​ amount, and the​ horizontal, or​ x, axis shows the time or other quantity against which the amount is being measured. You can plot just a single line or overlay multiple lines to compare different entities.

What type of format should be used for an application​ letter?

--persuasive The opening paragraph of your application letter must accomplish two essential​ tasks: (1) explaining why you are writing and​ (2) giving the recipient a reason to keep reading by demonstrating that you have some immediate potential for meeting the​ company's needs.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate approach when planning a​ proposal?

--persuasive approach The general purpose of any proposal is to persuade readers to do​ something, so your writing approach should be similar to that used for persuasive​ messages, perhaps including the use of the AIDA model to gain​ attention, build​ interest, create​ desire, and motivate action.

Which of the following limits audience interaction but might be needed when information must be conveyed in an exact​ manner?

--reading from a script Reading a speech is necessary in rare​ instances, such as when delivering legal​ information, policy​ statements, or other messages that must be conveyed in an exact manner.​ However, for all other business​ presentations, reading is a poor choice because it limits your interaction with the audience and lacks the​ fresh, dynamic feel of natural talking.

When beginning the process of locating​ data, which of the following is frequently the best place to​ start?

--secondary research Research done previously for another purpose is considered secondary​ research; sources for such research information include​ magazines, newspapers, public​ websites, books, and other reports. You want to start with secondary research because it can save you considerable time and money for many projects.

Which of the following is best accomplished by using an organizational​ chart?

--showing how functions interrelate As the name​ implies, an organization chart illustrates the​ positions, units, or functions in an organization and the ways they interrelate. Organization charts can be used to portray almost any​ hierarchy, in​ fact, including the​ topics, subtopics, and supporting points you need to organize for a report.

Which of the following shows the location and hierarchy of the information in the​ report?

--table of contents The table of contents list all section headings and major subheadings to show the location and hierarchy of the information in the report. The list of illustrations includes the illustrations are particularly​ important, and you want to call attention to them.

When​ proofreading, a reader should look for mistakes in design and layout in addition to production errors.

--true Look for two types of​ problems: (1) undetected mistakes from the​ writing, design, and layout stages and​ (2) mistakes that crept in during production.

Plans establish expectations and guidelines to direct future action.

--true Plans establish expectations and guidelines to direct future action. Among the most important of these are business​ plans, operating reports and personal activity reports.

Presentations require the speaker to think on their​ feet, grasp complex business issues and handle challenging situationslong dash all attributes needed for promotions

--true ​Presentations, delivered in person or​ online, offer important opportunities to put all your communication skills on​ display, including​ research, planning,​ writing, visual​ design, and interpersonal and nonverbal communication. Presentations also let you demonstrate your ability to think on your​ feet, grasp complex business​ issues, and handle challenging situationslong dash all attributes that executives look for when searching for talented employees to promote.

When a large file needs to be sent to the​ reader, what factor will help determine the delivery​ method?

-audience convienience Make sure your audience can conveniently access the material you send. For​ instance, sending huge files may be fine on a fast office​ network, but receiving such files can be a major headache for remote colleagues trying to download them over slower wireless networks.

If the audience is unsure about your credibility or is not ready to accept your main​ idea, which approach is the best​ choice?

-indirect If the audience is unsure about your credibility or is not ready to accept your main idea without first seeing some reasoning or​ evidence, the indirect approach is a better choice because it gives you a chance to prove your points and gradually overcome audience reservations. To enable the use of​ AIDA-style persuasion, unsolicited proposals in particular often use the indirect approach.

If​ you've been successful with the introduction and body of your​ presentation, your listeners now have the information they​ need, and the close can become casual and minimal. True ---False

If​ you've been successful with the introduction and body of your​ presentation, your listeners now have the information they​ need, and​ they're in the right frame of mind to put that information to good use. Now​ you're ready to end on a strong note that confirms expectations about any actions or decisions that will follow the presentationdash and to bolster the​ audience's confidence in you and your message one final time.

Which of the following offers data and other information in the​ report, without analysis or​ recommendation? ------Informational reports Indirect reports Analytical reports Proposals Long reports

Informational reports offer​ data, facts,​ feedback, and other types of​ information, without analysis or recommendations.

Websites that are accessible only to employees are what type of​ systems?

Shared workspaces are online​ "virtual offices" that give everyone on a team access to the same set of resources and information. You may see some of these workspaces referred to as intranets​ (restricted-access websites that are open to employees​ only) or extranets​ (restricted sites that are available to employees and to outside parties by invitation​ only). Many intranets have now evolved into social networking systems that include a variety of communication and collaboration​ tools, from microblogging to video clip libraries.

Which of the following should be used to make key presentation points appear on the same​ slide, but only one at a​ time? ---Slide builds Functional animation Slide transitions Decorative animation Hyperlinks

Slide builds control the release of​ text, graphics, and other elements on individual slides. With​ builds, you can make key points appear one at a time rather than having all of them appear on a slide at​ once, thereby making it easier for you and the audience to focus on each new message point.

Realistic conferences in which participants thousands of miles apart almost seem to be in the same room is an example of​ what?

Telepresence enables realistic conferences in which participants thousands of miles apart almost seem to be in the same room. The ability to convey nonverbal subtleties such as facial expressions and hand gestures makes these systems particularly good for​ negotiations, collaborative problem​ solving, and other complex discussions.

In the action section of the AIDA​ plan, what should be included in an application​ letter? References Salary range ---A request for an interview Personal characteristics that apply to the targeted position Date you will follow up for an interview

The final paragraph of your application letter has two important​ functions: to ask the reader for a specific action​ (usually an​ interview) and to facilitate a reply. Offer to come to the​ employer's office at a convenient time​ or, if the firm is some distance​ away, to meet with its nearest representative or arrange a telephone or Skype interview.

When writing​ collaboratively, it is often more effective to writing as a​ group, ensuring all collaborators are following the same format.

The actual composition is the only part of developing team messages that does not usually benefit from group participation. Brainstorming the wording of short pieces of​ text, particularly​ headlines, slogans, and other​ high-visibility elements, can be an effective way to stimulate creative word choices.​ However, for longer​ projects, it is usually more efficient to​ plan, research, and outline together but assign the task of writing to one person or divide larger projects among multiple writers.

What part of the classic storytelling technique builds the​ audience's interest by increasing​ tension?

The beginning of the story presents someone whom the audience can identify with in some​ way, and this person has a dream to pursue or a problem to solve. ---------The middle of the story shows this character taking action and making decisions as he or she pursues the goal or tries to solve the problem. The​ storyteller's objective here is to build the​ audience's interest by increasing the​ tension: Will the​ "hero" overcome the obstacles in his or her path and defeat whatever adversary is keeping him or her from away from her​ goal? The end of the story answers that question and usually offers a lesson to be learned about the outcome as well.

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