business management ch.3

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Which of the following is an argument for businesses performing social responsibility​ activities?

Because businesses are influential parts of​ society, they have the responsibility to help maintain and improve the overall welfare of society.

Which term refers to the capacity to reflect on values in the corporate​ decision-making process, to determine how these values and decisions affect various stakeholder​ groups?


Which term describes a manager who is committed to building an​ organization's local community and environment as a vital part of​ managing?

Good corporate citizen

Which of these is generally recommended in making philanthropic​ gifts?

Managers should strive to make such gifts in societal areas that will afford the organization a competitive advantage.

What are the three basic steps in conducting a social​ audit?

Monitoring, measuring, and appraising

Rich works for a government agency that is focused on regulating nongovernment workplaces as to the physical safety of workers. Rich most likely works​ for: ___________.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration​ (OSHA)

Which term refers to the process of measuring the present social responsibility activities of an organization to assess its performance in this​ area?

Social audit

Which term describes the managerial obligation to take action that protects and improves both the welfare of society as a whole and the interests of the​ organization?

Social responsibility

Which term describes the degree of effectiveness and efficiency an organization displays in pursuing its social​ responsibilities?

Social responsiveness

Which term describes an individual that is directly or indirectly affected by an​ organization's decisions?


The degree to which a person or entity can meet its present needs without compromising the ability of other people or entities to meet their needs in the future is referred to as​ ________


Ethics is defined as which of the​ following?

The capacity to reflect on values in the corporate​ decision-making process, determine how these values and decisions affect​ stakeholders, and establish how managers can apply these observations

Which of the following BEST describes social​ responsiveness?

The degree of effectiveness and efficiency an organization displays in pursuing its social responsibilities

Which of the following best defines social​ responsibility?

The managerial obligation to take action that protects and improves both the welfare of society as a whole and the interests of the organization

When making philanthropic​ gifts, it is generally recommended that managers donate to causes that benefit​ whom?

The organization and society

Which term refers to a guideline that says behavior is generally considered ethical if it respects and promotes the rights of​ others?

The rights standard

Which term refers to a guideline that indicates that behavior can generally be considered ethical if it provides the most good or does the least harm for the greatest number of​ people?

The utilitarian standard

An organization has many stakeholders and specific obligations to each. What are the social obligations an organization has to its​ competitors?

To compete fairly and to refrain from restraints of trade

Mario's sandwich shop is financed primarily by loans from a local bank. What is the social obligation he most directly owes to that​ bank?

To repay debts

Which term emphasizes that managers should focus on building organizations that are sustainable in​ economic, environmental, and societal​ activities?

Triple bottom line

Which of the following is NOT a desirable and socially responsible approach to meeting social​ obligations?

Using a​ single, predetermined approach for measuring social performance

The Mountain Corporation is currently doing initiatives that help increase profit and that benefit society as a whole. If the company wants to fulfill the triple​ bottom-line, which of the following initiatives would best meet their​ needs?

Using more recycled materials in their products

Improving human welfare through philanthropy commonly includes business donations aimed at supporting all of the following EXCEPT​ _________.

a government agency

EFG Inc. makes donations to schools in underdeveloped countries to provide technical career training for students to enter the labor market. This is an example of​ ___________.


Promoting the welfare of others through generous monetary donations to social causes is known as​ _______.


According to the​ text, what is the first basic step in building a sustainable​ organization?

setting sustainability goals

Which term refers to the degree to which a person or entity can meet its present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs in the​ future?


​A(n) _____________ organization is an organization that has the ability to meet its present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs


Paula wants her acts at her workplace to be seen as ethical by the general public. When she considers whether to do an action she considers if it does the most good for the greatest number of people. This fits the ethical standard​ called: __________.

the Utilitarian Standard

Which term refers to an employee who reports potential misconduct or corruption within an​ organization?


A formal statement that acts as a guide for the ethics of how people within a particular organization should act and make decisions is known​ as: ___________

A code of ethics

Sharon is a manager of company XYZ. She wants to go above and beyond to enhance the social responsiveness of her organization. In this​ case, which of the following should she NOT​ do?

Approach meeting social responsibilities as a​ requirement, only doing what is required by law

Company ABC is creating jobs and supporting youth activities by issuing grants to enable youth activities in the area where it operates. In this​ scenario, a social audit would measure activities taken in which specific​ area?

Community area

Which term describes a measure of usage of environmental​ resources?

Environmental footprint

Which government​ agency's primary responsibility is to investigate and conciliate employment discrimination complaints that are based on​ race, sex, or​ creed?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission​ (EEOC)

Measuring the present social responsibility activities of an organization to assess its performance is referred to as​ _______.

a social audit

Lena is struggling to determine where her organization should give money through philanthropy. According to the​ text, if Lena follows a​ manager's fundamental social responsibility she should donate to a cause​ that: __________.

enhances the​ organization's competitive advantage

Roberto is concerned about how his farming operation is impacting the local environment. He wants to measure the​ farm's use of environmental resources. Which of the following would best fulfill this​ goal?

environmental footprint

Building sustainable organizations is worthwhile for all these reasons EXCEPT​ __________.

increased employee turnover

The basic steps in conducting a social audit are​ monitoring, ___________, and appraising all aspects of an​ organization's social responsibility performance.


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