Business model (canvas)

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Value propositions

A set of products and services that helps the customer get the job done. Which value are you creating? Newness,performance,customization,brand,design,cost reduction,accessability,usability.

Ways to generate revenues

Asset sale-selling ownership rights to a physical product. Usage fee-generated by the use of a service.(delivery parcels) Subscription fee-monthly,early Lending/Renting/Leasing/-car renting companies Licensing Brokerage fees-credit cards Advertising-

Customer relationship

Banks- personal relationship with rich families Amazon-personlized relationship,automated based on systems. How you get, keep and grow customers? How are you building value?

Cost structure

By figuring out the 3 keys, we can calculate what the core cost is.

Business model Canvas

Describe,challenge,design and invent new business models visually and make it tangible.

Channel types

Direct: Sales force,Web sales,Own stores Indirect:Partner stores,Wholesaler Awareness-Evaluation-Purchase-Delivery-After Sales

Test business models

Get out of the buildings and test each hypothesis. Which hypothesis need to be true for the model to work?


How do each customer segment want to be reached? through which channels do they want to receive the goods? Fysical or digital? Direct or indirect? How are you delivering value?

Key partners

In addition to suppliers, who are the key partners that can leverage your business model and turn it into something more powerful? Zinga- build their business model relying on facebook

Type of relationships

Personal assistance Dedicated personal assistance Self-service Automated services(personalized self service) Communities Co-creation

What is a business model?

Picture of understanding the logic of your business. All the pieces that you need to Create,Deliver and capture value!

Design a business

Techniques and tools from design in business. Prototyping to explore alternatives,rather than falling in love with your first idea.

Revenue stream

What are customers that you are serving,willing to pay for? How do they want to pay?-subscription,cards,cash. Google-auctioning their search words,not just selling. How are you capturing value?

Key activities

What do we really need to do? Marketing? R&D?Managing servers? Crucial activities that serve us as a business.

Key resources

Which recourses do I really need to create value? Brand?Servers?Factory?

Customer segments

Which types of customers are we serving? For whom are you creating value?

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