Byzantine Empire

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The Bosphorus Strait is a body of water that connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. The city of Constantinople is located on the Bosphorus Strait. The Bosphorus Strait helped facilitate trade by sea in Constantinople.

Bosphorus Strait

Constantine was an emperor of the Roman Empire during 272-337C.E. Constantine is significant because had many major accomplishment during his reign. For example, Constantine was the first Christian Roman Emperor and issued the Edict of Milan paving the way for Christianity to become the official language of the Roman Empire. Most importantly Constantine took on the project of creating a new Roman Empire in the East or the Byzantine Empire. The city was renamed Constantinople after Constantine when formally called Byzantium.

Constantine I

Constantinople a new Roman Capital in the East and was originally called Byzantium. It was named Constantinople after the Emperor Constantine who decided to move the capitol. Constantinople was extremely significant because it was the center of the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire and allowed the the Roman Empire to continue after it had ended in the West or in Rome. Constantinople eventually became the new capital of Rome and the Empire split in two the Western Roman Empire with its capital being Rome and the Eastern Roman with its capital being Constantinople. The city gave the Byzantine Empire a defensive edge because it was located on a peninsula and gave them easy access to trade making it medieval Europe's greatest center for commerce.


The Cyrillic Alphabet is an alphabet that is extremely significant because it is the basis for many Eastern European languages. The Cyrillic Alphabet was developed when Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Christian missionaries went out to convert the Slavs in Eastern Europe. The Slavs had no written language and therefore couldn't read the Bible so they developed the Cyrillic alphabet.

Cyrillic Alphabet

The Eastern Orthodox Church is the official religion of the Eastern Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire. The Eastern Orthodox Church is significant because it is one of the main differences between the Western Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. The Western Roman Empire practices under the Roman Catholic Church meaning there are many differences how each of the Roman Empires practice religion.

Eastern Orthodox Church

A meeting or group of Eastern Orthodox churches and they would discuss things to meet a consensus Important because unlike the pope who rules the Catholic Church like a king the Eastern Orthodox Church the ecumenical is much more based on a council and meeting together to build a consensus

Ecumenical Council

A letter signed and issued by Constantine that declared official tolerance of Christianity. This extremely significant because Christians were previously executed and it was though that not worshipping the state Gods was an act of treason. However, the Edict of Milan not only officially created tolerance towards Christians but paved the way for Christianity to become the official religion for the Roman Empire.

Edict of Milan

Christianity was founded once a Jewish teacher named Jesus traveled and preached throughout Judea and Galilee. These teachings were known as Christianity began as a movement within Judaism. However, after reports began to spread that Jesus overcame death, the Christian movement gained followers in Jerusalem throughout Judea and Galilee eventually spreading to across the Roman Empire. Jesus was thought to be the Messiah among Christians who would inaugurate an age of peace, prosperity, and monotheism.The founding of Christianity is extremely significant because though Christians were originally persecuted in the Roman Empire it eventually became the official religion of the empire.

Founding of Christianity

The Great Schism was the separation between the two great branches of Christianity, Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic. The Great Schism is a result of of the Eastern Orthodox Church not accepting the pope as head of Christianity. The Great Schism is significant because it marked a defining difference between the Eastern and Western Roman Empires and it is a separation that still stands today.

Great schism

Greek was the language used in the Byzantine Empire. Greek is significant because it is one of the major differences between the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. In the East they spoke Greek while in the West they spoke Latin. Additionally, Greek is important because it is what the Byzantines used to conduct their Eastern Orthodox services. Ecumencial Council


The Hagia Sophia of the Church of the Holy Wisdom was one of Emperor Justinian's greatest achievements. Onf of the Hagia Sophia's defining traits is enormous dome. The Hagia Sophia is significant because it demonstrates how Justinian wanted to top Rome and is represents the Byzantine Empire amazing architectural skills.

Haiga Sophia

Christianity started once a Jewish teacher named Jesus traveled and preached throughout Judea and Galilee. These cheaching were known as Christianity began as a movement within Judaism. However, after reports began to spread that Jesus overcame death, the Christian movement gained followers in Jerusalem throughout Judea and Galilee eventually spreading to across the Roman Empire. Jesus was thought to be the Messiah among Christians who would inaugurate an age of peace, prosperity, and monotheism. However, many feared Jesus would start a revolt in Rome and thought of him as a potential revolutionary. The Roman Empire eventually began persecuting Christians and viewed the Christians refused to worship the Roman Gods and an act of treason because it was considered harmful to the Roman State and disrupted public order and morals. However, the Roman persecution of Christians actually aided in the strengthening of the religion because it forced the religion to become more organized and that only the most faithful individuals would continue practicing the religion. Eventually, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

How did Christianity start? What early challenges did the Christians face and how did they overcome these obstacles?

Justinian's Code of Laws was Byzantine Emperor Justinian's most significant contribution. Justinian wanted to codify Roman law and simplified a large amount of legal material resulting in The Body of Civil Law or The Justinian Code. The Justinian Code was the basis of imperial law in the Eastern Roman Empire and later became the basis of much of the legal system in Europe leaving a legacy in the world.

How did Justinian's Code of Laws leave a legacy on the world, even today?

The distance between Rome and Constantinople impacted religion and politics because it allowed for both of the countries to develop somewhat independently from one another. That move from Rome to Constantinople had a cultural impact Moving from a part of a world that is based off of latin culture into a greek cultural environment. Trade and the economy will be different- trade is more important in Byzantine empire. Byzantium is one the silk road while Rome is not on the Silk Road. Moving capital of the Roman Empire from poorer parts to the richer eastern parts. Moving capital more central- has a political impact

How did the distance between Rome and Constantinople affect religion and politics?

Painted or mosaic artwork They kiss the icon Icons in eastern orthodox church are included are part of religouse services and rituals Important of religouse prayer and life in the Eastern Orthodox Church


Justinian was the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire and reigned from 482-565. Justinian is significant because he was determined to establish the Roman Empire in the Mediterranean world. He was able to span his empire to include Italy, Spain, North Africa, Asia minor, Palestine, and Syria. He was also responsible for the construction of the famous church the Hagia Sophia and focused primarily on sea ports to grow wealth and trade. His most important achievement was the codification of Roman law in the Body of Civil Law or Justinian's Code. (sIx FiGuReS i WaS oNlY fOuR)


Justinian's Code was constructed by Justinian and is a simplified cast quantity of many legal materials. Justinian created this law code to codify Roman law and to unify subjects. Justinian's Code is especially significant because it was the basis of imperial law in the Eastern Roman empire and later became the basis f much of the legal system in Europe.

Justinians Code

Latin is the language of ancient Rome. Latin is significant because it is one of the key differences between the Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire. In the East they spoke Greek while in the West they spoke Latin. Latin is also the language used by the Romans in the west to conduct their Roman Catholic services.


The Ottoman Turks were a group of people who conquered Constantinople in 1453. The Ottomans were particularly successful because they had the new invention of cannons and gunpowder so they were able to knock down Constantinople's strongest defense, the Theodosian Walls. The Ottoman Turks conquered the territory and the Byzantine Empire did not have a large enough army to defend its territory marking the end of the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire.

Ottoman Turks

A patriarch is the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The patriarch was originally appointed by the Byzantine emperor. The Patriarch is significant because it is was one of the of defining differences between Roman Catholicism in the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Orthodox in the Byzantine Empire.


Persecution means the act of harassing on in order to cause suffering. In the context of the Roman Empire Christians were persecuted by the Roman government and it was considered an act of treason to practice Christianity. Persecution was significant because it forced the Christianity to grow stronger and more organized because those who were most faithful would continue practicing. Through persecution Christianity gained more formal organization such as the division of the clergy and laity and the role of bishops. Persecution caused Christianity to grow stronger until it eventually became the official religion of the Roman Empire.


During his reign Justinian had many public works projects including roads, bridges, walls, public baths, law courts, schools, churches, and underground reservoirs to hold the cities water supply. The public works projects such as roads helped facilitate trade making them extremely significant. For example, the roads made it easier for camel caravans to travel attracting them to Constantinople as opposed to the Arab empire, their commercial competition.

Public works

The Roman Catholic Church is the form of Christianity practiced in the Western Roman Empire. The Roman Catholic Church is significant because is is one of the major differences between the two Roman Empires. Due to the fact the Roman Empires have different forms of Christianity their ways of practice vary and consequently impact their culture and beliefs.

Roman Catholic Church

Theodora was Justinian's wife and acted as empress of the Eastern Roman Empire. She was significant because she helped women's rights grow regarding divorce and property ownership. She also funded many social programs and even convinced Justinian to stay on the throne during riots.


The economy in the Byzantine and Roman Empire was based off of trade because if this the Byzantine Empire was competing with the Arabs who also based their economy on trade. The Byzantine Empire was located on the tip of the Silk Road a trade route used to transport luxury goods. In addition, the Byzantine empire specifically Constantinople was the chief center of exchange between West and East. Desired items items in Europe from the East flowed into Constantinople and then shipped into Europe. One downside of the trading economy in the Byzantine Empire was diseases obtained.

Trade routes

The Crusades caused the downfall of the Byzantine Empire specifically the Fourth Crusade. The Fourth Crusade was initiated by Pope Innocent III. As the crusading army headed east it became involved in a fight over the Byzantine throne. The Venetian leaders of the crusade took this as an opportunity to weaken their greatest commercial competitor, the Byzantine empire and sacked Constantinople. Though the Byzantines eventually did recapture the city it was no longer a big power and was much smaller marking the beginning of the end for the Byzantine Empire.

What caused the downfall of the Byzantine Empire?

The plot in the Christian church was caused by the Eastern Orthodox Church not accepting the pope as the sole head of Christianity. This led to the pope and the Byzantine patriarch formally excommunicated each other leading to the Great Schism or separation between the the two great branches of Christianity. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions have some key differences. . . ~Roman Catholic (based in Rome) Services are conducted in Latin The pope has authority over all other bishops The pope has authority over all other bishops The pope claims authority over all kings and emperors Priests may not marry Divorce is not permitted ~Similarities They base their religion on Jesus and the Bible The use sacraments like baptism The use sacraments like baptism Their religious leaders are priests and bishops They seek to convert people ~Eastern Orthodox (based in Byzantine Empire) Services are conducted in Greek or local languages The patriarch or other bishops head the Church as a group The patriarch or other bishops head the Church as a group The emperor claims authority over the patriarch and of the bishops of the empire Priests may be married Divorce is allowed under certain conditions

What caused the split in the Christian churches? Describe some of the key differences between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions.

Justinian and Theodora were such a power couple in history because not only did Justinian have power as emperor of the Byzantine Empire but so did Theodora as Empress. Emperor Justinian was determined to establish the Roman empire in the Mediterranean world. In some ways Justinian was able to achieve this with his empire including Italy, Spain, and North Africa, Asia minor, Palestine, and Syria. Justinian also wrote a code of laws to unify his subject called The Justinian Code of the Body of Civil Law and the Byzantine Empire reached its greatest extent while under the reign of Justinian. Theodora, Justinian's wife was also very influential because she helped Women's right grow regarding divorce and property ownership, she funded many social programs, and even kept Justinian on the throne during riots.

What made Justinian and Theodora such a power couple in history?

Emperor Constantine I is considered one of the most pivotal leaders in all of world history because he had a positive impact on Rome in a time when it was struggling greatly. Constantine was the first Christian emperor and issued the Edict of Milan which stated official tolerance of Christianity. Constantine's decisions regarding Christianity eventually led to it being made the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine also took on the new project of creating a new capitol city for the Roman Empire in the East in Byzantium eventually forming the Byzantine empire. The capital city was eventually renamed Constantinople after Constantine and was proven to be extremely significant to the Roman Empire because it not only became the center of the Eastern Roman Empire but one of the great cities of the world all due to Constantine. Finally, the city of Constantinople allowed the Roman Empire to continue in the East once that Western Roman Empire whose capital was Rome had fallen.

Why is Emperor Constantine I considered one of the most pivotal leaders in all of world history?

Constantinople was a great place for the new capital of the Roman Empire and the future capital of the Byzantine Empire gave them a defensive edge because its purposeful and strategic location due to the fact it was surrounded on three sides by water meaning they only had to defend one side of land using the Theodosian Wall and protected the harbor using a long chain. The location Constantinople also gave them access to trade by sea because it was a peninsula and because it was at the tip of the Silk Road a major trade route of luxury good they were able to easily participate in trade building the basis of their economy. Additionally, the Byzantine empire was the middleman between in trade between Asia, europe, and Africa.

Why was Constantinople a great place for the new capital of the Roman Empire and the future capital of the Byzantine Empire? (Location, defense, trade, wealth)

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