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- Determine types of interview (s) - Write interview questions - Be aware of interview bias


- Determine which selection method will be used - Compare selection method criteria

Examples of situational interview questions might include the following:

- If you saw someone stealing from the company, what would you do? - One of your employees is performing poorly, but you know he has some personal home issues he is dealing with. How would you handle complaints from his colleagues about lack of performance? - A coworker has told you she called in sick three days last week because she actually decided to take a vacation. What would you do? - You are rolling out a new sales plan on Tuesday, which is really important to ensure success in your organization. When you present it, the team is lukewarm on the plan. What would you do? - You disagree with your supervisor on her handling of a situation. What would you do?

Test Administration

- Perform testing as outlined in criteria development; could include reviewing work samples, drug testing or written cognitive and personality tests

Application and Résumé Review

- Should be based on criteria developed in step one - Consider internal versus external candidates

Examples of behavior description interview questions might include the following:

- Tell me about a time you had to make a hard decision. How did you handle this process? - Give an example of how you handled an angry customer. - Do you show leadership in your current or past job? What would be an example of a situation in which you did this? - What accomplishments have given you the most pride and why? - What plans have you made to achieve your career goals?

Criteria Development

- Understand KSAOs - Determine sources of KSAO information such as testing, interviews - Develop scoring system for each of the sources of information -Create an interview plan

Making the offer

- Use negotiation techniques - Write the offer letter or employment agreement

Proper Interviewing Process.

1, Listen to the candidate and try to develop a rapport with them. Understand how nervous they must be and try to put them at ease. 2. Be realistic about the job. Do not try to paint a "rosy" picture of all aspects of the job. Being honest up front helps a candidate know exactly what they will be in for when they begin their job. 3. Be aware of your own stereotypes and do not let them affect how you view a potential candidate. 4. Watch your own body language during the interview and that of the candidate. Body language is a powerful tool in seeing if someone is the right fit for a job. For example, Scott Simmons, vice president at Crist|Kolder, interviewed someone for a CFO position. The candidate had a great résumé, but during the interview, he offered a dead-fish handshake, slouched, and fidgeted in his chair. The candidate didn't make eye contact and mumbled responses, and, of course, he didn't get the job (Reeves, 2006), because his body language did not portray the expectations for the job position. 5. Stick to your criteria for hiring. Do not ask questions that have not been predetermined in your criteria. 6. Learn to manage disagreement and determine a fair process if not everyone on the interviewing team agrees on who should be hired.

The major categories of tests include the following:

1. Cognitive ability tests 2. Personality tests 3. Physical ability tests 4. Job knowledge tests 5. Work sample

Type of Bias

1. Contrast bias 2. Gut Feeling bias 3. Generalization bias 4. Cultural Noise bias 5. Nonverbal Behavior bias 6. Similar to Me bias 7. Recency bias

Selection Process consists of Five distinct aspects:

1. Criteria development 2. Application and résumé review. 3. Interviewing 4. Test administration 5. Making the offer

Types of Interview Questions that would be Considered Illegal

1. National origin 2. Age 3. Marital status 4. Religion 5. Disabilities 6. Criminal record 7. Personal questions Besides these questions, any specific questions about weight, height, gender, and arrest record (as opposed to allowable questions about criminal convictions) should be avoided.

Some sample test categories of cognitive ability test might include the following:

1. Reasoning questions 2.Mathematical questions and calculations 3. Verbal and/or vocabulary skills

A tool may include any and all of the following:

1. Résumé-scanning software 2. Reference checks 3. Cognitive ability tests 4. Work samples 5. Credit reports 6. Biographical information blanks 7. Weighted application forms 8. Personality tests 9. Interview questions

Types of Interviews

1. Traditional interview 2. Telephone interview 3. Panel interview 4. Information interview 5. Meal interviews 6. Group interview 7. Video interviews 8. Nondirective interview (sometimes called an unstructured interview)

Appropriate questions for reference checking:

1. What was the title and responsibilities of the position the candidate had while at your company? 2. Do you think the candidate was qualified to assume those responsibilities? 3. Does this person show up on time and have good attendance? 4. Would you consider this person a team player? 5. What are the three strongest and weakest characteristics of this candidate? 6. Would you rehire this person?


A large part of the interviewing process is _______________.


A variety of tests may be given upon successful completion of an interview. These employment tests can gauge a person's KSAOs in relation to another candidate.


After the HR manager and/or manager have determined which applications meet the minimum criteria, he or she must select those people to be interviewed. Most people do not have time to review twenty or thirty candidates, so the field is sometimes narrowed even further with a phone interview.

Criteria Development

All individuals involved in the hiring process should be properly trained on the steps for interviewing, including developing criteria, reviewing résumés, developing interview questions, and weighting the candidates.


An example of an ______________ test might occur with reference checks. Most candidates would not include a reference on their résumé who might give them a poor review, making this a less reliable method for determining skills and abilities of applicants

Test Administration

Any number of tests may be administered before a hiring decision is made. These include drug tests, physical tests, personality tests, and cognitive tests. Some organizations also perform reference checks, credit report checks, and background checks

Reviewing Résumés

For example, all the hiring decision makers may review all résumés, list the people they would like to meet in person, and then compare the lists. Another method might be to rate each candidate and interview only those above a certain score.


For example, if you ask the same interview question of every applicant for the project management position, and the "right" answer always yields similar, positive results, such as the hiring of a successful employee every time, the question would be considered ___________.

time lines

In addition, utilizing ___________ for interviewing can help keep everyone involved on track and ensure the chosen candidate starts work in a timely manner. Here are some tips to consider when working with the interview process


In other words, any tool you use to determine someone's qualifications for a job should have _____________ to determine they are the right fit for the job

Personal questions

Interview Questions that is Illegal: Avoid asking personal questions, such as questions about social organizations or clubs, unless they relate to the job


Interview Questions that is Illegal: It's illegal to ask candidates about their religious affiliation or to ask questions that may indicate a religion-affiliated school or university.

Criminal record

Interview Questions that is Illegal: While it is fine to perform a criminal record check, asking a candidate if they have ever been arrested is not appropriate; however, questions about convictions and guilty pleadings are acceptable.

Marital status

Interview Questions that is Illegal: You can't ask direct questions about marital status or ages of children. An alternative may be to ask, "Do you have any restrictions on your ability to travel, since this job requires 50 percent travel?"

National origin

Interview Questions that is Illegal: You cannot ask seemingly innocent questions such as "That's a beautiful name, where is your family from?" This could indicate ________________, which could result in bias. You also cannot ask questions about citizenship, except by asking if a candidate is legally allowed to work in the United States. Questions about the first language of the candidate shouldn't be asked, either. However, asking "Do you have any language abilities that would be helpful in this job?" or "Are you authorized to work in the United States?" would be acceptable.


Interview Questions that is Illegal: You cannot ask someone how old they are, and it is best to avoid questions that might indicate age, such as "When did you graduate from high school?" However, asking "Are you over 18?" is acceptable.


Interview Questions that is Illegal: You may not directly ask if the person has disabilities or recent illnesses. You can ask if the candidate is able to perform the functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodations.

Behavior Description interview

Interview style: the candidate is asked questions about what he or she actually did in a variety of given situations. The assumption in this type of interview is that someone's past experience or actions are an indicator of future behavior.

Situational interview

Interview style: which the candidate is given a sample situation and is asked how he or she might deal with the situation.

Weighted Application Form

It involves selecting an employee characteristic to be measured and then identifying which questions on the application predict the desired behavior. Then scores are assigned to each predictor.

Reference checking

It is essential to verify a candidate's background. It is an added assurance that the candidate's abilities are parallel with what you were told in the interview

Internal Candidate

It is someone who already works within the organization

External Candidate

It is someone who works outside the organization.

Interview bias

It is when an interviewer makes assumptions about the candidate that may not be accurate (Lipschultz, 2010). These assumptions can be detrimental to an interview process.


It refers to how useful the tool is to measure a person's attributes for a specific job opening.


It refers to the degree in which other selection techniques yield similar data over time.

Selection Process

It refers to the steps involved in choosing people who have the right qualifications to fill a current or future job opening.

Criteria Development Considerations

Many HR professionals and managers develop the criteria for hiring, as well as the interview questions, before reviewing any résumés. This allows for a streamlined process with specific guidelines already set before reviewing a résumé. By setting criteria ahead of time, the hiring team has a clear picture of exactly what qualifications they are looking for. As a result, it is easier to determine who should move forward in the selection process.

Unstructured Interview

Method of interview: questions are changed to match the specific applicant; for example, questions about the candidate's background in relation to their résumé might be used.

Structured Interview

Method of interview: there is a set of standardized questions based on the job analysis, not on individual candidates' résumés. The expected or desired answers are determined ahead of time, which allows the interviewer to rate responses as the candidate provides answers. This allows for a fair interview process, according to the US Office of Personnel Management1

Application and Résumé Review

Once the criteria have been developed (step one), ______________________________. People have different methods of going through this process, but there are also computer programs that can search for keywords in résumés and narrow down the number of résumés that must be looked at and reviewed.

Reviewing Résumés/ review process

Once we have developed our criteria for a specific job, we can begin the _______________. Everyone prefers to perform this differently.

Making the offer

The last step in the selection process is to offer a position to the chosen candidate. Development of an offer via e-mail or letter is sometimes a more formal part of this process. Compensation and benefits will be defined in an offer.

Biographical Information Blanks (BIBs)

These are a useful part of the application process. A __________________ is a series of questions about a person's history that may have shaped his or her behavior. The ___________ can be scored in the same way as an interview or a résumé, assuming the organization knows which types of answers are predictable for success in a given job.


This costs money. As a result, after candidates are selected, good use of time is critical to making sure this process allows for selection of the right candidate.

halo effect or reverse halo effect.

This occurs when an interviewer becomes biased because of one positive or negative trait a candidate possesses. Interview bias can occur in almost any interview situation.

Similar to Me bias

Type of Bias: (which could be considered discriminatory) results when an interviewer has a preference for a candidate because he or she views that person as having similar attributes as themselves.

Contrast bias

Type of Bias: Occurs when comparing one candidate to others. It can result in one person looking particularly strong in an area, when in fact they look strong compared to the other candidates.

Generalization bias

Type of Bias: can occur when an interviewer assumes that how someone behaves in an interview is how they always behave. For example, if a candidate is very nervous and stutters while talking, an assumption may be made that he or she always stutters.

Cultural Noise bias

Type of Bias: occurs when a candidate thinks he or she knows what the interviewer wants to hear and answers the questions based on that assumption.

Nonverbal Behavior bias

Type of Bias: occurs when an interviewer likes an answer and smiles and nods, sending the wrong signal to the candidate.

Recency bias

Type of Bias: occurs when the interviewer remembers candidates interviewed most recently more so than the other candidates.

Gut Feeling bias

Type of Bias: when an interviewer relies on an intuitive feeling about a candidate.

Meal interviews

Type of interview: Many organizations offer to take the candidate to lunch or dinner for the interview. This can allow for a more casual meeting where, as the interviewer, you might be able to gather more information about the person, such as their manners and treatment of waitstaff. This type of interview might be considered an unstructured interview, since it would tend to be more of a conversation as opposed to a session consisting of specific questions and answers.

Traditional interview

Type of interview: This type of interview normally takes place in the office. It consists of the interviewer and the candidate, and a series of questions are asked and answered.

Video interviews

Type of interview: are the same as traditional interviews, except that video technology is used. This can be cost saving if one or more of your candidates are from out of town. Skype, for example, allows free video calls. An interview may not feel the same as a traditional interview, but the same information can be gathered about the candidate.

Information interview

Type of interview: are usually used when there is no specific job opening, but the candidate is exploring possibilities in a given career field. The advantage to conducting these types of interviews is the ability to find great people ahead of a job opening.

Panel interview

Type of interview: occurs when several people are interviewing one candidate at the same time. While this type of interview can be nerve racking for the candidate, it can also be a more effective use of time.

Telephone interview

Type of interview: often used to narrow the list of people receiving a traditional interview. It can be used to determine salary requirements or other data that might automatically rule out giving someone a traditional interview.

Nondirective interview (sometimes called an unstructured interview)

Type of interview: the candidate essentially leads the discussion. Some very general questions that are planned ahead of time may be asked, but the candidate spends more time talking than the interviewer. The questions may be more open ended

Group interview

Type of interview: two or more candidates interview at the same time. This type of interview can be an excellent source of information if you need to know how they may relate to other people in their job.

Work sample tests

Type of test: ask candidates to show examples of work they have already done. In the advertising business, this may include a portfolio of designs, or for a project manager, this can include past project plans or budgets.

Cognitive ability tests

Type of test: can measure reasoning skills, math skills, and verbal skills. measures intelligences, such as numerical ability and reasoning. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an example of this test. It can have disparate impact.

Aptitude test

Type of test: measures a person's ability to learn new skills

Achievement test

Type of test: measures someone's current knowledge.

Job knowledge test

Type of test: measures the candidate's level of understanding about a particular job.

managers and supervisors

Usually, _____________will be ultimately responsible for the hiring of individuals, but the role of human resource management (HRM) is to define and guide managers in this process.

Interview Process

Your interviewing plan can determine the direction and process that should be followed: - Recruit new candidates. - Establish criteria for which candidates will be rated. - Develop interview questions based on the analysis. - Set a time line for interviewing and decision making. - Connect schedules with others involved in the interview process. - Set up the interviews with candidates and set up any testing procedures. - Interview the candidates and perform any necessary testing. - Once all results are back, meet with the hiring team to discuss each candidate and make a decision based on the established criteria. - Put together an offer for the candidate.


____________ includes not only the right technical expertise, education, and experience but also __________ in company culture and team culture.

Selection Methods

● Clinical Selection Approach ● Statistical Method - Compensatory model - Multiple Cut- off Model - Multiple Hurdle Model

Making the Offer. The employment agreement or offer letter should include the following:

● Job title ● Salary ● Other compensation, such as bonuses or stock options ● Benefits, such as health-care coverage, 401(k) ● Vacation time/paid holidays ● Start date ● Noncompete agreement expectations ● Additional considerations such as relocation expense

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