C784-Applied Healthcare Statistics
"greater than"
"less than"
Frequency is always
0 (ZERO)
110 pounds - how many kilograms
110 / 2.2 (conversion rate) = 50kg
Composite number
15--can divide by 1, 3, 5 so it is composite
Must know these conversions-
1Kg - 2.2lb 1000 mcg = 1 mg 1000 mg = 1 g 1000 g = 1 kg
1 Standard deviation =
2 Standard deviation =
3 Standard Deviation =
How would "w is less than or equal to 9, but greater than or equal to 5" be written?
9≥w≥5 (The answer is b. Both ≥≥ symbols mean "greater than or equal to," so 9≥w≥59≥w≥5 means "ww is less than or equal to 99, but greater than or equal to 55.)
Real Numbers
A real number is any number that can be placed on the number line, whether that be negative or positive, fraction or decimal.
Order of operations
A set of rules that tells the order in which to compute.
Empty Set---
An empty set* is a set that has no elements. There is nothing in the set; therefore, it is empty. This may seem odd, or even like it isn't a set at all, but an empty set is, in fact, a set. For example, let's say you wanted to list the days of the week that do not end in a y. There are none! Therefore, this is the empty set. In set notation, the empty set is written as a pair of brackets with nothing between them: {}
An interval is a set of numbers between two specified values. An interval can be visualized as a segment of the number line. The segment of the number line above that falls between 11 and 22 is called an interval*.
8(superscript 0)
Any non-zero number with an exponent of 0 (or raised to the zero power) equals 1.
Mean in dot plot is always
What uses a 5 plot summary
Box plot
Prime factorization
Breaking down a composite number until all of the factors are prime (like 9 is 3 and 9 )
Two way table
C - C (can be vertical or horizontal
Sid by side box plot is
C - Q
Know this conversion temperature Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa
C = (F-32) / 1.8 F = (C x 1.8) + 32
Continuous data
Can have any value within an interval Is "measured" Does not have clear boundaries between elements or data points In mathematics, the set of real numbers is an example of a continuous set. This sets contains continuous elements, with no discernible gaps between each element. Remember that the number line is a visual representation of the set of real numbers. Just as the number line is continuous with no gaps, so is the set of real numbers. In statistics, some data sets will be continuous. Examples of continuous data sets are temperature, distance, and time, as the set of possible values within these groups is continuous. An element in these groups can hold any real number within a certain interval, dependent upon the scale used. (A set of data is continuous if it can hold any value within the set. An example of continuous data might be age. It is possible to be 22.6722.67 years old. Real numbers are considered continuous.)
Discrete data
Can only have certain, distinct values Is "counted" Contains unconnected points In mathematics, whole numbers, integers, and even integers are all examples of discrete sets. These sets contain unconnected elements, with gaps between each value. In statistics, some data sets will be discrete. Examples of discrete data sets are the number of adults in a household, the results of rolling two dice, and number of machines in operation, as these are distinct groups. (Looking at another set of data, consider the number of cars someone owns. It is not possible to own 3.43.4 cars; you either own three cars or four. The number of cars someone owns is an example of a discrete set of data, since the values are distinct, separate, and unconnected. Positive integers* are an example of discrete data.)
Histogram =
Continuous data
During a physical, the nurse records the patient's age, weight, and height. Are these data discrete or continuous?
Continuous. These are all continuous measurements for which it is possible to have fractional parts.
Timesheets log the days that a nurse works each week. Does the week's timesheet give data that is discrete or continuous?
Discrete. The days of the week are discrete and do not allow for values between them.
A graph shows the efficacy of a particular drug at different dosages. Is this data discrete or continuous?
Discrete. The graph shows discrete drug dosages, not all possible dosages, between two numbers.
00, 11, 22 is a set of continuous data. True or False?
False. This statement is false. 00, 11, and 22 are distinct consecutive integers. There are numbers, such as 1.51.5, between them, so they are not continuous.
The intersection* of two sets is a collection of the elements listed in both of the sets.
For example: E={0,10,100}E={0,10,100}F={−2,−1,0,1,2}F={-2,-1,0,1,2}The intersection of EE and FF is {0}{0}, as 00 is the only element that appears in both sets.
Negative slope
Goes down from L to R, Like going down stairs
Postive slope
Goes up from L&R, Like going up stairs
Greater than, less than, open circle, dashed line
Q3 - Q1 = IQR
IQR formulat **KNOW THIS
In math and statistics, we often work with multiple sets at once. These sets can relate to one another. One such relation is known as a subset. Set AA is a subset* of set BB, if every element in AA is contained within BB. For example: A={1,2,3}A={1,2,3}B={1,2,3,4,5}B={1,2,3,4,5}AA is a subset of BB, because every element in set AA is contained within set BB.
In mathematics, a collection of numbers is referred to as a set*
prime numbers, only 1 and itself like 29
It is a prime number. Prime numbers are always odd
IS in math means = OF in Math mean Multiply (x)
IQR = measure of spread
Measure of spread Q3 - Q1
Median = middle
Median = middle
5 number summary has
Min, Q1, Q2(median) Q3, Max
Mode = (mode rhymes with most)
Most often (greatest frequency)
When multiplying a positive number by a negative number, the product will always be
≥ ≤ • ________
Not greater than, Not less than, closed circle, dashed line
Rational number (aka 'fractional')
Numbers that can be expressed as a fraction
The result of the division of two negative numbers is always
PEMDAS -- order of operations (Please excuse my dear aunt sally)
Parentheses, Exponents & roots, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
Multiplying a negative number by a negative number results in a
Positive product (The product of two negatives will always equal a positive.)
2, 3, 5, 7 are all what type of numbers
Scatterplot is
Q - Q
IQR FORMULA = lower limit
Q1 - 1.5 (IQR)= outliers
IQR FORMULA = Upper limit
Q3 + 1.5(IQR)= outliers
Closest to the river bank
Scatter plot estimates Round it so it looks like money
Single Quantative
Dot Plot
Single Quantitative
Single Box plot
Single Quantitative
Stem Plot
Single Quantitative
Bar Chart
Single categorical
Pie chart
Single categorical
If a problem only contains multiplication and division they are considered equal and you work from left to right (same when the problem only contains addition and subtraction -- work it left to right)
So: 64 divided 2 * 3 = Work it Left to right 64 divided by 2 = 32 x 3 = 96
Solid positive and negative numbers
IQR is what?
Skew determined by
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit = Celsius x 9/5 + 32 (that is fraction 9/5)--{Can do on calculator}
Temperature in degrees Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) x 5/9 {Can do on calculator}
Mean values
The mean* is one of the most useful measures of central tendency. The mean, also known as the average, is a single value that represents the center of a set of data values. Mean can be substantially influenced by one or more extreme values in a data set (think skewed data), so mean is only used when the data is symmetric. Therefore, we say that the mean is not a resistant measure of center. So if you have 6+3+8+4 the numerical summary is 21. The "mean" value is 21 / 4 so 5.25 (the sum divided by however many numbers you have.
The process of selecting research participants from a population
Zero in multiplication =
The product* of multiplication with zero will always equal zero; whether multiplying by a positive or a negative, any integer multiplied by zero will result in zero as the product.
Median value
The second measure of central tendency is the median*. The median is the "halfway" point of a set of values; an equal number of values will fall above and below the median of a data set. Unlike the mean, the median is not overly influenced by extreme values in the data set, so we can use the median when the data is skewed. Therefore, we say that the median is a resistant measure of center. To properly find the median, values must be first sorted from smallest to largest.
Response Variable
The variable that is obtained as a result, or response that gets measured or observed. Also called a dependent variable.
explanatory variable
The variable that may be the cause of some result, or is presented as variable that offers an explanation. Also called an independent variable.
A union of two sets is a collection of the elements listed in both of the sets. True or False?
This is a false statement. A union of two sets is a collection of all of the elements listed in the sets. C={2,4,6}C={2,4,6}D={1,3,5}D={1,3,5}The union of CC and DD is {1,2,3,4,5,6}{1,2,3,4,5,6}, as those are all of the elements that appear in the sets.
True or False? Any integer is also a whole number.
This statement is false. An integer can be negative, such as the number −100-100. −100-100 is not a whole number.
emperature is an example of continuous data. True or False?
This statement is true. Temperature covers an entire interval of data and can be "measured" rather than counted, so it is continuous.
Response is always on (top or bottom)
Histogram has what type of data
continuous data
Read all the options before answering. −17-17 is... (a. an integer b. a rational number c. a real number d. all of the above.)
d. all of the above. −17-17 is an integer, and all integers are also rational numbers, which in turn are real numbers.
DOT Plot has what type of data
discrete data
stem plot has what type of data
discrete data (solid numbers or dots) no 1/2 or .5
Does ____ effect _______?
explanatory effect response
greater than or equal to
Discrete data
has distinct values, can be counted, has unconnected points (think of data as dots)
Median is always what
in the middle
Median must always be in what order
least to greatest
Stem leaf is always what
less than 40 numbers
less than or equal to
Mean = what
mean teacher is average
Skewed date--median =
Tail left = ____ skew
Tail right = ____ skew
A ??? is a positive integer with exactly two positive factors*, 11 and itself; it cannot be divided evenly by any other two integers. For example, the only positive numbers that divide 33 are 11 and 33. Therefore, 33 is a prime number. Prime numbers play an important role in factoring, which we will explore later in this module.
prime number
Stem plot or box plot = what kind of numbers
solid or whole (no 1/2 or .5)
In math, you may be asked to "evaluate an expression."--what does that mean?
solve the problem
sometimes call a power, it is a number that shows how many times the baseline number is multiplied by itself
the likelihood, or chance, that a certain event will occur
Conditional percents analyze what?
two wawy tables
Mode in dot plot is always
what happens most often
Slope =
y (intercept {where line crosses x axis)) = mx + b (m = slope {rise/fall over run} B = Begin
y=mx+B (m is rise, run) (B is y-intercept)
Which of the following is the correct translation of −3<y<4-3<y<4?
−3-3 is less than y which is less than 4 (Both of the << symbols mean "less than," so the correct translation is −3-3 is less than y which is less than 4.)