CAE Key Word transformations 1

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

She decided to move to a part-time job so that she could spend more time with her young children. *ORDER* She decided to move to a part-time to spend more time with her young children.


The judges were generally less keen on portraits painted from photos than portraits painted from life. *TENDED* The judges.....on portrait painted from life than portraits painted from photos.


I doubt that Simon will lend us the money. *CHANCE* I think....Simon lending us the money to us.


Men outnumber women by two in this profession. *TWICE* There are ... in this profession.


The weather was getting worse, so Joe was forced to give up his attempt to climb to the summit. *BUT* Due to the worsening weather, Joe had .... to give up his attempt to climb to the summit.

no choice / alternative / option but

Pat does not intend to have a holiday this year. *INTENTION* Pat has....on holiday this year.

no intention of going

There has been a sharp rise in the price of petrol this month. *RISEN* The....this month.

price of petrol has risen sharply

The constant public attention on famous people must have an effect on them. *EYE* Constantly ____ must have an effect on famous people.

being in the public eye

David said that the accident was his fault. *TOOK* David...the accident.

took the responsibility for

The company is almost certain to get the contract. *EVERY* The company stands....the contract.

every chance of getting

Everyone expects Maura to resign at the end of the month. *HAND* Maura is widely ___ at the end of the month.

expected to hand in her resignation

Hilary was asked to give an explanation for making the mistake. *WHY* Hilary was asked to....the mistake.

explain why she (had) made

It looks like you didn't sleep well last night. *IF* You look... much sleep las night.


I don't believe that Jane ran that distance in only five minutes! *POSSIBLY* Jane...that distance in only five minutes!


I was looking out of the window when I saw a boy take something from a man's pocket. *SIGHT* I was looking out of the window when I .... something from a man's pocket.


Once Dr. Smithers had given us a clear explanation of the procedure, we were able to go ahead with the experiment. *EXPLAINED* Once Dr. Smithers had ... , we were able to go ahead with the experiment.


Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't think the accident was her fault. *RESPONSIBLE* Nina was driving the car at the time, but I don't hold .... the accident.


She is proud of being able to write clearly. *ABILITY* She prides ... to write clearly.

HERSELF ON HER ABILITY (to pride oneself on/upon sth)

Dan abandoned his studies at university because he was ill. *RESULTED* Dan's....his studies at university.


For me this is the best place to live. *RATHER*


I don't care which days you work next week. *CONSEQUENCE* It ... me which days you work next week.


It looks like it might be sunny later. POSSIBILITY There....sunshine later.


She should get him to do more housework. *HIGH* ___ him to do more housework.

It´s high time she got

You definitely will not win the lottery. *CHANCE* You have got...the lottery.


As visibility was getting worse and worse, Bob and Jane had to cut short their sailing trip. *BUT* As visibility was getting worse and worse, Bob and Jane had .... cut short their sailing trip.


Signing the contract without the director's approval is not allowed. *CIRCUMSTANCES* Under....sign the contract without the director's approval.


I hadn't seen Martha for over 20 years, but I didn't find it difficult to recognise her at the airport. *DIFFICULTY* I hadn't seen Martha for over 20 years, but I had .... her at the airport.


I would be very happy to employ your company in future. *HESITATION* I would have....your company in future.

NO HESITATION IN EMPLOYING (to have no hesitation *in* doing sth)

I will support you whatever you decide to do. *MATTER* I will support take.


Only the timely arrival of the police prevented the fight from escalating. *BEEN*. Had it....of the police, the fight would have escalated.


It's encouraging to discover that the group is both talented and enthusiastic. *ONLY* It's encouraging to discover that the group well.


'You should stop your children watching so much television', Mary's sister told her. *LET* Mary's sister advised much television.


Alan is a much better pianist than Jenny. *NOWHERE* Jenny is...the piano as Alan is.


I´ve not seen such a fantastic performance before. *NEVER* ___ such a fantastic performance before.

Never have I seen

I had only just arrived when he insisted on going out again. *SOONER* ___ he insisted on going out again.

No sooner had I arrived than

One day she is going to lose her temper with him. *MATTER* It is...she loses her temper with him.


They split up and then realized that they loved each other. *ONLY* ___ did they realize that they loved each other.

Only when they split up

Clarissa told me how very good this anti-aging cream is. *HIGHLY* This anti-aging cream was ___ Clarissa.

highly recommended to me by

'I'm sorry, but there's no way I'm going to sleep on the floor', said Naomi. *CLEAR* Naomi made....prepared to sleep on the floor.

it clear (that) she wasn't

Why did you turn down the offer of a job? *PERSUADED* What was _____ accept the job offer?

it that persuaded you not to

When he spoke to me he agreed that I wasn´t responsible. *FAULT* When he spoke to me he agreed that ___ .

it wasn´t my fault

'Why did Tom act in such an irresponsible way?' asked Chloe. *SO* Chloe wanted to ___ irresponsibly.

know why Tom had acted so

Now the tourist have seen how beautiful it is here, there's a very good chance they'll return. *HAVING* The tourist are beautiful it is here.

likely to return having (now) seen

I don't think we'll see Simon before he goes to New York. *LIKELIHOOD* There's....Simon before he goes to New York.

little likelihood of us seeing

Sam never thought of asking me for my advice. *OCCURRED* for advice.

never occurred to Sam to ask

It's very unlikely that Martin will win the 100 metres, as he's out of training. *CHANCE* Martin has almost ___ the 100 metres, as he's out of training.

no chance of winning

She said she´d come round so I'm sure she´s on her way now. *MUST* She said she´d come round so ___ on her way now.

she must be

Anya didn´t come to the dinner yesterday evening so perhaps she was ill. *MUST* Anya didn´t come to the dinner yesterday evening so ___ ill.

she must have been

'Do you want to go and see the new play at the Arts Centre'? Petra asked her friend. *INTERESTED* Petra asked her friend whether ..... to see the new play at the Arts Centre.

she was interested in going

Fernanda refused to wear her sister's old dress. *NOT* Fernanda said that ___ her sister's old dress.

she would not wear

Fernanda refused to wear her sister's old dress. *NOT* Fernanda said that...her sister's old dress.

she would not wear

Everybody should learn how to speak a second language. *TAUGHT* A second language ___ everybody.

should be taught to

It might get cold when you're out this evening, so it's probably a good idea to take gloves. *CASE* It's probably worth....cold when you're out this evening.

taking gloves in case it gets

They have decided they will publish the book this summer. *PUBLISHED* It has been decided ___ this summer.

that the book will be published

Many of the emigrant first saw the sea on the day they set sail to America. *TIME* For many emigrants, the day they set sail to America was....the sea.

the first time they had seen

Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. *PUT* 'I'm not willing ___ from my colleagues any longer,' said Delia.

to put up with (any) rudeness

She didn´t want to join in with the singing. *TAKE* She didn´t want ___ the singing.

to take part in

Everyone assumed that Dennis would sell the haunted house he inherited from his uncle. *GRANTED* People ___ Dennis would sell the haunted house he inherited from his uncle.

took it for granted that

I thought you wanted me to invite him. (IMPRESSION) I was ___ you wanted me to invite him.

under the impression

I will only try acupuncture if my doctorapproves of the idea. *UNLESS* I won't try acupuncture ____ my doctor's approval for the idea.

unless I receive

Unless you get here soon, we'll leave without you. *MEAN* If you don't turn ________ we'll have to leave without you.

up soon, it will mean

When she was at school, Sandra was fascinated by the idea of hypnotism. *USED* Sandra ___ of hypnotism fascinating when she was at school.

used to find the idea

Everything was fine before Emily arrived and then things started to go wrong *ONLY* It _________ that everything started to go wrong.

was only when Emily arrived

She waved until the train could not be seen any more. *SIGHT* She waved until the train ___ .

was out of her sight

They said the principal was resigning in the summer. *BE* The principal ___ in the summer.

was said to be resigning

They told Nick not to go to the city centre on New Year's Eve. *WARNED* Nick....from the city centre on New Year's Eve.

was warned to stay/keep away

The trees blown down in the storm were not cleared away for weeks. *BEFORE* It ... .the trees blown down in the storm were cleared away.

was weeks before

Why did nobody tell me that the match had been cancelled? *INFORMED* Why ___ the cancellation of the match?

wasn´t I informed about

We arrived at the restaurant too late to order a full meal. *ABLE* Had we arrived at the restaurant earlier, ___ order a full meal.

we would have been able to

The idea of going to the new health centre was Pat's suggestion. *FORWARD* It was Pat ____ idea of going to the new health centre.

who put forward the

Gaynor´s friends persuaded her not to get married in spring. *TALKED* It was Gaynor´s friends ___ getting married in spring.

who talked her out of

I wasn't sure who was to blame for the accident. *FAULT* I couldn't tell....was.

whose the accident fault

I had only just got home when the phone rang. *SOONER* No ... the phone rang.

SOONER HAD I GOT HOME THAN (no sooner (verb + Subj) ... than)

As soon as the tennis players went onto the court, it started raining. *HAD* No ..... onto the court than it started raining.


George never listen to what people tell him. *NOTICE* George never....said to him.


'What are you thinking of doing for the college's centenary celebration?' the tutor asked the students. *MIND* The tutor asked the students what .... for the college's centenary celebration.


The guidelines for the appointment of new staff need to be thoroughly revised. *THOROUGH* There needs....the guidelines for the appointment of new staff.


I think that we owe this passenger an apology, as she was apparently given incorrect train times by our call centre staff. *MISINFORMED* I think we owe this passenger an apology, as she seems .... train times by our call centre staff.


I resolved the problem by taking an extra suitcase. *TAKE* ___ an extra suitcase.

What I did was take

I object to hanging around in airports. *WHAT* ___ hanging around in airports.

What I object to is

It worries me that I don´t speak another language well. *WHAT* ___ I don´t speak another language well.

What worries me is that

It's a long walk home, so I advice you not to miss the last train. *BETTER* It's a long walk home, so ... the last train.

YOU HAD BETTER NOT MISS (sb had better do sth)

I think the weather will improve next week. *CHANGE* I think there'll be...better in the weather next week.

a change for the

Colin couldn't possibly afford any of the paintings in that gallery. *FAR* The paintings in that gallery were ... .buy

far too expensive for Colin to

At this time of year, the area is affected by violent storms. *FEELS* At this time of year, the area often ... violent storms.

feels the effects of

Lucy succeeded in passing her driving test, even though she had flu. *MANAGED* Despite....her driving test.

having flu Lucy managed to pass

He didn't play in the game because he'd hurt his back. PREVENTED As a result of his back injury ______ in the game.

he was prevented from playing

Mauro says he prefers to do his homework on his own. *RATHER* Mauro says his homework with other people.

he would rather not

Mats promised to ring as soon as he got home. *MOMENT* Mats said that .... he got home.

he would ring the moment (that)

A girl from my town won the silver medal. *IT* ___ who won the silver medal.

It was a girl from my town

Emily's hair badly needs cutting. *TIME* It is high ... cut.


I'm not sure which year saw the abolition of capital punishment in this country. *DID* I'm not sure when they ... capital punishment in this country.

did away with

In his speech, the Principal did not mention the new language courses. *REFERENCE* In his speech, the Principal....the new language courses.

did not make any reference to

My brother Sam was very surprised to be offered the job. *CAME* The job offer ___ my brother Sam.

came as a surprise to

Did anything about his behaviour seem strange to you? *STRIKE* Did anything about his behaviour .... strange?

strike you as being

They don't socialise very much because they are very private people. *KEEP* They tend....rather than socialising a lot.

to keep to themselves

A driver´s strike delayed our train. DUE Our train ______ a driver´s strike.

was delayed due to

I regret speaking to him like that. *WISH* I ___ to him like that.

wish I hadn´t spoken

Do you think Noelia is likely to win the competition? *CHANCE* Do you think Noelia is in....the competition?

with any chance of winning (to be in with a chance)

I was surprised how hard I had to work when I became a teacher. *EXPECTED* I had to....when I became a teacher.

work more than I (had) expected

Could I borrow your umbrella this evening, please? *LEND* Would ___ this evening, please?

you lend me your umbrella

I think it was a mistake to lend your car to Joe. *SHOULD* I don't think....your car to Joe.

you should have lent

I don't think you'll have much difficulty understanding the local dialect. *FIND* I don't understand the local dialect.

you will find it very/too difficult

I don´t think you´ll find it hard to find Cynthia´s house. *DIFFICULTY* I don´t think ___ finding Cynthia´s house.

you will have much difficulty

She´s never been in greater need of a friend than now. *HARDLY* ___ in greater need of a friend.

Hardly has she ever been

She left her husband because he cheated on her. *REASON* ___ her husband was because he cheated on her.

The reason why she left

Although Joe kept on attempting to contact his cousin, he didn't manage to speak to her until the next day. *TOUCH* Despite repeated ... his cousin, Joe didn't manage to speak to her until the next day.

attempts/efforts to get in touch with

Nobody notices children who fail at school. *ATTENTION* No ___ children who fail at school.

attention is paid to

I want to buy a new car, without your financial help, I'll be unable to do it. *ABLE* I want to buy a new car but I won' help me financially.

be able to (do it) unless

When it comes to computer games, Gareth is a real expert. *CONCERNED* As...., Gareth is a real expert.

far as computer games are concerned

My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. *RECOLLECTION* My grandfather didn't ___ phoning me last night.

have any recollection (at all) of

The fire at the oil depot has led to the imposition of stricter safety regulations. *IMPOSED* Stricter safety regulations....result of the fire at the oil depot.

have been imposed as a

It's possible that the burglars got into the building by forcing open a fire exit. *GAINED* The burglars may ___ by forcing open a fire exit

have gained access to the building

I enjoyed the view from the top of the tower despite the fact that I hate being in high places like that. *HEAD* Although I...I enjoyed the view from the top of the tower.

have no head for heights

Georgia hasn't written to me recently. *HEARD* I.....a while.

have not heard from Georgia for

Javier and I are completely different. *COMMON* I ___ Javier.

have nothing in common with

Flooding after a heavy storm was responsible for the damage to the bridge. *CAUSED* The damage to the bridge....after a heavy storm.

was caused by (the) flooding

A driver´s strike delayed our train. *DUE* Our train ___ a driver´s strike.

was delayed due to

Jenny felt she had stayed too long at the party. *HIGH* Jenny felt it ___ the party.

was high time she left

Jack was worried that he couldn't think of any new ideas for the advertising campaign. *INABILITY* What worried Jack....up with any new ideas for the advertising campaign.

was his inability to come

They put Roger in charge of health and safety at the factory. *MADE* Roger.....for health and safety in the factory.

was made responsible

Franz didn't get to the office until lunchtime. *NOT* It.....Karl got to the office.

was not until lunchtime that

I was just about to call you to see what time you were coming. *POINT* I .... you to see what time you were coming.

was on the point of calling

A short meeting of the cast will take lace after today's rehearsal. *BY* Today's rehearsal....a short meeting of the cast.

will be followed by

By the end of the month, it will be two years since Hendrik came to England. *FOR* By the end of the month, Hendrik....two years.

will have been in England for

It's our parents' 25th wedding anniversary next year. MARRIED Next year our parents _____ for 25 years.

will have been married

It's our parents' 25th wedding anniversary next year. *MARRIED* Next year our parents ____ for 25 years.

will have been married

What a pity he couldn´t come. *WISH* I ___ come.

wish he had been able to

Ben needs to clean his car. *HIGH* It's....his car.

high time Ben cleaned

Carlos really should get someone to mend his bike. *HIGH* It's....his bike mended.

high time Carlos got/had

A number of sporting events had to be cancelled owing to the bad weather. *LED* Bad weather....of a number of sporting events.

led to cancelling/the cancellation

What are the chances of the film winning an Oscar? *LIKELY* How ___ will win an Oscar?

likely is it that the film

Fewer people live in extended family units in this country nowadays. *COMMON* It is ___ to live in extended family units in this country nowadays.

not as common

I´m phoning because my son is too ill to talk to you. *BEHALF* I'm phoning ___ my son, who is ill.

on behalf of

Lisa was just about to leave the house when the phone rang. *POINT* Lisa was....the house when the phone rang.

on the point of leaving

Nadia's friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. POINT Nadia was just _____ the restaurant when her friend arrived.

on the point of leaving

The huge traffic jam on the motorway delayed us for several hours. *HELD* The huge traffic jam on the motorway....for several hours.

(has) held us up

John didn't know he had to phone his teacher if he was going to miss a class. *MEANT* John didn't know .... his teacher a call if he was going to miss a class.

(that) he was meant to give

As learning new languages had never been a problem for her, Katy didn't expect to have any difficulties when she went to live abroad. *COME* Learning new languages had ... her so Katy didn't expect to have any difficulties when she went to live abroad.


Simon doesn't agree with me about which slogan is best for the campaign. *DIFFERENCE* Simon...opinion over which slogan is best for the campaign.


The photo and the portrait look identical to me. *DIFFERENCE* I can't see .... the photo and the portrait.


Do you mind if John joins us for the meeting? *TO* Do you have .... us for the meeting?


Students wishing to enrol on the course should complete all sections of the application form. *REQUIRED* Students wishing to enrol on the course .... in all sections of the application form.


She never doubted that she would be able to meet the challenge. *TIME* ___ that she would be able to meet the challenge.

At no time did she doubt

I almost forgot to bring my keys with me. *BARELY* I.... to bring my keys with me.


There must be a simple way to explain what happened. *BOUND* There is ... for what happened.


I had only just got on the train when it left! *BARELY* ___ on the train when it left!

Barely had I got

It doesn't make a difference to me what you decide to do. *MATTER* Your ... to me.


I didn't get the impression that he was all upset. *STRIKE* He.... upset at all .


They didn't mention the subject of unpaid holidays until the end of the interview. *BRING* Not until the end of the interview ... the subject of unpaid holidays.


I was wondering if you could take us to the airport. *THINK* .... you could take us to the airport?


This painting does not appear to be finished. *LOOK* This finished.


Mr Smith was well-known as a bad-tempered man, but he was also fair. *REPUTATION* Despite.... bad-tempered, Mr Smith was also fair.


Tom missed his plane because he was late leaving for the airport. *TIME* If only .... for the airport, he wouldn't have missed the plane.


If I'm being honest, I have to say that the play wasn't as good as I'd expected. *SHORT* The play .... , to be honest with you.


Jill and I go for a stroll in the countryside occasionally. *TIME* Jill and I go for a stroll in the countryside....


Jane's lawyer suggested that she ignored all the reporters. *ATTENTION* Jane's lawyer advised .. .all the reporters.


John thought it was very strange that Fred had no answered his letter. *FAILURE* John thought that....his letter was very strange.

Fred's failure to answer

Although Karen and Mark have very different personalities and interests, they seem to have a good relationship. *ALONG* Although Karen and Mark have very different personalities and interests, they seem to ... another very well.


Let's walk to the store, instead of driving. *FOOT* Rather than going by car, let's....


I thought Sue's original plan was to move to Australia. *IMPRESSION* I....was originally planning to move to Australia.


'We'll have to postpone the meeting until next week, as a lot of people are on leave', the manager said. *OFF* The manager said the meeting .... until the following week, as a lot of people were on leave.


The voting process is the same as it was last year. *CHANGED* The voting process ... since last year.


The factory has been able to reduce its CO2 emissions by 50% in the last year. *SUCCEEDED* The factory .... back its CO2 emissions by 50% in the last year.

HAS SUCCEEDED IN CUTTING (succeed in doing sth; cut back sth)

My brother and I are alike in many ways. *LOT* My brother and I...common.


Jack has such a vivid imagination, it is possible that he invented the whole story. *MADE* Jack has such a vivid imagination that he might...the whole story.


I really messed up the first question in the exam. I wish I had considered it more carefully before answering. *THOUGHT* I really messed up the first question in the exam. I should ... it more carefully.


I wish I hadn't said that to her. *TAKE* If only....I said to her.


Lucy was very pleased to be given an award. *DELIGHT* Much to....given the award.

Lucy's delight she was OR Lucy was delight she was

Guests are welcome to suggest any improvements at reception. *RECOMMENDATIONS* Guest are welcome to .... improvements at reception.


The local council wants to impose a ban on driving at more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in his area. *ILLEGAL* The local council wants more than 30 kilometres per hour anywhere in this area.


I'd like to invite you to dinner to say sorry for forgetting your birthday. *MAKE* I'd like to...your birthday by inviting you to dinner.


The other students don't mind whether you give your presentation on Thursday or Friday. *DIFFERENCE* It .... the other students whether you give your presentation on Thursday or Friday.


A lot has happened since you've been away. *MANY* .... happened since you've been away.


Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but I'm sure she has got it wrong. *MUST* Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but she ... a mistake.


I first met Serena at a conference in Berlin. *TIME* ___ was at a conference in Berlin.

The first time I met Serena

We stopped in an absolutely beautiful place for lunch. *WHERE* ___ lunch was absolutely beautiful

The place where we stopped for

'You won't get a good seat if you come late', said Leslie to me. *UNLESS* Leslie said that ..., I wouldn't get a good seat.


If her party wins the election, which is unlikely, she'll become President. *EVENT* In the...the election, she'll become President.


You must never disturb someone when they are sleepwalking. *CIRCUMSTANCES* ___ disturb someone when they are sleepwalking.

Under no circumstances must you

The employment rate rose gradually as the economy began to recover. *GRADUAL* There ... the employment rate as the economy began to recover.


Dr. Rasmesh's colleagues regarded him so highly that they forgave his inability to remember people's names. *HELD* Dr. Ramesh .... by his colleagues that they forgave his inability to remember people's names.


The change in the company's logo didn't make any difference to the majority of its customers. *CONSEQUENCE* The change in the company's logo .... to the majority of its costumers.


Several of the applicants were not considered because of their age. *PASSED* Several of the applicants ... to their age.

WERE PASSED OVER DUE (pass over: phr v = to ignore or not give attention to so. or sth.)

It was the film's music that impressed me most. *IMPRESSION* The film's music was


For many teenagers, their looks are their highest priority. *MATTERS* Appearance is ... many teenagers.


The government has banned all exports to the country except for food and medicine. *EXCEPTION* The government has banned all exports to the country ... food and medicine.


Please tick this box if you don't want us to inform you about future events. *RATHER* Please tick this box if you ... sent any information about future events.


During the winter I prefer watching football to playing it. *SOONER* During the winter I ... .it.

WOULD SOONER WATCH FOOTBALL THAN PLAY (would rather / sooner --> prefer to do one thing more than an other)

By the end of the meeting, the committee had agreed on the next step. *REACHED* By the end of the committee meeting, an....what to do next

agreement had been reached on

There was very little paper left in the printer. *RUN* The printer had...paper

almost run out of

We were late arriving at the cinema and so missed the start of the film. *BY* The film had...we arrived at the cinema.

already started by the time

Julia says that her sister is the only person to know of out plans to get married. *APART* Julia says that....knows of our plans to get married.

apart from her sister nobody / no one

This building would be ideal for our new office except that there are no parking facilities nearby. FROM This building would be ideal for our new office ____ of parking facilities nearby.

apart from the lack

There is a strong likelihood that we'll manage to meet our deadline. HIGHLY We _____ meeting our deadline

are highly likely to succeed in

There's a rumour going round that they are no longer together. *SPLIT* They....up.

are rumoured to have split

People think that bilingual children were disadvantaged in the past. *THOUGHT* Bilingual children ___ in the past.

are thought to have been disadvantaged

Providing you look after it carefully, you can borrow my laptop. *LONG* You can borrow my laptop __________ good care of it.

as long as you take

It's possible that the heavy traffic is delaying Katya. *HOLDING* What may....the heavy traffic.

be holding Katya up is

We will send your new passport tomorrow, provided your paperwork is in order. *LONG* Your new passport will...your paperwork is in order.

be sent tomorrow as long as (OR so long as)

Sven would have called yesterday if he had had more time. *SHORT* Sven didn't call yesterday.....time.

because he was short of

At the time, scientists did not realise how important their finding were. *FAILED* At the time, scientists....of their findings.

failed to realise the importance (significance)

I wish I could have finished my biology project on time. *ABLE* I regret biology project finished on time.

being able to get/have

I was very shocked when my brother told me what had happened the previous day. *ACCOUNT* I was very shocked by my ... what had happened the previous day.

brother's account of

We were incredibly surprised when we found the letter. SURPRISE The discovery of the letter _____ to us.

came as a complete surprise

Harry was disappointed to hear the news that the match had been cancelled. *CAME* News of the cancellation of the Harry.

came as a disappointment

Phoebe was surprised to be offered a place on the course. *CAME* The offer of a place on the course....Phoebe.

came as a surprise to

I wasn't surprised to hear that Martin had joined the gym. *CAME* It ___ me to hear that Martin had joined the gym.

came as no surprise to

This holiday is within our price range, provided we don't go to the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre. *AFFORD* We ___ as we avoid the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre.

can afford this/the holiday as/so long

She´ll probably end up marrying him! *CHANCES* The ___ end up marrying him!

chances are she´ll

It is important to be well prepared for an interview because if you make a mistake, you may not get the job. *COST* A mistake in an interview may .... so it is important to be well prepared.

cost you the job

It's a pity Nico is so unreliable. *COUNT* I wish I...Nico.

could count on

The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees. *COUNT* The company's employees shouldn't ___ allocated a car parking space

count on being

A strike by check-staff led to all flights being delayed. *BECAUSE* There were ___ of a strike by check-in staff.

delays to all flights because

Clara said that she had not seen the missing letter. *HAVING* Clara....the missing letter.

denied having seen

I only got my money back after weeks of calling. *MANAGE* Only after weeks of calling ___ to get my money back.

did I manage

What are your plans for celebrating Nina's birthday? *MIND* What ....for celebrating Nina's birthday?

do you have in mind

When we arrive isn't really important, as long as we get there. *MATTER* It really...time we arrive, as long as we get there.

does not matter (at) what

Most medical student study for their degrees until they are 25. *GRADUATE* Most medical students....of 25.

don't graduate until the age

It isn´t necessary to call him as he already knows about it. *HAVE* You ___ call him as he already knows about it.

don´t have to

The audience didn't like the speaker's jokes. *DOWN* The speaker's jokes went ___ the audience.

down badly with

Hannah's essay doesn't have a clear enough explanation of the main point to be awarded top marks. *CLEARLY* Hannah's essay doesn't ____to be awarded top marks.

explain the main point clearly enough

France may be Flora's birthplace but she has never lived there. *BORN* Despite the ... .France, Flora has never lived there.

fact that Flora was born in

I didn't turn the TV on because I didn't want to wake the baby. *FEAR* I didn't turn the TV on....the baby.

for fear of waking

If you hadn't helped me, I could never have moved the wardrobe. *HELP* But..., I could never have moved the wardrobe.

for the help you gave me

After Ranjit had discovered the truth, he reported the facts to the police. *OUT* Having...., Ranjit reported the facts to the police.

found out the truth

The ice-skater performed faultlessly and received full marks. *GAVE* The ice-skater ... and received full marks.

gave a faultless performance

I'm not surprised he looks tired if he only had three hours' sleep last night. *GIVEN* It's not surprising that he looks so tired....slept for three hours last night.

given that he only

More than anything else Grace wanted to start her own aromatherapy clinic. *AMBITION* Grace's ___ to start her own aromatherapy clinic.

greatest ambition was

The reduction in the price of the magazines led to a growth in sales. *RESULT* Sales of the magazine...the reduction in the price.

grew as a result of

Simon found the recipe book very hard to follow. *DIFFICULTY* Simon ... in following the recipe book.

had great difficulty

Because she postponed buying the plane ticket, Vanessa lost the opportunity to go to China. *PUT* If Vanessa.....the plane ticket, she wouldn't have lost the opportunity to go to China.

had not put off buying

We missed the start of the concert because we arrived at the venue late. *BY* The concert ___ we arrived at the venue.

had started by the time

It's very unlikely that space tourism will take off in my lifetime. *HARDLY* Space tourism is ___ in my lifetime.

hardly likely to take off

The cost of digital photography have come down over the last few years. *DROP* There .... the cost of digital photography over the last few years.

has been a drop in

You have to pierce the plastic film first and then you can put the tray in the microwave oven. *BEFORE* The plastic film ___ the tray is placed in the microwave oven.

has to be pierced before

It was impossible to predict all the problems that we faced when we built our own house. *PREDICTED* Nobody could....face so many problems when we built out own house.

have (ever/possibly) predicted (that) we would (we were going to)

I have hardly ever come across such a strange man. *have* Seldom ___ such a strange man.

have I come across

Despite all their efforts, they could not get the old car to start. *HARD* No matter...., they couldn't get the old car to start.

how hard they tried

Rousseau painted fabulous pictures of the rainforest although he had never travelled outside Europe. *SPITE* Rousseau painted fabulous pictures of the rainforest ... travelled outside Europe.

in spite of never having

James would only speak to the head of department alone. *ON* James ____ to the head of department alone

insisted on speaking

Scientists don't know to what extent environment affects our intelligence. UNCLEAR How far our intelligence ______ to scientists.

is affected by environment is unclear

People believe that Leonardo da Vinci foresaw the invention of aircraft. *BELIEVED* The invention of aircraft....foreseen by Leonardo da Vinci.

is believed to have been

Many people believe that Edilson has the ability to become world judo champion. *CAPABLE* Many people believe that Edilson .... the world championship in judo.

is capable of winning

Cindy intends to complain about the service in that restaurant. *GOING* Cindy ___ complaint about the service in that restaurant.

is going to make a

She takes photographs as a hobby rather than as a job. *MUCH* Taking photographs ... a job as a hobby for her.

is not so much

The pool closes in ten minutes, so there isn't enough time to go swimming now. *WORTH* as the pool closes in ten minutes.

is not worth going to swim OR (us) going swimming

Mr Porter has to lock all the doors at night after everyone has left. *RESPONSIBLE* The person who....all the doors at night after everyone has left is Mr Porter.

is responsible for locking

People say that, if you run, you burn calories efficiently. *SUPPOSED* Running...way of burning calories.

is supposed to be an efficient

My grandmother was the most hardworking person I've ever known. *MORE* I've ___ than my grandmother.

never known a more hardworking person

I've been greatly impressed by the way Jasper deals with problems. *MADE* Jasper's way of dealing with problems

made a great impression on

Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. *IMPOSSIBLE* The terrible weather ___ Paul to leave the house all day.

made it impossible for

After a sleepless night, Marta finally decided that she wouldn't accept the job she had been offered. *MIND* After a sleepless night, Marta finally .... accept the job she had been offered.

made up her mind / made her mind up not to

If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. *NAME* If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have ___ himself as an art historian.

made/gotten a name for

I don't mind whether we go to the seaside or not this year. *DIFFERENCE* It doesn't ___ whether we go to the seaside or not this year.

make any difference to me

I don´t mind where we decide to go for our family holiday this year. *DIFFERENCE* It doesn't ___ where we decide to go for our family holiday this year.

make any difference to me

It's only because of the quality of the lead singer's voice that people listen to the album. *WORTH* It's the quality of the leas singer's voice that ____ to

makes the album worth listening

We would try really hard, but my older sister and I never got on. *HOW* No...., my older sister and I never got on.

matter how hard we tried

'Remember to lock the door when you go to bed', Jack said to me. *FORGET* Jack told ____ lock the door when I went to bed.

me not to forget to

She isn´t in so I assume she went to the party. *must* She ___ to the party.

must have gone

I was bitterly disappointed they didn't give me a part in the school play. *BITTER* To.....given a part in the school play.

my bitter disappointment I was not

You didn´t tell me that the exhibition was finishing today! *NEGLECTED* You ___ the exhibition was finishing today!

neglected to tell me

He'll never refuse free tickets, I'm sure. *IMAGINE* I could ______ free tickets.

never imagine him refusing

Gail wished she had followed David's suggestions about preparing for the interview. *DOING* Gail regretted...about preparing for the interview.

not doing what / as David (has) suggested

I don't usually make such foolish mistakes. *HABIT* I'm....such foolish mistakes.

not in the habit of making

Tom's company had less success with its exports this year. *SO* Tom's company was...with its exports this year.

not so successful

Yasmin's uncle said to her that she should stop her children eating junk food. *LET* Yasmin's uncle told her....junk food any more.

not to let her children eat

Of all the cities I know, there are few that are more beautiful than St Petersburg. *LOVELIEST* St Petersburg is one ...visited.

of the loveliest cities that I have

Nadia's friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. *POINT* Nadia was just ___ the restaurant when her friend arrived.

on the point of leaving

The hotel wasn't just far from the sea, it was expensive too. *ONLY* Not ____way from the sea, it was expensive too.

only was the hotel a long

The burglar wore gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints behind. *AVOID* The burglar wore gloves in ... any fingerprints behind

order to avoid leaving

I like my Aunt Emily best of all my relatives. *PERSON* The ___ my relatives is my Aunt Emily.

person I like best of all

I'll be happy to show you round the sights of my city when you come to visit me. *TAKE* It will be a.....sightseeing tour of my city when you come to visit me.

pleasure to take you on/for a

You'll need to practise every day if you want to be a professional musician. *DO* Only stand a chance of becoming a professional musician.

practising every day do

Many people were discouraged from emigrating by the idea of crossing the Atlantic. *OFF* What ... the idea of crossing the Atlantic.

put many people off emigrating was

We need to know how genes determine behaviour. *ROLE* We need to know what ___ behaviour.

role genes play in determining

Once the visitors had gone, Rachel started her homework immediately. *DOWN* Once the visitors had gone, Rachel immediately.....her homework.

sat / got / settle down to (do / start)

Robin has not been back to his birthplace for over twenty years. *LAST* It is over twenty years ___ to his birthplace.

since Robin last went back

I need a weekend away, so I booked something on the Internet. *DID* I need a weekend away ___ something on the Internet.

so what I did was book

It took Layla five minutes to find her car keys. *SPENT* Layla.....for her car keys.

spent five minutes looking

It's highly likely that they will cancel the concert. STRONG There's a _____ will be cancelled.

strong likelihood that the concert

Jessica is looking well these days, I suddenly thought. STRUCK It ____ is looking well these days.

struck me that Jessica

I managed to finish the preparations in time. *succeeded* I ___ the preparations in time.

succeeded in finishing

Dr Sharp wants you to look after his patients while he's away. *CARE* Dr Sharp would like you to....his absence.

take care of his patients during / in

If he doesn't get that job, who knows what he'll do. *KNOWING* If he doesn't get that job,....what he'll do.

there's no knowing

She said she wouldn´t fund my art course if I didn´t work harder. *THREATENED* She ___ my art course if I didn´t work harder.

threatened not to fund

It is thought that one in every five people cannot control how much they spend. *UNABLE* One in every five people is thought....their spending under control.

to be unable to keep

Ruby's ambition is to become an actor. *TAKE* What Ruby would like ___ acting as a career.

to do is to take up

My passport needs renewing because I'm going abroad this summer. *GET* I need .... because I'm going abroad this summer.

to get my passport renewed

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