CAPM Leftover Definitions (some are in other areas, use only for final study)

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Needs assessment

A ___ often precedes the business case. It involves understanding business goals and objectives, issues, and opportunities and recommending proposals to address them. The results may be summarized in the business case document.

Strong matrix

In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by job function, the project manager has moderate to high authority, the project manager's role is full-time, the resource availability is moderate to high, the project budget is managed by the project manager, and the project management staff are full-time.


In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by network structure, the project manager has low to moderate authority, the project manager's role is full-time or part-time, the resource availability is low to moderate, the project budget is managed by the functional and project manager, and the project management staff are full-time or part-time.


In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by project, the project manager has high authority, the project manager's role is full-time, the resource availability is high, the project budget is managed by the project manager, and the project management staff are full-time.

Technical project management, leadership, strategic and business management

The talent triangle contains these skill sets.


These PMOs provide a consultative role to projects by supplying templates, best practices, training, access to information, and lessons learned from other projects. This type of PMO serves as a project repository. The degree of control provided by the PMO is low.


These PMOs provide support and require compliance through various means. The degree of control provided by the PMO is moderate.


These PMOs take control of the projects by directly managing the projects. Project managers are assigned by and report to the PMO. The degree of control provided by the PMO is high.


These are managed in a manner that accepts and adapts to change as necessary to optimize the delivery of benefits as the ____'s components deliver outcomes and/or outputs.

Quality requirements

These capture any condition or criteria needed to validate the successful completion of a project deliverable or fulfillment of other project requirements Examples include tests, certifications, validations, etc

Solution requirements

These describe features, functions, and characteristics of the product, service, or result that will meet the business and stakeholder requirements

Stakeholder requirements

These describe needs of a stakeholder or stakeholder group

Transition and readiness requirements

These describe temporary capabilities, such as data conversion and training requirements, needed to transition from the current as-is state to the desired future state

Project requirements

These describe the actions, processes, or other conditions the project needs to meet Examples include milestone dates, contractual obligations, constraints, etc

Functional requirements

These describe the behaviors of the product Examples include actions, processes, data, and interactions that the product should execute

Nonfunctional requirements

These describe the environmental conditions or qualities required for the product to be effective Examples include: reliability, security, performance, safety, level of service, supportability, retention/purge, etc

Business requirements

These describe the higher-level needs of the organization as a whole, such as the business issues or opportunities, and reasons why a project has been undertaken


These have a scope that encompasses the scopes of its program components. ___ produce benefits to an organization by ensuring that the outputs and outcomes of ___ components are delivered in a coordinated and complementary manner.


These have an organizational scope that changes with the strategic objectives of the organization.

Strategic and business management

This PM skill is defined as the knowledge of and expertise in the industry and organization that enhanced performance and better delivers business outcomes.


This PM skill is defined as the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to guide, motivate, and direct a team, to help an organization achieve its business goals

Technical project management

This PM skill is defined as the knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to specific domains of project, program, and portfolio management. The technical aspects of performing one's role.


This PMO type provides support and requires compliance relating to projects.


This PMO type serves as a project repository for resources.


This PMO type supplies templates, training, and lessons learned.

Business case

This document contains a determination of what is prompting the need for action; a sitauational statement documenting the business problem or opportunity to be addressed including the value to be delivered to the organization; and Identification of stakeholders affected.

Program management

This is defined as the application of knowledge, skills, and principles to achieve the objectives and to obtain benefits and control not available by managing components individually.


This leadership style is described the following statement: able to inspire; is high-energy, enthusiastic, self-confident; holds strong convictions

Servant leader

This leadership style is described the following statement: demonstrates commitment to serve and put other people first; focuses on other people's growth, learning, development, autonomy, and well-being; concentrates on relationships, community and collaboration; leadership is secondary and emerges after service


This leadership style is described the following statement: empowering followers through idealized attributes and behaviors, inspirational motivation, encouragement for innovation and creativity, and individual consideration

Technical project management skills

___ are defined as the skills to effectively apply project management knowledge to deliver the desired outcomes for programs or projects.


___ itself is a perception of an individual based on personal experience, observation, and skill. Rather than qualifying a project by it, a project is more accurately described as containing ___. Portfolios, programs, and projects may contain elements of ____.


___ managers monitor strategic changes and aggregate resource allocation, performance results, and risk of the ___.


____ life cycles are agile, iterative, or incremental. The detailed scope is defined and approved before the start of an iteration. _____ life cycles are also referred to as agile or change-driven life cycles.

Organizational Project Management (OPM)

a framework in which portfolio, program and project management are integrated with organizational enablers to achieve strategic objectives

Analogous estimating

a gross value estimating approach, sometimes adjusted for known differences in project complexity.

control account

a management control point where scope, budget, and schedule are integrated and compared to the earned value for performance measurement. It has two or more work packages.

Planning package

a work breakdown structure component below the control account and above the work package with known work content but without detailed schedule activities.

Verified deliverables

deliverables that are completed and checked for correctness through the Control Quality process.


o All authority is assigned to the project manager. o Project team is on the project full-time and does not serve other projects. o Project manager manages the project budget. o High level of autonomy.


o De-centralized structure. o Replication of functions within each division. o Project manager likely has little to no authority and is a part-time role. o Budget is managed by the functional manager. o Possibly cost inefficient. o Possible assigned administrative staff.


o Employee groups are flexible. o People work side by side on project work. o The project manager as little to no authority and is like a part-time role. o Project managers may be called a project coordinator. o The budget is managed by the organization's owner or operator. o Seen in smaller companies. o Low resource allocation. o Unlikely administrative staff attached to project.


o Organization is a network structure with points of contact for each group within the organization. o Project manager is full or part-time. o Project manager has low authority over project team. o Authority is shared among management. o Project manager and functional manager share management of project budget. o Communication can be a challenge.


o Organizations can always design their own structure based on their needs. o Blend of other organization types.


o Project management office. o Project manager has high to total power over the project. o Handles all the organizations for a company. o Allowed for shared resources, coaching, and communication. o Full-time role. o Project manager manages the budget.

Balanced matrix

o Project manager and functional managers share authority. o Budget is managed by the functional manager and project manager.

Strong matrix

o Project manager has authority with project decisions over functional managers. o Project manager is a full-time rule. o Project manager manages the project budget.

Weak matrix

o Project manager has little authority or project power to make decisions. o Functional managers exercise authority over project managers. o Budget is managed by the functional manager.


o This isolates every department and project by function. o Every department sponsors its own projects. o Departments by services from one another using internal dollars or costs centres. o Functional managers retain projet power. o Project managements may be called project coordinators or expeditors. o Budget is managed by the functional manager.


the ability to effectively guide a group event to a successful decision, solution, or conclusion. Effective participation, achieving a mutual understanding among participants, and the buy-in for all contributions are goals of it.

Business case

the business document most commonly used to create the project charter.

Business value

the net quantifiable benefit derived from a business endeavor.

Cognitive level integration

this consists of growing as a project manager through practical experience, gaining knowledge and deriving wisdom from past experiences

project kick-off meeting

this is usually associated with the end of planning and the start of executing. Its purpose is to communicate the objectives of the project, gain the commitment of the team for the project, and explain the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder.

Project governance

this refers to the framework, functions, and processes that guide project management activities in order to create a unique product, service, or result to meet organizational, strategic, and operational goals.

Performance measurement baseline.

An integrated scope-schedule-cost plan for the project work against which project execution is compared to measure and manage performance.

Performance measurement baseline.

An integrated scope-schedule-cost plan for the project work against which project execution is compared to measure and manage performance.

system behaviour, human behaviour, ambiguity

Complexity within projects is a result of three dimensions: ___, ___, and ___

Change management plan.

Describes how the change requests throughout the project will be formally authorized and incorporated.

Configuration management plan.

Describes how the information about the items of the project (and which items) will be recorded and updated so that the product, service, or result of the project remains consistent and/or operative.

Development approach.

Describes the product, service, or result development approach, such as predictive, iterative, agile, or a hybrid model.

Development approach.

Describes the product, service, or result development approach, such as predictive, iterative, agile, or a hybrid model.

Project life cycle.

Describes the series of phases that a project passes through from its initiation to its closure.

Quality management plan

Establishes how an organization´s quality policies, methodologies, and standards will be implemented in the project.

Stakeholder engagement plan

Establishes how stakeholders will be engaged in project decisions and execution, according to their needs, interests, and impact.

Cost management plan

Establishes how the costs will be planned, structured, and controlled.

Procurement management plan

Establishes how the project team will acquire goods and services from outside of the performing organization.

Requirements management plan

Establishes how the requirements will be analyzed, documented, and managed.

Risk management plan

Establishes how the risk management activities will be structured and performed.

Scope management plan

Establishes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled, and validated.

Communications management plan

Establishes how, when, and by whom information about the project will be administered and disseminated.

Schedule management plan

Establishes the criteria and the activities for developing, monitoring, and controlling the schedule.


For these, success is measured in terms of the aggregate investment performance and benefit realization.


High-level strategic and operational ___ and constraints are normally identified in the business case before the project is initiated and will flow into the project charter. Lower-level activity and task ___ are generated throughout the project such as defining technical specifications, estimates, the schedule, risks, etc

Management reviews.

Identifies the points in the project when the project manager and relevant stakeholders will review the project progress to determine if performance is as expected, or if preventive or corrective actions are necessary


In a ____ life cycle, the project scope is generally determined early in the project life cycle, but time and cost estimates are routinely modified as the project team's understanding of the product increases. This develops the product through a series of repeated cycles, while increments successively add to the functionality of the product.


In a ____ life cycle, the project scope, time, and cost are determined in the early phases of the life cycle. Any changes to the scope are carefully managed. May also be referred to as waterfall life cycles.


In an ____ life cycle, the deliverable is produced through a series of iterations that successively add functionality within a predetermined time frame. The deliverable contains the necessary and sufficient capability to be considered complete only after the final iteration.


In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by a mix of aspects, the project manager has high authority, the project manager's role is full-time the resource availability is high, the project budget is managed by the project manager, and the project management staff are full time.


In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by a product or process, the project manager has little to no authority, the project manager's role is part-time, the resource availability is little to none, the project budget is managed by the functional manager, and the project management staff are part-time.

Organic (simple)

In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by flexible and people work side-by-side, the project manager has little to no authority, the project manager's role is part-time and may be called a coordinator, the resource availability is little to none, the project budget is managed by the owner or operator, and the project management staff are little to none.

Functional (centralized)

In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by job being done, the project manager has little to no authority, the project manager's role is part-time, the resource availability is little to no, the project budget is managed by the functional manager, and the project management staff are part-time.

Weak matrix

In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by job function, the project manager has low authority, the project manager's role is part-time, the resource availability is low, the project budget is managed by the functional manager, and the project management staff are part-time.

Balanced matrix

In this organizational structure type, work groups are arranged by job function, the project manager has low to moderate authority, the project manager's role is part-time, the resource availability is low to moderate, the project budget is managed by both functional and project manager, and the project management staff are part-time.

project management plan

The ___ defines how the project is executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. The project management plan's content varies depending on the application area and complexity of the project.


The ___ integrates data and information from organizational strategic projects and evaluates how higher-level strategic objectives are being fulfilled.

business case

The ___ is a documented economic feasibility study used to establish the validity of the benefits of a selected component lacking sufficient definition and that is used as a basis for the authorization of further project management activities.

project charter

The ___ is defined as a document issued by the project sponsor that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.

project sponsor

The ___ is generally accountable for the development and maintenance of the project business case document.

project manager

The ___ is responsible for providing recommendations and oversight to keep the project business case, project management plan, project charter, and project benefits mAanagement plan success measures in alignment with one another and with the goals and objectives of the organization.

project management plan

The ___ is the document that describes how the project will be executed, monitored and controlled, and closed. It integrates and consolidates all of the subsidiary plans and baselines, and other information necessary to manage the project. The needs of the project determine which components of the ___ are needed.


The ___ is the natural liaison between the organization's portfolios, programs, projects, and the organizational measurement systems (e.g., balanced scorecard).

project management plan

The ___ may be either summary level or detailed. Each component plan is described to the extent required by the specific project. The ___ should be robust enough to respond to an ever-changing project environment. This agility may result in more accurate information as the project progresses.

project management plan

The ___ should be baselined; that is, it is necessary to define at least the project references for scope, time, and cost, so that the project execution can be measured and compared to those references and performance can be managed. Before the baselines are defined, the ___ may be updated as many times as necessary.

Scope baseline

The approved version of a scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS), and its associated WBS dictionary, which is used as a basis for comparison.

Schedule baseline

The approved version of the schedule model that is used as a basis for comparison to the actual results.

Cost baseline

The approved version of the time-phased project budget that is used as a basis for comparison to the actual results.


Multiple projects may be needed to accomplish a set of goals and objectives for an organization. In those situations, the projects would be grouped together to form a ___.

Resource management plan

Provides guidance on how project resources should be categorized, allocated, managed, and released.

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