Catcher in the Rye 1-6 Reading Questions

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The plot of the novel, so far, seems to be developing as a series of encounters between Holden and other people. What does Holden's encounter with Ackley contribute to the plot and to Holden's character are?

Ackley is Holden's roommate and he a very big slob according to Holden. Ackley gives a whole different view of the plot and Holden's character because Ackley represents Holden's personality that he does not like.

Who is Allie, and why is his baseball mitt so special to Holden?

Allie is Holden's little brother who died when he was really young. The baseball mitt was so special to Holden because that was the sport that he played when he was still alive.

What is Holden's situations at the beginning of the story he is telling

At the beginning of the story, Holden's situation is that he has to leave Pency because he is failing some of his classes and he doesn't like being there. "I forgot to tell you about that. They kicked me out. I wasn't supposed to come back after Christmas vacation."

Does Holden agree or disagree with Mr. Spencer advice? Does Holden voice his agreement or disagreement to Mr. Spencer or does he keep it to himself?

Holden agrees with Mr. Spencer but it seems like he is trying to hide from understanding the truth. An example of this is when Holden says to Mr. Spencer that he has to go put away the fencing teams equipment in the gym but it ends up being a lie. (19)

What do Holden and Stradlater fight over?

Holden and Stradlater fight over Jane Gallagher. Well, many would say that Stradlater does not even know what he Holden attacked him and Holden would say that he was fighting for Jane's purity.

Why did Holden's parents want to ave him psychoanalyzed?

Holden broke every single window with his fists when his brother Allie died.

What does Holden mean when he criticizes the headmaster of Elkton Hills as "the phonies bastard [he] ever met in his life"

Holden does not like people who hide their real selves from him. People only put on a face for the heck of it and Holden finds this very irritating. "Nr. Haas, that was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life. Ten times worse than old Thurmer."(17)

Does Holden truly dislike Stradlater? Why or why not?

Holden does not truly hate Stradlater. Holden does not like the adult side of Stradlater. Stradlater represents adulthood to Holden and Holden really resents transcending into adulthood because he does not want to accept the responsibilities of being an adult.

What details and circumstances prompt Holden's claims to feel sorry for Mr. Spencer?

Holden feels sorry for Mr. Spencer because he was a really old teacher who tried his best teaching a class even though he could not even pick up his one of his chalk that he dropped on the floor because he was to old. "When ever he dropped a piece of chalk at the blackboard, some guy in the first row has to get up and pick it up for him"

How does Holden feel about the way Mr. Spencer treats him? How do you know?

Holden feels that Mr. Spencer is trying to help him but he doesn't want to listen to him because he believes that he has to experience it for himself and Mr. Spencer really cannot help him. "He really was, too. You could see that. But it was just that we were much on opposite sides of the pole, that's all."

How does Ackley become involved in Holden and the other boy's plan to go to a movie?

Holden invites Ackley to join them to watch the movie with them.

Is Holden a good friend and roommate? Why or why not?

Holden is not a good friend. The reasons to why he is not a good friend because he lets his own jealously take over him. Just because Stradlater is dating Jane, he gets really jealous and mad making him hate Stradlater.

What assumptions does Holden make about the person to whom he addressing his story? How does Holden address those expectations? What can you infer about Holden and his relationship to his audience?

Holden makes his story sound very convincing and he addresses expectations that he had in the past and makes it sound very convincing that he was living a somewhat good life

What aspects of Jane Gallagher does Holden fondly recall?

Holden recalls Jane Gallagher practicing every day 2 hours a day dancing because she was in Ballet. "She's a dancer,' I said. 'Ballet and all. She used to practice about two hours every day, right in the middle of the hottest weather and all. She was worried that it might make her legs lousy -all thick and all. I used to play checkers with her all the time."'

How does Holden feel about his brother D.B.? What does Holden mean when he says D.B is prostituting himself in Hollywood?

Holden thinks that his brother D.B is stupid because he is using his knowledge as a writer to make movies and scripts. "Now he's bought it with his own money. It killed me. Now he's out in Hollywood, D.B., being a prostitute. If there's one thing i hate, it's the movies. Don't even mention them to me" (4).

What is the first instance of Holden's enjoying himself?

Holden was Enjoying himself when he was in a snowball fight.

Where is Holden when he is narrating this story? Who is "you" to whom he is talking?

Holden was telling the story in California, where he was most likely getting. Getting treated for his mental state. "I ran all the way to the main gate, and then i waited a second till i got my breath. I have no wind, if you want to know the truth. I'm quite a heavy smoker" (7).

What do you think Holden means when he says, "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"?

Holdens is probably trying to tell his audience that he does not like learning subjects that he does not find interesting, but the subject that he does find interesting is English that is why he reads a lot.

Do you like or dislike Holden so far?

I Like Holden. Holden demonstrates the true meaning of a school by showing no interest in his education. Holden is not interested in subjects that his teachers are teaching him and only likes one subject which is English.

How do you feel about the way Salinger has his narrator Holden address his readers in the first paragraph?

I feel that that is was very interesting to read about how a normal teenager would talk to you during a therapy session he was in "If you really want ot hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where i was born, and what my lousy childhood was like" (1)

Given Holden's interactions in this chapter, would you consider him antisocial or misanthropic?

I would not consider Holden to be antisocial or misanthropic because Holden is going through a lot and when he finds out that the girl that he grew up with just dated a boy that has reached adulthood, he becomes anti-social.

Describe how Mr. Spencer treat Holden and how the teacher acts around his visiting student?

Mr. Spencer treats Holden with respect. Mr. Spencer is just trying to help Holden realize that he has his whole future ahead of him and he needs to get ahold of himself before it is late. "I'd like to put some sense in that head of yours, boy. I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to help you if I can."

Do holden's parents know that he has been expelled from Penney? When do they expect him home for his Christmas break?

No, Holden did not tell his parents that he was expelled and they expected him to be back on Wednesday. "He said he was going to write them Monday". "have you yourself communicated with them? " "No, sir I haven't communicated with them, because I'll probably see them wednesday night when i get home."(11)

Given the information provided in this chapter, what year the events of this story taking place?

Saturday Night

What homework assignment does Stradlater ask Holden to do for him? Why does he ask Holden?

Stradlater asks Holden to make a report of something that is just detailed. He asks Holden because he is one of the best in English.

What are some of Holden's criticisms of Stradlater?

Stradlater is compared to a secret snob because he shaves with a dirty razor just to look clean. Even though Stradlater is a secret snob he still a strong, good-looking guy

What king of book "really knocks [Holden] out?

The book that really knocked Holden out was Of Human Bondage. (22)

To what extent do you accept Holden's assessment of himself: "I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life," .. "I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot"? Why? Why do you suppose he tends to evaluate himself negatively?

The reason to why Holden access himself in a very negative way is because he does not see himself as a spectacular person and he wants to stay humble to everyone.

Describe the significance of the juxtaposition of Holden and Stradlater.

The significance of Holden and Stradlater being juxtaposed is that Holden represents how a child would act and Stradlater represents how a adult would act. Both are used to explains

What two books does Holden say he truly enjoyed? What was the third book that he found less exciting to him?

The two books that Holden really enjoyed was a book that was written by Ring Lardner, and a book called The Return of the Native(21-22).

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