CDFS 211

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Which question is addressed through the principle of documentation?

"Do the important adults in my life communicate about me frequently?"

Which question should teachers consider when first beginning to create and organize a learning space for young children?

"How do I want the children to use this space?"

Which account demonstrates appropriate use of an "I" statement?

"I feel frustrated when I can't finish my thoughts or sentences."

Expressions about one's own thoughts and feelings that do not include judgments are called _____ statements.


Infants from various cultures around the world exhibit separation anxiety starting around nine months and increasing in intensity until approximately _____ months of age


At what age do children typically being engaging in cooperative play?

4-36 months

Professional organizations have well-established _____ programs for child care with more stringent standards than licensing regulations and serve to recognize high-quality programs that meet physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of the children, as well as the needs of the families being served.


What does a toddler's response to structure (e.g., routines) and change (e.g., surprises) indicate?


What does a toddler's response to structure (e.g., routines) and chnage (e.g., surprises) indicate?


The zone of proximal development can be identified through:


Claudia, an infant teacher, thinks it's important to demonstrate that she approves of each child in her classroom. How can she best accomplish this?

Allow the children to choose their own activity at the start of each day.

Paul's caregiver Jimmy tells him that he is a "bad boy" for hitting Seth. What is Jimmy failing to demonstrate?


Raina, a child care provider, showers the children with compliments, no matter what their behavior. Which concept has Raina misunderstood?


Prosocial behavior in toddlers has been shown to incerease when parents:

Ask them to label and explain emotions.

Dana, a caregiver at a child care center, sits near Sandy and watches her play with a set of blocks. Dana is applying which of the three As?


Dmitri is playing "This Little Piggy" with Zoe, an infant at his child care center. During the play, Zoe sometimes turns her head away and Dmitri waits for her to turn back around before continuing. What is Dmitri demonstrating?


After observing two-year-old Charlie stacking blocks, his caregiver sits down with him and beings teaching how to count using the blocks. Charlie who has just woken up form a nap, would rather stack than count them, but the caregivers persists in changing the activity. What is his caregiver failing ti demonstrate?


Ashley believes all babies need to eat at noon, so they will be ready for their naps at two o'clock. When little Joshua does not want to eat at noon, Ashley persists in trying to feed him; this demonstrates a lack of:


Craig believes all children need to be physically active for at least thirty minutes a day. Because of this, he times his group of two-year-olds as they walk, run, or ride a tricycle around the yard in a circle, to make certain they stay active the entire thirty minutes. What is Craig failing to demonstrate?


Appropriate caregiver behavior involves generous amount of the three As of child care, which include:

Attunement Attention Approva;

Appropriate caregivers behavior involves generous amounts of the three As of child care, which include:

Attunement Attention Approval

Chelsea is uninterested when her mother leaves her in a room with a stranger and actually moves toward the stranger upon her return. Chelsea is demonstrating _____ attachment.


Kristopher shows no distress when his mother leaves him with a stranger, and he does not seek comfort from her when she returns. What type of attachment is Kristopher demonstrating?


Carrie, an eight-month-old, wants more space to move and cries to get out of her crib. Her father moves her to the floor and plays with her. What aspect of an ecological system does this illustrate?

Bidirectional Influences

Research has confirmed maternal behavior can influence infant cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels have been found when mothers:

Breastfeed Linger Co-Sleep with their infants Respond to infant distress

Research has confirmed maternal behavior can influence infant cortisol levels. Lower cortisol levels have been found when mothers:

Breastfeeding Longer Co-Sleep with their infants Respond to infant distress

One of the components involved in rapport building is _____, which means carefully observing another's movements.


Babies are most likely to exhibit separation anxiety during which phase of development?

Clear-Cut Attachment

Mr. Gold, a toddler teacher, is observing a young child's problem-sloving skills. What aspect of a child's development is she assessing?

Cognitive/language Development

The definition of respect includes:

Consideration Differential Regard Appreciation

A child care center is looking to hire teachers of children "birth to age three." You are interested in applying for this position because the center is demonstrating the implementation of:

Continuity of Care

A child care center is looking to hire teachers of children "birth to age three." You are interested in applying for this position because the center is demonstrating the implementation:

Continuity of care

A teacher who remains with a group of children during their infant and toddler years is practicing:

Continuity of care

What special functions are controlled by the cerebral cortex?

Decision making Production of language Planning

Which special functions are controlled by the cerebral cortex?

Decision making Production of language Planning

What is one way toddlers demonstrate their autonomy?


When caregivers place too many limits on behavior or constantly restrict choices, what are children most likely to become?


A teacher can get to know each family's cultural beliefs and values by:

Developing a script

Which term refers to the cumulative sequences and patterns that represent progressive, refined changes moving a child from simple to more complex physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional growth and maturity?


Which term refers to the cumulative sequences and patters that represent progressive, refined changes moving a child form simple to more complex physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional growth and maturity?


Which statement about child development is true?

Development follows the same general sequences and patterns for all children.

Piaget's sensorimotor stage of cognitive development occurs from birth to about age two and involves which substages?

Differentiation Experimentation Coordination

Gerald, an early childhood teacher, focuses on teaching appropriate behavior and setting limits on inappropriate behavior to help young children learn about their emotions and feelings, and how to interact successfully with others. Gerald is particularly interested in teaching:


When children are faced with information contrary to their current understanding, they experience _____, which provides a motivation for learning.


According to ecological systems theory, which factors specifically impact the macrosystem?

Early Head Start Social System Customs Child Protection Laws

According to ecological systems theory, which factors specifically impact the macrosystem?

Early Head Start Program Social System Customs Child Protection Laws

An infant who begins to cry after hearing infant's cry of pain is demonstrating:

Emotional Contagion

Which skill consists of the ability to soothe ourselves and manage our emotions?

Emotional Regulation

Labeling feeling states in order to help young children understand their emotions and how they are expressing them, such as "You really look excited!" helps children engage in:

Emotional Talk

An infant who begins to cry after hearing another infant's cry of pain is demonstrating:

Emotional contagion

Which approach should a teacher employ to respect the unique patterns that each child demonstrates?

Encourage risk taking

Devon has shown signs that he's learning to balance that awareness of hi own needs and feelings with the needs and feelings of other people. What does this demonstrate?

Enlightened self-interest

Devon has shown signs that he's learning to balance the awareness for his own needs and feelings with the needs and feelings with the needs and feeling of other people. What does this demonstrate?

Enlightened self-interest

Latisha's parents read books on child development after their infant goes to sleep for the night. They are particularly interested in one theorist, who focuses on the stages of development involving trust, autonomy, identity, and intimacy. Who is this theorist?


Developmentally appropriate strategies for guiding and supporting the development of self-regulation in children include:

Establishing consequences Setting Limits Redirecting actions

Attachment theory proposes that an infant's smiling behavior has a(n) _____ purpose, which is keeping the infant close to the mother, who is turn keeps the child out of harm's way.


Attachment theory proposes that an infant's smiling behavior has a(n) _________ purpose, which is keeping the infant close to the mother, who in turn keeps the child out of harm.


Which observational method is used to record an individual child's particular behavior each time it occurs?

Event Sampling

Which motor pathway expects specific stimuli at birth?


Higher levels of effort control in children have been associated with fewer _____ behaviors and higher levels of ______.

Externalizing; Social Competence

In a recent research study, toddlers who demonstrated more effortful control had mothers who scored high on which measure?


After World War II in Reggio Emilia, it was more difficult to establish nationally funded programs for preschoolers than it was to establish them for infants and toddlers.


All disruptive behaviors require specific interventions designed to help children acquire more positive social or emotional regulation skills.


An early childhood teacher can influence a child's development, but has virtually no impact on the larger system in a child's life such as their community and culture.


An infant who is insecurely attached to his or her mother is only capable of insecure relationships with other caregivers.


By the third month, most infants can roll from back to stomach.


Children between the ages of two and five who are cared for in child care centers experience fewer injuries than children cared for by parents in their own home at the same age.


Each infant and toddler progresses through development at a set rate.


Research suggests that young children from various cultures develop essentially identical skills and abilities


Rough and tumble play should occur only in homes.


Separation anxiety is found only in infants with insecure attachments.


Teachers are trained to screen and diagnose developmental delays.


The National Program for Playground Safety put together the acronym S.A.F.E., which stands for site, area, function, and environment, to remind teachers about playground safety.


The two types of feedback most commonly given to messages are avoidance and passive response.


There is a single established and acceptable curriculum that meets the developmental needs of all infants.


To manage the environment and facilitate learning, teachers should always locate noisy areas as far apart as possible.


When infants and toddlers are engaged in learning, internal changes are always observed to another person.


When infants and toddlers are engages in learning, internal changes are always observable to another person.


Who must early childhood educators form partnerships with to provide high-quality care?

Families Community agencies colleagues

What are children with involved fathers most likely to display?

Few behavioral problems High levels of self-regulation Few aggressive behaviors

Amy can now grasp objects and point at things. Which developmental advancement do her actions signal?

Fine Motor

Amy can now grasp objects and point at things. Which developmental advancements do her actions signal?

Fine Motor

Research suggest that young children from various cultures develop essentially identical skills and abilities.


Temperament cannot be influenced by environmental factors during the first three years of life.


Which brain structure is responsible for producing complex thoughts and emotional responses?


Physical development occurs in a predictable order starting with the ______ and moving along the body to the ______.

Head; Lower Extremities

Physical development occurs in a predictable order, starting with the ________ and moving along the body to the _______.

Head; Lower extremities

Research has demonstrated a link between social withdrawal during adolescence and _____ inhibition during infancy or toddlerhood.

High Behavioral

Which brain structure is responsible for regulating automatic functions (e.g., digestion, breathing, and balance)?


Which brain structure is responsible for regulating automatic functions )e.g., digestion, breathing, and balance)?


The educators in Reggio Emilia first and foremost consider the _____ because it, in turn, affects their interactions, management of the environment, and selection of teaching strategies.

Image of the child

Infants who demonstrate more ____ have been found to have higher cognitive skills.


Kate speaks to her infant using a reduced speech rate, exaggerated intonation, and short utterance duration. Which type of speech is Kate employing?


According to Daniel Stern, which capacity is present at birth?


What is the main difference between development and learning?

Learning requires action by a learner

A child's temperament and _____ can influence his or her tendency toward prosocial behavior.

Level of Sympathy

A child's temperament and __________ can influence his or her tendency toward prosocial behavior

Level of sympathy

Which term describes the rules set by adults for children to follow and to encourage certain behaviors?


What type of knowledge is constructed by the child and involves identifying relationship between objects?


What type of knowledge is constructed by the child and involves identifying relationships between objects?


Research confirms that a _____ is an effective instructional approach that fosters a child-centered achievement environment, provides freedom of choice, and supports positive attitudes and self-perception toward movement, social interaction, and problem-solving skills.

Mastery Climate

A child with a pattern of unhealthy social development may raise concerns regarding issues of:

Mental Health

A child with a pattern of unhealthy social development may raise concerns regarding issues of:

Mental health

What type of experiences are particularly significant in building cognitive structures through sensorimotor and hands-on, minds-on opportunities?


Caregivers of young children need to understand normative patterns to recognize unique patterns in the individual children they care for. What is another name for these normative patterns of development?


Brain growth in children less than two years of age can be attributed to growth in the amount of _____ in their brains.


The _____ of children in a group is a significant factor in the amount of time the caregiver has to give each child.

Number and age

Scientists have found that stressful or neglectful behaviors in early childhood can affect that development of the brain. This finding emphasizes the influence of _______ on development


Scientists have found that stressful or neglectful behaviors in early childhood can affect the development of the brain. This finding emphasizes the influence of _____ on development.


Which approach should a teacher employ to respect the unique patterns that each child demonstrates?

Observe Milestones

What do teachers use to gather as much information as possible about what the child does at home?

Open-ended questions

Which type of meeting provides information about parenting topics directly to groups of families?

Parent Education

According to ecological systems theory, exosystem influences include:

Parental education Social Services Availability Health Care Access

According to ecological systems theory, exosystem influences include:

Parental education Social services availability Health care access

Research had demonstrated that a caregiver's ________ can have an impact on his or her level of attunement.


Brain development and motor coordination are characteristics of which developmental domain?


Examples of scaffolding include:

Physical Assistance Coaching Providing Hints

Examples of scaffolding include:

Physical assistance Coaching Providing hints

According to Bowlby, attachment occurs when the baby grasps, cries, ad smiles to keep the caregiver engaged. This is known as the ______ phase.


According to Bowlby, attachment occurs when the baby grasps, cries, and smiles to keep the caregiver engaged. This is known as the _____ phase.


Which childhood activity is most effective at developing working memory?

Prentend Play

Which action leads to the elimination of unused neural pathways?


Children struggles with conflicting needs for dependence and independence during which subphase of MAhle's separation-individuation theory?


Tambor, an infant teacher, documents a child's behaviors and the frequency of the behaviors on a form. What assessment method is Tambor most likely using?

Rating Scale

In ecological systems theory, which term is used to describe human relationships?


What term is used for behaviors that deviate from the developmental milestone and expected range?

Red flags

Children who develop within the average range can have periods of _____, which follow forward movement in skill development.


Sarah clings to her mother when she tries to leave the room and is difficult to soothe when she returns. Sarah is demonstrating which type of attachment?


Choose the three patterns of insecure attachment.

Resistant Disoriented Avoidant

Infants with secure attachments tend to have caregivers who:

Respond consistently to infants' needs Interpret infants' emotional signals sensitively Express affection regularly

A long narrative that tells a story as it unfolds over a significant period of time about a child, group, or activity is called a(n) _____ record.


Research on attachment security of infants with full-time working mothers has found that most infants of employed mothers exhibit _______ attachment.


A recent study found that toddlers who enter foster care with a secure attachment were more likely to be rated as ______ attached a year later.


A recent study found that toddlers who entered foster care with a secure attachment were more likely to as _____ attached a year later.


The common outcomes of shaken baby syndrome include:

Seizures Blindness Spasticity

The RISE mental model helps teachers understand their role when guiding the behavior of young children by examining several factors to determine who owns the problem. What are some of these factors?

Self Environment Child

It is rare for hearing problems to be detected before ____ months of age

Seven or eight

It is rare for hearing problems to be detected before _____ months for age.

Seven or eight

Many pediatricians recommend that infants begin solid foods at about _____ months of age, which can be around the time of the first tooth eruption.


Babies reach a developmental milestone when they can sit alone and begin to crawl at _____ months.

Six to Eight

Babies reach a developmental milestone when they can sit alone and begin to crawl at _____ months.

Six to eight

Rick wants to demonstrate attention to each child in his classroom. What is the best way for him to accomplish this?

Smile and greet each child as they enter the classroom

Optimal development in early childhood addresses which critical areas of development?

Social Emotional Physical

A teacher who is observing a young child's interactions with other teachers most likely to be assessing:

Social Development

A teacher who believes that children develop through modeling, imitation, and observational learning is most aligned with which theory?

Social Learning Theory

Vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a(n) _____ process.

Socially Mediated

Vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a(n) ________ process.

Socially mediated

Which developmental theory places the greatest value on social interactions between children and their elders?

Sociocultural Theory

Kia, a toddler teacher, has preconceived negative views about homeless families. What is the best way to foster positive development of her professional perspectives on homeless children?

Spending time with homeless children and families in homeless shelters

According to ecological systems theory, which action has the most influence on the quality of a relationship?

Supportive Interactions

What is the "interactional dance" of reading and responding to a child's cues called?


Allie is beginning to combine words into understandable phrases and sentences. What concept of understanding is she acquiring?


Which scenario contains a natural consequence?

Tabitha pours her cup of milk down the sink and has no milk for snack time.

Which type of behavior is associated with toddlers expressing strong emotions, such as frustration and anger?


To be prepared for emergencies, all _____ in a child care program should be educated in first aid, universal precautions, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Teachers Admin Cleaning staff

Which statement exhibits a strength-based perspective?

The child can roll over

Which statement supports the philosophy of planned experiences with children?

The child's nonverbal communication lets teachers know when to end the experience.

Teachers can reduce disruptive behavior by limiting the number of _____ throughout the children's day.


By 24 months of age, a child's brain has _____ its weight.


A diagnosis of a visual impairment can often by made earlier than a hearing impairment.


According to Mahler, a toddler with a coherent sense of self possesses both self- and object constancy


According to Mahler, a toddler with a coherent sense of self possesses both self- and object constancy.


Caregivers should not worry about spoiling young children; there is no such thing as too much approval and affection.


Caregivers should not worry about spoiling young children; there is no such things as too much approval and affection.


Children are highly involved in influencing their environment and aiding in their own development.


Culture is learned through being taught and through observation.


Early intervention can occur at any time in a child's life.


Infants have been observed to turn their heads in the direction an adult is looking at around three months of age.


One Early Head Start (EHS) study found that EHS parents were more likely to read to their child on a daily basis.


Recent research on a sample of Head Start teachers revealed that parents' priorities and expertise regarding their children's educational planning was excluded from parent-teacher conferences.


Research on military families found that reuniting with family members after a deployment can be as stressful as the separation when a parent is deployed.


Resolving problems or misunderstandings among staff members is more successful when we focus our discussions on issues rather than on personalities.


Teachers who rate themselves as having lower competence in art skills are less likely to regularly engage in art activities with children.


The best assessment approach is to observe children formally and informally on a daily basis.


Kayla often cries up to 45 minutes before her caregiver will chnage her diaper. According to Erikson, which concept is Kayla likely to have difficulty developing?


Kayla often cries up to 45 minutes before her caregiver will chnage her diaper. According to Erikson, which concept is kayla likely to have difficulty developing?


Which scenario best illustrates Bronfenbrenner's term bidirectional?

Two toddlers at a child care center teach other the word for "green" in their native language.

Which skills are acquired during Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development?

Understanding quantity Verbal reasoning Nonverbal classification

A recent study demonstrated that toddlers were more likely to help an adult in need when they were given ______ for engaging in a prosocial behavior

Verbal Praise No Reward at All

A recent study demonstrated that toddlers were more likely to help an adult in need when they were given _____ for engaging in a prosocial behavior

Verbal praise No reward at all

Classifying the zone of proximal development help teachers determine:

What to emphasize

Which term refers to services provided to adults and children through the same program and at the same time?

Which term refers to services provided to adults and children through the same program and at the same time?

Mrya listens to Dougie talk and responds by reiterating what he said, in her own words, to make sure that she understood him. What process is Mrya engaging in?

active listening

Developmental delays include which major areas?

adaptive physical communication

What process involves working with parents, community members, professional organizations, and policy makers to improve the lives of children and families and the early childhood profession?


A research study suggests that in Caucasian families, maternal spanking is associated with _____ behaviors in children.


Teachers should implement planned learning experiences during an infant or toddler's _____ times.


When _____ data, attention should be placed on coming to understand what the child can currently do; approach this aspect by asking, "What is the child capable of doing alone and with assistance?"


Which activities are formal educational opportunities?

attending workshops acquiring a child development associate certificate working with a mentor

To create the most powerful positive influence in any physical setting, establish a consistent, warm, friendly environment, including large doses of the three As. What are these three As?

attention approval attunement

The most powerful way to promote behavioral self-regulation in children is to provide:

attention for appropriate behavior.

Significant contributors to children being at-risk include being:

being raised by a parent with mental health issues. experiencing undernourishment living in poverty.

Significant contributors to children being at-risk include being:

being raised by a parent with mental health issues. living in poverty. experiencing undernourishment

When learning centers have visible _____, it provides children with a clear message about the use of materials in a particular area.


Recent research found that _____ feeding was a significant factor associated with lower incidence of obesity in children.


One of the components involved in rapport building is _____, which means carefully observing another's movements.


Professional _____ is built when teachers work together to learn more about teaching and learning, assets that add to the long-term worth of each professional and the education profession.


Diana, a toddler teacher, observes a group of students and notes whether they do or do not show certain characteristics or behaviors such as self-help skills. What assessment tool is Diana most likely to be using?


D'Arcy, a toddler teacher, notices thirty-month-old Saba becoming curious about the toilet and how other children use it. As a result of Saba's behavior, D'Arcy begins to introduce her to toileting. This is an example of the _____ influencing the infant and toddler curriculum.


Providing _____ increases people's internal motivation to complete a task because they feel more in control of their destiny.


While purchasing items for her child care facility, Sabrina, an infant teacher, drops toy pieces through a(n) _____ tube to see if they can be swallowed by children.


Babies are most likely to exhibit separation anxiety during which phase of development?

clear-cut attachment

When educators in early childhood programs meet regularly and communicate effectively, they have a greater ability to:

collaborate together support each other make decisions together.

When educators in early childhood programs meet regularly and communicate effectively, they have a greater ability to:

collaborate together. support each other. make decisions together.

What is perhaps the most important part of a family-caregiver conference?

communicating observations and evaluations of the children

Which symptoms are typically displayed by children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)?

communication difficulties problems with social interactions relational difficulties

The first locomotor movement is called _____, which involves moving through space by pulling the body with the arms or sometimes pushing with the legs to help move.


Everything a teacher does with a child or that a child experiences through interactions with the environment during time spent in an infant or toddler classroom is referred to as the _____ of the program.


What document is used by caregivers to record routine care events (e.g., eating, toileting, and sleeping)?

daily communication log

Which term refers to the reproduction of another person's behavior even when that person is no longer present?

deferred imitation

Which skills should teachers focus on when encouraging effortful control?

delayed gratification response inhibition

Which skills should teachers focus on when encouraging effortful control?

delayed gratification response inhibition

Providing solid or liquid foods when an infant or toddler is hungry is called _____ feeding.


When caregivers place too many limits on behavior or constantly restrict choices, what are children most likely to become?


Examples of impairments include:

depression learning difficulties. deafness.

Castro, an infant teacher, uses words and phrases to describe observable student behaviors that his director can easily verify. Castro is writing his observations using _____ phrasing.


Which practice encompasses emotional interaction, instructional planning, and various types of teaching and learning techniques involving children, families, colleagues, and the community?

developmentally appropriate

Which term refers to the dynamic interaction that exists between an individual impairment and environmental, social, and attitudinal barriers?


Gerald, an early childhood teacher, focuses on teaching appropriate behavior and setting limits on inappropriate behavior to help young children learn about their emotions and feelings, and how to interact successfully with others. Gerald is particularly interested in teaching:


When children are faced with information contrary to their current understanding, they experience _____, which provides a motivation for learning.


What term is used for frequent and voluntary habits of thinking and doing?


The goal of creating _____ is to make visible to the teacher, children, and family members the development and learning that has been occurring in the classroom.

documentation panels

Children who experience unresponsive and stressful conditions, either in a home or in a child care setting, have been found to have:

elevated cortisol levels.

Good caregiving is_____-centered, meaning that children's feelings are viewed as natural, valid, and important.


Which skill consists of the ability to soothe ourselves and manage our emotions?

emotional regulation

Labeling feeling states in order to help young children understand their emotions and how they are expressing them, such as "You really look excited!" helps children engage in:

emotional talk.

Events that occur repeatedly on an ongoing basis for very young children, such as learning to eat independently, are called _____ projects.


Developmentally appropriate strategies for guiding and supporting the development of self-regulation in children include:

establishing consequences setting limits redirecting actions.

Developmentally appropriate strategies for guiding and supporting the development of self-regulation in children include:

establishing consequences. setting limits redirecting actions

Which observational method is used to record an individual child's particular behavior each time it occurs?

event sampling

Which type of meeting occurs at least twice per year between families and caregivers and involves both parties sharing developmental information about the children in their care?


Which meeting would be most appropriate to discuss developmental concerns about a student with their parents?

family-caregiver conference

When the schedule created by the caregiver reflects each individual child's physical rhythms, it is a(n) _____ schedule.


In order to make decisions, early childhood educators need to _____ and _____.

gather information; question colleagues

According to the Children's Defense Fund, more than 2.9 million _____ are responsible for raising their _____.

grandparents; grandchildren

Research on family child care providers found that teacher-directed learning experiences need to be more _____ in order to provide optimal learning to children.


What are some key skills that children learn through planting and tending a garden?

healthy eating habits safe risk taking nature's "sameness"

Which early intervention strategies are offered by Early Head Start?

home-based services group learning events health services

Which tool can teachers use to develop a strong sense of partnership between parents and caregivers when face-to-face interactions are not possible?

home-school journals

Programs should avoid using antibacterial soap with very young children because recent animal research suggests that it alters _____ regulation.


Which virus attacks and destroys white blood cells, making the person more susceptible to illnesses?

human immunodeficiency virus

The educators in Reggio Emilia first and foremost consider the _____ because it, in turn, affects their interactions, management of the environment, and selection of teaching strategies.

image of the child

Which factors are significantly associated with increased risk of child abuse for children under five years old?

inadequate housing maternal depression substance abuse

Early intervention teams are often _____ and involve two or more professionals from separate professions working in partnership with the child and family.


Which term refers to the act of educating and providing supports and services to disabled children in settings with their non-disabled peers?

inclusive practices

Kate speaks to her infant using a reduced speech rate, exaggerated intonation, and short utterance duration. Which type of speech is Kate employing?


Which term is used by Reggio Emilia educators to describe the strategy for building relationships among adults and children when the child is first entering an infant-toddler center?


Researchers have found that the more parents espouse a(n) _____ locus of control, the higher the likelihood their children have externalizing behavior problems (e.g., increased aggression with peers, lack of frustration tolerance) as they become older.


The statement "Akira refused to eat her snack" is an example of _____ phrasing.


According to Daniel Stern, which capacity is present at birth?


One infant mental health strategy that involves prolonged and ongoing skin-on-skin contact between a mother and her premature infant is _____ mother care.


Several research studies have shown that child-initiated learning experiences have a positive effect on children's outcomes, in particular, improved:

language performance.

Which tool is geared toward encouraging specific types of behaviors in one location?

learning centers

What is designed by state and county agencies to standardize care and education of young children in group settings for both home- and center-based programs?

licensing regulations

A teen parent's ability to interact with her infant is most likely to be impaired by the stress of limited financial resources, coupled with the likelihood of:

limited life experiences

A teen parent's ability to interact with her infant is most likely to be impaired by the stress of limited financial resources, coupled with the likelihood of:

limited life experiences.

The attempt to gain stability when moving forward or upward (e.g., crawling and walking) against the force of gravity is called:


Children who learn to take responsibility for themselves and their own behaviors have an internal:

locus of control.

What are the earliest forms of productive communication for an infant?

making noises, crying, and gesturing

Research confirms that a _____ is an effective instructional approach that fosters a child-centered achievement environment, provides freedom of choice, and supports positive attitudes and self-perception toward movement, social interaction, and problem-solving skills.

mastery climate

Children at risk for medical emergencies and who often require specialized support are classified as:

medically fragile.

Many state licensing regulations require fire drills to be performed, timed, and recorded every:


In the area of physical development, infants display a rapid increase in _____ control.


What is perhaps the most important part of a family-caregiver conference?

negotiating developmental and learning goals for the childre

Blocks, dramatic play, and movement are considered _____ areas.


Which specific sets of behaviors must be calibrated and paced for rapport to be built with another person?

nonverbal communication posture representational systems

An infant who understands that people and objects exist even if they are currently out of sight has developed an understanding of:

object permanence

Fabric, cardboard, pebbles, shells, and pinecones are examples of _____ materials.


What do teachers use to gather as much information as possible about what the child does at home?

open-ended questions

When building rapport, we must engage in _____, or carefully move in harmonious synchrony with the other person.


Which type of meeting provides information about parenting topics directly to groups of families?

parent education

A recent research study found that preschool-aged boys who engaged in rough and tumble play at a child care center had increased:

peer acceptance.

Which set of skills is built upon through explaining to children how their behavior may make others feel?


Abuse is an action that causes harm to another. What are the major forms of abuse?

physical emotional sexual

Which three basic aspects of learning environments should teachers consider when making decisions?

physical, social, and intellectual

Which three basic activities form the focus of infant and toddler care daily schedules?

playing sleeping feeding

In order to meet the children's basic needs when planning a child care environment, space must be dedicated for:

playing. toileting. resting

Which assessment tool is composed of work samples, photographs, and videos that document a child's development and learning?


What are the key characteristics of a competent early childhood educator?

positive self-image physically healthy caring and respectful

What are the key characteristics of a competent early childhood educator?

positive self-image physically healthy caring and respectful

Which specific sets of behaviors must be calibrated and paced for rapport to be built with another person?

posture nonverbal communication representational systems

What type of communication occurs when infants use noises and actions to express messages to others?


The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child guaranteed which rights for children?

protection participation provision

An agreement between two people that establishes a sense of harmony is known as:


Children struggle with conflicting needs for dependence and independent during which subphase of Mahler's separation-individuation theory?


Tambor, an infant teacher, documents a child's behaviors and the frequency of the behaviors on a form. What assessment method is Tambor most likely using?

rating scale

Child-size shovels for digging in the garden and Navajo pottery for storing paintbrushes are examples of _____ materials.


What term is used for behaviors that deviate from the developmental milestone and expected range?

red flags

Newborns' movements are _____; they occur without the infant's control or direction.


Which behaviors are involved in manipulation during the first year of development?

releasing reaching grasping

Children communicate about their current understanding of the world through _____ of ideas, such as painting, drawing, or dramatic play.


Using the term "children with special _____" supports a strong, positive image of the child instead of a deficit approach.


Culture does not consist of an individual or group's behavior, but of the _____ that shape the behavior.


A long narrative that tells a story as it unfolds over a significant period of time about a child, group, or activity is called a(n) _____ record.


Isabella is able to comfort herself when she is upset, demonstrating the ability to _____ and put herself at ease.


Which term is used for messages that become the belief system of the child and the foundation for their self-concept?


Most newborns sleep up to _____ hours per day.


Jondi cares for three children in her home-based program. The youngest child, Natesa, is just three months old. When selecting toys for Natesa, Jondi should mostly focus on items that appeal to an infant's sense of:


Sixteen-month-old Marco smiles and waves both of his arms when his father returns from work, but cries and hides when a delivery person comes to the door. Which behavior does Marcus exhibit?

stranger anxiety

When reporting child abuse to the appropriate agency, your responsibility is to report your:


Every response to sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste increases _____ connections in the brain.


Research on toddlers' transitions to child care in Korea suggests that strong _____ support successful adaptations.

teacher-parent collaborations

Lani, a toddler teacher, would like to record the number of children in her class that display anxiety-related behaviors, such as nail-biting, while falling asleep at naptime. What is the best observational method for Lani's purpose?

time sampling

Teachers can reduce disruptive behavior by limiting the number of _____ throughout the children's day.


Which element allows teachers to better supervise and facilitates children's play because of the ability to make connections between materials in different centers in each environment?


According to attachment theory, infants can develop an attachment to their primary caregivers in child care settings.


What type of services are routinely available to all children and their families in order to promote children's healthy development?


What procedures are put into place to prevent workers from coming into contact with bodily fluids?

universal precautions

Which statement reflects a positively stated limit?

"Camille, use your napkin for your dirty hands."

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