cell 220 lecture exam 2

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A muscle that stabilizes the bone that is the attachment for the prime mover's origin


A muscle with the opposite action of the prime mover


Behavior Endocrine Emotion Temperature control Sleep/wake cycles Hunger/thirst Autonomic control Memory Infundibulum Pituitary gland

lateral flexion

Bending of the neck or body to the right or left side

muscles acting at the elbow

Biceps brachii Origin: supraglenoid tubercle, coracoid process Insertion: radial tuberosity Brachioradialis Brachialis Triceps brachii Origin: infraglenoid tubercle, posterior shaft of the humerus Insertion: olecranon process anconeus


Bidirectional passageway between cerebrum and spinal cord Contains many autonomic and reflex centers essential for survival Point of attachment for cranial nerves


Bilateral structures located externally within the scrotum


Bilateral structures locates in pelvic cavity


Broad origin, converge towards insertion

cerebrospinal fluid

Buoyancy Protection (cushion) Environmental stability Produced in the choroid plexus Clear, colorless fluid Circulates through the ventricles and subarachnoid space surrounding the CNS

thyroid gland

Butterfly shaped Inferior to larynx Largest pure endocrine gland

Follicle stimulating hormone

Act on the gonads

Luteinizing hormone

Act on the gonads


Activates sperm production, stimulates development to male reproductive organs

Growth hormone

Acts on all body tissues, especially bone, muscle, and adipose connective tissue


Acts on mammary glands

Melanocyte-stimulating hormone

Acts on melanocytes in the epidermis

Adrenocorticotropic hormone

Acts on the adrenal complex

Thyroid stimulation hormone

Acts on the thyroid gland

endocrine system

Acts using hormones Can affect any cell in the body (target cells have hormone receptors) Has widespread effects Has slower but longer lasting responses Endocrine glands are ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream




An action potential arrives at neuromuscular junction ACh is released, binds to receptors, leading to an action potential in sarcolemma Action potential travels along the T-tubules Thick and thin filament interaction leads to muscle contraction Muscle shortens and produces tension


Calcium is resorbed, beginning relaxation cycle; ATP is required Thick and thin filament interaction relaxes Muscle lengthens and relaxes

ascending spinal cord

Conduct sensory of motor information Travel through white matter of CNS Connect CNS regions to cranial nerves and spinal nerves

descending spinal cord

Conduct sensory or motor information Travel through white matter of CNS Connect CNS regions to cranial nerves and spinal nerves

skeletal muscle

Connected to the skeleton

semicircular canals

Detect rotational movements Help sense equilibrium


Detects sound waves


Downward movement

limbic system

Emotional brain Involved in emotion, memory, and motivation


Enhance fight or flight response

muscles of facial expression

Epicranius Frontalis Occipitalis Galea apaneurotica Orbicularis oculi Nasalis Levator labii superioris Levator anguli oris Zygomaticus Orbicularis oris Depressor anguli oris Depressor labii inferioris mentalis


Excessive CSF Obstruction of CSF flow Overproduction of CSF Impaired drainage of CSF


External abdominal oblique

trochlear nerve

Extrinsic eye muscle (superior oblique) CN IV

abducens nerve

Extrinsic eye muscles (lateral rectus) CN VI

oculomotor nerve

Extrinsic eye muscles (superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique), constrict pupil CN III


Face + head have more sensory neurons, more motor control, distribution of neurons

trigeminal nerve

Face, teeth, tongue Muscles of mastication CN V


Fibers run parallel to long axis


Fight or flight Activated in emergency situations and when excited or stressed

anterior chamber/posterior chamber

Filled with aqueous humor

vitreous chamber

Filled with vitreous humor


Fine-tunes, smoothens, and coordinates muscle movement Balance/equilibrium


Form myelin sheaths in CNS

cardiac muscle

Found in heart myocardium

smooth muscle

Found in walls of visceral organs


Function in dim light, don't provide sharp vision or color vision, more numerous than cones

smooth muscle

Fusiform shape Uninucleate No striations Fatigue resistant Involuntary


Gluteus medius Gluteus maximus Gluteus minimus

basal cells

Immature cells, replaces other two cell types


Made by oligodendrocytes in the CNS and Schwann cells in the PNS White, fatty coating around axons Nodes of Ranvier is the gap in myelin Supports, protects, and insulates axon Increases conduction speed of electrical signals in axons

muscles of mastication

Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid Lateral pterygoid


Maturation of follicles, stimulates development to female reproductive organs


More complex neural pathway Includes interneurons The withdrawal reflex is an example Multiple synapses

teres major

Which of the following is not a rotator cuff muscle


Which of the following is not a structure a neuron directly synapses with in the body


Which of the following is not detected by mechanoreceptors

contains interneurons

Which of the following is not true about monosynaptic reflexes

Initiates water retention in kidney during dehydration

Which of the following is the function of antidiuretic hormone

schwann cells

Myelinate PNS axons

Malleus, incus, stapes

Name the middle ear structures laterally to medially

Deep fascia, epimysium, perimysium, endomysium

Name the muscle wrappings superficial to deep

nerve plexus

Networks of interweaving spinal nerves

projection fibers

Project up or down spinal cord

satellite cells

Protect and regulate nutrients for neuron cell bodies in ganglia

muscles acting at the hip

Pectineus Adductor longus Adductor brevis Adductor magnus Gracilis Gluteus medius Gluteus minimus Iliopsoas Psoas major Iliacus Rectus femoris Gluteus maximus Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Biceps femoris

muscles acting at the shoulder

Pectoralis major Coracobrachialis Teres major Latissimus dorsi deltoid


Principal muscle involved

ceruminous glands

Produce cerumen Earwax impedes microorganism growth

alzheimer's disease

Progressive degenerative disease of the brain Symptoms: memory loss, depression, disorientation Associated with abnormal protein aggregates: Intracellular tau tangles Extracellular amyloid plaques

body region

Rectus femoris


Rest and digest Conserves energy and replenishes energy stores

neural tunic

Retina Photoreceptors Nerves and light


Returning the thumb to its anatomical position next to the index finger

lateral rotation

Rotation of the limb so that the anterior surface moves away from the midline


Rotation of the neck or body One bone rotates in relation to another bone

fibrous tunic

Sclera Cornea Protection


Secreted by alpha cells Glycogen breakdown in the liver Increases blood glucose levels


Secreted by beta cells Signals body cells to take up and use glucose for energy Decreases blood glucose levels


Short fibers are obliquely attached to tendon


Sites at which neurons communicate with other neurons, muscles, or glands

myoblast, large, multiple

Skeletal muscle forms through the fusion of ______ creating ______ cylindrical shaped cells with ________ nuclei


Sodium and water retention in kidney


Special senses consist of all of the following except

cervical plexus

Spinal nerves C1-C4 Innervates the anterior neck and parts of the head and shoulder The phrenic nerve innervates the diaphragm C345

brachial plexus

Spinal nerves C5-T1 Innervates the pectoral girdle and upper arm

lumbar plexus

Spinal nerves L1-L4 Innervates the anterior and medial thigh

sacral plexus

Spinal nerves L4-S4 Innervates all of the lower limb except the anterior/medial thigh



accessory nerve

Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius CN XI


Stimulate growth and maturation of T-lymphocytes


Stimulates growth of uterine lining


Supinator Pronator teres Flexor pollicis longus Flexor digitorum profundus

Atrial natriuretic peptide

Targets kidney Increase in sodium and water loss


Targets liver Stimulates formation of angiotensin

facial nerve

Taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue) Muscles of facial expression, secretion of saliva and tears CN VII

glossopharyngeal nerve

Taste (posterior 1/3 of tongue) Swallowing and secretion of saliva CN IX

general senses

Temperature Pain Touch Stretch Pressure

rotator cuff muscles

Teres MINOR Infraspinatus Supraspinatus subscapularis

rectus femoris

The _____ is the antagonist for the biceps femoris

middle ear

The auditory tube connects the air-filled middle ear to the nasopharynx Usually closed, opens to equilibrate pressure in middle ear

commissural fibers

The corpus callosum is associated with which of the following


The simplest of all reflexes The stretch reflex is an example One synapse Patellar or knee-jerk reflex


The sympathetic nervous system does what to heart rate


The turning of the foot to angle the bottom of the foot toward the midline

ependymal cells

These type of glial cells produce cerebral spinal fluid


Thumb movement that brings the tip of the thumb in contact with the tip of a finger

hypoglossal nerve

Tongue muscles CN XII

number of heads

Triceps brachii 3 heads Biceps brachii 2 heads Biceps femoris 2 heads

frontal lobe

Trouble making decisions and verbally communicating with peers, what part of the brain is damaged


True or false: CSF is located in the subdural space


True or false: Schwann cells are found in the PNS


True or false: a function of muscle is storage and movement of materials


True or false: aldosterone helps retain sodium and water in the kidneys


True or false: both schwann cells and oligodendrocytes myelinate one axon at a time


True or false: calcitonin and parathyroid hormone have opposing functions


True or false: gyri and sulci increases the surface area of the cortex


True or false: rods are more numerous than cones


True or false: rods operate best in bright light and provide high acuity color vision


True or false: semitendinosus helps flex the knee


True or false: the anterior pituitary is also known as the neurohypophysis


True or false: the deltoid is the only example of multipennate arrangement of fascicles


True or false: the somatic nervous system involved voluntary skeletal muscle movement


True or false: tropic hormones are hormones that affect the release of other hormones


Turns the bottom of the foot away from the midline


Upward movement


Uterine contractions and milk ejection


Utricle and saccule Detects linear acceleration and head position Helps sense equilibrium

muscles acting at the knee

Vastus lateralis Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Semitendinosis Semimembranosus Biceps femoris

vagus nerve

Visceral sensation (thoracic and abdominal cavities) Swallowing, control of respiratory system, heart and digestive system CN X

corpus callosum

Which structure is not apart of the diencephalon

cervical nerves

Which structure is not included in the central nervous system


When the palm of the hand faces backward


Where are cell bodies and dendrites housed in the peripheral nervous system


Which type of fascicle arrangement have tendon fibers attached at a pennation angle

adrenal medulla

Which gland produces a hormone that enhances sympathetic response


Which hormone stimulates the formation of angiotensin that leads to the production of aldosterone

It has faster effects than the nervous system

Which is not true about the endocrine system


Which muscle acting at the hip is a flexor

vastus medialis

Which muscle acting on the knee helps with extension


Which muscle attachment structure is less movable


Which muscle cell is auto-rhythmic

latissimus dorsi

Which muscle helps to adduct and extend the shoulder

orbicularis oris

Which muscle would be the main muscle to form the kissy facial expression

Oligodendrocytes Astrocytes Ependymal cells

Which nerve cells are not excitable

Preganglionic neuron

Which neuron is myelinated

foliate papillae

Which type of taste bud is only present during infancy


anterior 2/3 tongue, few taste buds


anterior 2/3 tongue, no taste buds

temporal lobe

auditory and olfactory experience


most CNS neurons, motor neurons, most common, MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS


produces atrial natriuretic peptide


produces renin

motor neurons

send information away from the CNS

sensory neurons

send information to the CNS

parietal lobe

sensory interpretation of textures and shapes, understanding speech


sensory neurons, ONE


sensory receptors detect stimuli, afferent information sent to CNS

optic nerve

sight CN II


special senses, TWO




the less movable attachment site


the more movable attachment site

occipital lobe


special senses

vision, hearing, taste, smell, balance/equilibrium

somatic nervous system

voluntary, innervates skeletal muscle

white matter

contains neuron axons and myelin sheaths neurons

gray matter

contains neuron cell bodies and dendrites Cortex and nuclei

neuronal networks

work to process sensory information and perform motor responses


wraps axon fascicles


wraps entire muscles


wraps entire nerves


wraps fascicles


wraps individual axons


wraps muscle fibers

deep fascia

wraps muscle groups

frontal lobe

decision making, personality, verbal communication, voluntary motor control of skeletal muscles


detect light and color

muscle spindles

detect muscle stretch


detect stretch


detect temperature

golgi tendon organs

detect tendon stretch


detect tissue damage


detect touch, pressure, and vibration


efferent information leaves the CNS, effectors (muscles or glands) respond

properties of muscular tissue

electrical excitability, contractility, extensibility, elasticity


excitable cells that transmit nerve impulses


flat tendons are called

otitis media

infection of the middle ear

visceral senses

information from internal organs and blood vessels (heart and lungs)

somatic senses

information from skin, joints, and skeletal muscles

autonomic nervous system

involuntary, innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscles, and glands

skeletal muscle

large cylindrical shape Multinucleate Formed from the fusion of myoblasts Striated Voluntary vascular


lateral tongue, taste buds during infancy

commissural fibers

1 hemisphere to another

association fibers

1 part of a hemisphere to another part of a hemisphere


A flat tendon


A specific segment of skin supplied by a single pair of cranial nerves


Are carried throughout the body by the bloodstream Initiate specific actions in target cells (cells that have receptors for the hormone)


Assists the prime mover

autonomic nervous system

Chain of two motor neurons to target Preganglionic and postganglionic neurons Innervates cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands Divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions

gustatory cells

Chemoreceptors Respond to five basic tastes (salty, sour, sweet, bitter, umami) Replaced every 7-10 days

elevation and depression

Chewing food would cause _____ and ___ movement of the mandible

vascular tunic

Choroid Ciliary body Suspensory ligaments Iris Blood supply

microglial cells

Clean up debris and fight infection


Concentric rings

optic disc

Contains no rods or cones, axons exit eye, blind spot

fovea centralis

Contains only cones, maximum visual acuity


Control ionic environment Food, remove waste Induce formation of the blood-brain barrier

special senses

Gustation Olfaction Vision Equilibrium audition

vestibulocochlear nerve

Hearing, balance CN VIII


Helps body deal with stressful situations


Holding a bowl of soup Rotation of the radius returns the bones to their parallel position

tropic hormones

Hormones that affect the release of other hormones

lumbar plexus

If you had a laceration to your anterior medial thigh, what nerve plexus could be affected

parathyroid hormone

Increases blood concentration of Ca2+ Increases osteoclast activity and decreases osteoblast activity

thyroid gland

Increases metabolic rate

antidiuretic hormone

Initiates water retention in kidney during dehydration Increases blood pressure through vasoconstriction

enteric nervous system

Large network of neurons in the wall of the digestive tract Functions to automatically control digestive system functions Can be influenced by the ANS, but can also operate independently of the brain and spinal cord


Lies on either side of the third ventricle Relay station for sensory and motor information entering the cerebrum


Lifting the front of the foot, so that the top of the foot moves towards the anterior leg

plantar flexion

Lifting the heel of the foot from the ground or pointing the toes downward

ependymal cells

Line brain internal cavities (ventricles)


Located in lower neck and mediastinum Yellows and atrophies after puberty


Located in posterior wall of abdominal cavity Pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans)


Lowers level of blood Ca2+ Decreases osteoclast activity and increases osteoblast activity

dual innervation

Most organs are innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. The two divisions often oppose each other

functions of skeletal muscle

Movement Maintenance of posture Temperature regulation Storage and movement of materials Support abdominal organs Joint stabilization


Movement of a body region in a circular manner One end is stationary while the other describes a circle

medial rotation

Movement that brings the anterior surface of the limb toward the midline of the body


Multipolar neurons are most PNS neurons


What is the name of the connective tissue that wraps around a single axon

olfactory nerve

Olfactory bulb, termination of olfactory nerve Smell CN I

parathyroid gland

On posterior surface of the thyroid gland

somatic nervous system

One motor neuron to target Innervates skeletal muscle


Operate best in bright light, provide high acuity color vision

pineal gland

Part of the epithalamus Produces melatonin Helps regulate circadian rhythm

multiple sclerosis

Patches of myelin in brain and spinal cord destroyed Autoimmune disease Symptoms: blindness, weakness, numbness

Posterior 1/3 of tongue

The glossopharyngeal nerve innervates


The kidney produces which hormone


The majority of motor neurons are classified as

Effectors, autonomic

The motor system transmits information from the CNS to the ____, which are classified as somatic and ______

Detects sound waves

What does a cochlear implant do


What increases the conduction speed of electrical signals in axons


What is a special characteristic that only cardiac muscle has


What is not a property of muscle tissue


What is required for muscle relaxation


What is the anchor for myosin

Flexion of hip Dorsiflexion of foot Flexion of knee

What is the first body movements are involved when playing hacky sack


What is the largest purely endocrine gland


What is the smallest muscle unit

Y shaped fibers

What is unique about cardiac muscle

middle ear to nasopharynx

What two structures foes the auditory tube connect


When something is moved anteriorly like mandible


When something is moved posteriorly and medially

temperature regulation

Which of the following is not a function of CSF


Which of the following is not a function of skeletal muscle

lipid hormone

Which of the following is not a hormone type

triceps brachii

Which of the following would be considered an antagonist to the biceps brachii


Which papillae has no taste buds present


Which part of your cerebrum is associated with understanding speech


Which photoreceptor operate best in bright lights

cardiac muscle

Y shaped or branched fibers Uninucleate or binucleate Intercalated discs Striated Auto-rhythmic Involuntary


back of tongue, largest, many taste buds


brain and spinal cord


nerves and ganglia

glial cells

non-excitable cells that support and protect the neurons

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