Cell Reproduction

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1 egg and 3 small nonfunctioning polar bodies are formed

telophase 2

4 cells are formed. each with half the chromosome number as the parent cell. each will now become a gamete (meiosis)


4 chromosomes present. dna replication occurs


4 functioning haploid sperm cells are made


a cells surface area to volume ratio ____ as it grows in size

vegetative propagation

a part of a plant grows into a new plant

crossing over

a process where homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange chromosome parts during meiosis 1


a process where homologous chromosomes pair up with each other during prophase 1

independent assortment

a process where homologous pairs of chromosomes can line up on either side of the metaphase plate


a spore is a specialized asexual reproductive cell that contains a nucleus and a small amount of cytoplasm


a structure formed from "paired up" homologous chromosomes


a term used to describe the normal species chromosome number (for organisms with their chromosomes in pairs)

haploid (n)

a term used to descrive a cell with one copy of each type of chromosome


a type of asexual reproduction in which a new organism develops as an outgrowth of the parent


as a cell grow, its surface area doesnt grow as quickly as its ____

invertebrate animals

asexual reproduction is more common in what type of animals?

nucleus, cytoplasm

budding results in equal division of the ______ and unequal division of the ____


cell division can be regulated by proteins called _____

more cells

cell growth usually involves an organism making ___

metaphase 1

chromosomes line up down the middle of the cell in homologous pairs (meiosis)

metaphase 2

chromosomes line up single file down the middle of the cell (meiosis)


formation of spores

anaphase 1

homologous pairs are pulled apart (unpaired) (meiosis)


how many chromosomes do humans have in each body cell?

oxygen and nutrients fast enough to meet the needs of its volume

if a cell gets too big, the surface area of its membrane cannot bring ___________

one chromosome from the mom and one from the dad

in each pair humans have,

binary fission, budding, and sporulation

name three types of asexual reproduction

ameba and paramecia

name two organisms that divide by binary fission

artificial vp

occurs as a result of human activities (cuttings and graftings)

natural vp

occurs naturally w/o human interference (tubers, runners, rhizomes, bulbs)

bread mold, mushrooms, mosses, ferns

organisms in which sporulation occurs

yeast and hydra

organisms that reproduce by budding

homologous pairs

pairs of chromosomes (these 46 chromosomes are organized into 23 pairs)

types of traits

pairs of chromosomes contain information for the same ____


sex cells produced by meiosis

anaphase 2

sister chromatids are pulled apart (meiosis)

they have tough protective coats that enable them to survive unfavorable weather

state one advantage of spore formation

independent assortment and crossing over

the 2 ways the meiosis introduces variety into sex cells


the cell will divide when it gets too big through a process called ____


the development of a new organism from a part of the parent organism

cells surface area to volume ratio

the size a cell reaches is limited by what

strawberries, onions, potatoes

three plants that reproduce by vp

starfish and lobsters

two animals that reproduce by regeneration

telophase 1

two cells are made (homologous chromosomes have been pulled apart) (meiosis)

prophase 2

two cells are made (meiosis)


uncontrolled cell growth can result in _____

sex cells

what does meiosis produce?

binary fission

when a unicellular organism divides to form two daughter cells of equal size

asexual reproduction

when one cell divides into two identical daughter cells

prophase 1

when they show up, they are in homologous pairs (meiosis)

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