Cellular respiration

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Give a summary of the process that takes place in cellular respiration

.1.During glycolysis,a molecule of *glucose* is split into *2 molecules* and form a compound called *pyruvic acid.*The *enzymes* needed for glycolysis are located in *cytosol*. 2.The *citric acid cycle* or *Kreb cycle* completes the break down of glucose all the way to* CO2*,which then then is released as as waste product.Glycolisis and citric acid cycle release a small amount of ATO directly.They generate much more ATP indirectly,via reactions that transfer electrons from fuel molecules to a molecule called NAD+(nicotinamide adeninr dinucleotide a B vitamin).The electrons transfer electrons to a molecule called NADH that acts as a shuttle carrying high energy electrons from one area of the cell to another. 3.In electron transport chain captured food by NADH formed in the formed in the first 2 stages are stripped of their energy,a little bit at a time,until they are finally combined with oxygen to form water.The proteins and other molecules that make the electron transport chains are embedded within the inner membrane of the mitochondria.The transport of electrons from NADH to O2 releases the energy your cells use to make most of their ATP.

What are the 3 stages of cellular respiration?

1. Glycolysis 2. Krebs Cycle(pyruvate oxidation and citric acid cycle) 3. Electron Transport Chain ( Oxidative phosphorylation)

What happens in the citric acid cycle.

1.Acetic acid joinps a four carbon acceptor molecule to form a six carbon product called citric acid. 2.For every acetic acid that enters the cycle as fuel,2 CO2 molecules eventually exit as a waste product. Along the way citric acid harvest energy from the fuel. 3.Some of the energy is used to produce ATP the cycle captures much more energy in the form of NADH and a second closely related electron carrier called FADH2. 4.All the carbon that entered the cycle are accounted for as CO2 exhaust,and four carbon acceptor molecule is recycled.B/c glycolysis splits glucose in 2 the citric acid occurs twice for each glucose molecule.

Cellular respiration can be divided as

1.Aerobic respiration 2.Anaerobic respiration

What happens during glycolysis?

1.During glycolysis,a six carbon glucose molecule is broken in half, forming 3 carbon molecules.This initial split requires 2 ATP. 2.The 3 carbon molecles(pyruvic acid) then donate high energy electrons to NAD+ forming NADH. 3.In addition to NADH,glycolysis also make 4 ATP molecules directly when enzymes transfer phosphate groups from fuel molecules to ADP.

What are the 2 types of fermentation?

1.Ethyl alcohol fermentation 2.Lactic acid fermentation

What happens to pyruvate acid before entering citric acid cycle?

1.First each pyruvic acid enters the mitochondria by active transport through the membrane.Pyruvate loses 1 carbon as CO2.The remaining fuel molecules,each with 2 carbon left, are called acetic acid(acid in vinegar) 2.Electrons are stripped from these molecules and transferred to another molecule of NAD+ 3.Finally *acetic acid* is attached to a molecule called enzyme A(CoA),to form acetyl Co.This enzyme escorts the acetic acid into the citric acid cycle. The CoA is then stripped and recycled.

What happens afterwards?

1.NADH and FADH2 transfer electrons to an electron transport 2.The electrons transport chain uses this energy supply to pump H+ across the inner mitochondrial membrane. 3.Oxygen pulls electrons down the transport chain. 4.The H+ concentrated on one side of the membrane rushes back downhill through an ATP synthase.This action spins a component of the ATP synthase. 5.The rotation activates parts of the synthase molecule that attach phosphate groups to ADP molecules to generate ATP.

Cristae have

1000ss of electron transport chains.

During glycolysis how many ATP are directly produced?


For each glucose molecule how many A TP are produced?


In anaerobic respiration

ATP generated is utilized to fulfill energy requirements.However NADH generated produced during glycolysis cannot be utilized.Since NAD+ is limited it is essential for cell to enhance the availability of NAD+ other than anaerobic fermentation.

What is anaerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration is the release of energy from glucose without using oxygen.

What us the first waste product of Cellular respiration?


What is the respiratory quotient?

CO2 produced/O2 consumed(ratio of COconsumed evolved in a given time and the volume of O2 consumed in a given time for the respiratory substrate.

What happens in the electron transport chain?

Electrons gathered from food molecules,fall in a step wise cascade releasing energy which can used to indirectly generate ATP.

This causes what?

Ions become concentrated more on one side of the membrane than the other.Such a difference in con. makes potential energy become stored.(like water in a dam there is a tendency to H+ ions to rush to less co. area.

What is cellular respiration?definition in resource

Is the metabolic process by which chemical energy in organic molecules such as carbohydrates is released by a step wise process,catalyzed by enzymes and made available in cells in the form of ATP.

What is cellular respiration?

Is the metabolic process that releases energy in the form of ATP by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen.

How does cyanide work?

It binds with protein complexes in the electron transport chain. As in the diagram.When bound there it blocks passage of electrons to oxygen as a result no H+ gradient is generated.As a result no ATP is made and organism dies.

Who Carrie's out ethyl alcohol fermentation?

Many bacteria

Does glycolysis depend on O2?


What is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain?

Oxygen (Which functions like gravity which pulls objects downhill)

In the absence of O2 what cannot be broken down further?

Pyruvate molecules

What is aerobic respiration?

The process of synthesizing ATP from respiratory substances such as glucose in the presence of molecular oxygen (O2)

Transfer of electrons convert NAD+


Tge energy released by electron transport chain is used for what?

To move H+ ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane.

What is the electron transport chain?

a series of proteins abd non protein moleculesin the inner membrane of mitochondria involved in the movement of electrons across Cristae.

Where does the electron transport chain take place?

across the inner membrane of the mitochondria

What is another name for Kreb's cycle?

citric acid cycle


increase surface area

What is meaning of glycolysis?

splitting of sugar

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