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Civil engineering is frequently referred to as the

"the people serving profession."

Spearheaded by the UN through a deliberative process involving its 194 Member States, as well as global civil society, the SDGs build on the Principles agreed upon under a resolution popularly known as

'The Future We Want'



As we know, quality is a parameter that has to be kept in practice from the initial stage of planning to the end of the project. Civil Engineer assures that the work is completed and delivered without any defect and delay.

. Quality assurance


1. Apply his/her technical skills to create, improve, and maintain "beautiful national land," "safe and comfortable livelihood," and "prosperous society", thus contributing to society through his/her knowledge and virtue with an emphasis upon his/her dignity and honor. 2. Respect nature while giving the highest priority to the safety, welfare, and health of generations today and in the future, and shall endeavor to preserve and work with nature and the global environment for the sustainable development of mankind. 3. Value traditional technology rooted in indigenous cultures, engage in research and development of advanced technology, promote international cooperation, deepen mutual understanding of other cultures, and enhance welfare and safety of human beings.

Investors are embedding the goals into investment strategies for a number of reasons:

1. Companies forward-looking and planning for a sustainable future. 2. Companies offering solutions to the goals of delivering long-term value creation. 3. Financial institutions are based on long-term strategies 4. Governments worldwide are incorporating delivery of the SDGs into policy making and legislative process. 5. Provide a framework which sits across all areas of sustainability and allows easy benchmarking and comparison. 6. Effectively communicated to companies, consumers, shareholders, and governments.


1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties. 2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence. 3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. 4. Engineers shall act in professional maters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest. 5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others. 6. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity and dignity of the profession. 7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision.

For environmental science, the future possible and top careers are:

1. Environmental scientist 2. Environmental Lawyer 3. Environmental Engineer 4. Zoologist 5. Conservation Scientist 6. Hydrologist 7. Teacher

Code of Ethics for Civil Engineers Basic Perceptions:

1. From the dawn of human history till the present day, civil engineering has contributed to ensuring human beings' safety and enriching their quality of life through constructing, maintaining, and managing social overhead capital. The current industrial civilization has especially been supported by great technological achievements, which has remarkably improved the lives of mankind. However, along with the expansion and diversification of technological advancement, the influence caused by these phenomena upon nature and societies has drastically increased in its complexity and magnitude. Civil engineers should deeply recognize these facts and adhere to the ethical principles of self-disciplined moral obligation when applying advanced technology. 2. The present generation is responsible for ensuring the sustainability of life-supporting conditions for generations to come. It is an honorable mission for the present civil engineers to create and preserve the environment that enhances the coexistence of nature and mankind.

Three Main Goals of Environmental Science:

1. Learn how the natural world works. 2. Understand how we as humans interact with the environment. 3. Determine how we affect the environment

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

1. No Poverty 2. No Hunger 3. Good Health 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Renewable Energy 8. Good jobs and Economic Growth 9. Innovations and Infrastructure 10. Reduced inequalities 11. Sustainable cities and communities 12. Responsible consumption 13. Climate Action 14. Life below water 15. Life on land 16. Peace and justice 17. Partnerships for the goals

ASCE Steps Towards Sustainable Project:

1. Perform Life Cycle Assessment from Planning to Reuse. 2. Use Resources Wisely. 3. Plan for Resiliency. 4. Validate the Application of Principles.

The following are importance of sustainable development:

1. Proper Use of Means and Resource 2. Development of Positive Attitude 3. Development of Fundamental Parts 4. Development Based on People's Participation 5. Limitation of Development 6. Long Lasting Development

Possible Careers In The Future

1. Structural engineer 2. Geotechnical engineer 3. Environmental engineer 4. Marine engineer 5. Engineering manager 6. Design engineer 7. Water resource engineer 8. Civil engineer


1. Technical Skills. 2. Project Management. 3. Communication Skills. 4. Creativity. 5. Critical Thinking.

Importance of Environmental Science

1. To Realize That Environmental Problems are Global 2. To Understand the Impacts of Development on the Environment 3. To Discover Sustainable Ways of Living 4. To Utilize Natural Resources Efficiently 5. To Shed Light on Contemporary Concepts Such as How to Conserve Biodiversity 6. To Learn and Create Awareness About Environmental Problems at Local, National and International Levels

Objectives of Republic Act 544:

1. To attune the law to the needs for national development. 2. To strengthen the profession and enable the civil engineers to cope with the formidable challenges brought about by globalization and cross-border practice. 3. To continually upgrade the level of competence of the civil engineers through: -peer recognition -continuing professional development -strengthening the accredited professional organization 4. To define more clearly the practice of civil engineering in the Philippines by foreign nationals. 5. To promote the growth of the consulting sector by making it cognizant of the international philosophy of multi-disciplinary consultancy services. 6. To remove a provision that makes contracting of multi-disciplinary consultancy services unnecessarily difficulty, complicated and impracticable and which now adversely affects the infrastructure of the government to the extent that work and payment to contracted parties on projects are suspended. 7. To make the law better serve and safeguard public interest by establishing a clear, precise and practicable delineation of professional and corporal contractual accountability in the civil engineering practice.

Sustainable development involves achieving objectives in three realms:

1. ecological (sustainable scale) 2. economic (efficient allocation) 3. social (just distribution)

Some important environmental impacts associated with engineering processes of concern regarding engineering sustainability follow:

1. global climate change 2. ozone depletion 3. acidification, and its impact on soil and water 4. abiotic resource depletion potential 5. ecotoxicity 6. radiological impacts


10. Perform work in compliance with applicable laws, ordinances, rules & regulations, contracts, and other standards, and shall not give, ask, nor receive directly or indirectly any undue compensation. 11. Understand the function, forms, and structural characteristics of civil engineering facilities and structures. In their planning, design, construction, maintenance, and disposal, apply not only advanced technology but traditional technology as well while preserving the ecosystem and the beauty it contains, while staying mindful to preserve historical heritage. 12. Strive to enhance his/her own expertise, study diligently concepts and engineering methods, and contribute to technological development through informing academic societies of the results of these efforts.


13. Endeavor to cultivate human resources by effectively utilizing his/her own personality, knowledge, and experience while providing support for others to enhance their professional proficiency. 14. Actively explain the significance and role of his/her own work and respond sincerely to any criticism of such explanation. Further, evaluate objectively the work completed by himself/herself and by others, and express positively individual opinions. 15. Live up to the Code of Ethics stipulated by the Society while continuously seeking to enhance the social status of civil engineers. In particular, members of the Society shall take the initiative of professional dignity by observing this Code of Ethics.


4. Perform civil engineering work from a broad perspective based on his/her specialized expertise and experience regardless of his/her organizational affiliation. 5. Publish reports and express opinions based on his/her accumulated expertise and experience, and live up to his/her own beliefs and conscience. 6. Disclose all relevant information concerning public safety, health, welfare, and sustainable global development, in an effort to carry out irreversible civil engineering work that is of long-term and large-scale in nature.


7. Keep a fair and impartial attitude to the public, clients of civil engineering work, and himself/herself while performing work sincerely. 8. Act as an honest agent or trustee of the employer or client in regard to technical work. 9. Treat everyone fairly without any discrimination against race, religion, sex, or age.

it states that "Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their professional duties."

ASCE Code of Ethics

Ensuring engineering products are aesthetically appealing is an important aspect of engineering sustainability, given the importance of gaining support of individuals and their communities for sustainability initiatives to succeed.


This includes a search and investigation, verifying its feasibility for construction purposes.

Analyze the site location and the surrounding area

The use of land for engineering-related activities needs to be balanced with other needs, such as agriculture and recreation.

Appropriate land use

"is the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for the use and convenience of man" - Thomas Tredgold

Civil Engineer as a profession in the 19th century

"is the art of working with the great sources of Power in nature for the use and benefit of society"

Civil Engineer as a profession in the 21st century

This profession is concerned with the built environment. Civil engineers plan, design, and construct major facilities, including highways, transit systems, airports, dams, water and wastewater treatment systems, tunnels, energy facilities, harbors, canals, buildings, and bridges.

Civil Engineering

may plan, research, oversee, maintain, or construct infrastructure systems and projects such as buildings, bridges, and roads. Their responsibilities for these projects may include managing the initial design and planning phase, handling the permitting process, conducting material tests and analysis, overseeing construction operations, and ensuring the completion of repairs and maintenance.

Civil engineer

People and communities must be involved in major engineering-related decisions if engineering sustainability is to be attained, as the support of these groups is critical to success of any initiatives, and such support almost always requires consultation and involvement in decision making.

Community involvement and social acceptability

Their job is to support governments and landowners to decide the most ecological and prudent use of land, help manage parks, forests, natural areas and private land, monitor forestry and conservation activities to ensure they are complying with government regulations, create and implement plans to manage lands and resources.

Conservation Scientist

Civil Engineers must design a plan, outlining the key variables and what needs to be changed prior to the construction.

Design a plan

are responsible for developing schematics, blueprints, and prototypes for the creation of products, equipment and structures

Design engineer

Civil engineer must develop a detailed design layout, keeping the requirements of the client in mind. The design and any subsequent reports need to be reviewed and approved, and any potential risks and challenges of the project identified.

Develop a detailed design layout

People's participation has a huge part in the development work in a construction to achieve the goal of sustainable development. Since those local people will be the one to use and utilize the project, their interest in development work and environment conservation should be created. With this, the public involvement at all levels of environment protection and promotion also increases.

Development Based on People's Participation

Sustainable development for civil engineering emphasizes the progress of health, tourism and social reforms for the development of the society and human beings. However, the promotion and conservation of the environment should be organized ahead of time in an integrated way.

Development of Fundamental Parts

Sustainable development changes how we see things for it influences someone's knowledge, attitude and skills. Furthermore, it makes a civil engineer to become aware and take into account the preservation of the environment. As a result, it creates a feeling that a civil engineer cannot automatically own natural resources and just uses it for his personal will. In addition, it assists to maintain a natural and social environment.

Development of Positive Attitude

This is one of the main and major concerns that is greatly affected by irresponsible practice of sustainable development. Under it, is the management of waste and the utilization of natural resources. Responsible waste disposal and reasonable utilization of natural resources can benefit the biosphere. It is not only good for everyone and everything, but for the future generation as well.

Ecological sustainability

Applies to sites of high ecological value; protected species; conservation and enhancement; habitat creation; monitoring and maintenance for biodiversity.

Ecology and biodiversity

Engineering services that are required to provide basic needs must be economically affordable by all societies and people.

Economic affordability

Minimizing potential nuisances from construction and use; controlling noise and vibration; air and light pollution; visual impact; site tidiness.

Effects on neighbors

Life-cycle and carbon analysis; energy consumption and carbon emissions in use, excluding embodied energy.

Energy and carbon management

Civil engineers with significant experience and knowledge can move into leadership roles, particularly engineering managers, that include senior-level accountabilities such as leading and managing engineering activities, reviewing projects for technical accuracy, and ensuring projects proceed on schedule and align with the organizational goals and strategy.

Engineering manager

For highly dangerous work site, civil engineer will take up the role of safety engineer. He has to ensure that the work carried out by the workers and other related activities are as per the safety regulation of the site. Civil engineers must observe and implement safe working practices.

Ensure health and safety

Their job is to design projects that contribute to environmental protection, inspect government and private factories and facilities to ensure that they comply with environmental standards, advise governments and businesses on managing and cleaning contaminated sites, evaluate the significance of an environmental hazard and advise of treating or containing it, and search the environmental impact of construction projects

Environmental Engineer

It studies environment-friendly designs, reduction of pollution and sewage management. They monitor ecosystems and research ways to improve sanitation - transportation and cleaning of wastewaters.

Environmental Engineering

Their task is to analyze and interpret data obtained from case law, literature reviews, research, and sample findings, convince judges and juries of legal culpability through carefully constructed arguments which are evidenced persuasively, determine if there is sufficient evidence to proceed with prosecution, and interpret data through interviews with scientists, often as part of the court - enabling them to give expert opinions, testify and inform.

Environmental Lawyer

These engineers apply biology and chemistry theory as well as soil science to the areas of waste disposal, pollution control, recycling, and public health.

Environmental engineer

is a field of science that studies the interactions of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment and the relationships and effects of these components with the organisms in the environment

Environmental science

is the academic field that takes physical, biological, and chemical sciences to study the environment and discover solutions to environmental problems. Sciences used in environmental science include geography, zoology, physics, ecology, oceanology, and geology

Environmental science

They are responsible for informing and supporting businesses, governments and the general public on health risks and environmental hazards, analyze samples of soil, water, air, food and other materials to collect environmental data, assess threats to the environment through scientific analysis, limit or fix environmental problems such as land or water pollution, etc.

Environmental scientist

All societies need to be able to access engineering services, regardless of geographic location, to achieve engineering sustainability


Civil engineers must also be certain to follow land use laws and regulations every step of the way. Following the completion of the proposal it will need to be submitted to those officials that supervise the tendering process, ensuring that all rules, regulations and guidelines are fulfilled. It's paramount that all safety measures are met whilst the project is being undertaken.

Follow laws and code of ethics

They study the soil, foundations, and bearing capacities on structures before they are constructed. They also evaluate the earth materials under or near an existing building.

Geotechnical Engineering

specialize in the science of soil and rock and its application to new developments

Geotechnical engineer

They are tasked to measure volume, stream flow, pH and pollution levels of bodies of water and water samples, analyze data on how pollution, erosion drought and other problems impact the environment.


the most popular renewable energy sources

Hydropower plants and wind power plants

Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering profession by:

I. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare; II. being honest and impartial, and servicing with fidelity the public, their employers and clients; III. striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession; and IV. supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines.

Design for minimum land use (i.e. footprint); legal requirements; flood risk; historical factors; land contamination and remediation.

Land use

Consideration of landscaping issues in design; amenity features; loss and mitigation of features; implementation, management and aftercare.


Modifying lifestyles and tempering desires that are engineering-driven can help in the quest for engineering sustainability. Given that aspirations of people tend to increase continually; this aspect of engineering sustainability is often very challenging.


Everything should have its limitations. Most people use limited but effective uses of resources to satisfy their needs. However, due to the too much aim of development which comes from greed, the over-use of limited and non-renewable resources is increasing. So in civil engineering, it is important that development works should be conducted as per carrying capacity.

Limitation of Development

Without damaging or destroying the earth's means and resources, a sustainable civil engineering development aims to achieve the objective of economic and social development. It includes the attempt to incorporate the idea of maintaining the present work while conserving the natural resources for future generation.

Long Lasting Development

apply their civil engineering skills to the design, construction, and maintenance of marine facilities such as ships, submarines, sailboats, and aircraft carriers.

Marine engineer

Impacts of materials used; resource-use efficiency and waste; responsible sourcing of materials such as timber; minimizing use and impacts of hazardous materials; embodied energy; durability of materials; maintenance and future deconstruction.

Material use

The human dimensions of the new technologies must be addressed to achieve engineering sustainability.

Meeting human needs

It must cope up with the increasing demands of resources.

Meeting increasing resource demands

Whilst the project is underway it is the responsibility of the civil engineer to monitor the staff onsite. They must keep an open dialogue with architects, consultants and subcontractors. Should any issues arise, they have the responsibility of resolving them. Their input, and leadership where necessary is essential to secure the smooth execution of a vast selection of projects.

Monitor staffs and employees

The term sustainability originated from the German word


Use rigorous life cycle methodologies that quantify the economic, environmental, and social effects of the project.

Perform Life Cycle Assessment from Planning to Reuse

There is a requirement in planning for the impacts of natural and man-made disasters as well as in changing conditions of the project.

Plan for Resiliency

Sustainable engineering needs to account for population growth or address it in other way


One must ensure that the site have adequate resources to complete the tasks.

Preparation of reports and schedule

ASCE Principles of Sustainable Development

Principle 1: Do the Right Project Principle 2 - Do the Project Right

The project's effects such as economic, environmental, and social on the affected community must be assessed and understood by all stakeholders before proceeding with a project. Considering both structural and non-structural solutions to the needs being addressed.

Principle 1: Do the Right Project.

The need for environmental risk assessments and environmental management; training; the influence of contractual and procurement processes; delivery of social and environmental performance; construction issues; and minimizing releases to the environment.

Project management

Sustainable development disciplines civil engineers to use wisely all the available means and resources (sands, minerals, fossil fuels, electricity and etc. With this, the benefits from conservation of means and resources will be optimized without wastage. Consequently, it will be helpful for the conservation and promotion of the environment.

Proper Use of Means and Resource

Major Environmental Laws


Consultation with communities; community-relations programs and their effectiveness; engagement with relevant local groups; human environment, aesthetics and employment.

Relations with the local community and other stakeholders

An Act to Regulate the Practice of Civil Engineering in the Philippines which was approved on the 17th of July, 1950. It was amended by RA 1582, which was also approved on the 16th of June 1956. "The Civil Engineer is constantly challenged to design and build developments in a manner that is environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and globally competitive."

Republic Act No. 544

It is one of the earthquake-proof buildings in the world. It has 300 base isolator systems that can withstand up to 8.0 magnitude of earthquake and reduce lateral seismic loadings by 80%.

Sabiha Gökçen International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey

Engineering must be safe in terms of injury, and cause as few negative health effects as reasonably possible in the short and long terms to be sustainable.


Deals with the design and analysis of structures and ensures the safety of buildings through its ability to handle stresses, forces, and loads and ability to endure natural phenomena such as typhoons and earthquakes.

Structural Engineering

There are five main branches of civil engineering and they include:

Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Water Resource Engineering.

From buildings and bridges to dams and pipelines, engineers in this field are involved in all stages of a project's life cycle, including preliminary design and final inspections

Structural engineer

"The most common definition of sustainability today is that of sustainable development. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Sustainability - Brundtland Commission of the United Nations (1987)

"Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their need."

Sustainability - Brundtland Report

"Lack of a precise definition of the term 'sustainable development' is not all bad. It has allowed a considerable consensus to evolve in support of the idea that it is both morally and economically wrong to treat the world as a business in liquidation."

Sustainability - Daly (1991)

"Sustainable development involves devising a social and economic system, which ensures that these goals are sustained, i.e. that real incomes rise, that educational standards increase, that the health of the nation improves, that the general quality of life is advanced."

Sustainability - Pearce, Makandia & Barbier (1989)

"set of economic, environmental and social condition which is also known as "The Triple Bottom Line" in which all of society has the capacity and opportunity to maintain and improve its quality of life indefinitely without degrading the quantity, quality or the availability of economic, environmental and social resources."

Sustainability, as stated in the Policy Statement 418 - The Role of Civil Engineers in Sustainable Development

It is a vital part for the conservation of the environment for it focuses on people's welfare.

Sustainable development

Similar to ecological sustainability, this aims on improving the quality of human life and the environment without exceeding the bearing capacity of the ecosystem. It mainly concerns the development of human health by creating a better living environment. Reducing the carbon footprint or carbon dioxide emissions of a building can have a positive impact on the environment and to human health.

Sustainable development of human society

It is rewarded by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design of the platinum certification because of its generation of electricity. 80% of the building is powered by wind turbines and the 20% is powered by solar panels.

Suzlon One Earth in Pune, India is a net zero energy building

They are responsible for planning and teaching lessons, assessing students to identify weaknesses and strengths, inspiring students to develop their interests and abilities, adapt lessons to any changes in class size, ability or attitude, and supervise students outside the classroom - for instance in clubs or trips


Are a set of 17 goals comprising 169 targets launched in 2016 for the world to achieve by 2030.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

Baseline studies and surveys; conservation and enhancement measures to be considered; information and public access.

The historic environment

Location of a project in relation to transport infrastructure; minimizing the traffic impacts of a project; construction transport; minimizing workforce travel.


They are responsible for planning, constructing, and manage transportation that are safe, comfortable, convenient, and economically compatible with the area.

Transportation Engineering

Minimize the usage of non-renewable resources, involve progressive reductions in resource use, and evaluate the feasibility of restoration and/or return of depleted resources.

Use Resources Wisely

Using the metrics and rating tools, civil engineers must guide the project development and validate the application of principles for sustainable infrastructure.

Validate the Application of Principles

Waste minimization; legal requirements; waste from site preparation; on-site waste management.

Waste management

Control of a project's impacts on water resources; legal requirements; wateruse efficiency; enhancing the water environment.

Water resources

They design and construct hydraulic structures such as dams, canals, and water distribution systems. They study bodies of water to maintain and benefit from it without damaging or disrupting its characteristics.

Water Resource Engineering

focus on the development and maintenance of water resource management facilities that include wastewater treatment plants, drainage canals, irrigation systems, and hydraulic structures such as reservoirs, dams, and floodways.

Water resource engineer

Their task it to develop and carry out experimental studies with animals, collect specimens and data for scientific analysis, utilize geographic information systems and modeling software to analyze animal behavior, analyze the impact of human activity on wildlife and habitats, and develop conservation plans and recommend courses of action on wildlife conservation and management issues to stakeholders


due to extraction of non-renewable raw materials

abiotic resource depletion potential

due to acidic emissions

acidification, and its impact on soil and water

job responsibilities of environmental scientists

collecting and analyzing air, water and soil samples, monitoring compliance with environmental laws and regulations, assisting industrial companies in complying with environmental regulations, and addressing public meetings on local environmental challenges

due to exposure to toxic substances that lead to health problems


In a study written by Misra (2011), it is one of the branches of civil engineering that uses large quantities of natural and manufactured raw materials compared to others. The application of sustainability in this field focuses on introducing new environment friendly materials and reusing waste materials.

geotechnical engineering

mainly due to greenhouse gas emissions which cause global warming

global climate change

Civil engineers can be found in

industry, consulting firms, and government

promotes surface vegetation, soil stabilization, and substitute for hazardous coal.


Environmental engineering is the focus on

n analyzing and deducing problems with the environment and the effect of man-made programs on the environment, and for finding solutions to help protect and preserve the environment by disposing of pollution in the air, water, and land.+

due to destruction of the atmospheric ozone layer and subsequent increases in ultraviolet reaching the earth's surface

ozone depletion

such as radiogenic cancer mortality or morbidity due to internal or external radiation exposure

radiological impacts

It is the utmost responsibility of a Civil Engineer

to promote sustainability

General Responsibilities of a Civil Engineer

• Analyze the proposed site location as well as the entire construction job which is to be completed at such a site. They will analyze the process for completing the construction job every step of the way. • The civil engineer must also plan the construction project that will be taking place in conjunction with the results they found due to their analysis of the proposed project. • During the process and at the end, the civil engineer must inspect the product to ensure that all rules, regulations and guidelines have been explicitly followed.

Specific Duties of a Civil Engineer

• Carry out planning of building as per its functional needs, as suggested by clients or user. He has to plan the building as per the byelaws. • Communicate with team members as well as customers and vendors to ensure maximum cohesion and fluidity on projects. • They will write detailed reports stating what is acceptable and what needs to be changed prior to beginning the project. • Once the proposed changes have been made, the civil engineer will review the plans and project site once again to ensure that all changes have been made as required. • They analyze photographs, drawings and maps to inform the direction of projects as well as the overall budget constraints. • The civil engineer will follow the project from start to finish and make any necessary changes along the way. They will ensure that procedure is being followed and check on safety features of the project during the time it is being completed.

Principle 2 - Do the Project Right. The civil engineer must:

• actively engage with stakeholders; • secure public understanding; • accept the project's costs and benefits with regards to economic, environmental and social; and • design projects that address sustainability holistically.

A Senior Geotechnical Engineer is responsible for the following:

➢ Assist in creating and updating engineered drawings using AutoCAD ➢ Perform calculations using a variety of design software ➢ Assist in preparing geotechnical recommendation letters and reports ➢ Prepare and submit daily reports for any work performed on a job site ➢ Provide revenue/billing projections for ongoing jobs ➢ Contact clients via phone and email to discuss potential and ongoing projects ➢ Prepare and submit written proposals for new work ➢ Work collaboratively with other CS departments for design-build projects ➢ Interpret and explain contracts, scopes, plans, and technical details to internal and external contacts

A Junior Structural Engineer is responsible for the following:

➢ building system concepts and documentation process from schematics through construction. ➢ functioning as team leader on small structural projects. ➢ the interface and coordination with other disciplines on smaller projects. ➢ prepare and document required code research for projects

A Surveyor Engineer is responsible for the following:

➢ conduct physical site surveys using a variety of equipment and tools ➢ prepare sketches and notes, and perform electronic data collection ➢ coordinate field staff and process field data ➢ interface with civil engineers, landscape architects, cartographers, or urban planners ➢ verify the accuracy of survey data, including measurements and calculations conducted at survey sites ➢ calculate areas of land parcels and easements using mathematics and computer software

A Field Engineer is responsible for the following:

➢ maintaining the equipment and infrastructure of the site ➢ conduct extensive research to diagnose the problems that the client is facing ➢ installation of new, complex technology ➢ safety testing of machinery ➢ building inspector ➢ review plans to ensure they meet building codes, local ordinances, zoning regulations, and contract specifications ➢ approve building plans that are satisfactory ➢ monitor construction sites periodically to ensure overall compliance ➢ use survey instruments, metering devices, and test equipment to perform inspections ➢ inspect plumbing, electrical, and other systems to ensure that they meet code ➢ verify alignment, level, and elevation of structures to ensure building meets specifications ➢ issue violation notices and stop-work orders until building is compliant ➢ keep daily logs, including photographs taken during inspections ➢ provide written documentation of findings

A Structural Operation Engineer is responsible for the following:

➢ preparing reports, designs and drawings ➢ making calculations about loads and stresses ➢ selecting appropriate construction materials ➢ providing technical advice ➢ obtaining planning and/or building regulations approval ➢ liaising with relevant professional staff such as architects ➢ monitoring and inspecting work undertaken by contractors ➢ administering contracts

A Geotechnical Staff Engineer is responsible for the following:

➢ works independently when on specific assignments of limited scope with Senior review ➢ Works with other engineers and clients to ensure that client specifications are followed ➢ Prepare proposals for moderately complex projects ➢ Identify Business Development opportunities ➢ Prepare engineering reports that gives professional opinions and practical geotechnical solutions

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