Ch 10: Digital Analysis of DNA

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The enzyme that catalyzes DNA replication is called _________ _________.

Blank 1: DNA or dna Blank 2: polymerase

A DNA fragment generated by cutting a larger piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme is called a(n) ________ ___________?

Blank 1: restriction Blank 2: fragment

A vector has only two specialized DNA sequences: one that gives it the ability to replicate in E. coli cells and one that allows scientists to insert foreign DNA into it. Can this vector be used as a cloning vector by a scientists working with human DNA? Yes, because it will be relatively easy to isolate it from E. coli cells No, because the vector must be able to replicate in both E. coli and human cells No, because it will be impossible to detect cells that have acquired the vector

No, because it will be impossible to detect cells that have acquired the vector

What is a restriction fragment? A protein domain within a restriction enzyme A gene that encodes a restriction enzyme A DNA sequence that can be recognized by a restriction enzyme A fragment of DNA generated by a restriction enzyme

A fragment of DNA generated by a restriction enzyme

The process of isolating a single fragment of DNA from a complex mixture and making many exact copies of it in a living cell is called molecular ____________?

Blank 1: cloning or molecular cloning

A nucleotide that lacks both the 2' and 3' hydroxyl groups is called a(n) ___________.

Blank 1: dideoxynucleotide, dideoxyribonucleotide, or dideoxynucleotides

The act of cutting a piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme is called ___________?

Blank 1: digestion, digesting, or digest

Electrophoresis involves the movement of charged molecules in a(n) ____________ field.

Blank 1: electric or electrical

The entire complement of information contained within the DNA sequences of an organism is known as the ______________?

Blank 1: genome or genom

A resistance gene that allows a host cell containing a vector to grow on a toxic substance is called a(n) ____________ marker.

Blank 1: selectable, selective, or selection

When a collection of DNA fragments is separated by electrophoresis, different DNA fragments will migrate at different speeds due to differences in their ____________.

Blank 1: size, length, mass, sizes, lengths, molecular weights, or molecular weight

The process by which a cell or organism takes up a foreign DNA molecule is called ___________.

Blank 1: transformation

What name is given to the entire complement of genetic material in an organism? Genome Proteome Genotype Phenotype Transcriptome


Select all that apply: Which of the following assumptions are made in order to estimate the average length of the fragments that will be produced by digestion of a piece of DNA with a restriction enzyme? The four bases occur in equal proportions. Restriction enzyme recognition sequences are always the same distance away from one another in the genome. All genes are the same length. The bases are randomly distributed in the DNA sequence.

The four bases occur in equal proportions. The bases are randomly distributed in the DNA sequence.

Why would one use a vector with a selectable marker? To identify protein-binding DNA sequences To allow the enzymes of the host cell to replicate the vector To create site-directed mutants To identify cells containing the vector

To identify cells containing the vector

What is the purpose of molecular cloning? To determine what vectors are plasmids To analyze DNA binding proteins To track the inheritance of an allele To produce many copies of a DNA molecule of interest

To produce many copies of a DNA molecule of interest

A recombinant DNA molecule has covalently linked DNA fragments from _____. a vector and an inserted fragment genes that encode proteins and pseudogenes genes and intergenic genomic regions

a vector and an inserted fragment

A researcher who wanted to break DNA at random locations would most likely subject the DNA to _______. mechanical shearing forces methylation by a modification enzyme, followed by digestion with a restriction enzyme complete digestion with a restriction enzyme gel electrophoresis

mechanical shearing forces

Shearing of DNA by mechanical stress, such as sonication or passing DNA through a needle at high pressure, cuts DNA ______. at specific DNA sequences at the ends of chromosomes between genes randomly


During electrophoresis, the rate at which different linear DNA molecules will move through a gel is determined by their _____. sizes gene content charge densities GC content


In order to estimate the average restriction fragment size that will be produced by digestion with a restriction enzyme, it is convenient to assume that the four bases occur in ____________ proportions and that they are distributed ___________ in the DNA sequence.

Blank 1: equal or equivalent Blank 2: randomly

What process is used in the whole-genome shotgun sequencing strategy? Each chromosome from the genome is isolated and sequence by beginning at one end of the chromosome, and working toward the opposite end. Random clones in a genomic library are sequenced, and a computer is used to assemble the entire genome based on sequence overlaps. A BAC library is made from genomic DNA, then each BAC clone is divided into smaller fragments which are sequenced.

Random clones in a genomic library are sequenced, and a computer is used to assemble the entire genome based on sequence overlaps.

Transformation is the process in which _____. cells take up foreign DNA molecules a virus is used as a vector instead of a plasmid a piece of chromosomal DNA is ligated into a plasmid vector restriction enzymes cut the DNA backbone and create sticky ends

cells take up foreign DNA molecules

Compared to a deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate (dNTP), a dideoxyribonucleotide triphosphate (ddNTP) is missing its ____. 2' hydroxyl group 5' phosphate group 3' hydroxyl group 1' nitrogenous base

3' hydroxyl group

The technique that is used to separate charged molecules based on their movement in an electric field is called ____________?

Blank 1: electrophoresis or gel electrophoresis

Choose the two specialized DNA sequences a vector must have in order to be used as a cloning vector. A sequence that allows bacteria transformed with the vector to be detected by the investigator A sequence that allows the vector, and the foreign DNA inserted in it, to replicate A sequence that specifies a restriction endonuclease A sequence that allows the synthesis of a protein from the inserted foreign DNA

A sequence that allows bacteria transformed with the vector to be detected by the investigator A sequence that allows the vector, and the foreign DNA inserted in it, to replicate

A genomic library is a collection of cellular clones containing copies of ______. only the coding sequences of genes from an organism each full-length chromosome from an organism all DNA sequences in the genome of an organism

all DNA sequences in the genome of an organism

A vector requires an origin of replication so that it can be ______. copied many times by the host cell used to express proteins altered by the host cell analyzed through DNA sequencing

copied many times by the host cell

Restriction enzymes are enzymes that can ____. create site-directed mutants cut the DNA backbone and reveal protein-binding sequences identify host cells containing vectors cut the DNA backbone at specific sequences

cut the DNA backbone at specific sequences

In genetics, the term digestion refers to ______. cutting a DNA molecule with a restriction enzyme identifying the genes within a large segment of DNA creating a specific mutation in a molecule of DNA introducing a piece of foreign DNA into a host cell

cutting a DNA molecule with a restriction enzyme

Click and drag on elements in order: ~Sequence the inserts of randomly chosen library plasmids. ~Use a computer to identify overlaps between DNA sequences and assemble progressively larger contigs. ~Isolate genomic DNA. ~Make a genomic library of 500-1000bp fragments from the entire genome in plasmid vectors.

1: Isolate genomic DNA. 2: Make a genomic library of 500-1000bp fragments from the entire genome in plasmid vectors. 3: Sequence the inserts of randomly chosen library plasmids. 4: Use a computer to identify overlaps between DNA sequences and assemble progressively larger contigs.

What is a plasmid? A small circular DNA molecule often used as a vector in gene cloning A gene for a selectable marker, such as antibiotic resistance A virus that is missing several genes and is often used as a vector in gene cloning A large linear DNA molecule with an origin of replication

A small circular DNA molecule often used as a vector in gene cloning

A collection of cellular clones containing copies of every sequence in an organism's genome is called a(n) ___________ __________.

Blank 1: genomic, genome, or genomic library Blank 2: library or libraries

A __________ is a small circular DNA molecule that can replicate within bacterial cells and is often used as a vector in gene cloning.

Blank 1: plasmid

The products of a Sanger sequencing reaction can be separated from one another through the use of ___________ gel electrophoresis.

Blank 1: polyacrylamide

A molecule that has covalently linked DNA fragments from at least two sources is called a __________ ____________ molecule.

Blank 1: recombinant, recombinate, recombinent, recombination, or recombinant dna Blank 2: DNA

Enzymes that bind to a specific sequence in a double-stranded DNA molecule and cut the DNA backbone of each strand are called _____________ ____________?

Blank 1: restriction Blank 2: enzymes, endonucleases, enzyme, or endonuclease

What do you call the DNA sequence in a vector that allows the replication enzymes of the cell to make lots of copies of the vector? Origin of replication Promoter and operator Selectable marker Antibiotic resistance gene

Origin of replication

What technique would a scientist use to separate the mixture of DNA fragments produced during a Sanger sequencing reaction? Agarose gel electrophoresis Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Restriction enzyme digestion Transformation

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

What process is catalyzed by the enzyme DNA polymerase? Cutting of the DNA backbone at a specific sequence Ligation of two DNA molecules with identical sticky ends Replication of DNA Transcription of DNA into RNA

Replication of DNA

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