Ch 11, 12, & 13 exam

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Which of the following questions would be most immediately addressed by conducting what Richard Lazarus refers to as a primary appraisal?

"How big of a deal is this problem?"

Cattell's research and use of factor analysis essentily scaled down many, many different ways of describing aspects of personality into _________ source traits.


Several studies have found nearly a ___________ percent rate of heritability across several cultures with respect to the five-factor model of personality.


What, if anything, have adoption studies taught us regarding the relationship between heredity and personality?

Adoption studies are a new area of study and have yet to offer any information on the effects of heredity on personality.

What is a major shortcoming in the field of behavioral genetics in terms of their studies on human personality traits?

Behavioral geneticists are unable to conduct controlled research studies on human subjects.

In Sigmund Freud's theory, the ________ operates according to the pleasure principle.


What is Freud's term for the primitive side of personality that is motivated primarily by biological drives?


You have walked in late to class, and your psychology professor is explaining how one personality theorist sees personality as a relatively stable set of potential responses to various situations. You know immediately that your professor is talking about the theories of ____________.

Julian Rotter.

Which neo-Freudian believed personality was mostly a product of dealing with anxieties during childhood?

Karen Horney

Which of the following personality assessments might be best suited for objectively identifying abnormal patterns of behavior or thinking?


Your teacher organizes a debate on Freudian theory. You are assigned to be on the anti-Freud side and, therefore, must point out problems in the theory. Which of the following will be at the top of your list?

Psychodynamic concepts are difficult to test.

Which of the following is an example of a halo effect?

Shawn unknowingly tends to rate his new client's behavior slightly higher during testing after noticing the client is wearing a class ring from his own alma mater.

What do Abraham Maslow's and Carl Rogers's theories have in common?

They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny.

Trait theories are less concerned with _________ and more concerned with ________.

changing personality; predicting personality

When one thinks of "value judgment" in relation to moral or ethical behavior, one is thinking about ________.


Jung believed that there were two levels to the unconscious mind, the personal and the _______.


Carl Rogers believed that people question themselves and experience negative effects on their self-concept when they receive

conditional positive regard

Mia's parents told her they expected her to become a doctor, like her father and grandfather before her. They told her that if she chose any other career, they would no longer support her or respect her choice. According to Rogers, Mia's parents were giving her

conditional positive regard.

Adoption studies focusing on the heritability of traits have _________.

confirmed what twin studies have shown

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be associated with a collectivist culture?


In the Big Five theory of personality, "E" stands for


The __________ perspective is called the "third force" in personality theory.


According to Freud, which part of the personality is totally buried within each individual?


Greg rushes to an appointment, ariving 20 minutes early, whereas Aaron arrives with only minutes to spare. Slightly annoyed when Greg points this out, Aaron replies very casually, "Hey, I'm here." We might assume Greg has more of a ___________ personality, whereas Aaron is more _________.

Type A; Type B

Soleil has been very upset with her boss for the past few days because she was reprimanded for something that was not her fault. Soleil's boyfriend keeps encouraging her to talk to her boss about the problem, but Soleil always has difficulty expressing negative emotions and thus keeps them stuffed inside. Soleil appears to have a ___________ personality

Type C

As part of an application for a job, Dan is asked to complete some psychological tests including one in which he responds true or false to items such as "I feel sad most of the time," or "I had a good childhood." What type of psychological test is Dan taking?

an inventory

Bebarly appreciates compliments about her new photography business but really values constructive criticism, as she can then address particular issues. According to Julian Rotter, Bebarly has a(n) __________.

internal locus of control.

Which of the following statements conceming the self-concept is false?

it is formed solely on what a person believes about himself or herself.

According to Hofstede's dimensions of cultural personality, cultures that are ________ are assertive and competitive.


Frequency counts and rating scales are especially helpful in assessing

observable behaviors.

Probably the biggest problem with personality assessments by behaviorists is the

observer effect

The age at which a baby was weaned would have most impact on the ________ stage.


According to Richard Lazarus, when someone asks themselves, "How can I deal with this potentially harmful stressor?" the individual is focused on a __________ appraisal.


In Rogers's viewpoint, what is the striving to fulfill innate capacities and needs called?

self-actualizing tendency

Albert Bandura considers __________ as a person's expectancy of how effective his or her efforts to accomplish a goal will be in any particular circumstance.


You are about to undergo delicate brain surgery that requires great skill on the part of the surgeon. As the surgical team wheels you into the operating room, you hope the surgeon has a high level of __________.


Many of Johnathon's friends like to dress up on Halloween as devils, vampires, and zombies. According to Carl Jung's theory, what archetype is being expressed?


What did Carl Rogers mean by the term "fully functioning person"?

someone who is working to discover his or her ideal self

What did Raymond Cattell call the underlying traits that direct surface traits?

source traits

A colleague at work is asked to describe you to the new manager. Most lkely, the traits they will use in their description are examples of

surface traits.

Which of the following traits or characteristics were not found to be more similar in identical twins when compared to fraternal twins in the Minnesota twin study?

tendency to divorce

Which of the following is correct concerning cross-cultural studies on trait theories?

Evidence for the five trait dimensions has been found in several cultures

While taking the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Vince notices that it contains certain questions that are asked several times in different ways. He asks his daughter, who is a graduate student in psychology, why that is. What is his daughter likely to say?

Some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to "fake" the test by not reading.

According to behavioral theory, personality primarily consists of

personal choices.

If you are asked to describe your best friends by explaining how they act, typically feel, and what they think about, you would be describing their


The awakening of sexual curiosity and interest in the genitals is the beginning of what Freud termed the _________.

phallic stage.

What is the function of a validity scale?

to determine if a person is giving an accurate response

Freud believed that the ________ was the most important determining factor in human behavior and personality and this theory was a shock to the Victorian era in which Freud lived.

unconscious mind

A person's responses to a projective test are thought to reflect __________.

unconscious thoughts and feelings

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