Ch. 11/12 Test

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three types of granlocytes

*neutrophils-most numerous s or c shape with 6 lobes *eosinophils have a bilobed nucleus-contain digestive enzymes *basophils-u or s shaped nucleus

Blood pressure in a peripheral venule is about ________ percent of the pressure of the ascending aorta


Red blood cells comprise about ________ of the cells in the human body.


Adult males will typically have ________ liters of blood in their cardiovascular systems.


Platelets circulate for

9-12 days

ABO blood groups are based on

A & B antigens

Jennifer has type A blood. What blood type(s) would cause agglutination or cross reaction with her blood?

B and AB

Low pressure and slow flow rates are characteristics of favorable

Capillary exchange

A recording of the electrical events in the heart is a(n)


Ventricular systole is triggered by the

Purkinje fibers

Lifespan of red blood cells is 120 days why

RBC have finite life span because they have on organelles

a decrease in venous return to the heart would result

a decrease in stroke volume and a decrease in cardiac output

Which of the following is not a function of the cardiovascular system

absorption of lipids and fat soluble materials from the digestive tract

where in the hemoglobin does carbon dioxide bind

amino acids

how do RBC generate energy

anaerobically-they dont use any oxygen when transporting

low RBC count


when the kidneys release renin

angiotension I is activated

The large vessels that transport blood away from the heart are


A condition characterized by a generalized thickening and toughness of arterial walls is


Blood flow in the coronary arteries originates

at the base of the ascending aorta

The formation of lipid deposits on the tunica media is called


Contraction of the upper chambers of the heart is called

atrial systole

The white blood cell that releases histamine is the


what is heme converted to once it is disassociated from hemoglobin

bilirubin-once heme disassociates iron is removed and the rest is converted to bilirubin

When heart rate increases, the greatest cardiac shortening occurs in

both diastoles

The artery that supplies blood to the upper limbs is the


The first branch off the aortic arch is called the


The clotting pathways require large amounts of


The vessels that exchange nutrients, respiratory gases, and waste are


__________ are microscopic blood vessels with extremely thin walls


Sympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

cardiac nerve

measure of the capacity of the heart

cardiac output (CO) Stroke Volume (SV) End Systolic volume (ESV) NOT HEART RATE

Baroreceptors are located in

carotid arteries and the aorta

When the ventricles are relaxed the semilunar valves are ________ and the atrioventricular valves are ________.

closed; open

Blood is a type of ________ tissue.


The deep groove marking the border between the atria and the ventricles is the

coranary sulcus

The vessels that supply blood to the heart are called the

coronary arteries

Reduction in circulatory supply is called

coronary ischemia

The vessels that drain the heart muscle are called the

coronary sinus

the blood vessel that carries blood collected from the myocardium to the right atrium is the

coronary sinus

the atria and ventricles are seperated externally by a groove called

coronary sulcus

The arteries of the pulmonary circuit carry

deoxygenated blood from the heart

Intercalated discs consist of

desmosomes and gap junctions

relaxation of the heart


mature red blood cells in humans are incapable of protien synthesis and mitosis because

during differention RBC lose most of their organelles including nucleus and ribosomes

A blood clot that does not retain its vessel wall location becomes a(n)


drifting blood clot


The white blood cell that is involved in allergic reactions is the


three layers of the heart

epicardium-visceral layer myocardium-muscular part of the heart endocardium-smooth endothelial inner lining

another name for RBC


most numerous type of formed element


t/f red blood cells have a biconvex shape


what is the protien call that transports iron


The plasma component with a role in blood clotting is called


Oxyhemoglobin consists of

four oxygen molecules and four hemes

The best description of the heart is that it is

four paired pumps

transport protien


The percent of whole blood volume contributed by formed elements is the


name for RBC formation


The precursor multipotent stem cell for hematopoiesis is called a


The abundant protein component of red blood cells is


A disease characterized by a loss of a single clotting factor is


Tissue damage caused by circulation interruption is called


The tissue separating the two upper chambers of the heart is the

interatrial septum

Anemia can result from inadequate


what only binds to oxygen


the onlu time all valves of the heart are closed are during

isovolumetric contraction and isovolumetric relaxation

The left atrium and ventricle are supplied blood by the ________ artery.

left coronary

the bicuspid valve prevents the backflow of blood from the

left ventricle to the left atrium

lower chambers (right and left ventricles)

longitudinally by interventricular septum

what are the top two chambers (right and left atria) of the heart separated by

longitudinally by the interatrial septum

blood vessels central opening


more water leaves the blood during filteration that gets retrieved through reabsorption, the difference about 3.6 l a day enters

lymphatic vessels that eventually return it to the venous system

The while blood cell that provides specific immunity is the


two types of agranulocytes

lymphocytes (t cells and b cells) monocytes

what is white blood cells that breakdown old & damaged blood cells


RBC rupture


the ____ artery is an extension of the right coronary artery


A common location for venipuncture is the

median cubital vein

Which of the following is an agranular leukocyte?


The thickest layer of the heart is the


Packets of small membrane-enclosed packets of cytoplasm shed by megakaryocytes are called


Blood can be diverted from tissues (such as skin) by

precapillary sphincters

what does hemoglobin contain

protein portion called globin and non protein heme groups

The circuit that carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs is the ________ circuit. The circuit that begins at the right ventricle and ends at the left atrium is the ________ circuit.


The most abundant formed elements are

red blood cells

functions of the cardiovascular system

regulate body temp,fluid PH, water content of cells transport nutrients protection of the body by white blood cells

Platelets trigger coagulation by

releasing clotting factors

The response of the kidneys to low blood pressure and volume is release of


The coronary sinus drains blood into the

right atrium

when closed the pulmonary semilunar valve prevents backflow of blood into

right ventricle

An intercalated disc is a

specialized cardiac muscle intercellular connection

organ where old damaged RBC are broken down


The bone lying anterior to the heart is the


Abnormally high blood volume is recognized by

stretch receptors in the heart wall

The circuit that travels through the left side of the heart is the ________ circuit.


a contraction event of the heart


An accelerated heart rate above 100 beats per minute is called


Heart rate is stimulated by

the cardioacceleratory center

Arterial blood is bright red because

the hemes carry oxygen

what provides a hormonal mechanism for the regulation of blood pressure by managing blood volume

the kidneys

the dupp of the heart sound is

the second sound heard and is produced by closing of the semilunar valve

outer layer of blood vessel

tunica adventitia-made up of connective tissue

Vasoconstriction is accomplished by the

tunica media

Parasympathetic innervation travels to the heart via the

vagus nerve

Jennifer has type A blood. What blood type(s) would cause agglutination or cross reaction with her blood?

vascular spasm

what is initiated by the smooth muscle of blood vessel on response to injury by nerve signals from pain receptors


Increasing the diameter of a blood vessel by relaxing a muscle is called


The afferent vessels of the heart are


The majority of the body's blood volume at one time is found within the


Relaxation of the lower chambers of the heart is called

ventricular disatole

Blood circulates into the coronary arteries during

ventricular relaxation

the T wave in the ECG coincides with

ventricular repolarization

The vessels that collect blood from capillary beds are called


Weak venous valves can result in

vericose veins

The serous membrane covering the heart is the

visceral pericardium

A normal hemoglobin range for a healthy female who is neither pregnant nor nursing is

12-16 g/dl

A single drop of whole blood from an average healthy adult contains ________ red blood cells.

260 million

What is responsible for binding oxygens

Iron-it is contained in the heme pigament

sequence of distributing the stimulus in the conducting system of the heart is

SA node, internodal pathway, AV Node, Av Bundle, bundle branches, & Purkinjie fibers

cross section


A common technique to improve blood flow and remove plaque in coronary vessels is

balloon angioplasty and stent placement

greatly decreased heart rate


t/f alcohol raises blood pressure by inhibiting the vasomotor center and by inhibiting the release of ADH


stoppage of blood flow to prevent loss is called

hemostasis *this is done thru the walls of damaged vessels

the bulk of the heart consist of


Blood flow within capillary beds

occurs in pulses rather than a constant stream

The layer that stabilizes and anchors a blood vessel is the

tunica externa

inner layer of blood vessel

tunica intima-endothelium (simple squamous epithelium)

middle layer of blood vessel

tunica media-smooth muscle with elastic fibers

A typical red blood cell lasts

two to three months

When do RBC start to synthesize hemoglobin

while in the bone marrow-must do it before this before they lose their nucleus

Blood that has an unaltered composition is called

whole blood

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