Ch. 12 A&P

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A major relay station for sensory information ascending to the cerebral cortex. Contains many specialized nuclei.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Damage to the primary (somatic) motor cortex results in the loss of both voluntary muscle control and all reflexive contractions.

The hypothalamus is the area where afferent impulses from all senses and all parts of the body are sorted out and then relayed to the appropriate area of the sensory cortex.

F Afferent impulses from all senses and all parts of the body converge on the thalamus (not the hypothalamus) and synapse with at least one of its nuclei. The thalamus--which sorts out and "edits" these afferent signals before relaying them to the appropriate cortical areas--is considered to be the gateway to the cerebral cortex.


Gustatory (taste) area.


Indicated by movement of the eyes under the lids; dreaming occurs. Begins about 90 minutes after the onset of sleep. May allow the brain to work through emotional problems in dream imagery.

Sleepwalking may occur during ________.

NREM stage 4

A patient reports that she has become completely deaf—she can't hear anything. Thorough tests on her ears indicate that her ears have not been damaged. Additional tests reveal that her deafness has been caused by damage to her ______.

None of the listed responses is correct. Review the different sensory cortices of the parietal and temporal lobes of the brain.

Frontal lobe

Premotor cortex.

Frontal lobe

Primary (somatic) motor cortex.

parietal lobe

Primary somatosensory cortex.

The term cerebral dominance designates the hemisphere that is dominant for language.

T One cerebral hemisphere or the other "dominates" each of the brain's tasks, and the term cerebral dominance designates the hemisphere that is dominant for language. In most people (about 90%), the left hemisphere has greater control over language abilities, math, and logic.

Which of the following statements about the cerebellum is NOT correct?

The cerebellum generates conscious motor commands. The cerebellum does not operate at the conscious level of processing.

Which of the following generalizations does not describe the cerebral cortex?

The hemispheres are exactly equal in function.

NERM stage 4

The stage when vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature) reach their lowest normal levels.

Arachnoid granulations are knoblike projections that protrude superiorly through the ________ mater to absorb cerebrospinal fluid into venous blood.


What type of cells line the ventricles of the brain?

ependymal cells

Which of the following best describes the cerebrum?

executive suite

An individual accidentally transected (cut across) the spinal cord between T1 and L1. This would result in ________.


Which of the meninges is a delicate connective tissue membrane that clings tightly to the brain like cellophane wrap following its every convolution?

pia mater The pia mater, meaning "gentle mother," is composed of delicate connective tissue and is richly invested with tiny blood vessels. It is the only meninx that clings tightly to the brain, like cellophane wrap, following its every convolution.

Nuclei of cranial nerves V (trigeminal), VI (abducens), and VII (facial) are found in the ________.


Which of the following is NOT a function of the hypothalamus?

regulate the thalamus The hypothalamus does not regulate the thalamus.

Which brain waves are uncommon for awake adults, but are common for children?


The neural fibers connecting structure A to the cerebral cortex can be described by which of the following?

third-order sensory neurons Third-order sensory neurons relay ascending information from the thalamus to specific sensory areas of the cortex.

Which statement about coma is true?

Coma may be caused by widespread cerebral or brain stem trauma.

In anterograde amnesia ______.

LTM (long term memory) is not disrupted People with this type of amnesia often cannot remember what they ate for their last meal or events from the immediate past.

Which of the following is the best description of the function of region B?

Region B includes neurons whose axons carry motor commands from the cerebrum. Region B is the precentral gyrus, the location of the primary (somatic) motor cortex. This is the origin of the descending corticospinal (pyramidal) tracts.

Frontal lobe

Seat of intelligence, abstract reasoning.

Embryonic damage to the mesencephalon could result in improper formation of the midbrain.


The brain and spinal cord begin as an embryonic structure called the neural plate.


Emotional state, rehearsal, association, and automatic memory are all factors that affect the transfer of information from short-term memory (STM) to long-term memory (LTM).

T Many factors can influence the transfer of information from STM to LTM, including emotional state (we learn best when we are alert, motivated, surprised, and aroused), rehearsal (repeating the material enhances memory), association (tying "new" information to "old" information already stored in LTM appears to be important in remembering facts), and automatic memory (some impressions that become part of LTM are subconsciously formed).

In general, a primary sensory cortex breaks down sensory input into component parts, while an association cortex makes sense of sensory inputs.

T The primary sensory cortex receives sensory inputs in their cruder forms, while the association cortex helps you understand what the sensory input means.

Primary motor cortex

The axons from this area form the major pyramidal (corticospinal) tracts.

Which of the following is true of the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain?

The cerebral hemispheres account for about 83% of total brain mass. The cerebral hemispheres, which form the superior part of the brain, account for about 83% of total brain mass.

NERM stage 3

Theta and delta waves begin to appear.


This area is the main visceral control center of the body.

Prefrontal area

This brain area associates experiences necessary for the production of abstract ideas, judgment, and conscience.

NERM stage 2

Typified by sleep spindles.

NERM stage 1

Very easy to awaken; EEG shows alpha waves; may even deny being asleep.

Occipital lobe

Visual area.

The subarachnoid space lies between what two layers of meninges?

arachnoid and pia

Which protective covering of the brain provides passageways for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to drain into the superior sagittal sinus?

arachnoid mater The subarachnoid space is filled with CSF. Knoblike projections of the arachnoid mater, called arachnoid villi, protrude superiorly through the dura mater and into the superior sagittal sinus. These villi provide a passageway for CSF to leave the subarachnoid space and enter the venous blood of the sinus.

temporal lobe

auditory area

The groove indicated by C is the __________.

central sulcus The central sulcus is the shallow groove that separates the frontal and parietal lobes.

The arbor vitae refers to ________.

cerebellar white matter

Which part of the brain processes inputs received from the cerebral motor cortex, brain stem nuclei, and various sensory receptors, and then uses this information to coordinate balance, posture, and somatic movement problems?

cerebellum By processing and interpreting impulses from the motor cortex and brain stem nuclei, as well as sensory pathways, the cerebellum provides the precise timing and appropriate patterns of skeletal muscle contraction for the smooth, coordinated movements and agility needed for daily living (e.g., driving, typing, and tying our shoes). It also plays a poorly understood role in cognition. Cerebellar activity occurs subconsciously (we are not aware of it).

White matter (myelinated fibers) is found in all of the following locations except the ________.

cerebral cortex

Which part of the brain is the "executive suite" that controls almost all brain activity?

cerebral cortex The cerebral cortex is the "executive suite" of the nervous system, where most of our higher-level decision making occurs. It enables us to be aware of ourselves and our sensations, communicate, remember, understand, and initiate voluntary movements.

What part of the spinal cord represents an increase in cell body mass for upper limb control?

cervical enlargement The spinal cord has an obvious enlargement in the cervical region, called the cervical enlargement, where the cell bodies controlling the upper limbs arise.

What CNS-associated structure is illustrated in this figure?

choroid plexus Note the specific arrangement of glial cells and capillaries as well as the movements of the fluid.

The large commissure that connects the right and left sides of the brain is called the ________.

corpus callosum

What structure(s) is/are indicated by B?

corpus callosum The corpus callosum is the most prominent example of tracts that connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres

Which type of wave predominates during stage 4 NREM sleep?


The ________ includes the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus.


Interneurons receiving input from sensory neurons are located in the ________.

dorsal (posterior) horn

Which type of glial cells are shown in this figure?

ependymal cells Specialized ependymal cells participate in the filtration, absorption, and secretory processes that create cerebrospinal fluid.

Which of the following is a dural septum, described as a large sickle-shaped fold that dips into the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres?

falx cerebri

Which of these would you NOT find in the cerebral cortex?

fiber tracts

Which ventricle is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord?


The central sulcus separates which lobes?

frontal from parietal

At age 79, Mrs. X is diagnosed with a disorder that severely impairs her logical judgment. Medical imaging techniques show that this has been most likely caused by brain damage in a ______.

frontal lobe The frontal lobe has areas that control voluntary motor functions, mood, smell, and social judgment.

Which of the following is NOT a correctly matched pair?

gray matter: myelinated axons Gray matter is indicative of unmyelinated axons and cell bodies in the CNS.

Suppose a patient produced more fluid in the structure shown in the figure than could be distributed throughout the ventricles and extracellular fluid. What condition would result?

hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus is the accumulation of fluid in the ventricles, which puts pressure on the brain.

Where is the illustrated structure located?

in each ventricle Cerebrospinal fluid is produced within the choroid plexus located within each ventricle.

Which of the following does not occur during a narcoleptic sleep episode?

increased gastrointestinal activity Gastrointestinal activity is activated by the sight or smell of food. Additionally, presence of a food bolus in the gastrointestinal tract will stimulate peristalsis and digestive enzyme release.

What connects the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland?


Which of the following is NOT a role of the basal nuclei?

initiating protective reflex actions

Broca's area ________.

is considered a motor speech area

Which of the following is correctly matched?

limbic association area: sense of danger The limbic association area is part of the limbic system, which control our emotions and fears.

Which fissure separates the cerebral hemispheres?

longitudinal fissure

Injury to the hypothalamus may result in all of the following EXCEPT ________.

loss of fine motor control

Vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the ________.

medulla oblongata

The middle primary brain vesicle, the mesencephalon, gives rise to which adult brain structure?

midbrain The term mesencephalon means "midbrain." As it develops from a primary brain vesicle to a secondary brain vesicle and finally an adult brain structure, it retains its name--the midbrain. Each of the other two primary brain vesicles divides to give rise to new secondary brain vesicles and adult brain structures (with new names). Note that encephalo- means "brain."

The brain stem consists of the ________.

midbrain, medulla, and pons

The white matter of the spinal cord contains ________.

myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers

Which of the following regions of the brain stem serves as a bridge between the brain stem and the cerebellum?

pons The pons is the point at which all information entering or exiting the cerebellum is collected. Descending motor input and ascending sensory input that feed the cerebellum and all cerebellar output enter or exit the cerebellum through several cerebellar peduncles located in the pons.

Region A includes which of the following?

prefrontal cortex The prefrontal cortex is located in the anterior region of the frontal lobe.

Loss of ability to perform skilled motor activities such as piano playing, with no paralysis or weakness in specific muscles, might suggest damage to the ________.

premotor cortex

Which motor area both has a homunculus and has descending projection fibers?

primary motor cortex The primary motor cortex has projections for the entire human body map, or homunculus. Axons from the primary motor cortex project from the frontal lobe to the spinal cord.

What is the designation of the area at D? (Art-based Question Chapter 12 Question 1)

primary visual cortex The primary visual cortex receives sensory input from the eye via the optic nerves, thalamus, and optic radiations

Which category of memory is involved when playing the piano?


For our motor commands to travel toward our muscles, the signals must travel on __________.

projection fibers Projection fibers descend from brain toward the spinal cord.

The two longitudinal ridges on the medulla oblongata where many descending fibers cross over are called the ________.


Which of the following would you NOT find in normal cerebrospinal fluid?

red blood cells

Which of the following is (are) involved with motor activity (either initiation or coordination)?

red nuclei

If the caudal portion of the neural tube failed to develop properly the ________.

spinal cord may be affected

A shallow groove on the surface of the cortex is called a ________.


Which of the following is NOT a diencephalon component?

superior colliculus The superior colliculus is at the inferior border of the diencephalon, located in the midbrain region of the brain stem.

Which brain nucleus is the body's "biological clock"?

suprachiasmatic nucleus

Which of the following hypothalamic control centers would you predict is the LEAST important for survival?

suprachiasmatic nucleus This area of the hypothalamus is important in determining the circadian rhythm that sets our sleep-wake cycles.

The primary auditory cortex is located in the ________.

temporal lobe

REM sleep is associated with ________.

temporary skeletal muscle inhibition except for ocular muscles and diaphragm

Which part of the CNS sorts almost all of the ascending sensory information?

thalamus Afferent impulses from all senses and all parts of the body converge on the thalamus and synapse with at least one of its nuclei. The thalamus-- which sorts out and edits these afferent signals before relaying them to the appropriate cortical areas--is considered the gateway to the cerebral cortex. In summary, the thalamus plays a key role in mediating sensation, motor activities, cortical arousal, learning, and memory.

During an epileptic seizure, the triggering of convulsions would not directly involve the uncontrolled activity of neurons located in the ______.

thalamus This area of the diencephalon groups and organizes afferent sensory impulses. Once grouped, the sensory input is relayed to the correct cerebral area for interpretation.

The letter A in the figure indicates which of the following structures?

thalamus The letter A indicates the thalamus. Remember that the thalamus is composed of left and right bodies.

Cell bodies of first order sensory neurons are located in ________.

the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord

The cortical regions indicated by E are involved in what functions?

the production and interpretation of language Regions indicated by E include Broca's area in the frontal lobe and Wernicke's area in the temporal lobe.

Spastic paralysis suggests involvement of the ________.

upper motor neurons

Which of the following best describes the hypothalamus?

visceral control center of the body The hypothalamus is the main visceral control center of the body and is vitally important to overall body homeostasis. Its chief homeostatic roles include controlling the autonomic nervous system; controlling endocrine system function; regulating the sleep-wake cycle, body temperature, hunger, and thirst; and initiating physical responses to emotions.

The area of the cortex that is responsible for sensing a full bladder and the feeling that your lungs will burst when you hold your breath too long is the ________.

visceral sensory area

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