CH 13 quiz

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a component of drilling muds


Atmospheric pollution is the worst when

Coal is burned

The greatest cost of coal strip-mining is

Damages caused by subsidence

The reservoir now believed to contain the largest amount of carbon is

Gas Hydrates

used for jewelry and in the electronics industry


Within which country are the largest proven reserves of natural gas located?


is the process by which coal is converted into a liquid hydrocarbon fuel.


is the most common gaseous hydrocarbon in natural gas.


Fossil fuels include all of these

Oil, Coal, Tar Sand

used as a catalyst in automobile emissions-control systems


An oil well "gusher" would be an example of

Primary Recovery

Aluminum ore deposits are

Residual Deposits

Within which country are the largest proven reserves of crude oil located?

Saudi Arabia

Waste materials left from processing mineral deposits are called


are piles of crushed or ground waste rock produced as a by-product of mineral processing.


used to galvanize steel cans and in the manufacture of brass


is a soft, brown coal formed directly from peat.


Blood diamonds

are diamonds mined in war zone countries, like Sierra Leone, Africa, and sold to finance weapons.

The most heavily used metal is


Aluminum is a widely used metal because it

is both strong and light

Diamonds are mined from a type of igneous rock called that occurs as pipelike intrusive bodies


The Concentration Factor

measures the relative enrichment of ore bodies

Of the following nonfuel minerals, the United States has significant reserves only of


Hydrothermal deposits are predominantly composed of what type of ore minerals?


Petroleum accounts for about percent of the energy used in the United States.


Breeder reactors constitute what percentage of nuclear power plants in the United States?


Optimistic projections state that nuclear fission will supply about how much of the total energy used in the United States by the year 2020?


Using both primary and secondary petroleum recovery techniques, what proportion of the oil in an oil field is usually pumped out?


The 20 billion barrels of oil in Alaska's North Slope deposits would supply the United States for about

2 Years

Currently, the best experimental solarcells have an efficiency of about percent


Hydroelectric power provides about percent of the total energy needs of the United States.


In 1995, wind power accounted for what percentage of the electric generating capacity of the United States?

About 3

third most abundant element in the earth's crust


New enhanced oil recovery methods can extract more oil from a reservoir

And so expand oil reserves

fuels are those derived from living or recent organisms.


Ocean thermal energy conversion is limited most by easy access to near-shore

Deep Cold Water

Most gasohol blends are from

Distilled Grains

. is the splitting apart of atomic nuclei into smaller nuclei.


Waste disposal is a problem with which energy resource?


Breeder reactors would provide a renewable supply of fuel for

Fission Power Plants

Which country relies most heavily upon nuclear power for its energy?


. is the joining of atomic nuclei to form larger ones and the releasing of energy in the process.


is a fuel consisting of a blend of 90% gasoline and 10% alcohol


. energy is derived from the internal heat of the earth.


Which energy resource utilizes the Earth's internal heat?


. is a potential geothermal energy source where thermal gradients are at least 40oC/kilometer and where groundwater is lacking.

Hot dry rock

Geopressurized natural gas may be deep underground in

Hot salty ground water

is economically competitive with other methods of generating electricity. supplies about 6% of all energy consumed worldwide. does not pollute the water flowing through the generating equipment.


The fuel to be used by fusion reactors is


Which one of the following is not an advantage of solar energy?

It is a widely dispersed resource.

Geothermal heat is a good energy source but

Limitted to specific sites

The gaseous fuel obtained from sanitary landfills is


Where are the greatest wind resources available in the U.S.?

North Central USA

Which is not in the top three sources of world energy production?

Nuclear Power

Manganese nodules form

On the deep sea floor

The accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant was caused by

Partial Loss Of coolant

Twenty miles per gallon is the average fuel consumption of a

Passenger Car

. , or solar cells, produce electricity directly from sunlight

Photovoltaic cell

A breeder reactor makes more of this fuel than it consumes.

Plutonium 239

In the United States, most uranium deposits are found in


In the U.S., the bulk of uranium deposits are found in


Expanded use of which energy resource would contribute least to global warming?


Maximum insolation occurs over the United States


Where are the solar energy resources available in the U.S.?

Southwestern USA

Currently, the greatest use of solar energy is for

Space Heating

Oil shale is currently extracted by

Strip Mining

The largest complex of geothermal power plants in the U.S. is found here

The Geysers near San Francisco, California

Which region of the United States has the greatest potential for the development of large-scale windmill arrays?

The Great Plains

Which of the following is not an advantage of geothermal power?

The useful life of a geothermal field is nearly endless

The fissionable isotope of uranium used in most nuclear power reactors is

Uranium 235

The biomass energy source that provides about one-third of Hawaii's electricity is

Waste sugar cane from processing plants

A geologic repository for storage of high-level nuclear waste is planned for this site

Yucca Mountain, Nevada

Which of the following alternative energy sources has the greatest potential for becoming a large-scale energy supply in the future?

binary geothermal

A is a reactor that produces more fissionable nuclear fuel than it consumes.

breeder reactor

Chromite forms

by crystal settling in a magma

A is a series of fission reactions occurring in a mass of fissionable material such as uranium-235.

chain reaction

Gasification and liquefaction techniques

convert coal to more versatile fuel

A is a nuclear reactor accident caused by the loss of core coolant and the resultant overheating of the core.

core meltdown

Some pegmatites are mined for gemstones such as


Oil spill clean-up experiments after the Exxon Valdez spill that were the most encouraging involved

fertilizer sprayed on the beaches

Commercially, the most valuable petroleum reservoirs (like aquifers) are

high in porosity and high in permeability.

Why do many environmentalist groups oppose hydropower development?

it destroys habitat and scenery

A major limitation of hydroelectric power is that

it is limited to the stationary nature of streams.

A fission nuclear reactor core meltdown

occurred at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania

Coal forms from

plants buried in sediment

The amount of energy potentially available from hydroelectric power is limited primarily by

the limited number of sites that have appropriate rivers

The main reason we presently do not utilize more solar energy in the U.S. is that

using solar would require a fundamental change in the energy industry

The major drawback to fusion power is

we cannot carry out a fusion reaction

An important reason that the U.S. is not generating much energy from nuclear fission is

we have no repository for high-level nuclear waste

Ninety-eight percent of the earth's crust is composed of only elements


Oil, natural gas, and coal are examples of

Fossil Fuels

are hydrocarbon energy sources formed from the remains of once-living organisms.

Fossil fuels anaerobic

is the process by which coal is converted into a gaseous hydrocarbon fuel.


Coal subjected to overly high temperatures will metamorphose into


Metamorphism of coal produces


source of sodium and chlorine


are piles of waste rock produced by surface mining.

Spoil banks

The substance found in coal that contributes to acid rainfall is


are sedimentary rocks containing a viscous, tar-like petroleum

Tar sands

A is a sedimentary rock, consisting of alternating iron-rich and silica rich (or carbonate-rich) layers, that may qualify as an ore of iron.

banded iron formation

Hydrothermal deposits of ore minerals form

from hot water circulating through rocks

The bulk of our metallic mineral resources is associated with

igneous rocks

Recycling aluminum is beneficial because

less electricity is required to re-melt aluminum than refine it from ore

An is a rock in which a valuable or useful metal occurs at a concentration high enough to make it economically practical to mine


Large feldspar crystals are abundant in what type of ore deposit?


Black smokers on the seafloor occur near

spreading ridges

Which of the following does not depend on our geologic understanding of magmatic mineral deposits?

the prediction of likely locations of future volcanic eruptions

Why might certain metals be considered renewable resources while others are nonrenewable?

the renewable metals are those which have been recycled

One barrel of oil is equal to how many gallons?


Which has the greatest world reserves (supply for the future)?


The most heavily used metal is


is a sedimentary rock containing the waxy hydrocarbon fuel called kerogen.

Oil shale

Coal that is high in sulfur often contains visible crystals of this mineral.


used to make plaster, portland cement, and wallboard


Metallic mineral deposits that are worth mining are


Oil Spills

are increasingly underreported by news agencies

Coal supplies about percent of the energy used in the United States.


Natural gas supplies about percent of the energy used in the United States


Worldwide reserves for most metals are projected to last

A few decades

Any rain water having a pH less than 5.6 is

Acid Rain

Severe leaching of tropical lateritic soils has produced economically important ore deposits of


Which is the highest grade and most carbon-rich coal?


Which one of the following fuels would give off the most heat per given unit weight?


Lateritic weathering produces which ore deposit?


Which ore deposit yields aluminum?


is the most commonly mined source of aluminum


. is a name given to hydrothermal vents that emit dark clouds of suspended sulfide minerals.

Black smokers

Acid rain is caused primarily by

Burning high sulfur coal

The largest recoverable U.S. energy reserve is


Which energy resource will last longest?


Which produces the most carbon dioxide when it is burned?


primarily used for electrical applications


Rock salt and rock gypsum are what kind of mineral deposit?


Halite, gypsum, and phosphate are examples of minerals recovered from

Evaporate Deposits

The worst oil spill in United States waters was the

Exxon Valdez Spill

ore deposits are formed by warm fluids circulating in the earth's crust


The metal-rich muds at the bottom of the Red Sea were most likely formed as a result of

Hydrothermal Activity

As societies evolve from primitive to technological, the energy consumption associated with agriculture


The hydrocarbon fuel in oil shale is


Diamonds are found in


used in batteries, solders, paints, and ceramics


The marine mineral resource having the greatest potential for exploitation in the near future is

Maganese Nodules

As heat and pressure act upon petroleum, it finally becomes

Natural Gas

Fossel Fuel?

Natural Gas

Geopressurized zones might one day become an important source of

Natural Gas

energy resources are those not being replenished or formed on a human time scale. The term describes processes that occur in the absence of oxygen.


, or petroleum, is not a single chemical compound, but a liquid mixture of various hydrocarbons.


The United States has about two-thirds of the world's known resources of

Oil Shale

Which source could yield large amounts of natural gas in the future?

Oil Shale

are ore deposits mechanically concentrated by the sorting action of moving water.


Gypsum is mined to yield this

Plaster of Paris (primarily for making wallboard)

is investigation by methods such as aerial photography and satellite imagery.

Remote sensing

Which mineral/rock resource is the most intensively used in the U.S.?

Sand and Gravel

The nation having the largest proven reserves of crude oil is

Saudi Arabia

Banded iron formation is what kind of mineral deposit?


Fossil fuels are found in

Sedimentary Rocks

principal use is for photographic materials


The environmental disaster that has affected the town of Centralia, Pennsylvania was caused by

Underground coal mine fire

Oil and gas migrate out of their source rocks and

Upward to the surface

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