Ch. 14 The Renaissance & Reformation

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Johann Gutenberg

1456--Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany printed the 1st complete edition of the Bible using the PRINTING PRESS and PRINTING INKS within 20 years, the printing revolution would start

Johann Gutenberg

A complete edition of the Bible was first printed with movable metal type by Johann Gutenberg


Calvin taught the idea of predestination God had long ago determined who would gain salvation


During the Renaissance, this type of person provided financial backing for the arts.

William Shakespeare

His work enriched the English language

Protestant Reformation

In the 1500's, there were calls for reform in the Church The calls for reform would shatter Christian unity This movement was called the Protestant Reformation

Jan van Eyck

Jan and Hubert van Eyck were Flemish painters They portrayed townspeople as well as religious scenes They developed oil paint Northern artists used the oil paints to produce strong colors and a hard surface that could last for centuries

The ______ were determined to combat heresy and spread the Catholic faith. annul ghetto Dutch Calvinists Anabaptists Jesuits



Jews were ordered to live in a separate part of the city Venice had a ghetto for the Jews Other cities in Italy had ghetto's for the Jews to live in Some of the ghetto's were walled off

How did the printing press affect Europe? The price of books rose to pay for the new technology More people learned to read and write Books were available to only a limited few Trade declined with the increase in books

More people learned to read and write.

How did Renaissance art reflect humanist concerns?

Renaissance artists would portray religious figures such as Jesus and Mary, but used backgrounds in Greece and Rome. They also painted well known people of the day that had individual achievements. They also revived classical forms that had been done in ancient times such as when Donatello sculpted a life size soldier on horseback. Something like that hadn't been done since ancient times. They also used techniques to represent humans and landscapes in a very realistic way.

Baldassare Castiglione

Renaissance author wrote a guide for members of the court.

Miguel de Cervantes

Renaissance in Spain during 1600s led to great works Cervantes wrote--Don Quixote is a tale that mocks the romantic notions of medieval chivalry The novel is about Don Quixote (knight) and Sancho Panza (faithful servant)

John Knox

Scotland, a Calvinist preacher who led a religious rebellion. Scottish Protestant's overthrew their Catholic queen and set up the Scottish Presbyterian Church

Which Renaissance writer had the most far-reaching influence? Cervantes Shakespeare Rabelais Bruegel

Shakespeare. His plays are still read around the world today. His words enriched the English dictionary

Francesco Petrarch

a Florentine who lived in the 1300's was a Renaissance humanist he found and assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts the works of Cicero, Homer, and Virgil became known to Western Europeans also wrote literature of his own (Sonnets to Laura—love poems inspired by a woman he admired from a distance)


a form of art the artist etches a design on a metal plate with acid the plate is used to make prints


a lessening of the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory clergy sold indulgences in order to finance their church projects indulgences were given in the Middle Ages for doing good deeds, but now it changed into costing a fee (or giving a gift to the Church) Many Christian's opposed and protested the indulgences costing money


acceptable middle ground Queen Elizabeth I set policies between protestant's and Catholics that were a middle ground between them.

Leonardo da Vinci

born in 1452 he was a genius for invention (he drew designs for helicopters, under sea boats centuries before they were invented) He was expert in: botany, anatomy, optics music, architecture, engineering, painting, sculpture Famous works: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper

John Calvin

challenged the Catholic Church further than Luther logical and razor-sharp mind his ideas impacted the Reformation trained as a priest and lawyer 1536 published the Institutes of the Christian Religion (his religious beliefs)

The Roman Catholic Church reacted to luther's ideas by spreading them to non-Christians sentencing him to death excommunicating him adapting Church doctrine

excommunicating him

Luther believed that souls could be saved only through the Church faith buying indulgences participating in a crusade



financial supporter of the arts Artists learned their craft and produced great works due to patron's support

Jewish people were forced to live in _________(s) annul ghetto Dutch Calvinists Anabaptists Jesuits



give up one's views the Church asked for Martin Luther to recant the 95 Theses

Luther preached that all Christians should join a church had equal access to God should travel to Rome would enter heaven

had equal access to God

Why was Albrecht Durer called the "German Leonardo"? he was an excellent painter he was a German scholar he had traveled to Italy he had wide-ranging interests

he had wide-ranging interests

Renaissance art reflected the humanist interest in: individual achievement government by kings socialism all three

individual achievement


intellectual movement tried to apply the wisdom of the ancients to the Renaissance world

Peace of Augsburg

it was signed in 1555 it allowed each prince to decide which religion would be followed in his land (either Catholic or Lutheran

Leonardo da Vinci

multitalented man dissected corpses to learn how to paint human anatomy correctly

Pieter Bruegel

Bruegel painted scenes of daily life (instead of religious scenes. Used vibrant colors Flemish painter in the 1500's

Martin Luther German monk and professor of theology

He triggered revolt against the Church in 1517 Wrote 95 theses (arguments) against indulgences. He argued that they had no basis in the Bible, the pope had no authority to release souls from Purgatory, & that Christians could only be saved through faith He posted his 95 theses on the Wittenberg's All Saints Church door

What were the goals of the Catholic Reformation?

Pope Paul III led the Catholic Reformation during the 1530's and 1540's. He wanted to revive the moral authority of the Church and end corruption within the papacy. He appointed reformers to key positions to guide the Reformation. Pope Paul III set up the Council of Trent to lead the direction of the reform. It would meet for 20 years and establish goals. The goals were: reaffirm traditional Catholic views, Salvation comes through faith and good works, the Bible is a major source of religious truth, but is not the only source, abuses in the Church must be stopped, schools were set up to educated the clergy.

Henry VIII

he wanted to end papal control over England he was called "Defender of the Faith" for a pamphlet he wrote denouncing Luther. He wanted to have his marriage annulled from Catherine of Aragon He had one daughter (Mary Tudor) and he wanted a male heir He took over the English church


idea that God determined long ago who would gain salvation


new technique to show realism making distant objects smaller than those close to the viewer made the painting appear to be three-dimensional


recognize as saint by the Catholic Church Sir Thomas More, the English Humanist was canonized by the Catholic


someone that is blamed for someone elses' problems people look to blame others when there are troubles

Why were the Anabaptists considered radical?

The Anabaptists believed that babies are too young to fully understand what it means to accept the Christian faith so therefore they should not be baptized as infants, but should instead should wait until they become adults. Only adults should receive the sacrament of baptism because they would be old enough to understand what it means. Some Anabaptists were violent.

During the Renaissance, women artists kept their work secret were nonexistent produced many works of poor quality petitioned the government for an artist's school

kept their work secret

Machiavelli did not give LEADERSHIP the qualities of high ideals. He looked at real rulers such as the Medici's (age of ruthless politics)

the end justifies the means He urged rulers to use whatever methods were necessary to achieve their goals. Getting results was more important than keeping promises.


the everyday language Erasmus had the Bible translated into everyday language

Describe the steps by which England became a Protestant country.

Henry VIII asked the Catholic pope to annul his marriage from Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn. He had a daughter with Catherine, but wanted a male heir. The pope said no so Henry decided to take over the Church of England. He had a series of laws passed through Parliament. The church was placed under Henry's rule away from the pope. In 1534, the Act of Supremacy made Henry "the only supreme head on Earth of the Church of England". Many Catholics who refused to accept the Act of Supremacy were executed for treason.

Elizabeth I

she enforced a series of reforms called the Elizabethan settlement she made a compromised between the Catholic and Protestant churches. Restored unity to England She kept some Catholic traditions while making England a Protestant nation


technique in painting makes distant objects smaller than those close to the viewer

Why did Henry VIII break from the Catholic Church? to please his subjects to keep wealth in England to annul his marriage to become an Anabaptist

to annul his marriage


to give up one's views

How did Durer help bring the Renaissance to northern Europe? He became known as the "German Leonardo" which is in reference to Leonardo di Vinci.

Albrecht Durer would travel to Italy in 1494 where he would go to study the techniques that were used by the Italian masters. When he went back to Germany, he used the techniques he learned in paintings and etchings. The etchings were used to make prints. He used his art and essays he wrote to spread the Italian Renaissance to his homeland of Germany. He became known as the "German Leonardo" which is in reference to Leonardo di Vinci.

Teresa of Avila

symbolized the renewal of Catholic Reformation faith set up an order of nuns that lived in isolation and dedication to prayer and mediation (Spain) the Church asked her to reorganize and reform convents and monasteries throughout Spain later canonized after her death and honored for her mystical writings

The _____ were a Protestant sect that argued against infant baptism. annul ghetto Dutch Calvinists Anabaptists Jesuits



French Calvinist in France--wars raged between French Calvinists and the Catholics

Francois Rabelais

French humanist He was a monk, physician, Greek scholar, and author Wrote "Gargantua and Pantagruel" about the adventures of two gentle giants It was a comic tale about travel and war, but it offered his opinions on religion, education, and other subjects


Government run by church leaders

How did Martin Luther's ideas differ from those of the Catholic church?

He was outraged by the idea that Church clergy were charging indulgences for people to assure entrance into Heaven for themselves and their relatives. He said that the indulgences had no basis in the Bible and that the Pope had no authority to release souls from purgatory. He said that Christian's could only be saved through their own faith


the subjects taught in ancient Greek and Roman schools main areas of study were: grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history (based on Greek and Roman texts)


a genius sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, and poet made the Pieta out of marble sculptor of Mary holding the dead Christ made statue of David which recalls the harmony and the grace of ancient Greek tradition painted a mural on the Sistine Chapel in Rome which depicted the biblical history of the world. (he laid on his back suspended from the ceiling for 4 years to paint it. Made the Dome for St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome

Baldassare Castiglione

an author wrote a handbook called "The Book of the Courtier" describes manners, skills, learning, and virtues that a member of the court should have. The ideal man is athletic, played a musical instrument, and knows literature and history—is not arrogant The ideal woman is graceful, kind, lively, but reserved, beautiful


an ideal society Thomas More wrote book called Utopia which described an ideal society in which men and women live in peace and harmony.


an intellectual movement Based on the study of classical culture It focused on worldly subjects rather than on the religious issues humanist scholars were pious Christians who used their wisdom of the ancients to increase understanding of their own times

In their effort to achieve realism, Renaissance painters and sculptors gave great attention to public opinion medieval art landscape anatomy


Because the union had not produced a son, Henry VIII wished to _____ his marriage. annul ghetto Dutch Calvinists Anabaptists Jesuits


Niccolo Machiavelli

served Florence as a diplomat--observed kings and princes in foreign courts studied ancient Roman history The Prince, published in 1513--he combined his personal experience of politics with his knowledge of the past to offer a guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power.

Niccolo Machiavelli

served in Florence as a diplomat—observed kings and princes in foreign courts wrote "The Prince" in 1513 combined his personal experience of politics with his knowledge of the past to offer a guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power said "the end justifies the means" he urged rulers to use whatever methods were necessary to achieve their goals

Why did many Christians call for Church reform?


What were three effects of the printing revolution? Johann Gutenberg of Mainz, Germany printed the first complete edition of the Bible using the fist printing press and inks in 1456 which started the beginning of the printing revolution

Printed books became more readily available because they were easier to produce and cheaper to make. More people were able to learn to read because they could get books to read. Readers were able to learn things about medicine, law, astrology, and mining as well as many new ideas. Reading would make more people more educated.

Lorenzo de' Medici

known as "the Magnificent" represented the Renaissance ideal he was a clever politician and generous patron of the arts




lessening of the punishment for sins


to cancel a marriage Henry VIII wanted the pope to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon

Identify 5 ideas taught by John Calvin John Calvin published the Institutes of the Christian Religion in 1536 where he explained his religious beliefs and how to run a Protestant church.

1. salvation was gained through faith. 2. through predestination (God had determined who would gain salvation). 3. the world was divided into 2 kinds of people—saints & sinners. 4. people needed to live Christian lives in order to be saved. 5. the Bible was the only source of religious truth.


1540—the Pope recognized a new religious order The Society of Jesus is also called Jesuits Founded by Ignatius of Loyola, the Jesuit order combatted heresy and spread the Catholic faith Strict program for the Jesuits included: spiritual and oral discipline, rigorous religious training, and absolute obedience Jesuit missionaries spread Catholic faith to other lands

Council of Trent

1545—Council of Trent established the reform direction 20 years of meetings reaffirmed traditional Catholic views Salvation comes through faith and good works Said the Bible is not the only source (a major source of religious truth) Took steps to end abuses in the church Penalities to clergy for worldliness and corruption Established schools to educate the clergy

Why did persecution increase after the Reformation?

Both Catholics and Protestants did not have any tolerance for other beliefs. Catholics attacked and killed Protestants. Protestants killed Catholic priests and attacked their churches. Both Catholics and Protestants persecuted radical sects like the Anabaptists. Witch hunts became prevalent between 1450 and 1750 and thousands of men and women were killed. Many people believed in magic and spirits so they saw a link between magic and heresy. Also during this time of trouble, they looked for scapegoats and blamed other people such as beggars, widows, midwives and herbalists.

Miguel de Cervantes

Cervantes produced the best known work of Spanish Renaissance literature


Church court set up during the Middle Ages Pope Paul III strengthened the Inquisition Used testimony, torture, and execution to punish heresy Prepared the Index of Forbidden Books which is a list of works considered to be too immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read Forbidden Books included books by Luther and Calvin

What themes did Erasmus and More raise in their writings?

Desiderius Erasums and Thomas More were friends. Erasmus felt that an individual's duty was to be open-minded and have good will towards others. He was a priest and was disturbed by the corruption in the Church so he wanted reform. Eraasmus wrote In Praise of Folly which was a book that used humor to expose the ignorance and immoral behavior of the people of the day. His friend, More also wanted social reform. He wrote Utopia which described an ideal society in which men and women would live together in peace and harmony. No one would be idle, but instead would be educated. Justice would be used to end crime.

_____ allowed Jewish refugees to settle in the Netherlands annul ghetto Dutch Calvinists Anabaptists Jesuits

Dutch Calvinists

William Shakespeare

English poet and playwright Wrote 37 plays between 1590 and 1613 More than 1700 new vocab words came from Shakespeare's works (ex. Bedroom, lonely, generous, gloomy, heartsick, hurry, and sneak) Examples of his work: Twelfth night (comedy), Richard III (history), Romeo and Juliet (love and feud)

Why did Martin Luther gain wide-spread support?

He wrote 95 Theses which were arguments against the indulgences. He posted his 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg's All Saints Church. Then copies of his 95 Theses were printed and distributed across Europe and people begin debating about the issues he brought up. People began to agree with him and the Church wanted Luther to recant what he wrote. He would not and he called for reform

How rulers could gain and maintain power was the focus of The Prince, a book by Francesco Petrarch Filippo Brunelleschi Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli

Why might powerful rulers and wealthy business people choose to become patrons of the arts during the Renaissance?

Since the people considered the accomplishments of the individual to be the way to show success, it was important to become wealthy and powerful. They believed that their money should be used to show that they were wealthy and this could be done by commissioning artists and being a patron to them. As the artists produced art and architecture, they could display it and this added more to their power.

What conditions in Italy contributed to the emergence of the Renaissance?

The Renaissance started due to a renewed interest in ancient Roman empire. There were many things to look at from ancient Rome such as architecture, statues, coins, and inscriptions. City-states like Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa were prosperous trade and manufacturing areas. Rome and Naples were also part of the revival. The wealthy merchant class was very interested in culture and stressed education and achievements. A family called the Medici's were very rich and put much of their money into art by being a financial supporter.

Identify the concerns and attitudes emphasized during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a time of creativity and change.

The Renaissance was a time of creativity and change. People had an interest in classical learning of Greece and Rome. Renaissance thinkers focused on the "human experience" and individual achievement. The Renaissance ideal was the person who had multiple talents in many fields. There was also a spirit of adventure and curiosity.

Albrecht Durer

known as the "German Leonardo" he traveled to Italy in 1494 to study techniques of the Italian masters he made engravings to make prints portrayed religious upheaval his art spread Italian Renaissance ideas to his homeland

What factor, besides the plague, delayed the Renaissance in northern Europe? lack of patrons lack of economic growth lack of gifted artists and scholars lack of interest in learning

lack of economic growth

Calvin taught that only those who were saved could marry become priests live Christian lives have success in life

live Christian lives

Laughing in church and dancing were considered by Calvinists to be healthy outlets for young people immoral practices of Catholics allowable on special occasions offenses that warranted punishment

offenses that warranted punishment

What sort of religious policy did Elizabeth pursue during her reign? one of strict compliance with Catholic rituals one of compromise between Catholics and Protestants one that set Catholics and Protestants against each other one that led England into a religious war

one of compromise between Catholics and Protestants

Who formed a new audience for works of literature in the vernacular? the middle-class the scholar-gentry European monarchs peasants


To pay for Church projects, the clergy raised fees and sold indulgences waged wars traded with other nations taxed Roman citizens

raised fees and sold indulgences

What was one result of the Council of Trent? war with France excommunication of Luther abolishment of the Catholic Church reaffirmation of traditional views

reaffirmation of traditional views


studied the works of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and painted with a blended Christian and classical style most known for doing the Madonna, the mother of Jesus His painting "The School of Athen's" was a gathering of the great thinkers and scientists like: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and the Arab philosopher Averroes. He also included Michelangeo, Leonardo di Vinci and himself.

Renaissance architects favored the Gothic style Chines styles the Greek and Roman style medieval architecture

the Greek and Roman style

Which institution strengthened the Inquisition during the Reformation? Parliament the Church of England the Holy Roman emperor the Roman Catholic Church

the Roman Catholic Church

For what purpose did Sir Thomas More use his writings? to condemn Renaissance morals to praise the Church to call for social reforms to call for reforms in the Church

to call for social reforms

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