Ch 18, 19, 20 Western Civ

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Between about 1750 and 1850, however, illegitimacy soared. In some places _________ of all births were illegitimate.

Republic; National Convention; Girondins/Girondists; Conservative; Jacobins; Left

France was proclaimed a ________ in 1792 by the ________, which was split between the ________ who sat on the "right" and were politically ______ and the ________ who sat on the _______ and were radical liberals.


Further, the American Revolution proved possible the Enlightenment idea of ________. A better society had indeed been created in America.


Liberalism's modern roots are found in the ___________; the French philosophes were concerned about human dignity and human happiness. Their desire for legal equality and basic human rights in France was reflected in their writings and discussed in the salons of upper-class women.

Marquis de Lafayette

Many French soldiers like ___________ (1757 - 1834) served in America and were impressed by the ideals of the American Revolution.


Preceding Lent, the forty days of fasting and penitence before Easter in the Catholic tradition, _________ was a combination of religious celebration and popular recreation and gave common people a chance to release their frustrations and aggressions. Drinking, masquerading, dancing, parading, and cross-dressing were common during these few celebratory days in February and March. It is the predecessor of today's Mardi Gras celebrations.


Prior to 1750 in western and central Europe, _________ children were apparently a rarity.

Louis XVI; Estates General

Since his plan to tax was opposed, ________ (r. 1774 - 1792) was forced to call a meeting of the ________, the representative body of the three estates, which met at Versailles on May 5, 1789.


Since the French banking system could not cope with generations of fiscal problems, the monarch had no choice but to ____________ his subjects.


Some argue that the American Revolution (1775 - 1789) was a war for ___________ and not a revolution at all.


The American Revolution influenced the French Revolution, but the French Revolution was longer and much more ____________.

Baron de Montesque

The American Revolution, the subsequent framing of the United States Constitution, and the writing of the Bill of Rights had a tremendous impact on Europe. Europe marveled at the executive, judicial and legislative branches of the new American government which were designed to balance one another-- an idea adopted from the philosophe ___________.

Louis XVIII, Twice

The Bourbon dynasty was restored in France under ________ (r. 1814 - 1824) who gained the throne ________.


The British wanted the American colonists to pay their share of imperial expenses since American colonists paid very low ________.

Declaration of the Rights of Man

The National Assembly's ________ (August 27, 1789) guaranteed the sovereignty of the French people, the liberty of each individual, legal equality, and representative government.


The ________ family, not the extended family, was most common in preindustrial western and central Europe.

Declaration of Independence; Thomas Jefferson; Second Continental Congress

The ________(adopted July 4, 1776) was written by ________ (1743 - 1826) and was passed by the _______.

Sans-culottes,Maximilien Robespierre, Committee of Public Safety,

The ________, or men who wore long pants, were impoverished urban laborers who allied with the Mountain and helped ________ (1758 - 1794) and the _______ gain power.

Second Estate

The ________, the aristocracy (including the monarchs), also had privileges, wealth, and power, and it was allowed to tax the peasants.

Third Estate

The ________, the bourgeoisie and commoners, was a mixture of rich middle class professionals, urban workers, and the peasants; they were overburdened by taxes.


The conquest of _________ through inoculation (vaccination) was the greatest medical triumph of the eighteenth century because 80% of Europe's population had been stricken by this disease at some point in their lives.

Meat and Wine

The diet of the rich, however, was "rich" in ________ and they spurned fruits and vegetables. The rich often spent five or more hours "at table" eating dinner.

Seating/Voting; National Assembly; Tennis Court Oath; Constitution

The dispute over _______ in the Estates General led the third estate to break away and form the ________, which pledged in the ________ not to disband until they had written a new ________.


The first estate, the ________, had many privileges and much wealth, and was allowed to levy an oppressive tithe (tax) on landowners.


The impoverished women of Paris marched on Versailles on October 5, 1789 and forced the royal family (the government) to move to the ____________ palace in Paris so that the revolutionaries could watch the royal family more closely.

Taxation Without Representation

The issue of ________ ultimately led to war between "mother England" and the American colonists.


The life span of Europeans increased from 25 years to _________ years between 1700 and 1800, partly because diet improved and plagues disappeared.


The middle class wrote another constitution to protect their power and the ________ (1795 - 1799), a five-man executive body was established, but they soon became oppressive, too.

Thomas Paine

The radical ideas of ________(1737 - 1809), expressed in his best-selling Common Sense (1775), swayed public opinion in the colonies in favor of independence.

Wet Nurses

middle and upper-class women hired ________. In some rural cottages, women nursed babies rather than produce textiles or cloth.


About _______ people were jailed or executed as "enemies of the Revolution."


According to Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyés (1748 - 1836) in What is the Third Estate? (1789), the third estate constituted the true ____________ of the French nation.

Great Force

Across France, peasants rose up against their lords and a ___________ swept through the countryside.

1) Cities become overcrowded because housing developments did not keep pace with the influx of people 2) Disease arose when the cities became overcrowded 3) Pollution occurred when factories polluted the air and waterways with industrial waste 4) Women and children's labor - all members of the family, including children under the age of 10, were put to work in factories. Most repetitive, crippling, and lowest paying jobs 5) Low wages - factory owners horded profits and kept wages deliberately low because they felt that poor workers would work harder

Describe and explain five specific reasons why the Industrial Revolution can be regarded as a disaster for the working classes who lived and worked through it.

1) Middle class men and farmers earned voting rights in this period. 2) Middle class men and farmers received opportunities in technical education. 3) Technological advances and standardization of goods developed.

Describe and explain three reasons why some historians regard the Industrial Revolution as a blessing.


Early marriage was not common prior to 1750, and many ________ never married at all.


European aid, especially from _________contributed greatly to the victory of the American colonists in 1783.

Declaration of Pillnitz; Austria and Russia; Montagnards/Mountain

Fear among European kings and nobility that the revolution would spread outside of France resulted in the ________ (1791), which threatened invasion of France by _______. In retaliation, the _______ declared war on Austria in 1792.

Thermiderean/Thermiderien Reaction

Fear of the Reign of Terror led to Robespierre's execution by guillotine on July 28, 1794. The period of the ________ which followed Robespierre's death was marked by a return to bourgeoisie liberalism.


For some people, particularly in Ireland, the _________ replaced grain as the primary food in the eighteenth century.

Factory Act - limited the factory workday for children 9-13 to 8 hours a day and 14-18 year olds to 12 hours. Mines Act - prohibited underground work for all women and for boys under 10 Ten Hours Act - limited hours to be worked by women and children in factories to 10 hours a day Repealed Combination Acts - outlawed unions and strikes but these acts were repealed by Parliament in 1824

How did each of the following legislative acts in Great Britain improve conditions for factory workers? · The Factory Act of 1833 · The Mines Act of 1842 · The Ten Hours Act of 1847 · The 1824 Repealed Combination Acts (1799)


In a typical English village, prior to 1750, women and men married at the age of _________.

Bastille; July 14, 1789

In response, Louis XVI assembled an army. Fearing an attack by the king's army was imminent, angry peasants stormed the ________ on _______ (now celebrated as French Independence Day) and seized control of it, forcing the king to recall his troops.

Bullbaiting and Cockfighting

In the eighteenth century, leisure activities tended to become more commercialized, including profit-oriented spectator sports. For example, blood-sports like _________ were popular.


In the eighteenth century, the word ___________ meant equal rights and equality of opportunity. Liberals, however, did not extend equal rights to women. Nor did they believe in economic equality.


In the eighteenth century, the word ____________ meant human rights, human freedoms, and sovereignty or power of the people.

Premarital Sex

In western and central Europe, ________ was common, but marriage usually followed.

Great Britain, Dependent States, Allied

Only ________ remained at war with Napoleon at the height of the Grand Empire. Some countries like Spain were ________ states. While others like Sweden and Russia were ________ of Napoleon.

Edmund Burke

Outside France, liberals and radicals hoped that the French Revolution would lead to a reordering of society everywhere, but conservatives like ____________ (1729 - 1797) in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) predicted it would lead to chaos and tyranny.


Parents and doctors were generally _________ to children, who were often neglected and treated brutally. Parents were reluctant to form emotional attachments to their young children because of high infant mortality rates. The Enlightened philosophes, like Rousseau, encouraged more humane and tender treatment of children.

National Assembly; Legislative Assembly; National Convention; Directory; Consulate

Place the following revolutionary governments in chronological order from earliest to latest: National Convention, Consulate, Legislative Assembly, National Assembly, Directory.


Thus, the National Assembly established a ________ monarchy for France and passed major reforms.

Reign of Terror;

Under Robespierre, the ________ (1793 - 1794) was instituted to eliminate opposition to the French Revolution.

Great changes took place in the lives and the work of the 18th and 19th century Europeans. These changes and the period in which they occurred are known as the Industrial Revolution. 1) Movement of peoples from rural communities to urban industrial centers. 2) Introduction of the factory system 3) Increased mechanism or reliance on machinery to do the work once performed by people 4) Inventions that revolutionized the manufacturing of textile and transportation.

What does the term "Industrial Revolution" mean? What are its four main characteristics?

Belgium, U.S.A.

Which European country was the second to industrialize? Which non-European nation was the world's leading industrial power by the turn of the twentieth century?

Great Britain. 1) England was blessed with "inventive spirits". The most notable inventions of the period were developed by English inventors. 2) England was blessed with an abundance of coal and iron, the natural resources essential to industrialization. 3) England had more overseas colonies than any other European nation. These colonies provided English factories with raw materials and ready markets.

Which country was the first to industrialize in Europe? Describe and explain at least three reasons why the Industrial Revolution began there.

Infant Mortality, Breast-fed

____ was very high; infants often died from diarrhea, dehydration, and infectious diseases. _______ infants were more likely to survive than infants who were fed artificial foods.

Mary Wollstonecraft; Vindication of the Rights of Women

_______ (1759 - 1797) challenged Burke in _______ (1792) arguing that it was time for women to demand equal rights.

Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Code Concordat Civil Code Grand Great Britain Russia Fourth Coalition Abdicate 100 days Waterloo St. Helena

________ (1769 - 1821) appealed to many, who desired a strong military leader to completely and finally end the upheaval in France. He was named First Consul in 1799 and proclaimed himself emperor in 1804. His _______ of 1804 granted legal equality to all males and the right to own property to the middle class, and it safeguarded the gains of peasants. His _______ of 1801 guaranteed freedom of worship to Catholics and his _______ (1804) reestablished the power of the male in the family. He introduced French laws and heavy taxes throughout his _______empire, which included all of continental Europe except for _______. His invasion of _______ in 1812 was a disaster. He lost over 500,000 men there. He was defeated by the ________ (Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain) and was forced to _______ his throne in 1814. He was exiled to Elba but escaped and returned to rule France for _______ before being defeated again at _______ on June 18, 1815. He was sentenced to ______ where he died in 1821.

Louis XVI; Treason

________ (r. 1774 - 1792) was tried and convicted of _______ by the National Convention and was guillotined on January 21, 1793. The Convention then declared "war against tyranny" on most of Europe and guillotined Queen Marie Antoinette on October 16, 1793.

Vegetables; Milk and Meat

________ were important in the diet of the poor; ________ were rarely eaten.


_________ sold drugs that were often harmful to their patients. While some drugs worked, too much reliance was placed on purging the bowels. Physicians frequently "bled" or "purged" their patients to death!


_________ was used as a form of population control. However, abortion was illegal, rare, and dangerous.

Foundling Homes

_________ were established but could not care for all the abandoned babies. Some housed as many as 25,000 children.


____________ demanded that citizens' rights be limited only to assure the rights of other citizens.


_____________ was denied the French throne.

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