ch 18 - 22

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___ law is a gas law that states that the absolute pressure of a given quantity of a gas varies directly with its absolute temperature provided the volume remains constant.

Gay Lussac's

When gas flow is being measured, the measuring instrument must be mounted ___ the flow element.


___ meters are common types of modified rotameters.

all of the above (Purge, Bypass, Shaped-float and orifice)

A rotameter switch is a flow switch with a ___.

all of the above (shaped float, fixed orifice, magnet)

Bernoulli determined that ___ was present at any point in a closed pipe.

all of the above (static head due to applied pressure, static head due to elevation, velocity head)

A(n) ___ is a pipeline restriction that causes a pressure drop used to measure flow.

all of the above (venturi tube, orifice plate, flow nozzle)

The detectors for Coriolis meters consist of a(n) ___ mounted on each tubing section at the points of maximum motion.

magnet and coil

A ___ meter is a flowmeter consisting of a stainless steel tube lined with nonconductive material, with two electrical coils mounted on the tube like a saddle.


A streamline is a line that shows the direction and ___ of smooth flow at every point across a pipe profile.


A(n) ___ rotameter consists of a tapered metal tube and a rod-guided float.

metal-tube tapered

A(n) ___ meter is a flowmeter consisting of a straight tube and a tapered cone with an indicator that moves up and down the cone with changes in flow.

metering cone

A(n) ___ is a primary flow element consisting of a thin circular metal plate with a sharp-edged round hole in it and a tab that protrudes from the flanges.

orifice plate

Differential pressure connections are typically made ith flange, vena contracta, and ___ taps.


A(n) ___ rotameter consists of a clear plastic tube that allows visual observation of flow rate.

plastic tube

A ___ is a small metal or plastic rotameter with an adjustable valve at the inlet or outlet of the meter to control the flow rate of the purge fluid.

purge meter

___ is the ratio of maximum flow to minimum measurable flow at a desired measurement accuracy.


A pressure difference is created when a fluid passes through a(n) ___ in a pipe.


A(n) ___ is a variable-area flowmeter consisting of a tapered tube and a float with a fixed diameter.


A(n) ___ meter is a positive-displacement flowmeter for liquids where liquid flows through chambers, causing a disk to rotate and wobble.

rotating disc

A ___ meter is a flowmeter consisting of an orifice as part of the float assembly that acts as a guide.

shaped-float and orifice

A(n) ___ meter is a positive-displacement flowmeter where fluid fills a chamber formed by sliding vanes mounted on a common hub rotated by the fluid.

sliding vane

A(n) ___ is a pressure connection


A(n) ___ switch is a flow switch consisting of a heated temperature sensor.


A ___ ultrasonic meter is a meter consisting of two sets of transmitting and receiving crystals, one set aimed diagonally upstream and the other aimed diagonally downstream.

transit time

A(n) ___ is a mechanical flowmeter consisting of turbine blades mounted on a wheel that measure the velocity of a liquid stream by counting the pulses produced by the blades as they pass an electromagnetic pickup.

turbine meter

The ___ ratio is the ratio of maximum measurable value to minimum measurable value that can still produce full-scale output.


With a vortex shedding meter, the frequency that the vortices are released from the bluff body can be measured with ___.

ultrasonic sensors

A(n) ___ flowmeter maintains a constant differential pressure and allows the flow area to change with flow rate.

variable area

Standard conditions are an accepted set of temperature and pressure conditions used as a basis for measurement.


The type of fluid is the most important characteristic of a fluid that affects flow.


The vena contracta is the point of lowest pressure and highest velocity downstream from a primary flow element.


___ viscosity is the resistance to flow of a fluid and has units of centipoise (cp).


___ flow is smooth fluid flow that has a flow profile that is parabolic in shape, and there is no mixing between the streamlines.


The ___ equation states that the sum of the heads of an enclosed flowing fluid is the same at any two locations.


___ law is a gas law that states that the volume of a given quantity of gas varies directly with its absolute temperature provided the pressure remains constant.


A(n) ___ meter is a mass flowmeter consisting of specially formed tubing that is oscillated at a right angle to the flowing mass of fluid.


A differential pressure flowmeter maintains a variable flow area and measures absolute pressure.


A mass flowmeter is an electronic flowmeter that uses the principle of sound transmission in liquids.


A thermal mass meter is an ultrasonic flowmeter consisting of two sets of transmitting and receiving crystals and a cooling element that measures the heat loss to the fluid mass.


An ultrasonic flowmeter measures the actual mass of a flowing fluid.


Density is the pressure and temperature of a gas or vapor at the point of measurement.


Smooth flow is fluid flow in which the flow profile is a flattened parabola, the streamlines are not present, and the fluid is freely intermixing.


When liquid flow is measured, the presence of air bubbles in the impulse lines improves the measurement accuracy.


___ is the quantity of fluid passing a point at a particular moment.

Flow rate

___ viscosity is the ratio of absolute viscosity to fluid density and has units of centistokes (cS).


A ___ is a special form of open-channel flow element that requires much less channel elevation change than a standard weir.

Parshall flume

A(n) ___ is a flow element consisting of a small bent tube with a nozzle opening facing into the flow.

Pilot tube

The ___ number is the ratio between the inertial forces moving a fluid and viscous forces resisting that movement, and describes the nature of the fluid flow.


___ is a ratio of the density of a fluid to the density of a reference fluid.

Specific gravity

Manufacturers of rotameters provide capacity tables listing the float and tube for specified flow.


Pressure-sensing taps are located in a piping a fixed distance upstream and down-stream of a flow nozzle.


Rotameters consist of a float that moves in a tapered tube.


___ is the quantity of fluid that passes a point during a specific time interval.

Total flow

A blocking valve is a valve used at a differential measuring instrument to equalize high- and low-pressure sides of the differential instrument.


A compressible fluid is a fluid where the volume and density change when the fluid is subjected to a change in pressure.


A flow profile is a representation of the velocity of a fluid at different points across a pipe or duct.


A low-loss flow tube is a primary flow element consisting of an aerodynamic internal cross section with the low-pressure connection at the throat.


A rotameter can only provide correct flow rates for compressible gases and vapors when flowing conditions are the same as design conditions.


A vortex shedding meter is a flowmeter consisting of a pipe section with a symmetrical vertical bluff body (a partial dam) across the flowing stream.


Flow measurement is only accurate as long as the flowing conditions remain the same as when the system was designed.


A(n) ___ is a primary flow element consisting of a fabricated pipe section with a converging inlet section, a straight throat, and a diverging outlet section.

Venturi tube

A(n) ___ pitot tube is a pitot tube consisting of a tube with several impact openings inserted through the wall of the pipe or duct and extending across the entire flow profile.


When steam flow is being measured, the measuring instrument must be mounted ___ the flow element.


When steam flow is measured, the measuring instrument must be located ___ the flow element.


A ___ switch is a flow switch consisting of a thin, flexible piece of metal inserted into a pipeline.


A(n) ___ valve is used at a differential pressure measuring instrument to provide a convenient location to isolate the instrument from the impulse, equalizing, or venting lines and to provide a way to equalize the high- and low-pressure sides of the differential pressure instrument.


___ law is a gas law that states that the absolute pressure of a given quantity of gas varies inversely with its volume provided the temperature remains constant.


A(n) ___ meter is a combination of a rotameter and an orifice plate used to measure flow rates through large pipes.


A Coriolis meter can also calculate ___ since the mass is measured and the volume is known.


___ is mass per unit volume.


If the absolute pressure on a gas is doubled while the temperature is held constant, the volume of the gas is ___.


A(n) ___ switch is a flow switch consisting of a pair of pressure-sensing elements and an adjustable spring that can be set at a specific value to operate an output switch.

differential pressure

An orifice flowmeter maintains a constant differential pressure and allows area to change with flow rate.


A(n) ___ is a primary flow element consisting of a restriction shaped like a curved funnel that allows a little more flow than other primary flow elements and reduces the straight run pip requirements.

flow nozzle

A(n) ___ is a material that flows and takes the shape of its container.


A(n) ___ rotameter consists of a clear glass tube to allow visual observation of the flow rate.

glass tube

___ is a force that acts on the float of a rotameter.


A(n) ___ is the tubing or piping connection that connects flowmeter taps to any differential pressure instruments.

impulse line

A(n) ___ is the tubing or piping connection that connects the flowmeter taps to any of the differential pressure instruments.

impulse line

A(n) ___ fluid is a fluid where there is very little change in volume when the fluid is subjected to a change in pressure.


A(n) ___ is a calculating device that totalizes the amount of flow during a specified time period.


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