Ch. 18

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

The fastest seismic wave is the A. P-wave B. S-wave C. P- and s-waves are equally fast D. Surface wave

A. P-wave

The asthenosphere is NOT defined as A. Rigid B. Plastic C. Mobile D. Elastic

A. Rigid

Studies of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge provided evidence of A. Seafloor spreading B. Seafloor closing C. Ancient shipwrecks D. Early humans

A. Seafloor spreading

A vibration that moves through any part of Earth is called a A. Seismic wave B. Gamma wave C. Z-wave D. Radio wave

A. Seismic wave

Primary information about the nature of the core is provided by A. Seismological data B. Meteorite studies C. Debris ejected from volcanoes D. Samples obtained from drilling

A. Seismological data

Islands that form when melted subducted material rises through the plates above sea level are called A. Pacific islands B. Arc islands C. Convergence islands D. Plate islands

B. Arc islands

A famous transform boundary in the United States is the A. Rocky Mountains fault B. Mississippi fault C. San Andreas fault D. San Jose fault

C. San Andreas fault

Earth's mantle has a chemical composition that agrees closely with the composition of A. Basalt B. Iron and nickel C. Granite D. Gneiss

A. Basalt

The idea of seafloor spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was supported by evidence from A. Changes in magnetic patterns and ages of rocks moving away from the ridge B. Faulting and volcanoes on the continents C. The observations that there was no relationship between one continent and another D. All of the above are correct

A. Changes in magnetic pattern and ages of rocks moving away from the ridge

The least dense ricks are found in A. Continental crust B. Oceanic crust C. Neither, since both are the same density

A. Continental crust

The oldest rocks are found in A. Continental crust B. Oceanic crust C. Neither, since both are the same age

A. Continental crust

The three main areas of Earth's interior are A. Core, mantle, and crust B. Core, secondary layer, and surface C. Nucleus, mantle, and crust D. Core, mantle, and shell

A. Core, mantle, and crust

The plate boundary associated with the formation of new crust is called A. Divergent B. Convergent C. Transform D. None of the above is correct

A. Divergent

Records of the strength and directions of Earth's magnetic field are found in A. Igneous rocks B. Meteorites C. Sedimentary rocks D. Minerals

A. Igneous rocks

The core of Earth is composed of A. Iron and nickel B. Silicon and oxygen C. Iron and lead D. Nickel and copper

A. Iron and nickel

From seismological data, Earth's shadow zone indicates that part of Earth's interior must be A. Liquid B. Solid throughout C. Plastic D. Hollow

A. Liquid

The presence of an oceanic trench with shallow earthquakes and island arcs with deep-seated earthquakes is characteristic of an A. Ocean-ocean plate convergence B. Ocean-continental plate convergence C. Continent-continent plate convergence D. None of the above are correct

A. Ocean-ocean plate convergence

Transform boundaries occur when A. Two plates slide by each other without the formation or loss of crust B. Two plates come together and "transform" each other. C. One plate slides under another plate D. Ridges are formed

A. Two plates slide by each other without the formation or loss of crust

The surface of early planets in our solar system were thought to be formed from A. Melting by the sun B. Bombardment by dust and debris remaining from initial planet formation C. Nuclear decay processes D. Volcanic eruptions

B. Bombardment by dust and debris remaining from initial planet formation

The name of the single large continent suggested by Wegener is A. Pan-continental B. Atlantis C. Pangaea D. Asia Major

C. Pangaea

Long, deep, and narrow oceanic trenches are located A. In the middle of oceanic ridges B. On either side if the oceanic ridges C. Parallel to the edges of continents D. Perpendicular to the edges of continents

C. Parallel to the edges of continents

The movement of one plate under another plate creates a A. Divergent boundary B. Ridge C. Subduction zone D. Boundary zone

C. Subduction zone

The seismic waves that cause the most damage during an earthquake are A. P-waves B. S-waves C. Surface waves D. P- and S-waves

C. Surface waves

The oceanic crust is A. Thicker than the continental crust B. Found under the continental crust C. Thinner than the continental crust D. The same in its properties as the continental crust

C. Thinner than the continental crust

Evidence that supports seafloor spreading does NOT include the A. Earthquakes occurring along the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge B. Presence of rift along the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge C. Younger sediments near the continents D. Discovery of identical magnetic patterns in rocks on both sides of the ridge

C. Younger sediments near the continents

The Mohorovicic discontinuity is a change in seismic wave velocity that is believed to take place because of A. Structural changes in minerals of the same composition B. Changes in the composition on both sides of the boundary C. A shift in the density of minerals of the same composition D. Changes in the temperature with depth

B. Changes in the composition on both sides of the boundary

What is the current theory about why the plates move? A. Plates follow the rotation of Earth B. Convective cells move from the core to the lithosphere C. Gravity D. Conduction cells move from the core to the lithosphere

B. Convective cells move from the core to the lithosphere

Earth's magnetic field is thought to be generated by A. Seismic waves throughout Earth B. Electrical currents in the core C. Electrical currents in the crust D. Electrical currents in the asthenosphere

B. Electrical current in the core

The early Earth's core is thought to have formed from the A. Exterior melting from radioactive decay B. Gravitational pull of heavier materials to the center of Earth C. Exterior melting from fusion reactions D. Interior melting from lava

B. Gravitational pull of heavier materials to the center of Earth

The layer that is broken up into plates that move in the upper mantle is the A. Crust B. Lithosphere C. Upper mantle D. Asthenosphere

B. Lithosphere

The middle part of Earth's interior is A. Oceanic crust B. Mantle C. Inner crust D. Outer core

B. Mantle

The chain of mountains found in the center of the Atlantic Ocean basin is called the A. Atlantic Mountains B. Mid-Atlantic Ridge C. Continental Ridge D. Icelandic Ridge

B. Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Which type of plate boundary was responsible for the formation of the Japanese Islands? A. Divergent B. Ocean to ocean convergence C. Continental to continental convergence D. Transform

B. Ocean to ocean convergence

The presence of an oceanic trench, a chain of volcanic mountains along the continental edge, and deep-seated earthquakes is characteristics of an A. Ocean-ocean plate convergence B. Ocean-continent plate convergence C. Continent-continent plate convergence D. None of the above are correct

B. Ocean-continent plate convergence

The theory that the lithosphere is composed of several rigid plates that "float" in the asthenosphere is called A. Continental drift B. Plate tectonics C. Plate boundaries D. Continental tectonics

B. Plate tectonics

Seismic waves that do not travel through liquid are A. P-waves B. S-waves C. Both P- and S-waves D. Surface waves

B. S-waves

The mantle is composed of A. Sulfides B. Silicates C. Clay minerals D. Oxides

B. Silicates

Waves that occur where S- or P-waves reach the surface are A. Secondary waves B. Surface waves C. T-waves D. Minor waves

B. Surface waves

A geologic feature that was produced by divergent boundaries is A. The Alps B. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge C. The Marianas Trench D. Japan

B. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge

The evidence that Earth's core is part liquid or acts as a liquid comes from A. The P-waves shadow zone B. The S-wave shadow zone C. Meteorites D. All of the above are correct

B. The S-wave shadow zone

The S-wave is a A. Longitudinal wave B. Transverse wave C. Radio wave D. Surface wave

B. Transverse wave

Which type of plate boundary accounts for the formation of the Appalachian Mountains? A. Divergent B. Ocean to continental convergence C. Continental to continental convergence D. Transform

C. Continental to continental convergence

The separation of materials that gave Earth its layered interior is called A. Stratification B. Separation C. Differentiation D. Partition

C. Differentiation

According to the plate tectonics theory, seafloor spreading takes place at a A. Convergent boundary B. Subduction zone C. Divergent boundary D. Transform boundary

C. Divergent boundary

Seismological studies suggests that the core A. Is solid B. Is liquid C. Has a liquid outer core and solid inner core D. Has a solid outer core and liquid inner core

C. Has a liquid outer core and solid inner core

Plate movement is measured by A. Reflected laser light experiments B. Age of sediments and fossils C. Analysis of magnetic patterns in rocks D. All of the above are correct

D. All of the above are correct

The layer in Earth where seismic waves sharply decrease in velocity is called the A. Crust B. Mantle C. Lithosphere D. Asthenosphere

D. Asthenosphere

The boundary between the crust and the mantle is called A. Crust-to-mantle discontinuity B. Continental-to-oceanic discontinuity C. Litho discontinuity D. Moho discontinuity

D. Moho discontinuity

Evidence from meteorite studies proposes that the core is composed of A. Nickel B. Iron C. Lead and iron D. Nickel and iron

D. Nickel and iron

Indirect evidence that supports the theory of how Earth formed is not supported by the study of A. Vibrations in Earth B. Earth's magnetic field C. Heat flow D. Samples from Earth's core

D. Samples from Earth's core

Information about the composition and nature of the mantle does NOT come from A. Seismological data B. Meteorite studies C. Debris ejected from volcanoes D. Samples obtained from drilling

D. Samples obtained from drilling

The ongoing occurrences of earthquakes without seafloor spreading, oceanic trenches, or volcanoes is most characteristic of a A. Convergent boundary between plates B. Subduction zone C. Divergent boundary between plates D. Transform boundary between plates

D. Transform boundary between plates

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