ch 18 mcgraw

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The cost of caring for older adults with mental health disorders is estimated to be more than _____ per year in the United States.

$40 billion

what 5 drugs have been approved by US FDA for alzheimer

-aricept (donepezil) -razadyne (galantamine) -exelon (rivastigmine) ^^^ these 3 are cholinesterase inhibitors designed to improve memory & other cognitive functions -namenda (memantine): regulates the activity of glutamate (processing info) -namzatric (combo of memantine & donepezil): designed to improve cognition & overall mental ability`

gender differences in depression among older adults likely reflect which 2 factors for women

-having lower incomes -having one or more chronic illnesses

3 living arrangements for an increased risk for depression

-living alone -in a nursing home -in an institutionalized setting

___ in ____ individuals 65+ has alzheimer

1 in 10

in regard to retirement income, the 2 main worries of individuals as they approach retirement are

1. having to draw retirement income from savings 2. paying for health-care expenses

4 findings with wisdom by baltes

1. high levels of wisdom are rare 2. the time frame of late adolescence & early adulthood is the main age window for wisdom to emerge 3. factors other than age are critical for wisdom to develop to a high level 4. personality-related factors (openness to experience, generativity, & creativity) are better predictors of wisdom than cognitive factors like intelligence

2 aspects of working memory that esp. decline in older adults

1. updating memory representations that are relevant for the task at hand 2. replacing old, no longer relevant info

on average, today's workers will spend ___-____% of their lives in retirement


about ____-___% of people 65+ have MCI


the average # of yrs spent in retirement by americans is __ yrs


in 2017, ___% of US 65-69 yrs old were in the workforce


___% of US workers retire earlier than they planned


combos of medications & psychotherapy produce significant improvement in almost ___ out of ___ older adults with depression

4 out of 5

highest suicide rates accords in which age range

45-64 yr olds

older adults who had moderate to severe depression were ___ times more likely to engage in suicidal ideation than their counterparts who had minimal to mild depressive symptoms


in 2019, ____ million Americans were living with alzheimer & is projected to rise to nearly 14 million by 2050


in 2017, in the US, the average age of retirement was ___ for men & ___ for women

64; 62

alzheimer is the ___ leading cause of death


approx. __ million retired americans return to work after they have retired when retired adults return to the labor force, it occurs on average ___ yrs after retirement

7 4

____% of older adults with depressive symptoms receive no treatment at all


____ gene is the strongest genetic predictor of late onset alzheimer


_____ are less effective with older adults than younger adults


term: extended verbal expression in speech or writing


(selective/divided/sustained/executive) attention: involves concentrating on more than 1 activity at the same time. -when the 2 competing tasks are reasonably easy, age differences among adults are minimal or nonexistant -the more difficult the competing tasks are, the less effectively older adults divide attention compared with younger adults


____ is a neurotransmitter that is necessary for normal brain functioning


what 3 things are important influences on the cognitive functioning of older adults

education work health

what is more effective in treating older adults' depression than antidepressants

electroconvulsive treatment (ECT)

____ is often overlooked as a risk factor for depression in older adults


2 things that were linked to declining memory in older adults

less effective attention processing speed

____ _____ is a mood disorder in which the individual is deeply unhappy, demoralized, self-derogatory, & bored person does not feel well, loses stamina easily, has a poor appetite, & is listless & unmotivated "common cold"

major depression

cognitive (mechanics/pragmatics) are the "hardware" of the mind & reflect the neurophysiological architecture of the brain that was developed through evolution -components: -speed & accuracy of the processes involved in sensory input -attention -visual & motor memory -discrimination -comparison -categorization -likely to decline with age; may begin as soon as early midlife strong influence of bio, hereditary, health


____ bump: adults remember more events from the 2nd & 3rd decades of their lives than from other decades


____ care: services that provide temporary relief for those who are caring for individuals with disabilities, illnesses, or elderly has been developed to help people who have to meet the day to day needs of alzheimer patients


____ involves the use of complementary neural circuits to protect cognitive functioning in an aging brain Denise park & Patrica reuter-lorenz


(selective/divided/sustained/executive) attention: involves focusing on a specific aspect of experience that is relevant while ignoring others that are irrelevant ex: ability to focus on 1 voice among many in a crowded room -older adults are less adept at this attention than younger adults are


(episodic/semantic) memory a person's knowledge about the world -it includes a person's field of expertise like knowledge of chess for a skilled player -or general academic knowledges learned in school this memory appears to be independent of an individual's personal identity with the past


true or false compared to non-latino whites, twice as many older african americans & 1.5 times as many latinos have alzheimer


true or false effectiveness of brain games has often been exaggerated & the research evidence for Many success claims is often weak or unfounded


true or false it was founded that high-intensity aerobic training was more effective than moderate-intensity aerobic training or resistance training in improving older adults' processing speed


true or false memory decline occurs primarily in explicit, episodic, & working memory, not in semantic or implicit


true or false more active & physically fit adults are better able to allocate attention when interacting with the environment


true or false the main treat for parkinson involves administering drugs that enhance the effect of dopamine


___ it or ___ it changes in cognitive activity patterns might result in disuse & consequent atrophy of cognitive skills

use it or lose it

when does oxidative stress occur

when body's antioxidant defenses don't cope with free radical attacks & oxidation in body

what country has the oldest average retirement age: 72 for men & 73 for women


the older adult most likely to commit suicide is....

a male who lives alone, has lost his spouse, & is experiencing failing health

_____ disease: a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, & eventually, physical function


alzheimer deterioration is characterized by the formation of ____ ___ (dense deposits of protein that accumulate in blood vessels) & ___ ___ (twisted fibers that build up in neurons)

amyloid plaques; neurofibrillary tangles

depression in older adults is more likely to be ___ (higher rate of relapse) which is likely linked to higher rates of medical problems in older adults


2 factors that can strengthen brain scaffolding

cognitive engagement & exercise

3 factors that most likely to contribute to the decline in fluid mechanics in late adulthood

declines in processing speed & working memory capacity reduced effectiveness in suppressing irrelevant info (inhibition)

another treatment for advanced parkinson is ____ ___ ___ which involves implantation of electrodes within the brain

deep brain stimulation

a slowing of processing speed is linked to the emergence of ____ over the next 6 yrs


which disorder: global term for several neurological disorders involving an irreversible decline in mental function severe enough to interfere with daily life -alzheimer accounts for 60-80% of this -2nd most is vascular ____


(episodic/semantic) memory the retention of info about the details of life's happenings ex: what was ur 1st date like -what did u eat for breakfast this morning


(episodic/semantic) memory usually declines more in older adults


autobiographical memories are stored as (episodic/semantic) memory


(selective/divided/sustained/executive) attention: involves planning actions, allocating attention to goals, detecting & compensating for errors, monitoring progress on tasks, & dealing with novel or difficult situations -older adults had deficiencies in this attention -lower level of this attention is linked to low blood pressure -training of this attention improved the selective & divided attention


(explicit/implicit) memory memory pf facts & experiences that individuals consciously know & can state also called declarative memory ex: being at the store & remembering what you need to buy


episodic & semantic memory are viewed as forms of (implicit/explicit) memory


slow processing speed predicted an increase in older adults' ____


4 reasons older adults continued working beyond retirement age

financial status health knowledge purpose in life

the similarity is so strong that some experts now describe cognitive aging patterns in terms of ____ mechanics & _____ pragmatics

fluid; crystallized

what country has the earliest average retirement age: 60 for men & 61 for women


in only what 3 countries did a higher % of individuals expect to take early retirement than in the past

germnay south korea hong kong

____ ___ was linked with improvements in some aspects of attention in older adults & that consuming omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (___ oil) was related to reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline

ginkgo biloba; fish

(explicit/implicit) memory memory without conscious recollection; it involves skills & routine procedures that are performed automatically ex: driving a car


(explicit/implicit) memory is less likely to be adversely affected by aging


processing speed (increases/decreases) through the childhood & adolescent yrs, beings to (increase/decline) at some point during the latter part of early adulthood & then continues to (increase/decline) through the remainder of the adult yrs

increase decline decline

____ ___ ____ represents a potential transitional state between the cognitive changes of normal aging & very early stages of alzheimer disease & other dementias

mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

term: involves being alert, mentally present, & cognitively flexible while going through life's everyday activities & tasks


the field of cognitive ____ has emerged as the major discipline that explores the links between brain activity & cognitive functioning


____ disease: a chronic, progressive disease characterized by muscle tremors, slowing of movement, & a partial facial paralysis triggered by degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain


cognitive (mechanics/pragmatics) are the culture-based "software programs" of the mind -includes: *reading & writing skills *language comprehension *educational qualifications *professional skills *self-understanding & life skills that help us master/cope challenges -possible for them to continue improving into old age strong influence of culture


2 best predictors of living longer

processing speed health status

___ memory involves remembering to do something in the future such as remembering to take your medicine or remembering to do an errand -also referred to as remembering to remember -this memory is impaired in individuals with mild alzheimer disease


____ memory ability to remember where one learned something ex: older adult forgets who told a joke & retells it to the source self-referenced encoding improves this memory


(selective/divided/sustained/executive) attention: focused & extended engagement with an object, task, event, or some other aspect of the environment -also referred to as vigilance -simple vigilance= older adults perform as well as younger adults -complex vigilance= older adults' performance drops


multitasking video games that simulates day to day driving experiences (neuroracer) improved cognitive skills such as ___ attention & ___ memory after training on the video games & 6 months later

sustained; working

neurofibrillary tangles consist mainly of a protein called ___


____ decline: this concept emphasizes that changes in cognitive functioning may be linked more to distance from death or cognition-related pathology than distance from birth


___ of the ____ phenomenon individuals can't quite retrieve familiar info but have the feeling that they should be able to retrieve it

tip of the tongue

term: expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgment about important matters


2/3 of those with Alzheimers in US are (men/women)


the increased % of older adults who continue to work has occurred more for (men/women)


____ memory closely linked to short-term memory but places more emphasis on memory as a place for mental work like a mental "workbench" that allows children & adults to manipulate & assemble info when making decisions, solving problems, & comprehending written & spoken language -continues to decline from 65-89 yrs old


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