Ch 19

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Which of the following blood count values would signify anemia

3.5 million RBCs

You are caring for an adult patient who weighs 48kg. Her appropriate blood volume would be


Each hemoglobin molecule contains

4 iron atoms

The average lifespan of a RBC is

4 months (120 days)

A typical adult hematocrit is


Formed elements make up what percentage of blood


The total volume of blood in the body of a 76 kg man is approx. _____ Liters


Plasma composes about __% and water composes __% of the plasma volume


People with type AB blood universal recipient because their blood lack

A or B agglutinins

Which of the following is true of basophils?

ALL ANSWERS: 1% of WBCs granules contain heparin granules contain histamine attract other defense cells

An infected wound typically contains

ALL ANSWERS: dead neutrophils cellular debris tissue fluids pus

When a person who lives at sea level vacations in the Rocky Mtns, you would expect

ALL ANSWERS: drop in oxygen levels release of erythropoietin rise in hematocrit increase in RBC production

The yellow that is visible in the eyes and skin during jaundice results from

ALL ANSWERS: excessive amounts of bilirubin in the plasma extensive breakdown of RBCs destruction of hemoglobin recycling of hemoglobin

Which of the following is true of eosinophils?

ALL ANSWERS: granules stain with eosin dyes allergic patients have many have bilobed nucleus constitute 2-4% of WBCs

What are common sources of vitamin K?

ALL ANSWERS: green vegetables organ meats whole grains intestinal bacteria

A digestive disorder that impairs a person's ability to absorb vitamin K will result in

ALL ANSWERS: low levels of prothrombin low levels of Factor X low levels of thromboplastin prolonged bleeding

In adults, red bone marrow is located in

ALL ANSWERS: sternum and ribs proximal epiphyses of long bones the iliac crest vertebral bodies

Which of the following is a function of the blood

ALL ANSWERS: Transport of nutrients & waste Transport of body heat Transport of gases Defense against toxins & pathogens

Which of the following is not true of monocytes?

About the same size as basophils true: enter tissues and wander become macrophages long living phagocytize bacteria

The function of RBCs is to

Carry oxygen and carbon dioxide

Which of the following statements about blood is false

The normal pH of blood is 6.7-7.0

Blood agglutinates with anti-A, but not anti-B or anti-D.

This means his plasma contains B antibodies. He is A negative.

Which of the following vitamins is needed for the formation of clotting factors?

Vitamin K

The disease sickle cell anemia is an example of what can happen if

a gene for the adult hemoglobin is abnormal

Whole blood, for testing in a clinical laboratory is usually collected from

a superficial vein

A hematocrit provides information on

abundance of formed elements

Which of these descriptions best describes the function of platelets?

adhere to collagen beneath endothelium

Antigens on the surface of RBCs are also called ____ and antibodies in the blood plasma are also called ____.

agglutinogens; agglutinins

Which plasma protein transports fatty acids and some hormones


The most abundant proteins in blood plasma


When checking the efficiency of gas exchange, it may be necessary to draw a blood sample from

an artery

After donating half a liter of blood, one would expect

an increased reticulocyte count

Which of these is not the formed elements of blood

antibodies Formed elements: RBC platelets WBC lymphocyte basophils

WBCs that release histamine at the site of injury are


A substance that activates plasminogen might be useful to

cause clot dissolution to proceed faster

_____ involves a cascade of reactions leading to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin


How would removal of calcium ions from a blood sample affect coagulation?

coagulation would be prevented

Platelets are composed of

cytoplasmic fragments of large cells

Eosinophils function in

destroying antibody labeled antigens

The level of erythropoietin would rise do to all of the following except

during periods of fasting does rise: during anemia high altitude consequence of hemorrhage when blood flow to kidneys is disrupted

A moving blood clot is called an

embolus (embolism)

WBCs that are increased in allergic individuals are


RBC production is regulated by the hormone


Which of these proteins functions to store or transport iron

ferratin, hemosiderin, transerrin

A plasma protein essential for blood coagulation is


Approximately 45% of the blood volume is composed of the _____

formed elements

The percent fraction of formed elements relative to whole blood is the


The waste product bilirubin is produced from

heme molecules lacking iron

More than 95% of the proteins in a RBC is


Some rat poisons contain a toxin that blocks the liver's ability to utilize vitamin K. Animals that consume this poison would die of


Excess iron is stored in the liver and spleen as

hemosiderin and ferratin

The function of platelets is to assist in


hemoglobin level 16g/dL; this value indicates that

her hemoglobin level is normal

Thyroid binding globulin is an example of which kind of plasma protein

hormone binging

A person with a low blood volume is said to be


Plasma proteins essential in body defense are the


All of the following are true of neutrophils except that they are

important in coagulation true: granular leukocytes phagocytic aka polymorphonuclear leukocytes active in fighting bacterial infections

An obstruction in blood flow to the kidneys would ultimately result in

increased erythropoiesis

Plasma is the closest in composition to...

interstitial fluid

Which of the following is not true of neutrophils?

less abundant than lymphocytes true: can make hydrogen peroxide can exit capillaries can destroy bacteria attracted to complement-coated bacteria

Which organ secretes most of the plasma proteins


The blood cells involved in specific immunity are


Platelets are pinched off from giant multinucleated cells in the bone marrow called


Transferrin is an example of which kind of plasma protein


______ are large phagocytic white cells that spend most of their time outside the blood as fixed and free phagocytic cells


If bile ducts are blocked

more bilirubin appears in the plasma

Which of the following combinations may result in the hemolytic disease of the newborn

mother Rh negative, baby Rh positive

A patient has an infected puncture wound to her foot. Which type of WBC would you expect to be elevated in a differential white cell count?


During a bacterial infection you would expect to see increased numbers of


The most numerous WBCs in peripheral circulation are


Non-specific immunity, such as phagocytosis, is a function of which blood cells?

neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes

A RBC that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin would be called


Surgical removal of the stomach could cause

pernicious anemia (lack intrinsic factor - B12 deficiency)

Areas in a vessel wall where large quantities of lipids accumulate are called


A person's blood type is determined largely by the

presence of specific glycoproteins on the cell membrane

Most of the iron removed from degraded hemoglobin is

recycled to the red bone marrow

All the circulating RBCs in an adults originate in the

red bone marrow

Granulocytes form in

red bone marrow

Each of the following is a characteristic of whole blood except

viscosity about the same as water correct: temp approx 38 degrees C pH 7.4 built in system for clotting deep red color from hemoglobin

The most abundant component of plasma is


The combination of plasma and formed elements is called

whole blood

A strict vegan eats no animal products and develops an anemia secondary to a nutritional deficiency. What vitamin is missing?


What blood value is abnormal

Hemoglobin 10.7 g/mL

Each heme ring in hemoglobin encloses an atom of


Type AB blood has which of the following characteristics

RBCs have both A & B surface antigens and no ABO plasma antibodies

Which of the following statements containing RBCs is false

Red cells are about 18 nanometers in diameter True: RBCS are biconcanve discs RBCS lack mitochondria RBCS are specialized for carrying oxygen RBCs form stacks called rouleaux

Which of the following would you expect to see increased in a peripheral blood sample after donating a unit of blood


Anti-D antibodies are present in the blood of

Rh negative individuals who have been exposed to the D surface antigen

A person whose platelet count is 40,000ul is suffering from

thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)

The developmental stage at which erythrocytes enter the circulation is as


After blood is fractionated, its components are ____ for the purpose of analysis


Aged and damaged erythrocytes are broken down by the macrophages in the

spleen, liver, and bone marrow

Blood type is identified primarily by

the ABO & Rh blood groups

The chief difference between plasma and intersitial fluid involves

the concentration of proteins

A bruise appears as a greenish spot in the skin because

the heme group in the hemoglobin has broken down into biliverdin

The process of lymphopoiesis goes on in all of the following organs except:

the kidneys correct: spleen lymph nodes red bone marrow thymus

Most of the protein factors that are required for clotting are synthesized by

the liver

In adults, erythropoiethis exclusively takes place in

the red bone marrow

In case of hemorrhage, platelets are stored as a reserve in

the spleen

The conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalyzed by the enzyme


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