Ch. 22 Essay Questions

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total war effort undertaken by the Jacobins

◦ This answers the how part of the question; How did the revolution become radical? Answer 1= total war ◦ The Jacobins = political club ◦ The Jacobins replaced the monarchy; eventually the "Mountain" group became the official government group ◦ French armies of occupation chased princes, abolished feudalism, and found support among some peasants and middleclass people. ◦ France was at war with almost all of Europe.

creation of the Committee of Public Safety.

◦ This answers the how part of the question; became radical = creation of the Committee of Public Safety ◦ Led by Robespierre ◦ Almost a dictatorship ◦ seeking to impose republican unity across the nation. ◦ the Reign of Terror enforced compliance with republican beliefs and practices. ◦ Special revolutionary courts responsible only to Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety tried "enemies of the nation" for political crimes. ◦ Jacobins took actions to suppress women's participation in political debate, which they perceived as disorderly and a distraction from women's proper place in the home. ◦ the government attempted to rationalize French daily life by adopting the decimal system for weights and measures and a new calendar based on ten-day weeks Especially with de- Christianization

The monarchy fell

◦ This point has to do with the "why" part of the question; answer= French revolution took a radical turn BECAUSE the monarchy fell. ◦ The fall of the monarchy marked a rapid radicalization of the revolution, a phase that historians often call the second revolution. ◦ The monarchy that was established was replaced with a republic. ◦ This division emerged clearly after the National Convention overwhelmingly convicted Louis XVI of treason.

uniting with multiple European countries in the civil war and in the war between colonists and British.

a. The French had been wanting to get revenge against the British since they were humiliated in the Seven Years War and did so by supplying the colonists with guns and gunpowder. b. The Spanish and Dutch also declared war against Britain in 1779 and 1780. c. Catherine the Great of Russia also helped by organizing the League of Armed Neutrality and hampered Britain's naval power by doing so. d. By 1780, Britain was in an imperial war against most of Europe and the thirteen colonies, which forced their government to cut its losses and end the war.

Parliament passing unjust taxes on the colonists.

a. The Stamp Act was passed in 1765, which put taxes on a large amount of commercial and legal documents, including diplomas, newspapers, and playing cards. b. This left the colonists vigorously protesting and wondering who had the right to make laws for them. c. In 1773, Parliament passed the Tea Act, which took colonial merchants out of the tea selling process and allowed the East India Company to gain a monopoly. d. This sparked fighting between the English troops and the colonists, which began at Lexington and Concord.

declaration of the National Assembly

Louis XVI's minister of finance wanted to impose a general tax on all landed property as well as to form provincial assemblies to help administer the tax • He convinced the king to call an assembly of notables in 1787 to gain support for the idea. • The assembled notables, mainly important noblemen and high-ranking clergy, declared that such sweeping tax changes required the approval of the Estates General, the representative body of all three estates, which had not met since 1614. • The king dismissed these nobles and imposed the taxes, which led to a lot of protest. • July 1788 Louis XVI called an Estates General. ◦ May 5, 1789, the twelve hundred delegates of the three estates gathered in Versailles • The third estate on June 17 voted to call itself the National Assembly. ◦ Moved to an indoor tennis court. ◦ swore the famous Oath of the Tennis Court, pledging not to disband until they had been recognized as a national assembly and had written a new constitution

uniting against the English and French.

A. As fighting spread, the colonists moved slowly towards open calls for independence. b. The uncompromising attitude of the British made it easy for the colonists to dissolve loyalties to their homeland and unite the separate colonies. c. Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, organized and encouraged public opinion in favor of independence.

Social and economic changes and political crisis that eroded state authority:o

-Europe's population swelled in size bc of agricultural production -inflation rose -> made it difficult for people to be able to afford basic needs such as food and living space -were able to afford these necessities by working harder and for longer hours (women & children entered paid labor force) -positive development: increased schooling and a rise in literacy rates among urban men -growth of economy = inequalities b/n rich and poor -slavery in European colonies continued; anyone of color was subject to slavery -extreme brutality was often used to enforce slavery

Financial crisis due to war expenses

-France still had control over its Caribbean colonies -British and French governments had to raise taxes to repay loans from the Seven Years War -The raising of taxes rose protest & demand for reform among the people

The Enlightenment

-called for liberty & equality -wanted individual human rights -supporters of this individual liberty were called "liberals" -liberals believed that all citizens should have identical rights and liberties -also believed that nobility had no right to special privileges based on birth

Why and how did the French Revolution take a radical turn entailing terror at home and war with European powers?

During the late 1700's the French Revolution took a radical turn entailing terror at home and war with European powers because the monarchy fell. It did so by the total war effort undertaken by the Jacobins and with the creation of the Committee of Public Safety.

What were the factors behind the age of revolution in the Atlantic world?

Factors behind the age of revolution in the Atlantic world were social and economic changes and political crisis that eroded state authority, the Enlightenment, and financial crisis due to war expenses.

limiting King, abolishing nobility, seizing church property

In June 1790 the National Assembly abolished the nobility • July the king swore to uphold the as-yet-unwritten constitution, effectively enshrining a constitutional monarchy. ◦ The king remained the head of state, but all law-making power now resided in the National Assembly, elected by the wealthiest half of French males. • The constitution finally passed in September 1791 • in November 1789 it nationalized the Catholic Church's property and abolished monasteries. • in July 1790, with the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, they established a national church with priests chosen by voters. The National Assembly then forced the Catholic clergy to take an oath of loyalty to the new government.

Why and how did American colonists forge a new, independent nation?

The American colonists forged a new, independent nation because Parliament was passing unjust taxes on the colonist, and this was done by uniting against the English and French and by uniting with multiple European countries in the civil war and in the war between the colonists and the British.

How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarchy in France, and what were the consequences?

The events of 1789 resulted in a constitutional monarchy in France because of the declaration of the National Assembly. The consequences were the limiting of the powers of the King, the abolishing of the nobility, and the seizure of church property.

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