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Which of the following muscles narrows the fauces?

C. levator palatine B. palatopharyngeus A, B and C Correct! both A and B A. palatoglossus

Which of the following muscles originates on the inferior border of the mandible and inserts at each of the labial commissures?

Depressor anguli oris muscle

Which of the following muscles when contracted causes a surprised facial expression on a patient?

Epicranius muscle The epicranius muscle inserts into the skin tissue of the eyebrow and root of the nose and raises the eyebrows, as when surprised.

All of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles originate from the midline raphe.


Into which of the following categories of head and neck muscles is the omohyoid muscle placed?

Infrahyoid muscle The omohyoid muscle is located inferior to the hyoid bone so it is an infrahyoid muscle. It originates on the scapula; travels deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, where it attaches to a short tendon; and inserts on the hyoid bone.

Which of the following muscles originates on the inferior border of the mandible and inserts into the skin tissue of the chin?

Mentalis muscle The mentalis muscle originates on the inferior border of the mandible and inserts into the skin of the chin, wrinkling the chin and protruding the lower lip when activated.

Which of the following muscles is NOT considered a suprahyoid muscle?

Sternothyroid muscle The sternothyroid muscle is located inferior to the hyoid bone. It originates on the sternum and inserts into the thyroid gland and cartilage.

Which of the following muscles is considered an extrinsic tongue muscle that retracts the tongue?

Styloglossus muscle The styloglossus muscle moves the tongue superiorly and posteriorly and is an extrinsic tongue muscle.

On what structure do BOTH heads of the masseter muscle originate?

Zygomatic arch Both heads of the master muscle originate on the zygomatic arch.

Which of the following muscles raises each labial commissure of the lips to contribute to a smile?

Zygomaticus major muscle The zygomaticus major muscle elevates each labial commissure and pulls it laterally. It originates on the zygomatic bone and inserts into each labial commissure.

Moving the mandible to the right (right lateral excursion) is accomplished by: Correct!

contraction of the left lateral pterygoid and relaxation of the right lateral pterygoid

Which of these muscles is used primarily in frowning?

corrugator supercilli

The levator veli palatini muscle:

elevates the posterior soft palate

Which of the following muscles is an extrinsic muscle of the tongue?

hyoglossus muscle

Which of the following muscle groups depress the hyoid bone?

infrahyoid muscles

The action of pulling the mandible forward and rotating it downward is accomplished by the ___________muscle together with the other muscles involved with opening the jaw.

lateral pterygoid

Which of these muscles does not elevate the mandible to close the mouth?

lateral pterygoid

Which of the following jaw movements is assisted by the temporalis muscle?

mandibular elevation and retraction

Which muscle of facial expression muscle is NOT associated with the mouth?

orbicularis oculi

Which of the following muscles creates the anterior pillar in the oral cavity?

palatoglossus muscle

The principal action of the buccinator muscles are to:

B) compress the cheek C) keep food on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth A and C only A) pull the angle of the mouth laterally Correct! A, B and C

When swallowing, what do the suprahyoid muscles do, when the mandible is stabilized by closing the teeth together?

Elevate the hyoid bone The suprahyoid muscles will elevate the hyoid bone and larynx (if the mandible is stabilized) when swallowing.

Which of the following muscles when contracted dilates the nostrils?

Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle Some fibers of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle insert into the skin tissue of the ala of the nose and thus can dilate the nose when the muscle contracts.

Which of the following paired muscles unites medially, forming the floor of the mouth?

mylohyoid muscles

The muscles of mastication include:

temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid

Extrinsic tongue muscles are innervated by the _____ cranial nerve.

twelfth The twelfth cranial nerve is the hypoglossal nerve and it innervates the extrinsic tongue muscles.

Understanding Head and Neck Anatomy might not be all that critical to a Dental Hygienists ability to clean teeth on a daily basis.


Which of the following intraoral landmarks is one of the origins of the buccinator muscle?

Pterygomandibular raphe The three origins for the buccinator muscle are the alveolar processes of the maxilla and mandible as well as the pterygomandibular raphe.

Which of the following are considered cervical muscles?

Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles Both the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles are cervical muscles and are thus both located in the neck.

Which of the following muscles is used when a patient closes their lips around the saliva ejector?

orbicularis oris muscle

The ______ of a muscle is generally attached to the LEAST movable structure.

origin The origin of a muscle is generally attached to the least movable structure.

What muscle forms a mucosal fold (faucial pillar) posterior to the palatine tonsil?


Which of the following is the principal area of attachment for the muscles of mastication to the mandible?


All three pharyngeal constrictors work to raise the pharynx and larynx during

swallowing. All three pharyngeal constrictors work to raise the pharynx and larynx during swallowing.

Which of the following muscles will serve to depress the lower lip?

Depressor labii inferioris and depressor anguli oris muscles Both the depressor labii inferioris and the depressor anguli oris muscle serve to depress a part of the lower lip.

What are the two parts of the epicranial muscle named?

Frontal and occipital bellies The frontal belly arises from epicranial aponeurosis. The epicranial aponeurosis is superficial to where the parietal and occipital bones meet, the most superior part of the skull. The frontal belly or frontalis then inserts into the skin of the eyebrow and root of the nose. The occipital belly or occipitalis originates from the occipital bone and mastoid process of the temporal bone and then inserts in the epicranial aponeurosis.

Which of the following muscles works to protrude the tongue?

Genioglossus muscle The genioglossus muscle originates on the genial tubercles and inserts into the tongue. Its action is to pull the insertion area toward the origin, which will result in pulling the tongue anterior and protruding it.

Which of the following muscles when unilaterally contracted deviates the mandible to one side?

Lateral pterygoid muscle An action of both of the lateral pterygoid muscles is to protrude the mandible. If only one lateral pterygoid muscle contracts, the lower jaw shifts toward the opposite side, causing lateral deviation of the mandible.

Which of the following muscles can show enlargement due to repetitive muscle contraction associated with clenching of the teeth in a patient?

Masseter muscle The masseter muscle, a strong muscle of mastication involved in elevating the mandible and closing the mouth, can become enlarged in people who habitually clench or grind their teeth (bruxism).

Which of the following muscles inserts onto the coronoid process?

Temporalis muscle The temporalis muscle, which originates on the temporal fossa, inserts onto the coronoid process of the mandible, working to elevate the mandible.

The Buccinator muscle connects to the Superior constrictor muscle to form the Pterygomandibular Raphe.

True This is similar to an aponeurosis which is avascular

All of the following muscles form the floor of the mouth EXCEPT:


The insertion of a muscle is:

the muscle end attached to the more movable structure

Which of the following tongue muscle pairs is divided by a median septum?

transverse muscle

Which of the following muscles is an intrinsic muscle of the tongue?

vertical muscle

Which of the following muscles BOTH elevates the tongue and depresses the soft palate during swallowing?

Palatoglossus muscle The palatoglossus muscles action is to elevate the base of the tongue as the soft palate is depressed toward the tongue. This action helps separate the soft palate and pharynx during swallowing to prevent movement of the food bolus into the nasal cavity.

Which of the following muscles listed below does NOT serve to elevate the upper lip?

Risorius muscle The risorius muscle does NOT elevate the upper lip. Instead it works to retract the corners of the lip as in a grimace and has some fibers that connect with the platysma muscle.

Which of the following nerve innervates the buccinator muscle?

facial (VII cranial)

Which of the following muscles divides the neck region into anterior and posterior cervical triangles?

Sternocleidomastoid muscle The sternocleidomastoid muscle, which originates on the medial part of the clavicle and the sternum and inserts into the mastoid process, is prominently positioned on the side of the neck to divide the neck region into anterior and posterior cervical triangles.

Which of the following muscles when contracted allows for the retraction of the mandible?

Temporalis muscle The temporalis muscle works to elevate the mandible and, if only the posterior part contracts, retracts or moves the mandible backward.

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