ch 4 greece

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temple to honor the goddess Athena

What was the Classical style of art based on

the ideals of reason, moderation, symmetry, balance and harmony which was meant to civilize emotions.

The Odyssey was about

the return to Penelope

Attacked Troy because

this city guarded Hittite Empire which led to a nice trade route

Greek philosophers

tried to explain the universe on the basis of unifying principles Thales of Miletus - unity of the universe - all things linked by water as a basic substance Pythagoras - essence found in music and numbers

After Lycurgus- Became an oligarchy and

two kings were responsible for military affairs shared power with apella, gerousia and ephors


ultimate goal was happiness, ruled out the gods


ultimate goal was to live a life of virtue and to be happy, goal was also to be a good citizen


wrote tragedy - Oedipus the King


wrote tragedy and the only trilogy we possess, Oresteia, based on Homer's Iliad

Corinthian League

Members took an oath of loyalty to Philip II and not to attack other members. This made Greek states end their rivalries.

Political repercussions of hoplite force.

Since hoplites provided their own armor, men of property , not just aristocrats could fight. So, those who became hoplites could challenge aristocratic authority.


Understanding teh universe was beyond the reach of the human mind. Could only study human behavior Wandering scholars who taught the importance of rhetoric (persuasive oratory) . skeptics who questioned traditional values of their societies. many thought them to be dangerous

What was result of Cleisthenes reforms?

United Athens and prepared it to play more important role in Greek affairs.

Moral on the Odyssey

Virtue is a better policy than vice. Was also a huge example for family life for Greeks

What type of a people were the Myceneaens?

Warriors and traders who trade with Syria, Egypt, Italy.

Eratosthenes 275-194 bce. Alexandria

determines earth is round and calculates circumference at 24,675 miles, only off by 200 miles.


developed later than tragedy

How Sparta felt towards new ideas

did not encourage them and thought it was a threat to their stability

Arthur Evans

discovered Minoan society

Twisted morals of Sparta

stealing and getting away with it is fine but if you were caught you were punished for getting caught

What is a tyrant?

rulers who came to power in an unconstitutional way and not subject to the law often opposing the control of the rule of the aristocratic faction in their cities.


scientist in the Hellenistic Era, found pi, made irrigation system, invented a screw,


serfs (in between citizen and slave)


series of reforms (supposedly) that organized and controlled Spartan life, boys were taken at 7 years old and sent to train for the military (so on and so forth)


small political unit in which all major political, social and religious activities occured. contained a town, city or village and its surrounding area

All citizens of a polis had

Fundamental rights and responsibilities

What were his reforms.

1. Cancel land debt 2. Outlawed new loans based on human collateral 3. freed people who fell into slavery due to debt

What are three characteristics of democracy.

1. Power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people. 2. Everyone is equal before the law 3. All individuals can participate in affairs of the state if they desire.

When did ancient cretan civilization reach its height?

2000-1450 BC

3 factors spurred the establishment of colonies

1. overpopulation 2. gulf between rich and poor 3. development of trade

When and what were the Dark Ages.

1100-750 BC - a time of declining population and food production, and migration to other Asia Minor and islands

When was the height of the Mycenaean Civilization

1400-1200 BC

When did the Mycenaeans flourish

1600-1100 BCE

When did Greek Civilization start.

1900 BCE

Greek Drama

3 male actors wear mask and act all parts. male chorus explains what is going on. emphasis on story and meaning not action


450-385 wrote comedy lysistrata

Classical Greece

500 BCE to conquest of Greece by King Philip II of Macedonia in 338.

When did the tyrants rise

7 and 6th Centuries BC

What happened during the Archaic Age of Greece and when was it.

8th Century BC 1. evolution of the city state or polis 2. greek colonization of the Mediterranean and Black seas

When did the characteristic institution of greek life, the polis, or city state emerge?

8th century BCE

Who was Cleistenes?

A aristocratic reformer who took powere in 508 BCE. made it easier fr everyone to participate in government

What does a Polis consist of?

A city, town or village and its surrounding area

What was the organization of the civilization?

A loose confederacy of independent states based on fortified palaces complexes built on hills and surrounded by stone walls.

What type of civilization was ancient crete?

A sea empire with a commercial nature. They had made contact with Egypt.

Two major groups of Greeks that settled in during the DA

Aeolian and Dorian

Why was it named Minoan?

After King Minos, the legendary King of Crete.

Who spread Greek culture to Persia and the Middle East?

Alexander the Great

When and why did rule of the tyrants end.

End of 6th century BCE. It made a mockery of the rule of law.

Hellenistic Monarchies

Antigonid Dynasty ruled Macedonia and Greece 276 BCE Ptolemaic Dynasty of Pharoahs in egypt 305 bce Attalid Dynasty in Asia Minor 230 BCE

Who discovered the ancient Cretan Civilizaion?

Arthur Evans

What was the government like in the Age of Pericles

Assemblies made up of males over the age of 18 met and passed laws and made final decisions on war and foreign policy City magistrates responsible for administration of public affairs, were chosen by lot and ruled for 1 year. 10 Generals (strategoi) were elected and could be re-elected indefinitely. Usually wealthy aristocrats. male citizens were jurors officeholders were paid so even poor citizens could hold public office

What are some legasies of the Hellenistic era

Autocratic power government led by Monarchies Spread of Greek language, art, architecture and literature Also influenced by Eastern ways Class and fusion of cultures

How did Greeks view the Macedonians?

Barbarians. Rural folk organized in tribes, not city states.

In what battle did the Macedonians crush the Greeks

Battle of Chaeronea, near Thebes in 338 BCE

What type of citizens lived in the Polis

Citizens with political rights (males) Citizens with no rights (women and children) Noncitizens (slaves and resident aliens)

What was the result of the Peloponnesian War

City states were weakened and any possibility of cooperation destroyed. Greek city states fought each other for the next 70 years.

When did Greek Civilization reach its height.

Classical era of the 5th Century BCE

Importance of Trade

Commerce expanded due to less political barriers and new trade routes. Big variety of products traded, wine, slaves, gold, salt, timber etc. Grain was the most important.

Greek Religion

Connected to every aspect of daily life 12 chief gods who lived on Mount Olympus. Each polis had a patron saint Did not focus on morality, gave little or no hope of life after death. held great festivals to celebrate the gods Olympics -first games in 776 - athletic competitions in footraces and wrestling to honor Zeus. Later boxing, javelin throwing and other contests added. oracle - shrine dedicated to a god who revealed the future (Apollo at Delphi)

What were the Cleistenes reforms?

Created a Council of Five Hundred, chosen by lot in which all citizens are enrolled, and responsible for foreign and financial affairs. Assembly - passed laws after free and open debate

Mycenae conquered


Where was the earliest Aegean civilization?

Crete. A bronze age civilization which made weapons from bronze, was established in 2800 BC

What is the Delian League.

Defensive alliance against the Persians headquartered on the island of Delos, later moved to Athens, under the leadership of Athens.

Euclid, 300 bce, Alexandira

Elements - book on geometry

What was Sparta's strategy

Engage the Athenians in battle. They ravaged the fields and orchards of Attica hoping the Athenians would send otu their army

What are the Iliad and Odyssey

Epic poems based on stories handed down generation to generation.


Finest example of Classical Greek Temples built 447-432. Dedicated to Athena. Calm, clarity and avoidance of unnecessary detail in architectural style

Zeno (355-263)

Founded Stoicism - named after the Painted Portico (stoa poikile) where he taught .Happiness , the supreme goal could be found by living in harmony with divine will and obtaining inner peace.Public service ws regarded as noble.

Secleucid Kingdom of India

Founded by general Seleucus, established Seleucid dynasty of Syra which controlled from Turkey to India. Driven away by Mauryan emprie of India

Epicurus 341-270

Founder of Epicureanism based on the belief that Human self interest was basic motivating force and pursuit of happiness was goal of life. Pursuit of pleasure was how to achieve happiness, not physical pleasure, but freedom. To have freedom, one should not be involved politics and public affairs.

What left the Greek Civilization vulnerable to King Phillip II and cause the demise of independent city states.

Fratricidal warfare


Greatest philosopher of Western Civilization. Wrote a great deal about reality. Ideas of gevernment set forth in The Republic. Did not believe in democracy but 3 groups, ruling elite (philosopher kings with wisdom), warriors who protected society, masses - producers of society believed men and women should have same education and access to positions. opened a school, The Academy,

What laid the intellectual foundation for Western Civilization's understanding of the human conditions?

Greek system of logical, analytical though which examined questions of human life.

How did the Egyptian culture have an impact on Greece?

Greeks adapted new gods, goddesses and myths floral pottery designs and sculpture such as the kouros (stiff figures, not realistic) Phoenician alphabet influenced Greek alphabet - used 22 consonents and used other symbols for vowels which the phoenicians didn't have, thus making greek a truly phonetic alphabet, easier to use than hieroglyphics and cuneiform

Political Institutions

Greeks and Macedonians primarilyformed the new ruling class in Hellenistic Monarchies.

Hoplites (ninja turtles)

Guarded one another with their shield, wore bronze or leather armor, short sword, round shield and stood in a rectangular formation or phalanx

How does Epicureanism and Stoicism differ from the lifestyle of Classical Greece.

Happiness and the meaning of life in classical greece was associated with the community. One found fulfillment in teh community. Epicureanism and Stoicism focus on personal happiness.

What is the Age of Pericles

Height of Athenian Power and brilliance as a civilization. Athens was rebuilt with new temples and statues. Art, architecture, and philosophy flourished.

Who discovered the ancient Mycenaean site?

Heinrich Schliemann

Who wrote the Iliad and Odyssey?


Homer's Importance

Homer was the only piece of info they had during the Dark Age and he believed Greek society was based on agriculture and exercised power

How did they fight after the 8th century

Hoplites in phalanxes.

Homer wrote

Illiad and odyssey

What was Athen's foreign policy after 461.

Imperialism - expand democracy at home and its emprie abroad led by Pericles

Where did the Myceaneans come from.

Indo -European family of people who spread south and west

Many Greeks left during the Dark Age to


What kind of society was the Spartan society

Isolationist. Foreigners were discouraged from visiting and bringing in new ideas. No travel abroad except for military reasons. No studying philosophy, literature, arts since this could bring in dangerous ideas.

What contribution did the rule of tyrants have.

It ended the rule of narrow aristocratic oligarchies. (rule of few), and in some areas led to the development of democracy and in others expanded oligarchies. One way or another more people could participate in the government.

What affect did colonization have on the original greek community.

It helped the greeks foster a greater sense of identity. Before they were isolated and often fought. Once they met other people with other languages and customs, they became more aware of their cultural and linguistic similarities. The expansion of trade and industry with the colonies created a new group of rich who desired political privileges which they could not get.

Minoan named after

King Minos

ec- Sparta conquered

Laconias and Messenia for more power

Who were the series of reforms between 600-800 bc in Sparta associated with?



Main social function to produce new citizens. Women could participate in religious festivals but no other public life. They could not own property. They took care of family and house or supervised slaves who did it. Little formal education. Male homosexuality prominent, especially for aristocrats. Phycical and educational where an older man trains younger in military and political affairs

New Opportunities for Women

Managing slaves, selling property, making loans Only in Sparta dould women own land (they owned 40%) Women were allowed to pursue education in literature, music and athletics which provided new opportunities for them. Women poets appeared 3rd century bce. Monarchies allowed for Monarch's wives to play greater role in politics, especially in Egypt where kings married their sisters.

Why did Athens fall into turmoil at the end of the 7th century.

Many farmers were forced into slavery since they could not repay loans to the aristocrats and had pledged themselves as collateral. Many demanded that the debts be cancelled and land be given to the poor.

Where did Darius attack and was he successful?

Marathon. Though outnumbered the Athenian hoplites crushed the Perisian forces. (no)

What influence did Greek Geography have on the Greek State?

Mountains and the sea isolated each community from each other. Mountains: Greek communities developed independently and placed great value on independence and would fight neighboring communities to keep it. The sea: Greeks became seafarers and traders and came into contact with other civilizations.

How and when did the Mycenaean Civilization end?

Mycenae was burned in 1190 and other cities were burned and invaded by Greeks from the North.

Greeks declined after

Mycenaeans finished

Who ruled Athens in 700 BC.

No longer ruled by a monarchy, Athens was ruled by aristocrats through a council of nobles, 9 officials called Archons. There was an assembly of citizens but they had little power.

Were the Solon reforms successful in solving Athen's problems.

No. He didn't redistribute land which upset the peasants and though more of the aristocratic wealthy were allowed to participate in the governmnet, it did not stop fights for power.

What what Odyssey about?

Odysseus journey from Troy to his home and return to his wife Penelope 20 years later. It is about the testing or Odysseus with the moral "virtue is a better policy than vice"

Where were the center of exchange in Minoan society


What was the Illiad about?

Paris of Troy kidnapped Helen and enraged the greeks. Agamemnon attacked Troy and after 10 years sacked the city. Also about how the wrath of Achilles led to disaster.

South of Corinth


How did topography determine how territories were divided?

Peloponnesus - an island consisting of hills, mountains and valleys attached by a tiny isthmus to the mainland. This is home to Sparta and Olympia where the Olympic games were held Attica - the home of Athens - hemmed in by mountains to the N and W, and surrounded by sea to the S and E. Boeotia - NW of Attica in central greece. Chief city Thebes Thessaly - N of Boeotia - plains and producer of grain and horses Macedonia - N of Thessaly.

Who was Xerxes.

Persia's monarch after Darius who vowed revenge and led a huge attack on Greece with 150000 troops and 700 ships.

When did Macedonia become an important power.

Philp II 359-336 built an efficient army and turned Mecedonia into the strongest power of the Grek world.

Greeks adopted whom's alphabet


What led to the defeat of the Athenians in 404 BCE

Plague broke out and wiped out 1/3 of the population Pericles died the Athenian fleet was destroyed at Aegospotami


Plays based on the suffering of a hero and usually ending in disaster

Illiad was about

Poem of the Trojan War that followed the wrath of Achilles


Pupil at Plato's Academy. Tutor to Alexander the Great. Analyzed and classified thing based on research and investigation Interested in ethics, logic, politics, poetry, astronomy, geology, biology and physics identified 3 forms of government - monarchy (could turn ino tyranny) aristocracy (could become oligarchy) and constitutional government (could lead to anarchy). He favored constitutional government. considered females inferior and should be subordinate to men

Who was Solon?

Reform minded aristocrat, given full power to make changes to the government in 594 BC 1. Cancel land debt 2. Outlawed new loans based on human collateral 3. freed people who fell into slavery due to debt

What caused the Persian Leader Darius to attack mainland Greece.

Revolt by Ionian cities in Asia Minor

Golden Age of Science

Science is now separated from philosophy and based on scientific investigation: empriical research or systematic observation

Dorians went to


Peloponnesus was where...

Sparta and Olympia were

What were the reforms

Spartan Lifestyle Boys taken at age 7 and put under the control of state,living in barracks, subjected to harsh discipline to make them tough. Given a military education that stressed obedience to authority and endurance. Minimal reading and writing. At 20 - military service. Could marry but had to still live in barracks. At 30 could vote and live at home but had to serve in the military until age 60. Spartan women had relatively greater freedom of movement and power in the household. They also stressed exercise, and fitness. Spartan Government - oligarchy - 2 kings responsible for military affairs and leaders of army - shared power with council of elders(gerousia) - which prepared proposals for the appella (assembly of male citizens) which voted but did not debate. The apella elected the gerousia and ephers (5 men responsible for supervision the education of youth and conduct of citizens) helots - serfs - social status in between slaves adn citizens

First great epic poems/legends

The Illiad and the Odyssey

What did Greece do to prepare for future attacks.

The Spartans formed a defensive league. The Athenians formed a navy of 200 ships

Were the Persians victorious?

The Spartans lost the battle at Thermopylae. The Athenians abandoned their city which the Persians sacked and burned. However, though outnumbered the Athenian Navy under the rule of THEMISTOCLES defeated the Persian navy in Salami in 480s. Later the Persians were defeated at Platea. The Greeks won the war.

What is the Hellenistic era.

The age that saw the expasion of Greek language and ideas to not Greek world of Middle East

Dark Age was

The declining of Greek population due to poor agriculture growth and a time of no written record or evidence, many greeks moved to the asia minor

Who supported the tyrants?

The new rich who made their money from trade and industry and the peasants who were indebted to aristrocrats

What was evacuated in ancient crete.

The palace of Knossos in Heracleion, the royal seat of the kings. Elaborate structure that included living rooms for the royal family and workshops for artisans.

What did the internal strife lead to?

The tyrant, Pisistratus seized power in 560

What do we learn about the Dark Ages from Homer's epics.

The society was based on agriculture in which a landed warrior aristocracy controlled much wealth and had much power.


The systematic analysis of past, introduced to the Western world by greeks

431 BC

The time Athens and Sparta fought for domination of the Greek world.

New directions in literature and art

Theocritus writes little poems about love and nature Athenian Playwright Menander writes new comedy, not political and meant only to entertain and amuse. Monarchs monetarily supported literatur, rebuilding of cities, builting of statues, temples sculptures less idealized and more realistic and emotional

Aristarchus of Samos 310-230 bce from Alexandria

Theorized that earth revolves around sun and on its own axis. (Earth not center of universe as previously thought)

How did the tyrants increase their popularity once in power.

They built new market places, temples, and walls

How were the colonies linked to the metropolis?

They considered themselves independent poleis and had social, economic, religious but not political ties to the metropolis.

How did the Spartans use their military strength.

They gained control of the Peloponnesus by organizing dominating and determining the policies of an alliance of almost all the states called the Peloponnessian League.

Was the Delian League successful.

They liberated all Greek states from Persian control.

What was Athens strategy

To remain behind the walls and be supplied by their navy and overseas empires since they knew the Spartans would defeat them in open battle.

What happened to Classical Greek religion during the Hellenistic age?

Traditional religion declined and many became interested in mystery religions which let individuals pursue a path to salvation and achieve eternal life by being initiated into a union with a saviour god or goddess who had died and risen again, (Isis)

What led to the outbreak of the Great Peloponnesian War in 431BCE?

Two camps, with different societies existed, Sparta and its allies and the Athenian maritime empire, and each feared the other.

How did the ancient Cretan civilization collapse.

Weakened by earthquake and Tsunami years earlier, they were invaded by Mycenaeans.


Where the greek athletic games were held (made to honor zeus)


Wrote History of the Persian Wars, about the conflict bewteen Greeks and Perisans, a struggle between freedom and despotism, sometimes gods were explanatory causal factors

Who was honored during the Olympics


Athens controlled their religious and political life with

a council of nobles and a board of nine officials


a place where all poleis gather in common social, economic and religious practice

Culture in the Hellenistic World

a sense of unity resulted from teh diffusion of Greek Culture considerable accomplishment in literature, art, science and philosophy especially in the cities of Alexandria and Pergamum.

What is a Polis?

a small but autonomous political unit in which all major political, social and religious activities were carried out at one central location.


a tight unit of hoplites in rectangular formation, usually 8 rows deep. If they kept order and were not outflanked, they either secured victory or suffered no harm. Success depended on solidarity and discipline.


an enormous palace complex with beautiful thrones, artwork was for royalty

How did greek fight wars before the 8th century?

aristocratic cavalrymen fought individual duels with enemy soldiers.


assembly of men who voted (NO DEBATING)

Alexander the Great

became king of Macedonia at age 20 when his father was assasinated Secured Madedonian frontiers, put down Greek rebellions then invaded Persian Empire. 334 - Battle of Granicus River, 333, Battle of Issus won against Persians 332 - Syria, Palestine and Egypt under domination. Now pharoah of Egypt. Established Alexandria. 331 - Gaugamela, near Babylon - win again and then went to persian capitals at Susa and Persepolis where he took vast amounts of gold. 330 Kills Darius III of Persia and takes title Great King of Persians. 327 enters India 326 plains of northwestern India - wants to continue but soldiers refuse 323 Dies.

Where did the greeks establish colonies?

coast of Italy, France, Spain, north Africa, Thrace, and shore of Black Sea


comedic, sarcastic writer in the Golden Age. wrote lysistrata

Sparta used its military power to

conquer Peloponessian states


council of elders. elected by apellas

What values are inculcated in Homer's epics

courage and honor - the pursuit of excellence - a model of heroism, honor and nobility


created more realistic characters with more complex plots, questionsed traditionsal values, war was not glorious but brutal


ruled by two kings

Name 4 features of the greek way of war that remained part of Western warfare for centuries.

effective use of technological improvements (weapons and body armor) Citizen soldiers which gave them an edge over mercenaries Engaged the enemy head on thus deciding a battle quickly and with few casualties. Demonstrated the effectiveness of infantry


ended aristocratic oligarchies and promoted democracy eventually

Heinrich Schliemann

excavated Mycenae


first civilization in Ancient Greece


five men in charge of the education



Archimedes 287-212 bce, Syracuse

geometry of spheres and cylinders and established value of pi also devised screw used to pump water out of mines and lift irrigation water, and pully for moving heavy weights constructed devices to stop attackers


greatest historian of ancient world - wrote History of the Peloponnesian war, examined the causes of Peloponnesian War in clear methodical, objective fashion. believed study of history helps understand the present


grew grain, vegetable, fruit for local consumption grapes and olives used locally and exported sheep and goats for wool and dairy products had to import 50-80 % of grains


heavily armed infantrymen, who wore bronze or leather helmets, breastplates and shin guards. Each had a shield, sword and spear. They advances into battle in a unit called a phalanx.

Mycenaens were proud of being

heroic warriors in battle


hill on which a fortress or temple is built, was also a place of refuge during attacks

Minoans collapsed because

invasion and possible natural disaster that hasn't been proven

During the recovery of the DA bronze replaced


Aeolians went to

island of Lesbos

Sparta became a what to withhold power

military state

Were Spartans allowed to leave Sparta


Greek sculpture

not stiff like egyptian sculpure, tried to achieve ideal beauty, based on mathematical ratios favorite subject - nude males

Daily Life

only male citizens took part in public life women, slaves, foreign residents (85%) excluded foreign residents received protection of the laws but obliged to serve in military and fund festivals Slaves worked in homes as cooks and maids or toiled in the fields.


open area that served both as a market place and where people could assemble


philosopher who developed socratic method - question and answer technique to lead pupils to see things for themselves using their own reason questioned authority and criticized some traditional Athenian values Critical examination would bring forth knowlege accused, convicted and sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens by his teaching did not leave writings

Hellenistic Cities

populated by Greek colonists who served in the local army , civilian administrations and contributed to economic development (architects, engineers, even actors)


ruled by a royal blood line aka king


ruled by the wealthy and elite

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