CH 40-42

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Which letter indicates the vessels in which blood travels the most slowly?

(f) Velocity of the blood is lowest in the capillaries (500 times more slowly than the Aorta!)

48) When the air in a testing chamber is specially mixed so that its oxygen content is 10% and its overall air pressure is 400 mm Hg, then PO2 is ___

40 mm Hg.

When the air in a testing chamber is specially mixed so that its oxygen content is 10% and its overall air pressure is 400 mm Hg, then PO2 is

40 mm Hg.

65) A person with a tidal volume of 450 mL, a vital capacity of 4,000 mL, and a residual volume of 1,000 mL would have a potential total lung capacity of ___

5,000 mL.

20) A stroke volume in the heart of 70 mL/cycle, with a pulse of 72 cycles per minute, results in a cardiac output of A) 5 L/minute. B) 504 mL/minute. C) 0.5 L/minute. D) 50 L/minute. E) 500 L/minute.


20) A stroke volume in the heart of 70 mL/cycle, with a pulse of 72 cycles per minute, results in a cardiac output of ___


Approximately how much sugar does the average American consume each year?

90 pounds

Approximately how much sugar does the average American consume each year? 60 pounds 90 pounds 120 pounds 150 pounds

90 pounds

34) Dialysis patients, who will have blood withdrawn, dialyzed, then replaced, are always weighed when they enter the facility and then weighed carefully again before they leave, because A) even small changes in body weight may signify changes in blood volume and therefore blood pressure. B) many people who have dialysis are diabetic and must control their weight carefully. C) dialysis removes blood proteins and these weigh more than other blood components. D) dialysis is likely to cause edema and such swelling must be controlled. E) reclining posture during dialysis can cause a tendency for weight gain.


42) An example of effectors' roles in homeostatic responses is observable when A) an increase in body temperature results from involuntary shivering. B) an increase in body temperature results from exercise. C) the rising sun causes an increase in body temperature in a stationary animal. D) an increase in body temperature results from fever. E) a decrease in body temperature results from shock.


42) The plasma proteins in humans A) maintain the blood's osmotic pressure. B) transport water-soluble lipids. C) carry out gas exchange. D) undergo aerobic metabolism. E) transport oxygen.


52) An example of an organism that has only behavioral controls over its body temperature is the A) green frog. B) penguin. C) bluefin tuna. D) house sparrow. E) gray wolf.


53) Most land-dwelling invertebrates and all of the amphibians A) are ectothermic organisms with variable body temperatures. B) alter their metabolic rates to maintain a constant body temperature of 37°C. C) have a net loss of heat across a moist body surface, even in direct sun. D) are endotherms but become thermoconformers only when they are in water. E) become more active when environmental temperatures drop below 15°C.


55) Countercurrent exchange is evident in A) the flow of water across the gills of a fish and that of blood within those gills. B) the flow of blood in the dorsal vessel of an insect and that of air within its tracheae. C) the flow of air within the primary bronchi of a human and that of blood within the pulmonary veins. D) the flow of water across the skin of a frog and that of blood within the ventricle of its heart. E) the flow of fluid out of the arterial end of a capillary and that of fluid back into the venous end of the same capillary.


59) Atmospheric pressure at sea level is equal to a column of 760 mm Hg. Oxygen makes up 21% of the atmosphere by volume. The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in such conditions is A) 160 mm Hg. B) 16 mm Hg. C) 120/75. D) 21/760. E) 760/21.


62) Air rushes into the lungs of humans during inhalation because A) the rib muscles and diaphragm contract, increasing the lung volume. B) the volume of the alveoli increases as smooth muscles contract. C) gas flows from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure. D) pulmonary muscles contract and pull on the outer surface of the lungs. E) a positive respiratory pressure is created when the diaphragm relaxes.


63) The exhalation of air from human lungs is driven by A) a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity. B) a decrease in the residual volume of the lungs. C) the contraction of the diaphragm. D) the closure of the epiglottis. E) the expansion of the rib cage.


64) As a person goes from rest to full-effort exercise, there is an increase in the A) tidal volume. B) vital capacity. C) residual volume. D) total lung capacity. E) All of the above would be different.


76) Most of the carbon dioxide produced by humans is A) converted to bicarbonate ions by an enzyme in red blood cells. B) bound to hemoglobin. C) transported in the erythrocytes as carbonic acid. D) simply dissolved in the plasma. E) bicarbonate ions bound to hemoglobin.


77) Hydrogen ions produced within human red blood cells are prevented from significantly lowering plasma pH because they bind to A) hemoglobin. B) plasma proteins. C) carbon dioxide. D) carbonic acid. E) plasma buffers.


88) If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your left toe is exhaled from your nose, it must pass through all of the following except A) the pulmonary vein. B) an alveolus. C) the trachea. D) the right atrium. E) the right ventricle.


90) Which of the following reactions prevails in red blood cells traveling through alveolar capillaries? (Hb = hemoglobin) A) Hb + 4 O2 → Hb(O2)4 B) Hb(O2)4 → Hb + 4 O2 C) CO2 + H2O → H2CO3 D) H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3- E) Hb + 4 CO2 → Hb(CO2)4


A patient with a blood pressure of 120/75, a pulse rate of 40 beats/minute, a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat, and a respiratory rate of 25 breaths/minute will have a cardiac output of Select one: a. 2,800 mL/minute b. 4,800 mL/minute c. 1,750 mL/minute. d. 500 mL/minute. e. 1,000 mL/minute


Among these choices, the biggest set that includes only those "cells" that lack nuclei is Select one: a. platelets and erythrocytes b. platelets, erythrocytes, and basophils c. platelets, erythrocytes, basophils, neutrophils, and monocytes d. platelets, erythrocytes, basophils, and neutrophils e. platelets


Near a goose's abdomen, the countercurrent arrangement of the arterial and venous blood vessels causes Select one: a. the temperature difference between the contents of the two sets of vessels to be minimized. b. The venous blood to be as cold near the abdomen as it is near the feet. c. the loss of the maximum possible amount of heat to the environment d. the blood in the feet to be as warm as the blood in the abdomen. e. the temperature at the abdomen to be less than the temperature at the feet.


A fatty acid molecule includes a carboxyl group (-COOH) and a long hydrocarbon chain.


A person with more body fat will produce more leptin than a person with less body fat.


Bile salts keep fat from coalescing into large droplets in the lumen of the small intestine. Smaller droplets expose more surface area to the enzyme lipase, which is secreted by epithelial cells to break down triglycerides into monoglycerides and fatty acids.


Bile, produced by the liver and stored by the gall bladder, emulsifies fats in the small intestine. The smaller fat droplets present a greater surface area for the action of lipases.


Blood is specialized for the transport of substances such as nutrients, wastes, and gases.


Carbohydrate digestion begins with the action of salivary amylase in the mouth


Deer, cattle, and sheep are ruminants.


Essential nutrients must be obtained from diet.


Excretion of wastes is NOT required for an animal to obtain energy from food.


False. The alimentary canal is the tube through which food passes, beginning at the mouth and ending at the anus. The liver is an accessory organ of digestion and not part of the actual canal through which food passes.


Fat digestion is not complete until pancreatic lipases finalize fat digestion in the small intestine.


Fats are composed of glycerol and fatty acids.


Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine.


Fructose is a monosaccharide, and monosaccharides can be absorbed without having to be broken down into smaller units.


Hydrochloric acid, secreted by the stomach, is responsible for the acidity of the stomach.


If a person quits smoking, they are likely to gain weight.


In small intestine epithelial cells, monoglycerides and fatty acids are combined to form triglycerides again. These triglycerides are packaged into chylomicrons through the addition of a coat of proteins, phospholipids, and cholesterol. Chylomicrons are hydrophilic, which allows them to be transported in lymph and blood. Chylomicrons enter lacteals first, and eventually make their way into the blood.


In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs.


Loose connective tissue is a packing material that serves, for example, to hold organs in place.


Monoglycerides and fatty acids are small hydrophobic molecules that can diffuse directly across the plasma membrane of small intestine epithelial cells. Other nutrients absorbed during digestion (amino acids, sugars, etc.) typically require membrane proteins and enter epithelial cells via facilitated diffusion or active transport.


Proteins are composed of amino acids.


Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion.


Pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.


Saliva contains salivary amylase, a digestive enzyme that hydrolyzes starch and glycogen.


Smooth muscle is responsible for the involuntary contractions of the digestive tract, arteries, and bladder.


Sodium is a necessary part of the human diet.


Starch is a carbohydrate composed of many monomers (many monosaccharide units).


Starch is composed of many maltose units.


Stratified epithelium consists of multiple layers; this thickness provides a protective barrier.


The building blocks of proteins are amino acids.


The digestion of starches, such as amylose, begins with the amylase secreted by the salivary glands.


The ends of long bones, such as the femur, have a cartilage cap.


The hydrocarbon chains found in fats make them hydrophobic, or insoluble in water.


The interstitial fluid takes up nutrients and oxygen from the blood plasma for transfer to active cells, and the active cells are the source of wastes and carbon dioxide for transfer to the blood plasma.


The lower esophageal sphincter "guards" the junction between the esophagus and stomach. In infants, the muscles are weak and regurgitation is quite common.


The ruminants are "front-end" fermenters, with mutualistic microbes residing in chambers or sections of the stomach.


The salivary glands are not part of the alimentary canal but contribute digestive enzymes to break down food in the mouth.


The secretion of gastric juice by the stomach begins the digestion of proteins.


Chronic disruption of glucose homeostasis has serious effects...

...particularly for the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and eyes. In the U.S., diabetes is a major cause of blindness and the seventh most common cause of death.

In large complex organisms, delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues is strictly a function of diffusion. Thus, nearly all cells of the body must be within _____ of an exchange surface for diffusion to be sufficient as a delivery mechanism

0.5 mm

The study of the biological form of an organism


Cartilage is found _____. surrounding organs such as the kidneys in the heart at the ends of bones such as the femur covering the surface of your body connecting one bone to another

At the ends of bones such as the femur

27) Breathing is accomplished via the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of A) smooth muscle. B) skeletal muscle. C) cardiac muscle. D) smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. E) smooth muscle and skeletal muscle.


29) An enzyme with high activity in an acidic environment is A) amylase. B) pepsin. C) gastrin. D) trypsin. E) sucrose.


29) Muscles are joined to bones by A) ligaments. B) tendons. C) loose connective tissue. D) Haversian systems. E) spindle fibers.


35) Large proteins such as albumin remain in capillaries rather than diffusing out, resulting in the A) loss of osmotic pressure in the capillaries. B) development of an osmotic pressure difference across capillary walls. C) loss of fluid from capillaries. D) increased diffusion of CO2. E) increased diffusion of Hb.


38) Among these choices, the biggest set that includes only those "cells" that lack nuclei is A) platelets. B) platelets and erythrocytes. C) platelets, erythrocytes, and basophils. D) platelets, erythrocytes, basophils, and neutrophils. E) platelets, erythrocytes, basophils, neutrophils, and monocytes.


39) The cells lining the air sacs in the lungs make up a A) cuboidal epithelium. B) simple squamous epithelium. C) stratified squamous epithelium. D) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. E) simple columnar epithelium.


40) Stomach cells are moderately well adapted to the acidity and protein-digesting activities in the stomach by having A) a sufficient colony of H. pylori. B) a thick, mucous secretion and active mitosis of epithelial cells. C) a high level of secretion by chief cells. D) a high level of secretion from parietal cells. E) secretions enter the stomach from the pancreas.


40) The hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells, and the organ where this hormone is synthesized, are A) growth hormone and pancreas, respectively. B) erythropoietin and kidney, respectively. C) cortisol and adrenal gland, respectively. D) epinephrine and adrenal gland, respectively. E) acetylcholine and bone marrow, respectively.


46) The meshwork that forms the fabric of a blood clot is A) chymotrypsin. B) fibrin. C) thrombin. D) prothrombin. E) collagen.


49) The sun shining on a tidal pool during a hot day heats the water. As some water evaporates, the pool becomes saltier, causing A) a decrease in its carbon dioxide content. B) a decrease in its oxygen content. C) an increase in its ability to sustain aerobic organisms. D) a decrease in the water's density. E) a decrease in the movement of the water molecules.


50) Endothermy A) is a characteristic of most animals found in tropical zones. B) is a characteristic of animals that have a fairly constant body temperature. C) is a term equivalent to cold-blooded. D) is a characteristic of mammals but not of birds. E) is seen only in insects and in certain predatory fishes.


51) Flying insects do all of the following except A) increase metabolism as much as 200-fold during flight. B) switch from diffusion of tracheal gases to active transport during flight. C) utilize high numbers of mitochondria in flight muscles. D) produce water molecules from oxygen in mitochondria. E) generate carbon dioxide from catabolism of fuel molecules.


54) Gas exchange is more difficult for aquatic animals with gills than for terrestrial animals with lungs because A) water is less dense than air. B) water contains much less O2 than air per unit volume. C) gills have less surface area than lungs. D) gills allow only unidirectional transport. E) gills allow water to flow in one direction.


58) An oil-water mixture works as an insecticidal spray against mosquitoes and other insects because it A) coats their lungs. B) blocks the openings into the tracheal system. C) interferes with gas exchange across the capillaries. D) clogs their bronchi. E) prevents gases from leaving the atmosphere.


61) Of the following choices, impairment of a mammal's breathing cycle is most likely following neural damage in A) the cerebrum and cerebellum. B) the medulla oblongata and the pons. C) the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. D) the thalamus and the hypothalamus. E) the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe.


64) Hibernation and estivation during seasons of environmental stress are both examples of A) acclimatization. B) torpor. C) evaporative cooling. D) nonshivering thermogenesis. E) shivering thermogenesis. Answer: B Topic: Concept 40.4 Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension


70) At the summit of a high mountain, the atmospheric pressure is 380 mm Hg. If the atmosphere is still composed of 21% oxygen, then the partial pressure of oxygen at this altitude is A) 0 mm Hg. B) 80 mm Hg. C) 160 mm Hg. D) 380 mm Hg. E) 760 mm Hg.


71) Carbon dioxide levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid affect its pH. This enables the organism to sense a disturbance in gas levels as A) the brain directly measures and monitors carbon dioxide and causes breathing changes accordingly. B) the medulla oblongata, which is in contact with cerebrospinal fluid, monitors pH and uses this measure to control breathing. C) the brain alters the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid to force the animal to retain more or less carbon dioxide. D) stretch receptors in the lungs cause the medulla oblongata to speed up or slow breathing. E) the medulla oblongata is able to control the concentration of bicarbonate ions in the blood.


72) An increase from pH 7.2 to pH 7.4 around hemoglobin causes A) hemoglobin to release all bound oxygen molecules. B) an increase in the affinity of hemoglobin to bind oxygen molecules. C) hemoglobin to denature. D) an increase in the binding of H+ by hemoglobin. E) hemoglobin to more readily give up its oxygen molecules.


74) Compared with a smaller cell, a larger cell of the same shape has A) less surface area. B) less surface area per unit of volume. C) the same surface-to-volume ratio. D) a smaller average distance between its mitochondria and the external source of oxygen. E) a smaller cytoplasm-to-nucleus ratio.


81) An anthropologist discovers the fossilized heart of an extinct animal. The evidence indicates that the organism's heart was large, well-formed, and had four chambers, with no connection between the right and left sides. A reasonable conclusion supported by these observations is that the A) animal had evolved from birds. B) animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate. C) animal was most closely related to alligators and crocodiles. D) animal was likely an invertebrate animal. E) species had little to no need to regulate blood pressure.


82) A group of students was designing an experiment to test the effect of smoking on grass frogs. They hypothesized that keeping the frogs in a smoke-filled environment for defined periods would result in the animals developing lung cancer. However, when they searched for previously published information to shore up their hypothesis, they discovered they were quite wrong in their original assessment. Even though they were never going to go ahead with their experiment (so as not to harm frogs needlessly), they knew that a more likely outcome of putting carcinogens in the air would be the development of A) the amphibian equivalent of hypertension. B) skin cancer. C) gill abnormalities in the next generation of tadpoles. D) tracheal tube abnormalities. E) diminished absorption of oxygen.


84) Blood returning to the mammalian heart in a pulmonary vein drains first into the A) vena cava. B) left atrium. C) right atrium. D) left ventricle. E) right ventricle.


Cattle are able to survive on a diet consisting almost entirely of plant material because Select one: a. cattle, like rabbits, re-ingest their feces. b. they have cellulose-digesting, symbiotic microorganisms in chambers of their stomachs. c. cattle saliva has enzymes capable of digesting cellulose d. they are autotrophic e. they manufacture all 15 amino acids out of sugars in the liver


Look at the graphs and choose the correct statement describing the relationship between BMR (basal metabolic rate) and body mass of mammals. (Look carefully at the quantity being displayed on the y-axis of each figure.) Select one: a. BMR is roughly proportional to body mass squared. b. Small mammals have lower BMR, but use more calories per kilogram than large mammals c. Large mammals have lower basal metabolic rates than small mammals


Which of the choices below determines the direction of respiratory gas movement? Select one: a. solubility in water b. partial pressure gradient c. the temperature d. molecular weight and size of the gas molecule e. none of the above


Which of the following reactions prevails in red blood cells traveling through alveolar capillaries? (Hb = hemoglobin) Select one: a. H2CO3 → H+ + HCO3- b. Hb + 4 O2 → Hb(O2)4 c. Hb + 4 CO2 → Hb(CO2)4 d. Hb(O2)4 → Hb + 4 O2 e. CO2 + H2O → H2CO3


Which of the following actions acts to warm a homeothermic body? A) Dilating blood vessels B) Shivering C) Sweating D) Panting


54) Examine the digestive system structures in the figure above. The highest rate of nutrient absorption occurs at location(s)

B) 4 only.

55) Examine the digestive system structures in the figure above. Most of the digestion of fats occurs in section(s)

B) 4 only.

16) The large surface area in the gut directly facilitates

B) absorption.

17) An advantage of a complete digestive system over a gastrovascular cavity is that the complete system

B) allows specialized functions in specialized regions.

21) After ingestion by humans, the first category of macromolecules to be chemically digested by enzymes in the mouth is

B) carbohydrates.

15) In marine sponges, intracellular digestion of peptides is usually immediately preceded by

B) endocytosis.

48) PKU (phenylketonuria) is a hereditary condition in which infants and young children who ingest the amino acid phenylalanine risk serious neurological damage. However, the risk of damage can be substantially reduced by the severe restriction of phenylalanine in the diet. Which of the following is the nutritional concept that forms the basis for this preventive treatment?

B) essential nutrients

42) A group of animals among which a relatively long cecum is likely to be found is the

B) herbivores.

50) Hypoglycemia, or low levels of glucose in the blood of a healthy human, is "corrected" by a(n)

B) increase in the secretion of glucagon.

64) If you were to jog 1 km a few hours after lunch, which stored fuel would you probably tap?

B) muscle and liver glycogen

5) Which pair correctly associates a physiological process with the appropriate vitamin?

B) normal vision and vitamin A

29) An enzyme with high activity in an acidic environment is

B) pepsin.

35) Constipation can result from the consumption of a substance that

B) promotes water reabsorption in the large intestine.

22) Salivary amylase digests

B) starches.

24) Digestive secretions with a pH of 2 are characteristic of the

B) stomach.

45) Analysis of jawbones from the skeletal remains of a vertebrate animal reveal its dietary patterns owing to

B) the prevalence of specific kinds of teeth.

Choose the correct anatomical sequence that presents the order in which food in the digestive system passes through. A. esophagus → pharynx → stomach → small intestine B. pharynx → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine C. pharynx → stomach → esophagus → small intestine D. pharynx → small intestine → large intestine → stomach E. esophagus → stomach → pharynx → small intestine

B. pharynx → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine

An enlarged cecum is typical of A. tubeworms that digest via symbionts. B. rabbits, horses, and herbivorous bears. C. humans and other primates. D. tapeworms and other intestinal parasites. E. carnivorous animals.

B. rabbits, horses, and herbivorous bears.

Among humans, increased interest in food intake normally occurs _____. A. only after the production of glucose in the liver can no longer meet metabolic needs B. via chemical signals released when the stomach is empty C. when fewer calories are taken in than are expended, but only after the body depletes its reserves of fat in the liver D. via chemical signals related to the amount of glucose stored in the liver and muscle cells E. via chemical signals related to the amount of protein stores in the liver

B. via chemical signals released when the stomach is empty

Use the following table showing the contents of a multivitamin supplement and its percentage of recommended daily values (DV) to answer the following questions. 10) A mineral that is especially important for preventing anemia is

B.) Iron

The metabolic rate of an endotherm as rest at a "comfortable" temperature

Basal Metabolic Rate

_____ is secreted by the _____ and acts to emulsify _____ in the _____. Lipase ... small intestine ... fats ... small intestine Trypsin ... pancreas ... fats ... small intestine Nucleases ... pancreas ... nucleic acids ... stomach Amylase ... salivary glands ... starch ... stomach Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

Includes body growth and repair, synthesis of storage material such as fat and production of gametes


In Dr. Wartman's case, which of the following was true?

Both his DNA and his RNA had mutations and were acting wildly.

Fats are digested by cleaving the bonds between fatty acids and glycerol, and proteins are digested by breaking the bonds between their constituent amino acids. What do these two processes have in common?

Both involve the addition of water molecules to break bonds (hydrolysis)

78) The hemocyanin of arthropods and molluscs differ from the hemoglobin of mammals in that A) the oxygen dissociation curve for hemocyanin is linear. B) hemocyanin carries appreciably more carbon dioxide. C) hemocyanin has protein coupled to copper rather than iron. D) the protein of hemocyanin is not bound to metal. E) hemocyanin includes cyanic acid.


83) Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood supply? A) the lungs of a vertebrate B) the gills of a fish C) the tracheal system of an insect D) the skin of an earthworm E) the parapodia of a polychaete worm


86) When you hold your breath, which of the following blood gas changes first leads to the urge to breathe? A) rising O2 B) falling O2 C) rising CO2 D) falling CO2 E) rising CO2 and falling O2


A key part of the immune response mediated by matured, activated B cells is Select one: a. the attack of phagocytes on living pathogens b. the initiation of programmed cell death in infected host cells. c. the production of antibodies by plasma cells. d. the attack of cytotoxic T cells on infected host cells. e. perforation of infected host cells by perforin.


Certain nutrients are considered "essential" in the diets of some animals because Select one: a. the nutrients are subunits of important polymers b. the nutrients are necessary coenzymes c. these animals are not able to synthesize these nutrients d. only those animals use those nutrients. e. only certain foods contain them


Consider the structure of an antibody in the image above. Which of the following statements are true ? 1. The antigen binding site is formed by the variable regions of heavy and light chains 2. Antibodies resemble B cell receptors but lack a transmembrane domain 3. Antibodies are found ONLY on the surface of B cells 4. DNA rearrangements generate the variable regions of heavy and light chains of antibodies Select one: a. 1 and 4 only b. 1, 2, 3 and 4 c. 1, 2, and 4. d. 2 ,3 and 4 e. 1 and 2 only


Consider the structure of an antibody in the image above. Which of the following statements are true ? 1. The antigen binding site is formed by the variable regions of heavy and light chains 2. Antibodies bind antigens only when a fragment of the antigen is attached to the surface of a B cell 3. Once activated, a single B cell develop into a plasma cell that can express many (>4) different kinds of heavy and light chains, giving rise to many distinct antibodies. 4. Antibodies resemble T cell antigen receptors but lack a transmembrane domain Select one: a. 1, 2 and 4 b. 1, 2 and 3 c. 1 only d. 1, 3 and 4 e. 1 and 2


Which statement regarding the mammalian heart is correct? Select one: a. Blood is pumped from the heart via the atria. b. When the right atrium contracts, it forces blood into the left atrium. c. In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs. d. Oxygen-loaded blood moves only through the right side of the heart. e. Blood arrives at the heart via the ventricles.


What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces? A simple epithelium B squamous epithelium C stratified epithelium D simple cuboidal cells E columnar epithelium

C Stratified epithelium consists of multiple layers; this thickness provides a protective barrier.

Metabolic rate is _____. A) the total amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time B) directly proportional to body size C) determined when the organism is vigorously exercising after consuming a fatty meal D) typically higher in an ectothermic animal than in an endothermic one E) the amount of heat gained by an animal in a unit of time


Which of the following is a correct statement about an organism and its environment? A) The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals. B) An animal is a closed system that is separate and distinct from its environment. C) Animals isolated from their environments live longer than those exchanging matter with the environment. D) The gastrovascular cavity provides the nutrient exchange surface in mammals. E) None of the choices is correct.


Which of the following statements describes a negative feedback response? A) After a meal, blood sugar levels in the body rise; insulin is secreted to lower blood sugar levels. B) The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more platelets to form a clot. C) A person who loses 3 pounds continues to diet to lose an additional 10 pounds. D) The onset of contractions during childbirth stimulates the release of a hormone that stimulates further contractions.


1) In a well-fed human eating a Western diet, the richest source of stored chemical energy in the body is

A) fat in adipose tissue.

37) A hiatal hernia that disrupts the functional relationship between the smooth muscle in the esophagus and that in the stomach would be most likely to increase the frequency of

A) gastric reflux.

26) Upon activation by stomach acidity, the secretions of the parietal cells

A) initiate the digestion of protein in the stomach.

7) Which pair correctly associates a biochemical process with the appropriate mineral associated with its use in animals?

A) maintenance of bone and calcium

33) Glandular secretions that are released initially as inactive precursors of digestive enzymes are the

A) protein-digesting enzymes.

46) An enlarged cecum is typical of

A) rabbits, horses, and herbivorous bears.

6) The fat-soluble vitamins include

A) vitamin A.

Choose the list that correctly ranks metabolic rates per gram of body mass, from lowest to highest. A. fish, dog, mouse B. human, rabbit, snake C. gazelle, lion, elephant D. hummingbird, dog, mouse E. human, cat, mouse, salamander

A. fish, dog, mouse

Certain nutrients are considered "essential" in the diets of some animals because A. these animals are not able to synthesize these nutrients. B. only those animals use those nutrients. C. the nutrients are necessary coenzymes. D. the nutrients are subunits of important polymers. E. only certain foods contain them.

A. these animals are not able to synthesize these nutrients.

If thermoregulation is considered to be a secondary function of the large ears of jackrabbits, then the primary function of the ears is A. to detect predators by using the large size and flexible positioning of the external ears to channel sound waves into the ear canal. B. to protect against pathogens by having a thick, waxy surface on the ears. C. to protect offspring from bright sunlight by the positioning of the ears to cast the maximum shadows. D. to optimize nutrient intake through the thin, permeable surfaces on the ears. E. to alter the rate of gas exchange, based on the adjustable radius of the ears' blood vessels.

A. to detect predators by using the large size and flexible positioning of the external ears to channel sound waves into the ear canal

Which of the following statements describes a negative feedback response?

After a meal, blood sugar levels in the body rise; insulin is secreted to lower blood sugar levels.

Which of the following statements describes a negative feedback response? The arrival of platelets at a wound site stimulates the recruitment of more platelets to form a clot. A person who loses 3 pounds continues to diet to lose an additional 10 pounds. The onset of contractions during childbirth stimulates the release of a hormone that stimulates further contractions. After a meal, blood sugar levels in the body rise; insulin is secreted to lower blood sugar levels.

After a meal, blood sugar levels in the body rise; insulin is secreted to lower blood sugar levels.

Which of the following actions is not a function of the epithelium? Creates an internal environment that is different from the external environment. Regulates the excretion of waste. Controls the exchange of nutrients between the internal and external environments. Allows the internal environment to alter its conditions to match those of the external environment.

Allows the internal environment to alter its conditions to match those of the external environment.

_____ in carbon dioxide in your blood, which causes _____ in pH, would cause your breathing to speed up.

An increase ... a drop

_____ in carbon dioxide in your red blood cells, which causes _____ in pH, causes your breathing to speed up.

An increase ... a drop

_____ in carbon dioxide in your red blood cells, which causes _____ in pH, causes your breathing to speed up.

An increase ... a drop. Water and carbon dioxide combine, in the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (found inside red blood cells), to form carbonic acid, which dissociates to hydrogen ion and bicarbonate. The higher concentration of hydrogen ions leads to a drop in pH.

In a physiological system operating with positive feedback, _____. A) a stimulus will initiate a response that returns the system to near its initial parameters B) the range of acceptable values for a given parameter will be narrower than if the system were regulated by negative feedback C) a change in a variable will amplify rather than reverse the change D) only an effector and control center are necessary to complete the control system E) a stimulus will prevent a small change from becoming too large


Which component of a homeostatic system sends instructions based on sensory information? A) Sensor B) Effector C) Integrator D) Set Point


56) Examine the digestive system structures in the figure above. Bacteria that produce vitamins as products are residents of location

C) 5.

Use the following table showing the contents of a multivitamin supplement and its percentage of recommended daily values (DV) to answer the following questions. 13) Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids; both digestive processes

C) add a water molecule to break bonds (hydrolysis).

19) Because the foods eaten by animals are often composed largely of macromolecules, this requires the animals to have mechanisms for

C) enzymatic hydrolysis.

31) A nutritional monomer that can be transported in the blood after a typical meal is

C) fatty acid.

41) The molar teeth of herbivorous mammals are especially effective at

C) grinding.

61) Which of the following organs is incorrectly paired with its function?

C) large intestinebile production

51) A fasting animal whose energy needs exceed those provided in its diet draws on its stored resources in which order?

C) liver glycogen, then muscle glycogen, then fat

47) Coprophagy, the nutrition-boosting ingestion of fecal material, is important for the nutritional balance of

C) rabbits and their relatives.

49) When the digestion and absorption of organic molecules results in more energy-rich molecules than are immediately required by an animal, the excess is

C) stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles.

36) Historically inaccurate diagnosis of acid reflux disorders and gastric ulcers has been improved by

C) the diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori infection.

23) Among mammals, it is generally true that

C) the epiglottis prevents swallowed food from entering the trachea.

3) Certain nutrients are considered "essential" in the diets of some animals because

C) these animals are not able to synthesize these nutrients.

Which of these is an example of negative feedback? A. As a blood clot begins to form, the process of its formation gets faster and faster. B. After you eat, glucagon stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels. C. After you eat, insulin stimulates the lowering of blood sugar levels. D. The digestive enzyme pepsinogen is converted to pepsin by the action of hydrochloric acid; pepsin itself can then convert pepsinogen into pepsin. E. Once labor begins, contractions increase in frequency and intensity.

C. After you eat, insulin stimulates the lowering of blood sugar levels

Which of the following primarily involves heat transfer by convection? A. You sweat profusely as you mow the lawn on a hot summer day. B. The water in the lake is so cold that your legs become numb. C. You roll down the car window to allow the cool breeze to blow through. D. After sunset, you can feel heat from the warm pavement. E. As you lie on the sand, you can feel the sun's warm rays on your skin.

C. You roll down the car window to allow the cool breeze to blow through.

Ingested dietary substances must cross cell membranes to be used by the body, a process known as A. elimination. B. ingestion. C. absorption. D. hydrolysis. E. digestion.

C. absorption

Multicellular organisms must keep their cells awash in an "internal pond" because A. terrestrial organisms have not adapted to life in dry environments. B. this prevents the loss of water due to osmosis. C. an aqueous medium is needed for the cellular exchange of nutrients, gases, and wastes. D. their membranes will crystallize if not in contact with interstitial fluid. E. their cells need to be protected from dissolved nitrogen gas in the blood.

C. an aqueous medium is needed for the cellular exchange of nutrients, gases, and wastes

Homeostasis is the _____. A. exchange of materials with the surrounding environment B. correlation of structure and function C. maintenance of a relatively constant and optimal internal environment D. idea that all vertebrates are built in a similar way E. cooperation of body parts to form tissues, organs, and systems

C. maintenance of a relatively constant and optimal internal environment

Aids in the fermentation of plant material and connects where the small and large intestine meet


Fibroblasts and macrophages are cells contained by what type of tissue

Connective tissue

epithelium tissues

Connective tissue is found lining body surfaces; categorized by cell shape and number of layers

How does connective tissue differ from the other three major tissue types? Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix. Connective tissue consists of contractile proteins. Connective tissue consists of cells capable of transmitting electrical impulses. There are three types of connective tissue. Connective tissue is found lining body surfaces.

Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix

How does connective tissue differ from the other three major tissue types?

Connective tissue often consists of relatively few cells embedded in an extracellular matrix.

What is the final step in the cell-mediated response to a viral infection?

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes punch holes in the membranes of infected host cells.

12) Interstitial fluid is A) the fluid inside the gastrovascular cavity of Hydra. B) the internal environment inside animal cells. C) identical to the composition of blood. D) the route for the exchange of materials between blood and body cells. E) found only in the lumen of the small intestine.


18) A patient with a blood pressure of 120/75, a pulse rate of 40 beats/minute, a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat, and a respiratory rate of 25 breaths/minute will have a cardiac output of A) 500 mL/minute. B) 1,000 mL/minute. C) 1,750 mL/minute. D) 2,800 mL/minute. E) 4,800 mL/minute.


18) Most of the exchange surfaces of multicellular animals are lined with A) connective tissue. B) smooth muscle cells. C) neural tissue. D) epithelial tissue. E) adipose tissue.


22) Connective tissues typically have A) many densely packed cells with direct connections between the membranes of adjacent cells. B) a supporting material such as chondroitin sulfate. C) the ability to shorten upon stimulation. D) relatively few cells and a large amount of extracellular matrix. E) the ability to transmit electrochemical impulses.


25) Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that A) is manufactured by the pancreas. B) helps stabilize fat-water emulsions. C) splits maltose into monosaccharides. D) begins the hydrolysis of proteins in the stomach. E) is denatured and rendered inactive in solutions with low pH.


30) The absorption of fats differs from that of carbohydrates in that the A) processing of fats does not require any digestive enzymes, whereas the processing of carbohydrates does. B) fat absorption occurs in the stomach, whereas carbohydrates are absorbed from the small intestine. C) carbohydrates need to be emulsified before they can be digested, whereas fats do not. D) most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood. E) fats, but not carbohydrates, are digested by bacteria before absorption.


32) For a nondiabetic person, the glucose concentration in this part of the vasculature varies more than in any other part. A) abdominal artery B) coronary arteries C) pulmonary veins D) hepatic portal vessel E) jugular vein


38) A significant contribution of intestinal bacteria to human nutrition is the benefit of bacterial A) production of vitamins A and C. B) generation of gases needed for elimination. C) absorption of organic materials. D) production of vitamin K. E) recovery of water from fecal matter.


39) The cells that secrete acidic fluid in the stomach are A) the chief cells of the stomach. B) the parietal cells of the stomach. C) not needed for the transformation of pepsinogen to pepsin. D) in the lumen of the stomach. E) adding secretions along the esophagus.


44) Heart rate will increase in the presence of increased A) low-density lipoproteins. B) immunoglobulins. C) erythropoietin. D) epinephrine. E) platelets.


47) Humans can lose, but cannot gain, heat through the process of A) conduction. B) convection. C) radiation. D) evaporation. E) metabolism.


56) In mammals this response is known as fever, but it is known to raise body temperature in other bacterially infected animals, including lizards, fishes, and cockroaches. A) growth of hair on the limbs B) reduced metabolic rate C) sweating from skin glands D) a change in the body's thermostat "set point" E) decreased thermogenesis in brown fat


57) Air-breathing insects carry out gas exchange A) in their specialized external gills. B) in their specialized internal gills. C) in the alveoli of their lungs. D) across the membranes of their cells. E) across all parts of their thin cuticular exoskeleton.


58) Many obese humans produce normal or increased levels of leptin without satiety, so the search for healthy regulation of food intake should focus on A) providing supplementary leptin. B) inactivation of leptin. C) overexpression of the leptin receptor gene. D) eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. E) inhibition of leptin receptors.


58) Seasonal changes in snake activity are due to the fact that the snake A) is less active in winter because the food supply is decreased. B) is less active in winter because it does not need to avoid predators. C) is more active in summer because that is the period for mating. D) is more active in summer because it can gain body heat by conduction. E) is more active in summer as a result of being disturbed by other animals.


60) Some human infants, especially those born prematurely, suffer serious respiratory failure because of A) the sudden change from the uterine environment to the air. B) the overproduction of surfactants. C) the incomplete development of the lung surface. D) lung collapse due to inadequate production of surfactant. E) mutations in the genes involved in lung formation.


65) A person with a tidal volume of 450 mL, a vital capacity of 4,000 mL, and a residual volume of 1,000 mL would have a potential total lung capacity of A) 1,450 mL. B) 4,000 mL. C) 4,450 mL. D) 5,000 mL. E) 5,450 mL.


66) Catabolism of specialized brown fat depots in certain animals is substantially increased during A) acclimatization. B) torpor. C) evaporative cooling. D) nonshivering thermogenesis. E) shivering thermogenesis.


66) During most daily activities, the human respiration rate is most closely linked to the blood levels of A) nitric acid. B) nitrogen. C) oxygen. D) carbon dioxide. E) carbon monoxide.


67) Breathing is usually regulated by A) erythropoietin levels in the blood. B) the concentration of red blood cells. C) hemoglobin levels in the blood. D) CO2 and O2 concentration and pH-level sensors. E) the lungs and the larynx.


68) At an atmospheric pressure of 870 mm Hg of 21% oxygen, the partial pressure of oxygen is A) 100 mm Hg. B) 127 mm Hg. C) 151 mm Hg. D) 182 mm Hg. E) 219 mm Hg.


85) Pulse is a direct measure of A) blood pressure. B) stroke volume. C) cardiac output. D) heart rate. E) breathing rate.


87) One feature that amphibians and humans have in common is A) the number of heart chambers. B) the type of gas exchange tissues. C) a complete separation of circuits for circulation. D) the number of circuits for circulation. E) a low blood pressure in the systemic circuit.


An advantage of a complete digestive system over a gastrovascular cavity is described by which of the following ? Select one: a. It allows an animal to eat a second meal while the first is being digested b. it permits the development of specialized enzymes and concentration of digestive juices in different areas c. Additional physical cutting and grinding of the food is possible d. All of the above are advantages


Negative pressure breathing in humans relies on the following Select one: a. contraction of the rib muscles b. contraction of the diaphragm c. concerted change in the volume of the thoracic cavity and lungs d. all of the above


63) After surgical removal of an infected gallbladder, a person must be especially careful to restrict dietary intake of

D) fat.

Use the following table showing the contents of a multivitamin supplement and its percentage of recommended daily values (DV) to answer the following questions. 11) Folic acid supplements have become especially important for pregnant women because

D) folic acid deprivation is associated with neural tube abnormalities in a fetus.

32) For a nondiabetic person, the glucose concentration in this part of the vasculature varies more than in any other part.

D) hepatic portal vessel

Use the following table showing the contents of a multivitamin supplement and its percentage of recommended daily values (DV) to answer the following questions. 9.) The most likely reason that some of the vitamins and minerals in this supplement are found at less than 100% is

D) it is dangerous to overdose on fat-soluble vitamins such as A and K.

The panting responses that are observed in overheated birds and mammals dissipates excess heat by A. hibernation. B. vasoconstriction. C. countercurrent exchange. D. evaporation. E. acclimation.

D. evaporation

The four major categories of tissues are _____. A. muscle, epithelial, bone, and cartilage B. bone, muscle, blood, and adipose C. blood, nervous, connective, and muscle D. nervous, epithelial, connective, and muscle E. simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, and stratified squamous

D. nervous, epithelial, connective, and muscle

First portion of the small intestines where materials from the stomach are neutralized and receive additional secretions from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder


Majority of digestions occurs in the


25) The nourishment, insulation, and support for neurons is the result of activity by the A) smooth muscles. B) adipose tissue. C) endocrine system. D) intercalated disks. E) glial cells.


26) Fibroblasts secrete A) fats. B) chondroitin sulfate. C) interstitial fluids. D) calcium phosphate for bone. E) proteins for connective fibers.


34) All types of muscle tissue have A) intercalated disks that allow cells to communicate. B) striated banding patterns seen under the microscope. C) cells that lengthen when appropriately stimulated. D) a response that can be consciously controlled. E) interactions between actin and myosin.


43) Cyanide poisons mitochondria by blocking the final step in the electron transport chain. Human red blood cells placed in an isotonic solution containing cyanide are likely to A) retain the normal cell shape, but the mitochondria will be poisoned. B) lyse as the cyanide concentration increases inside the cell. C) switch to anaerobic metabolism. D) become unable to carry oxygen. E) be unaffected.


50) Sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms lack a specialized gas exchange surface because A) they are too large for a circulatory system to operate well. B) they live without need for oxygen. C) they do not produce carbon dioxide. D) countercurrent exchange mechanisms cannot function well in their living conditions. E) nearly all of their cells are in direct contact with the external environment.


53) In mammals, most gas exchange between the atmosphere and the pulmonary blood occurs in the A) trachea. B) larynx. C) bronchi. D) bronchioles. E) alveoli.


55) A female Burmese python incubating her eggs can warm them using A) acclimatization. B) torpor. C) evaporative cooling. D) nonshivering thermogenesis. E) shivering thermogenesis.


59) Standard metabolic rate (SMR) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) are A) used differently: SMR is measured during exercise, whereas BMR is measured at rest. B) used to compare metabolic rate between hibernating and nonhibernating states. C) both measured across a wide range of temperatures for a given species. D) both standard measurements of fat metabolism in mammals. E) both measured in animals in a resting and fasting state.


67) A moth preparing for flight on a cold morning warms its flight muscles via A) acclimatization. B) torpor. C) evaporative cooling. D) nonshivering thermogenesis. E) shivering thermogenesis.


73) An "internal reservoir" of oxygen in rested muscle is found in oxygen molecules bound to A) hemoglobin. B) bicarbonate ions. C) carbonic acid. D) actin and myosin. E) myoglobin.


75) The Bohr shift on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is produced by changes in A) the partial pressure of oxygen. B) the partial pressure of carbon monoxide. C) hemoglobin concentration. D) temperature. E) pH.


79) In an animal species known for endurance running rather than fast sprinting, you would expect to find A) a slower rate of oxygen consumption so that its breathing will not have to be accelerated. B) an increase of storage of oxygen in myoglobin of its muscles. C) a relatively slow heart rate in order to lower oxygen consumption. D) a lower pressure of oxygen in the alveoli. E) a much higher rate of oxygen consumption for its size.


Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissue? Select one: a. protect from fluid loss b. barrier against mechanical injury c. secretion of mucus or digestive juices d. barrier against microorgamisms e. packing material to hold organs in place


3) To become bound to hemoglobin for transport in a mammal, atmospheric molecules of oxygen must cross A) zero membranesoxygen binds directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood. B) one membranethat of the lining in the lungsand then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood. C) two membranesin and out of the cell lining the lungand then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood. D) four membranesin and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining the pulmonary capillary-and then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood. E) five membranesin and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining the pulmonary capillary, and into the red blood cellto bind with hemoglobin.


Which of the following statements about the clonal-selection theory of immune system function is true?

Each lymphocyte recognizes one antigen. An activated lymphocyte makes many copies of itself in response to an infection. Cloned cells persist after the pathogen is eliminated.

Choose the correct statement from the list below. Bile salts from the pancreas are essential to the digestion of fats Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine. Fat digestion begins in the stomach with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin. Fats are fully digested after passage through the mouth and stomach.

Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine

Hydrogen ions produced within human red blood cells are prevented from significantly lowering plasma pH because they bind to


54) The temperature-regulating center of vertebrate animals is located in the ___


Which letter indicates the vessels in which blood pressure is the lowest?

i (ARTERIOLES-Cross section increases=decrease in velocity. (Arteries-> Capillaries) )

The vertebrate heart, like most other hearts, is myogenic (that is, cardiac muscle cells can spontaneously contract and relax). In humans, the primary pacemaker of the heart is located:

in the right sino-atrial node

How are gases transported in insect bodies?

in tracheal systems


incorporated into hemoglobin as well as some enzymes; a mineral

To increase the effectiveness of exchange surfaces lining the lungs and the intestines, evolutionary pressures have

increased the exchange surface area with folds and branches.

capillary beds

infiltrate tissues, passing within a few cell diameters of every cell in the body

Choose the list that presents the four stages of food processing in the order in which they naturally occur.

ingestion → digestion → absorption → elimination

26) Upon activation by stomach acidity, the secretions of the parietal cells ___

initiate the digestion of protein in the stomach.

Upon activation by stomach acidity, the secretions of the parietal cells

initiate the digestion of protein in the stomach.


inorganic nutrients, such as iron and sulfur; usually required in small amounts

Increased glucose levels in blood, after a meal, trigger

insulin release from the pancreas.

34) All types of muscle tissue have ___

interactions between actin and myosin.

All types of muscle tissue have

interactions between actin and myosin.

The fluid that moves around in the circulatory system of a typical arthropod is

interstitial fluid

Self-excitable muscle tissue

is restricted to the heart

Dr. Wartman received the drug Sutent because the mutation found in his cancer cells matched that of which kind of cancer?


Which of the following organs is incorrectly paired with its function? stomach - protein digestion small intestine - nutrient absorption oral cavity - starch digestion pancreas - enzyme production large intestine - bile production

large intestine - bile production

Which of the following organs is incorrectly paired with its function?

large intestine--bile production

Which of the following organs is incorrectly paired with its function?

large intestine-bile production

Compared to a smaller cell, a larger cell of the same shape has

less surface area per unit of volume.

This structure produces bile salts, essential for efficient fat digestion

liver (stored in the gallbladder)

Bile is produced by the _____ and stored by the _____ until it is secreted into the small intestine.

liver ... gall bladder

51) A fasting animal whose energy needs exceed those provided in its diet draws on its stored resources in which order?

liver glycogen, then muscle glycogen, then fat

Bile is produced by the _____ and stored by the _____ until it is secreted into the small intestine. liver ... gall bladder pancreas ... gall bladder liver ... pancreas gall bladder ... liver esophagus ... stomach

liver...gall bladder

Which of the following animals is correctly matched with its type of skeleton? locust ... endoskeleton lobster ... exoskeleton earthworm ... exoskeleton bee ... hydrostatic skeleton dog ... exoskeleton

lobster ... exoskeleton


localized respiratory organs; circulatory system transports gases between these and the rest of the body

The mucous-producing cells that line the stomach

lubricate and protect the stomach lining.

Which of these cells is a phagocytic leukocyte that can engulf a foreign bacterium?


The plasma proteins in humans

maintain the blood's osmotic pressure

which amino acid is found in corn but not in beans?



microscopic vessels with thin, porous walls; form capillary beds

Epithelial cells lining the intestine have surface projections that increase nutrient absorption. These projections are called


For ingested foods, the first opportunity for enzymatic digestion occurs in the _____.



movement of the respiratory medium over the respiratory surface; maintains partial pressure gradients of O2 and CO2 across the gill that are necessary for gas exchange

If you were to jog 1 km a few hours after lunch, which stored fuel would you probably tap?

muscle and liver glycogen

If you were to jog a mile a few hours after lunch, which stored fuel would you probably tap?

muscle and liver glycogen

Nutrient runoff from fertilizing lush lawns often causes "algal blooms" in nearby lakes, make swimming very unpleasant. The fertilizer components most likely to have causes the blooms are:

nitrogen and phosphorus

Is the trait "gastrovascular cavity" monophyletic?


what is the function and location of a simple columnar epithelium?

nutrient absorption; located: intestines

Muscle tissue is composed

of long cells called muscle fibers that contract to cause body movements

Connective tissue cells are

often widely scattered, embedded in an extracellular matrix.

If human studies progress as mouse studies have, in order for this technique to work, the patient needs a healthy what?


Organisms suffering from malnutrition may have a diet deficient in

one or more essential nutrients.

Digestion begins in the

oral cavity

systemic circuit

oxygen enriched blood leaves the gas exchange tissues, enters the left side of the heart; contraction of the heart propels this blood to capillary beds in organs and tissues throughout the body; following exchange of CO2 and O2, as well as nutrients and waste products, the now oxygen poor blood returns to the heart; blood pressure higher here

Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the _____ to secrete _____. pancreas ... bicarbonate pancreas ... pancreatic enzymes small intestine ... disaccharidases stomach ... bicarbonate liver ... liver enzymes

pancreas...pancreatic enzymes

what is the matrix and fibers of fibrous connective tissue?

parallel fibers

The fluid part of blood is called _____.


B cells that have been stimulated by interleukin-2 develop into _____.

plasma cells

Which of these cells produce and secrete antibodies?

plasma cells

Heart rate will increase in the presence of increased


What would enhance water uptake by a plant cell?

positive pressure on the surrounding solution

38) A significant contribution of intestinal bacteria to human nutrition is the benefit of bacterial ___

production of vitamin K.

what is the function and location of a stratified squamous epithelium?

protective barrier; located

Fibroblasts secrete ___.

proteins for connective fibers

26) Fibroblasts secrete ___

proteins for connective fibers.

Fibroblasts secrete

proteins for connective fibers.

Double-stranded viral DNA is incorporated into a host cell as a _____.


49) If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your left toe travels out of your nose, it must pass through all of the following structures except the A) right atrium. B) pulmonary vein. C) alveolus. D) trachea. E) right ventricle.

pulmonary vein

Blood returns to the heart via the _____

pulmonary veins

The fact that there are about a million different antigen receptors possible in human B cells is based on _____.

recombination of the segments of the receptor DNA that make up the functional receptor genes of differentiated B cells

A countercurrent heat exchanger enables an animal to _____.

reduce the loss of heat to the environment

Heartburn is usually caused by the

reflux of chyme from the stomach into the lower esophagus.

Which term describes a mechanism by which the internal conditions of an organism are kept at set values without regard to the external conditions? Regulatory homeostasis. Negative feedback. Conformational homeostasis. Thermoregulation.

regulatory homeostasis

The lower esophageal sphincter surrounds the upper opening into the stomach. If this sphincter failed to properly constrict, there might be a problem with _____.

regurgitation of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, commonly called "heartburn"

The lower esophageal sphincter surrounds the upper opening into the stomach. If this sphincter failed to properly constrict, there might be a problem with _____.

regurgitation of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, commonly called "heartburn". regurgitation of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, commonly called "heartburn"

The cardiac sphincter surrounds the cardiac orifice, the upper opening into the stomach. If this sphincter failed to properly constrict, there might be a problem with _____.

regurgitation of food into the esophagus, commonly called "heartburn"

Connective tissues typically have ___.

relatively few cells and a large amount of extracellular matrix

22) Connective tissues typically have ___

relatively few cells and a large amount of extracellular matrix.

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.

right atrium

what is the location of bone?

rigid parts of skeleton

86) When you hold your breath, which of the following blood gas changes first leads to the urge to breathe?

rising CO2

New prostheses make use of which of the following to simulate action of missing muscles and tendons?


The tongue does all of the following except

secrete saliva.

The matrix is usually

secreted by the cells and consists of fibers embedded in a foundation that may be liquid, jellylike, or solid.

Nervous tissue

senses stimuli and transmits signals called nerve (electrical) impulses from one part of an animal to another.

Which component of a homeostatic system perceives changes in some parameter of the environment? Set point. Effector. Integrator. Sensor.


A thermoreceptor in the skin converts heat to nerve impulses. This conversion is called _____.

sensory transduction

What type of epithelial tissue, found in the intestines, absorbs nutrients? stratified cuboidal epithelium simple cuboidal cells simple columnar epithelium stratified columnar epithelium stratified squamous epithelium

simple columnar epithelium

Which of these tissues, found in the lungs, permits gas exchange by diffusion?

simple squamous epithelium

The genetic material of HIV consists of _____.

single-stranded RNA

The nervous system distinguishes the pitch of a sound mainly on the basis of the ______.

site along the basilar membrane where pressure is exerted

_____ muscle is attached to bones. Smooth Involuntary Cardiac Branched Skeletal


Absorption of food monomers occurs primarily in the _____.

small intestine

The type of muscle tissue surrounding internal organs, other than the heart, is ___.

smooth muscle

What type of muscle is responsible for contractions of the digestive tract and arteries?

smooth muscle

What type of muscle is responsible for contractions of the digestive tract and arteries? smooth muscle skeletal muscle striated muscle voluntary muscle cardiac muscle

smooth muscle

In the digestive system, peristalsis is

smooth muscle contractions that move food along the esophagus.

Regulation of the passage of food from the stomach is accomplished by


Current advances in tissue engineering seemingly rely on which of the following?

stem cells

Vasoconstriction of blood vessels delivering blood to the gut is a likely response when an individual is

stressed and secreting stress hormones.

All skeletal muscle fibers are ___.

striated and under voluntary control.

All skeletal muscle fibers are both

striated and under voluntary control.

what is the striation and cell shape of the cardiac muscle?

striated; branched fibers

what is the striation and cell shape of the skeletal muscle?

striated; unbranched fibers


study of human health and disease at the population level

fluid feeders

suck nutrient rich fluid from a living host; mosquito, aphids that tap phloem sap of plants, hummingbirds, bees; some benefit hosts

An animal digestive tract that consists of two openings (a mouth and anus) is called

the alimentary canal.

An advantage of gas exchange in water, compared with gas exchange in air, is that _____.

the fine structure of the gas exchange surface is supported by being in direct contact with the moving respiratory medium

55) Countercurrent exchange is evident in ___

the flow of water across the gills of a fish and that of blood within those gills.

30) Fluid is filtered out of the bloodstream into the surrounding interstitial fluid at the arteriole end of systemic capillaries because ___

the hydrostatic pressure of the blood is greater than the osmotic pressure of the blood.

type 1 diabetes

the immune system destroys most of the beta cells of the pancreas. Little or no insulin is produced. As a result, blood glucose levels remain elevated for a longer period than in healthy individuals.

The skin is part of which body system?

the integumentary system

Which structure or compartment is not part of the apoplast? the lumen of a xylem vessel an extracellular air space the cell wall of a root hair the cell wall of a mesophyll cell the lumen of a sieve tube

the lumen of a sieve tube

Digestion is initiated in

the mouth (with salivary anhydrase to break down carbs)

When antibodies bind antigens, the clumping of antigens results from

the multivalence of the antibody having at least two binding regions

6) The circulatory system of bony fishes, rays, and sharks is similar to ___

the portal systems of mammals, where two capillary beds occur sequentially, without passage of blood through a pumping chamber

metabolic rate is

the total amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time

24) The set of blood vessels with the lowest blood pressure driving flow is A) the arteries. B) the arterioles. C) the metarterioles. D) the capillaries. E) the veins.

the veins

As body size increases in animals,

there is a decrease in the surface-to-volume ratio.

Cell-mediated immunity differs from humoral immunity in that _____.

they respond differently to invaders

6) The similar fusiform body shape of diverse animals, such as sharks, penguins, and aquatic mammals, has evolved because ___

this is the body shape that makes it possible for aquatic animals to swim rapidly.

Essential fatty acids, which are required in the human diet, are

those fatty acids that humans are unable to synthesize.

Essential amino acids are

those that cannot be made in the body.

Which three digits are critical for fine motor skills? middle finger, ring finger, pinky finger index finger, middle finger, ring finger thumb, index finger, middle finger thumb, middle finger, ring finger

thumb, index finger, middle finger

Which of these is not a function of the respiratory system?

to sense changes in the atmosphere

Nervous tissue functions _____.

to sense stimuli

what is the function of blood?


ingesting large amounts of some minerals

upset homeostatic balance and impair health; salt can contribute to high BP

The most abundant solute in urine is _____. glucose water plasma proteins sodium chloride urea (and other nitrogenous wastes)


You are having your sodium levels properly measured by a doctor. Which of the following is being sampled?


You are having your sodium levels properly measured by a doctor. Which of the following is being sampled? mucus blood saliva urine


What is the main component of gastric juice?


What is the main component of gastric juice? inactive pepsin amylase hydrochloric acid water bile



windpipe; branches into 2 bronchi

19) Damage to the sinoatrial node in humans A) is a major contributor to heart attacks. B) would block conductance between the bundle branches and the Purkinje fibers. C) would have a negative effect on peripheral resistance. D) would disrupt the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions. E) would have a direct effect on blood pressure monitors in the aorta.

would disrupt the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase.


Cardiac muscle fibers are branched.


No matter how much weight is lost, it is difficult to keep it off permanently


Obesity contributes to the most common type of diabetes.


One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestive processes with different requirements (for example, an acidic or basic environment) can be separated within the tract.


Physical activity had less impact on weight than foods eaten.


The simple cuboidal cells of kidney tubules allow for both secretion and absorption.


This describes many connective tissues, such as loose connective tissue.


This is a thin single layer of cells that allows for diffusion.


Under no conditions can minerals be synthesized by the body.


Valves prevent the backflow of blood into the atria and ventricles.


Water is the primary component of many secretions, including gastric juice.


According to the CDC, nearly two million patients acquires bacterial infection in hospitals in the USA each year. Approximately _____ patients die annually as a result of these hospital acquired infection


Number of required fatty acids


About how many people in the U.S. are living with amputations?

2 million

33) Glandular secretions that are released initially as inactive precursors of digestive enzymes are the A) protein-digesting enzymes. B) fat-solubilizing bile salts. C) acid-neutralizing bicarbonate. D) carbohydrate-digesting enzymes. E) hormones such as gastrin.


89) Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these cells in arteries has a A) higher PO2. B) higher PCO2. C) greater bicarbonate concentration. D) lower pH. E) lower osmotic pressure.


Cardiac muscle is the only muscle composed of _____ fibers A branched B unstriated C unbranched and cylindrical D spindle shaped E striated


Fat absorption differs from other foods because its breakdown products are Select one: a. Transported into the lacteals in the villi b. Formed in the large intestine c. Absorbed directly into the blood d. Absorbed only when glucose is not present e. Absorbed by blood capillaries in the gallbladder


What type of muscle is responsible for contractions of the digestive tract and arteries? A smooth muscle B skeletal muscle C striated muscle D voluntary muscle E cardiac muscle


Which arrow indicates the direction of a gradient of increasing solute concentration in the interstitial fluid surrounding a nephron?


Which of the following is an evolutionary adaptation that helps animals exchange matter with the environment? Select one: a. two-layered body plan of a hydra b. unbranched internal surfaces c. complex internal structures d. the torpedo shape of a dolphin in the ocean e. large body size


Which of these conditions is indicative of positive feedback? Select one: a. Blood pressure decreases greatly; blood flow to the heart is inadequate, and blood pressure decreases. b. none of the above conditions involve positive feedback c. Hot temperatures increase your body temperature above normal; you sweat. d. Blood pressure decreases; as a result, your heart rate increases. e. Cold temperatures decrease your body temperature below normal; you shiver.


Which of the following is true? A human has a weaker pinch grip than a chimpanzee. A human and a chimpanzee have equal pinch grips. The pinch grip of a human and a chimpanzee cannot be compared because a chimpanzee lacks a thumb. A human has a stronger pinch grip than a chimpanzee.

A human has a stronger pinch grip than a chimpanzee.

A neuron consists of _____.

A neuron consists of _____.

Positive feedback has occurred when...

A nursing infants sucking increases the secretion of a milk-released hormone in the mother


A typically long extension, or process, from a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body toward target cells.

Bats and hummingbirds are examples of _____. A) endotherms that are also poikilotherms B) ectotherms that are also homeotherms C) ectotherms that are also poikilotherms D) endotherms that are also ectotherms E) endotherms that are also homeotherms


59) Which of the following animals is incorrectly paired with its feeding mechanism?

A) lionsubstrate feeder

Which structure is not part of the alimentary canal? A. Salivary glands. B. Mouth. C. Esophagus. D. Stomach.

A. Salivary Gland

Which of these is an example of negative feedback?

After you eat, insulin stimulates the lowering of blood sugar levels.

More complex animals have a digestive tube with two openings called an

Alimentary canal

Mammalian digestive systems consists of an __________ and ___________

Alimentary canal; accessory glands

Which of the following actions is not a function of the epithelium?

Allows the internal environment to alter its conditions to match those of the external environment.

Which choice best describes an antigen?

An antigen is a foreign molecule that evokes a specific response by a lymphocyte.

connective tissue

Animal tissue that functions mainly to bind and support other tissues, having a sparse population of cells scattered through an extracellular matrix.

Which of the following statements regarding animals is false?

Animals that extract food particles suspended in the surrounding water are called fluid feeders.

3) Which choice best describes a reasonable mechanism for animal structures becoming better suited over evolutionary time to specific functions?

Animals with mutations that give rise to effective structures will become more abundant.

Which of the following statements about the clonal-selection theory of immune system function is false?

Antigens are recognized by receptor proteins inside the lymphocyte.

Which of the following best describes an artery? Arteries carry blood away from the heart. Arteries carry oxygenated blood. Arteries have thin walls compared with veins. Arteries contain valves. Arteries carry blood away from capillaries.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart

Which of the following best describes an artery?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

How is most carbon dioxide transported from tissues to the lungs?

As bicarbonate ions

What effect does watching television have on weight?

As television watching increases, weight also increases.

What effect does watching television have on weight? Weight loss or gain depended on what type of television programs were viewed. As television watching decreases, weight increases. As television watching increases, weight decreases. As television watching increases, weight also increases.

As television watching increases, weight also increases.

Arteries carry blood

Away from the heart only

24) If you gently twist your earlobe, it does not remain distorted because it contains A) collagenous fibers. B) elastin fibers. C) reticular fibers. D) adipose tissue. E) loose connective tissue.


Filtrate is formed as fluid is forced through the walls of the glomerulus and, initially, collects in the structure indicated by the letter


In which of the following organisms does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body? Select one: a. insects b. frogs c. fishes d. molluscs e. annelids


Ingested dietary substances must cross cell membranes to be used by the body, a process known as Select one: a. elimination b. absorption c. digestion d. ingestion e. hydrolysis


The circulatory system in the image above is found among which group of animals ? (3 chambered heart) Select one: a. fish and amphibia b. Amphibia c. Fish d. Mammals e. Birds


Clonal selection is the division of _____ that have been stimulated by binding to an antigen, which results in the production of cloned _____.

B cells ... plasma cells and memory cells

Negative feedback is a method of homeostatic control that _____. A) promotes decreases in metabolic rate rather than increases B) ensures that conditions in an organism do not vary too much above or below their set points C) produces a response by lowering the set point of an organism's metabolism D) increases the speed and rapidity of negative responses to environmental stimuli E) operates independently of most signaling mechanisms


Which component of a homeostatic system perceives changes in some parameter of the environment? A) Set point. B) Sensor. C) Integrator. D) Effector.


In humans, what is regulated via homeostasis?

Body temperature, blood pH, and glucose centration

Microvilli create a ____________ that greatly increases the rate of absorption

Brush border

The posterior inferior vena cava is indicated by the letter _____


The posterior inferior vena cava is indicated by the letter _____.


The soil horizon(s) which ultimately determine(s) the mineral (nutrient) content of soil


What type of epithelial tissue, found in the intestines, absorbs nutrients? A stratified cuboidal epithelium B simple cuboidal cells C simple columnar epithelium D stratified columnar epithelium E stratified squamous epithelium


Which of the following is not a property of the acquired immune system? Select one: a. very specific response to pathogens b. immunological memory c. rapid rate of response d. lack of reactivity against host cells e. receptor diversity


Choose the correct statement from the list below. A. Fat digestion begins in the stomach with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin. B. Fats are fully digested after passage through the mouth and stomach. C. Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine. D. Bile salts from the pancreas are essential to the digestion of fats

C. Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine.

The _____ has(have) the thinnest walls.


Choose the correct statement from the list below. Bile salts from the gall bladder are essential to the digestion of carbohydrates. Carbohydrate absorption occurs primarily in the large intestine. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase. Carbohydrates are fully digested after passage through the stomach .

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase.

The adaption of fermentation chambers allows for utilization of high ______, low _______ food

Carbon, nitrogen

Type of muscle tissue that is responsible for contraction of heart


Set points and normal ranges can change with age or show ________ variation


33) A species that has a normal resting systolic blood pressure of >260 mm Hg is likely to be A) an animal that is small and compact, without the need to pump blood very far from the heart. B) an animal with abundant lipid storage. C) a species that has very wide diameter veins. D) an animal that has a very long distance between its heart and its brain. E) an animal that makes frequent, quick motions.


34) Because adult lampreys attach onto the surface of large fish for long periods of time to feed on body fluids, they can accomplish nutritional balance without need for a A) liver. B) pancreas. C) intestine. D) stomach. E) gallbladder.


37) The diagnosis of hypertension in adults is based on the A) measurement of fatty deposits on the endothelium of arteries. B) measurement of the LDL/HDL ratio in peripheral blood. C) percent of blood volume made up of platelets. D) blood pressure being greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and/or >90 diastolic. E) number of leukocytes per mm3 of blood.


After ingestion by humans, the first category of macromolecules to be chemically digested by enzymes in the mouth is Select one: a. minerals b. proteins c. cholesterol and other lipids d. carbohydrates e. nucleic acids


The branched, contractile tissue in the image to the right is which of the following ? Select one: a. skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle c. cartilage d. cardiac muscle e. loose connective tissue


The epithelium type with the shortest diffusion distance is which of the following ? Select one: a. pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium b. stratified squamous epithelium c. simple columnar epithelium d. simple squamous epithelium e. simple cuboidal epithelium


What type of epithelial tissue lines kidney tubules? A stratified squamous epithelium B stratified cuboidal epithelium C simple squamous epithelium D simple cuboidal cells E stratified transitional epithelium


Which of the following statements best describes the B vitamins ? Select one: a. water insoluble compounds involved in blood clotting b. fat soluble compounds involved in bone formation c. water insoluble compounds involved in formation of visual pigments d. water soluble compounds, often functioning as coenzymes e. fat soluble compounds, often functioning as coenzymes


Which of these tissues, found in the lungs, permits gas exchange by diffusion? A stratified squamous epithelium B simple cuboidal cells C stratified cuboidal epithelium D simple squamous epithelium simple columnar epithelium


A countercurrent heat exchanger enables an animal to _____. A) increase heat loss by evaporation B) slow metabolism when food is not available C) produce more heat when needed D) reduce the loss of body heat to the environment E) absorb heat from the environment


34) Because adult lampreys attach onto the surface of large fish for long periods of time to feed on body fluids, they can accomplish nutritional balance without need for a

D) stomach.

Use the following table showing the contents of a multivitamin supplement and its percentage of recommended daily values (DV) to answer the following questions. 12) Excessive iron absorption and accumulation to toxic levels is associated with

D) the genetic disorder known as hemochromatosis.

52) Obesity in humans is most clearly linked to

D) type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Intracellular digestion _________ in importance as complexity _________.

Decreases, increases

What are the functions of the circulatory system?

Deliver nutrients (digestive) Remove wastes (kidney) Deliver Oxygen (respiratory) Remove Carbon Dioxide (respiratory) Partially circulate Hormones (endocrine)

80) For this unusual capillary bed, A) the pH is lower on the arterial side than on the venous side. B) oxygen is taken up by the erythrocytes within the capillaries. C) the osmotic pressure remains constant due to carbon dioxide compensation. D) the hydrostatic pressure declines from the arterial side to the venous side because oxygen is lost. E) fluids will leave the capillaries on the arterial side of the bed and re-enter on the venous side.


A neuron consists of _____. A neuron consists of _____. A a cell body only C dendrites only D axons only E dendrites, a cell body, and axons F striations


Consider a husband and wife sharing a bed, with each one having and electric blanket. Their controls become switched. When the husband feels cold, he turns up the control. This warms up his partner, who turns down the control. This chills the husband who turns up his control even more. The process continues. For both the wife and the husband this would be an example of Select one: a. negative feedback b. regulated change c. homeostasis d. integrated control e. positive feedback


Hibernation and estivation during seasons of environmental stress are both examples of Select one: a. nonshivering thermogenesis b. shivering thermogenesis. c. acclimatization. d. evaporative cooling e. torpor


Most gas exchange with blood vessels occurs across the walls of the structure indicated by the letter _____


Of the following choices, the epithelium with the shortest diffusion distance is? A pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium. B simple cuboidal epithelium. C simple columnar epithelium. D stratified squamous epithelium. E simple squamous epithelium


Which of the following best and most completely describes the digestive systems of ruminants ? Select one: a. They have fermentation chambers, where symbiotic microorganisms digest cellulose b. The four parts of the stomach are the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum c. Microbial activities in the ruminant stomach produces copious amounts of methane d. regurgitation and rechewing material from the reticulum further breaks down fibers in the cellulose-rich ruminant diet, aiding microbial action e. All of the above are true


Most gas exchange with blood vessels occurs across the walls of the structure indicated by the letter _____.

E ( Gas exchange occurs across the walls of the alveoli.)

Which of the following primarily involves heat transfer by convection? A) You sweat profusely as you mow the lawn on a hot summer day. B) After sunset, you can feel heat from the warm pavement. C) As you lie on the sand, you can feel the sun's warm rays on your skin. D) The water in the lake is so cold that your legs become numb. E) You roll down the car window to allow the cool breeze to blow through


Transmits chemical signals to receptive cells throughout the body via blood

Endocrine System

Blocks the entry to the trachea during swallowing


Tissue covering the body and lining the organs and cavities; closely joined cells


Connects to the stomach


You are the head of the federal agency that sets limits on how much sodium restaurants can use in foods. Who do you work for?


Ruminants have _____ gut


Gastric juice is made up of

HCl acid and pepsin

_____ interact with the antigen-class II MHC complex presented by macrophages.

Helper T cells

How do cells involved in the humoral response respond to antigen presentation on the surface of a B cell?

Helper T cells recognize the receptor-antigen complex and cause plasma and memory cells to be produced to then produce antibodies.

Eats plants and algae


Rabbits and manatees have _____ gut


Ingesting large amounts of minerals can upset what process?


A subset of endotherms that maintain a relatively constant body temperature


According to this study, which of the following is true?

If a person quits smoking, they are likely to gain weight.

As animals _______ in size, they tend toward __________ complexity in body plans

Increase, increasingly

The energy it takes to maintain each gram of body mass is ________ proportional to body size


The image above shows a woman suffering from an abnormality of the thyroid known as goiter. Deficiency in which mineral leads to this condition ?


What happens to the plastic scaffold Dr. Grikscheit uses to grow tissue?

It breaks down.

What is the function of the left ventricle?

It pumps oxygenated blood around the body via the systemic circulation.

Gastic juice has a pH of ~2 in order to

Kill bacteria and denature proteins

In which plant cell or tissue would the pressure component of water potential most often be the lowest or most negative

Leaf mesophyll cell

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____

Left Atrium

Blood that flows through the pulmonary veins will be carried to the:

Left atrium

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the

Left atrium

How do cells involved in the innate immune response detect the presence of pathogens?

Leukocytes recognize unique molecules on pathogens

Connect bones at joints


In humans, leptin, ghrelin, insulin and the hormone PYY have all been shown to

Limit food consumption

Lymphatic vessels deliver chylomicron-containing ______ to large veins that __________ blood to the heart

Lymph, return

Tissues are immunogically "typed" before an organ transplant to make sure that the donor and recipient match as closely as possible in their _____.

MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins

Tissues are typed before an organ transplant to make sure that the _____ of donor and recipient match as closely as possible.

MHC (major histocompatibility complex) proteins

Which protein presents viral antigens on the outer surface of cells?

MHC protein

The long-term absence from the diet of one or more essential nutrients


Poverty, high cost of nutritious food products, poor dietary practices, disruptions in global food supply, harsh economic environmental conditions and disease are all major causes of:

Malnutrition and undernutrition

Which of the following statements regarding animal digestive systems is false?

Meat is more difficult to digest than vegetable matter because of its protein content.

Provide all the essential amino acids; "complete" proteins

Meat, eggs, and cheese

Increases the surface area of food via chewing

Mechanical digestion

How do memory cells differ from effector cells?

Memory cells live longer.

Specialized regions of the digestion system include:

Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small & large intestines Rectum Anus

Transpiration-cohesion-tension mechanism describes

Movement of water against gravity within xylem cells

Tissue consisting of muscle fibers, which contract in response to nerve signals


Nerve cells that transmit nerve impulses


Eats animals, plants, and algea



One of usually numerous, short, highly branched processes of a neuron that convey nerve impulses toward the cell body

Lymph flow towards the heart is the result of:

One-way valves in lymphatic veins (Lymph vessels, like veins, have valves that prevent the balkflow of fluids)

Most animals are ________ feeders


The pulmonary arteries carry _______________ blood.


Increases the cooling effect in birds and many mammals


According to guidelines by the American Journal of Hypertension, who should watch their sodium intake?

People diagnosed with hypertension.

Food is pushed along by


The junction that opens to both the esophagus and the trachea

Pharynx (throat)

Which of the following is true?

Physical activity had less impact on weight than foods eaten.

Which of the following is true? Physical activity varied too much by sex to make any determination regarding its impact on weight as compared to food choices. Physical activity had more impact on weight than foods eaten. Physical activity had less impact on weight than foods eaten. Physical activity had equal impact on weight as foods eaten.

Physical activity had less impact on weight than foods eaten.

___________ constrains all life

Physical laws

The study of the biological functions of an organism


Which of the following events of the innate immune response occurs first when a wound that breaks the skin has occurred?

Platelets release proteins that form clots and decrease bleeding.

Amount of material exchanges is ___________ to a cell's volume


Metabolic rate is ________ to body mass


Blood returns to the heart via the

Pulmonary Veins

Blood returns to the heart via the

Pulmonary veins

Which statement about human blood vessels is correct? - Veins transport blood from the heart to the capillaries. - The pulmonary artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the lungs. - Pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart. - Arteries carry oxygenated blood; veins carry oxygen-poor blood. - Arteries carry blood toward the atria of the heart.

Pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart

Which statement is true about blood vessels?

Pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the

Right Atrium

Attach muscles to bones


The primary functions of the _____ are to warm, filter, and humidify air.

The functions of the nasal cavity are to warm, filter, and humidify air.

Which event of the cardiac cycle occurs when systolic blood pressure is measured?

The ventricles contract, carrying blood into the aorta, and blood flows into the relaxed atria.

True or false: Because hydraulic pressure exceeds osmotic inflow from the interstitial fluids, approximately 15% of the blood volume is lost during the transit through a capillary bed


True or false: Both open and closed circulatory systems maintain unidirectional blood flow using one-way valves


Which statement regarding the mammalian heart is false?

When the right atrium contracts, it forces blood into the left ventricle.

8) Organisms with a circulating body fluid that is distinct from the fluid that directly surrounds the body's cells are likely to have ___

a closed circulatory system

What is cancer?

abnormal or uncontrolled division of cells

Mycorrhizae enhance plant nutrition mainly by

absorbing water and minerals through the fungal hyphae

19) An example of a connective tissue is the ___



carry blood back to the heart

In a typical nerve cell, the nucleus is found in the

cell body.

76) Most of the carbon dioxide produced by humans is ___

converted to bicarbonate ions by an enzyme in red blood cells.

Homeostasis typically relies on negative feedback because positive feedback

drives processes to completion rather than to a balance point

Plants acquire nutrients via a) photoautrophy b) Epiphytic lifestyle c) Parasitism d) Carnivory e) All of the above

e) All of the above

18) Most of the exchange surfaces of multicellular animals are lined with ___

epithelial tissue.

Which of the following is frequently a problem for those who opted for fused joints?

extreme arthritis

Red blood cells are involved in all of the following except _____.

fighting disease

Which processes are required for an animal to obtain energy from food?

Ingestion. Secretion Digestion

Skin, feathers, fur, and blubber reduce heat flow between an animal and its environment


Evolutionary adaptations in endotherms for heating and cooling the body include:

Insulation Regulation of blood flow Countercurrent exchange Evaporation Panting Sweating Bathing Warming essential muscles, use others for cooling

Which component of a homeostatic system sends instructions based on sensory information?


The space between cells that allow for the movement of material into and out of cells

Interstitial fluid

Which is a correct statement about an organism and its environment?

Interstitial fluid is the go-between for body cells and the circulatory system. ( Material from this fluid is exchanged with blood in capillaries.)

Food particles are engulfed by phagocytosis, then food vacuoles fuse with lysosomes containing hydrolytic enzymes. Is this intracellular or extracellular digestion?


The simplest form of digestion is

Intracellular digestion

What happens to the plastic scaffold Dr. Grikscheit uses to grow tissue? Nothing--it remains intact in the patient. It breaks down. It turns into cartilage. It is surgically removed after the patient has healed.

It breaks down

Which of these describes loose connective tissue?

It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material.

Which of these describes loose connective tissue? It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material. It is composed of many fibers that connect bone to bone and muscle to bone. It is a rigid material that provides structural support. It transports nutrients and gases from one part of the body to another. It plays a role in padding, insulation, and energy storage.

It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material.

Which of these describes loose connective tissue?

It is a loose weave of fibers that functions as a packing material. (holding organs in place)

Which of these is not a function of the excretory system?

It processes nutrients after digestion.

What are the functions of the excretory system?

It removes excessive liquid waste. It regulates the level of salts in our body. It filters nitrogenous wastes.

Which of these is true of a vaccine?

It typically is harmless to the body. It is derived from a disease-causing agent or its components. It possesses antigens similar to those of a pathogen. It stimulates the body's immune system to mount a defense in advance of an actual exposure.

three-chambered hearts of amphibians and nonbird reptiles

The three-chambered hearts of amphibians and nonbird reptiles are facultative, allowing variation in blood flow through the heart; allows the blood to bypass pulmonary circulation when the vertebrate is underwater or reliant on pulmonary circulation for oxygenating the blood.

Which statement about endotherms and ectotherms is correct?

There are far more ectotherms than endotherms on Earth. Remember that birds and mammals are the only large taxa of endotherms; other vertebrates, and virtually all invertebrates, are ectotherms.

Which statement best describes tissue macrophages?

They are large, phagocytic cells that can leave the circulation and enter the tissues of the body.

Which of these statements describes antibodies?

They are proteins that attach to foreing antigen such as bacterias or viruses, marking them for destruction.

What happened to cases of dental fluorosis between 1986 and 2004? They decreased by one-half. They decreased by one-quarter. They doubled. They quadrupled.

They doubled.

Symbiotic microbes colonize host plants because

They move into the plant body via openings in roots and root hairs

Which of the following statements best describes the role of mast cells in the inflammatory response?

They release chemicals that constrict blood vessels at the wound site.

Which regions of the nephron function independently of hormonal control for the most part? Proximal tubule, loop of Henle, and distal tubule. Renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, and loop of Henle. Distal tubule and collecting duct. Renal corpuscle and collecting duct.

Renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, and loop of Henle.

Movement of sugars from companion cells into phloem for transport

Requires energy (active transport)

Which of the following is true? Sodium is not needed in the human diet. Sodium intake is never harmful to human health. Sodium intake is always harmful to human health. Sodium is a necessary part of the human diet.

Sodium is a necessary part of the human diet.

Current data show that which of the following people is most likely to choose a more extensive amputation?

Someone with an injury below their knee.

Fluctuations above and below a set point


Stores food and secretes gastric juice


True or false: Guttation in plants is a result of root water potential being greater water potential in air

True (root pressure forces excess water out)

True or false: Free fatty acids plus glycerol are packaged into chylomicrons and carried away from the small intestine in lymphatic capillaries

True (too large to pass through membranes of capillaries [water soluble] so they are transported into a lacteal [part of lymphatic system])

Identify the roles played by human gut bacteria.

Ulcers are caused by the acid-tolerant bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

A _________ individual will use up stored fat and carbs, break down its own proteins, lose muscle mass, suffer protein deficiencies of the brain, die, or suffer irreversible damage


Results when a diet does not provide enough chemical energy


Which of the following statements about the oxygen-hemoglobin interaction is true?

The binding of one oxygen molecule to hemoglobin stimulates the binding of other oxygen molecules.

How does immunization work?

The body's defenses are primed by advance exposure to a harmless version of the virus.

Which of the following is a correct statement about an organism and its environment? Animals isolated from their environments live longer than those exchanging matter with the environment. An animal is a closed system that is separate and distinct from its environment. The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals. The gastrovascular cavity provides the nutrient exchange surface in mammals. None of the choices is correct.

The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals.

Which of the following statements is true? The kidneys are paired organs that regulate water and electrolyte balance in terrestrial vertebrates. The kidneys regulate water and blood glucose in terrestrial vertebrates. Most humans have one kidney, which regulates water and electrolyte balance, removes nitrogenous wastes from the blood, and eliminates the wastes in the urine. The kidneys are paired organs that remove nitrogenous wastes from the urine.

The kidneys are paired organs that regulate water and electrolyte balance in terrestrial vertebrates.

Voice sounds are produced by the _____.

The larynx houses the vocal cords.

8) Organisms with a circulating body fluid that is distinct from the fluid that directly surrounds the body's cells are likely to have A) an open circulatory system. B) a closed circulatory system. C) a gastrovascular cavity. D) branched tracheae. E) hemolymph.

a closed circulatory system

49) The sun shining on a tidal pool during a hot day heats the water. As some water evaporates, the pool becomes saltier, causing A) a decrease in its carbon dioxide content. B) a decrease in its oxygen content. C) an increase in its ability to sustain aerobic organisms. D) a decrease in the water's density. E) a decrease in the movement of the water molecules.

a decrease in its oxygen content.

Two fatty acids humans require

W-6 linoleic acid W-3 linolenic acid

7) A significant increase in the amount of interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary beds of a human's lungs will cause A) an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide moving from the blood to the lungs. B) an increase in the amount of oxygen moving from the lungs into the blood. C) a decrease in the amount of oxygen moving from the lungs into the blood. D) an increase of pressure that would cause the capillary beds to burst. E) a decrease in the amount of work needed for effective ventilation of the lungs.

a decrease in the amount of oxygen moving from the lungs into the blood

7) A significant increase in the amount of interstitial fluid surrounding the capillary beds of a human's lungs will cause ___

a decrease in the amount of oxygen moving from the lungs into the blood

63) The exhalation of air from human lungs is driven by ___

a decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity.

For which of the following animals would the percent of its energy budget spent for homeostatic regulation be the largest?

a desert bird

In the video, Roy Walford proposes that the decline in immune function associated with old age can be delayed with _____.

a diet with restricted calories

Which of the following primarily involves heat transfer by convection?

You roll down the car window to allow the cool breeze to blow through. ( Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of air or a liquid past the surface of a body.)

You are studying a large tropical reptile that has a high and relatively stable body temperature. How would you determine whether this animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm?

You subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm.

Stroke occurs when _____.

a blood clot enters the cerebral circulation, blocking an artery and causing the death of brain tissue

Stroke occurs when _____.

a blood clot enters the cerebral circulation, blocking an artery and causing the death of brain tissue ( Once deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin to die within a few minutes. Because brain cells do not undergo mitosis, they cannot be replaced.)

Stroke occurs when ____

a blood clot enters the cerebral circulation, blocking an artery and causing the death of brain tissue. Once deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin to die within a few minutes. Because brain cells rarely divide in adulthood, they cannot be quickly replaced.

In a system regulated by positive feedback, _____.

a change in a variable will amplify rather than reverse the change

56) In mammals this response is known as fever, but it is known to raise body temperature in other bacterially infected animals, including lizards, fishes, and cockroaches.

a change in the body's thermostat "set point"

Your small intestine can absorb ____ without their being further digested. starches fats proteins fructoses nucleic acids


An adaptive advantage of having a three-chambered heart, as found in amphibians, over the two-chambered heart of fish is that

fully oxygenated blood returning to the amphibian heart can undergo additional pumping to reach higher pressures.


hormone secreted by the stomach wall; triggers feelings of hunger before meals

Mutualistic bacteria aid digestion in many herbivores, including those where this function resides primarily in the large intestine, as in the


What is the source of a viral envelope?

host cell membrane

81) An anthropologist discovers the fossilized heart of an extinct animal. The evidence indicates that the organism's heart was large, well-formed, and had four chambers, with no connection between the right and left sides. A reasonable conclusion supported by these observations is that the ___

animal was endothermic and had a high metabolic rate.

essential fatty acids

animals can't synthesize but plants can; contain one or more double bonds; linoleic acid is an example; seeds, grains, other plant matter

substrate feeders

animals that live in or on their food source; caterpillar, maggots

Viruses and bacteria in body fluids are attacked by _____.

antibodies from B cells

Extracellular pathogens such as viruses and bacteria in body fluids are attacked by _____.

antibodies from plasma cells

order of blood glucose levels

beta cells of pancreas release insulin -> body cells take up more glucose -> liver takes up glucose and builds glycogen -> blood glucose levels fall -> alpha cells of pancreas release glucagon -> liver breaks down glycogen and releases glucose -> blood glucose levels rise

The closest living relative to the Kingdom Animalia (animals) are the


22) The material present in arterioles that is not present in capillaries is ___

circular smooth muscle cells that can alter the size of the arterioles

The material present in arterioles that is not present in capillaries is

circular smooth muscle cells that can alter the size of the arterioles


circulatory fluid in a closed circulatory system that is confined to vessels and is distinct from the interstitial fluid


circulatory fluid in an open circulatory system; it is also the interstitial fluid that bathes the body cells

open circulatory system

circulatory fluid is hemolymph; arthropods, some molluscs; heart contraction pumps the hemolymph through circulatory vessels into sinuses; there, exchange with body cells occurs. heart relaxation draws hemolymph back in through pores, which have valves that close when the heart contracts; body movements help circulate the hemolymph

3 components of the circulatory system

circulatory fluid, set of interconnecting vessels, muscular pump

cardiovascular system

closed circulatory system of humans and other vertebrates; blood circulates to and from the heart through extensive network of vessels

water soluble vitamins act as

coenzymes in the body; they do not stay bonded to only one enzyme, but are used over and over again by different enzymes

With its abundance of collagenous fibers, cartilage is an example of

connective tissue.

The outer part of the kidney is the _____. medulla nephron lacteal cortex Bowman's capsule


4) Penguins, seals, and tuna have body forms that permit rapid swimming, because A) all share a common ancestor at some point in the past. B) all of their bodies have been compressed since birth by intensive underwater pressures. C) flying, pregnancy, and gill-breathing all require similar adaptations in form. D) the shape is a convergent evolutionary solution to the need to reduce drag while swimming. E) this is the only shape that will allow them to maintain a constant body temperature in water.


Choose the correct statement from the list below. a. Carbohydrate absorption occurs primarily in the large intestine. b. Carbohydrates are fully digested after passage through the stomach . c. Bile salts from the gall bladder are essential to the digestion of carbohydrates. d. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase.


The "essential nutrients" for proper human nutrition include _____. a. all of the amino acids b. glucose c. active enzymes from plants and/or animals d. calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals e. cellulose


What is the main component of gastric juice? a. inactive pepsin b. amylase c. hydrochloric acid d. water e. bile


Which structure is not part of the alimentary canal? a. Esophagus. b. Stomach. c. Mouth. d. Salivary glands.


Which letter indicates the arteries?

d (Aorta->arteries-> arterioles) (When blood enters the arteries from the aorta, both pressure and velocity begin to fall. As blood leaves the arteries and flows through the arterioles, both pressure and velocity drop rapidly.)

Which component of a homeostatic system sends instructions based on sensory information? Set point. Sensor. Effector. Integrator.


All types of muscle tissue have ___.

interactions between actin and myosin

Most plants continuously obtain new sources of mineral nutrients by

encouraging symbioses with soil fungi

True or false? The pressure inside the human chest cavity is always positive, so the lungs stay relatively inflated even upon exhalation.


True or false? The leukocytes of the innate immune system are B cells, macrophages, and neutrophils.

false The leukocytes of the innate immune system are mast cells, macrophages, and neutrophils.

After surgical removal of an infected gallbladder, a person must be especially careful to restrict dietary intake of


After surgical removal of an infected gallbladder, a person must be especially careful to restrict his or her dietary intake of


Which of the following nutrients is digested only after it reaches the small intestine?


Which of the following is in the correct order leading to the development of heart disease?

fat accumulation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome

Which of the following is in the correct order leading to the development of heart disease? metabolic syndrome, fat accumulation, insulin resistance insulin resistance, fat accumulation, metabolic syndrome insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, fat accumulation fat accumulation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome

fat accumulation, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome

fat soluble vitamins are

not involved as coenzymes, but they are still essential in our diet, and they are involved in important processes such as vision, bone formation, protection from oxidation, and blood clotting

An enzyme with high activity in an acidic environment is


Which of the following enzymes has the lowest pH optimum?


Which of the following enzymes works most effectively at a very low pH?


Most mechanical processing of food occurs in the _____.

oral cavity and stomach

Which lists the major segments of the alimentary canal in the correct order?

oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

Which of the following correctly lists the order of the parts of the human digestive system, from first to last contact with food matter?

oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine


organic molecules that are required in the diet in very small amounts; 13 of these have been identified in humans

21) The semilunar valves of the mammalian heart ___

prevent backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary arteries

If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your toe travels out of your nose, it must pass through all the following structures except.

pulmonary vein

released into the blood in your left toe is exhaled from your nose, it must pass through all of the following except the pulmonary vein an alveolus the trachea the right ventricle the right atrium

pulmonary vein

Blood returns to the heart via the _____.

pulmonary veins

A double circulatory system is composed of a ______________ circuit and a(n) ______________ circuit.

pulmonary; systemic

Clonal selection of B cells activated by antigen exposure leads to production of

short-lived plasma cells that secrete antibodies for the antigen.

1) Gas exchange in the aquatic salamander known as the axolotl is correctly described as A) active transport to move oxygen into the salamander from the water. B) carrier-mediated transport to move oxygen into the salamander from the water. C) facilitated diffusion of carbon dioxide from the salamander into the water. D) simple diffusion of oxygen into the salamander from the water. E) active transport of carbon dioxide from the salamander into the water.

simple diffusion of oxygen into the salamander from water

Which of these tissues, found in the lungs, permits gas exchange by diffusion? stratified squamous epithelium simple cuboidal cells stratified cuboidal epithelium simple squamous epithelium simple columnar epithelium

simple squamous epithelium

39) The cells lining the air sacs in the lungs make up a ___

simple squamous epithelium.

Most of the digestion of fats occurs in section(s) ___.

small intestine

The involuntary muscles that cause the wavelike contractions pushing food along our intestines are

smooth muscles.

immunological memory accounts for

the ancient observation that someone who had recovered from the plague could safely care for those newly diseased.

What is the basic functional unit of the kidney? The renal corpuscle. The nephron. The Malpighian tubule. The medulla.

the nephron

87) One feature that amphibians and humans have in common is ___

the number of circuits for circulation.

14) Which of the following pairs of mammalian blood vessels has blood that is the least similar in its gas content?

the pulmonary vein and the jugular vein

14) Which of the following pairs of mammalian blood vessels has blood that is the least similar in its gas content? A) the pulmonary vein and the jugular vein B) the veins from the right and left legs C) the pulmonary artery and the vena cava D) the pulmonary vein and the aorta E) the inferior vena cava and the superior vena cava

the pulmonary vein and the jugular vein

88) If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your left toe is exhaled from your nose, it must pass through all of the following except ___

the pulmonary vein.

An advantage of gas exchange in water, compared with gas exchange in air, is that _____.

the respiratory surface does not dry out in water

An advantage of gas exchange in water, compared with gas exchange in air, is that _____.

the respiratory surface does not dry out in water ( Gases crossing the respiratory membrane must first dissolve in water, which requires that the surface be kept moist.)

62) Air rushes into the lungs of humans during inhalation because ___

the rib muscles and diaphragm contract, increasing the lung volume.

12) Interstitial fluid is ___

the route for the exchange of materials between blood and body cells.

Penguins, seals, and tuna have body forms that permit rapid swimming, because

the shape is a convergent evolutionary solution to the need to reduce drag while swimming

Penguins, seals, and tuna have body forms that permit rapid swimming, because ___.

the shape is a convergent evolutionary solution to the need to reduce drag while swimming

4) Penguins, seals, and tuna have body forms that permit rapid swimming, because ___

the shape is a convergent evolutionary solution to the need to reduce drag while swimming.

2) Circulatory systems have the primary benefit of overcoming the shortcomings of A) temperature differences between the lungs and the active tissue. B) the slow rate at which diffusion occurs across cells. C) communication systems involving only the nervous system. D) having to cushion animals from trauma. E) fetal organisms maintaining an optimal body temperature.

the slow rate at which diffusion occurs across cells

2) Circulatory systems have the primary benefit of overcoming the shortcomings of ___

the slow rate at which diffusion occurs across cells

Circulatory systems compensate for

the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances.

Which of the following is not involved when information about taste intensity is transmitted to the brain? the strength of a receptor potential the frequency of action potentials the strength of an action potential the number of sensory neurons that transmit action potentials the number of stimulus molecules that bind to receptor cell membranes

the strength of an action potential

15) After several weeks of exercise, a human athlete's resting heart rate is typically lower than before because A) the body needs less oxygen than before. B) the body temperature has increased. C) the stroke volume has increased. D) the cardiac output has decreased. E) the body produces less carbon dioxide than before.

the stroke volume has increased

15) After several weeks of exercise, a human athlete's resting heart rate is typically lower than before because ___

the stroke volume has increased

Cattle are able to survive on a diet consisting almost entirely of plant material because

they have cellulose-digesting, symbiotic microorganisms in chambers of their stomachs.

Red blood cells are different from most cells of our body because _____.

they lack a nucleus and mitochondria

What is the main digestive function of the pancreas?

to produce digestive enzymes and an alkaline solution

The primary function of humoral immunity is

to protect the body against extracellular pathogens.

The aorta transports blood _________

to the bodily tissues

Among humans, increased interest in food intake normally occurs _____.

via chemical signals released when the stomach is empty. A shrunken, empty stomach releases ghrelin, a protein hormone that sharply increases appetite.

54) Gas exchange is more difficult for aquatic animals with gills than for terrestrial animals with lungs because ___

water contains much less O2 than air per unit volume.

A plant cell with a PSI_s of -0.65 MPa maintains a constant volume when bathed in a solution that has a PSI_s of -0.30 MPa and is in an open container. The cell has a PSI_p of

+0.35 MPa

A fat molecule is composed of a single molecule of glycerol and one, two, or three fatty acid molecules.


The directions in which blood and water flow (indicated by arrows at the ends of each bar) differs from A to B. Which best represents the flow of water over blood capillaries in the gills of a fish ? (Image A depicts water and blood flowing both to the left; image B depicts water flowing to the left and blood flowing to the right) Select one: 1. B 2. Neither 3. A 4. A and B are equivalent


When did fluoridation of water begin in the U.S.?



2 of them, each leading to a lung; branch into bronchioles

Number of required amino acids


homeostasis blood glucose levels

70-110 mg/100 mL

70) At the summit of a high mountain, the atmospheric pressure is 380 mm Hg. If the atmosphere is still composed of 21% oxygen, then the partial pressure of oxygen at this altitude is ___

80 mm Hg.

26) Upon activation by stomach acidity, the secretions of the parietal cells A) initiate the digestion of protein in the stomach. B) initiate the mechanical digestion of lipids in the stomach. C) initiate the chemical digestion of lipids in the stomach. D) include pepsinogen. E) delay digestion until the food arrives in the small intestine.


A fruit fly, internally infected by a potentially pathogenic fungus, is protected by Select one: a. its antimicrobial peptides b. its B cells c. its plasma cells d. its immunoglobulins e. its antibodies


tunas, sharks, penguins, and dolphins all have a basic fusiform shape, tapered at both ends. what explains this similarity in shape? A. The similarity is due to convergent evolution, because all these animals share similar environmental challenges. B. The similarity is due to homology, based on shared ancestry. C. All fast-swimming aquatic vertebrates have this shape


4) To maintain adequate nutrition, animals require dietary access to certain amino acids. An amino acid that is referred to as "nonessential" would be best described as one that

A) can be made by the animal's body from other substances.

Choose the list that presents the four stages of food processing in the order in which they naturally occur. A. ingestion → digestion → absorption → elimination B. digestion → ingestion → absorption → elimination C. ingestion → digestion → elimination → absorption D. ingestion → absorption → elimination → digestion E. absorption → digestion → ingestion → elimination

A. ingestion → digestion → absorption → elimination

Metabolic rate is _____. A. the total amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time B. directly proportional to body size C. typically higher in an ectothermic animal than in an endothermic one D. the amount of heat gained by an animal in a unit of time E. determined when the organism is vigorously exercising after consuming a fatty meal

A. the total amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time

Energy-containing molecules from food are usually needed to make ______


Second and third sections of small intestine are the major sites of


Why might probiotics not work?

Acidic environment in stomach kills lots of stuff

Transport across epithelial cells can be __________ or __________ depending on the nutrient

Active, passive

Essential nutrients include:

Amino acids Fatty Acids Vitamins Minerals

_____ in carbon dioxide in your blood, which causes _____ in pH, would cause your breathing to speed up

An increase ... a drop

Blood pressure is highest in the _____.


Which of the following vessels distributes oxygen-rich (oxygenated) blood from the heart to the body in humans?


40) Stomach cells are moderately well adapted to the acidity and protein-digesting activities in the stomach by having

B) a thick, mucous secretion and active mitosis of epithelial cells.

Why does the velocity of blood slow greatly as blood flows from arterioles into capillaries?

Because capillary beds have a total cross-sectional area much greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arterioles.

Why are deficiencies in fatty acids rare?

Because fatty acids are common in plants

_____ is secreted by the _____ and acts to emulsify _____ in the _____.

Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

_____ is secreted by the _____ and acts to emulsify _____ in the _____. Lipase ... small intestine ... fats ... small intestine Trypsin ... pancreas ... fats ... small intestine Nucleases ... pancreas ... nucleic acids ... stomach Amylase ... salivary glands ... starch ... stomach Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine

The overall flow and transformation of energy in an animal; determines how much food an animal needs and relates it to an animal's size, activity, and environment


_____ is the connective tissue specialized for transport.


_____ is the connective tissue specialized for transport. Bone Blood Adipose tissue Muscle tissue Cartilage


You are a world renowned food critic. In which of the following cities will you have to ask for a salt shaker at a restaurant you are reviewing?

Buenos Aires, Argentina

You are a world renowned food critic. In which of the following cities will you have to ask for a salt shaker at a restaurant you are reviewing? Buenos Aires, Argentina Sydney, Australia London, England Stockholm, Sweden

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eat relatively large pieces of food; anacondas

Bulk feeders

19) An example of a connective tissue is the A) skin. B) nerves. C) blood. D) cuboidal epithelium. E) smooth muscles.


23) The fibers responsible for the elastic resistance properties of tendons are A) elastin fibers. B) fibrin fibers. C) collagenous fibers. D) reticular fibers. E) spindle fibers.


27) The bile salts A) are enzymes. B) are manufactured by the pancreas. C) emulsify fats in the duodenum. D) increase the efficiency of pepsin action. E) are normally an ingredient of gastric juice.


28) Complex nutrients are digested and then absorbed into the lymph or bloodstream as A) disaccharides. B) polymers. C) monomers. D) enzymes. E) peptides.


31) A nutritional monomer that can be transported in the blood after a typical meal is A) sucrose. B) maltose. C) fatty acid. D) dipeptide. E) trinucleotide.


Fluid is filtered out of the bloodstream into the surrounding interstitial fluid at the arteriole end of systemic capillaries because Select one: a. the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is greater than the hydrostatic pressure of the blood b. the hydrostatic pressure of the blood is less than that of the interstitial fluid. c. the hydrostatic pressure of the blood is greater than the osmotic pressure of the blood. d. the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is greater than that of the blood. e. the osmotic pressure of the blood is greater than the hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid.


If the atrioventricular node (AV node) were surgically removed from the heart without disrupting signal transmission to the Purkinje fibers Select one: a. Only the atria would contract b. only the ventricles would contract c. Atria and ventricles would contract at about the same time. d. The heart rate would decrease e. No apparent effect on heart activity would be observed


Lymphatic filariasis is a condition caused by parasitic roundworms, which inhabit the lymphatic vessels, blocking the flow of lymph throughout the body . Inhibition of lymph flow results in which of the following symptoms ? Select one: a. Decreased blood pressure b. Increased blood pressure c. Chronic, extreme swelling, due to fluid retention, particularly in the lower limbs d. Inability to transport absorbed carbohydrates to the bloodstream


Nervous tissue functions _____. Nervous tissue functions _____. A as a physical barrier to the invasion of pathogens B to physically move the body C to sense stimuli D to physically support the body E in the absorption of nutrients


Which of the following is NOT one of the four main stages involved in food processing ? Select one: a. ingestion b. absorption c. conduction d. elimination e. digestion


Which of the following is not an adaptation that would help an animal to thermoregulate? Select one: a. feathers b. sweating c. body size d. a countercurrent exchange system e. regulation of blood flow near the body surface


Which of the following is the correct sequence of blood flow in mammals? Select one: a. right atrium → pulmonary artery → left atrium → ventricle b. pulmonary vein → left atrium → left ventricle → pulmonary circuit c. vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary circuit d. left ventricle → aorta → lungs → systemic circulation e. right ventricle → pulmonary vein → pulmocutaneous circulation


Which of the following most accurately reflects digestion of fats ? Select one: a. Fats are solubilized by bile slats and absorbed in the large intestine b. Fats are emulsified by bile salts and this alone is sufficient to enable their absorption c. Fats are emulsified by bile salts and the resulting fat droplets are hydrolyzed by pancreatic lipase d. Fats are solubilized by the action of bile from the liver and can then be absorbed directly into the blood capillaries


18) Earthworms, grasshoppers, and birds all have a

C) crop.

27) The bile salts

C) emulsify fats in the duodenum.

28) Complex nutrients are digested and then absorbed into the lymph or bloodstream as

C) monomers.

60) The mammalian trachea and esophagus both connect to the

C) pharynx.

Different types of food are eaten by various groups of animals, but it is usually true that _____. A. many carnivorous vertebrates house large populations of symbiotic bacteria and protists in special fermentation chambers in their stomachs B. animals typically produce enzymes that hydrolyze cellulose C. cellulose digestion in ruminant mammals occurs before the ingested foods reach the small intestine D. the intestines of carnivores tend to be longer than the intestines of herbivores of similar overall body size E. the teeth of herbivores tend to be sharper than the teeth of carnivores

C. cellulose digestion in ruminant mammals occurs before the ingested foods reach the small intestine

The presence of fatty acids and amino acids in the stomach contents triggers the small intestine to secrete a hormone known as _____. cholecystokinin, or CCK histones insulin secretin thyroxine


How are cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) produced?

CD8+ T cells divide and differentiate into cytotoxic T lymphocytes.

67) Breathing is usually regulated by ___

CO2 and O2 concentration and pH-level sensors.

Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the _____.

Capillaries of the head, forelimbs, abdominal organs, and hind lims

Eats other animals


Many _________ have large, expandable stomachs


Animals harvest _________ energy from food


Splits food into small molecules that can be absorbed; enzymatic hydrolysis splits bonds in molecules with the addition of water

Chemical digestion

Humans belong to which major nutritional group of organisms


Fats coated with phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins to form water-soluble


Houses bacteria that live on unabsorbed organic material


Major function is to recover water that has entered the alimentary canal


A __________ body plan helps an animal living in a variable external environment to maintain a relatively stable _________ environment

Complex, internal

The direct transfer of thermal motion (heat) between molecules of objects in contact with each other


Allows its internal condition to vary with certain external changes


Tissue that binds and supports other tissues; sparsely packed cells, scattered throughout an extracellular matrix


69) At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. Oxygen gas is approximately 21% of the total gases in the atmosphere, so the approximate partial pressure of oxygen is A) 0.2 mm Hg. B) 20.0 mm Hg. C) 76.0 mm Hg. D) 160.0 mm Hg. E) 508.0 mm Hg.


7) The specialized structures of complex animals have evolved because A) the environment imposes identical problems regardless of where the animals are found. B) the development of the specialized structures in an animal is influenced by the animal's ability to learn. C) the simplest animals are those with the most recent appearance among the biota. D) they permit adjustments to a wide range of environmental changes. E) the most complex animals are the ones with the most ancient evolutionary origin.


74) Hemoglobin and hemocyanin A) are both found within blood cells. B) are both red in color. C) are both freely dissolved in the plasma. D) both transport oxygen. E) are both found in mammals.


75) An animal's inputs of energy and materials would exceed its outputs A) if the animal is an endotherm, which must always take in more energy because of its high metabolic rate. B) if it is actively foraging for food. C) if it is hibernating. D) if it is growing and increasing its mass. E) never; homeostasis makes these energy and material budgets always balance.


The set of blood vessels with the slowest velocity of blood flow is Select one: a. the aorta b. the arterioles. c. the veins d. the capillaries e. the arteries


Which of the following is INCORRECTLY paired with its function? Select one: a. large intestine—water reabsorption b. oral cavity--starch digestion c. stomach--protein digestion d. small intestine--bile production e. pancreas--enzyme production


Which of the following is an important distinction between the measurement of basal metabolic rate (BMR) and standard metabolic rate (SMR)? Select one: a. An animal must be actively exercising for the measurement of BMR. b. BMRs are performed only on ectothermic animals. c. The BMR of a specific animal is usually lower than the animal's SMR. d. SMR must be determined at a specific temperature. e. An animal must be fasting for SMR.


Choose the list that correctly ranks metabolic rates per gram of body mass, from lowest to highest. A) hummingbird, dog, mouse B) human, cat, mouse, salamander C) gazelle, lion, elephant D) fish, dog, mouse E) human, rabbit, snake


Homeostasis is the _____. A) cooperation of body parts to form tissues, organs, and systems B) correlation of structure and function C) idea that all vertebrates are built in a similar way D) maintenance of a relatively constant and optimal internal environment E) exchange of materials with the surrounding environment


8) A general rule relating the capacity of a specific animal's digestive system to provide adequate access to substrates for biosynthesis of cellular components, as well as fuel molecules needed for ATP production, is that the animal should have access to

D) a diet that matches the "food pyramid" for the species.

Use the following table showing the contents of a multivitamin supplement and its percentage of recommended daily values (DV) to answer the following questions. 14) Ingested dietary substances must cross cell membranes to be used by the body, a process known as

D) absorption.

25) Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that

D) begins the hydrolysis of proteins in the stomach.

43) The adaptations suited to a carnivorous diet include

D) bile salts.

Mouse mutations can affect an animal's appetite and eating habits. The ob gene codes for a satiety factor, the hormone leptin. The db gene product, the leptin receptor, is required to respond to the satiety factor. 58) Many obese humans produce normal or increased levels of leptin without satiety, so the search for healthy regulation of food intake should focus on

D) eliminating carbohydrates from the diet.

39) The cells that secrete acidic fluid in the stomach are

D) in the lumen of the stomach.

30) The absorption of fats differs from that of carbohydrates in that the

D) most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood.

Mouse mutations can affect an animal's appetite and eating habits. The ob gene codes for a satiety factor, the hormone leptin. The db gene product, the leptin receptor, is required to respond to the satiety factor. 57) Leptin is a product of adipose cells. Therefore, a very obese mouse would be expected to have

D) mutation of ob or db.

62) Which of the following is not a major activity of the stomach?

D) nutrient absorption

38) A significant contribution of intestinal bacteria to human nutrition is the benefit of bacterial

D) production of vitamin K.

Which of these is NOT one of the four major categories of tissue? A. muscle B. epithelial C. connective D. blood E. nervous

D. blood

The "essential nutrients" for proper human nutrition include _____. A. glucose B. cellulose C. all of the amino acids D. calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals E. active enzymes from plants and/or animals

D. calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals

Bats and hummingbirds are examples of _____. A. ectotherms that are also homeotherms B. endotherms that are also homeotherms C. endotherms that are also ectotherms D. endotherms that are also poikilotherms E. ectotherms that are also poikilotherms

D. endotherms that are also poikilotherms

Complexity does not eliminate the need for __________


When the digestion and absorption of organic molecules results in more energy-rich molecules than are immediately required by an animal, the excess is Select one: a. stored as starch in the liver. b. hydrolyzed and converted to ADP c. oxidized and converted to ATP d. eliminated in the feces. e. stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles


53) Examine the digestive system structures in the figure above. The agents that help emulsify fats are produced in

E) 9

2) Animals that migrate great distances would obtain the greatest energetic benefit of storing chemical energy as

E) fats.

3) To become bound to hemoglobin for transport in a mammal, atmospheric molecules of oxygen must cross ___

E) five membranes in and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining the pulmonary capillary, and into the red blood cell to bind with hemoglobin.

20) In the digestive system, peristalsis is

E) smooth muscle contractions that move food along the esophagus.

44) Cattle are able to survive on a diet consisting almost entirely of plant material because

E) they have cellulose-digesting, symbiotic microorganisms in chambers of their stomachs.

An advantage of a complete digestive system over a gastrovascular cavity is that the complete system A. allows digestive enzymes to be more specific. B. facilitates intracellular digestion. C. allows extensive branching. D. excludes the need for extracellular digestion. E. allows for specialized regions with specialized functions.

E. allows for specialized regions with specialized functions.

To survive, all animals must _____. A. have a complete digestive system B. hibernate C. ingest nutrients from the environment every day of their lives D. digest plant material E. balance consumption of food with use and storage of nutrients

E. balance consumption of food with use and storage of nutrients

In a survivably cold environment, an ectotherm is more likely to survive an extended period of food deprivation than would an equally sized endotherm because the ectotherm A. metabolizes its stored energy more readily than can the endotherm. B. maintains a higher basal metabolic rate. C. expends more energy per kg of body mass than does the endotherm. D. has greater insulation on its body surface. E. invests little energy in temperature regulation.

E. invests little energy in temperature regulation

What secretions are a barrier that prevents pathogens from entering the body?

Ear wax. Mucus. Lysozyme.

You want to lose weight. Which of the following combinations would likely work best?

Eat nuts and whole wheat bread, and sleep for 7-8 hours per night.

You want to lose weight. Which of the following combinations would likely work best? Avoid nuts, eat refined bread, and sleep 7-8 hours per night. Avoid nuts, eat whole wheat bread, and sleep for less than 7 hours per night. Eat nuts and refined bread, and sleep less than 7 hours per night. Eat nuts and whole wheat bread, and sleep for 7-8 hours per night.

Eat nuts and whole wheat bread, and sleep for 7-8 hours per night.

Coordination and control within a body depend on the __________ and ___________ systems

Endocrine, nervous

Which of the following statements about bioenergetics is true?

Endotherms are warmed by metabolic heat.

What structures are a part of the alimentary canal?

Esophagus. Mouth. Stomach.

There are four classes of essential nutrients in the human diet. Which one is missing from the following list ? -Essential amino acids -Vitamins -Minerals

Essential Fatty Acids

Select the correct statement about essential nutrients.

Essential nutrients must be obtained from diet.

The removal of hear from the surface of a liquid that is losing some of its molecules as gas.


Which of the following is true regarding bone marrow transplants?

Even if the patient and the donor are a match, the patient can still experience side effects.

Which process is not required for an animal to obtain energy from food?


Which process is not required for an animal to obtain energy from food?


What can a person do to try to control weight gain?

Exercise regularly and balance calorie intake with calorie requirements.

The breakdown of food outside of cells; occurs in compartments that are continuous with the outside of the animals' body.

Extracellular digestion

True or False? The liver is a component of the alimentary canal.


True or false: The formation of a blood clot around a patch of activated platelets occurs when fibrinogen is converted to fibrin by activated white blood cells


True or false: The principle proteolytic enzymes secreted in the stomach (pepsin) and by the pancreas (trypsin) cleave off amino acids from larger proteins, enabling the small intestine to absorb proteins.


True or false? One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestion of all compounds can take place simultaneously down the tract.


True or false? The circulatory systems of land-dwelling vertebrates are composed of two pumping circuits: the systemic circulation, which is a lower-pressure circuit to the lung, and the pulmonary circulation, which is a higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.


True or false: In plants, water always moves from an area of lower water potential to higher water potential

False (high to low)

True or false? The circulatory systems of land-dwelling vertebrates are composed of two pumping circuits: the systemic circulation, which is a lower-pressure circuit to the lung, and the pulmonary circulation, which is a higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.

False. The pulmonary circulation is the lower-pressure circuit to the lung, whereas the systemic circulation is the higher-pressure circuit to the rest of the body.

What are the two categories of vitamins?

Fat-soluble and water-soluble

Epithelial cells absorb __________ and monoglycerides and recombine them into ______________

Fatty acids, triglycerides

Many herbivores have ________________ where mutualistic microorganisms divest cellulose

Fermentation chambers

Result of a change change to the set point for a biological thermostat, often in response to infection; an attempt to out tolerate a pathogen


Matrix consists of __________


Suck nutrient-rich fluid from a living host; mosquito

Fluid feeders

You are the head of the federal agency that sets limits on how much sodium restaurants can use in foods. Who do you work for?

Food and Drug Administration

You are the head of the federal agency that sets limits on how much sodium restaurants can use in foods. Who do you work for? National Institutes of Health Food and Drug Administration United States Department of Agriculture Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Administration

Why are most plant proteins incomplete in amino acid composition?

Form of defense - herbivores most likely will not consume them

According to this study, which of the following would be best to avoid if you want to lose weight?

French fries

According to this study, which of the following would be best to avoid if you want to lose weight? peanut butter fruit juices red meat French fries

French fries

Most gas exchange with blood vessels occurs across the walls of the structure

Gas exchange occurs across the walls of the alveoli.

Animals with a simple body plan have a __________ that function in both digestion and absorption

Gastrovascular Cavity

Many different animal body plans have evolved and are determined by the ________


Nourish, insulate, and replenish neurons

Glial cells (glia)

90) Which of the following reactions prevails in red blood cells traveling through alveolar capillaries? (Hb = hemoglobin)

Hb + 4 O2 → Hb(O2)4

Fish oil benefit which body part?


__________ and __________ have longer alimentary canals than carnivores, reflecting the longer time needed to digest vegetation

Herbivores, Omnivores

How are refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup different?

High fructose corn syrup contains more fructose than refined sugar.

How are refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup different? High fructose corn syrup contains fructose, refined sugar does not. High fructose corn syrup contains more fructose than refined sugar. They are not different from each other. High fructose corn syrup contains less fructose than refined sugar.

High fructose corn syrup contains more fructose than refined sugar.

What, in part, fueled the use of high fructose corn syrup?

High fructose corn syrup is cheaper to produce than refined sugar.

What, in part, fueled the use of high fructose corn syrup? High fructose corn syrup contains more calories than refined sugar. High fructose corn syrup is easier to produce than refined sugar. High fructose corn syrup is cheaper to produce than refined sugar. High fructose corn syrup contains fewer calories than refined sugar.

High fructose corn syrup is cheaper to produce than refined sugar.

Smaller animals have ________ metabolic rates per gram than larger animals


What is the driving force for the filtration of blood by the renal corpuscle? The presence of large pores in the glomerular capillaries and filtration slits. The presence of microvilli. Higher pressure in glomerular capillaries than in the surrounding Bowman's capsule. The diffusion of small solutes such as urea down a concentration gradient.

Higher pressure in glomerular capillaries than in the surrounding Bowman's capsule.

A chemical signal that is slow acting, but can have long-lasting effects


In humans, thermoregulation is controlled by a region of the brain called the


41) Dissolved proteins in human plasma include which of the following? I. fibrinogen II. hemoglobin III. immunoglobulin

I and III only

According to this study, which of the following is true? Quitting smoking and weight loss are too variable to adequately compare. If a person quits smoking, they are likely to lose weight. If a person quits smoking, they are likely to neither gain nor lose weight. If a person quits smoking, they are likely to gain weight.

If a person quits smoking, they are likely to gain weight.

Many people have a tendency to gorge on rich, fatty foods. How could such a preference have evolved?

In ancestral hunter-gatherer communities, individuals with a tendency to gorge on such foods when available would have had a selective advantage.

Which statement regarding the mammalian heart is correct? - When the right atrium contracts, it forces blood into the left atrium. - Blood is pumped from the heart via the atria. - In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs. - Blood arrives at the heart via the ventricles. - Oxygen-loaded blood moves only through the right side of the heart.

In the adult heart, blood in the right chambers of the heart cannot enter the left chambers without passing through the lungs

How are gases transported in insect bodies?

In tracheal systems

What protects the stomach from digesting itself?

Inactive form of pepsin and mucus

As animals _________ in size, acquisition of nutrients and elimination of wastes by simple diffusion becomes increasingly ___________ at the cellular level

Increase, difficult

As animals _________ in size, their skeletons must be proportionally _________ to support their mass

Increase, larger

Feeding types are based on _______


Main steps of food processing are

Ingestion Digestion Absorption Elimination

What is the function of a circulatory system?

It brings a transport liquid into close contact with all cells in the body.

Which of the following vitamins is fat-soluble and consequently, can be stored in body fat?


Chlyomicrons are transported into a ___________, a lymphatic vessel in each villus


An infant is delivered by Caesarean section. To help her digest breast milk, it may prove beneficial to give the child which of the following?

Lactobacillus johnsonii

What are the 6 major types of connective tissue

Loose Connective Tissue Cartilage Fibrous Connective Tissue Adipose Tissue Blood Bone

Amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time

Metabolic rate

How are minerals different from the other three essential nutrients?

Minerals are inorganic

How has the recent economic recession affected fluoridation of water in the U.S.?

More cities are eliminating the use of fluoride in water to save money.

How has the recent economic recession affected fluoridation of water in the U.S.? Because the federal government decides on the use of fluoride in water, it has not affected it at all. More cities are adding fluoride to water in an effort to cut dental costs. More cities are eliminating the use of fluoride in water to save money. Cities in the Western U.S. are adding fluoride to water while cities in the Eastern U.S. are not, because there is more natural fluoride found in the eastern half of the U.S.

More cities are eliminating the use of fluoride in water to save money.

Received by neurons, muscle cells, endocrine cells, and exocrine cells

Nerve impulses

Type of tissue that senses stimuli and transmits signals throughout the animal


Transmits signals between specific locations; very fast

Nervous System

Information conveyed via nervous system depends on the signal's __________, no the _________ of signal.

Pathway, type

According to guidelines by the American Journal of Hypertension, who should watch their sodium intake? People diagnosed with hypertension. People not diagnosed with hypertension. Those who take in the average amount of sodium recommended by the federal government. All Americans.

People diagnosed with hypertension.

A protease, or protein-digesting enzyme, that cleaves proteins into smaller peptides


From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the

Posterior vena cava

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and the hind limbs, blood flows to the what?

Posterior vena cava

Rate of exchange is __________ to a cell's surface area


The stomach secretes digestive enzymes responsible for the chemical breakdown of


An infomercial makes the claim that you need to eat their brand of protein powder because it contains Super Proteins that make you super smart, super strong, and super good looking. Just after you go to the internet to purchase some of the product, you remember something from LIFE 121. Instead, you decide to take your money and donate it to the University of Nebraska because you have just realized the value of your education. What did you remember?

Proteins are broken down into amino acids during chemical digestion (i.e. enzymatic hydrolysis). The same 20 amino acids are absorbed and then used to build all the proteins in the human body.

Choose the correct statement from the list below. Mechanical digestion of proteins is more important than chemical digestion. Protein digestion begins in the small intestine with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin The stomach has a high pH which allows for the activation of digestive enzymes. Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion.

Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion.

In order to transport K+ ions into their cells, plants

Pump protons out

The emission of electromagnetic waves by all objects warmer than absolute zero.


Uses an internal control mechanism to moderate internal change in the face of external, environmental fluctuations


Which term describes a mechanism by which the internal conditions of an organism are kept at set values without regard to the external conditions?

Regulatory homeostasis.

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of flow through the nephron? Renal corpuscle > loop of Henle > collecting duct > proximal tubule > distal tubule Renal corpuscle > proximal tubule > loop of Henle > distal tubule > collecting duct Renal corpuscle > distal tubule > proximal tubule > loop of Henle > collecting duct Distal tubule > loop of Henle > collecting duct > renal corpuscle > proximal tubule

Renal corpuscle > proximal tubule > loop of Henle > distal tubule > collecting duct

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the...

Right Atrium

Multicellular organisms have a __________ body plan, facilitating __________ of materials.

Sac-like, diffusion

Which structure is not part of the alimentary canal?

Salivary glands

Which structure is not part of the alimentary canal?

Salivary glands.

Which component of a homeostatic system perceives changes in some parameter of the environment?


Response returns the variable to the _____

Set point

Which of the following actions acts to warm a homeothermic body?


Affect the way an animal interacts with its environment

Size and shape

Type of muscle tissue that is striated and responsible for voluntary movement


_____ muscle is attached to bones.


Three types of muscle tissue

Skeletal, Smooth, Cardiac

Major organ of digestion and absorption; longest section of alimentary canal

Small intestine

Valves called _________ regulate movement of material between digestive compartments


The metabolic rate of an ectotherm at rest at a specific temperature

Standard Metabolic Rate

Which of the following physiological responses is an example of positive feedback?

Stimulation of a nerve cell causes sodium ions to leak into the cell, and the sodium influx triggers the inward leaking of even more sodium.

what is the function of Adipose tissue?

Storage, insulation, padding

What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces? simple epithelium squamous epithelium stratified epithelium simple cuboidal cells columnar epithelium

Stratified epithelium

Animals that live in or on their food source are; worms

Substrate feeders

Which statement is true for both rods and cones? Rods use glutamate as a neurotransmitter, but cones do not. Both rods and cones are located in the fovea. Only rods are depolarized. Sufficient light stimulation of rods and cones results in a nerve impulse being sent to the brain via the optic chiasm. Photopsin is the visual pigment found in both rods and cones.

Sufficient light stimulation of rods and cones results in a nerve impulse being sent to the brain via the optic chiasm

Many aquatic animals are this feeding type; sifts small food particles from the water

Suspension/Filter feeders

A patient who can produce antibodies against some bacterial pathogens, but not against viral infections, probably has a disorder in his

T cells.

Which of the following describes innate immunity?

Tears, saliva, and mucous secretions contain lysozyme, an enzyme that digests bacterial cell walls. Unbroken skin creates a physical barrier that cannot normally be penetrated by bacteria or viruses. Surface secretions from sebaceous and sweat glands give the skin an acidic pH that is unfavorable for bacterial colonization. Mucus traps microbes and other particles that come in contact with it.

You do not think that fluoride should be added to tap water. Who is most likely to agree with you?

The Fluoride Action Network

You do not think that fluoride should be added to tap water. Who is most likely to agree with you? A panel of dentists The Centers for Disease Control The Fluoride Action Network The Department of Health and Human Services

The Fluoride Action Network

Which event occurs first during diastole?

The atria and ventricles are relaxed, and blood flows into the atria

basement membrane

The floor of an epithelial membrane on which the basal cells rest.

Which of the following is a correct statement about an organism and its environment?

The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals.

Why do the circulatory systems of land vertebrates have separate circuits to the lungs and to the rest of the body?

The large decrease in blood pressure as blood moves through the lungs may prevent efficient circulation through the rest of the body.


The nonliving component of connective tissue, consisting of a web of fibers embedded in homogeneous ground substance that may be liquid, jellylike, or solid.

Deoxygenated blood is delivered to the heart through:

The superior and inferior vena cavae

What happened to cases of dental fluorosis between 1986 and 2004?

They doubled.

The role of the atrioventricular valves in the heart is:

To allow blood to flow from the atria into the ventricles and to prevent the blood from flowing back into the atria while the ventricles contract

Leads to the lungs; windpipe


True or false: In humans, free-living bacteria in the large intestine are a source of vitamins and essential fatty acids


True or false: The appearance of a split between pulmonic and system blood flow, typical of efficient vertebrate circulatory systems, can be traced to early air-breathing fishes


True or false: The casparian strip is the only structure which guarantees that a water molecule will pass through a living cell on its journey from soil to root to leaf to air


True or false: The elastic coronary skeleton allows the heart to expand rapidly to its original volume during diastole


True or false: Water flow in xylem is unidirectional but phloem flow can be bidirectional


True or false? Organisms must maintain homeostasis because optimal enzyme activity is achieved within a very narrow range of conditions.


This disorder typically arises prior to puberty and is generally treated by injections of the hormone missing from the affected individual's bloodstream.

Type I diabetes mellitus. Type I diabetes mellitus is also known as childhood-onset diabetes. Hypoactivity of the pancreas' secretion of insulin disturbs the homeostasis of glucose levels in the blood, and these are corrected by administering injections of insulin.

Regulation of blood flow by constricting blood cells so less blood flows freely


Regulation of blood flow by dilating blood cells so more blood flows freely


Small intestines have a huge surface area due to

Villi and microvilli

The pulmonary semilunar valve opens:

When the ventricles contract

Which one of the following is an example of adaptation by a receptor? - Diving into a cold swimming pool gives you goosebumps. - Water above a certain temperature may stimulate - Individuals who live in cold climates have fewer cold receptors in their skin. - Sitting in a hot room causes you to sweat. - You no longer feel the ring you put on your finger this morning.

You no longer feel the ring you put on your finger this morning.

76) You are studying a large tropical reptile that has a high and relatively stable body temperature. How would you determine whether this animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm?

You subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm.

What acid is responsible for stomach acidity? a. hydrochloric acid b. carbonic acid c. sulfuric acid d. acetic acid e. sodium hydroxide


Which letter indicates systolic pressure?

a ( at the peak of changes in blood pressure)

Helper T cells are part of _____.

a cell-mediated immune response

When the wall of the stomach cannot protect the organ from the effects of digestion, the result is

a gastric ulcer.


a mineral that is incorporated into thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolic rate

79) In an animal species known for endurance running rather than fast sprinting, you would expect to find ___

a much higher rate of oxygen consumption for its size.

Which of the following cells is pluripotent but not totipotent

a myeloid stem cell

Hemoglobin is _____.

a protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen

Jonas Salk's work helped to produce _____.

a vaccine for polio

12) A portal system is A) an area connecting arterioles to venules. B) a series of vessels that returns blood to the heart in an animal with an open circulatory system. C) a space within or between organs where blood is allowed to pool. D) a slightly muscular vessel that has minimal pumping action in an organism with no heart. E) a vessel or vessels connecting two capillary beds.

a vessel or vessels connecting two capillary beds

Ingested dietary substances must cross cell membranes to be used by the body, a process known as


what is the function and location of a simple cuboidal epithelium?

absorption and secretion; located: kidney tubules

The large surface area in the gut directly facilitates


By picking up hydrogen ions, hemoglobin prevents the blood from becoming too _____.


Air-breathing insects carry out gas exchange

across the finest branches of the trachea and cell membranes.

57) Air-breathing insects carry out gas exchange ___

across the membranes of their cells.


act of eating or feeding

Enteropeptidase, an enzyme bound to the intestinal epithelium, has which of the following actions?

activates pancreatic enzymes

47) A normal event in the process of blood clotting is the ___

activation of prothrombin to thrombin.

Glucose is removed from filtrate by _____. secretion diffusion dialysis active transport osmosis

active transport

Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids; both digestive processes

add a water molecule to break bonds

Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids; both digestive processes

add a water molecule to break bonds (hydrolysis).

Concurrent flow is not as efficient in exchange as countercurrent flow because the latter provides

adequate diffusion of gases across weaker concentration gradients.

vitamin D

aids in calcium absorption and bone formation; can synthesize this vitamin from other molecules when our skin is exposed to sunlight

A typical plant body's dry organic matter is derived mainly from


Who would enjoy the book "Cooking with Pooh"? Rabbits Rodents Some Primates Some Marsupials All of the above

all of the above

Most gas exchange with blood vessels occurs across the walls of the _____.



alveoli are coated in this; reduces surface tension

53) In mammals, most gas exchange between the atmosphere and the pulmonary blood occurs in the ___


Which lung structure is a tiny sac that functions as an interface between air and blood?


When digested, proteins are broken down into _____.

amino acids

Which of these enzymes begins the breakdown of starch?


33) A species that has a normal resting systolic blood pressure of >260 mm Hg is likely to be ___

an animal that has a very long distance between its heart and its brain.

metabolic rate

an animal's energy use per unit of time

In the human disease known as lupus, there is an immune reaction against a patient's own DNA from broken or dying cells, which categorizes lupus as

an autoimmune disease

A material that must be ingested in preassembled form because the animal cannot synthesize it is

an essential nutrient.

42) An example of effectors' roles in homeostatic responses is observable when ___

an increase in body temperature results from involuntary shivering.


animal's cells take up small molecules such as amino acids and simple sugars

You are a cancer researcher studying the use of flow cytometry on three different forms of thyroid cancer. Which of the following are you using to label the cancer cells?


53) Most land-dwelling invertebrates and all of the amphibians ___

are ectothermic organisms with variable body temperatures.

Birth defects of the neural tube in humans _____.

are reduced from about 6% without folic acid supplements in the periconception interval to about 1% when the supplements were taken


arteries branch into these, convey blood to capillaries

what is the location and function of the skeletal muscle?

attached to bones; voluntary movements of body

White blood cells _____.

attack foreign cells and infectious agents defend our body against illness can move between the bloodstream and tissues produce antibodies as part of the immune response

Arteries carry blood _____.

away from the heart only

To survive, all animals must _____.

balance consumption of food with use and storage of nutrients

25) Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that ___

begins the hydrolysis of proteins in the stomach.

The adaptations suited to a carnivorous diet include

bile salts.

An example of a connective tissue is the


An example of a connective tissue is the ___.


____ is the connective tissue specialized for transport


Blood platelets are involved in _____.

blood clotting

single circulation

blood passes through the heart once in each complete circulation; bony fishes, rays, sharks; has a 2 chambered heart with an atrium and a ventricle

The role of active cytotoxic T cells is to attack _____.

body cells that have been infected

The role of cytotoxic T cells is to attack _____.

body cells that have been infected

Blood cells are produced in _____.

bone marrow

Some examples of connective tissues are

bone, cartilage, and blood.

When digested, fats are broken down into _____.

both glycerol and fatty acids

When digested, fats are broken down into _____. glycerol only fatty acids only monosaccharides amino acids both glycerol and fatty acids

both glycerol and fatty acids

59) Standard metabolic rate (SMR) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) are ___

both measured in animals in a resting and fasting state.

Bacteria in the human gut are which of the following?

both pathogens and mutualists

74) Hemoglobin and hemocyanin ___

both transport oxygen.

enteric division

branch of the nervous system; dedicated to the digestive organs, regulates these events as well as peristalsis in the small and large intestines

Inhaled air passes into which of the following last? pharynx bronchiole trachea larynx bronchus


Inhaled air passes through which of the following last?


The smallest airway through which inspired air passes before gas exchange occurs in the mammalian lungs is the _____.


The smallest airway through which inspired air passes before gas exchange occurs in the mammalian lungs is the ____

bronchiole. The bronchioles give rise to the alveoli, the site of gas exchange.

How is Dr. Rosenberg attempting to cure patients with melanoma?

by using gene therapy to instruct lymphocytes to recognize cancerous cells

30) Fluid is filtered out of the bloodstream into the surrounding interstitial fluid at the arteriole end of systemic capillaries because A) the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is greater than that of the blood. B) the hydrostatic pressure of the blood is less than that of the interstitial fluid. C) the hydrostatic pressure of the blood is greater than the osmotic pressure of the blood. D) the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid is greater than the hydrostatic pressure of the blood. E) the osmotic pressure of the blood is greater than the hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid.


Why doesn't gastric juice, composed of hydrochloric acid and a protease called pepsin, digest the cells that line the stomach? a. Chief cells release pepsin in an inactive form. HCl in the stomach converts pepsin to an active form of the enzyme called pepsinogen by clipping off a small portion of the molecule to expose its active site. b. Digestion doesn't begin until the small intestine. c. The stomach lining secretes mucus, a mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water.


Which of these vessels normally has the lowest pressue? a) aorta b) blood capillary c) vena cava d) lymph capillary e) pulmonary vein

c) vena cava

The "essential nutrients" for proper human nutrition include _____.

calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals

The "essential nutrients" for proper human nutrition include _____.

calcium, sodium, potassium, and other minerals. Under no conditions can minerals be synthesized by the body.

The "essential nutrients" for proper human nutrition include _____.

calcium, sodium, potassium, other minerals

23) The set of blood vessels with the slowest velocity of blood flow are ___


23) The set of blood vessels with the slowest velocity of blood flow is A) the arteries. B) the arterioles. C) the metarterioles. D) the capillaries. E) the veins.


The _____ has(have) the thinnest walls.


pulmonary circuit

capillary beds that are involved are all in the lungs, as in reptiles and mammals

Which barrier(s) must and cross to pass between air and blood inside lungs?

capillary wall extracellular fluid epithelial cells

After ingestion by humans, the first category of macromolecules to be chemically digested by enzymes in the mouth is


Most of the mass of organic material of a plant comes from

carbon dioxide

66) During most daily activities, the human respiration rate is most closely linked to the blood levels of ___

carbon dioxide.


carry blood from heart to organs throughout the body

What is the function of reverse transcriptase?

catalyzing the formation of DNA from a RNA template


cattle, sea slugs, termites; dine mainly on plants and algae

Which of the following digestive system structures is greatly expanded in size in koalas, resulting in a very large surface area for prokaryotes to digest plant material?


In a typical nerve cell, the nucleus is found in the ___.

cell body

Helper T cells are part of _____.

cell-mediated immune responses


chambers responsible for pumping blood out f the heart

The presence of fatty acids and amino acids in the stomach contents triggers the small intestine to secrete a hormone known as _____.

cholecystokinin, or CCK

The stomach mixes food with secretions of the stomach wall to form


22) The material present in arterioles that is not present in capillaries is A) fully oxygenated blood. B) plasma in which carbon dioxide has been added. C) a lining of endothelial cells. D) circular smooth muscle cells that can alter the size of the arterioles. E) white blood cells and platelets.

circular smooth muscle cells that can alter the size of the arterioles

pancreatic islet

clusters of endocrine cells in the pancreas

what is the matrix and fibers of bone?

collagen fibers in calcium salts

23) The fibers responsible for the elastic resistance properties of tendons are ___

collagenous fibers.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) makes the _____ permeable to water. ascending portion of the loop of Henle collecting duct Bowman's capsule proximal tubule descending portion of the loop of Henle

collecting duct

Absorption of water is a major function of the


In the blood most of the oxygen that will be used in cellular respiration is carried from the lungs to the body tissues _____.

combined with hemoglobin


completes the food processing process as undigested material passes out of the digestive system

what is the function of fibrous connective tissue?

connecting bones and muscles

The body tissue that consists largely of material located outside of cells is ___.

connective tissue

With its abundance of collagenous fibers, cartilage is an example of ___.

connective tissue

The body tissue that consists largely of material located outside of cells is

connective tissue.


consuming more calories than the body needs for normal metabolism; can lead to obesity and health problems

Nutrients absorbed by the intestines move directly to the liver, which

converts excess glucose to glycogen.

When light first enters the human eye, the first structure that it must pass through is the _____


The cell-mediated immunity that destroys virally infected cells involves

cytotoxic T cells.

Which of the following is an advantage of cecum? a) It secretes additional digestive enzymes b) It increased speed and efficiency of digestion c) It increases the surface area for absorption d) It provides a home for beneficial micro-organisms e) It absorbs water

d) It provides a home for beneficial micro-organisms (large intestine contains colon, cecum, and rectum. The cecum is a pouch that is important for fermenting ingested material colon reabsorbs water)

Increasing the surface area (villi and microvilli) facilitates which of the following digestive processes? a) absorption of nutrients b) hydrolysis of medium-sized molecules to smallest sub-units c) excretion of waste products from the digestive system d) a and b e) a, b, and c

d) a and b

Xylem has an important function in plants transporting a) water b) nutrients c) sugars d) a and b e) a, b, and c

d) a and b

Complete the following sentence: Decreasing adipose tissue results in a(n) ______ in leptin levels, which cues the brain to _____ appetite.

decrease; increase

You are a medical researcher studying how fungal infections can be controlled in humans. Which of the following proteins will be helpful in your research?



deer, sheep, cattle; cud is produced here; has four chambers

Deficiencies is essential nutrients can cause:

deformities, disease, and death

A neuron consists of _____.

dendrites, a cell body, and axons

A neuron consists of _____. a cell body only dendrites only axons only dendrites, a cell body, and axons striations

dendrites, a cell body, and axons

35) Large proteins such as albumin remain in capillaries rather than diffusing out, resulting in the ___

development of an osmotic pressure difference across capillary walls.

Obesity contributes to _____.

diabetes heart disease cancer

essential nutrients must be obtained from



diet that fails to provide adequate sources of chemical energy results in this; body uses up stored carbs and fat, breaks down own proteins for fuel, muscles decrease, brain may become protein deficient, eventually death

Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize


56) Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize ___


Interestingly, most herbivorous animals do not have the ability to digest the cellulose in plants. However, in the absence of this ability, they have evolved a mechanism that allows them to survive despite eating only plant matter, namely

digestion by symbiotic microorganisms.

Breakdown and absorption of nutrients are accomplished by the _____ system.


Clostridium difficile typically infects which organ system?

digestive system

diabetes mellitus

disease cause by a deficiency of insulin or decreased response to insulin in target cells

he MHC is important in a T cell's ability to

distinguish self from nonself.

Compared to other organisms with closed circulatory systems, the open circulatory system of insects

does not exchange CO2 and O2; trachea, not associated with the hemolymph circulatory system, support gas exchange

Digestion and absorption of nutrients from food: a) occurs outside the body b) is regulated by the secretion of hormones c) is under autonomic nervous system control d) a and b e) a, b, and c

e) a, b, and c

24) If you gently twist your earlobe, it does not remain distorted because it contains ___

elastin fibers.

Consider the energy budgets for a human, an elephant, a penguin, a mouse, and a python. The _____ would have the highest total annual energy expenditure, and the _____ would have the highest energy expenditure per unit mass.

elephant; mouse

The Heimlich maneuver is performed to forcibly

elevate the diaphragm.

58) Many obese humans produce normal or increased levels of leptin without satiety, so the search for healthy regulation of food intake should focus on ___

eliminating carbohydrates from the diet.

During which of the following stages of food processing is undigested material removed from the digestive tract?


27) The bile salts ___

emulsify fats in the duodenum.

The bile salts

emulsify fats in the duodenum.

Muscles are arranged in pairs, _____.

enabling them to perform opposing movements

Because the foods eaten by animals are often composed largely of macromolecules, this requires the animals to have mechanisms for

enzymatic hydrolysis.

44) Heart rate will increase in the presence of increased ___


Most of the exchange surfaces of multicellular animals are lined with ___.

epithelial tissue

Most of the exchange surfaces of multicellular animals are lined with

epithelial tissue.

40) The hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells, and the organ where this hormone is synthesized, are ___

erythropoietin and kidney, respectively.

45) The production of red blood cells is stimulated by ___


47) Humans can lose, but cannot gain, heat through the process of ___


34) Dialysis patients, who will have blood withdrawn, dialyzed, then replaced, are always weighed when they enter the facility and then weighed carefully again before they leave, because ___

even small changes in body weight may signify changes in blood volume and therefore blood pressure.

what is the function and location of a simple squamous epithelium?

exchange by diffusion; located: blood vessels, lung lining

countercurrent exchange

exchange of a substance or heat between 2 fluids flowing in opposite directions

Which process is not required for an animal to obtain energy from food? Excretion. Digestion. Ingestion. Secretion.


Regulation of salt and removal of wastes from blood is accomplished by the _____ system.


The role of memory cells in the immune response is to _____.

facilitate a rapid response to later infection by the same invader


failure to obtain adequate nutrition

True or False? The liver is a component of the alimentary canal. True False


True or false? One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestion of all compounds can take place simultaneously down the tract. True False


True or false? The driving force for the unloading of oxygen from hemoglobin into tissues is the difference in PCO2 levels between the blood and body tissues.


31) A nutritional monomer that can be transported in the blood after a typical meal is ___

fatty acid.

You are a doctor. You have a patient infected with antibiotic-resistant Clostridium difficile. Which of the following treatments should you try?

fecal transplant

Cloatidium difficle is a bacterium that can cause life threatening infection of the colon in adult patients. According to the discover article "ecosystem inside" a treatment could be

fecal transplantation


feeding on some of their feces and then passing the food through the alimentary canal a second time; rabbits

The meshwork that forms the fabric of a blood clot is


46) The meshwork that forms the fabric of a blood clot is


A key step in blood clotting is the formation of insoluble thread-like fibers from a soluble precursor. What is the soluble precursor to these thread-like fibers ?


Which of the following structures or substances is incorrectly paired with a tissue?

fibroblasts-skeletal muscle

suspension feeder

filter feeding in water; removing suspended food particles from an animal's surrounding medium; capture or trapping mechanisms

The movement of substances out of the glomerulus and into Bowman's capsule is referred to as _____. secretion reabsorption active transport ion pumping filtration



finer tubes branches off from bronchi

Which of the following are listed in the correct order based upon an increasing basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

fish, dog, mouse ( Fish are ectotherms, typically having lower metabolic rates than mammals and birds.)

10) The only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart are the A) amphibians. B) birds. C) fishes. D) mammals. E) reptiles.


what is the location of cartilage?

flexible parts of skeleton


flow and transformation of energy in an animal; determines nutritional needs

80) For this unusual capillary bed, ___

fluids will leave the capillaries on the arterial side of the bed and re-enter on the venous side.

31) If, during protein starvation, the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds drops below the hydrostatic pressure, then ___

fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues.

If, during protein starvation, the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds drops below the hydrostatic pressure, then

fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues.


food being taken in, taken apart, and taken up


food is broken down into molecules small enough for the body to absorb

closed circulatory system

found in annelids, cephalopod molluscs, all vertebrates; one or more hearts pump blood into large vessels that branch into smaller ones that infiltrate the organs. chemical exchange occurs between the blood and the interstitial fluid, as well as between the interstitial fluid and body cells

To adjust blood pressure independently in the capillaries of the gas-exchange surface and in the capillaries of the general body circulation, an organism would need a(n)

four chambered heart

39) In a healthy human, the typical life span of a red blood cell is A) 24 hours. B) one week. C) one month. D) four months. E) 80 years or more.

four months

39) In a healthy human, the typical life span of a red blood cell is ___

four months

11) To adjust blood pressure independently in the capillaries of the gas-exchange surface and in the capillaries of the general body circulation, an organism would need a(n) A) open circulatory system. B) hemocoel. C) lymphatic system. D) two-chambered heart. E) four-chambered heart.

four-chambered heart

11) To adjust blood pressure independently in the capillaries of the gas-exchange surface and in the capillaries of the general body circulation, an organism would need a(n) ___

four-chambered heart

9) In which of the following organisms does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body?


In which of the following organisms does blood flow from the pulmocutaneous circulation to the heart before circulating through the rest of the body?


Your small intestine can absorb ____ without their being further digested.


All animals must obtain ________ from outside sources.

fuel to power body activities


gas exchange in mammals occurs in here; air sacs clustered at the tips of the tiniest bronchioles; susceptible to contamination because they lack silia and significant air currents to remove particles from their surface

Which of the following mechanisms helps prevent the gastric juice from destroying the stomach lining?

generation through mitosis of new cells to replace the stomach lining

Which of the following codes for proteins in all cells, including cancer cells?


26) Among the following choices, which organism likely has the highest systolic pressure?


glucose homeostasis is maintained by the action of two pancreatic enzymes. What enzyme promotes the breakdown of glycogen in the liver, increasing blood glucose levels?


Which of these binds to receptor molecules on the host cell membrane?


In which of the following animals are blood and interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid? jelly grasshopper dog sparrow fish


In which of the following animals are blood and interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid?

grasshopper ( With an open circulatory system, the body fluid, called hemolymph, bathes the organs directly. This same fluid then reenters the circulation.)

In which of the following animals are the circulatory fluid and interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid? grasshoppers sparrows jellyfish and cnidarians dogs fishes


In which of the following animals are the blood and the interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid?

grasshoppers (insects)

In which of the following animals are the circulatory fluid and interstitial fluid considered to be the same body fluid?

grasshoppers. Within an open circulatory system, such as that operating in insects, the body fluid, called hemolymph, bathes the organs directly as it is pumped between open spaces in the body.

Closed circulatory systems offer advantages over open systems, primarily

greater delivery rates of oxygen to tissues

52) An example of an organism that has only behavioral controls over its body temperature is the ___

green frog.

The main function of an earthworm's gizzard is to

grind food

The molar teeth of herbivorous mammals are especially effective at


The molar teeth of herbivorous mammals are especially effective at


Which letter indicates the vessels in which blood velocity is increasing the most due to a decrease in the total combined cross-sectional area of those vessels?

h (blood velocity increases the most from the capillary to the veins)

How does a gastrovascular cavity differ from an alimentary canal? The gastrovascular cavity _____.

has only a single opening

The gastrovascular cavity differs from the alimentary canal in that only the gastrovascular cavity _____.

has only a single opening

The gastrovascular cavity differs from the alimentary canal in that only the gastrovascular cavity _____.

has only a single opening. An alimentary canal has two openings, and food moves through it unidirectionally. In contrast, a gastrovascular cavity has only one opening.

A "complete digestive tract" differs from a gastrovascular cavity in that only the complete tract

has specialized compartments.

85) Pulse is a direct measure of ___

heart rate.

what is the location and function of the cardiac muscle?

heart; contraction of heart

A cell type that interacts with both the humoral and cell-mediated immune pathways is a

helper T cell.

Which of the following cell types does HIV preferentially infect?

helper T cells

chemical digestion

helps break down proteins, carbs, nucleic acids, fats, and phospholipids since we can't do it directly

78) The hemocyanin of arthropods and molluscs differ from the hemoglobin of mammals in that ___

hemocyanin has protein coupled to copper rather than iron.

77) Hydrogen ions produced within human red blood cells are prevented from significantly lowering plasma pH because they bind to ___


32) For a nondiabetic person, the glucose concentration in this part of the vasculature varies more than in any other part.

hepatic portal vessel

A group of animals among which a relatively long cecum is likely to be found is the


Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these cells in arteries has a____.

higher PO2

89) Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these cells in arteries has a ___

higher PO2.

if a newborn were accidentally given a drug that destroyed the thymus, the most likely outcome would be

his T cells would not mature properly

One of the first steps of the inflammatory response is the release of a molecule of _______.


what is the function of loose connective tissue?

holds organs in place

Currently, what type of prosthetic do those with upper extremity injuries most often use?



hormone produced by adipose tissue; suppresses appetite and plays a major role in regulating body fat cells

PYY and insulin

hormone secreted by the small intestine after meals; suppress appetite

Which of the following organisms has a gastrovascular cavity?


gastrovascular cavity

hydras and other cnidarians, this functions in the distribution of substances throughout the body and in digestion

What acid is responsible for stomach acidity?

hydrochloric acid

What acid is responsible for stomach acidity? hydrochloric acid carbonic acid sulfuric acid acetic acid sodium hydroxide

hydrochloric acid

Human saliva performs all of the following functions except

hydrolyzing proteins.

An animal's inputs of energy and materials would exceed its outputs

if it is growing and increasing its biomass.

75) An animal's inputs of energy and materials would exceed its outputs

if it is growing and increasing its mass.

39) The cells that secrete acidic fluid in the stomach are ___

in the lumen of the stomach.

Root hairs

increase the root surface area for absorption

27) Small swollen areas in the neck, groin, and axillary region are associated with A) increased activity of the immune system. B) a broken limb. C) blood sugar that is abnormally high. D) dehydration. E) sodium depletion.

increased activity of the immune system

27) Small swollen areas in the neck, groin, and axillary region are associated with ___

increased activity of the immune system

The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin _____.

increases in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen

The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin _____

increases in the presence of high oxygen concentrations

The amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin _____.

increases in the presence of high oxygen concentrations ( High oxygen concentrations increase the amount of oxygen bound to hemoglobin.)

four stages of food processing in the order in which they naturally occur.

ingestion → digestion → absorption → elimination

Which of the following lists the four stages of food processing in the order that they naturally occur?

ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination

50) Endothermy ___

is a characteristic of animals that have a fairly constant body temperature.

An antigen _____.

is a foreign molecule that evokes a specific response by a lymphocyte

vitamin A

is absorbed from some foods like carrots in the form of carotene. the vitamin accumulates in the rods and cones of the eyes and plays a role in vision

vitamin C

is involved in the formation of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, which are important amino acids and part of the collagen that forms the connective tissues. Lack of this vitamin causes scurvy, which can be prevented with citrus and other fruits

58) Seasonal changes in snake activity are due to the fact that the snake ___

is more active in summer because it can gain body heat by conduction.

The structure of the esophagus fits its function in that

it has smooth muscle for peristalsis.

Blood is best classified as connective tissue because ___.

its cells are separated from each other by an extracellular matrix.

Maintaining a healthy body with moderate exercise and a good diet is believed to _____.

keep the mind healthy reduce stress reduce the incidence of disease prevent obesity

Besides teeth, what other body part does fluoride have the most impact on?


Besides teeth, what other body part does fluoride have the most impact on? heart brain knee eye


Macrophages are _____.

large, phagocytic cells that can leave the circulation and enter the tissues of the body


largest tubes, open tot ehoutside; for insects, diffusion through this brings in enough O2 and removes enough CO2 to support cellular respiration

Voice sounds are produced by the _____.


Blood returning to the mammalian heart in a pulmonary vein drains first into the

left atrium

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____.

left atrium

84) Blood returning to the mammalian heart in a pulmonary vein drains first into the ___

left atrium.

Which hormone is released from fat tissue and suppresses appetite?


Which of the following hormones is known to suppress hunger and increase metabolism?


74) Compared with a smaller cell, a larger cell of the same shape has ___

less surface area per unit of volume.

Which of the following animals is incorrectly paired with its feeding mechanism? aphid - fluid feeder clam - suspension feeder lion - substrate feeder baleen whale - suspension feeder snake - bulk feeder

lion - substrate feeder

Which of the following animals is incorrectly paired with its feeding mechanism?

lion-substrate feeder

what is the matrix and fibers of blood?

liquid plasma

The agents that help emulsify fats are produced in ___.


Which organ converts fructose to fat?


Which organ converts fructose to fat? liver pancreas spleen stomach


You have been receiving total parenteral nutrition for several months. Which of the following organs is most likely damaged because of this?


You have been receiving total parenteral nutrition for several months. Which of the following organs is most likely damaged because of this? pancreas spleen stomach liver


organ that converts fructose to fat


In which region of the nephron is a steep osmotic gradient created? Proximal tubule. Loop of Henle. Distal tubule. Collecting duct.

loop of henle

what is the matrix and fibers of loose connective tissue?

loose weave of fibers

60) Some human infants, especially those born prematurely, suffer serious respiratory failure because of ___

lung collapse due to inadequate production of surfactant.

Which of the following cells can engulf a pathogen?


42) The plasma proteins in humans ___

maintain the blood's osmotic pressure.

Homeostasis is the _____.

maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment ( Homeostasis is a dynamic state, maintained at great expense to the organism.)

alpha cells

make glucagon in the pancreatic islet

beta cells

make insulin in the pancreatic islet

Individuals whose diet consists primarily of corn would likely become


Starch can be broken down into the disaccharide known as _____.


Starch can be broken down into the disaccharide known as _____. lactose glucose sucrose fructose maltose


gastrovascular cavity

many animals have this simple body plan which is a digestive compartment with a single opening; functions in digestion as well as the distribution of nutrients throughout the body; flatworms, cnidarians

standard metabolic rate

measured for ectotherms; fasting, nonstressed at a particular temperature

Chyme enters the small intestine from the stomach. At this point, _____.

mechanical digestion is essentially complete, but the other processes are ongoing or have not yet begun

Which of these cells is responsible for the rapidity of the secondary immune response?

memory cells

sodium, potassium, chloride

minerals important in the functioning of nerves and muscles and in maintaining osmotic balance between cells and the surrounding body fluid

calcium and phosphorus

minerals needed in large amounts that build and maintain bone

basal metabolic rate

minimum metabolic rate of a nongrowing endotherm that is at rest, has an empty stomach, and is not experiencing stress; measured under comfortable temperature range

28) Complex nutrients are digested and then absorbed into the lymph ___


Under the influence of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), _____ is produced. urine containing more glucose bloody urine urine containing a lower concentration of urea more concentrated urine less concentrated urine

more concentrated urine

As filtrate moves down the loop of Henle, the surrounding interstitial fluid becomes _____ concentrated than the filtrate, so _____ leaves the filtrate. more ... urea less ... urea more ... water less ... water less ... water and urea


30) The absorption of fats differs from that of carbohydrates in that the ___

most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood.

The absorption of fats differs from that of carbohydrates in that the

most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood.

bulk feeders

most animals including humans are these; eat relatively large pieces of food; tentacles, pincers, claws, poisonous fangs, jaws, teeth to kill prey or tear off pieces of meat/vegetation

Micronutrients are needed in very small amounts because

most serve mainly as cofactors of enzymes


muscular pump; powers circulation by using metabolic energy to elevate the hydrostatic pressure of the circulatory fluid, which then flows through the vessels and back to the heart

essential amino acids

must be obtained from food in prefabricated form; require 8 of these in their diet, infants need a 9th (histidine). meat, eggs, cheese are complete; plant proteins are incomplete; corn and beans are deficient

The essential amino acids

must be obtained from the food we eat.

A primary reason for needing a new vaccine for influenza each year is that _____.

mutation in the influenza virus is frequent

Which of the following is an adaptation that enhances the uptake of water and minerals by roots? active uptake pumping through plasmodesmata cavitation mycorrhizae rhythmic contraction by cortical cells


73) An "internal reservoir" of oxygen in rested muscle is found in oxygen molecules bound to ___


The primary functions of the _____ are to warm, filter, and humidify air.

nasal cavity

The primary functions of the _____ are to warm, filter, and humidify air.

nasal cavity ( The functions of the nasal cavity are to warm, filter, and humidify air.)

Convergence occurs because

natural selection shapes similar adaptations when diverse organisms face the same environmental challenge, such as overcoming drag during swimming

50) Sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms lack a specialized gas exchange surface because ___

nearly all of their cells are in direct contact with the external environment.

Which of these is the functional unit of a kidney? neuron villi nephron alveolus osteon


The four major categories of tissues are _____.

nervous, epithelial, connective, and muscle

tracheal system

network of air tubes that branch throughout the body

Which of the following is not an adaptation for reducing the rate of heat exchange between an animal and its environment?

nonshivering thermogenesis

66) Catabolism of specialized brown fat depots in certain animals is substantially increased during ___

nonshivering thermogenesis.

75) The Bohr shift on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is ___


Secretin stimulates the _____ to secrete _____.

pancreas ... bicarbonate

Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the _____ to secrete _____.

pancreas ... pancreatic enzymes

Secretin stimulates the _____ to secrete _____. pancreas ... bicarbonate pancreas ... pancreatic enzymes small intestine ... disaccharidases stomach ... bicarbonate liver ... liver enzymes


According to guidelines by the American Journal of Hypertension, who should watch their sodium intake?

people diagnosed with hypertension

29) An enzyme with high activity in an acidic environment is ___


The role of cytotoxic T cells is the secretion of _____, which plays a role in the _____ immune response.

perforin ... cell-mediated

The function of the sphincter between the stomach and small intestine is to

periodically release chyme into the small intestine in squirts.

Smooth muscle propels food through the alimentary canal by a process called


The mammalian trachea and esophagus both connect to the


Choose the correct anatomical sequence that presents the order in which food in the digestive system passes through.

pharynx → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine. From the oral cavity, food moves to the pharynx, then on to the stomach via the esophagus, then the small intestine, and finally the large intestine.

Which one of the following correctly represents the order in which food coming into the body passes through the structures of the digestive system?

pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

The mammalian trachea and esophagus both open into the


38) Among these choices, the biggest set that includes only those "cells" that lack nuclei is ___

platelets and erythrocytes.

Starch is a type of _____.


Starch is a type of _____. disaccharide nucleotide polysaccharide fatty acid monosaccharide


When digested, fats are broken down into _____.


essential nutrients

preassembled organic molecules and minerals; obtained from an animal's diet; include essential fatty/amino acids, vitamins, and minerals; serve as substrates, coenzymes, and cofactors in biosynthetic reactions

Which of the following appears to play a large role in the cause of necrotizing enterocolitis?

premature birth

Which of the following appears to play a large role in the cause of necrotizing enterocolitis? genetic make-up of the individual's parents blood type of the individual sex of the individual premature birth

premature birth

partial pressure

pressure exerted by a particular gas in a mixture of gases

21) The semilunar valves of the mammalian heart A) are the route by which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles. B) are found only on the right side of the heart. C) are the attachment site where the pulmonary veins empty into the heart. D) prevent backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary arteries. E) are at the places where the anterior and posterior venae cavae empty into the heart.

prevent backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary arteries

33) Glandular secretions that are released initially as inactive precursors of digestive enzymes are the ___

protein-digesting enzymes.

For the body to absorb and use _____, they must be broken down by hydrolysis into _____.

proteins ... amino acids

Within a differentiated B cell, the rearrangement of DNA sequences between variable regions and joining regions is accomplished by


The _____ are the major blood vessels transporting blood to the kidneys. pulmonary arteries glomerulus renal arteries renal veins venae cavae

renal arteries

Urine formed by a kidney collects in the _____ before being drained from the kidney by the _____ and transported to the _____. urethra ... urinary bladder ... ureter renal pelvis ... medulla ... cortex renal pelvis ... ureter ...urinary bladder renal pelvis ... urethra ... urinary bladder ureter ... renal pelvis ... urinary bladder

renal pelvis ... ureter ...urinary bladder

gas exchange

respiration; uptake of molecular O2 from the environment and the discharge of CO2 to the environment; respiratory medium is either water or air

gas exchange circuit

right side of heart delivers oxygen poor blood to the capillary beds of the gas exchange tissues, where there is a net movement of oxygen into the blood and carbon dioxide out of the blood

what is the matrix and fibers of cartilage?

rubbery collagenous matrix

Which structure is not part of the alimentary canal? Esophagus. Salivary glands. Stomach. Mouth.

salivary glands

The acidity of the stomach contents triggers the small intestine to secrete a hormone known as _____.


The acidity of the stomach contents triggers the small intestine to secrete a hormone known as _____. cholecystokinin, or CCK histones TSH secretin pepsin


The movement of substances from the blood into the proximal tubule is known as _____. filtration dialysis secretion reabsorption none of these


Stratified cuboidal epithelium is composed of ___.

several layers of boxlike cells

Stratified cuboidal epithelium is composed of

several layers of boxlike cells.


sharks, hawks and spiders; mostly eat other animals

Which of the following actions acts to warm a homeothermic body? Sweating. Shivering. Dilating blood vessels. Panting.


55) A female Burmese python incubating her eggs can warm them using ___

shivering thermogenesis.

67) A moth preparing for flight on a cold morning warms its flight muscles via ___

shivering thermogenesis.

What type of epithelial tissue, found in the intestines, absorbs nutrients?

simple columnar epithelium

What type of epithelial tissue lines kidney tubules?

simple cuboidal cells

What type of epithelial tissue lines kidney tubules? stratified squamous epithelium stratified cuboidal epithelium simple squamous epithelium simple cuboidal cells stratified transitional epithelium

simple cuboidal cells

1) Gas exchange in the aquatic salamander known as the axolotl is correctly described as ___

simple diffusion of oxygen into the salamander from water

82) A group of students was designing an experiment to test the effect of smoking on grass frogs. They hypothesized that keeping the frogs in a smoke-filled environment for defined periods would result in the animals developing lung cancer. However, when they searched for previously published information to shore up their hypothesis, they discovered they were quite wrong in their original assessment. Even though they were never going to go ahead with their experiment (so as not to harm frogs needlessly), they knew that a more likely outcome of putting carcinogens in the air would be the development of ___

skin cancer.

An energy-saving adaptation that conserves life during times of environmental stress or famine is _____.

slowing respiration and circulation as well as decreasing body temperature and metabolism

In the digestive system, most nutrient absorption occurs in the

small intestine.


small molecules can move between ceels and their immediate surroundings by this

Edward Jenner created the first vaccine, which was used to treat _____.


Food moves along the digestive tract as the result of contractions by ___.

smooth muscle

Several important enzymes and other secretions aid in digestion as food moves down the alimentary canal, as follows: •in the oral cavity, salivary amylase helps break down _____; •in the stomach, pepsin helps break down _____; •and in the small intestine, bile helps break down _____.

starches; proteins; fats and oils

Current advances in tissue engineering seemingly rely on which of the following? stem cells B cells cancer cells T cells

stem cells

Glucagon, the pancreatic hormone, functions to

stimulate the liver to release glucose

Protein digestion begins in the _____.


Protein digestion begins in the _____. mouth esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine


The symbiotic microbes that help nourish a ruminant live mainly in specialized regions of the


34) Because adult lampreys attach onto the surface of large fish for long periods of time to feed on body fluids, they can accomplish nutritional balance without need for a ___


Digestive secretions with a pH of 2 are characteristic of the


Photosynthesis ceases when leaves wilt, mainly because

stomata close, preventing CO2 from entering the leaf

What type of epithelium would you expect to find covering a surface subject to physical forces?

stratified epithelium

36) Vasoconstriction in the gut is a likely response when an individual is ___

stressed and secreting stress hormones.

Infection by a bacterium that has elements on its surface that enhance its resistance to lysozyme will likely result in

successful reproduction of the bacterium and continued progression of the disease.

what is the function of bone?


what is the function of cartilage?


52) The epiglottis of a human covers the glottis when he or she is ___


51) Flying insects do all of the following except ____

switch from diffusion of tracheal gases to active transport during flight.

13) Which of the following develops the greatest pressure on the blood in the mammalian aorta?

systole of the left ventricle

13) Which of the following develops the greatest pressure on the blood in the mammalian aorta? A) systole of the left atrium B) diastole of the right ventricle C) systole of the left ventricle D) diastole of the right atrium E) diastole of the left atrium

systole of the left ventricle

Muscles are joined to bones by


Muscles are joined to bones by ___.


what is the location of fibrous connective tissue?

tendons, ligaments

29) Muscles are joined to bones by ___


32) What will be the long-term effect of blocking the lymphatic vessels associated with a capillary bed?

the accumulation of more fluid in the interstitial areas

4) The fluid that moves around in the circulatory system of a typical arthropod is A) the digestive juices. B) the intracellular fluid. C) the blood plasma. D) the cytosol. E) the interstitial fluid.

the interstitial fluid

4) The fluid that moves around in the circulatory system of a typical arthropod is ___

the interstitial fluid

Most of the water secreted in digestion is reabsorbed in

the large intestine

The cells and signaling molecules that initiate inflammatory responses are

the mast cells and the histamines.

61) Of the following choices, impairment of a mammal's breathing cycle is most likely following neural damage in ___

the medulla oblongata and the pons.

71) Carbon dioxide levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid affect its pH. This enables the organism to sense a disturbance in gas levels as ___

the medulla oblongata, which is in contact with cerebrospinal fluid, monitors pH and uses this measure to control breathing.

Carbon dioxide levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid affect their pH. This enables the organism to sense a disturbance in gas levels as

the medulla oblongata, which is in contact with cerebrospinal fluid, monitors pH and uses this measure to control breathing.

type 2 diabetes

the pancreas produces sufficient insulin. However, the body's target cells do not respond to insulin effectively. As a result, blood glucose levels remain elevated for a longer period than in healthy individuals. Because glucose levels remain high, the pancreas continues to release insulin -- this is why insulin levels are also higher than in healthy individuals.

The circulatory system of bony fishes, rays, and sharks is similar to

the portal systems of mammals, where two capillary beds occur sequentially, without passage of blood through a pumping chamber.

The form of the graph below is most consistant

the surface area to volume ratio of an organism as a function of increasing body size

Metabolic rate is _____.

the total amount of energy an animal uses in a unit of time ( There are many variations of the measurement, such as basal metabolic rate and standard metabolic rate.)

28) The velocity of blood flow is the lowest in capillaries because A) the capillary walls are not thin enough to allow oxygen to exchange with the cells. B) the capillaries are far from the heart, and blood flow slows as distance from the heart increases. C) the diastolic blood pressure is too low to deliver blood to the capillaries at a high flow rate. D) the systemic capillaries are supplied by the left ventricle, which has a lower cardiac output than the right ventricle. E) the total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system.

the total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system.

28) The velocity of blood flow is the lowest in capillaries because ___

the total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system.

7) The specialized structures of complex animals have evolved because ___

they permit adjustments to a wide range of environmental changes.

Cell-mediated immunity differs from humoral immunity because_____.

they respond differently to invaders

Epithelial cells are

tightly joined, and may be attached to a matlike basement membrane made of extracellular material.

Which structure is not a component of the adaptive immune system?


Nervous tissue functions _____. as a physical barrier to the invasion of pathogens to physically move the body to sense stimuli to physically support the body in the absorption of nutrients

to sense stimuli

64) Hibernation and estivation during seasons of environmental stress are both examples of ___


48) All of the following respiratory surfaces are associated with capillary beds except the A) gills of fishes. B) alveoli of lungs. C) tracheae of insects. D) skin of earthworms. E) skin of frogs.

traechae of insects

48) All of the following respiratory surfaces are associated with capillary beds except the ___

traechae of insects

True or false? B cells were originally isolated from the bursa in chickens, and their function is to produce antibodies; T cells were originally isolated from the thymus in mice, and their functions include killing host cells that are being infected with a virus.


True or false? Organisms must maintain homeostasis because optimal enzyme activity is achieved within a very narrow range of conditions. True False


True or false? The lungs of humans form from the embryonic foregut.


true or false: sodium is a necessary part of the human diet


The site of inflammation may become swollen due to the increased numbers of cells and fluids at the site and painful due to signals from pain receptors.

true The site of inflammation may also become red due to increased blood flow at the site; the inflammatory response continues until all invaders are eliminated and the wound is repaired.

16) A human red blood cell in an artery of the left arm is on its way to deliver oxygen to a cell in the thumb. To travel from the artery in the arm to the left ventricle, this red blood cell must pass through A) one capillary bed. B) two capillary beds. C) three capillary beds. D) four capillary beds. E) five capillary beds.

two capillary beds

16) A human red blood cell in an artery of the left arm is on its way to deliver oxygen to a cell in the thumb. To travel from the artery in the arm to the left ventricle, this red blood cell must pass through ___

two capillary beds

This disorder typically arises prior to puberty and is generally treated by injections of the hormone missing from the affected individual's bloodstream.

type I diabetes mellitus

what is the striation and cell shape of the smooth muscle?

unstriated; spindle-shaped cells


upper part of the respiratory tract; when food is swallowed, it moves upward and tips a flap of cartilage over the opening of the trachea; vocal cords in here

25) An increased concentration of nitric oxide within a vascular bed is associated with A) vasoconstriction. B) vasodilation. C) narrowing of the arteries. D) a reduction in blood flow in that region. E) a decreased amount of blood in the capillaries of that vascular bed.


25) An increased concentration of nitric oxide within a vascular bed is associated with ___


17) Which of the following is the correct sequence of blood flow in reptiles and mammals?

vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary circuit

Which of the following is the correct sequence of blood flow in reptiles and mammals?

vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary circuit

17) Which of the following is the correct sequence of blood flow in reptiles and mammals? A) left ventricle → aorta → lungs → systemic circulation B) right ventricle → pulmonary vein → pulmocutaneous circulation C) pulmonary vein → left atrium → left ventricle → pulmonary circuit D) vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary circuit E) right atrium → pulmonary artery → left atrium → ventricle

vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary circuit

29) The blood pressure is lowest in the A) aorta. B) arteries. C) arterioles. D) capillaries. E) venae cavae.

venae cavae

29) The blood pressure is lowest in the ___

venae cavae

fat soluble vitamins

vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K

water soluble vitamins

vitamin B, Vitamin C

Viruses that have entered our body are engulfed and destroyed by _____.

white blood cells

what is the location of loose connective tissue?

widespread packing material

19) Damage to the sinoatrial node in humans ___

would disrupt the rate and timing of cardiac muscle contractions

About one in ____ Americans is considered obese


Innate immunity and acquired immunity are both _____.

characteristics of all vertebrate animals

enzymatic hydrolysis

chemical digestion by enzymes reverses the process by breaking bonds through the addition of water


eat plants and animals; humans, cockroaches, crows

18) A patient with a blood pressure of 120/75, a pulse rate of 40 beats/minute, a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat, and a respiratory rate of 25 breaths/minute will have a cardiac output of ___

2,800 mL/minute.

How many vitamins are essential for humans?

13 - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, A, D, E, K

59) Atmospheric pressure at sea level is equal to a column of 760 mm Hg. Oxygen makes up 21% of the atmosphere by volume. The partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) in such conditions is ___

160 mm Hg.

69) At sea level, atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. Oxygen gas is approximately 21% of the total gases in the atmosphere, so the approximate partial pressure of oxygen is ___

160.0 mm Hg.

BMR for humans

1600-1800 kcal for males, 1300-1500 for females

At an atmospheric pressure of 870 mm Hg of 21% oxygen, the partial pressure of oxygen is

182 mm Hg

68) At an atmospheric pressure of 870 mm Hg of 21% oxygen, the partial pressure of oxygen is ___

182 mm Hg.

When did fluoridation of water begin in the U.S.? 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s


If recent studies hold true, which of the following children would be most likely to develop allergies and asthma?

A child frequently given antibiotics.

Choose the correct statement from the list below. A. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase. B. Bile salts from the gall bladder are essential to the digestion of carbohydrates. C. Carbohydrate absorption occurs primarily in the large intestine. D. Carbohydrates are fully digested after passage through the stomach .

A. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth with salivary amylase.

Choose the correct statement from the list below. A. Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion. B. Mechanical digestion of proteins is more important than chemical digestion. C. The stomach has a high pH which allows for the activation of digestive enzymes. D. Protein digestion begins in the small intestine with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin

A. Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion.

Tunas, sharks, penguins, and dolphins all have a basic fusiform shape, tapered at both ends. What explains this similarity in shape? A. The similarity is due to convergent evolution, because all these animals share similar environmental challenges. B. The similarity is due to homology, based on shared ancestry. C. All fast-swimming aquatic vertebrates have this shape.

A. The similarity is due to convergent evolution, because all these animals share similar environmental challenges.

Which of the following statements best describes the actions of the hormone ADH on the nephron? ADH causes the proximal tubule to increase glucose reabsorption when the body's energy needs are high. ADH causes the loop of Henle to increase urea reabsorption under conditions of dehydration. ADH causes the distal tubule to increase Na+ reabsorption when Na+ levels in the blood are low. ADH causes the collecting duct to increase water reabsorption by the surrounding tissue under conditions of dehydration.

ADH causes the collecting duct to increase water reabsorption by the surrounding tissue under conditions of dehydration.

Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder are all

Accessory glands

Adjustments by individuals to changes in external environment


Select the correct statement describing feedback control in animals. A. All ectotherms are conformers with respect to temperature. B. An animal may be a regulator for one environmental variable but a conformer for another. C. Positive feedback loops contribute to homeostasis.

B. An animal may be a regulator for one environmental variable but a conformer for another.

Which process is not required for an animal to obtain energy from food? A. Digestion. B. Excretion. C. Secretion. D. Ingestion.

B. Excretion

The gastrovascular cavity differs from the alimentary canal in that only the gastrovascular cavity _____. A. is capable of extracellular digestion B. has only a single opening C. stores food but does not digest it D. absorbs food molecules but does not produce hydrolytic enzymes E. functions in digestion but not absorption

B. has only a single opening

54) The temperature-regulating center of vertebrate animals is located in the A) medulla oblongata. B) thyroid gland. C) hypothalamus. D) subcutaneous layer of the skin. E) liver.


True or False? The liver is a component of the alimentary canal. A. True B. False

B. False

True or false? One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestion of all compounds can take place simultaneously down the tract. A. True B. False

B. False

Which of the following is a correct statement about an organism and its environment? A. The gastrovascular cavity provides the nutrient exchange surface in mammals. B. The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals. C. An animal is a closed system that is separate and distinct from its environment. D. Animals isolated from their environments live longer than those exchanging matter with the environment. E. None of the choices is correct.

B. The interstitial fluid is the exchange medium between body cells and the circulatory system in vertebrate animals.

Consider the interior surface of the human stomach and its secretions, shown in the figure. Why doesn't gastric juice, composed of hydrochloric acid and a protease called pepsin, digest the cells that line the stomach? A. Chief cells release pepsin in an inactive form. HCl in the stomach converts pepsin to an active form of the enzyme called pepsinogen by clipping off a small portion of the molecule to expose its active site. B. The stomach lining secretes mucus, a mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water. C. Digestion doesn't begin until the small intestine.

B. The stomach lining secretes mucus, a mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water.

In a physiological system operating with positive feedback, _____. A. the range of acceptable values for a given parameter will be narrower than if the system were regulated by negative feedback B. a change in a variable will amplify rather than reverse the change C. only an effector and control center are necessary to complete the control system D. a stimulus will prevent a small change from becoming too large E. a stimulus will initiate a response that returns the system to near its initial parameters

B. a change in a variable will amplify rather than reverse the change

Negative feedback is a method of homeostatic control that _____. A. increases the speed and rapidity of negative responses to environmental stimuli B. ensures that conditions in an organism do not vary too much above or below their set points C. produces a response by lowering the set point of an organism's metabolism D. promotes decreases in metabolic rate rather than increases E. operates independently of most signaling mechanisms

B. ensures that conditions in an organism do not vary too much

Animals that migrate great distances would obtain the greatest energetic benefit of storing chemical energy as A. carbohydrates. B. fats. C. minerals. D. amino acids. E. proteins.

B. fats

56) Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize A) endocytosis. B) blood pressure. C) diffusion. D) active transport. E) osmosis.


51) A fasting animal whose energy needs exceed those provided in its diet draws on its stored resources in which order? A) fat, then glycogen, then protein B) glycogen, then protein, then fat C) liver glycogen, then muscle glycogen, then fat D) muscle glycogen, then fat, then liver glycogen E) fat, then protein, then glycogen


32) What will be the long-term effect of blocking the lymphatic vessels associated with a capillary bed? A) more fluid entering the venous capillaries B) an increase in the blood pressure in the capillary bed C) the accumulation of more fluid in the interstitial areas D) fewer proteins leaking out of the blood to enter the interstitial fluid E) the area of the blockage becoming abnormally small


36) Vasoconstriction in the gut is a likely response when an individual is A) lying down after standing up. B) standing up after lying down. C) stressed and secreting stress hormones. D) responding to increased blood pressure. E) having an allergy attack with lots of histamine secretion.


41) Dissolved proteins in human plasma include which of the following? I. fibrinogen II. hemoglobin III. immunoglobulin A) I only B) II only C) I and III only D) II and III only E) I, II, and III


45) The production of red blood cells is stimulated by A) low-density lipoproteins. B) immunoglobulins. C) erythropoietin. D) epinephrine. E) platelets.


47) A normal event in the process of blood clotting is the A) production of erythropoietin. B) conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen. C) activation of prothrombin to thrombin. D) increase in platelets. E) synthesis of hemoglobin.


48) When the air in a testing chamber is specially mixed so that its oxygen content is 10% and its overall air pressure is 400 mm Hg, then PO2 is A) 400 mm Hg. B) 82 mm Hg. C) 40 mm Hg. D) 21 mm Hg. E) 4 mm Hg.


52) The epiglottis of a human covers the glottis when he or she is A) talking. B) breathing. C) swallowing. D) yawning. E) sleeping.


For ingested foods, the first opportunity for enzymatic digestion occurs in the _____. A. large intestine B. pancreas C. mouth D. stomach E. small intestine

C. mouth

A countercurrent heat exchanger enables an animal to _____. A. produce more heat when needed B. increase heat loss by evaporation C. reduce the loss of body heat to the environment D. absorb heat from the environment E. slow metabolism when food is not available

C. reduce the loss of body heat to the environment

Select the correct statement about capillary beds.

Capillary beds are the site of nutrient and oxygen delivery to tissues.

Transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid past a surface


_________ is the transfer of thermal energy between an object and an external medium that is moving (e.g., water or air).


The process of food breakdown into molecules small and safe enough to absorb


what is the location and function of the smooth muscle?

Digestive tract, arteries, bladder; contraction of other internal organs

Which statement about human blood vessels is correct?

Pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.Pulmonary veins carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart.

he wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the wall of the right ventricle in order to:

Pump blood with greater pressure

Villi and microvilli are located in the

Small intestines

Type of muscle tissue that is responsible for involuntary body activities


Why doesn't gastric juice, composed of hydrochloric acid and a protease called pepsin, digest the cells that line the stomach?

The stomach lining secretes mucus, a mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water.

Consider the interior surface of the human stomach and its secretions, shown in the figure. Why doesn't gastric juice, composed of hydrochloric acid and a protease called pepsin, digest the cells that line the stomach?

The stomach lining secretes mucus, a mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water.

Damage to the nerve that connects the utricle and saccule to the brain could result in _____.

a race car driver not sensing the forward motion of his car when the race begins

40) Stomach cells are moderately well adapted to the acidity and protein-digesting activities in the stomach by having ___

a thick, mucous secretion and active mitosis of epithelial cells.

An alimentary canal is best defined as

a tube-shaped compartment for the transport, digestion, and absorption of food.

What is a lymphocyte?

a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response

12) A portal system is ___

a vessel or vessels connecting two capillary beds

folic acid

a vitamin that is used in reactions that transfer single-carbon units. the vitamin helps reduce the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida and cleft lip. women of child bearing age should consume the recommended amount of this vitamin

To survive, all animals must have _____.

a way to obtain and digest nutrients


capillaries converge into these at the downstream end; converge into veins

The human heart has two pumps composed of four chambers. One pump sends blood to the lungs, and the other pump sends blood to _____.

all of the tissues and organs of the body

Which of these is reabsorbed from filtrate? sodium chloride glucose water amino acids all of these

all of these

72) An increase from pH 7.2 to pH 7.4 around hemoglobin causes ___

an increase in the affinity of hemoglobin to bind oxygen molecules.

An increase from pH 7.2 to pH 7.4 around hemoglobin causes

an increase in the affinity of hemoglobin to bind oxygen molecules.

pulmocutaneous circuit

capillaries in both the lungs and the skin, as in many amphibians

When digested, proteins are broken down into _____. glycerol only fatty acids only monosaccharides amino acids both glycerol and fatty acids

amino acids

A diet of pure corn is likely to result in deficiencies of

amino acids, vitamins and minerals; Only two essential fatty acids identified for humans: alpha-linolenic acid (a little in corn oil, more in canola oil) and linoleic acid. Therefore fatty acids deficiencies are not common. Deficiencies in the vitamins and amino acids would occur.

double circulation

amphibians, reptiles, mammals have 2 circuits; pumps are combined into the heart; provides vigorous flow of blood to the brain, muscles, and other organs because the heart repressurizes the blood destined for these tissues after it passes through the capillary beds of the lungs or skin

The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth. What is the name given to the starch-digesting enzyme secreted by salivary glands?


Which of these enzymes begins the breakdown of starch? bile disaccharidases lipase amylase nucleases


5) Evolutionary adaptations that help diverse animals directly exchange matter between cells and the environment include ___

an external respiratory surface, a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body.

Digestion is the

breaking down of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb.

Which secretion is not a barrier that prevents pathogens from entering the body?


Blood pressure is highest in the _____.


filter feeders

aquatic animals; use a filtration mechanism to strain small organisms or food particles from their surroundings; humpback whale, invertebrates, sponges

The recombination activities gene RAG1 and RAG2

are capable of cutting and splicing DNA sequences, are essential for generating the huge diversity of B and T cell receptor types found in organisms with an adaptive immune system,are only expressed by lymphocytes

5) Circulatory systems in molluscs A) are open in all species of molluscs. B) are closed in all species of molluscs. C) are open in species of large-sized molluscs and are closed in species of small-sized molluscs. D) are open in species of small-sized molluscs and are closed in species of large-sized molluscs. E) are open or closed without regard to body size.

are open in species of small-sized molluscs and are closed in species of large-sized molluscs.

5) Circulatory systems in mollusks ___

are open in species of small-sized molluscs and are closed in species of large-sized mollusks.

Which of the following best describes an artery? Arteries have thin walls compared with veins. Arteries carry oxygenated blood. Arteries carry blood away from capillaries. Arteries contain valves. Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

arteries carry blood away from the heart

The three types of blood vessels are ________________

arteries, capillaries, and veins

3 main types of blood vessels

arteries, veins, capillaries

___________ carry blood from the heart, while ____________ carry blood to the heart.

arteries; veins

Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____.

as bicarbonate ions (HCO3 -)

Most carbon dioxide is carried from the body tissues to the lungs _____.

as bicarbonate ions (HCO3-)

Which one of the following is an essential nutrient for a human?

ascorbic acid, a vitamin calcium sodium linoleic acid, a fatty acid

Cartilage is found ___

at the ends of bones such as the femur

Cartilage is found _____.

at the ends of bones such as the femur

mechanical digestion

breaks food into smaller pieces, increasing the surface areaavailable for chemical processes

Carbon dioxide enters the blood at the _____.

capillaries of the head, forelimbs, abdominal organs, and hind limbs

31) If, during protein starvation, the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds drops below the hydrostatic pressure, then A) hemoglobin will not release oxygen. B) fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues. C) the pH of the interstitial fluids will increase. D) most carbon dioxide will be bound to hemoglobin and carried away from tissues. E) plasma proteins will escape through the endothelium of the capillaries.


5) Evolutionary adaptations that help diverse animals directly exchange matter between cells and the environment include A) a gastrovascular activity, a two-layered body, and a torpedo-like body shape. B) an external respiratory surface, a small body size, and a two-cell-layered body. C) a large body volume; a long, tubular body; and a set of wings. D) complex internal structures, a small body size, and a large surface area. E) an unbranched internal surface, a small body size, and thick covering.


The molar teeth of herbivorous mammals are especially effective at a. ripping. b. grinding. c. splitting. d. piercing. e. cutting.


Which letter indicates diastolic pressure?

b (Where there is a dip in the changes in blood pressure)

Which of the following statements about the mammalian digestive system is true? a) The epiglottis prevents food from entering the esophagus b) Enzyme production begins the mouth c) Absorption is a primary function of the small intestine d) The trachea leads to the esophagus and then to the stomach e) After leaving the oral cavity, the bolus enters the larynx

b) Enzyme production begins the mouth

Most gastric ulcers are caused by


43) Cyanide poisons mitochondria by blocking the final step in the electron transport chain. Human red blood cells placed in an isotonic solution containing cyanide are likely to ___

be unaffected.

A plant cell has PSI = 0.3 MPa, with PSI_s = -0.75 MPa. If this cell were to be placed into a sucrose solution with a PSI of 0.3 MPa, net flow of water would

be zero

A plant cell placed in a very concentrated sugar solution

become less turgid until the water potential of the cell equals the outside water potential

Which of the following is important in the digestion of lipids?

bile salts

B cells have antigen receptors that bind to antigens that are either freely dissolved or present on the surface of invading/foreign cells. T cells have antigen receptors that

bind to antigen fragments presented on major histocompatability complexes by host cells.

58) An oil-water mixture works as an insecticidal spray against mosquitoes and other insects because it ___

blocks the openings into the tracheal system.

Which of these is NOT one of the four major categories of tissue?


Which of these is NOT one of the four major categories of tissue? muscle epithelial connective blood nervous


37) The diagnosis of hypertension in adults is based on the ___

blood pressure being greater than 140 mm Hg systolic and/or >90 diastolic.

Cardiac muscle is the only muscle composed of _____ fibers.


Cardiac muscle is the only muscle composed of _____ fibers. branched unstriated unbranched and cylindrical spindle shaped striated


3) Which choice best describes a reasonable mechanism for animal structures becoming better suited over evolutionary time to specific functions? A) Animals that eat the most food become the most abundant. B) Animals that restrict their food intake will become less abundant. C) Animals with mutations that give rise to effective structures will become more abundant. D) Animals with inventions that curtail reproduction will become more abundant. E) Animals with parents that continually improve their offspring's structures will become more abundant.


6) The similar fusiform body shape of diverse animals, such as sharks, penguins, and aquatic mammals, has evolved because A) natural selection typically has no limits when different organisms face the same challenge. B) respiration through gills is enhanced by having a fusiform shape. C) this is the body shape that makes it possible for aquatic animals to swim rapidly. D) the fusiform shape is coded by the same genes in all three types of aquatic animals. E) all three types evolved from the same ancestral form, which flew in air rather than swam in water.


76) You are studying a large tropical reptile that has a high and relatively stable body temperature. How would you determine whether this animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm? A) You know from its high and stable body temperature that it must be an endotherm. B) You know that it is an ectotherm because it is not a bird or mammal. C) You subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm. D) You note that its environment has a high and stable temperature. Because its body temperature matches the environmental temperature, you conclude that it is an ectotherm. E) You measure the metabolic rate of the reptile, and because it is higher than that of a related species that lives in temperate forests, you conclude that this reptile is an endotherm and its relative is an ectotherm.


Choose the correct statement from the list below. a. Fat digestion begins in the stomach with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin. b. Bile salts from the pancreas are essential to the digestion of fats c. Free fatty acid absorption occurs in the small intestine. d. Fats are fully digested after passage through the mouth and stomach.


The _____ has(have) the thinnest walls.

capillaries ( The thin walls of the capillaries facilitate gas exchange.)

Different types of food are eaten by various groups of animals, but it is usually true that _____.

cellulose digestion in ruminant mammals occurs before the ingested foods reach the small intestine

Different types of food are eaten by various groups of animals, but it is usually true that _____.

cellulose digestion in ruminant mammals occurs before the ingested foods reach the small intestine. The ruminants are "front-end" fermenters, with mutualistic microbes residing in chambers or sections of the stomach.


chambers that receive blood entering the heart

Which features do open and closed circulatory systems share in common? a) blood vessels b) circulatory fluid c) pumps d) b and c e) a, b, and c

e) a, b, and c

Stomata on plant leaves open: a) when ions exit the guard cells, with water following by osmosis b) when ions enter the guard cells, with water following by osmosis c) when exposed to light in the blue wavelengths d) a and c e) b and c

e) b and c

Which of the following has no specialized respiratory structures?


Which of the following organisms has no specialized respiratory structures?


Which of the following organisms has no specialized respiratory structures? ants salmon crabs earthworms alligators


10) The only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart are the ___


The only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to the heart are the


Symbiotic bacteria, Rhizobium, in plant roots are responsible for

fixing N2 into ammonia

Which letter indicates the venules?

g (*From heart*Aorta-> arteries-> arterioles-> capillaries-> venuels-> vein->Venae Cavae*to heart*)

Which of the following is important in the digestion of lipids?


You are voraciously hungry and your doctor says it is a hormone imbalance. Which hormone do you likely have very high level of?


26) Among the following choices, which organism likely has the highest systolic pressure? A) mouse B) rabbit C) human D) hippopotamus E) giraffe


Among the following choices, which organism likely has the highest systolic pressure?


Our oral cavity, with its dentition, is most functionally analogous to an earthworm's


Where is the primary location of mechanical digestion in the bird?


The nourishment, insulation, and support for neurons is the result of activity by the ___.

glial cells

25) The nourishment, insulation, and support for neurons is the ___

glial cells.

The nourishment, insulation, and support for neurons is the result of activity by the

glial cells.

49) If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your left toe travels out of your nose, it must pass through all of the following structures except the ___

pulmonary vein

alimentary canal

most animals have this digestive tube between two openings, a mouth and an anus; complete digestive tract; organized in specialized compartments that carry out digestion and nutrient absorption in a stepwise fashion; can ingest food while earlier meals are still being digested

Breakdown of carbohydrates first begins in which one of the following organs?


For ingested foods, the first opportunity for enzymatic digestion occurs in the _____.

mouth. Saliva contains salivary amylase, a digestive enzyme that hydrolyzes starch and glycogen.

Which of the following is not a major activity of the stomach?

nutrient absorption

If human studies progress as mouse studies have, in order for this technique to work, the patient needs a healthy what? jejunum ileum duodenum omentum


You sever the tendon that controls your ring finger. Which other digit shares this tendon? thumb index finger pinky finger middle finger


From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.

posterior vena cava

Which of the following types of muscle cells are striated? skeletal muscle skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle smooth and cardiac muscle cardiac muscle smooth muscle

skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle

27) Breathing is accomplished via the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of ___

skeletal muscle.

Melanoma is a type of cancer that affects _____.


The human hand is most similar to the hand of which of the following? the howler monkey, a New World monkey the orangutan, a great ape the ring-tailed lemur, a strepsirrhine primate the Philippine tarsier, a haplorrhine primate

the orangutan

6) The circulatory system of bony fishes, rays, and sharks is similar to A) that of birds, with a four-chambered heart. B) the portal systems of mammals, where two capillary beds occur sequentially, without passage of blood through a pumping chamber. C) that of reptiles, with one pumping chamber driving blood flow to a gas-exchange organ, and a different pumping chamber driving blood to the rest of the circulation. D) that of sponges, where gas exchange in all cells occurs directly with the external environment. E) that of humans, where there are four pumping chambers to drive blood flow.

the portal systems of mammals, where two capillary beds occur sequentially, without passage of blood through a pumping chamber

The velocity of blood flow is the lowest in capillaries because

the total cross-sectional area of the capillaries is greater than the total cross-sectional area of the arteries or any other part of the circulatory system.

83) Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood supply?

the tracheal system of an insect

Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood supply?

the tracheal system of an insect

24) The set of blood vessels with the lowest blood pressure driving flow are ___

the veins

The set of blood vessels with the lowest blood pressure driving flow is

the veins.

As body size increases in animals, ___.

there is a decrease in the surface-to-volume ratio

Losing which of the following digits would have the largest impact on what a human hand can do? middle finger pinky finger thumb index finger


64) As a person goes from rest to full-effort exercise, there is an increase in the ___

tidal volume.

Recent studies of the microbial communities inhabiting the human body indicate...

10 microbial cells for every human cells

If it requires 1 second for a chemical to diffuse 100 micrometer, how much time is required for that same chemical to diffuse 500 micrometers

25 seconds

From the pulmonary veins, blood flows to the _____.

Blood enters the left atrium via the pulmonary veins.

From the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs, blood flows to the _____.

Blood enters the posterior vena cava from the capillaries of the abdominal organs and hind limbs.

From the anterior vena cava, blood flows to the _____.

Blood enters the right atrium from the anterior and posterior venae cavae.

Choose the list that presents the four stages of food processing in the order in which they naturally occur.

Choose the list that presents the four stages of food processing in the order in which they naturally occur. This is the order for organisms that require all four steps. Fungi begin the process with digestion and end with absorption.

Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, scientist can identify the different species of microorganisms inhabiting the human body on the basis of the microorganism's

DNA sequence

True or false? One advantage of having a tube-like digestive tract is that digestion of all compounds can take place simultaneously down the tract. True False


Mucosal associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) is found in the...


Blood returns to the heart via the _____.

Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium.

Because the foods eaten by animals are often composed largely of macromolecules, this requires the animals to have mechanisms for a. enzymatic hydrolysis. b. dehydration synthesis. c. regurgitation. d. elimination. e. demineralization.


Based on the Nobel Prize winning research of Robin Warren and Barry Marshall, it has now been established that....

although Heliobacter pylori can cause gastric ulcers, not every person harboring the bacterium develops the diseases

An example of effectors' roles in homeostatic responses is observable when

an increase in body temperature results from involuntary shivering.

Which process is not required for an animal to obtain energy from food? a. Ingestion. b. Excretion. c. Secretion. d. Digestion.


To survive, all animals must _____.

balance consumption of food with use and storage of nutrients. Energy input as food is required for growth, survival, and reproduction in all animals.

After ingestion by humans, the first category of macromolecules to be chemically digested by enzymes in the mouth is a. nucleic acids. b. minerals. c. carbohydrates. d. proteins. e. cholesterol and other lipids.


Digestive secretions with a pH of 2 are characteristic of the a. mouth. b. pancreas. c. stomach. d. small intestine. e. liver.


For ingested foods, the first opportunity for enzymatic digestion occurs in the _____. a. pancreas b. small intestine c. mouth d. large intestine e. stomach


Protein digestion begins in the _____. a. mouth b. esophagus c. stomach d. small intestine e. large intestine


The large surface area in the gut directly facilitates a. filtration b. secretion. c. absorption. d. temperature regulation. e. elimination.


A group of animals among which a relatively long cecum is likely to be found is the a. autotrophs. b. heterotrophs. c. carnivores. d. omnivores. e. herbivores.


An enzyme with high activity in an acidic environment is a. sucrose. b. trypsin. c. gastrin. d. amylase. e. pepsin.


Different types of food are eaten by various groups of animals, but it is usually true that _____. a. animals typically produce enzymes that hydrolyze cellulose b. the intestines of carnivores tend to be longer than the intestines of herbivores of similar overall body size c. the teeth of herbivores tend to be sharper than the teeth of carnivores d. many carnivorous vertebrates house large populations of symbiotic bacteria and protists in special fermentation chambers in their stomachs e. cellulose digestion in ruminant mammals occurs before the ingested foods reach the small intestine


Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids; both digestive processes a. require the presence of hydrochloric acid to lower the pH. b. are excludible intracellular processes in most organisms. c. require ATP as an energy source. d. are catalyzed by the same enzyme. e. add a water molecule to break bonds (hydrolysis).


The adaptations suited to a carnivorous diet include a. amylase. b. broad, flat molars. c. ingestion of feces. d. a rumen. e. bile salts.


The bile salts a. are manufactured by the pancreas. b. are enzymes. c. are normally an ingredient of gastric juice. d. increase the efficiency of pepsin action. e. emulsify fats in the duodenum.


The lower esophageal sphincter surrounds the upper opening into the stomach. If this sphincter failed to properly constrict, there might be a problem with _____. a. the control of defecation b. the movement of swallowed food into the trachea rather than into the esophagus c. too rapid emptying of the small intestine into the large intestine d. too rapid emptying from the stomach into the small intestine e. regurgitation of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus, commonly called "heartburn"


Upon activation by stomach acidity, the secretions of the parietal cells a. initiate the mechanical digestion of lipids in the stomach. b. delay digestion until the food arrives in the small intestine. c. include pepsinogen. d. initiate the chemical digestion of lipids in the stomach. e. initiate the digestion of protein in the stomach.


If you gently twist your earlobe, it does not remain distorted because it contains

elastic fibers.

Antigen selected proliferation of specific B cell variants

enables vertebrate species to effectively combat their more rapid evolving microbial pathogen, is called clonal selection or somatic selection, is made possible by immunoglobulin gene rearrangement which produces a huge diversity of B cell receptor types, results in the production of both actively secreting plasma cells and memory B cells

Negative feedback is a method of homeostatic control that _____.

ensures that conditions in an organism do not vary too much above or below their set points

The only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body tissues without first returning to heart are


Circulating fluid and interstitial fluid are considered to be the same bodily fluid in


The gastrovascular cavity differs from the alimentary canal in that only the gastrovascular activity

has only a single opening

The body's automatic tendency to maintain a constant and optimal internal environment is termed


In mice and in humans, loss of function mutation in the gene that codes hormone leptin results in

increased hunger and obesity

In a survivably cold environment, an ectotherm is more likely to survive an extended period of food deprivation than would an equally sized endotherm because the ectotherm

invests little energy in temperature regulation.

A type of symmetry in which only a single plane divides the body of an organisms into mirror image halves

is characteristic of organisms with elongate bodies that encounter the environment at one end

Homeostasis is the _____.

maintenance of a relatively constant and optimal internal environment

Organism that are eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic are classified


Tissues are composed of cells, and tissues functioning together make up


Connective tissues typically have

relatively few cells and a large amount of extracellular matrix.

Food moves along the digestive tract as the result of contractions by

smooth muscle.

Food moves along the digestive tract as the results of the contraction

smooth muscles

According to the posted article killer fats

subjects who had a healthy weight at midlife, but were nevertheless in the top 20% of the study population in central obesity (fat around middle) were 65% more likely to develop dementia than those in the bottom 20%

A baleen whale is best described as a

suspension feeder

An example of a properly functioning homeostatic control system is seen when

the kidneys excrete salt into the urine when dietary salt levels rise.

Cattle are able to survive on a diet consisting almost entirely of plants materials because...

they have cellulose digesting, symbiotic microorganisms in chamber of their stomach

The epithelial type with the shortest diffusion distance is

simple squamous epitelium

The type of muscle tissue surrounding internal organs, other than the heart, is

smooth muscle.

It is a cold day in the lecture hall, when you rest your arm on the cool laminated desktop at your seat, heat is transferred from

your body to the desk by conduction

Starch is a type of _____. a. disaccharide b. nucleotide c. polysaccharide d. fatty acid e. monosaccharide


Choose the list that presents the four stages of food processing in the order in which they naturally occur. a. ingestion → digestion → elimination → absorption b. ingestion → absorption → elimination → digestion c. absorption → digestion → ingestion → elimination d. ingestion → digestion → absorption → elimination e. digestion → ingestion → absorption → elimination


When digested, proteins are broken down into _____. a. glycerol only b. fatty acids only c. monosaccharides d. amino acids e. both glycerol and fatty acids


Which of these enzymes begins the breakdown of starch? a. bile b. disaccharidases c. lipase d. amylase e. nucleases


Your small intestine can absorb ____ without their being further digested. a. starches b. fats c. proteins d. fructoses e. nucleic acids


Starch can be broken down into the disaccharide known as _____. a. lactose b. glucose c. sucrose d. fructose e. maltose


When digested, fats are broken down into _____. a. glycerol only b. fatty acids only c. monosaccharides d. amino acids e. both glycerol and fatty acids


How do endotherms and ectotherms differ?

Endotherms regulate body temperature through metabolically generated heat. Many ectotherms regulate their body temperatures by behavioral means. Read about endothermy and ectothermy.

True or False? The liver is a component of the alimentary canal. True False


Fluid is filtered out of the bloodstream into the surrounding intersititial fluid at the arteriole end of systemic capillaries because

The hydrostatic pressure of the blood is greater than the osmotic pressure of the blood

Severe and acute diarrhea kills nearly 2 million people world wide per year. The bacterium primarily responsible for these deaths is...

Vibrio Cholrae

Choose the correct statement from the list below. a. Proteins that are consumed in the diet are absorbed as individual amino acids following digestion. b. Protein digestion begins in the small intestine with the activation of trypsinogen to trypsin c. The stomach has a high pH which allows for the activation of digestive enzymes. d. Mechanical digestion of proteins is more important than chemical digestion.


The absorption of fats differs from that of carbohydrates in that the a. most absorbed fat first enters the lymphatic system, whereas carbohydrates directly enter the blood. b. fats, but not carbohydrates, are digested by bacteria before absorption. c. fat absorption occurs in the stomach, whereas carbohydrates are absorbed from the small intestine. d. processing of fats does not require any digestive enzymes, whereas the processing of carbohydrates does. e. carbohydrates need to be emulsified before they can be digested, whereas fats do not.


The binding of antibodies to antigens inactivates antigens by

agglutination,complement fixation, neutralization, preciptation

Select the correct statement about essential nutrients. a. All animals require an identical set of essential nutrients. b. Essential nutrients must be obtained from diet. c. Due to their biochemical sophistication, humans have to ingest fewer essential nutrients than do other animals.


In the digestive system, peristalsis is a. a common cause of loss of appetite, fatigue, and dehydration. b. a process of fat emulsification in the small intestine. c. smooth muscle contractions that move food along the esophagus. d. voluntary control of the rectal sphincters regulating defecation. e. the transport of nutrients to the liver through the hepatic portal vessel.


Animals required certain amino acid in their diet. An amino acids in that is referred to nonessential would be best descried as one that

can be made up by an animals body from other substances.

A monocyte is a type of leukocyte that

can rapidly differentiate into macrophage in response to challenges to the immune system

_____ is secreted by the _____ and acts to emulsify _____ in the _____. a. Lipase ... small intestine ... fats ... small intestine b. Trypsin ... pancreas ... fats ... small intestine c. Nucleases ... pancreas ... nucleic acids ... stomach d. Amylase ... salivary glands ... starch ... stomach e. Bile ... liver ... fats ... small intestine


Blood is best classified as connective tissue because

its cells are separated from each other by an extracellular matrix.

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