Ch. 5 analyzing the marking enviorment

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what are some characteristics that describe Gen. X?

-born between 1965 and 1976 -latchkey children

what are the immediate environmental factors that impact consumers?

-corporate partners -company -competitors

match the social trend with the illustration examples provided:

-green marketing=investing in phosphate-free laundry powder -health and wellness concerns=popularity of hand sanitizing gel -privacy concerns=the Do Not Call registry for call phones -culture within limited time=the popularity of delivery services

when developing marketing plans, a firm should consider which of the following things about its competition?

-likely reactions to the firm's plans -weaknesses of the firm -strengths of the firm

Which of the following industries is most likely to suffer a downturn when interest rates rise?

-luxury automobiles -high-end jewelry stores

a new technology called ______ allows a company to follow items as they move through the supply chain and to their final destination with the consumer.


you planned a trip to Europe far in advance and budgeted for the trip. when you get home and credit card bills arrive, you find that the trip cost more than you were expecting. How might a charge in the exchange rate between US dollars and the foreign currency account for this difference?

The exchange rate has become less favorable to the US dollar

a successful firm focuses on matching its core _____ to what customers need and want.


in all marketing efforts, the ______ is at the center.


a company must be able to focus on its _____ competencies as an opportunity to deliver new products to its customers.


a smartphone manufacturer may collaborate with a company that makes lithium-ion batteries to ensure that their phones have the longest possible battery life. the battery maker is considered the smartphone company's ______ partner.


When tourists visit and shop in other countries because the value of the tourists home currency is stronger, this results from a favorable _______________ rate


When companies ensure that all the packaging has symbols, such as the recycle symbol or symbols showing that they support wind energy, this is a strategic effort by the company to show that they are involved in ______.

green marketing

New advertising guidelines that require marketers to provide more detailed nutritional information for advertised food items are results of _____.

health and wellness concerns

Factors that influence and affect consumers include a company's capabilities, competitors, and corporate partners, and are referred to as the ____.

immediate environment

_____ refers to the persistent increase in the prices of goods and services.


The ______ environment comprises political parties, government organizations, and legislation and laws.


when interest rates are high, consumers have a greater incentive to ____ more, but when interest rates are low, consumers have a greater incentive to ____>

save ; borrow

generation ______ was born into a world full of electronic gadgets and digital technologies, including social media.


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