Ch 5

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Correctly complete this sentence using the numbers provided


If a magnetic stripe is 120 km wide and formed over 4 m.y., what would the rate of seafloor spreading be?

30 km/m.y.

This diagram shows magnetic stripes on either side of the mid-ocean ridge. The number of different ages of stripes represented in this diagram is


If the area shown in this figure is 240 kilometers wide, and the oldest crust is 4 million years old, the approximate spreading rate is

60 kilometers per million years

On the accompanying figure, which letter is over the oldest oceanic crust?


Which area(s) on this world map is (are) likely to have volcanoes above sea level?


What is associated with reversed magnetic polarity?

A compass needle would point south

On the accompanying figure, which letter is likely over oceanic crust that is similar in age to that beneath letter E?


On this map of the south Atlantic, why is the mid-ocean ridge in the center of the ocean?

Seafloor is added to both sides during seafloor spreading

Select the statement that best describes how the process of plate tectonics circulates materials between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere

Some asthenosphere becomes lithosphere at mid-ocean spreading centers and reenters the asthenosphere at subduction zones

What causes magnetic stripes on the seafloor, such as those shown here?

Sometimes Earth's magnetic field points north and sometimes it points south

Which way are the plates moving in this figure?

away from each other

The lithosphere consists of

both types of crust and the uppermost mantle

Intense geologic activity occurs at plate


How fast do plates move relative to one another?

centimeters per year

Most oceanic plateaus are

constructed by volcanic eruptions probably over mantle plumes

Most oceanic islands and seamounts are

constructed by volcanic eruptions that first occur under water

Why does the Tibetan Plateau have a high elevation?

continental collision

What type of plate boundary is depicted in this image?

continental rift

How did the Red Sea, shown between Arabia and Africa in this figure, form?

continental rifting followed by seafloor spreading

Some continents continue outward from the shoreline under shallow seawater, forming submerged benches called

continental shelves

Which of the following parts of the seafloor are the shallowest?

continental shelves

Island chains and seamounts cross parts of the ocean floor. These oceanic islands and associated seamounts are

different in character and origin from curved island arcs

Continental hot spots are typically marked by

high elevations, abundant volcanism, continental rifting

Magnetic patterns develop on the seafloor as basaltic lava erupts and cools, and

iron-rich minerals align with Earth's magnetic field

Which of the following features is associated with a deep oceanic trench?

island arc

A continent has an oceanic trench offshore of its coast. Which of the following is probably NOT present along this side of the continent?

melting along a mid-ocean ridge

A divergent plate boundary is most likely associated with a(n)

mid-ocean ridge

A n oceanic transform plate boundary is most likely associated with a(n)

mid-ocean ridge

What setting has the thinnest cover of sediment in the oceans?

mid-ocean ridges

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by

movement of iron and electrical currents within Earth's outer core

This figure shows a northwest-southeast line of islands and seamounts near Hawaii. If location 3 has the oldest rocks and Hawaii (1) has the youngest rocks, which way is the plate moving with respect to the hot spot?


This figure depicts what type of boundary?

ocean-continent convergent boundary

What occurs at mid-ocean ridges?

oceanic crust is created

What type of plate boundary is depicted in this figure?

oceanic divergent boundary

Cracks and steps that cross the seafloor and run at right angles to mid-ocean ridges are called

oceanic fracture zones

Harry Hess and Robert Dietz proposed that the oceanic crust in the Atlantic Ocean was spreading apart at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and that this process moved the continents apart from one another. They called this process

seafloor spreading

A force that is important in driving plate tectonics is

slab pull, ridge push, hot spots

At mid-ocean ridges, as two plates diverge,

solid mantle in the asthenosphere rises toward the surface and begins to melt due to decompression

The process of one plate sliding beneath another plate is called


In this figure of Japan, what do the offshore trenches indicate?

subduction of oceanic crust

A region generally is higher than an adjacent region if ____________ than in the adjacent region

the crust is thicker

Hot spots form linear island chains because

the plate moves relative to the underlying hot spot

Which data were used to develop the hypothesis of continental drift?

the shape of the continents, the distribution of fossils, the distribution of glacial deposits and directions of glacial scratch marks

The main reason why the hypothesis of continental drift was not widely accepted was

there was no mechanism to move continents through the oceanic crust

The convergence of two continental masses is known as a(n)

continental collision

In what setting does the thickest sediment accumulate in the oceans?

continental shelves and slopes along passive margins

A convergent plate boundary is most likely associated with a(n)

oceanic trench

The deepest parts of the seafloor are

oceanic trenches

On a map showing the age of the seafloor, why are the patterns symmetrical in the Atlantic Ocean but not the Pacific Ocean?

Spreading along the Atlantic ridge added seafloor to plates on both sides, while subduction has consumed large areas of old oceanic crust in the Pacific

How is magma created in a subduction zone?

Subduction brings one plate to a depth hot enough for minerals to release water; this water causes melting in the overlying asthenosphere

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