ch 5 quiz
The partner's role in the "hold-relax" technique, the most common PNF strategy, includes which of the following? (Choose all that apply)
-The partner moves the subject's joint through a greater range of motion. -The partner holds the subject's limb in the stretched position -When the subject is finished stretching, the partner assists the movement of the limb to its normal position.
A quality flexibility training program is built around four characteristics that make up the acronym FITT. Which of the following terms are included in this acronym? (Choose all that apply)
-frequency -type -intensity
Flexibility exercises should be done at least ______ times each week.
What is the best way in which group flexibility classes enhance stress management?
They provide connections that people feel during the sessions
Flexibility is the measure of a _____ range of motion.
Appropriate _______ is the point at which you progressively increase the stretch to the point of tightness, but not pain.
Absolute flexibility is
the maximum range of motion of a given joint in degrees
For flexibility to increase, stretching should be done slowly and progress to the point of
The development of absolute flexibility allows you to comfortably move through your functional flexible range.
________ joints will measure more than 180 degrees.
very flexible