ch 7

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

In an innovative study, two groups of participants memorized the same list of words, but one group was on land and the other in water. This study demonstrated the context-dependent memory effect. What was the conclusion of this study?

Both groups recalled words better when they were tested in the same environment where they had learned them.

Corbin wants to know which strategy is best for encoding information in his long-term memory. If he is trying to remember a long list of dates for a history test, which strategy would you advise?

Corbin should attribute some meaning to each date, so that he can take advantage of elaborative rehearsal.

During a memory test, Diamond listens as a list of numbers is read to her. When the list is done she has to repeat the numbers from memory. Each time she correctly recalls all of the numbers, another number is added to the list. If Diamond has an average capacity of short-term storage, she should remember about __________ (plus or minus 2) numbers before she starts making errors.


Carol seems to remember every detail about every conversation she has. She also remembers what everyone has given her for her birthday for the past several years. Which type of long-term memory is Carol known for?


Ritchard's boyfriend, Kenny, cheated on him and lied about it, so Ritchard ended their relationship. Now when Ritchard thinks about Kenny he realizes that he has many memories of times that Kenny lied to him. In this situation, Ritchard's memories are most likely being affected by

memory bias.

Ashley made an appointment to see her dentist at 2:30 PM on Friday. She wants to make sure that she remembers the visit, so she tells herself, "As soon as my 1:30 work meeting is over I'll go get my teeth cleaned." In order to move the information from her short-term to long-term storage Ashley is using the process of


Meredith has a Spanish exam this week. She used to study Latin, and she is afraid that her old memories of Latin will interfere with her ability to remember Spanish vocabulary. Which of the following is Meredith concerned about?

proactive interference

Dustin is preparing to run a half-marathon to raise money for his favorite charity. When he is on his training runs he does not think about his technique, but just runs and tries to let his mind wander so that he doesn't focus on any pain or fatigue he experiences. Dustin's ability to remember the motor skills of running without consciously thinking about them suggests that he is using __________ memory. Correct Answer


After striking her head on a window during a car accident, Shani is knocked unconscious. When she wakes up, she knows who she is but has no memory of the accident or where she was for several hours before the collision took place. What condition is Shani experiencing?

retrograde amnesia

Florian loves the boy band Directionless. When anyone asks him facts about the songs, such as how many top ten hits they have had, Dorian can tell them the correct information by accessing it from his __________ long-term storage.

semantic rehearsal

After the room went dark, Gavin had a mental image of what everything looked like. But as soon as he tried to recall one specific detail, everything else faded. What type of memory store was Gavin experiencing?


Jed works for an animation studio where movies are drawn frame by frame. Thanks to this ability of the human memory system, the audience will experience the movie as a continuous stream of animation-not just a series of isolated drawings.

sensory storage

Faisal is listening to his professor, Dr. Kaisen, lecture about memory. Dr. Kaisen says, "In this case, hearing the word 'fire' would activate that node in memory, and then nodes for related ideas would become activated, so you might quickly think of 'smoke'." Faisal correctly understands that Dr. Kaisen is explaining how information is accessed in long-term storage based on

spreading activation in association networks.

Rommell is studying for her final exam in Introduction to Art History. To do this, Rommell is putting information into her memory in the hopes that it will stay there, unaltered, until she has to access the information during the test. This process of maintaining information in her memory is called


While preparing for his first Chemistry exam, Jaden is studying the elements and trying to memorize their abbreviations. On test day, he is frustrated because he studied 30 elements but can only remember the abbreviation for the last 5. This tendency to remember items at the end of a list of data is called

the recency effect.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about working memory?

Items can be maintained in working memory as long as the person continues to pay attention to them.

Marina has struggled with exams all semester. She has started to worry that she has memory problems, but her roommate points out that Marina checks email, texts, and listens to music while studying. In other words, Marina's real problem isn't memory but which of the following?


After a frustrating day encountering blank stares from her students, Katie reminds them that listening requires not just hearing but also


This semester, Kofi is studying a new way. After dinner, he brings his books to the empty lecture hall and studies there instead of in the dorm. He is hoping to get a boost from the

context-dependent memory effect.

Tommy's mother always seems to know when he's up to no good. For example, the other day he had only mumbled the word "smoke" to his friend when his mom yelled at him from the other room. Psychologist Donald Broadbent would explain his mom's abilities with this theory of attention.

filter theory

Phyllis hardly remembers any Italian now that she is studying French. Which of the following is this a case of?

retroactive interference

Olga does not have a pen handy, so she mentally rehearses the phone number her boss told her to call. While __________ memory provides storage for the phone number, __________ memory allows her to rehearse it for longer maintenance.

short-term; working

Zorana is taking a test of her visual sensory memory where she sees 12 letters briefly flashed on a screen. Then she must immediately report as many of the 12 items as she can remember seeing. If her performance is similar to that of most people who participated in George Sperling's (1960) research, then Zorana is likely to recall about __________ letters.

3 or 4

Patient L.P. has anterograde amnesia following a boating accident. Through a series of tests, doctors have confirmed that her implicit memory is unimpaired, although both types of explicit memory are damaged. Which of the following could L.P. be able to do after her injury?

She could still learn new skills, such as riding a bike.

Stephanie's ears perked up when she overheard her name from across the room. She had been in the middle of a conversation, but she still took note. How would filter theory explain this?

Stimuli that evoke emotions or provide important information readily capture our awareness, which is what happened in this case when Stephanie heard her name.

While Terri usually can't remember what she ate for lunch, she recalls a wide number of facts and is someone you always want on your team for trivia games. Which of these statements is true?

Terri has good semantic memory, but poor episodic memory.

Patient J.B. suffered an injury and now has memory problems. He remembers his childhood, past events, and knowledge he has previously learned, but he does not form new explicit memories. Luckily, he can still learn new implicit tasks. What disorder does J.B. have?

anterograde amnesia

Daniel uses his laptop computer in class to take notes because he believes that it a more efficient way to take notes. He thinks it will improve his grades because he can type faster than he can write so he can record more information. Daniel's teacher has read the research on the topic, and explains to Daniel that using a laptop to take notes in class

leads to poorer grades on tests of that material.

Recently, researchers have shown that during this process, old memories are susceptible to being changed or even erased.


Piotr loves to tell a good story, and his friends have noticed that, over time, some of his stories have changed slightly. Every time he accesses a memory, it can be affected by new circumstances. This can be explained by the theory of


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