CH 8 Psych

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Marilu Henner has _______ and only 12 known individuals have this ability


Miller found that people can retain ab ________ to _______ items in STM


T or F: info that is meaningful is easier to recall than meaningless info


__________ is the leading cause of wrongful convictions


accessing info w/o cues


act of getting info out of memory storage and back into consciousness (3 kinds)

working memory

another name for short term memory?

tip of the tongue phenomenon

blocking is known as this _____________


confusion ab source of memory


conscious repetition of info to be remembered moves info from STM to long term memory causing memory consolidation


creation of a permanent record of info

automatic processing

encoding of details like time, space, frequency, and meaning of words and is usually done without conscious awareness

effortful processing

encoding of info that takes time and attention

short term

expressive writing ab a traumatic experience helps improve _______ memory capacity


false memories caused by someone else

retroactive or proactive

forgetting can be due to interference, either ______ or ________


forgetting caused by lapses in attention


formulation of new memory


getting info out of memory and back into awareness

20 secs

how long does short term memory last?


identifying info you have previously learned after encountering it again ex: multiple choice test


info from short term memory either goes to long term memory or is ________


info is temporarily blocked


involuntarily recalling unwanted memories


involves the input of info into the memory system


learning info that you previously learned


loss of info from long term


memories distorted by current belief system


memories fade overtime


organizing info into manageable bit or chunks ex: phone numbers


part of the brain involved in fear and fear memories


process of bringing up old memory


retention of encoded info

memory enhancing strategies

techniques to help make sure info goes from short term memory to long term

explicit and implicit

there are two components of long term memory which are?

mnemonic devices

these aid in memory that help organize info for encoding ex: knuckles and the months

Ebbinghaus' forgetting curve

this curve shows exactly how quickly memory for new info decays


this describes the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories


this effect describes why it's difficult for us to name a color when word and the color are different

self reference effect

this effect is the tendency for an individual to have better memory for info that relates to oneself in comparison to material that has less personal reference


this hypothesis says if one area of the brain involved in memory is damaged another part of the same area can take over that memory function

elaborative rehearsal

this involves thinking abut new info in relation to knowledge you already have stored in your memory


this is a loss of long term memory that occurs as a result of disease, physical trauma, or psych. trauma

false memory syndrome

this is the recall of false autobiographical memories

flashbulb memory

this memory is a record of an atypical and unusual event that has very strong emotional associations

sensory memory

this memory is storage of brief sensory events such as sights, sounds, and tastes


this model of memory is info that passes thru 3 distinct stages in order for it to be stored in long term memory


this part of the brain is associated with declarative and episodic memory as well as recognition memory and consolidation memory

prefrontal cortex

this part of the brain is involved in remembering semantic tasks like classifying living or non living things


this part of the brain processes implicit memories


this person memorized lists of nonsense syllables and then measured how much he retained

arousal theory

this theory holds that strong emotion trigger the formation of strong memories and weaker emotional experiences from weaker memories


this type of amnesia is memory problems that extend back in time before the injury and prevent retrieval of info stored in long term memory


this type of amnesia is memory problems that extend forward in time from point of injury and prevent new memory ex: 50 first dates

hindsight bias

this type of bias is when we think of an outcome as inevitable after the fact "I knew it all along"


this type of encoding is the input of images


this type of encoding is the input of sounds, words, and music


this type of encoding is the input of words and their meaning (grouped categories)


this type of explicit memory is info about events we have personally experience ex: first kiss


this type of explicit memory is the knowledge ab words, concepts, and language based facts ex: first pres?

emotional conditioning

this type of implicit memory is reacting a certain way bc of conditioning


this type of implicit memory stores info ab how to do thing such as brushing your teeth and driving your car


this type of long term memory includes episodic and semantic memory


this type of long term memory includes procedural memory and things learned from emotional conditioning


this type of long term memory is also known as non- declarative memory and are those that are not part of our consciousness and are formed thru behaviors


this type of memory are those we consciously try to remember and recall ex: studying


this type of memory is also known as declarative memory?

short term

this type of memory is temporary storage system that processes incoming sensory info and sometimes it is called working memory

long term

this type of memory is the continuous storage of info and has no limits

amygdala, hippocampus, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex

what are the major parts of the brain involved in memory?

semantic, visual, and auditory

what are the three types of encoding?

memory consolidation

when increased activity by neurons leads to increased neurotransmitters in the synapses and more efficient and more synaptic connections


when ppl/animals are stresses, the brain secretes _______ which helps them remember the stressful event


which part of the brain was injured in 50 first dates?


who came up with the 7 ways our memory fails us?


who came up with the equipotentiality hypothesis?


who conducted the experiment with rats and mazes?

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